Report of the President: 2012
Letter from the President
Dear friends,
TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the President
Report from the Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees and Distinguished Trustees
Report of Financial Activities
Annual Fund Report
National Committees
Philanthropic Support by Giving Level
As you read this, we will have just marked the London to New York, Seattle to Hong Kong. I school’s 30th anniversary with a very special cel‑ was very fortunate to participate in the first ebration. Hundreds gathered for the festivities, “unReunion” organized entirely by our alumni and I was especially honored to share the stage from the “early years,” 1984, 1985, and 1986. with former President Phil Geier; Shelby Davis, This three-day event attracted nearly 100 alum‑ the extraordinary philanthropist whose gen‑ ni from around the world, and it was simply a erosity has transformed so many lives; and a joy to attend. group of very special alumni who are taking the As we move toward 2013, I am invigorated by the mantle of leadership in supporting UWC‑USA. work ahead. We spent last year crafting a new As we’ve observed our anniversary, we’ve taken strategic direction, which was accepted by the time to reflect on the good work that’s been Board of Trustees in May. Implementation steps done by so many, as well as to look forward recommit UWC‑USA to supporting the impact to tasks and goals that lie ahead. The past year of our mission through our students, staff, was particularly poignant as we saw nine fac‑ alumni, and program participants; strengthen‑ ulty and staff “graduate” into retirement and ing the quality of our distinctive experiential new projects. From the classes they led, the academic and co-curricular programs; and mak‑
The Mountbatten Society (page 9)
relationships they formed, and the countless initiatives in which they were involved, these good friends made significant contributions to the formation and growth of UWC‑USA.
The Castle Club (page 10) Other Supporters (page 13) Education Through Experience
Philanthropic Support by Class
A Laboratory in the Woods
Service Learning
Oh, the Places They Go!
In-Kind, in Honor of, in Memory of
Onward 32 Planned Gifts and Ways to Give
On the cover: Class of 2012 graduates celebrate after the ceremony Photo credits: Malak Abureehan ’12, Timothy J. Dougherty, Hannah Freedman ’12, Valentin Herrgesell ’13, Austria, Titus Kabega ’13, Uganda, Milton Riess, Kate Russell, Arjan Stockhausen ’11
ing manifest our commitment to financial, en‑ vironmental, and social sustainability. All these initiatives—not to mention the cru‑ cial work of day-to-day school—wouldn’t be possible without your generous support. Alumni, parents, trustees, distinguished trust‑ ees, friends, faculty, staff, and even current students understand the absolute value of UWC‑USA, and they have expressed that sup‑ port through financial gifts, volunteer efforts, and countless other ways that help spread the word out about this treasure of a school. I truly thank you for all you have done and continue to do.
Last year also saw many achievements. We ac‑ celerated our work as an integral partner in restoring the Old Town Mission in Las Vegas, N.M., a site that is now an invaluable resource for local youth and community programs. Our students continued to see individual suc‑ cess. One of them—Josh Leon ’12—received the prestigious Gates Millennium Scholar‑ ship, which will support his studies all the way through graduate school. And hiring new fac‑ ulty and staff was wonderfully successful: This With gratitude, fall, we’ve welcomed an exciting group of tal‑ ented individuals who bring new perspectives to campus. We’re already feeling their energy and witnessing their commitment to the im‑ portant work of the UWC mission. Beyond our campus, I’ve had opportunities to meet alumni at points around the globe, from
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Lisa A. H. Darling President, UWC‑USA 1
Board of Trustees and Distinguished Trustees Report from the Board of Trustees
Report from the Board of Trustees This past year, the Board of Trustees has been involved in critical work through the strate‑ gic planning process, management of school finances, and ongoing efforts to advance UWC‑USA’s philanthropic goals. Our board members—who serve as volunteers—bring a depth of personal and professional experience to each of these areas. Three new trustees joined the board this year, including two UWC alumni. Kuo-Chuan (KC) Kung ’87 is a partner and co-founder of MBK Partners, the first major local and independent
buyout fund dedicated to North Asia. KC heads the Greater China operation. KC received a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and a master’s degree from Harvard Business School. He lives in Hong Kong with his wife and two children. Ben Jones AC ’91 is a professor at the Kel‑ logg School of Management at Northwestern University. His research considers obstacles to growth in developing countries, including subjects such as national leadership, higher education, and climate change. He also studies
technological progress in advanced economies, including the link between age and creativity and the role of collaboration in innovation. A Rhodes Scholar, Ben has served in the U.S. Department of the Treasury and as the senior economist for macroeconomics for the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Mark Alexander is from Santa Fe, N.M., where he owns Peyote Bird Designs, a global com‑ pany that produces artisanal wholesale jew‑ elry. Mark started the company in 1973—his website includes a photo of him and his trusty Volkswagen Beetle which he once used to
travel the country selling Southwestern jew‑ elry. Since then, he’s grown the business to include operations in Hong Kong, with addi‑ tional partnerships in Thailand, Bali, China, and the Philippines. As we’ve welcomed these three new board members, we’ve also bid farewell to one. Ka‑ menna Lee ’89 left the board this year after three years of service. We are very thankful for her efforts on the school’s behalf. Tom Dickerson AC ’68 Chairman
Board of Trustees CHAIR Thomas P. Dickerson AC ’68 Mark Alexander Amin Badr-El-Din Rachel P. Belash Marc P. Blum Lisa A. H. Darling Sebastien de Halleux ’96 Steven F. Dichter
Janet Smith Dickerson Ray R. Irani Ben Jones AC ’91 Kuo-Chuan (KC) Kung ’87 James Leonard Charlotte Ilfeld Rubin Peter Ruggiero
Jonathan L. Schneider Monique B. Seefried Michael C. Taylor ’91 Tyler C. Tingley Rosemary Tomich
Distinguished Trustees Nancy Anixter William Anixter Celeste Bartos Alvin Chereskin Kathryn Davis Shelby M. C. Davis Virginia Dwan Phyllis Rothschild Farley
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Amy Yeager Geier Philip O. Geier III, President Emeritus Dorothy Goodman Martha Ann Healy William H. Moore III Ronald W. Rubinow Frederick Rudolph
Louisa Stude Sarofim Michael Stern ’89 James B. Taylor, Chairman Emeritus Sarah W. Taylor Litsa D. Tsitsera
Report of Financial Activities
SOURCES OF FUNDING FY12 Summer Programs/ Auxiliary Income
Report OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES UWC‑USA ended its fiscal year with a modest surplus. Careful cost containment as well as ap‑ propriate revenue forecasting from the Business Office allowed the school administration to ac‑ curately plan educational programming for the year, as well as to project years into the future. Financial planning at UWC‑USA is unique compared to other secondary schools, just as our educational mission is unique. Payments from the respective national commit‑ tees that select our international students only account for 17 percent of the school’s annual budgeted revenue. Voluntary contributions to the Annual Fund—from friends who believe in our mission, including community members, parents, and alumni—make up the next 15 percent. Mission-oriented summer programs, such as International Baccalaureate teachertraining and short courses for global youth, made up 4 percent of our revenue last year. For the past decade, the biggest source of annual school revenue has come from the UWC‑USA endowment, which last year com‑ prised 43 percent of our annual budget. This extraordinary achievement is a testament to the commitment of a great number of people. Philanthropist Shelby Davis contributed the largest part of our endowment, but numer‑ ous other friends have contributed as well, strengthening our mission for future genera‑ tions of students. Alumni gifts to the Annual Fund are almost five times what they were five years ago, and participation rates have more than tripled. Not only that, but in the past five years our gradu‑ ates have given extraordinary gifts, in several
cases as large as $250,000. We’re doing what we can to continue to provide opportunities for promising young people regardless of country of origin or ability to pay.
As the chair of the Finance Committee and a graduate of UWC‑USA, I am optimistic about the school’s financial future, despite the ex‑ haustion of the Armand Hammer Trust.
Now, for the challenging news. We are in the final year of full support from the Armand Hammer Trust, which last year contributed 21 percent of our budget. We’ve known for nearly a decade that the 2013-2014 school year will represent a financial watershed, when a big portion of our budget will have to be made up somewhere else.
UWC‑USA has been fortunate in its first 30 years to benefit from the extraordinary gen‑ erosity of two world-class philanthropists, Ar‑ mand Hammer and Shelby Davis. In my mind, Hammer and Davis are legendary philosopher kings, really, of international educational phi‑ lanthropy. They built this place. Hammer locat‑ ed the campus around the stunningly beautiful but neglected Montezuma Castle, halfway up a hill. Davis built the school’s endowment and enabled us to lovingly restore the Castle and make it our school’s vital center.
The administration of UWC‑USA, in coop‑ eration with the school’s faculty and staff, has worked diligently to contain costs in anticipa‑ tion of next year. They’ve renegotiated large contractual costs such as insurance and food service, seeking savings wherever possible. One place the Board of Trustees does not want to cut, however, is the quality of teaching. When more than 50 percent of your school’s expenses come from salaries, there are a lim‑ ited number of savings opportunities available without hurting the quality of the school’s ed‑ ucational mission. We do not believe we can “cost cut” our way to either financial or educa‑ tional excellence. We plan to address the budget shortfall in the 2013-2014 year and beyond through an “all of the above” approach: We have redoubled our fundraising efforts, we are increasing payments from UWC national committees where pos‑ sible, we are initiating mission-oriented ancil‑ lary programs, and we are engaging the entire campus community in cost-saving measures.
Philanthropic Contributions to Annual Operations National Committee Contributions
Armand Hammer Trust *
Endowment Income
Philanthropic Contributions to Annual Operations Armand Hammer Trust * Endowment Income National Committee Contributions Summer Programs/Auxiliary Income
$1,548,039 2,250,000 4,913,508 1,434,700 470,344
$1,527,124 2,250,000 4,488,928 1,818,200 455,947
*Income from the Armand Hammer Trust will cease in 2013.
Philosopher Kings also built the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia, the pyramids in Egypt, Versailles in France, and Chichen Itza in Mexico. But what’s different now from those times is that we no longer live in an era that waits for a single great man to build something beauti‑ ful for posterity. So we must ask: In the coming decade, who is going to build the next Mont‑ ezuma Castle? It’s going to be us. The friends, families, and alumni who believe in the mission of UWC‑USA will play a crucial role in ensuring the values we believe in—of making education a force to unite people, of giving students experiences and tools to have real and lasting impact, of creating a sustainable and peaceful future—will continue on in perpetuity. And that’s the way it should be. Michael C. Taylor, UWC‑USA ’91 Chair, Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees
USES OF FUNDING FY12 Invested in Endowment
Endowed Scholarships for U.S. Davis Scholars studying at other UWCs
General Administration
Educational Programming**
Educational Programming** General Administration Facilities Endowed Scholarships for U.S. Davis Scholars studying at other UWCs Invested in Endowment TOTAL EXPENSES AND TRANSFERS
2011 2012 $6,942,689 $7,157,331 902,816 1,119,055 1,019,930 1,151,368 1,026,424 724,732
1,016,987 95,458
** Includes funds used for carrying out academic and co-curricular programs, including compensation and support for employees who facilitate these programs.
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Annual Fund Report
National Committees
Annual Fund Report
National Committees
For the past three years, it has been my pleasure to co-chair the Annual Fund. This year, I shared the role with Sam Opitz ’91 and Michael Taylor ’91. Together, with a team of 68 other alumni volunteers, we rallied classmates, parents, and UWC‑USA friends to raise more than $1 mil‑ lion for the Annual Fund.
Volunteer UWC national committees in 140 countries select more than 1,000 promising candidates through national competitions. They nominate those students for places and scholarships to the 12 UWC schools and col‑ leges. This unique system enables students to be selected from within their own communities and cultures.
The Annual Fund runs from June 1 to May 31 every year. Contributions support UWC‑USA’s operating budget and are directed to areas such as student scholarships, community service and the Wilderness Program, employee sala‑
ries, classroom and library materials, weekend and after-school activities, and the mainte‑ nance and operation of facilities. In short, the Annual Fund has an impact on every person and program on campus. Michael, Sam and I would like to extend thanks to everyone who helped sustain the Montezuma magic and ensured that new generations of UW‑ Cers have the same life-changing experience that previous generations continue to cherish. Melanie Weston ’86 Annual Fund Co-Chair
Annual Fund VOLUNTEERS 2012 CO-Chairs Sam Opitz ’91 Michael C. Taylor ’91 Melanie Weston ’86
Alumni Volunteers Dereck A.S. Alleyne ’11 Ruben E. Ayala ’92 Souleymane Ba ’99 Mustu Barma ’98 Brian A. Bava ’91 James Bowen ’96 Luke C.P. Brennan ’09 Edward Burns ’84 Inviolata S. Chami ’12 Natalie Chan ’11 Nelson F. Chiwara ’07 Jason Coady ’93 Michael D’Agostino ’01 Gert Danielsen ’96 Mauricio de Arruda ’88 Benjamin Dryden ’02 Shannon Duncan ’98 Ashley Dunlop ’02
Helen M. Durham ’85 Manolo Espinosa ’87 Andrés Franco-Vasco ’84 Lullit Getachew ’88 Stephan F. Grabner ’09 Zipporah Guerin ’10 Anna I. Harvey ’05 Kirsten Healey ’88 Kate (Saldin) Hunter ’00 Adani Illo ’01 Meghan Jennings ’05 Aly Kassam-Remtulla ’94 Lea J. Kliem ’10 Clio Knowles ’95 Lisa Krassner ’91 Mauri E. Lahti ’12 Joel Larson ’02 Stephen S. Lavallo Jr. ’09 Brian Lax ’92 Colleen Lewis von Eckartsberg ’86 Ariel Maddocks ’98 Ciara N. McCartney ’07 Dylan Elek McFarlane ’04 Cecile Menard ’91 Charlotte Meyer ’03
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All U.S. citizens and permanent residents ap‑ ply to UWCs through the Davis Scholar com‑ petition, which is run by the U.S. selection committee. Accepted students (about 50 each
year) are awarded full merit scholarships cov‑ ering school fees, room, and board to attend one of the UWCs for the full two-year program. UWC‑USA helps to coordinate and support the U.S. selection committee and its wider group of volunteers, who read hundreds of ap‑ plications and travel throughout the nation in‑ terviewing prospective candidates to select the newest cohort of Davis Scholars. We are deeply grateful to the volunteers throughout the world who enable UWC selec‑ tion to happen.
