Farmers in the Big City! Patrick Eastough
Farmers. Farmers everywhere. A mass migration every year, populating college row with their flannel attire and slurred, outlandish sayings. Being a farmer isn’t just a job, it’s a lifestyle. It is so much more than just your farm — you have a duty to spread awareness about your rural locality, wherever you may be. My friends and I work hard to produce a suitable response when someone asks where we are from. I myself am from a little town called Yuna, and when people become aware of that, it then becomes a guessing game of what local city/town they know of that’s closest to my farm. Just give up while you can — it’s a tiring game for you and me. Of course, being from up north, it’s a little difficult to try to explain where you’re from to someone from the latte strip, although that was the job we were born to do. A lot of farmers that do come to the big smoke just give up the farming name, because naturally it’s easier to cut off circulation to a sheep’s testicle, than it is to explain the process of deep-ripping to some golden58
triangle-dwelling-latte-sipper from Business and Management class.
Not to mention, being in such a cultural mixing pot as the big city (Perth, believe it or not), there are a few dust-ups between the types of farmers. Contrary to popular belief, not every farmer is lucky enough to have green pastures and a harem of girls like Farmer Rob on Farmer Wants a Wife. I’m not going to go into the details on why station farmers and horticultural farmers have such a long history, but when it comes to between the division of different types of farmers, it all boils down to one simple factor: RAIN. Yes, rain. To identify as a farmer and adopt the ‘farmer name’, you have to produce something. No matter what that something is, if it is a natural resource, you can be considered a typical ‘farmer’. (Note: A hobby farmer that goes and visits their grandparents’ ‘property’ but doesn’t have acre or hectares in the triple digits is not a farmer).
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