APRIL 25, 2012
APRIL 25, 2012
Tomorrow has arrived
HBO series to feature Texas
Get the Gringo
UWeekly Sits Down
How to BS your way through an essay you waited too long to write
in documentry about Childhood Obesity
Mel Gibson’s new movie.
with Little Radar
UWA’S CRAWFISH BOIL Page 24 Photo: Jessica Pendleton
Lastminute essay
Tips for your crunch time Congratulations, you’ve managed to put off a huge essay worth 25% of your grade off until the last minute. Ah, college. Time to start buying those five-hour energy drinks in bulk, because you’ve got some serious work to do. Lucky for you, UWeekly is chock-full of writers who just so happen to pump out A-grade essays at the last minute. Whether it’s that silly English 101 essay about self-evaluation or a research paper on the water on Mars, these tips will help you get through a writer’s block quickly and efficiently.
Hit the library This is everyone’s favorite place to be, I know. But right now there are tons of people utilizing it to the fullest. It sets off the right atmosphere and gives you a good amount of peace and quiet. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be distracted by your typical website (i.e. Facebook), but if you’ve paid any attention, you’ll know how to block those time-sucking websites. Not only does the library have a great atmosphere for working, but it will give you the resources you need for your research paper. Don’t brush off books as resources just because they’re not as easily accessible as articles on JSTOR. Use the table of contents to narrow down what it is you’re looking for. It’s nice to keep in mind that, if you’re using MLA format, citing the book will be a breeze.
Take a break All right, this might sound a little disastrous at first, but if you give yourself time away from your essay then it’ll really benefit your writing. I know you think you’re some sort of genius that can write a perfect essay in one sitting, but every professor is a stickler for grammar. Nobody wants to see incorrect spelling; it distracts from the essay and from your thesis. The grammar nazis cannot
April 25, 2012 |
properly read beyond that page once they see an improper use of “there,” “their,” or “they’re.” After reading multiple essays on the same topic, the last thing your sleep-deprived TA needs to see is a careless error on your part. It makes them that more inclined to mark your
Go back to your resources and read over some of the notes you took (which you should have done). Something may spark an idea, which could lead to a paragraph. Once you get back into the flow, DO NOT STOP. Keep writing and you’ll come up with even more ideas to back
I know you think you’re some sort of genius who can write a perfect essay in one sitting, but every professor is a stickler for grammar. paper down. Spell check works, but it’s always a good idea to read over your work. Giving yourself a needed break from all of that hard work will give you a fresh set of eyes for your paper and will make it easier to spot mistakes.
Conquer writer’s block The writer’s block is the dreaded dilemma of every procrastinator. After doing a thorough amount of research, you may find that you’ve burned yourself out. Seeing that blinking cursor at 3 AM is more horrifying than watching a Twilight marathon. If you find it hard to start your paper, go back to your thesis and think of supporting ideas. From there, you can brainstorm and provide evidence supporting your thesis.
up your thesis. Sometimes that last-minute adrenaline rush gives you the boost you need.
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit I can’t emphasize enough how important this is. You’ve managed to gather some great evidence for your thesis, but now you have to elaborate on it. You can insert slight opinions into these supporting facts. Paraphrase the shit out of that quote and dumb it down for the reader. Just be careful not to dumb it down too much, because otherwise your professor will pick up on the fact that your paper is 90% filler and you think he’s an idiot. If you have to do a self-evaluation essay on how you’ve improved over the year, think of it as
an opinion paper. Even if you haven’t improved, you can just talk about how you feel your tone has improved as well as your understanding of rhetoric. These are the easiest because you’re just talking about yourself.
Read your essay aloud It may sound a little silly, but most writing tutors recommend that you read your essay aloud. This helps if you have a lot of grammar trouble. Reading it aloud will give you the opportunity to see what sentences don’t make sense. It helps point out the run-on sentences, fragments and awkward transitions. Reading your essay out loud can also jog some more ideas into your head. You can see if the essay flows smoothly and figure out what follow up would sound best. If you use these tips in your crunch time, then it’ll be one less thing for you to worry about. Don’t forget to use any of your own techniques too (this doesn’t mean going on Pinterest). Pumping out an essay isn’t an easy task for all of us, especially when it’s about something dull like Geology. Waiting until the last minute can make your essay sound rushed, but using these tips should make it sound like you’ve been working on it for weeks. Celine Suarez
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ebook | April 25, 2012
New Report Questions Texas’ Higher-Ed Priorities A new study on Texas’ higher-education policy that is being released today lays out the tough choices that state lawmakers are facing and throws some cold water on one of their prize programs: the initiative to create more tier-one universities. With a mere 32 percent of adult Texans older than 25 with at least an associate degree, the study notes, Texas ranks 39th among states. University of Pennsylvania researchers Joni Finney and Laura Perna conducted the study in conjunction with Patrick Callan of the National Center for Public Policy. “We wanted to look at a large state that had a very fast-growing Latino population, because the country is changing that way, obviously,” Finney told The Texas Tribune. The study is the fourth in a series of five reports they are doing on higher-education policy in different states. To remain economically competitive, the state needs to produce more graduates, the study says. But public higher education is getting less affordable—according to the report, students in 2009 were paying 72 percent more for
could exacerbate the state’s completion crisis as demographics shift. Despite these many moving parts, Finney did note that the state’s “Closing the Gaps” plan addresses these issues. That plan seeks to bring Texas’ highereducation performance up to par with other states by 2015— with a broad base support that Finney said she has not found in other states. But she said the “Closing the Gaps” goals are unlikely to be reached unless the state addresses the financing of community colleges and reconsiders its investment in building more national research universities. The majority of the state’s first-year college students are in community colleges, and that share is expected to grow. As tuition rises at four-year universities, many students opt— and are even encouraged—to begin at the cheaper two-year institutions. The report points out that the share of community college expenses covered by state appropriations fell from 61 percent in 1985 to 28 percent in 2007. And local taxes have not filled the gap. Meanwhile, in the last few years, millions
“Texas was once known as a state where low financial aid was offset by low tuition,” the authors write in the report. “Now, the low tuition is gone, leaving only low financial aid.” college than they were six years prior, when the Legislature deregulated tuition. “Texas was once known as a state where low financial aid was offset by low tuition,” the authors write in the report. “Now, the low tuition is gone, leaving only low financial aid.” The state also faces some stark racial and economic disparities in educational attainment, which, unless they are addressed,
April 25, 2012 |
have been invested in incentive programs to turn a handful of schools into the next top-tier research universities. The authors characterize this “ambitious goal” as being at odds with the state’s need to focus on boosting student success. They contend that the tier-one effort reveals “little understanding of the serious policy tradeoffs that must be considered if Texas is to achieve significantly
higher levels of educational attainment.” One of the arguments for creating more tier one universities in Texas is that California has significantly more of them. “I was in California for 15 years,” Finney said, “and if you look at what’s happening now, they have clearly traded off supporting that sector and reducing access to poor and minority people. Does Texas want to make that tradeoff, and do they even realize what it’s going to take to [build more research universities]?” State Rep. Dan Branch, R-Dallas, who authored the bill that created the tier-one race in 2009, said he didn’t feel that the two goals—creating more research universities and encouraging more students to graduate— were “mutually exclusive.” Of the tier-one initiative, Branch said, “That is a healthy competition that is good for the brands of those universities, which will attract Texas students to stay in the state and go to those universities. We have a need for colleges and universities that our students desire to go to. “ Branch said that, beyond the questioning of the investment in research universities, much
of the analysis resonated with things he has heard as the chairman of the House Higher Education Committee. Other careful observers of Texas higher education also said the report was an accurate read of the situation. “I think they hit the nail on the head that the most important challenge that Texas policymakers need to consider is the education of Hispanic students at every level,” said Harrison Keller, vice provost of higher education policy and research at the University of Texas. Aims McGuinness, a senior associate with the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, said that sorting out the state’s priorities and addressing the state’s lagging rate of student success are both essential for the state’s future. “There’s virtually no way the state, at the current level of degree production, can get to globally competitive levels of higher-education attainment,” he said. “And there is no money. I mean, there is no money anywhere.” Reeve Hamilton This article originally appeared in The Texas Tribune at
Good Deeds Publisher Michael Huereque Account Executives Nick Lorges Emily Faeth Art Director Jessica Caraway Ad Designer Terry Kennedy Editor–in–Chief Sarah Neve Copy Editor Daniel J. Frimpter Campus Writers Amanda Chappel Luke Winkie Sports Writers Brian Bogart Entertainment Writers William M. Bass Sarah Vasquez Karissa Rodriguez Brett Thorne Elijah Watson Arryn Zech Circulation Jeremy Tooker CONTACT PUBLISHER Highbrow LLC ABOUT UWeekly Austin
UWeekly Austin is an independent publication and is not affiliated with the University of Texas at Austin. One free copy per person. Additional copies may be picked up at our office for .50 each. Opinions expressed are those of the writers/authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff or publishers of UWeekly. Not liable for omissions, misprints, or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. © Copyright 2012 Highbrow, LLC
Relay for Life
It’s that time of year again
April 27, 2012 at 7 PM
Texas School for the Deaf 1102 South Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78704
On the heels of last month’s Texas Relays comes Relay for Life. If you’ve been in Austin for any significant amount of time, you’ve probably heard of it, as it is a unique event. Relay for Life is just like it sounds. It’s a relay, but instead of it being held in the middle of the day in blistering heat, it’s held overnight. So pack your tent, bring your pillow, grab some food and camp out around the track at the Texas School for the Deaf while cheering on your fellow participants.