U.S. Selection Committee Lais Miachon Silva ’08 Theotonio Monteiro de Barros ’85 Adriana Nordin Manan ’03 Melkizedeck S. Okudo ’99 Rabin Patmanathan ’11 Morgante Orion Pell ’12 Maria Auxilliadora Perez Ruiz ’08 Zohar Perla ’07 Eugenio Ruggiero ’84 Jose Pablo Salas Rojas ’06 Clay Samford ’92 Bassirou Sarr ’05 Kathryn (Holmgaard) Shaffner ’95 Kain Sebaztian Smith ’12 Jeremiah Stevens ’94 Elena Tonc ’09 Julie Trolle ’12 Mudit Tyagi ’88 Iris van der Heijden ’11 Raechel Waters ’90 Kristofer Wilson ’04 (E) Kenneth Kwokmung Yeung ’84 Pui Shen Yoong ’08 Risana Zitha ’95 Firend Zora ’99
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Mary Beth Byrne AC ’76, Co-Chair Bill Kolb, Co-Chair Amy Garrou Martha Lyman
Shaun Mabry MC ’01 Andrew Mahlstedt Xochitl Torres Small WK ’04 Tim Smith
AC=UWC of the Atlantic, Wales; MC=Mahindra UWC, India; WK=Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa, Swaziland.
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Philanthropic Support by Giving Level
The Mountbatten Society (page 9)
Philanthropic Support of UWC‑USA by Giving Level The Mountbatten Society Recognizing donors of $25,000 or more during the 2012 fiscal year, the Mountbatten Society is named for Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma and the first president of UWC International. Mountbatten was a British admiral and statesman and the uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He was the last viceroy of the British Indian Empire (1947) and the first governor-general of independent India (1947-1948). Lord Mountbatten supported UWC and encouraged heads of state, politicians, and prominent in‑ dividuals throughout the world to share his interest. Under Mountbatten’s presidency and personal involvement, the UWC of South East Asia was established in Singapore in 1971, followed by the UWC of the Pacific (now known as Pearson College) in Victoria, Canada, in 1974. In 1978, Mount‑ batten passed the presidency of UWC to his great-nephew, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
Mountbatten Society Donors Gifts of $25,000 or more
The Abdul Madjid Zabuli Renaissance Foundation * Bruce & Martha Atwater and the Prospect Creek Foundation * Marc P. & Leonor T. Blum * William Gardner & Solange Brown * Shelby & Gale Davis * Virginia Dwan Judith McBean Foundation * Paul & Yaffa Maritz (P) Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore III * The Multinational Education Charitable Trust 1909 * Jim & Sarah Taylor (P) *
This list reflects gifts received between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012. Every effort is made to present a complete and accurate list of donors. For any oversights or errors, we apologize and invite corrections to be sent to the Advancement Office.
In the list above, (P) identifies UWC parents. Asterisks denote donors who have given consecutively for the last five or more years.
The Castle Club (page 10)
The Castle Club Recognizing donors of $1,000 to $25,000 during the 2012 fiscal year, with special giving levels for young alumni and current students, the Castle Club is named for the Montezuma Castle, the most prominent building on the UWC‑USA campus. The castle was built in 1886 and lovingly restored in 2000. It now houses dormitories, classrooms, the dining hall, the student center, meeting rooms, and administrative offices.
Castle Club DONORS Gifts of $10,000 to $25,000 (P)
Eric & Sophie Archambeau The Bernard Lee Schwartz Foundation * Common Counsel Foundation, the Kindle Project Lisa A. H. Darling (E) * Sebastien de Halleux ’96 Thomas Dickerson AC ’68 & Claire Dickerson * Frank & Dolores Hines Family Fund of the Albuquerque Community Foundation * Philip O. Geier III & Amy Yeager Geier (P) * Astrid Nellemann ’93 Paul & Laura Ricks (P) Ross Smith & Lynsey Newman (P) Southwest Capital Bank Gifts of $5,000 to $10,000
Gregor Andrade ’88 Amin Badr-El-Din Berger Briggs Real Estate & Insurance Inc. Michael & Elizabeth Foose (P) Luigi Gentile ’98 Diane & Guilford Glazer Goldman Sachs Matching Gifts Program Aziz & Farahnaz Hashim (P) Ulrich Kratz ’92 Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Amit Mital ’87 The New York Community Trust
HRH Prince Pavlos ’86 Charlotte Ilfeld Rubin * Dorothy & Frederick Rudolph * Jon & Claire Schneider (P) Monique Seefried Steele Family Foundation Subitha Subramaniam ’88 Hans P. Utsch Xiaofang Xia & Zhonghong Mao (P) Gifts of $1,000 to $5,000
Anonymous (2) Rick & Kathy Abeles and The Abeles Foundation * Khamis Abu-Hasaballah ’86 David & Pamela Albin * Zulfiqar Ali ’90 * Andrew Allen Charitable Foundation Mijail Apkarian & Alicia Ramos Valdenegro (P) Ruben E. Ayala ’92 Souleymane Ba ’99 Balboa Peaks Software LLC Adam Bartos & Mahnaz Ispahani Bartos and the Pannonia Foundation The Baupost Group LLC Yvette V. Baxter-Drayton ’87 * Rachel Belash * Ignatius & Laura Bezzam (P) Charles Bibilos ’96 Chris Bickley ’86 * Paolo Bigagli & Cristiana Vallini (P) Paulo J. Bilezikjian ’87
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
Pamela (Parsa) Bond ’94 * Oru & Patricia Bose (P) The Boston Foundation Inc. Ted & Shirley Boucher William Brandenburg * Amir Brown ’95 Stuart Brown & Sandra DeJong (P) Michael Buckley ’89 Edward Burns ’84 * Marcelo Calliari ’84 Paul Campbell & Carol Genetti (P) Joan & Gary Capen * Karl & Susan Case * Amporn Chaimaitri ’92 Ali Chandani ’91 Cliff Chapman & Pattye Henderson Chapman (P) Mars Chapman ’08 Alvin Chereskin Chi Wai Chow & Yui Chuen Cheung (P) Matthew Christ & Sophia Goodman AC ’82 (P) Janine Chupa ’84 * Sierra Burnett Clark AD ’98 Colgate-Palmolive Co. Gert Danielsen ’96 Rebecca (Cadwell) Day ’92 Mauricio de Arruda ’88 Josser Delgado ’96 * Amadou Deme & Siga Diop (P) Steven Dichter & Kate Buckley Ed Doe ’96 Wojciech Domanski ’98
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Timothy J. & Katharine M. Dougherty (P) (E) Renata Dwan ’88 Phyllis Farley Miguel Fidalgo ’98 * Edward Fischer & Mareike Sattler (P) Sai Wai Fong & Regina Dalipe (P) Izumi Fothergill AC ’76 Andrés Franco-Vasco ’84 Charles & Judith Friedlaender * Jürgen Frietsch ’91 * Xavier Furtado ’92 Susanne E. Geier Jerry & Sharon Geist Rashna Ginwalla ’95 * Joseph & Trinidad Goldzieher * Google Matching Gift Program Jim & Mary Dale Gordon * Frederick John & Juliann Gunningham (P) Raj K. Gupta ’89 The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Irfan Hasan ’85 Jens & Britt Helligsoe (P) Alan Hewat & Emily Joselson (P) Julian Ho ’90 Susanne Holste ’84 Tim & Laurie Howland (P) Hamilton M. Hoyler & Katherine McMillan (P) A. C. & Penny Hubbard * Robert Huber & Christine Solso (P) Michael Jenkins & Christi Hogin (P) Larry Johns & Nina Marquez Johns (E)
Gregory & Jacquelyn Jones (P) Yale & Barbara Jones Aditya C. Joshi ’91 * Basim Kahleifeh ’84 * Alex Kalangis & Svenja Soldovieri (E) James Kavanaugh & Selena Sermeño (E) David Kay AC ’72 & Mary Milne (P) Nam & Wonsook Kim (P) Clio Knowles ’95 * Michihiro & Mizue Kotani (P) Kuo-Chang Kung ’87 Charles & Naomi Lambert (P) Richard Lamson & Joan Freedman (P) Burt & Jennifer Lauderdale (P) Charmaine Lee ’88 * Day & Nancy Lee * Kamenna (Rindova) Lee ’89 * Colleen Lewis von Eckartsberg ’86 Anders & Inger Liland (P) Ray & Joyce Litherland Rebecca Lloyd ’86 * Theodore & Lucille Lockwood * John & Margaret Loehr * LyondellBasell Declan & Anne MacFadden (P) Laura Machado de Wright AC ’94 Ariel Maddocks ’98 Edward Malley (P) Vuk Mandic ’94 & Pinar Karaca ’94 Marcelo Marchesin ’86 * Joan McDougall Lance Meister ’90 & Gabriela Motyckova AC ’93 *
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
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Benjamin ’98 & Alexandra (Muñoz Smith) Melkman ’99 Tracy Melton & Pamela Krulitz (P) Danesch & Kathryn Missaghian (P) Scott & Kelli Mitchell (P) Alice Mok ’95 Carlos Montano & Claudia Mejia (P) Chris Morejohn & Rachel Platt (P) Andrea Morgante (P) Matthew J. Morse ’93 Zafer Mudar ’84 Werner & Helen Muller * Candice (Weaver) Murphy ’92 Ramaiah & Gowri Narla (P) John & Beth Neidel (P) Wai Hong Ng & Ling Lo (P) Philip ’95 & Jasmina Nikolov * John Ochterbeck Brian & Jill O’Dwyer (P) Christian ’91 & Camila (Silva Leão d’Araujo) Olsen ’91 Sam Opitz ’91 * Ravi Parashar (E) * Rebecca Pearson ’90 * S. Peter Poullada & Nancy A. Sheppard Abigail (Crampton) Pribbenow ’86 Mia S. Prieskorn * Elad Rachevsky ’99 Sebastien Ramseyer ’87 Andres Resendez ’85 & Jaana Remes ’84 David & Julie Rifkin (P) Jennifer (Lovitt) Riggs ’90 Peter Ruggiero
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
Clay Samford ’92 Robert Saulters (P) Johannes J.C. Schiet Kristian Segerstråle ’96 Mike Sennett & Jackie Baker-Sennett (P) Eyad Shabaneh & Intesar Shukhi (P) (E) Kathryn (Holmgaard) Shaffner ’95 * Dawningstar W. Sikorski ’97 * Caroline Sim ’85 Nok Siriphonlai ’95 * Charles & Ann Smith * Tim Smith & Molly Lanzarotta (P) Tim Smith & Teodora Atanasova (E) Stephan & Karen Spitzer * Carl St. Remy ’88 * Robert J. Stamm & Mary Herring Stamm Designated Fund of the Albuquerque Community Foundation * Michael Stern ’89 & Pamela Paul * Lawrence Sutter & Patricia Lins (P) Douglas & Selene Swanson (P) Robert E. & Barbara J. Swanson Zoltan Szilassi ’91 Taos Community Foundation Michael C. Taylor ’91 * Ajay Totlani ’92 Erik Trolle & Yenan Chen (P) Amjad Tuffaha ’98 Tumbling River Ranch Partnership United Way of Central New Mexico Hendrik G. van Oss WK ’72 * Rajesh Vedanthan ’91 & Sujatha Srinivasan James Waldroop & Valerie Zimber (P) Kenneth & Paulanne Ward (P) Zachary Weisfeld ’88 Martin ’86 & Anja Weiss AC ’87 Paul & Powel Welliver (P) Melanie Weston ’86 * Charles Chau-Chi Wong ’84 Kenneth Kwokmung Yeung ’84 Samuel Zell Ricardo J. Zemella ’84
($1,000 or more donors are listed above)
Seamus Abshere ’02 & Maria Bettina Miguez De Mori ’02 Naa Aku Addo ’00 Sheila Agiti ’07 Michael A. Aleman ’10 Brandon Anderson ’00 Renu Badiani ’97 * Arod Balissa ’07 Shanthakumar Bannirchelvam ’07 Murat Bilgel ’07 Dimitar A. Bounov ’05 Luke C. P. Brennan ’09 Ashton Brown ’07 Anna Carmon ’09 Benjamin Carlson ’03 Mei Fong Chan ’98 Natalie Chan ’11 Bradley D. Chisholm ’97 Nelson F. Chiwara ’07 Deidre Ciliento ’01 Michael D’Agostino ’01 Ishmail S. Daoh ’07 Emma D. Diouf ’07 Aida Dominguez Ortiz ’07 Ashley Dunlop ’02 * Sara El-Bohy ’09 Pete H. Fitton ’09 Mathew R. Freimuth ’09 Sebastien T. Galperti ’07 Mark A. Garner ’09 Anand Gopalan ’02 Stephan F. Grabner ’09 Zipporah Guerin ’10 Josh Hall ’01 Emily Hogin ’06 * Adani Illo ’01 & Jimena Vivas ’02 Arzika Illo ’03 Eileen Jackson Ugueto ’97 Jennifer S. Kim ’10 Tamas Kolos-Lakatos ’07 Harry William Lambert ’12 Joel Larson ’02
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
Jon Vegard Larssen ’97 & Beatriz Diaz Acosta ’97 * Stephen S. Lavallo Jr. ’09 Chike C. Leigh ’08 Chao Lu ’04 Thembumenzi Shisizwe Lukhele ’04 Lubomir Malo ’07 * Elian Maritz ’02 Thema Modisi ’98 Jennifer Modrich ’00 Gilbert Mudenda ’12 Len E. Necefer ’07 Brendan O’Connor ’04 Nicole Paulet Piedra ’09 James Pautz ’02 Robin Pedroza Weschle ’07 Morgante Orion Pell ’12 Zohar Perla ’07 Shaina M. Pomerantz Kasper ’09 Tara Kane Prendergast ’08 Maria A. Rodas ’97 Thea Rømmen ’09 Carlos G. Sabatino Gonzalez ’07 * Emma Smith ’12 Annie Sorich ’01 Kathryn J. Steinweiss ’08 Tara (Watkins) Stevenson ’98 Anthony Szozda ’03 Daniel Tan Ooi Peng ’03 Jenny Thapa ’08 Elena Tonc ’09
Young Alumni and Current Students
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Other Supporters (page 13)
OTHER SUPPORTERS We are grateful to the many who supported UWC‑USA during our 2012 fiscal year. This support has enabled us to offer extensive scholarships; engage an outstanding faculty and staff; conduct programs on global issues, conflict resolution, and the arts; offer wilderness expeditions and community services; and maintain and improve our facilities.
