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Tomasz Czerkies Cesare Carabba Julia Giannopoulos Dede Pickering Margo Veldhuizen Hana Pešková Jim LaSala Massimo Lanteri Matilde Rubio Tathagata Ghosh Anne Launcelott Marco Miserini Sanjoy Mondal Partha Das Valentina D‘Amato Lê Bích Elaine Springford Trung Mai Miguel Ángel Priego Gómez Amalia Florou Cassian Edwards Marco Bacci Dei Rossi Mateo Candia Robert Sherman Minh Chau Ngo Stefanos Chronis Prabir Roy Adolfo Carli Uwe Schröder Salvatore Da Cha Vera van der Wal Sujaya Dhar Sock Chin Lim Pierangelo Brunelli Mário Barrela Marios Forsos Roman Mordashev Tonino Trovato Pedro Boiça Dibyendu Dey Choudhury Truong Dinh Anh INTERNATIONAL STREET PHOTOGRAPHY AND REPORTAGE COLLABORATORS VALENTINA D‘AMATO (CONTENT COLLABORATOR) • AMALIA FLOROU (PHOTO EDITOR) • ROBERT SHERMAN (COPYWRITER, PHOTO EDITOR) • UWE SCHRÖDER (LAYOUT & CONCEPT) • SALVATORE DA CHA (ISP CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER) • PRABIR ROY (CHIEF FOR MONEY) • TRUNG MAI (CHIEF FOR COFFEE) • GIUSEPPE MARCANTONIO (BACK OFFICE) • RICCARDO PINZONE (BACK OFFICE) • E-MAIL ISPANDREPORTAGE@GMAIL.COM

Welcome to the ISP Magazine #6_2021 The power of some photographs seem to defy analysis. Sure, there is great composition here, an intriguingly ambiguous “story”, interesting lighting and texture, a hand acting as the “foil” to the subject (while three other fingertips on the opposite corner balance and reinforce it),

two active corners, and two passive and opposite corners; one of light and one of dark. But something completely different is what is really pulling us into this photograph. Something extra. And I think that something, simply put, is heart.

Robert Sherman

Cover by

Tomasz Czerkies

Location: Krosno, Poland I come from Poland, I‘m 42 years old. Photography is my passion and great love. I have been taking photos for 4 years, I am a self-taught person, I learn from my mistakes and by reading books and magazines devoted to photography. I take photos using analog and digital cameras: Nikon Fe, F4, D3200 and the Huawei P20 phone. I love to travel, discover new places, people, smells, tastes, and look at the world around me with childish delight. Tomasz Czerkies Link to my instagram :


Cesare Carabba

The connection towers City: Pavia, Piazza delle Torri Facebook Instagramm Site cesare_carabba

I like to photograph the city by creating stories in which the person is the protagonist. The street is my home. Cesare Carabba

Julia Giannopoulos


I began my photography journey when my mother gave me an Instamatic camera when I was five years old. I was active in high school and college shooting and developing my own film. After years of not being active in photography I again picked up a camera and began shooting approx. five years ago. My obsession is with street photography where I’ve been shooting for approx two years now. My current camera lineup is as follows; Ricoh GR iii including 21mm wide angle adapter lens, Sony RX1 and a Sony RX100 MK 5 If you care to follow me on Instagram my account name is @jay_shoots_streets.

Julia Giannopoulos

Rahway, NJ (NYC Metro)


Dede Pickering Wondering Title of the photo

The photograph was taken in an alleyway in Camaguey, Cuba Location of the photo

Facebook @dedepickering Instagram @dedepickering Website:

As a photo grapher my p assion is wandering streets and engaging with p eople. Nowhere is tha t easier than with the warm-hearted Cub ans. As much as I’m dra wn to the colorful vintage cars, the crumbling colon ial architecture, and the rhy thm of the island it is the enduring spirit of the Cub an p eople tha t I so admire. Camera in hand while ro aming the cobbled streets and uneven alley ways, I try to capture the dign ity of the Cub ans, while never losing sight of their turbulent p ast and of our shared human ity.


Margo Veldhuizen from the Netherlands


Hana Pešková

„Looking into the better future“

Location: Slum by the railway tracks in Dhaka, Bangladesh

When I started to travel the world I discovered that photography is not just for creating memories, but it captures the energy of the place and people as well. So my passion for traveling merge with passion for photography and I felt love with capturing the ordinary side of life.