Easy does it Also unlike Texas Relays, this event won’t feature the Olympians among us. In fact, this event is designed for people of all health, ages and physical ability to join in, as it is all-inclusive and family friendly. The way it works is that you can either sign up as a team or individually to participate in
Through providing transportation to doctor’s offices, travelling far away from home to receive treatment, or providing women with cosmetic products to help them cope with hair loss and skin discoloration, Relay for Life is able
“Pack your tent, bring your pillow, grab some food and camp out around the track at the Texas School for the Deaf while cheering on your fellow participants.” walking laps. You can sign up as either a survivor, caregiver or a simply an individual. Whichever you select will determine which group you will be with. Once the relay starts, the survivors will take the track, then the caregivers. Once all the hoopla has died down, individuals are able to walk throughout the night. There will also be ceremonies that honor survivors, those who have been touched by cancer as well as a ceremony that ignites our passion to stop this cancerous beast in its tracks. Don’t forget that there will be fun, games, activities and entertainment.
to positively affect the lives of all they help. But they can’t do it alone. That’s why they need you to help them with their efforts to not only raise support and awareness, but to also raise funds
so that they can continue these efforts. Not only do they assist cancer patients, they also have their eye on future generations. That’s why the American Cancer Society gives out annual scholarships to young cancer patients/survivors interested in attaining a college education. As a young college student who may have never had to deal with cancer, it’s easy to forget about all those who are suffering or less fortunate. This event is easy to afford, as individual registration is only $5, so don’t let money or lack thereof stand in your way of reaching out and lending a hand. Amanda Chappel
Monie$ While having fun and supporting cancer survivors is all well and good (as well as highly encouraged), it’s not the only purpose to this event. One of the main functions of the event is to raise money to help those living through the illness by assisting the American Cancer Society save lives. | April 25, 2012
Thursday, April 26 Softball
Women’s Tennis
Texas A&M, College Station, TX, 6 PM
Men’s Tennis
Women’s Track
Big 12 Championship, College Station, TX, TBA
Drake Relays, Des Moines, IA, TBA
Events on or around campus
Big 12 Championship, College Station, TX, TBA
Women’s Golf Big 12 Championship, Lawrence, KS, All Day
Friday, April 27
Men’s Golf
Big 12 Championship, Trinity, TX, All Day
Texas A&M, College Station, TX, 6:35 PM
Women’s Rowing
Men’s Tennis
Big 12 Championship, Oklahoma City, OK (Oklahoma River), All Day
Texas A&M (Big 12 quarterfinals), College Station, TX, 9 AM
Women’s Tennis
Sunday, April 29
Big 12 Championship, College Station, TX, TBA
Women’s Golf
Texas A&M, Austin, TX, 2 PM
Big 12 Championship, Lawrence, KS, All Day
Men’s Track
Texas A&M, Austin, TX, 5 PM
Penn Relays, Philadelphia, PA, TBA
Men’s Tennis
Men’s Golf
Big 12 Championship, College Station, TX, TBA
Big 12 Championship, Trinity, TX, All Day
Women’s Golf
Women’s Track
Big 12 Championship, Lawrence, KS, All Day
Drake Relays, Des Moines, IA, TBA
Men’s Golf Big 12 Championship, Trinity, TX, All Day
Saturday, April 28
Women’s Tennis
Softball & Baseball
Big 12 Championship, College Station, TX, TBA
Texas A&M, Austin, TX, 12:30PM, 2:30 PM
Women’s Track
Tuesday, May 1
Drake Relays, Des Moines, IA, TBA
Men’s Track
Prairie View A&M, Austin, TX, 6 PM
Penn Relays, Philadelphia, PA, TBA
Men’s Track
Baylor, Waco, TX, 6:30 PM
Bobcat Classic, San Marcos, TX, All Day
Sexploration week!
Ron Paul speaks on campus
April 25 It’s kind of like exploration but with sex. The Latino Leadership Council knows that all of you horny little fuckers out there just can’t keep it in your pants, so in order to combat unwanted pregnancy, STDs and the lot, they are sponsoring the third annual Sexploration week. Today, stop by Gregory Gym to play sex trivia. It’s kind of like trivia, but with sex. There may or may not be cupcakes in it for you if you do. Gregory Gym, 10 AM-2 PM
April 26 Ron Paul. The Ron Paul will be gracing us with his presence as he continues to garner support and momentum for his presidential candidacy. A proper Tea Party candidate, this politician is true to his word and vows to stop big government in its tracks. Even if you don’t support Paul, you should still come and see where he stands on the issues. When was the last time Obama stopped in to say hello? LBJ Library Lawn, 2313 Red River, 6-8 PM
Brian Bogart
The Black Keys and Arctic Monkeys April 25 If you don’t know who these guys are, you probably shouldn’t go. But if you do, you’ll be treated to heavy rhythm guitar, a low, sexy, bass-y voice and be infused with a heightened need to procreate. Good thing it’s sex week on campus. Oh, and the Arctic Monkeys will be there too. Frank Erwin Center, 7:30-10:30 PM, $25-50
Herbal remedies April 25 Do you ever wonder if they really work? Are they really as safe for you as you think they are? Executive director of the American Botanical Council Mark Blumenthal is here to discuss, ad infinitum, all things herbs. Come prepared to ask questions and hear the answer. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, 8-9 PM
April 25, 2012 |
Come together right now over me April 27 Project Come Together is the largest service event held on campus ever. Hosted by Delta Epsilon Psi in partnership with the Neighborhood Longhorn Program, this carnival-esque event will delight and thrill over 4,000 elementary school children. Come and let your inner child play by volunteering to man a booth. Royal Texas Memorial Stadium, 8:30 AM-2 PM Amanda Chappel
Have something to add? Email us at
Air It Out
Photos and Interviews by Brian Bogart
That’s what she said. What’s your favorite restaurant in Austin?