Gifts of $500 to $1,000 Ronald & Teresa Airey (P) Mauricio A. Albrizzio ’92 Ivan Alves ’87 David & Robyn Ball (P) Bank of America, N.A. Ian & Angela Bartlett (P) Roberto F. Bel ’91 * Ibrahim & Nazan Bilgel (P) Bjorn Bjerke ’85 Boeing BP Foundation Inc. Andy & Audry Carter (P) Michael Cope ’96 & Catherine Cronin ’96 Caitlin (Garland) Curtis ’91 Michael Dewson & Ann Atkey Jason Dinger ’93 * Keith & Kristen Dobyns (P) Gerald Doyle & Christina Gomez (P) Margaret I. Drent ’86 * Roma J. Earles (P) Winifred Edwards Henry Everts ’90 Cindy Ewing Haidar S. Farah & Maha N. Al Twal (P) Matthew & Heide Felton Tomas Fernandez & Victoria Mora (P) Henry & Mary Flynt *
Norton Francis ’88 Franken Companies Inc. Lullit Getachew ’88 Frederico Gil Sander ’94 * Oscar & Sandra Gonzalez (P) Saruhan Hatipoglu ’91 Julia Broehl Hesse ’91 * Eva R. Hoffmann ’94 David ’87 & Hiroko (Morita) James ’90 Maria F. Jaramillo ’92 Trent M. Jones ’92 Aly Kassam-Remtulla ’94 * Mike & Pat Koldyke Gary Kowalski & Dori Jones (P) Wing-Pin (Winnie) Kwan ’93 Jim & Story Leonard Leng Leroy Lim ’84 Nadia Marinova ’93 Wally & Terry Melendres * Theotonio Monteiro de Barros ’85 Sophie Joy Mosko ’90 W.H. Muir Shiru Mwangi ’84 David Neidel ’87 * Don & Evelyn Neil Valerie Oke ’85 * Karen O’Leary ’87 Matthew Hecht & Mary Olson (P) Charlie PC ’77 & Faye O’Neil
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
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Diego R. Pérez-Salicrup ’86 Karen Petroski ’86 Rebecca Pitman ’92 Christopher A. Price ’85 Neil Pyper ’93 Eugenio Ruggiero ’84 Manuel Salazar Diez Canseco ’86 Hoda Salem ’84 Robert & Deborah Saylor (P) Erin Scales ’91 Nour Scandar ’92 James L. & Carol A. Smith * Didier Stainier AC ’81 & Megan Grether (P) Bob & Carol Stegeman * Daniel W. Stuckart ’84 Nina Mary Stupples ’85 Eckehard A. E. Stuth AC ’77 & Janellen L. Becker-Stuth (P) * Douglas Swartz & Karen Spencer (P) David Tagge ’94 * Sandra Thomas ’84 Lori Thorlakson ’92 Maria Jose Tort Canto ’85 Emma Tucker ’85 Mudit Tyagi ’88 * Hirotsugu Uchida ’91 * Henry Webb ’91 * Mark & Amy Wiebke (P) Alex Wisch ’91
| (P) identifies UWC parents
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
© Ben Gillock
James Wisener ’95 Emily Wylde ’94
Gifts of $250 to $500 Anonymous (2) Bob & Pat Amai * Elizabeth Ashby & Tim DeMoss (E) Craig C. & Kristine E. Axtell (P) * Carmen Balber ’95 * Jorida Banda ’96 Arlita Bascome-McCook ’94 Loes Becu ’94 * Kimiyo Bonnie Bennett ’85 Teresa Bernheimer ’96 Matthew & Carmel Bowman (P) Dana M. Brandon ’86 Charlotte Brenner Zeile ’85 Ron Brockman & Ellen Feldman (P) Harold & Norma Brown * Cameron C. Burch ’00 Flannery Burke ’91 * Dietrich & Brigitte Busch Odd-Even Bustnes ’89 Fiona Caldwell ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Caputo (P) Bill & Georgia Carson * Alan & Lavender Chan (P) Yutthichai Chanikornpradit ’89 Angeline Chupa ’90 * David S. Collison ’90 & Sandra Gastañaduy-Collison ’90 * Mikkel Conradi AD ’94 Frank & Louise Cordova (P) Anthony DeGange & Emily Davies (P) * Bongani Dlamini ’94 Julia (Lee) Drouart ’95 David & Alice Elliott John A. & Lena J. Elzufon * Francisco H.G. Ferreira ’86 * Andreas Fidjeland ’98 * Janet M. (Roberts) Florez ’86 Alan & Kathy Franken (P) Ivor Frischknecht ’86 Michael Fuchs ’92 Keith & Christine Garbutt (P)
John Geffroy & Margaret Vazquez-Geffroy (E) Cristina Gomez Jimenez ’01 Dorothy B. Goodman * Elisabeth Grabner (P) Trevor Z. Hallstein ’91 Kristine Hauge Storholt ’92 Koichi Hiramoto ’85 Hilde Hustoft (P) Sandhya Jithoo ’98 Mike & Agnes Jones (P) Jennifer Keith ’85 Susan Keppelman ’01 Torodd Kummen AC ’77 & Linda Vahat (P) * Mark Larrimore ’84 Eileen Lau ’92 Brian Lax ’92 & Tarra Hassin ’91 * James & Patricia Leo Nuno Limao ’92 Andrew & Rebecca Loehrer (P) Timothy Long ’86 * Javier López Arangüena ’00 Kaisu Luiro ’95 Nat & Dottie Mann * Surbhi Sharma Martin ’96 Samir Mastaki ’01 James McNeil ’89 Rona J. McNeil ’85 Hideki & Keiko Miyazaki (P) Gabrielle Moore ’95 * Jason Patrick Morgan ’91 * John Morris ’85 Harold Nevins & Andrea Shaw (P) Soren Nielsen ’95 * Carl & Saori Nishimura (P) Hakon ’95 & Ana (Fonseca) Nordang ’95 Melkizedeck S. Okudo ’99 Anna Francis Olsson ’91 Chiara Osbat ’89 Shelley Pasco-Verdi ’86 Maria Carolina Perez Alvarado ’85 Nicole Piche ’85 Annukka Piironen ’89 * PPG Industries Foundation
Daniel Pringle ’93 * Narisara Pungrasmi ’85 João Quinta da Fonseca ’94 Dorota I. Ratusinska ’84 * James Redmon ’95 * Sergio Ripamonti ’86 Miguel N. Rivera ’92 Rebecca Rogers ’92 Ronald W. Rubinow Gian Paolo Ruggiero ’86 Preeta Samarasan ’94 * Bill & Kris Sammons * Charlene G. Sanders (P) * Emiliano Schmidt Fiori ’91 Peter Richard Schuurman ’86 Robert J. & Monique Schweich Fiona Siu ’86 Talal Soghaier ’85 Bernd & Birgit Stelzer (P) Michael Sugar ’91 Peter M. Tart Karen Ann Taylor de Caballero ’87 * Sue A. Thompson (P) Tyler C. Tingley Andrea S. Tisi ’84 * Enrique Torres ’96 Guillermo Trejo ’86 & Anne Bax ’86 Harald Tuckermann ’92 & Bertha R. Camacho ’93 Walter & Jantina Tuthill (P) Akihiro & Kuniko Uchida (P) * Kimberly A. Vickers ’84 * Angela Vignoli ’01 Ding Wei ’96 * Nadia Williams ’98 * Victor Williams ’89 Kristofer Wilson ’04 (E) & Elgita Eglite-Wilson ’05 (E) Mark Yeager & Maia Fischler (P) Laura J. Young ’98 Agnieszka Ziemba-Ahman ’88 Risana Zitha ’95 Firend Zora ’99 William & Georgia Zwartjes (P)
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
Gifts of $100 to $250 Anonymous * Inga Aalia ’98 Michael B. Aaron ’87* Tamer Abdelgawad ’85 * Ann Aceves * Anthony Agadzi ’95 * Kevin & Margi Ahearn (P) Sanna Ahvenharju ’90 Lamiae Aidi ’96 Ursel Albers Michael Alcock ’98 * Carmen Alexander ’04 Jorge A. Alvarez Garcia-Tunon ’06 Felix K. Amankona-Diawuo ’04 Kirsten L. Ambach ’93 * Mohan Ambikaipaker ’91 Mohamed A. Amer ’85 Ruben & Marjorie Andressen (P) Diego Angemi ’94 Meher Antia ’90 Anjali Arondekar ’87 Eran ’91 & Daniela (Beran) Bar-Am ’91 Mustu Barma ’98 * Carla (Castellanos) Bass ’87 * Brian A. Bava ’91 * Yunus Emre Bayrak ’95 Jacqueline A. Bell ’85 Robert & Mary Benishek (P) Adam & Sonya Berg * Johann Bergholz Villafane ’02 Magnus & Karin Bergmar (P) Karla Bjelanovic ’98 Yngvild N. Blaker ’00 Gita Bodner ’86 Richard & Virginia Bodner (P) Lyle Boelens ’84 Elizabeth Bohlke James Bowen ’96 * Bill Boyd & Vicky Hemmes Jonathan & Valerie Brelje (P) James N. & Shirley Ann Brooke (P) Carrie (Mollatt) Brooke-Sumner ’97 Dorrie Brooks ’85 Mahdi Bseiso ’00
| (P) identifies UWC parents
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| (E) identifies UWC employees. |
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Melanie Bush ’93 Cherie Butler ’92 James Byrne ’03 Derlis Caballero Ruiz & Carmen Ciciolli Arce (P) Cristina S. Campbell ’85 Eddy & Geraldette Campos (P) Ana B. Campos Mora ’87 Michael Carlson & Holly Mackenzie Carlson (P) Gareth Carter ’01 Cesar Castillo ’89 Leonte Castillo ’94 Soumya Chakravarti & Katya Fairbanks (P) Sovanna Chhim & Kinneang Chan (P) Marie Juhola Chilman (P) * John P. Christodouleas ’94 Clark Construction Group Jason Coady ’93 Ashley Crossland ’91 Gisele Cuglievan ’94 Joep W.H. Damen ’99 Kisito & Adama Daoh (P) Glen & Shirlee Davidson * Tyler Blake Davis ’97 Ivan Davtchev ’98 Tala V. de los Santos ’93 * Heather Deutsch ’92 * Maria M. Diaz Fernandez ’94 Ovidio Diaz Marin ’03 Janet Smith Dickerson Gavin Dock ’86 Martin Doe ’98 Heather Lee (Bruce) Douglas ’94 James & Julie Drennan * Louise Drlik * Nick Droege Benjamin Dryden ’02 George A. & Arlaen J. DuBois Katerina Klimsova Dvorakova ’92 Agneta Eikelenboom ’84 * Tore ’92 & Riina (Kallio-Koski) Eikenes ’92 Elderhostel Inc. *
Patricia Enzi ’02 Ryan Erickson ’02 Laro Escalada Navamuel ’04 Fausto Espinosa ’85 Manolo Espinosa ’87 Alicia Estrella Santos ’95 Akinsola Fafunso ’99 * Alioune Fall ’86 Curt Fiedler (P) Jeffrey & Beth Finney (P) Philip C. Fisher Thomas G. Fitton (P) Niamh Fleming-Farrell ’02 Jennifer Foerster ’98 Emily Foraker ’05 Felix Forster ’05 Petra Fousková ’96 Steven R. Franken Jackie Gakunga ’92 Felicity Gallagher ’85 Santiago Garcia-Verdu ’94 Elisa & Ted Geier Rodney P. & Vallie C. Geier Janet Gerard (E) * Valerie J. Gerber ’99 Atang Gilika ’06 Dorothy Gillespie Aleyda González McKiernan (P) (E) Kathy Gould & Alexandra Walter Mary Alice Grant ’97 C.B. & Eleanor Hall Bashar Abdullah Hamdan ’96 * Sandra Hamilton (P) N. Mollar (Nkiwane) Hanselman ’94 Erika Harding ’85 William G. Harley & Deborah F. Block (P) Brett (Van Veldhuizen) Hendrickson ’94 Nella Hengstler ’93 * Mohammed Herzallah ’03 Dafna Herzberg ’02 Brittany Hesbrook ’06 * Aashild (Erikkson) Hettervik ’86 John & Carolyn Hilden (P) Peter Hiller & Celeste Williams
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
P R E S I D E N T:
David Hite & Terra Louise ’96 * Melville & Elizabeth Hodder David H. Hogue ’03 Rasha S. Hosni ’05 Neil Hunter AC ’72 & Anita Carlson Oskari Jaaskelainen ’85 Rebecca Jeffs (P) Catherine Jheon ’90 * Maria Tatiana Jimenez Liebana ’94 * Josée Johnston ’91 Emily Jones ’96 * Jonathan Jones ’00 Max Jones ’91 A. Shafee Jones-Wilson ’98 * JustGive Valentina Kachanovskaya ’02 * Sashe Kanapathi ’94 Khadidjatou Kane ’96 Robin Aura Kanegis ’92 Justin W. Karfo ’05 Keith J. Kasper & Francine S. Pomerantz (P) Yohei Kawabata ’92 Mary Keller Daniel T. Kelly Jr. * Michelle (Aitken) Kent ’98 Richard & Judith Keppelman (P) Robert Killion Eugene & Linda King * Doreen Kirabo-Kasimbazi ’98 Adam Kirk ’90 * Lisa Krassner ’91 * Ilyanna Kreske ’91 * The Kress-Miller Family (P) Patricia Kuhlhoff Brittany Ladd ’96 Smriti Lakhey ’99 Johan Lammers (E) Richard & Jo-Ann Lanzillo (P) Wing Wah Margaret Lau ’98 Tsvetelina Lazarova ’86 Michael Leach ’95 Shari Leach * Chor Jye Lee ’88 Jason James Lees ’94 Homer & Mildred LeMar
| (P) identifies UWC parents
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Wing Chiu Erik Leung ’96 * Steve & Peggy Leuzinger (P) David Alexander Lindsay ’84 Anna Links ’96 Hedvig Ljungerud ’94 * Olivia E. Llamas ’93 Liane Asta Lohde ’94 Diego Lopez ’89 Michal Lord-Blegen ’86 Nicola Mai ’97 Mara Malakoff (P) Sanjay Manandhar ’85 James Mark & Jean Roseman (P) Ashindi Maxton ’93 Tamar Mayer (P) Stanley & Zelda Meer McCrossen * Judi McDonald ’84 Eileen McKiernan González ’88 Ruth C. Mead Mejia-Botero Family (P) Winston Meyer ’91 * Matthew Miller (E) Pierre V. Monteux ’98 Sophie Moochhala ’86 Morgan Stanley Annual Appeal Campaign Arnold & Patricia Morse (P) Simbai Mudzamba ’93 Ivan F. Mustain & Marisa Isabel Leon ’87 Nicholas Mwai ’02 Emma Manda Mwanza ’86 Sanval Nasim ’04 Lana Nasser ’96 Edward J. Necefer (P) Dejan Nenov ’86 William & Louisa Newlin Corrine Ng ’96 Anju Nohria ’86 Jehanzeb Noor ’00 Adriana Nordin Manan ’03 Andrew V. Nowak Occidental Petroleum Charitable Foundation Tom & Rebecca Oden (P) (E) Teresa Ordorika ’86
| (E) identifies UWC employees. |
Jorge I. Oria ’91 Tal Oron Cohen ’90 Ruth Padilla-Ruiz ’98 Theresa Page Kevin Park ’96 Nuria Pastor-Soler ’86 Swati Patankar ’86 The Pew Charitable Trusts Paulina Pineda Garza ’85 John F. & Rosaline C. Pintek Michael Polenz ’88 Nicholas M. Poon ’05 Bruce Poster * Erin Quintana (E) Nabina Rajbhandari ’86 Aurelio Ramos ’91 Trudy Rebert ’02 Ryan Richards ’02 Helle Ringgaard ’85 Michael & Janet Rogers (P) * Mario Roman ’86 Nicole P. Römer ’90 Katie Romich ’94 Jan Arild & Astrid Rømmen (P) Ben Rose & Lori Fisher (P) Tom & Carol Rose Guillaume Rougale ’96 Rudolph Charitable Match Program Samuel Rugunda ’05 Duncan RyanMann (P) Pawel Rybacki ’93 Karl D. Sanchez (E) Donald Schaeffer ’85 Andy M. Schatz AC ’69 & Barbara F. Wolf * Jay Schlechte ’91 Thomas Schwingeler ’86 Likeleli G. Seitlheko ’05 Ed & Dianne Shinholser * Dinesh Lal Shrestha ’90 JoAnne Sickeri ’93 Leah Simmons-Davis ’97 * Vera Siregar ’87 Saovanee Somchit ’05 Chris & Sally Sonne Annelise Sprenger ’94 *
Vinay H. Srihari ’89 Janice Lee Stanfield (P) Orit Stein-Reisner ’85 Jeremiah Stevens ’94 * Daniel T. Stuber ’05 Kurt J. Stuermer ’90 Megan B. Sullivan ’97 William & Sandra Sullivan (P) Filip Sulma ’99 Pawel Swieboda ’91 Anneke Swinehart ’91 Jody Taggart ’84 Yoshiko Tanabe ’86 Rafael Tarud ’90 Gunhan Tatman ’86 Havovi (Framji ) Tavadia ’90 Carolina P. Tello Alvarado ’97 Texas Instruments Foundation Dana Thordarson ’87 Jacynth H. Tibbetts ’03 Dean & Bonita Tooley * Thomas K. Trigg IV & Mary S. Schipper * Isabelle Trop ’87 Jacek & Kristine Troska (P) Alan Tsang ’95 Joyceline (See) Tully ’93 Steve & Mary Turkus (P) David Turner & Kirsten Baumgart Turner AC ’79 Sven van den Hazel ’85 Ajla (Merdanovic) van Heel ’96 Cecelia Vandewart Carlos Varela ’95 & Veronica Trujillo LPC ’00 Fredalyn M. Vargas ’92 György Vereb ’85 Susanna Vervoordeldonk ’85 Daniele Vidoni ’97 Moritz Vogel ’90 Katherine D. Waite ’96 Don & Hilda Wales Gary Walker & Nesha Kovalick (P) Greg Walsh * Stephanie Walton ’90 Amadou Wane ’84
Zhihe Wang & Mejun Fan (P) Chanin Warakulnukroh ’86 Chuck Warpehoski ’97 Carolina Waters ’85 Raechel Waters ’90 Pilar Maria Weiss ’94 * Marina Wes ’88 Allison West ’04 Alan Wicks & Elizabeth Morse (E) Brendan Wild ’85 Gerald O. Wilson ’98 Jessica (Kosfiszer) Wilson ’92 Birgitte Wøhlk ’86 Kori Woodard ’92 Erin (Kennedy) Woods ’89 * John & Linda Woods Shea Writer ’91 Joseph Xavier Jr. ’91 Aya Yamoto ’97 Mei Yan (Rachel) Yeung ’98 Pinar Yurekli-Aycan ’02 Ray & Barbara Zimmer * Renate Ziverte ’03
Gifts up to $100 Anonymous (2) Alfredo N. Achecar ’99 Kamil M. Adamczewski ’07 Murisa Ahmetasevic ’12 Rayah H.S. Al Farah ’10 Kareem Al Husaini ’10 Zahra’a Al-Janabi ’09 Audrey (Kollitz) Allen ’96 Victoria Alleyne ’06 Abuubakar R. Ally ’12 Brian J. Almadi ’07 Damian Almiron Bonnin ’05 Maria Almond ’96 * Daniel Alpert Kristin D. Alveng ’07 Iryna Ambroz ’09 Vikram Anand ’04 Yasmine (Benlamlih) Anaya ’97 Elizabeth Anderson ’01 * Francesca Annicchiarico ’12 Leonor Añó ’06
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
| (P) identifies UWC parents
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Charlotte Antoine ’09 Anjali S. Appadurai ’09 Pekka Arikoski ’86 Joanne S. Armstrong (P) Shona L. Armstrong ’88 * Janice J. Arrott * Paula Asbun ’90 * Antinea Ascione ’08 Orit Ashkenazi ’86 Anastasia Asmoro ’11 Sarah Atwood Erin Axtell ’03 Anga’aefonu Bain-Vete ’03 Mary Jean Baldridge Los ’91 Lorenzo Bartolucci ’07 * Brown Bear * Charlotte Benishek ’11 Nina M. Bergmar ‘07 Vishal Bharam ’10 Vladimir Bilcik ’93 * Rasmus H. Bjorn ’08 C. River Black ’07 Kristina Blazanovic ’08 Hanna Bobyk ’07 Basiel Bogaerts ’08 Luis E. Bonilla Rivera ’07 Aaron Bos-Lun ’07 Simona Stanislavova Boyadzhiyska ’12 Sara Breslow ’91 * Kenneth & Hulda Bridgeman (P) Stina S. Bridgeman ’91 * Chinyere A.M. Brown ’12 Jerome Axle Brown ’05 Michael Brown ’90 * Barbara (Barbie) Burger ’88 Alba O. Cabral ’96 Sofia Victoria Calderon Miller ’94 Gerylaine E. Campos ’12 Alessandro Carini Gutierrez ’03 Tracey L. Carter ’91 Carla Castañeda ’92 Andrea Cavina ’91 * Inviolata S. Chami ’12
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
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The Charitable Giving Card Program of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Nicol D. Chinchilla Cordero ’12 Kimberley K. M. Chong ’09 Tsz Loi Gloria Chow ’11 PJ Christeleit ’03 Paul O. Cichocki ’12 Simone (Hickey) Clark ’98 Maria A. Coca Ramos ’07 Thomas Compier ’07 Curtis J. Cook ’12 John L. & Linda S. Cope (P) Rodrigo P. Coronel Erazo ’12 Corrales Historical Society George Costow ’00 * Sela Cowger ’08 Andrea Cruz Quiroz ’10 Yassine Daoud ’95 Brien Darby ’04 Miles Davenport & Helen Durham ‘85 (P) * Hannah Davies ’91 Chimi Dema ’10 Diana Denham ’00 Åke Densert ’87 * Morgan ’86 & April (Ethier- O’Neill) Dewees ’87 Adriana Di Graziano ’12 Sidy M. Diakhate ’06 Carlos Diaz ’93 Gema Diaz Balboa Matthias ’91 Bethany J.R. Dixon ’10 Kripa Dongol ’12 Alvaro Donoso ’07 Christina Dragon ’05 Bard Drange ’11 Louise Drieghe ’12 Shannon Duncan ’98 Sara Dunleavy Berge ’09 Eric K. Eileraas ’85 Mohammed El-Mahdy ’03 Daniela Emmerich Lopez ’00
Ece Erdagoz ’10 Roger & Juanita Esquibel (E) David K. Evans ’94 Artur Fass ’11 Amie Ferris-Rotman ’98 Ethan Fields ’12 Robert Finney ’11 Benjamin D. Fishman ’88 Kelsey L. Forbes ’10 Daniel Franz ’06 Hannah Rose Freedman ’12 Duane & Nancy Freeman Jon Gajo ’12 Roman Gautam ’06 Sulav Giri ’94 * Adrian Gonzales (E) Ernie & Pat Gonzalez (P) Kathleen Gonzales (E) Adilson E. Gonzalez Morales ’12 Juan Camilo Gonzalez Pelaez ’01 Gayatri Gopinath ’86 Francisco Eduardo Granizo Torres ’07 Sergey Grechukhin ’04 Ido Grosman ’08 Henriette Gulbrandsen ’85 Karianne Gundersen ’08 Paulo Gusmao ’03 Andres Guzman Garza ’06 Donald W. Hagen * Ragnhild S. Halvag ’11 Cordell & Patricia Halverson * Greta E. Hanson ’85 Nora Hanson ’03 Muhammad Hardiansyah ’08 Mariela Hardy AD ’02 Nono Harhoff ’02 Carol B. Hart Ttee * Noor Titan Putri Hartono ’12 Lisa Hartrich ’88 * Thayer Hastings ’07 Ingerid V. Hatlegjerde ’07 Carson Evan Hauck ’10 John & Ruth Hazelton Kirsten Healey ’88 Arianna Heiderer ’07
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
P R E S I D E N T:
Raustin Daine Hernandez ’10 Joana C. Hiew de Sousa Magalhaes ’11 Minette Hillyer ’91 Robyn Hooper ’07 Nahoko Hoshino ’02 Alexis Howland ’04 Elizabeth Hoyler ’12 Jane E. Huber ’12 Ellen Jules Hubrecht ’91 * Grace I. Humphries ’08 Carolyn Hunt ’96 Kate (Saldin) Hunter ’00 * Lisa (Strassner) Hutchcraft ’98 To Nhu Huynh ’08 Jasmin Imran Alsous ’07 Anas Iqtait ’06 David T. C. Ishmael ’10 Kevin Francisco Jackson Ugueto ’06 Yumna J. Jawa ’98 Meghan Jennings ’05 Anne Marie Jensen ’07 Anne (Jurkowski) Johnson ’01 Larry & Monelle Johnson (P) Lea Johnson ’92 Vickie A. Johnson ’94 Kalene K. M. Jones ’12 Milos Jovanovic ’03 Agnieszka Kajrukszto ’94 Daniel Kampel ’85 Meriom Kastner Mbumbijazo U. Katjivena ’08 Jeremy Kazanjian-Amory ’08 Thomas & Berthe Keith (P) * Natalie M. Kennelley ’09 Sarah (Stamp) Kenningham ’90 Emmanuel S. Kirunda ’00 Stephan J. Klasen ’85 Adam Kleinberger ’92 Bart Klem ’97 John C. Knox ’91 * Sara B. Koplik ’89 Judit Koppány ’02 Travis S. Kotecco ’10 Sarah Krasny ’04
| (P) identifies UWC parents