Train To New Hope „With just the click of the shutter, we can inspire” What inspires me is, documenting people, places and things. I never leave home without it (camera). Shooting, sharing and giving back is my reward. Facebook: jim.lasala.3

Jim LaSala


Massimo Lanteri


Matilde Rubio

„Together forever“ Location: El Rocío (España)

Graduated in Audiovisual Communication. I am passionate about life, classic motorcycles, adventure, cinema and photography. Link my photographs: com/photos/135872993@N04/


Tathagata Ghosh

Canning, West Bengal, India

Happy Mother‘s Day (A frame of love and responsibilities of a mother) I am a freelance photographer from Gushkara, West Bengal, India. Currently living in Kolkata, India trying all genre of photography but mainly into streets as street photography is my emotion. I love to capture short stories on streets. I am A Learner. FB Profile:- IG Profile:- AGORA Profile:-


Anne Launcelott

Mother and Child, Omo Valley, Ethiopia

My name is Anne Launcelott and I live on the east coast of Canada in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I am a self taught photographer who began by photographing my children in B&W as they grew up and would set up my darkroom in the bathroom, usually after I had put my babies to bed, and would print well into the night. I did not discover my passion for travel and photography until I became an empty nester and did a photography expedition to Myanmar with Steve McCurry in 2012. Facebook: Anne Launcelott Website:


Valentina D‘Amato



Turning people into trees

„When you go out into the woods, and you look at trees, you see all these different trees. And some of them are bent, some of them are straight, some of them are evergreens, and

some of them are whatever. And you look at the tree and you allow it. You see why it is the way it is. You sort of understand that it didn‘t get enough light, and so it turned that way. And you don‘t get all emotional about it. You just allow it, you appreciate the tree. The minute you get near humans, you lose all that. And you say:“You are too this, or I‘m too this“. That judgment mind comes in. And so I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are.“ Ram Dass


Story of Monk

Sanjoy Mondal

Location - Kolkata (India)

Partha Das


Journey Location - Kolkata (India)

I am not a photographer. I love to take pictures around me with my mobile phone. All picture tells a story ..story of moment. Above the man taking Gutkha (a kind of tobacco) and his attitude attracts me and I framed that moment.

Roman Mordashev


Smoke Break, Hong Kong

My name is Roman Mordashev I’m photographer from Russia, Moscow I do different kind of Photogrphy, but my favourite is candid street portrait… •

Marco Miserini


Cigarette break,old Prague

My name is Marco, from Rome (Italy), born in 69. Amateur photographer from al long time, start with a Yashica FX-2000 Super and, after many years I add a Contax 167MT, in the digital epoch I shoot with a Nikon D7000 and D750. Instagram: • Website:


Lê Bích Good friends Ha Long Bay-Quang Ninh Province- Viet Nam

Iam Lê Bích , a freelance photojournalist currently living in Hanoi. I have been working with major newspapers & magazines in Viet Nam such as Heritage (Inflight Magazine of Vietnam Airlines), Travellive, Viet Nam Heritage...for 15 years. By means of photography, I want to share my information and knowledge about the culture and heritage of Viet Nam that I have experienced. Facebook: Instagram:


Elaine Springford Photography is looking at the world around you with different eyes, combining travel with photography is one of my greatest pleasures. I enjoy documenting people in social and cultural environments. Life on the street is a great source of inspiration for me both at home in the Netherlands and on my travels.

grandmother and child. During our 7 day trek in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh we mostly stayed in the villages with a family. Here, we see the grandmother with one of her grandchildren. She looks after the children while the younger women are at work in the fields. These are Khumi people, one of the many tribes in this region.

Next step Orchha“ - pilgrims on their way to a festival in Orchaa, Madhya Pradesh, India

#6_2021 ISP MAGAZINE Robert Sherman: Really, it’s other things about this photo. Sure she’s beautiful. But you don’t get credit for that. You get huge credit for capturing her gesture and the melancholic moment in her expression. As well as the fact that you chose the flowers to be the lightest object in the photo (the foil taking over the subject) and her face

—which most would have made the central aspect— almost secondary. That you kept her off center, suggesting she may be off-balance in her youth and concerns about her future. And that it’s celebratory and at the same time very tender and introspective. That’s ALL yours, @Trung! I was really touched by your photo.

E-Mail Message to Uwe ... > This photo was taken on Moon Day at Saigon, Viet Nam. We can call it by a name: ” The Vietnamese young girl in a a Moon Day ”?! .... Wunderbare Bildunterschrift @Trung, Uwe

Trung Mai

Miguel Ángel Priego Gómez


Kind regards, I am honored that my photo is selected for the June magazine. Photo of the city of Zacatecas, Mexico, „rainy day“. I am an amateur photographer, I take street photos, I am fascinated by black and white.


Amalia Florou

„Everything you can imagine is real“ -Pablo Picasso-


Cassian Edwards

„If you can smell the street by looking at the photo, it‘s a street photograph“ Bruce Gilden When Cassian Edwards gets in close he really goes deep inside. In this photo, with its carnival-like feel, one can really get the sense that beauty is fleeting and yet everywhere. There is history here, and still the immediacy of this image, this moment in time, brings with it a kind of intimacy, of friendship and empathy, almost as if we’ve known this person our whole lives. The woman to the side could be looking disapprovingly at the smoker, or more likely gazing obliviously beyond, it’s not important, as she is simply playing an effective supporting role to the center stage of this three-ring circus —the third ring being the second cigarette behind his ear (perhaps the strongest part of this image; flinging us into the future beyond what we are seeing).