Dear Sarah Palin, Obama isn’t racist against white people, he’s racist against dumb white bitches who sound like the mom from Bobby’s World… It’s a very specific demographic. I’m tired of seeing your igloo loving, book-signing, compulsive winking, happy ass all over the intellectual section of the internet. Your show failed because all of us tree hugging liberals were too busy smoking the reefer and gulping down fistfuls of morning after pills to recognize the scholastic value of watching your kids blatantly disrespect you like Rick Perry north of the MasonDixon line. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not politically biased. Our current leader isn’t exactly all
SUBMIT TO AIR IT OUT! 1. Everything Anonymous – Not only are we giving you an opportunity to publicly air your grievances, we’re allowing you to hide behind the cowardly mask of anonymity to do it. So we don’t want your name. But we’re also extending that same courtesy to whomever you’re complaining about. If a wasted girl spilled food on you at Kerbey Lane, then call her “a girl.” We don’t need her name, date of birth, or UTEID. 2. Be Brief – Short and not–so–sweet is key. If you can’t say what you need in less than 250 words, than you’re rambling, not ranting. 3. Stay Specific – There’s a lot to be annoyed about on campus. We know. But please pick one issue, not seven, and avoid digressing. An open letter to whoever keeps shaving their pubes in the communal sink is good; a list of things you don’t like about living in the dorms is less so.
that, a bag of potato chips, and a coca cola either. Obama is what the cover of MAD magazine would look like if affirmative action was alive in print media. With that being said, I would like to sum up rant by telling you that you make George Bush look like a young Albert Einstein.
“Torchy’ changes every day but right now I have to say Torchy’s”
“219 West, my friend owns it and it’s great!”
Tiffany Nguyen
Tess Freydberg
“I would definitely say mom took me there for the first time when I came to Austin.”
“My favorite place to go is Uchi...good service, it’s kind of intimate, it’s amazing. There’s nothing like it in Austin.”
Brittany Jackson
Exer McArthur
“Old Pecan Street Cafe, it’s really good and has really good desserts.”
“My favorite place? ever been to Chinatown downtown? They’ve got karaoke and sake bombs, it’s just a lot of fun.”
Sincerely, The Talking Head P.S. Paul Revere thinks your brain is made of macaroni. And fuck you. 4. Powerful Language – At UWeekly, we write our own rules. We’re down to say a naughty word now and again. But there is a huge difference between the rare, well–placed profanity and a barely literate Youtube comment. Your critiques should be at least a little bit more cutting than “blah blah blah is a *@#&!!!” 5. To Whom It May Concern – Air It Out is publishing your open letters, so don’t forget to address them as such. Did some douche lose his lunch the last time you rode the E–Bus? Then open with “Dear Dude Who Barfed on the Bus.” And just because we’re not giving out your name doesn’t mean you can’t let him know who it’s from. Just sign it, “Sincerely, Everyone Else on the Bus.”
Nicole Kruijs
Courtney Cox | April 25, 2012
Shootin’ the shit “With the number one seed in the West, how far do you think the Spurs are going to go this year?” -Natalie Hee First of all, let’s just take a moment and comprehend that sentence. The San Antonio Spurs, the team that was supposed to have their best days behind them, the team that was supposed to feel the brunt of this compacted season more than any other team in the NBA, are now sitting on the number one seed and currently have the best record in all of the NBA. Now that, in itself, is an occasion worth noting. But as we all know, seasons aren’t made through the 60-some-odd games that make the regular season. They’re made in the playoffs. The Spurs learned that the hard way last year when they entered the playoffs with the number one seed and the NBA’s best record locked up (sound familiar?) only to lose to eighth-seed Memphis Grizzlies in a surprisingly one-sided fashion. Am I saying the Spurs are due for a first round exit this year? Absolutely
not; but last year’s fiasco at the hand of the Grizzlies should still be fresh in the minds of everyone from San Antonio. But just so we can comprehend exactly why
year and head coach Greg Popovich has been masterful in determining just how many minutes his aging stars have played over the course of the season. Given the way Pop has managed his
I don’t want to write anything before it’s actually happened, but if I were to venture a guess, I would say the Spurs at least make it to the Western Conference Finals. these aren’t last year’s Spurs, let’s go over some facts: Manu is far healthier this year than he was at any point last season, the emergence of Tiago Splitter means the Spurs won’t get roughed up quite as bad on the inside as they did last
team all season, it seems natural that the Spurs are absolutely poised for playoff success. Even with all the pieces in place, however, there’s no denying that the West is still wide open at this point with all the hungry young talent
that spans the league and teams everywhere just begging for a shot at the NBA crown. As far as San Antonio is concerned, though, they’ve been there before and they have that look about them that screams “eye of the Tiger,” and at this point, everything is set in place for the Spurs to go on another deep run in the post-season. I don’t want to write anything before it’s actually happened, but if I were to venture a guess, I would say the Spurs at least make it to the Western Conference Finals. What they do after that is completely up to them and I wish them the best of luck as the “Quiet Dynasty” is one of the most underrated and undervalued stories in recent sports history. Brian BogarT Want to Shoot the Shit with me? Email your questions to Photo: Mike LaChance
April 25, 2012 |
April 25, 2012 |
Photo Keith Allison
After months of predicting that Kevin Durant was going to be your 2012 NBA MVP, LeBron James has done just about everything in his power to stake his own claim for winning his third MVP in four years as well. But hey, that ’s what makes it fun. After all, this is probably the first time in about five years where we don’t already know who the MVP is heading into the end of the regular season. Who doesn’t love a good race?
Mickey Loomis, this scandal could not have come at a worse time for the Saints who are now facing their second major scandal in two months. Will the punishment for this debacle be anywhere near the level of discipline Roger Goodell slammed on the Saints after news of their infamous bounty program surfaced? Probably not, but with everything that’s going on in NOLA it’s gotta be a turbulent time to be a Saints fan.
On a related note, how about that race for the NBA scoring title between Kobe and KD? I think it’s been pretty obvious all year long that Kobe has been trying like hell to become the secondoldest player in NBA history to win it. Not to mention that I think the closer we keep getting to the end of the regular season, the more the title has meant to KD as well, who is looking for his third in a row.
After a whirlwind month of motorcycle crashes, sordid affairs and the firing of a football coach, Arkansas fans can now breathe a sigh of relief as all the turmoil has finally come to an end now that the Razorbacks have rehired former assistant coach under Bobby Petrino, John L. Smith. Nah, I’m just kidding; they’re in as deep of shit as ever. This will be fun to watch. Hope everyone has their popcorn ready!