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Saul & Ronni Krasny (P) Martin S. Krastev ’08 Louis A. Lagoutte ’12 Martin Laird ’94 Laurie J. Laker ’07 Gnagna Lam ’08 Olivia Lau ’10 Yu Mei Lay He ’10 James Lazarus & Susan Gershenhorn Guojun Lee ’10 Jae-Min Lee ’12 Justin Lee ’95 * Mihret B. Lemma ’08 Jonatan Eliu Lemus Avila ’08 Kasia Leon-Lubowicz ’95 Natacha M.D.C. Letort Gonzalez ’08 Maggi Leung ’90 Trevor Leuzinger ’11 Yun-Yun Susan Li ’12 Daniel (Hamburger) Lidar ’86 & Jennifer (Gould) Lidar ’84 Dustin J. Lipson ’95 * Celene Lizzio ’02 * Ninya Loeppky ’02 Andrew Louw ’06 Thomas Lu ’12 Rodrigo Luna Queirolo ’12 Michael & Beverly Lupa Angela N. Lytton ’98 * Kimberly Ma Gadi Maayan ’02 Justine MacWilliam ’02 Riccardo Maggi ’85 Susan Malley (P) John Manton ’91 * Danielle D. Maoz ’12 Rachel Markowitz ’04 Jonathan Shields Mason ’01 Sarah (Sellers) Mayle ’95 Aminata N. Mbodj ’12 Ciara N. McCartney ’07 Holly McDonald ’10 Tom McDonald Joe & Katie McDonough
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
© Kate Russell
Education Through Experience Many students arrive at too much,” says second-year stu‑ trips rank among the most gratify‑ UWC‑USA
slept in a tent. They’ve never hiked up a mountain with a Dylan Elek McFarlane ’04 R. Charles & Linda McFate (P) John McKiernan ’86 Hans O. Melberg ’90 Edward D. Melillo ’93 Cecile Menard ’91 Jay A. Merchant ’07 Charlotte Meyer ’03 Jason Meyer Lais Miachon Silva ’08 Robert E. Mishler Rose Alal Miyonga ’12 Evelyn Moats (E) Ahtziri E. Molina Roldan ’91 Pedro M. Monque Lopez ’12 Harry & Christine Morris Anne Ulstrup Mortensen ’06 Tseliso Mosiuoa ’89 Maysa Mourad ’07 * Halimatou Hima Moussa Dioula ’06 Jessica M. Mowles ’03 * John J. & Roseanne T. Mucchetti (P) Brighton Mudzingwa ’05 Merisa Muharemovic ’11 Carol Ann Mullaney Anasol Munoz ’90 Pilar Murillo ’86 Colette H. Murphy ’03 Peter Musaeus ’90 * Veera Mustonen ’91 Martha Nabukeera ’11 Claudia Nagel ’09 Emil Nagengast & Kati Csoman (P) Mariko Nakayama ’07 * Andrew Nalani ’12 Amrita Narayanan ’94 Ken Neal-Boyd ’85 Iris K. Nevins ’10 New York Life Foundation Eng Han Ng ’06 * Nghia Nguyen ’93 Lukasz W. Niparko ’09 Line N. Nyborg ’12
Terence ’98 & Sabrina (Das) O’Dwyer ’99 Ukachi Okoronkwo ’02 Larry & Camille Owens (P) Hüseyin Özhan ’99 Selen Ozturk ’12 Kayton B. Parekh ’06 Livingston & Joan Parsons Rabin Patmanathan ’11 Alastair Paulin ’86 Tine N. Paulsen ’10 David & Nancy Paxton Bob & Carrol Pearson (P) Sonam Pelden ’07 Maria Auxilliadora Perez Ruiz ’08 Israel Perla & Marieke Furnee (P) Antoine Picard ’93 Maria C. Pineda Zorilla ’86 Carlo Pizzinelli ’08 Toby Pocock (P) Inna Poliakova ’00 Soracha Prathanrasnikorn Magdalena Preciado-Lopez ’00 Rhys Prinzing ’97 Marlies Gabriele Prinzl ’98 Tony Purvis ’94 * Anna Z. Qi ’06 Diana Quilarque ’85 Courtney Quinn ’11 Daniela P. Raga Legarraga ’12 Taavi Raidma ’04 Muriel L. Rambeloarison ’07 Rawiporn Rangponsumrit ’12 Emma-Sara M. Raunio ’08 Vanesh Reddy ’90 Hilde Eliassen Restad ’98 Mirjam (Mueller) Reuland ’92 Ashlee S. Reynolds ’11 Heidi Rhoderick ’91 * Ryan M. Rifkin ’08 Hailee R. Robinson ’12 Anna Rogers ’03 Jamie Ronson ’04 Jennifer Rowland (E) Jose Pablo Salas Rojas ’06
Maida Salkanovic ’09 Andrej Salner ’95 Andrea C. Sanchez Nanez ’12 Afua Sanders Kim ’97 * Luis Fernando Sandoval Jimenez ’10 Marie C. Sappez ’12 Patrick L. K. Saylor ’12 Trish (Schofield) Scott- Cumming ’98 Niki Sebastian Sara Sebti ’12 Sophia M. Sennett ’12 Samuel Y. Setsoafia ’12 Kalpa Shah ’93 Lalida Shank ’91 David M. Shelton ’91 * Alison (Gilman) Shepherd ’98 Mzwakithi M. Shongwe ’12 Dristy Shrestha ’07 * Hugo Silverio Correia ’12 Vipapat Sinpeng ’01 Fernando Skerl ’86 Kain Sebaztian Smith ’12 Nick Smith ’05 Peter Smith ’10 Hillel Soifer ’91 * Giovanni Sorda ’02 Ana Spadijer ’88 Anthony Spearman-Leach ’86 Nils J. Sprenger ’12 Arjan F. I. Stockhausen ’11 Amy Sullivan ’86 Rita Suri ’10 Lena Sutter ’12 Matthew Svoboda ’88 * Chandra W. Swanson ’11 Naomi Swinton ’89 (E) Nicole Szlezak ’92 Hokchhay Tann ’10 Madiha Tariq ’00 Jill (Baty) Taura ’85 Ramon Taylor ’06 Carla Tennenbaum ’97 Mildred Terr
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
| (P) identifies UWC parents
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Emma Tilquin ’02 Shana Tinkle ’07 Tjizembua Tjikuzu ’12 Consuelo Tolosa ’90 K. Gretchen Trethewey Julie Trolle ’12 Monica A. Trujillo ’91 * Anais Tuepker ’92 Justin Turkus ’04 * Iris van der Heijden ’11 Nanette van der Laan ’86 Alexander Van Wyhe ’11 Jacqueline Vargas Arellanes ’86 Daysi Milagros Vargas Gonzalez ’07 Aneta Vargova ’12 Onno Veerman & Patricia Vriens (P) Taran J. A. Veerman ’11 Erline Vendredi ’07 Sonia Verjovsky ’90 * Ardjan J. Vermue ’08 Del Walker * Kolo Wamba ’93 Ngawang R. Wangchuk ’12 Cheyenne G. L. Ward ’12 Gina Webster ’86 Wells Fargo Michael West ’86 Katherine Wiebke ’10 Amber Wiekamp ’02 Daniel & Jennifer Willms (E) Althea Wilson ’00 Stephen Wilson ’85 Danielle Wollner (E) Tom Woodside ’08 Helen Wright Jin Yan ’07 Daniel K. Yeboah-Kordieh ’10 Pui Shen Yoong ’08 Long Cheung Yu ’08 Tomasz Zajaczkowski ’02 Isabelle Zaugg Arianne Zwartjes ’97 (E) *
backpack, used a camp stove, or purified their own water. All that changes six weeks after school begins, when these same students find themselves standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona, ready to embark on a wilderness adventure of a lifetime. They don’t know it yet, but at the end of the trip, they will have gained self-confidence, basic camp skills, and friendships that last a lifetime. “At the beginning I felt stressed with every step I took, but later I became confident, and even if the obstacle was hard, I didn’t care
dent Ula Snigurska ’13, Poland. Inspired by UWC founder Kurt Hahn, the Wilderness Program is a core component at UWC‑USA. Every student must participate in two expeditions a year, as well as training in first aid, CPR, map and compass skills, and camp skills. Last year, students had 14 expedi‑ tions to choose from in places as wide ranging as the Grand Can‑ yon, the Pecos Wilderness, Wheel‑ er Peak, and Ghost Ranch. During the 2011-12 school year, an unprecedented 56 students participated in the annual Grand Canyon wilderness expedition, hiking seven different trails with the assistance of 16 professional wilderness guides. Among the multitude of experiences available at UWC‑USA, the Grand Canyon
ing and memorable. And as with all school wilderness experiences, these trips support the UWC mis‑ sion in uniting youth from vastly different cultures through shared experience and personal challenge. Through hands-on outdoor expe‑ rience and adventure, students develop leadership, teamwork, communication skills, interper‑ sonal awareness, and self-reli‑ ance. At the same time, they gain a deep appreciation for nature as well as for their responsibility as environmental stewards. “My best moment is when I felt en‑ closed by the Grand Canyon,” says Faten Al Mukhtar ’13, Bahrain. “It was surrounding me in all direc‑ tions. I felt a part of it.” —by Emily Withnall MC ’01
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Philanthropic Support by Class
Philanthropic Support of UWC‑USA by Class We are enormously grateful to our graduates and current students who gave back to UWC‑USA during our 2012 fiscal year. Their support allows us to continue to offer our transformational pro‑ grams. We also thank the many alumni who assist the school, especially our Annual Fund volun‑ teers, selection volunteers, wilderness volunteers, event organizers and hosts, campus speakers, and many others who give of their time and expertise to enrich UWC‑USA.
Class of 1984 $22,199 raised; 29% participation Anonymous Lyle Boelens Edward Burns * Marcelo Calliari Janine Chupa * Agneta Eikelenboom * Andrés Franco-Vasco Susanne Holste Basim Kahleifeh * Mark Larrimore Jennifer (Gould) Lidar Leng Leroy Lim David Alexander Lindsay Judi McDonald Zafer Mudar Shiru Mwangi Dorota I. Ratusinska * Jaana Remes Eugenio Ruggiero Hoda Salem Daniel W. Stuckart
Jody Taggart Sandra Thomas Andrea S. Tisi * Kimberly A. Vickers * Amadou Wane Charles Chau-Chi Wong Kenneth Kwokmung Yeung Ricardo J. Zemella
Class of 1985 $15,493 raised; 53% participation Tamer Abdelgawad * Mohamed A. Amer Jacqueline A. Bell Kimiyo Bonnie Bennett Bjorn Bjerke Charlotte Brenner Zeile Dorrie Brooks Fiona Caldwell Cristina S. Campbell Eric K. Eileraas Fausto Espinosa Felicity Gallagher Henriette Gulbrandsen
Greta E. Hanson Erika Harding Irfan Hasan Koichi Hiramoto Oskari Jaaskelainen Daniel Kampel Jennifer Keith Stephan J. Klasen Riccardo Maggi Sanjay Manandhar Rona J. McNeil Theotonio Monteiro de Barros John Morris Ken Neal-Boyd Valerie Oke * Maria Carolina Perez Alvarado Nicole Piche Paulina Pineda Garza Christopher A. Price Narisara Pungrasmi Diana Quilarque Andres Resendez Helle Ringgaard Donald Schaeffer Caroline Sim
This list reflects gifts received between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012. Every effort is made to present a complete and accurate list of donors. For any oversights or errors, we apologize and invite corrections to be sent to the Advancement Office.
In the following lists, asterisks denote donors who have given consecutively for the last five or more years and names in purple indicate Castle Club members.