This photograph carries the charm of a nostalgic tonality of highly saturated yet non-electric colors —the bright red spot popping the old world blue of the balloons, and the soft reminiscent amber orange in the background— as well as with the indefatigable stealing of beauty in this most unlikely of places that the photographer captures with, what seems to me, a great deal of love and tenderness. We cannot easily laugh about this subject, not comfortably, at least. Because it feels like somehow we all might see a part of ourselves in him, and in this moment. I, for one, can hear the carnival music playing in the background. Robert Sherman


Marco Bacci Dei Rossi

„inside colors ... Burano“

Hi! I‘m Marco Dei Rossi... i live in Burano (one of the most beautiful Island in the world....) with my shots, I try and try to show and convey you the beauty and particularities of Burano... trough its colors and moments of ordinary life... Thanks and regards!



In the streets of Pushkar, Rajastan State, India

I have been in professional photography for about fifteen years. In my beginnings I only did social photography (weddings, events, birthdays, etc.) but since I started traveling through some countries of the world I discovered my true passion: street photography. I believe that in a world that is always in constant movement and change, „catching“ the precise and unrepeatable moment, a gesture and a scene that is pleasing to the eyes and tells a story, is sensational. It‘s art. gm.939048230208966


Robert Sherman

“Diamonds and Rust”

Minh Chau Ngo

Morning on the beach, Vietnam

I‘m a mathematician but I love photography, especially street photography. I see a similarity between photo-

graphy and mathematics, which is imagination in space.


Stefanos Chronis

Joal Fadiouth village, Senegal


What is there to say about me?

Joal- Fadiouth is a village on a small island made of clam and millions of oyster shells, even the houses and the streets . It‘s dreamy to wander around the island‘s narrow alleys, watch the children playing around, admire the shell-world and pop into artisan workshops dotted around. Culturally, the local citizens are proud of their tolerance cause this is a place where Christians and Muslims live in harmony. The local people use the shells to decorate their graves at the mixed cemetery of Fadiouth. Senegal, Africa

My photographic style is a combination of street photography, reportage and travel photography. Somehow I call human-geography photography. Photos of mine have been published at Sony World, National Geographic and Vogue Italia, while others have been featured in galleries, festivals, exhibitions, albums, magazines or contests in several countries around the World.


Prabir Roy

Morning light Location - Madhupur Jharkhand / INDIA

Ex Banker - Nature lover - & Street Photography Passion Photography & Painting


The Blue City Morocco Chefchaouen

Well I started appreciating photography when I was young and then with no end of solution I kept shhoting and of course camera after camera in the end I bought a Full Reflex Canon. I‘m not specialized in a specifi field of photography I‘d rather say that being a traveller I like very much „Reportage“ and obviously it includes Street photofraphy.

Adolfo Carli


Uwe Schröder | Berlin 05.2021

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in the historic centre of Berlin commemorates the approximately six million Jews who were murdered under the rule of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists. The memorial, designed by Peter Eisenman, consists of 2711 cuboid concrete steles. It was erected between 2003 and spring 2005 on an area of around 19,000 m² south of the Brandenburg Gate.


Genua, Italy

Salvatore Da Cha


International Street Photography and Reportage Contest START 20. May 2021 | END 27. May 2021 | max. 4 Pics / Member

CONTEST #silhouette

Title : Benjamim Location : Lisboa

‚I spend a lot of time looking at the world around me. I make up lives for every person I come across. That‘s what makes me take pictures: Tell a story‘ Instagram account: Bekas (@bekas.lylx) • fotos e vídeos do Instagram

Pedro Boiça


Uwe Schröder : I would like to thank all the photographers who took part in this contest. So many wonderful photos were submitted for the theme, #SILHOUETTE , that the admin team had a very difficult task in choosing. Here are the winners:


Title : Youth in Twilight Location : West Bengal, India.

Few little boys and girls are playing football with a dramatic evening sky in the background full of colors.

Dibyendu Dey Choudhury

Title : Biker Location : On the beach of Quynh Long commune, Quynh Luu district, Nghe

Truong Dinh Anh

An, Vietnam.


Never let all the beauty around you pass by unnoticed. Capture and love it. Link to my website/facebook wal70

Title and location of the photo: Going home, Tanzania

Vera van der Wal


I‘m Sujaya Dhar, an ameteur photographer. I live in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India and I like street photography. Facebook:

Sujaya Dhar

Title of the photo: Celebration, Location: Jama Mosque, Delhi ,India


Sock Chin Lim

Workplace of indigenous people in Malaysia

I am a beginner photographer. I like to photograph images integrated with at least one of these elements: beautiful scenery, lights, colours and peoples. I do believe that if we love the objects we photograph, we are able to produce a good work.

Pierangelo Brunelli


Covered market in Aiquile, Bolivia


Mário Barrela „Lisboa my love“

„My name is Mário Barrela and I am passionate about photography. Photography for me is a way to show the world as I see it, whether in the most beautiful city or on my street. Amateur in Portuguese is amador (The one who loves) And I‘m an amateur photographer of soul and heart“ Facebook page :mariokstreetphotography

Marios Forsos


Religious pilgrim, Djenne mosque, Mali


Tonino Trovato

Robert Sherman



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