Golly gracious saints alive! It’s a miracle the Saints are still alive as a franchise. They keep getting bombarded with scandal after scandal. It’s just came to light that everybody’s favorite plucky underdog team had apparently used a device that allowed them to listen to opposing teams in their locker room from 2002-2004. Even though that sounds more like something Fidel Castro would do instead of Saints’ GM
Funny how a guy named Metta World Peace could do about the most nonpeaceful thing we’ve seen all basketball season when he elbowed James Harden and gave him a concussion. Now Harden is day-to-day at the worst possible time and World Peace is facing imminent game suspensions. World Peace, you have officially been demoted back to Ron Artest. Brian Bogart | April 25, 2012
HBO Obesity Series Showing Texas Schools Debuts Comptroller Susan Combs, who appears in a new HBO documentary series on obesity, on Monday at a screening championed the need for families to pay close attention to their children’s health. The four-part series, The Weight of the Nation, is part of a public health campaign aimed at reducing obesity. Part three of the series, “Children in Crisis,” was shown Monday at the Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas at Austin. “I just hope for parents with young children who may be overweight, please help take charge of your children’s health,” Combs said. “The parents have a responsibility, to some extent. Schools need to engage with PE and not make it secondary; it’s really important. I hope that businesses will work with their employees — and many are, by the way. Many are working hard to get their employees healthier.” “Children in Crisis” features doctors, public health experts, professors, policymakers and families with obese children. Parts of the documentary were filmed in Texas, including brief scenes of gym classes at a Round Rock school visited by Combs. Texas was spotlighted
shows unsuccessful efforts by various federal agencies to persuade Washington lawmakers to set higher standards on advertisers. “Government has a responsibility to act, but they’re not the whole answer,” Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the Washingtonbased Center for Science in the Public Interest, says in the film. “We also need companies
“It’s just crippling our health care system, and it’s compromising the lives of two-thirds of the nation.” as an example of one of 45 states that do not require K-12 physical education. “PE is one of the smartest investments this state can make,” Combs says in the film. “Prevention is always, always, always cheaper than medicine.” She later adds, “My belief is that if you give kids the opportunity lifetime to do PE, you will in fact get your money back by reductions in health care.” Combs notes in the film that Texas has one of the highest rates of obesity among children of all states. One-third of children in America are overweight, and may have a shorter average lifespan than their parents, according to the documentary. The film points out the dangers of food marketing on children and
April 25, 2012 |
to step up, to reformulate their products, to change their marketing practices and to make healthy options available in restaurants.” The film also takes aim at school lunches, citing a study that found 94 percent of schools served lunch that didn’t meet USDA standards for healthy school meals. HBO has produced documentaries on drug addiction and Alzheimer’s disease in recent years. Production on the obesity documentary immediately followed the release of the documentary on Alzheimer’s in March 2009, said John Hoffman, executive producer of The Weight of the Nation, who was at the event. “We decided to turn our lens to obesity
because it’s very clear that the problem is much more severe than the nation has previously really acknowledged, and we feel that we can use our platform to sound an alarm that the nation has got to pay attention to obesity,” said Hoffman, who is also vice president of HBO Documentary Films. “It’s just crippling our health care system, and it’s compromising the lives of two-thirds of the nation.” Two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report. In addition to the documentary series, the public health campaign also includes a website, a book and free DVDs. Partners in the campaign include the CDC, the Institute of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. “There’s a lot of work ahead, and it’s going to be difficult,” said Susan Dell, who was also in attendance Monday. “But we owe it to our children to do everything within our power to fight as hard as we can for their health. All four documentary films will be accessible free of charge on, the first two starting May 14 and the next two from May 15. Minjae Park This article originally appeared in The Texas Tribune at
Jackson eager to prove he’s the same guy Texas outside linebacker Tevin Jackson was used to dictating the terms. Whether it was stuffing the run or stuffing quarterbacks, he was the guy laying down the law. Then he got word from the NCAA that there was an issue with his transcript coming out of Garland High School, and the word was he would be ruled academically ineligible as a freshman at Texas in 2010. Jackson’s world came temporarily off the rails.
HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? Everyone was stunned. Jackson is a good student. He was a four-year member of the “A/B Honor Roll” at Garland. He’s got a strong mother and father with older brothers who played college football. Oldest brother Everett played offensive lineman at Texas A&I. Second-oldest brother Keelan played strong safety at Texas A&M from 2001-04. To add to his frustration, Jackson was still recovering from breaking his wrist in the U.S. Army All-American game in the spring of 2010, requiring surgery. Jackson had been tearing it up in the U.S. Army game before the injury, posting five tackles, a sack and a forced fumble.
BOUNCING BACK “He’s overcome a lot to get down there,” Jackson’s high school coach at Garland—Jeff Jordan-—told “From breaking his wrist in the all-star game to the NCAA eligibility stuff. “I’ve been real proud of him because it would have been real easy for him to throw his hands up and give up and not continue to battle through. “But he’s done good academically, and they tell me he’s done well on the field, too. He’s a very talented young man.” Jackson played in 12 games as a freshman at Texas in 2011 with two fumble recoveries on special teams to go with four tackles. He had to wait his turn behind senior linebackers
Keenan Robinson and Emmanuel Acho. But Jackson is now 6-2 and 230 pounds and got the chance to show coaches what he’s got when outside linebacker Demarco Cobbs missed the first half of spring with a neck injury suffered away from the football field. “Tevin plays with a lot of suddenness,” said defensive coordinator Manny Diaz, who also serves as the linebackers coach. “He uses his hands well. He has a good knack of rushing the quarterback. So Tevin has a feel for the game.”
ROOM TO IMPROVE That’s the good news. The tough news is Tevin needs to make the most of the summer and fall camp to prove to coaches that he can consistently utilize his talents by executing the plays called. If he does, he could be a specialty linebacker in passing situations. Diaz said Jackson, Kendall Thompson and Aaron Benson all showed flashes during the
gotten through the fall when he was with us,” Diaz said. “He’s a bright young man. Football is very important, and obviously he’s very athletic. Loves the game. “He’s a joy to coach. He hit the ground running. When he’s in there, it changes our defense in terms of athleticism.” So the challenge to Tevin Jackson is to prove he can play outside linebacker well enough to sub in for Cobbs or Jordan Hicks and not allow for much, if any, dropoff. Jeff Jordan said Jackson is up for the challenge. “He brings explosiveness,” Jordan said of Jackson. “He’s a very powerful player. He can explode through people. He’s got a great first step. He’s got a real knack for rushing the passer. He makes dynamic plays.”
FIRST IMPRESSION Jordan recalls former Texas receivers coach Bobby Kennedy’s reaction upon seeing Jackson for the first time against Rowlett Jackson’s junior year at Garland in 2009. “Two plays in a row, Tevin destroys the offensive tackle, goes up, lights up the quarterback and makes huge, big-time plays,” Jordan said. “Bobby (Kennedy) walked over and was like, ‘Wow, who’s that?’ I said, ‘He’s a junior.’ And one thing led to another, and before you knew it, everybody knew about him.”
“He’s not much of a slacker. He can be very, very intense.” spring of being playmakers. But they blew some assignments as well. “They’ll show up in the right spot on one play and then go left when they should have gone right on the next play,” Diaz said. “That’s my job, and it just comes with at-bats. That’s what spring ball was all about - getting at-bat, after at-bat after at-bat and learning what intensity they’ll need to survive. “It’s hard to drive the car as fast as you can drive when you’re not real sure where you’re going.”
BATTLING FOR PLAYING TIME Cobbs came back from the neck injury over the second half of spring ball and proved to coaches he’s a difference maker. “What Demarco showed when he hopped back in there was he was ahead based on the reps he got last spring, the reps he had
Jordan described Jackson’s personality on and off the field. “On the field, he plays with an edge,” Jordan said. “He’s very physical, very aggressive and very tough. He’s a great kid off the field. He’s quiet when he’s around adults. But when he’s around his friends and around his buddies, he’s pretty funny. He’s a cut-up.”
STRONG WORK ETHIC Garland assistant head coach Darrin Sharp, who has known Jackson his whole life, said the most impressive thing about Jackson is his work ethic. “He hits the weight room and goes 100 percent,” Sharp said. “He’s not much of a slacker. He can be very, very intense. He uses his hands real well on the defensive side of the ball.” | April 25, 2012
Sharp said when Jackson learned of the transcript issue making him ineligible at Texas as a freshman he was devastated. “I’ve known Tevin all his life, and he’s always been good in the classroom,” Sharp said. “But we talked, and I told him he had to keep working. “Texas said as long as he took care of his business, the scholarship would still be there. He kept his faith and did what he needed to do, and it’s worked out.”