A Laboratory in the Woods The slender Gallinas River tiful and varied environments that threads its way past the UWC‑USA
vides water to local farmers Talal Soghaier Orit Stein-Reisner Nina Mary Stupples Jill (Baty) Taura Maria Jose Tort Canto Emma Tucker Sven van den Hazel György Vereb Susanna Vervoordeldonk Carolina Waters Brendan Wild Stephen Wilson
Class of 1986 $22,615 raised; 60% participation Anonymous Khamis Abu-Hasaballah Audrey (Kollitz) Allen Pekka Arikoski Orit Ashkenazi Anne Bax Chris Bickley * Gita Bodner Dana M. Brandon Morgan Dewees Gavin Dock Margaret I. Drent * Alioune Fall Francisco H. G. Ferreira * Janet M. (Roberts) Florez Ivor Frischknecht Gayatri Gopinath Aashild (Erikkson) Hettervik Tsvetelina Lazarova Colleen Lewis von Eckartsberg Daniel (Hamburger) Lidar Rebecca Lloyd * Timothy Long * Michal Lord-Blegen Marcelo Marchesin * John McKiernan Sophie Moochhala Pilar Murillo Emma Manda Mwanza
Dejan Nenov Anju Nohria Teresa Ordorika Shelley Pasco-Verdi Nuria Pastor-Soler Swati Patankar Alastair Paulin HRH Prince Pavlos Diego R. Pérez-Salicrup Karen Petroski Maria C. Pineda Zorilla Abigail (Crampton) Pribbenow Nabina Rajbhandari Sergio Ripamonti Mario Roman Gian Paolo Ruggiero Manuel Salazar Diez Canseco Peter Richard Schuurman Thomas Schwingeler Fiona Siu Fernando Skerl Anthony Spearman-Leach Amy Sullivan Yoshiko Tanabe Gunhan Tatman Guillermo Trejo Nanette van der Laan Jacqueline Vargas Arellanes Chanin Warakulnukroh Gina Webster Martin Weiss Michael West Melanie Weston * Birgitte Wøhlk
Class of 1987 $15,806 raised; 23% participation Anonymous * Michael B. Aaron * Ivan Alves Anjali Arondekar Carla (Castellanos) Bass * Yvette V. Baxter-Drayton * Paulo J. Bilezikjian
Ana B. Campos Mora Åke Densert * April (Ethier-O’Neill) Dewees Manolo Espinosa David James Kuo-Chang Kung Maria I. Leon Gomez Amit Mital David Neidel * Karen O’Leary Sebastien Ramseyer Vera Siregar Karen Ann Taylor de Caballero * Dana Thordarson Isabelle Trop
Class of 1988 $18,744 raised; 21% participation Anonymous Gregor Andrade Shona L. Armstrong * Barbara (Barbie) Burger Mauricio de Arruda Renata Dwan Benjamin D. Fishman Norton Francis Lullit Getachew Lisa Hartrich * Kirsten Healey Charmaine Lee * Chor Jye Lee Eileen McKiernan González Michael Polenz Ana Spadijer Carl St. Remy * Subitha Subramaniam Matthew Svoboda * Mudit Tyagi * Zachary Weisfeld Marina Wes Agnieszka Ziemba-Ahman
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
| (P) identifies UWC parents
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Class of 1989 $8,177 raised; 17% participation
and residents. It also serves as the perfect laboratory for
Odd-Even Bustnes Michael Buckley Cesar Castillo Yutthichai Chanikornpradit Raj K. Gupta Sara B. Koplik * Kamenna (Rindova) Lee * Diego Lopez James McNeil Tseliso Mosiuoa Chiara Osbat Annukka Piironen * Vinay H. Srihari Michael Stern * Naomi Swinton (E) Victor Williams Erin (Kennedy) Woods *
science classes.
Class of 1990 $13,030 raised; 31% participation
Environmental Systems and Soci‑ eties, better known as E-Systems around campus, is one of five International Baccalaureate (IB) sciences offered at UWC‑USA. Taking advantage of the beau‑
Sanna Ahvenharju Zulfiqar Ali * Meher Antia Paula Asbun * Michael Brown * Angeline Chupa * David S. Collison * Henry Everts Sandra Gisella Gastañaduy-Collison * Julian Ho Hiroko (Morita) James Catherine Jheon * Sarah (Stamp) Kenningham Adam Kirk * Maggi Leung Lance Meister * Hans O. Melberg Sophie Joy Mosko Anasol Munoz Peter Musaeus *
On warm days, students in wad‑ ers stand in the middle of the river capturing samples to test water quality and the effects of hot springs drainage. When a bird in the distance sings a minor descending key, Environmental Systems and Societies instructor Ben Gillock asks students to lis‑ ten. “Do you hear that?” he says. “It’s a Canyon Wren.”
of northern New Mexico, Ben’s classes travel around the state to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real-life observa‑ tions and data collection. Among other projects, E-Systems students have analyzed soil mois‑ ture at the Montezuma Hot Springs, observed reserve design and management at the Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge, and cal‑ culated the impact of storm run‑ off and treated wastewater on the water quality of the Gallinas Riv‑ er. In an effort to raise awareness about conscientious stewardship of the local land, E-Systems stu‑ dents also helped organize the first annual Watershed Olympics on campus—a highly successful educational event.
Typical of other IB courses, the holistic Environmental Systems syllabus teaches students to con‑ nect their personal relationships with the environment to the sig‑ nificance of the choices they make in their own lives. “Environmental Systems has deepened my relationship to the natural wonder of New Mexico during out-of-doors class time while providing me with a base of knowledge useful in analyzing the various approaches to our cli‑ mate problem,” says Sam Kessler ’13, USA-N.Y. —by Emily Withnall MC ’01
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
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Tal Oron Cohen Rebecca Pearson * Vanesh Reddy Jennifer (Lovitt) Riggs Nicole P. Römer Dinesh Lal Shrestha Kurt J. Stuermer Rafael Tarud Havovi (Framji) Tavadia Consuelo Tolosa Sonia Verjovsky * Moritz Vogel Stephanie Walton Raechel Waters
Class of 1991 $20,239 raised; 61% participation Mohan Ambikaipaker Mary Jean Baldridge Los Daniela (Beran) Bar-Am Eran Bar-Am Brian A. Bava * Roberto F. Bel * Sara Breslow * Stina S. Bridgeman * Flannery Burke * Tracey L. Carter Andrea Cavina * Ali Chandani Ashley Crossland Caitlin (Garland) Curtis Hannah Davies Gema Diaz Balboa Matthias Jürgen Frietsch * Trevor Z. Hallstein Tarra Hassin * Saruhan Hatipoglu Julia Broehl Hesse * Minette Hillyer Ellen Jules Hubrecht * Josée Johnston Max Jones Aditya C. Joshi * John C. Knox *
Lisa Krassner * Ilyanna Kreske * John Manton * Cecile Menard Winston Meyer * Ahtziri E. Molina Roldan Jason Patrick Morgan * Veera Mustonen Christian Olsen Camila (Silva Leão d’Araujo) Olsen Anna Francis Olsson Sam Opitz * Jorge I. Oria Aurelio Ramos Heidi Rhoderick * Erin Scales Jay Schlechte Emiliano Schmidt Fiori Lalida Shank David M. Shelton * Hillel Soifer * Michael Sugar Pawel Swieboda Anneke Swinehart Zoltan Szilassi Michael C. Taylor * Monica A. Trujillo * Hirotsugu Uchida * Rajesh Vedanthan Henry Webb * Alex Wisch Shea Writer Joseph Xavier Jr.
Class of 1992 $21,307 raised; 37% participation Mauricio A. Albrizzio Ruben E. Ayala Cherie Butler Carla Castañeda Amporn Chaimaitri Rebecca (Cadwell) Day Heather Deutsch *
Katerina (Klimsova) Dvorakova Tore Eikenes Riina (Kallio-Koski) Ikenes Michael Fuchs Xavier Furtado Jackie Gakunga Kristine Hauge Storholt Maria F. Jaramillo Lea Johnson Trent M. Jones Robin Aura Kanegis Yohei Kawabata Adam Kleinberger Ulrich Kratz Eileen Lau Brian Lax * Nuno Limao Candice (Weaver) Murphy Rebecca Pitman Mirjam (Mueller) Reuland Miguel N. Rivera Rebecca Rogers Clay Samford Nour Scandar Nicole Szlezak Lori Thorlakson Ajay Totlani Harald Tuckermann Anais Tuepker Fredalyn M. Vargas Jessica (Kosfiszer) Wilson Kori Woodard
Class of 1993 $15,847 raised; 26% participation Kirsten L. Ambach * Vladimir Bilcik * Melanie Bush Bertha R. Camacho Jason Coady Tala V. de los Santos * Carlos Diaz Jason Dinger * Nella Hengstler *
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
| (P) identifies UWC parents
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Wing-Pin (Winnie) Kwan Olivia E. Llamas Nadia Marinova Ashindi Maxton Edward D. Melillo Matthew J. Morse Simbai Mudzamba Astrid Nellemann Nghia Nguyen Antoine Picard Daniel Pringle * Neil Pyper Pawel Rybacki Kalpa Shah JoAnne Sickeri Joyceline (See) Tully Kolo Wamba
Class of 1994 $9,075 raised; 38% participation Diego Angemi Arlita Bascome-McCook Loes Becu * Pamela (Parsa) Bond * Sofia Victoria Calderon Miller Leonte Castillo John P. Christodouleas Gisele Cuglievan Maria M. Diaz Fernandez Bongani Dlamini Heather Lee (Bruce) Douglas David K. Evans Santiago Garcia-Verdu Frederico Gil Sander * Sulav Giri * N. Mollar (Nkiwane) Hanselman Brett (Van Veldhuizen) Hendrickson Eva R. Hoffmann Maria Tatiana Jimenez Liebana * Vickie A. Johnson Agnieszka Kajrukszto Sashe Kanapathi Aly Kassam-Remtulla *
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
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Carlos Varela James Wisener Risana Zitha
Martin Laird Jason James Lees Hedvig Ljungerud * Liane Asta Lohde Pinar (Karaca) Mandic Vuk Mandic Amrita Narayanan Tony Purvis * João Quinta da Fonseca Katie Romich Preeta Samarasan * Annelise Sprenger * Jeremiah Stevens * David Tagge * Pilar Maria Weiss * Emily Wylde
Class of 1996 $26,584 raised; 31% participation
Class of 1995 $12,863 raised; 29% participation Anthony Agadzi * Carmen Balber * Yunus Emre Bayrak Amir Brown Yassine Daoud Julia (Lee) Drouart Alicia Estrella Santos Rashna Ginwalla * Clio Knowles * Michael Leach Justin Lee * Kasia Leon-Lubowicz Dustin J. Lipson * Kaisu Luiro Sarah (Sellers) Mayle Alice Mok Gabrielle Moore * Soren Nielsen * Philip Nikolov * Ana (Fonseca) Nordang Hakon Nordang James Redmon * Andrej Salner Kathryn (Holmgaard) Shaffner * Nok Siriphonlai * Alan Tsang
Lamiae Aidi Maria Almond * Jorida Banda Teresa Bernheimer Charles Bibilos James Bowen * Alba O. Cabral Michael Cope Catherine Cronin Gert Danielsen Sebastien de Halleux Josser Delgado * Ed Doe Petra Fousková Bashar Abdullah Hamdan * Terra Louise Hite * Carolyn Hunt Emily Jones * Khadidjatou Kane Brittany Ladd Wing Chiu Erik Leung * Anna Links Surbhi Sharma Martin Lana Nasser Corrine Ng Kevin Park Guillaume Rougale Kristian Segerstråle Enrique Torres Ajla (Merdanovic) van Heel Katherine D. Waite Ding Wei *
Class of 1998 $18,100 raised; 39% participation
Class of 1997 $6,003 raised; 23% participation Yasmine (Benlamlih) Anaya Renu Badiani * Carrie (Mollatt) Brooke-Sumner
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
Bradley D. Chisholm Tyler Blake Davis Beatriz Diaz Acosta Mary Alice Grant Eileen Jackson Ugueto Bart Klem Jon Vegard Larssen Nicola Mai Rhys Prinzing Maria A. Rodas Afua Sanders Kim * Dawningstar W. Sikorski * Leah Simmons-Davis * Megan B. Sullivan Carolina P. Tello Alvarado Carla Tennenbaum Daniele Vidoni Chuck Warpehoski Aya Yamoto Arianne Zwartjes (E) *
P R E S I D E N T:
Inga Aalia Michael Alcock * Mustu Barma * Karla Bjelanovic Mei Fong Chan Simone (Hickey) Clark Ivan Davtchev Martin Doe Wojciech Domanski Shannon Duncan Amie Ferris-Rotman Miguel Fidalgo * Andreas Fidjeland * Jennifer Foerster Luigi Gentile Lisa (Strassner) Hutchcraft Yumna J. Jawa Sandhya Jithoo A. Shafee Jones-Wilson * Michelle (Aitken) Kent Doreen Kirabo-Kasimbazi Wing Wah Margaret Lau
| (P) identifies UWC parents
2 0 1 2
Angela N. Lytton * Ariel Maddocks Benjamin Melkman Thema Modisi Pierre V. Monteux Terence O’Dwyer Ruth Padilla-Ruiz Marlies Gabriele Prinzl Hilde Eliassen Restad Trish (Schofield) Scott-Cumming Alison (Gilman) Shepherd Tara (Watkins) Stevenson Amjad Tuffaha Nadia Williams * Gerald O. Wilson Mei Yan (Rachel) Yeung Laura J. Young
Class of 1999 $7,383 raised; 13% participation Alfredo N. Achecar Souleymane Ba Joep W. H. Damen Akinsola Fafunso * Valerie J. Gerber Smriti Lakhey Alexandra (Muñoz Smith) Melkman Sabrina (Das) O’Dwyer Melkizedeck S. Okudo Hüseyin Özhan Elad Rachevsky Filip Sulma Firend Zora
Class of 2000 $3,231 raised; 20% participation Anonymous Naa Aku Addo Brandon Anderson Yngvild N. Blaker Mahdi Bseiso Cameron C. Burch
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
Service Learning On several Saturdays last year, UWC‑USA students could be found wearing or‑ ange hard hats and respira‑ tor masks while industri‑ ously smoothing the interior walls of the Old Town Mis‑ sion Church. In May, they joined teens from around the area to celebrate its near completion with a concert and an art show.
Partnering with the First Unit‑ ed Presbyterian Church of Las Vegas, N.M., UWC‑USA has worked for 12 years to renovate the church and transform it into a community center. Hundreds of students have cleaned, plastered, and painted. They’ve made adobe bricks and removed walls, ceil‑ ings, and floors. Truly, UWC‑USA students have put hours of sweat equity into this project. Now with two rooms fully re‑ stored and two rooms near com‑ pletion, the Old Town Mission Community Center opens this fall to a host of community events and programs. Citizens of all ages can participate in Spanish-language groups, academic tutoring, and peer mediation training—among many other programs.
