United Way of Midland, Inc.
2014 Board of Directors Executive Committee Ryan Hamilton Summit Petroleum President
Todd Meade Chevron President Elect
Rebecca Bell Midland College Secretary
Sylvester Cantu City of Midland Treasurer
Kelly Ives Community Volunteer Assistant Treasurer
Joe T. Phillips Sooner Pipe VP Resource Development
Bob Murphy
Andy Shaffer
Ellen M. House
Community Volunteer Assistant VP Community Investment
Community Volunteer
Steven T. Jeffcoat
Johnson, Miller & Company, P.C. Past President
Dan Robison
Board Members
Randy Silva
Excelsior Foundation Frost Bank
Jaime Alexander Community Volunteer
Jackie (Jaclynn) Allen Midland Memorial Hospital
Dr. Randy Baiza Midland Independent School District
Mary Baker
David H. Smith Davis, Gerald & Cremer
Mark Wheeler CMW Interests, Inc.
Ed Wuthrich Shell Trading US Company
Kelly Hart Law Firm
Lifetime Member
Karmen Bryant
K. Michael Conaway
Community Volunteer
Steven D. Gray Allen Harp
Martin F. Ruehl
David Henry
U.S. Congressman, Dist. 11
James C. Henry
RSP Permian, Ltd.
H.E.B Assistant VP Resource Development FirstCapital Bank of Texas VP Community Investment
Mitch Mamoulides
Henry Resources, LLC
Margaret Purvis
EOG Resources
Purvis Operating Company
Henry Investment Group, LLC
Charles A. Spence Community Volunteer
An investment in United Way of Midland is the single best way to help the most people in this community. United Way of Midland gifts are at work 24-7-365 making our community stronger in the areas of Education, Self-Sufficiency and Health.
kids surveyed in Club Read maintained or increased reading scores
74,000 people helped in Midland County
93% XY-Zone Seniors graduated High School First day of kindergarten - Midland Fair Havens
About United Way of Midland The United Way of Midland’s mission is to improve the quality of life in Midland by uniting community resources with identified needs.
United Way of Midland works with community partners in supporting over 50 programs and services that target identified needs by focusing on the building blocks for a better life: a quality education that leads to stable employment; financial independence and sufficient housing to support a family; and sound emotional and physical health. United Way of Midland connects the dots between our community’s issues and real solutions that are all made possible
with the gifts of time, talent, and financial resources. In the coming year United Way of Midland will invest over $3 million in our community; the majority
supporting every aspect of United Way of Midland’s work: daily operations, fundraising, community investment, and financial practices.
“It has shown me how to be a leader and a role model for others and to listen first and speak second.” XY-Zone Participant of these funds are the result of individual gifts, small and large. Volunteers from all walks of life provide leadership, oversight, and implementation
To LIVE UNITED means being a part of the change and your participation is crucial to our success.
2014 United Way of Midland Staff Donna Mahurin, Executive Director* Alice Freidline, Director of Community Impact Diana Giacobbe, Marketing & IT Specialist Carrie Hughes, Director of Resource Development Alison King, Assistant Director of Community Impact Siri Langston, Director of Finance
Lauren Lawson, Assistant Director of Resource Development* Whitney Roland, Director of Resource Development* Shannon Reed, Administrative Assistant* Tammy Winthrop, Administrative Assistant *Resigned
Families Forward The mission of Families Forward is to equip families to become self-sufficient and independent. The overarching goal of the program is to break the cycle of generational poverty. Transitional Housing is defined as temporary housing ranging from 90 days to two years. Families applying for the program must have completed a case management program and be committed to intensive monitoring and goal setting. This initiative continues with the collaboration between United Way of Midland and Family Promise.
Education HELP CHILDREN AND YOUTH ACHIEVE THEIR FULL POTENTIAL! The United Way of Midland invested $508,157 into 13 community programs in this focus area. XY-Zone Initiative began in 2011 as a collaboration with Communities In Schools to guide males ages 15-18. Wesley joined XY-Zone as a sophomore in high school. Wesley shared, “The men in my life kept disappointing me, I never had a real role model.”
2014 Education Funded Programs
Wesley continued the program through his Senior year. He became senior class President and shared, “I finally got to have a father figure. I got to see what it was like to be a real role model.”