‘ACTION JACKSON’ Sharp watched Jackson, whose nickname is “Action Jackson,” turn a negative into a positive. “He was disappointed over the transcript issue,” Sharp said. “But he kept his focus because he knows what he wants out of life. It became a big motivation thing for him. “It motivated him to stay in the weight room and work a little bit more because people were doubting if he’d get to Texas. “He’s looking forward to this opportunity coming up and really looking forward to this season so he can prove he’s still the same guy.” Chip Brown Columnist
9.95 monthly
99.95 annually | April 25, 2012
Photo: UFC
This Week in facepunchin’ Jones cruises to win over Evans in grudge match UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones inched closer to proving that he is the best fighter in the world at UFC 145 on Saturday night, as he shut down former champion Rashad Evans to defend his title for the third consecutive time. Evans had no answer for the pinpoint striking of Jones, who didn’t allow the shorter fighter inside to land any shots. In fact, Evans was backpedalling for much of the five-round fight, as Jones imposed his will and left no doubt in the judges’ minds, earning a unanimous decision. In the co-main event, welterweight Rory MacDonald had his coming out party, as the young Canadian obliterated Che Mills before earning a TKO stoppage in the second round. Mills was outmatched from the start of the fight, as MacDonald shut down any offense that the Brit had and busted him up with elbows and heavy shots from the top on the ground. MacDonald has been shooting up the welterweight rankings and could be in title contention soon, where his teammate Georges St-Pierre holds the belt. Heavyweight Ben Rothwell rebounded from a loss to Mark Hunt in his last outing with a vicious 70-second TKO over Brendan Schaub, who was a knockout victim for the second fight in a row. Bantamweight prospect Michael McDonald continued his climb up the 135pound rankings with his eighth straight win, a knockout over former WEC champion Miguel Torres. Torres drops to just 2-2 in the UFC and
will once again be forced to restart his climb back up the rankings. Featherweight Eddie Yagin picked up a split decision win over former title challenger Mark Hominick in a bloody three-round affair. Yagin picks up his first win under the UFC banner while Hominick dropped his third straight dating back to his title loss to Jose Aldo. Lightweight Mark Bocek picked up his second win in a row over late replacement John Alessio to round out the main card. Preliminary card winners included top heavyweight prospect Travis Browne, Ohio
Aoki with a first round TKO victory of his own at the event. Alvarez had campaigned for the fight since losing to Aoki in Japan in 2008, and three years later, Alvarez got his revenge. Middleweights Andreas Spang and Maiquel Falcao earned spots in the Season Six Middleweight Tournament final, as Spang upset hometown favorite Brian Rogers with a second round TKO win, and Falcao pulled off a close victory over Russian prospect Vyacheslav Vasilevsky. In the lightweight division, Kentucky’s Brent Weedman earned a spot in the tournament finale, where he will take on former Olympian Rick Hawn. Weedman stymied the well-rounded attack of Brazilian Thiago Michel, while Hawn knocked out the brash Lloyd Woodard in the second round. The winners of both the middleweight and lightweight tournaments will receive title shots.
Evans was backpedalling for much of the five-round fight, as Jones imposed his will and left no doubt in the judges’ minds, earning a unanimous decision.
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product Matt Brown, Anthony Njokuani, former “Ultimate Fighter” winner Mac Danzig, debuting Canadian Chris Clements, and TUF 14 product Marcus Brimage. End-of-night bonuses of $65,000 went to Rothwell (knockout of the night), Browne (submission of the night), and Hominick and Yagin (fight of the night). Bellator 66 took place in Cleveland on Friday night, and former Bellator lightweight champion Eddie Alvarez got retribution for a 2008 loss to DREAM champion Shinya
Former heavyweight champion Frank Mir will get a chance to hold the title for a second time, as he steps in to take on Junior Dos Santos in the main event at next month’s UFC 146. The spot opened up when No. 1 contender Alistair Overeem failed a pre-fight drug test and was removed from the bout by UFC officials. David McKinney
“The Whiskey’s on Ice and the Music’s on Fire”
Walking up to the Nocturnal Fest compound in Apache Pass from the parking lot gives a glimpse of the weekend that is about to unfold. Glow sticks abound; wide-legs jeans, the likes of which have been in hibernation since the early 2000s, are once again in fashion and LED light-powered pacifier necklaces once again find their purpose. It’s as if a time machine has enveloped the entire area, dumping its visitors into the once-vibrant and very popular rave scene. Starting in California in 1995, Nocturnal Wonderland was a travelling festival, securing a new venue for each year. In 2010, Insomniac (the production crew responsible for Nocturnal Wonderland)
April 25, 2012 |
announced that the festival would be travelling to Rockdale, Texas, at the Apache Pass Fairgrounds about an hour outside of Austin. This marked both the first time the festival would be held outside of California, as well as the first time it would be a multi-day event. Marking its third year in Texas, Insomniac promises more of the theatrical, mindblowing same, bringing all of the art, lights and bass to Wonderland that fans have come to expect. With tickets starting at $90 for one night and $160 for the full two days, Nocturnal Wonderland rates among one of the more affordable of the big festivals to hit the Austin area, and certainly the most unique. Artists include CSS, ACL
favorites AWOLNATION, Chromeo, The Soldier Thread, and Austin’s own hip-hop darling, Zeale. With the many cookie-cutter music events Austin has to offer, treat yourself to a truly unique experience this weekend at Nocturnal Wonderland. Barring the possibility of a really bad trip, you’re guaranteed to enjoy yourself. For more information about Nocturnal Wonderland, visit Jessica Pendleton
Nocturnal Wonderland rates among one of the more affordable of the big festivals to hit the Austin area, and certainly the most unique. | April 25, 2012
Get the
Gringo Mel Gibson’s best film in years Mel Gibson has had a long and oftentimes turbulent film career. He’s known as much for playing Sir William Wallace in Braveheart as he is for racist, sexist, antisemitic comments. While many of Hollywood’s A-listers have secret issues and bigotry that sometimes rear their ugly heads in public, none have been as open and seemingly unrestricted as Gibson. As not only an actor but also a director, producer and in this case co-screenwriter, it seemed that Gibson’s inner turmoil had manifested itself outward into the world via his films. No one can forget the bloody flogging of Christ or the painfully detailed and murderous depictions of the Mayans in his last two major films. After Apocalypto and Passion of the Christ, it was anyone’s guess as to what direction Gibson’s movies would go.
bored,” said director Adrian Grunburg. A film about an American in a foreign prison, the movie takes you on an adventure of survival and justice. Based on a real-life social experiment in Tijuana, “El Pueblito” was first constructed in 1956 and was intended as a method of rehabilitation.