“It’s wonderful to see all this hard work bearing fruit,” says Sharon Seto, dean of co-curricular pro‑ grams. “UWC‑USA is delighted to have a base in town and to have a more direct link to the community.” The church renovation is just one of more than 30 community services students have been able to participate in during their two years at UWC‑USA. Last year, stu‑ dents put in 18,769 hours of com‑ munity service—a typical number in any given year. It is through service that the UWC experience produces tangible and gratifying results. “Community service is an essential aspect of the UWC mission,” says Marisol Fernandez y Mora ’13, USA-N.M. “It teaches us more about our‑ selves and brings us to the under‑ standing that any type of ‘force’ is fueled not by an individual but by a community.” —by Emily Withnall MC ’01
George Costow * Diana Denham Daniela Emmerich Lopez Kate (Saldin) Hunter * Jonathan Jones Emmanuel S. Kirunda Javier López Arangüena Jennifer Modrich Jehanzeb Noor Inna Poliakova Magdalena Preciado-Lopez Madiha Tariq Althea Wilson
Class of 2001 $4,115 raised; 15% participation Elizabeth Anderson * Gareth Carter Deidre Ciliento Michael D’Agostino Cristina Gomez Jimenez Juan Camilo Gonzalez Pelaez Josh Hall Adani Illo Anne (Jurkowski) Johnson Susan Keppelman Jonathan Shields Mason Samir Mastaki Vipapat Sinpeng Annie Sorich Angela Vignoli
Class of 2002 $3,415 raised; 33% participation Seamus Abshere Johann Bergholz Villafane Benjamin Dryden Ashley Dunlop * Patricia Enzi Ryan Erickson Niamh Fleming-Farrell Anand Gopalan Nono Harhoff
Dafna Herzberg Nahoko Hoshino Valentina Kachanovskaya * Judit Koppány Joel Larson Celene Lizzio * Ninya Loeppky Gadi Maayan Justine MacWilliam Elian Maritz * Maria Bettina Miguez De Mori Nicholas Mwai Ukachi Okoronkwo James Pautz Trudy Rebert Ryan Richards Giovanni Sorda Emma Tilquin Jimena Vivas Amber Wiekamp Pinar Yurekli-Aycan Tomasz Zajaczkowski
Class of 2003 $2,303 raised; 27% participation Erin Axtell Anga’aefonu Bain-Vete James Byrne Alessandro Carini Gutierrez Benjamin Carlson PJ Christeleit Ovidio Diaz Marin Mohammed El-Mahdy Paulo Gusmao Nora Hanson Mohammed Herzallah David H. Hogue Arzika Illo Milos Jovanovic Charlotte Meyer Jessica M. Mowles * Colette H. Murphy Adriana Nordin Manan Anna Rogers
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
P R E S I D E N T:
Anthony Szozda Daniel Tan Ooi Peng Jacynth H. Tibbetts Renate Ziverte
Class of 2004 $2,086 raised; 18% participation Carmen Alexander Felix K. Amankona-Diawuo Vikram Anand Brien Darby Miles Davenport & Helen M. Durham ’85 (P) * Laro Escalada Navamuel Sergey Grechukhin Alexis Howland Sarah Krasny Chao Lu Thembumenzi Shisizwe Lukhele Rachel Markowitz Dylan Elek McFarlane Sanval Nasim Brendan O’Connor Taavi Raidma Jamie Ronson Justin Turkus * Allison West Kristofer Wilson (E)
Class of 2006 $1,350 raised; 20% participation Victoria Alleyne Jorge A. Alvarez Garcia-Tunon Leonor Añó Sidy M. Diakhate Daniel Franz Roman Gautam Atang Gilika Andres Guzman Garza Brittany Hesbrook * Emily Hogin * Anas Iqtait Kevin Francisco Jackson Ugueto Andrew Louw Anne Ulstrup Mortensen Halimatou Hima Moussa Dioula Eng Han Ng * Kayton B. Parekh Anna Z. Qi Jose Pablo Salas Rojas Ramon Taylor
Class of 2005 $2,072 raised; 18% participation
Class of 2007 $3,815 raised; 48% participation
Damian Almiron Bonnin Dimitar A. Bounov Jerome Axle Brown Christina Dragon Elgita Eglite-Wilson (E) Emily Foraker Felix Forster Rasha S. Hosni Meghan Jennings Justin W. Karfo Brighton Mudzingwa Nicholas M. Poon
Anonymous Kamil M. Adamczewski Sheila Agiti Brian J. Almadi Kristin D. Alveng Arod Balissa Shanthakumar Bannirchelvam Lorenzo Bartolucci * Nina M. Bergmar Murat Bilgel C. River Black * Hanna Bobyk
| (P) identifies UWC parents
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Samuel Rugunda Likeleli G. Seitlheko Nick Smith Saovanee Somchit Daniel T. Stuber
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
Luis E. Bonilla Rivera Aaron Bos-Lun Ashton Brown Nelson F. Chiwara Maria A. Coca Ramos Thomas Compier Ishmail S. Daoh Emma D. Diouf Aida Dominguez Ortiz Alvaro Donoso Sebastien T. Galperti Francisco Eduardo Granizo Torres Thayer Hastings Ingerid V. Hatlegjerde Arianna Heiderer Robyn Hooper Jasmin Imran Alsous Anne Marie Jensen Tamas Kolos-Lakatos Laurie J. Laker Lubomir Malo * Ciara N. McCartney Jay A. Merchant Maysa Mourad * Mariko Nakayama * Len Necefer Robin Pedroza Weschle Sonam Pelden Zohar Perla * Muriel L. Rambeloarison Carlos G. Sabatino Gonzalez * Dristy Shrestha * Shana Tinkle Daysi Milagros Vargas Gonzalez Erline Vendredi Jin Yan
Class of 2008 $2,005 raised; 30% participation Antinea Ascione Rasmus H. Bjorn Kristina Blazanovic Basiel Bogaerts Mars Chapman Sela Cowger Ido Grosman Karianne Gundersen Muhammad Hardiansyah Grace I. Humphries To Nhu Huynh Mbumbijazo U. Katjivena Jeremy Kazanjian-Amory Martin S. Krastev
Gnagna Lam Chike C. Leigh Mihret B. Lemma Jonatan Eliu Lemus Avila Natacha M. D. C. Letort Gonzalez Lais Miachon Silva Maria Auxilliadora Perez Ruiz Carlo Pizzinelli Tara Kane Prendergast Emma-Sara M. Raunio Ryan M. Rifkin Kathryn J. Steinweiss Jenny Thapa Ardjan J. Vermue Tom Woodside Pui Shen Yoong Long Cheung Yu
Class of 2009 $1,970 raised; 22% participation Zahra’a Al-Janabi Iryna Ambroz Charlotte Antoine Anjali S. Appadurai Luke C. P. Brennan Anna Carmon Kimberley K. M. Chong Sara Dunleavy Berge Sara El-Bohy Pete H. Fitton Mathew R. Freimuth Mark A. Garner Stephan F. Grabner Natalie M. Kennelley Stephen S. Lavallo Jr. Claudia Nagel Lukasz W. Niparko Nicole Paulet Piedra Shaina M. Pomerantz Kasper Thea Rømmen Maida Salkanovic Elena Tonc
Class of 2010 $1,070 raised; 27% participation Rayah H. S. Al Farah Kareem Al Husaini Michael A. Aleman Mr. Vishal Bharam Andrea Cruz Quiroz Chimi Dema Bethany J. R. Dixon
Ece Erdagoz Kelsey L. Forbes Zipporah Guerin Carson Evan Hauck Raustin Daine Hernandez David T. C. Ishmael Jennifer S. Kim Travis S. Kotecco Olivia Lau Yu Mei Lay He Guojun Lee Holly McDonald Iris K. Nevins Tine N. Paulsen Luis Fernando Sandoval Jimenez Peter Smith Rita Suri Hokchhay Tann Katherine Wiebke Daniel K. Yeboah-Kordieh
Class of 2011 $445 raised; 19% participation Anastasia Asmoro Charlotte Benishek Natalie Chan Tsz Loi Gloria Chow Bard Drange Artur Fass Robert Finney Ragnhild S. Halvag Joana C. Hiew de Sousa Magalhaes Trevor Leuzinger Merisa Muharemovic Martha Nabukeera Rabin Patmanathan Courtney Quinn Ashlee S. Reynolds Arjan F. I. Stockhausen Chandra W. Swanson Iris van der Heijden Alexander Van Wyhe Taran J. A. Veerman
Class of 2012 $1,878 raised; 54% participation Murisa Ahmetasevic Abuubakar R. Ally Francesca Annicchiarico Simona Stanislavova Boyadzhiyska Chinyere A. M. Brown
| * denotes donors who have given consecutively for five or more years
| (P) identifies UWC parents
U W C - U S A
Gerylaine E. Campos Inviolata S. Chami Nicol D. Chinchilla Cordero Paul O. Cichocki Curtis J. Cook Rodrigo P. Coronel Erazo Adriana Di Graziano Kripa Dongol Louise Drieghe Ethan Fields Hannah Rose Freedman Jon Gajo Adilson E. Gonzalez Morales Noor Titan Putri Hartono Elizabeth Hoyler Jane E. Huber Kalene K. M. Jones Louis A. Lagoutte Harry William Lambert Jae-Min Lee Yun-Yun Susan Li Thomas Lu Rodrigo Luna Queirolo Danielle D. Maoz Aminata N. Mbodj Rose Alal Miyonga Pedro M. Monque Lopez Gilbert Mudenda Andrew Nalani Line N. Nyborg Selen Ozturk Morgante Orion Pell Daniela P. Raga Legarraga Rawiporn Rangponsumrit Hailee R. Robinson Andrea C. Sanchez Nanez Marie C. Sappez Patrick L. K. Saylor Sara Sebti Sophia M. Sennett Samuel Y. Setsoafia Mzwakithi M. Shongwe Hugo Silverio Correia Emma Smith Kain Sebaztian Smith Nils J. Sprenger Lena Sutter Tjizembua Tjikuzu Julie Trolle Aneta Vargova Ngawang R. Wangchuk Cheyenne G. L. Ward
Oh, the Places They Go! Below is a list of colleges and universities that graduates from UWC‑USA’s Class of 2012 will attend. A few students chose to take gap years before beginning their postsecondary education, and some are required to do national service before attending university. Brown University Bucknell University College of Idaho College of Notre Dame Colorado College Dartmouth College Duke University Earlham College George Washington University Harvard University IE University Imperial College Jacobs University Lehigh University Lewis & Clark College Macalester College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology McGill University Michigan Technological University Middlebury College Millsaps College New York University NYU Abu Dhabi Princeton University Reed College Roosevelt Academy Utrecht St. Lawrence University St. Olaf College Texas Tech University Tufts University University College London
University College Utrecht University of British Columbia University of California, San Diego University of Chicago University of Edinburgh University of Florida University of Michigan University of Iowa University of Oklahoma University of Richmond University of Wyoming Vassar College Wellesley University Worcester Polytechnic University
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
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In-Kind, in Honor of, in Memory of
In-Kind, In Honor of, In Memory of In-Kind Donors Anjali Arondekar ’87 JC’s New York Pizza Department Dorothy Jefferson James Kane & Nancy O’Brien-Kane (P) Robin Aura Kanegis ’92 Michael & Tami Lang Colin & Shirleen Lanham (P) (E) David M. Shelton ’91 Nancy Tucker
In Honor of . . . MUSTU BARMA ’98 & SARAH BARMA
Kimberly Ma BRIAN BAVA ’91
Jason Patrick Morgan ’91 Charlotte Benishek ’11 & Madeleine Benishek RCNUWC ’09
Robert & Mary Benishek (P) Bill Brandenburg
Harald Tuckermann ’92 & Bertha R. Camacho ’93 Stephanie Brockman AC ’04
Ron Brockman & Ellen Feldman (P)
Hizir Cem Erez ’08
Martin S. Krastev ’08 Miguel Fidalgo ’98
Ariel Maddocks ’98 Gloria Fiedler
Curt Fiedler (P) John Geffroy
Lukasz W. Niparko ’09 Philip O. Geier III & Amy Yeager Geier
Henry & Mary Flynt Elisa and Ted Geier Ben Gillock
Peter Smith ’10 Sofia Gomez-Doyle WK ’12
Gerald Doyle & Christina Gomez (P) Great UWC Teachers
Daniela Emmerich Lopez ’00 Ghulam Haniff
Maria Tatiana Jimenez Liebana ’94 Nicole Paulet Piedra ’09 JoAnne Sickeri ’93 Katherine D. Waite ’96 James Wisener ’95 Judy Land
Nicole Paulet Piedra ’09 Luis Fernando Sandoval Jimenez ’10 Erline Vendredi ’07 Shirleen Lanham
Erline Vendredi ’07 Colin E Lax
Ron Maltais
Andrea Cruz Quiroz ’10 Erline Vendredi ’07
Michael Hatlee
Philipp Mosimann
Lawrence Sutter & Patricia Lins (P)
Ivan Mustain
David Hilden ’03
Derlis Caballero Ruiz & Carmen Ciciolli Arce (P)
John & Carolyn Hilden (P)
Mary Alice Grant ’97
Jessica Horn ’97
Nanditha Ni Gusti Ayu ’10
Amporn Chaimaitri ’92
Donald W. Hagen Peter Hiller & Celeste Williams
Michael A. Aleman ’10
Jennifer Keith ’85
Lara Norgaard ’13
Kerunne Ketlogetswe ’97
Mary Alice Grant ’97
Anonymous Donors to JustGive
Ilyanna Kreske ’91
Tom & Linda Curtis
James & Sarah Taylor
Mary Alice Grant ’97
Wyatt Closs & Roshin Mathew ’00
Eileen Lau ’92
Tarra Hassin ’91 Cecile Menard ’91
Killian & Kelsey Ladd
Gert Danielsen ’96
Tom Lamberth
Anna Links ’96
Andrea Cruz Quiroz ’10 Michael Dewson & Ann Atkey
Brittany Ladd ’96
Ron Brockman & Ellen Feldman (P) Robin Norris
Cecile Menard ’91 Muriel L. Rambeloarison ’07
Hannah Tyson
Stephen S. Lavallo Jr. ’09 Lana Nasser ’96 JoAnne Sickeri ’93 Monica A. Trujillo ’91 UWC India National Committee
Ajay Totlani ’92
Sam Opitz ’91
UWC‑USA Class of 2011
Shea Writer ’91