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Midland One-to-One Youth Mentoring Boy Scouts of America, Buffalo Trail Council Scoutreach Boys and Girls Club of Midland After School Program/Summer Day Camp Formal Sports Casa de Amigos Education Station Communities in Schools CIS-Midland Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest Girl Scout Leadership Development Midland Children’s Rehabilitation Center West Texas Dyslexia Center Midland Fair Havens C3, Teen Mom Program Children’s Enrichment Program Unlock Ministries FUN Academy Opportunity Camp Transition Camp
“I am very proud of myself. I am reading and writing better because of this program.” 2nd grade Club Read Participant
Self-Sufficiency HELP FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES! The United Way of Midland invested $978,500 into 17 community programs in this focus area. Rudy heard about Family Promise through his neighbor. He felt like the program was meant for his family. After several months with Family Promise, Rudy and his family moved into a Families Forward home, a transitional housing collaboration with Family Promise. Upon moving into the home Rudy said, “I was so happy myself, I felt like it was Christmas. I was like a kid opening their first PS3 or X-Box.“ The family was so ecstatic to have their own home as well as their own rooms, “We were living the dream come true,” stated Rudy. Rudy and his family were the first to graduate from the Families Forward program. He said, “This program has helped me alot, it has helped me to be responsible.”
2014 Self-Sufficiency Funded Programs American Red Cross Disaster Services
Midland Need to Read Adult Literacy Tutoring Program
Camp Fire USA, West Texas Council KIDS CARE Summer Program
Midland/Odessa Area AIDS Support Support & Benevolence Program
Casa de Amigos Economic Strength Independent Living Community & Senior Services Elderly Nutrition Foster Grandparents Program Senior Companion Program Family Promise Childcare Midland Fair Havens Supportive Transitional Housing
Midland Rape Crisis & CAC Children’s Advocacy Program Crisis Intervention/Volunteer Safe Place of the Permian Basin Emergency Shelter The Salvation Army Red Shield Comprehensive/Emergency Shelter YMCA Child Development Center
Health HELP EVERYONE TO BE PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY! The United Way of Midland invested $870,865 into 20 community programs in this focus area. Respite means... “A peace of mind, one on one time with my husband, non-kid friendly shops and a full dinner to myself that I don’t have to share! Kids are happy, well supervised, and accepted no matter their specialness. The kids are greeted with smiles and called by name, given activities they can handle, and just have a blast.” Summer Morrison, SHARE Parent Pictured: Blakeley Giles, SHARE Staff and SHARE Participant
2014 Health Funded Programs Alzheimer’s Association Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Programs & Services
Midland/Odessa Area AIDS Support HIV/AIDS/STD Awareness & Prevention
Boys & Girls Club Food & Nutrition
Midland Rape Crisis & CAC Education Therapy
Casa de Amigos Health Services
Mission Center Adult Day Services Basic Healthcare Program
CASA of West Texas Voices for Children Midland County
Palmer Drug Abuse Program Communities that Care Community Recovery & Education
Centers for Children & Families Kids First - Midland Midland Clinical Post Adoption Program
Safe Place of the Permian Basin Counseling & Advocacy STAR Children’s Program
Community Children’s Clinic Pharmacy
SHARE Respite Care
Midland Children’s Rehabilitation Center Hippotherapy
The Springboard Center Intensive Outpatient Program Medical Detox/Inpatient Residential Treatment
United Way Community Grants
P.O.W.E.R. “T.J brought what he learned from the nutrition and exercise program home with him, he has even taught the family better eating habits and portion control,” said T.J.’s Mom & Dad. Aiden (left) and T.J. (right) successfully completed the 8-week P.O.W.E.R. Program and were both rewarded with new tennis shoes.
In addition to Program Funding and Initiatives, United Way of Midland offered Community Grants to nonprofit health and human service organizations for immediate and creative responses to pressing identified needs in Midland. Grant applications were reviewed by the Community Investment Committee and then brought to the Board for approval. For more information , please visit our website -
The United Way of Midland invested $63,786 in 6 nonprofit health and human service programs to address identified pressing needs in Midland.