“A film about an American in a foreign prison, the movie takes you on an adventure of survival and justice.” Consequently, I didn’t have high hopes for this film, but Get the Gringo was a very entertaining movie, one that surprised me with its sincerity, comedy and one that reminded me why Gibson’s still on the silver screen. “You never set out to make a comedy. We all understood that action, drama has to come with comedy or people will get
April 25, 2012 |
It was a place where the family of convicts could live and the amenities of city life were brought to prisoners. What began as a social experiment quickly turned into a site where more crime and better drugs at lower prices reigned supreme. In the film, Gisbon plays a thief behind the bars of El Pueblito and has to quickly learn how
to survive in a prison that operates like a small town complete with restaurants, gambling and hookers. On top of that, he’s looking to get out and to get back the money he stole. Alongside Robert Rodriguez, directorial novice Grunburg did a damn fine job of keeping the angles and shots interesting and lively, the story intriguing and the dialog humorous. In terms of filmmaking, as Grunburg explained on the red carpet before the viewing, “I had to put into practice what I learned. Everyday was somewhat unexpected.” For anyone interested in action, adventure, comedy and a bit of violence, this just might be your thing. But don’t go looking for it in theatres, as it will be available only on DIRECTV beginning May 1. When questioned during the Q&A after the film’s premiere as to why the film won’t be released in theatres, Gibson replied describing the evolving nature of the film industry. To him, you have to be willing to try something different in order to stay on top of what’s new. “Many people just like to see this stuff in their homes. It’s just another way to do it. I think it’s the future,” said Gibson. Amanda Chappel | April 25, 2012
Open relationships Can they work?
It’s no secret that the queer community taught me many valuable lessons along the is a little more than eager to get sexual play. way, not only of open relationships, but of all Our disproportionate sexual and romantic relationships in general. needs are evidenced by our dating and mating styles. Consequently, it’s also no Be open and upfront secret that gays fuck around the most and You can’t be the only one in your relationship lesbians couple up the most frequently. who wants an open relationship. While both of Since gays already engage in non-traditional you may want to fuck another person from time relationships, being in an open relationship to time, that’s much different than developing a polyamourous love triangle, or square or trapezoid. isn’t that far of a stretch. But can they work? You have to be 100% clear on what it is As humans, regardless of your sexual preferences, we are still built to fuck, and fuck you want in your primary and secondary relationships. Do you want to have as many people as we can. It’s only society and multiple lovers, or multiple religion that tells us to be at conflict people you are in love with our sexual natures. That with? Do you want to may be part of the reason date multiple people why so many people in “You have to lay out, equally or do you society are bucking the want to keep your system and trying things in writing if necessary, original partner as out for themselves. Tired the parameters of the your main squeeze? of being told our true Most importantly, nature is abominable, us relationship you’re are you willing to gays have taken things lose your main partner to the next level, politically trying to create.” in the pursuit of an open and socially. relationship? Are there Too jealous, possessive and some desires in life that are manipulative to even think about worth pursuing even at the risk of losing sharing my lover with another, I could never do it. But I do understand the appeal. You someone you love? Is being in an open get to have your cake and eat it too. While relationship one of those desires? I don’t have firsthand experience of trying to juggle four jugs at once, I have learned a Communication, communication, communication thing or two from people who have done it. While some were successful and some not Like in most relationships, communication so successful, each philandering gay I know is key. But for a polyamorous or open
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relationship, it’s like oxygen. You will not survive without it. If you’re someone who doesn’t like to open up and honestly discuss every little thing you think and feel, if you don’t like to endlessly go over hypothetical situations or forecast obstacles in your future, chances are, you aren’t going to make it. For open and poly couples, near-constant communication is the only way you’re going to swing this. You have to lay out, in writing if necessary, the parameters of the relationship you’re trying to create. You have to go over every little thing, including health risks. • Can you date someone else, or just fuck them? • When and where can you go out with them? • Can you bring them back to your place? • What happens if you run into your partner while out on a date?
• Can you use the sex toys you use together on your fuck buddy? • Are you allowed to fall in love with someone else?
Deal breakers You need to find out what it is you will not put up with under any circumstance. What are some things that could end a relationship for you? As with most things in life, you won’t know until you get there, but you have to try to know. You also have to be open and honest will all persons involved. If being in an open relationship is something that you really want to do, it’s worth giving it a shot. But don’t go into it blindly. If you have trouble managing one relationship, chances are, you won’t have better luck managing multiple relationships. Amanda Chappel
celine suarez
Darksiders II delayed Those of us who were anxiously awaiting the sequel to Darksiders are going to have to wait a little bit longer. On April 18, THQ announced that the release of Darksiders II will be postponed until August. The first game set the bar pretty high, so postponing the game may be painful for the fans, but it’ll allow Vigil/THQ time to polish the game even further. There’s no harm in working out the kinks. This game is going to be epic. Why? Because instead of playing as War (one of the four horsemen), you get to play as Death. That’s right. Grim Reaper time. He’s pissed, too, because he believes that his brother War has been set up. So the game starts around the same time as the first game. From what I’ve seen, it still has that great combat feel to it while having moments where you must figure out puzzles. Plus we get an even bigger selection of loot and weapons.
Dragonball Z comes to Kinect One of the greatest animes ever is coming to the Kinect. Don’t act like you’re not excited. Fans of this classic anime have already been practicing their kamehame wave without the help of the Kinect. If you don’t know what Dragonball Z is, allow me to briefly explain. It’s a manga about a group of warriors who use incredible fighting techniques to save the world from evil aliens, wizards and androids. This series has already had a number of games released on various consoles, but nothing like this one. What makes this game so mouthwatering is the fact that players get to fight bosses from the famous manga and actually recreate a lot of the famous fighting techniques that a lot of the main characters used. Can you
say Wolf Fang Fist? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! The creators of the game, Namco Bandai Games, have stated that there will be more characters featured from the manga in the game. Maybe we’ll get a chance to see Videl or play as Mr. Popo? Not only are more characters going to make an appearance, there will be new cut scenes based off of the original manga that were never before released in the US. There’s no online or multiplayer content, but you can bet your super saiyan ass that there’ll be unlockable features. The game is announced for a release of October 2012.
Portal Mario Bros. For this week’s free game, I bring you Mari0. Stabyourself has created a glorious hybrid of two classic games: Portal and Super Mario Bros. Using the old NES version, they’ve managed to make these two games even more difficult than they were before. They’ve equipped Mario with a Portal gun, and some new costumes (just in case you want to make him look like a sir). Stabyourself hasn’t necessarily redesigned the game to
They’ve equipped Mario with a Portal gun, and some new costumes (just in case you want to make him look like a sir).
incorporate the portal guns, so you could technically play it through like normal, but that’s no fun at all. This game forces you to use both your mouse and keyboard, so if you’ve never played PC games without a controller it might be a little hard. Of course, you could always drag a few friends in and play together. I’m not talking about taking turns either. This game can be Co-op if you want it to! You can shoot a portal right underneath your friend, sending him straight into the head of a Goomba. The game doesn’t necessarily need multiple players to complete levels, but it does make for a good time. Mari0 has already reached one million downloads and Stabyourself is continuing to make updates and add on map packs for the game. Celine Suarez | April 25, 2012
What goes on inside your radio Although the video might have killed the radio star, the easy, free and ubiquitous access to digital music has desecrated its corpse. Our minds narrow in on what we want to hear, we immediately access it through pirating or streaming services, consume it and then we are on to the next. However, the experience of tuning into the other realities of radio is still available to those looking to turn their dial a little to the left. Austin has a plenum of different radio stations broadcasting from the liminal side of reality. Whether you are looking to get down with some Christian rap, soothe your woes and sanity away with some relaxation music or catch up with what conspiracies are currently running the world, Austin’s left-ofthe-dial radio stations can turn any prosaic day of errands in your car into an altered reality of information.
91.3 Simply Beautiful Do finals, the end of the world or the looming heat death of summer in Austin have you stressed? No problem, just tune into Simply Beautiful. The station specializes in relaxation music, the kind you might hear after getting a lobotomy or sitting around at an old folks home drinking a nice glass of warm milk. Regardless of whether you are relaxing in a straight jacket at the Austin State Hospital or in your car, this station will no doubt turn anything awful into something that is simply beautiful.