Courtney Quinn ’11 Alexander Van Wyhe ’11
Ravindra Parashar
Basiel Bogaerts ’08 Julia (Lee) Drouart ’95 Akinsola Fafunso ’99 Mbumbijazo U. Katjivena ’08
| (P) identifies UWC parents
Maida Salkanovic ’09
U W C - U S A
UWC‑USA Class of 2012
Hannah Rose Freedman ’12
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
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Benjamin D. Fishman ’88
In Memory of . . . Aaron Anderson ’00
Roger Kenna ’85
Anonymous Brandon Anderson ’00 Yngvild N. Blaker ’00 Kate (Saldin) Hunter ’00 Emmanuel S. Kirunda ’00 Magdalena Preciado-Lopez ’00
Bjorn Bjerke ’85 Dorrie Brooks ’85 Christopher A. Price ’85 Kathryn (Holmgaard) Shaffner ’95 John Krulitz
Tracy Melton & Pamela Krulitz (P) Fawaz Lukman ’11
Michael A. Aleman ’10 Tsz Loi Gloria Chow ’11 Joana C. Hiew de Sousa Magalhaes ’11 Holly McDonald ’10 Iris van der Heijden ’11
Amadou Cisse ’97
Gert Danielsen ’96 Khadidjatou Kane ’96 Amjad Tuffaha ’98 Imogen Curnew ’04
Pir Maleki
Christina Dragon ’05 Emily Foraker ’05
Anonymous Saruhan Hatipoglu ’91
Emeka Dillibe ’93 Liza Malkoun ’91
Eva R. Hoffmann ’94 Simbai Mudzamba ’93
Tracey L. Carter ’91 Anneke Swinehart ’91
Marija DokmanovicChouinard ’95
Jeremy McGaffey ’01 (Rahula Today)
Anonymous Eva R. Hoffmann ’94 Surbhi Sharma Martin ’96
Milos Jovanovic ’03 Ukachi Okoronkwo ’02
Kyle Faas ’95
Pedro Medina
Carmen Balber ’95 Brett (Van Veldhuizen) Hendrickson ’94 Carolyn Hunt ’96 Aly Kassam-Remtulla ’94
Anne Marie Jensen ’07 Olivia E. Llamas ’93 Stephan & Karen Spitzer Annelise Sprenger ’94 Sonia Verjovsky ’90
| (P) identifies UWC parents
Nuria Pastor-Soler ’86 Luigi Pizzinelli
Carlo Pizzinelli ’08 Ron Prieskorn
Danesch & Kathryn Missaghian (P)
Dorothy Gillespie Jorge Ricci ’84
Dorota I. Ratusinska ’84 Ian Saylor
Kamil M. Adamczewski ’07 Tomasz Zajaczkowski ’02
Vladimir Bilcik ’93
Remedios Peral
Grandparents of Sara Missaghian-Schirazi ’13
Kaushalya “Mummy” Parashar
Frank Hines
Ferdinand Bilcik
Olivia E. Llamas ’93 Jorge I. Oria ’91
Eva R. Hoffmann ’94
James Gritter ’88
L. James & Gail Kennedy (P)
Norman & Dorothy Meredith
Chris Pancoast ’95
Mary Alice Grant ’97
Erin Kennedy Woods ’89
Lena Lins Sutter ’12
Martin Laird ’94 Anna Links ’96 Sarah (Sellers) Mayle ’95 Hakon ’95 & Ana (Fonseca) Nordang ’95 Preeta Samarasan ’94 Pilar Maria Weiss ’94 Mille Grant
Sergio Ripamonti ’86
Erline Vendredi ’07
Mikkel Conradi AD ’94
Paul & Powel Welliver (P) Mark & Amy Wiebke (P)
Nancy Sullivan
Lana Nasser ’96
Thomas & Berthe Keith (P)
Katherine Wiebke ’10
Janice Lee Stanfield (P)
Jose Caballero Ciciolli ’11
Kitti Chaimaitri
Gianluca & Caterina Ripamonti
Kathryn (Holmgaard) Shaffner ’95
Christine Morris
UWC‑USA Security Department
Bob & Pat Amai
Richard Lamson & Joan Freedman (P)
Aleyda McKiernan
Meghan Jennings ’05
Elizabeth Welliver PC ’12
Joe Savino & Jerry Freedman
Nicole Paulet Piedra ’09 Daniel Tan Ooi Peng ’03
Margaret I. Drent ’86
Leng Leroy Lim ’84
Ursel Albers
Teresa Bernheimer ’96
Theresa Page
Tom Callanan
Retiring UWC‑USA Faculty & Staff
Brian Lax ’92
Harry Morris
Kirsten Healey ’88
Merisa Muharemovic ’11
Jehanzeb Noor ’00
Chike C. Leigh ’08
Chao Lu ’04 Nicole Paulet Piedra ’09 Maria Auxilliadora Perez Ruiz ’08 Jenny Thapa ’08
Alfredo N. Achecar ’99 Naa Aku Addo ’00 Joanne S. Armstrong (P) Jorida Banda ’96 Arlita Bascome-McCook ’94 & Michael McCook Kristina Blazanovic ’08 Elizabeth Bohlke Dimitar A. Bounov ’05 Jerome Axle Brown ’05 James Byrne ’03 Gareth Carter ’01 Maria A. Coca Ramos ’07 Julia (Lee) Drouart ’95 David & Alice Elliott Laro Escalada Navamuel ’04 Atang Gilika ’06 Kathy Gould & Alexandra Walter Karianne Gundersen ’08 Paulo Gusmao ’03 Dafna Herzberg ’02 David H. Hogue ’03 A. Shafee Jones-Wilson ’98 Sarah Krasny ’04 Smriti Lakhey ’99 Javier López Arangüena ’00 Michael & Beverly Lupa Ravi Parashar (E) Robin Pedroza Weschle ’07 Kathryn (Holmgaard) Shaffner ’95 Nick Smith ’05 Emma Tilquin ’02 K. Gretchen Trethewey Jacqueline Vargas Arellanes ’86 Pui Shen Yoong ’08
Robert & Deborah Saylor (P) Helmut Schmidt
Ursel Albers Ann Schroeder-Aryeh ’86
Mohamed A. Amer ’85 John McKiernan ’86 Teresa Ordorika ’86 Swati Patankar ’86 Sebastien Ramseyer ’87 Manuel Salazar Diez Canseco ’86 Fernando Skerl ’86 Nanette van der Laan ’86 Carl D. Sheppard
S. Peter Poullada & Nancy A. Sheppard Cesar Simosa ’97
Simone (Hickey) Clark ’98 Martha Terrazas
Oscar & Sandra Gonzalez (P) Dan Tyson
Michael Cope ’96 & Catherine Cronin ’96 Anthony Spearman-Leach ’86 Janice Voss
Emily Foraker ’05 Phillipe Wamba ’89
Ivan F. Mustain & Marisa Isabel Leon ’87
Krishan Parashar
Ravi Parashar (E)
| (E) identifies UWC employees |
P R E S I D E N T:
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Planned Gifts and Ways to
Planned Gifts Planned gifts create opportunities for our support‑ ers and UWC‑USA. There are many ways to make a planned gift. The best one will balance what you wish to accomplish for yourself, your family, and your charitable interests in your overall estate and financial plans.
Onward Nine longtime faculty and staff head off for new adventures The conclusion of the 2012 school year saw the bit‑ tersweet departure of some of UWC‑USA’s most se‑ nior community members as they retired to follow new paths. Many had been on campus almost since the day the doors opened and had shared fond—and often funny—memories of those early days when the school had its own small stable of horses and the Internet was just a gleam in an inventor’s eye. Linda and Tom Curtis, dean of students and Span‑ ish teacher, respectively, raised their family at UWC‑USA. They also brought up several genera‑ tions of extended family through their warm rela‑ tionships with students. In addition to teaching, Tom touched the lives of hundreds of Las Vegas kids through his leadership of the Children’s Chorus. Tom and Linda spent 25 years at UWC‑USA. Social and cultural anthropologist John Geffroy prid‑ ed himself on being a teacher and a learner. “My stu‑ dents, as much as any theory book, have given me the understanding that cultures change,” he once said. “I have learned the importance of understand‑ ing various cultural perspectives and how to listen well.” John’s UWC‑USA career covered 24 years. Tom Lamberth first taught basic first aid for the UWC‑USA Wilderness Program; he retired serv‑ ing as the program director. During his 21 years on campus, Tom changed his perspective from seeing nature as a place of recreation and escape to being a place of profound growth. He took special pride in “seeing students wake up to the wilderness, by hav‑ ing students discover their homes.”
Aleyda McKiernan served as a Spanish teacher for 24 years. An avid reader, Aleyda found joy in guid‑ ing students toward a passion for language, reading, and communication. She loved her students and the school: “This is a paradise for teachers,” she once said. Like all UWC‑USA faculty members, French teacher Robin Norris wore many hats during his 24-year tenure. Being involved in so many activities allowed him to “interact with students in a different set‑ ting”—something he truly relished. Originally from Barbados, Robin provided a second home for Carib‑ bean students and French speakers.
BEQUESTS. The simplest way to make a planned gift is to name UWC‑USA in your will. You can make a bequest of a certain dollar amount, a par‑ ticular piece of property, a percentage of your estate, or a “residual” (what is left after making specific provisions for loved ones). GIFTS FROM RETIREMENT PLANS. Retirement funds are often taxable—whether to you or your heirs—when withdrawn. If you make a gift directly from your retirement fund to UWC‑USA, you can
often avoid these taxes by taking an offsetting deduction for your charitable gift. GIFTS THAT RETURN FINANCIAL BENEFITS. Gifts that pay income are often favored by donors with appreciated assets such as a business, stocks, or real estate. These gifts can be structured to provide you and/or others with income, tax savings, and other benefits while leaving a lasting legacy for UWC‑USA. To learn more about tax benefits related to planned giving, please speak to your financial advisor. If you would like to have a confidential dialogue about supporting UWC‑USA with a planned gift, please contact Vice President for Advancement Tim Dougherty at (505) 750-1227 or tim.dougherty@UWC‑
Ways to Give Your gifts to UWC‑USA help students from around the world obtain a unique education that prepares them to become leaders for positive change—in the world and in their own communities. UWC‑USA offers many opportunities to support the school:
Ted Reineke’s UWC‑USA career lasted nearly three decades and included everything from lab technician to audio-visual go-to guy. He booked flights, drove buses, and taught a stagecraft class. It wasn’t exactly what he expected when he first arrived on campus with a science degree, but he quickly adapted and took on whatever needed to be done.
CREDIT CARD: (including automatically recur‑ ring monthly gifts): Use your American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa to make an online gift at or phone in your gift by calling (505) 454-4265.
Compared to their retiring colleagues, Nina Mar‑ quez-Johns and Carl Sanchez were relative newcom‑ ers. Each had been at UWC‑USA for a little more than a decade, but in those 10 years, they still made a significant mark. Nina’s last role was as registrar, and she became an expert at juggling demands of 200 students every year. Carl worked for the security department, and his friendly greetings were always welcomed and appreciated.
UWC‑USA Advancement Office Post Office Box 248 Montezuma, NM 87731-0248 USA
We wish our retirees much joy as they discover new paths and tackle new projects!
CHECK: Make your check payable to the United World College-USA and mail it to the following address:
GIFT OF STOCK: You can contribute the fair market value of appreciated securities and avoid cap‑ ital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock.
See for our broker information. GRANT: You can designate UWC‑USA as a recipi‑ ent of a grant from a family foundation, charitable gift, or donor-advised gift fund. MATCHING GIFT: Many organizations match chari‑ table gifts of employees, spouses, directors, or retirees. Please request a matching gift form from your per‑ sonnel office and send it with your gift to UWC‑USA. To see whether your employer has a matching gift program, use our search tool on the upper right of the online-giving page, FOR DONORS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND EUROPE: Gifts may be sent via bank transfer to the UWC International Office in London. See www.uwc‑ for details for the pound, euro, and U.S. dollar accounts, as well as in‑ formation on how to register for Gift Aid (a scheme for U.K. taxpayers, allowing donations to be worth 28 percent more at no additional cost).
UWC‑USA is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our legal name is The Armand Hammer United World College of the American West. For more information on how you can support UWC‑USA, please contact Vice President for Advancement Tim Dougherty at (505) 750-1227 or
U W C - U S A
W W W. U W C - U S A . O R G
REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT: 2012 The Armand Hammer UWC窶覚f the American West Post Office Box 248 Montezuma, NM 87731-0248 USA RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
UWC makes education a force to unite people, nations, and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.