An Investigation into UWA’s Finances Alexander Knott
Think back to the start of the pandemic that’s when you started hearing about UWA’s financial problems and started wondering what was going on. If you were curious enough, you may have checked UWA’s financial statements and scrunched your face in confusion. A positive $120 million net result doesn’t sound like a deficit (even for the golden triangle) it sounds great! Prompting the question: what the hell is the problem?
Fortunately, I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit scouring the last several years of UWA’s financial statements for an answer. Unfortunately, it wasn’t what I was hoping to find. Below is a summary of a report I wrote for the UWA Academic Staff Association. A full copy can be found here: https://
Problem 2: Fig.1
Do you guys have a job? Coz I get paid $700 000 hahahaha lol