April 25, 2012 |
90.1 Liberty Radio
Coast to Coast AM
No matter what historical or political narrative you subscribe to, ingesting a little conspiracy is always good for one’s intellectual diet; if not, it’s still fun to hear the fulminations of the great orator, Alex Jones. With an inexhaustible amount of energy, Jones vehemently preaches from his conspiratorial pulpit regarding the upcoming race war, the secrets behind 9/11 and how feminism was a ploy by the CIA to destroy American families. Ignorance is bliss, apparently.
Not really a station in itself, but still no doubt wor th mentioning, Coast to Coast AM is a six-hour talk block of ever y thing fringe. Hosted by the everstoic George Norey, Coast of fers a bev y of paranormal, conspiratorial and fringe science material that is both informative and enter taining. The show has played host to a number of strange individuals who have claimed to have been involved with government time travel, made a
88.7 The Voice of Austin If you haven’t heard, Austin is all about community radio. While most might be familiar with student-run radio KVRX and KOOP Austin, a couple of shimmys to the left of the dial is KAZI, The Voice of Austin. Oriented towards the African-American community in Austin, KAZI lays down some of the best ’70s funk, ’90s pop R&B, gospel and informative public affairs programming. The Voice is a refreshing shade to an otherwise colorblind side of the dial.
88.1 Candle 88 Regardless of whether you are zealot or a cardcarrying member of the Atheist Longhorns, the Candle can be enjoyed by all. While you might not get down with the testifying that the DJs often break down into, hip-hop fans will no doubt be interested in investigating the realm of Christian rap. Orienting entire flows and rhymes around the concept of Christ and being a good person is a feat worth hearing. Forget Kanye and Jay-Z; these MCs are watching the real throne.
Simply Beautiful specializes in relaxation music, the kind you might hear after getting a lobotomy. trip to mars with Obama when he was a teen astronaut or have the skinny on cattle mutilation. In addition to its guest format, the show of ten moves to an open line format in which anyone, even you, can call in with their Men in Black experience, spirit possession or insight on 2012, letting you indulge your inner Mulder or Scully. Coast to Coast is broadcasted on 590 KLBJ AM from 10 PM until 4 AM. William M. Bass
Photos: Eli Watson | April 25, 2012
Photos: Jessica Pe You’re this week’s winner! Contact us on Facebook to collect $25!*
April 25, 2012 |
e & Michael Huerequ Photos: EliWatson
Kappa Delta Chi ’s Young, Wild and Free event @ Karma
Photos: Michael
the white horse 500 Comal Street
*If your face is circled, you’re this week’s winner of Barstars! Contact us Mon through Wed (9–5 p.m.) to collect $25 cash! (Be sure to Facebook us to let us know you won!)
For more party pics, go to | April 25. 2012
Super Crossword
Crypto Quip This is a simple substitution cipher in which each letter used stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Solution is accomplished by trial and error.
April 25, 2012 |
No whey!
Clue: U EQUALS e
little radar
Band will release new album on April 29 at Mohawk
Local bands use whatever friends and resources are available to them to record their music whether it’s in a garage, a bedroom or an actual studio. Little Radar is no exception. However, this four-piece band, fairly new to the Austin music scene, commuted to Dallas to record their upcoming release “Up in Arms” with Marco Street from Trolley House Productions who used be in Colour Wheel with one half of Little Radar, Sean Hale and Trevor Hale. The other half of Little Radar sat down with UWeekly to discuss what recording in Dallas was like and how they view their upbeat music. Wal-Mart was also thrown in for good measure.
The music is very poppy and happy. I was listening to some of the lyrics and there’s a little darkness to them, but the music’s happy. Grant: That’s kinda the way... Actually this is a perfect segue right here, because the record is called “Up in Arms” and it’s called that because we fought over the name of the record for so long. Derek: We just couldn’t come to an agreement. Grant: We just couldn’t do it. Derek: We threw around so many ideas. Grant: But we were trying to come up with all these names based on how Sean felt about the songs he had written and based on his impressions on the world around him. And that’s really what it ended up being.
“It’s never a good story when you go to Wal-Mart and something happens.” The songs sound happy, I think, because he had seen or experienced one or two dark things here and there, but felt hopeful about all of it. It’s kind of perfect for us as a band too simply because we’ve been, not struggling really, but working really, really hard. It’s like putting our heads down and not really looking outside of our end goal. Then when we finally lift our heads and realized that we’ve done good work and things are working out for us, it’s like all right, yeah. When I listen to this record, it makes me feel happy too, so I’m glad it’s not like a dark doom and gloom record. Derek: There’s a lot of depressing stuff out there and hey you know, there’s nothing wrong with that. I love Elliot Smith, but do I want to write that kind of stuff? I don’t
know. I like to look at the positive side of things as Sean does apparently. Photo: Little Radar
Grant: I wish he were here right now. It’ll be really helpful have him explain his thought process. It’s hard for us to get it out of him too. These are just my impressions of the songs. Derek: Yeah, exactly. Grant: But he seems to live his life pretty much the way the music sounds. You take it as it comes and you overcome it. You got to be happy. You can’t sit in your emotions for days and days and days on end and just let them drag you down, you know. You got to overcome and make the best of everything. I think that’s pretty much the point of this album, at least to me. That’s how I feel when I play it and that’s enough for me. Derek: Yeah, I feel the same.
What was it like commuting to Dallas for the recording? Grant: Well that’s one of the reasons that it got drawn out so long, because I couldn’t be there. Well Trevor and I couldn’t be there for the very first session which obviously was drums. We did it in a pretty traditional sort of, you know, drums, bass, guitar, kind of multi-tracking way. So Sean and Derek went up and did drums in a day, but then I couldn’t get up there for the next couple of weeks. So it was two weeks later that we finally got Sean and Trevor and I to go up and sit down in a room and start recording our tracks. Then after that, great, we got all the guitars. We got the basics done, but we still don’t have vocals done. So then Sean had to go up on his own like a week or two after that to lay down some basic vocal tracks, along with the one or two we may have gotten done on that second session that we were all there. So yeah, commuting sucks is what I’m trying to say. If we’ve been able to take like two weeks and just stay in Dallas and hang out there, that would have been ideal.
Derek: Yeah, I think the recording would have been done much earlier if it wasn’t in Dallas, but I’m actually really glad it was done in Dallas because for one, the studio is awesome up there and the guys are just so much fun to hang out with. That whole group of people. Grant: We couldn’t ask for better people or a better place to do it at. It just happened to be up North. Derek: Yeah, so over three hours each way, it was worth it. It felt good. The drive went by quick. There are some funny stories about on the road and stopping at a couple of places. Grant: One of them had to do with Wal-Mart? Derek: One of them had to do with Wal-Mart, yeah. One that’s really funny. Grant: Wish I’d been there for that one. Derek: We’ll save that for another time. That was a really funny story. Grant: Anytime Wal-Mart pops up, it’s usually going to be good. Derek: It’s never a good story when you go to Wal-Mart and something happens. Grant: Is this going to end up on that website?
Especially in the South. Derek: Yes, oh my god, it was the funniest thing. Grant: I don’t know. I’m from the Mid-west. Our WalMarts are pretty choice too. It’s all the same, just with a different accent. Sarah Vasquez | April 25, 2012
Action Pack:
’80s Movie Sing-Along @ Alamo Ritz, 320 E 6th
Everyone always rags on the ’80s. Everyone doesn’t know anything. The ’80s gave us some of the best jams, movies and excess. There was no better marriage of movie and music than the ones of this bloated decade. Who can go out on a run without envisioning yourself as Rocky Balboa working out to to defeat the communist state of Russian super boxer to the sounds of “Hearts on Fire”? Who can go out on the dance floor without fantasizing about being Kevin Bacon consummating his life to Kenny Loggins? Well, now you don’t have to imagine, just watch clips of your faves and sing, or dance.
The top events & shows in Austin this week Will bass 28
Chelsea Peretti
Black Angels: Austin Psych Fest
@ The Parish, 214 E 6th
@ Emo’s East, 2015 E Riverside
Probably one of the funniest people you’ve never seen on camera. Chelsea Peretti is the great OZ of everyone’s favorite show, “Parks and Recreation.” Chelsea is responsible for making you chuckle, cry and vomit in happiness every Thursday as she is one of the main writers for the show. To boot, her resume boasts writing for “The Sarah Silverman Show” and forthcoming writer for Nick Kroll’s upcoming show on Comedy Central. Catch this funny lady in the intimacy of The Parish. Don’t worry, you don’t have to wear anything intimate.
Time for some cold, smooth and refreshing psychedelic rock muzak. This year’s Psych Fest hosts a litany of bands looking to put a little purple haze all up in your brain: Brian Jonestown Massacre, Dead Meadow, The Oh Sees, etc. The only drawback is that the hip and savvy person you are no doubt saw a lot of the bands at SXSW. Still, there are plenty of crunchy and tasty acts that you did not. If you were down in Peru looking for that lost mythical case of Four Loko, this is your opportunity to catch up.
►►Also Worthy
►►Also Worthy
►►Also Worthy
Nappy Roots
Thursday Night Social Club
Nocturnal Fest
Charlie Hodge Show
Austin Food and Wine Festival
Hannibal Buress (Comedy)
Indian Jewelry
Moontower Comedy Oddity Fest
Maria Bamford (Comedy)
Nick Offerman (RonSwansonofParksandRecreation)
Master Pancake: Jurassic Park
Aziz Ansari (Comedy)
Mickey Hart Band (Drummer of Grateful Dead)
Twilight Circus Dub Sound System
Antone’s, 213 W 5th Beerland, 711 Red River The Parish, 214 E 6th
Cap City Comedy Club, 1820 Research Blvd Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress
ColdTowne Theatre, 4803 Airport Blvd The Mohawk, 912 Red RIver Red 7, 611 E 7th
Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress La Zona Rosa, 612 W 4th
Apache Past, Texas Auditorium Shores, Downtown The Mohawk, 912 Red River Alamo Ritz, 320 E 6th
Flamingo Cantina, 515 E 6th
April 25, 2012 |
2815 GU
Little Elmore Reed Blues Band @ Legendary White Swan, 1906 E 12th
No flare on Mondays, just the blues. No one does it better than the ex-TC’s Lounge house band Elmore Reed. This man lives, sings and probably bleeds the blues. Only you can hear it.
Eleanor Friedberger @ Frank, 407 Colorado
You’ve no doubt dipped into the catalog of the Fiery Furnaces over the past eight years. If you haven’t, the brother-and-sister Furnace duo are definitely worth investigating. Their very strange take on pop music is infectious while still being adventurous. The female Furnace is striking out on her own. Her recent effort, Last Summer, will no doubt come back around this summer to be the soundtrack to all of your Barton Springs, snocone-line-standing and 112degree adventures.
Action Pack Presents: Willy Wonka Festival (Mike Teavee and Veruca Salt) @ Alamo Ritz, 320 E 6th
You now have the opportunity to fully enter a world of pure imagination. This will be the Wonka fest to end them all. The actors that played Mike Teavee and Veruca Salt will also be in attendance for a post-film Q and A along with a number of other magical perks like a magical bubble machine cola to help you fly, candy dinners and a sing-along. All that is required for entry is for you to find a golden ticket at the bottom of a Lone Star; what a great excuse for your rampant drinking problem. Just kidding, tickets are available online. Tickets:
►►Also Worthy
The Whiskey Sisters Continental Club, 1315 S Congress
Music Monday: ColorMeObsessed Alamo Ritz, 320 E 6th
HeckleVision: Mortal Kombat @ Alamo Ritz, 320 E 6th
Finish him! Rip out the spine of this terrible movie at HeckleVision and display it to the bloodthirsty crowd.
►►Also Worthy
►►Also Worthy
Steel Pulse
Deer Tick
Buda County Fair
Jeff Mangum (Neutral Milk Hotel) ACL Live, 310 Willie Nelson Blvd
►►Also Worthy
Deep Time
Say Anything
Mike and the Moonpies
La Zona Rosa, 612 W 4th
The Mohawk, 912 Red River
Asleep at the Wheel
Gospel Brunch
Terror Tuesday
Stubb’s BBQ, 801 Red River
Alamo Ritz, 320 E 6th
Moontower Comedy and Oddity Action
Junior Brown
LeSaar: Fame (Dance)
La Zona Rosa, 612 W 4th Buda City Park
Beerland, 711 Red River Luckenbach Dance Hall, Fredericksburg, TX The Mohawk, 912 Red River
Antones, 213 W 5th
Continental Club, 1315 S Congress
The Long Center, 701 W Riverside | April 25, 2012
7pm all ages No cover Pizza and drink specials all night!
►►Mi Casa Cantina
►►The Library
503 E 6th
407 E 6th
$0.50 wells, $2.50 margaritas until 11 PM
$1 domestics/wells, $2 imported bottles
►►Mooseknuckle Pub
►►Cain and Abel’s
406 E 6th
2313 Rio Grande
$2 Pint Night
$8 32 oz. Texas Teas from 7 PM-close
►►Soho Lounge
217 E 6th
419 E 6th
$2 wells/domestics
$1 any beer til midnight
103 East 5th Street ►►Chuggin’ Monkey 103 East 5th Street
219 E 6th
817 W 5th
$2 wells/domestics til 10 PM
$1 Bud Light and Bud
►►Tiniest Bar in Texas ►►Sapphire
401 E 6th
411 E 6th
$3 LIT/$2 Red Snapper/$2.50 LS TallBoys
$2 You Call It til 11 PM
►►Thirsty Nickel
325 E 6th
409 W 30th
$2 wells/domestics til 11pm, $3 House Shots
$4.50 Ritas
►►Blind Pig
If you’re looking for a good ol’ nnn-tss nnn-tss nnn-tss, crank-upthe-dubstep-and-let-me-grind-on-some-random-stranger kind of time, Kingdom is where you wanna find yourself. Located in an alley on the corner of 5th and Congress, Kingdom has a surprisingly good selection of beers on tap for being the type of bar that’s typically only suited for serving mixed drinks and overpriced domestic bottles. As for the environment, well, it’s just flat-out rockin’ on the right night and typically the right nights happen more often than not. Though it may be hidden well, it will smack you in the face once you enter and at that point, you better hope you’re ready.
Brian Bogart
607 Trinity
317 E 6th
1004 W 24th
.50¢ wells, $2 any beers, $3 mixed shots, $3 bombs
$2.50 Wells/Domestics
$2 Tecates and Modelo Esp. $5 Deer and Beer
►►Treasure Island
►►Ginger Man
413 E 6th
301 Lavaca
208 E 6th
.25¢ wells, $1 triples and kamikaze shots, $4 bombs
Logo Pint Night
$2 Vodka Bombs
►►Dizzy Rooster
►►Maggie Mae’s
212 E 6th
306 E 6th
323 E 6th
$1 Wells/Miller High Life
$2 Domestic/Wells/Jello Shots
$2 Wells