“To get up in the morning and know you are going to be able to make a difference is a wonderful feeling. These kids are our future generation and we need them just as much as they need us. Even years later, high school age kids run up to me and say Granny E. do you remember me!? This program is part of my heart and it’s a badge of honor to be called Granny E.” Ethel Mapp - Foster Grandparent Program Volunteer, 13 years
2014 Community Grants Big Brothers Big Sisters of Midland STEM Activities Community & Senior Services Senior Programs Public Awareness Midland Children’s Rehabilitation Center Pediatric Outpatient Weight Loss & Education Resources (P.O.W.E.R.) Midland Tennis Center Davidson Opportunity Park (Music Feature) MISD Education Foundation Counseling Resources SHARE Respite Care - Room Leaders
“Boy, it’s hard work saving someone’s life.” - Little Sister Lizbeth pictured with Big Sister Marie
Ready to Read The United Way of Midland Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) launched its Ready to Read program for Pre-K and Headstart Students in the Spring of 2014. Crockett Elementary was identified as having the largest group of PreK/ Headstart students, as well as having some of the lowest test scores in the State. Through Ready to Read, each student receives a reading kit and 5 books to keep.
Women’s Leadership Council The purpose of the United Way of Midland’s Women’s Leadership Council is to engage the community, generate resources and invest in quality programs in Midland County. The signature issue for the group is early literacy, with a goal of increasing the number of students reading proficiently by the end of the third grade. Through the Women’s Leadership event, Power of the Purse, over 750 books were given to students to take home.
“I love my new books and I was so excited I could take them home.” -Ready to Read Participant Crockett Elementary Student
“These ladies did a really good job in reading to the kids. They were obviously trained well. Please thank them for making the effort to give these kids something they need most - TIME with an adult reading.” -Head Start Teacher
Women’s Leadership Steering Committee Ellen M. House, Chair Jayne Junell, Vice Chair Jaime Alexander Jackie (Jaclynn) Allen Rebecca Bell Karmen Bryant
Alice Freidline Kelly Ives Donna Mahurin Karen Nicholson Laura Roman Ramona A. Thomas
United Way Events
Power of the Purse Keynote Speaker Jenna Bush Hager. Jenna Hager is a contributing correspondent on NBC’s Today show and an editorat-large for Southern Living magazine. She is the author of The New York Times bestseller Ana’s Story: A Journey of Hope, which she wrote after traveling to Latin America in 2006 as an intern with UNICEF. Hager holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Texas at Austin. She is also co-author of the children’s book Read All About It! Hager is the daughter of former U.S. President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush. In 2008, she married Henry Hager. On April 13, 2013, she gave birth to daughter Margaret Laura “Mila” Hager.
Power of the Purse Power of the Purse provides a collaborative forum for women of all ages who want to significantly improve the quality of life in Midland County through leadership giving, advocacy and volunteering. It’s about joining with like-minded women to be a strong voice and make a difference in meeting needs in the community.
Power of the Purse Committee Jaime Alexander - Co-Chair Karmen Bryant - Co-Chair Mary Baker - Auction Coordinator
(L-R) Susie Evans & Lynn Munn
(L-R) Karmen Bryant; Jenna Bush Hager; Jaime Alexander (L-R) Diane Ham; Britt Wegman; Toffee McCalister; Chelsea Sheppard
Gold Sponsors
*For a complete list of sponsors, please visit the United Way of Midland website,
Bustin’ Clay for United Way The 13th Annual XTO Energy and Concho Resources Bustin’ Clay for United Way took place in August 2014 to kick off the Annual United Way of Midland Campaign. Thanks to the event committee, volunteers, sponsors and over 500 participants, we had a record-breaking year, raising $254,494!
(L-R) Marvis Schneider; Clark Ballentine; Ryan Hamilton; Clay Bateman
Bustin’ Clay Committee Stephen Brumley, Concho Resources Kendall Chance, XTO Energy Cindy Harrington, Concho Resources Justin Kennedy, Concho Resources Richard Lauderdale, Firewheel Marcella Munoz, XTO Energy Debra Osburg, Concho Resources
Ronnie Patteson, Concho Resources Joe T. Phillips, Sooner Pipe Doug Schmidt, Concho Resources Marvis Schneider, Community Volunteer Jennifer Thames, Concho Resources Diane Woodall, Concho Resources
*For a complete list of sponsors, please visit the United Way of Midland website,
Run a K for United Way Title Sponsor
Run a K for United Way began to promote a healthy lifestyle. It is held in conjunction with USA Fit Midland, a training group designed to help runners and walkers of all ability levels train safely and effectively for Run a K, a 5K/10K run.
Starting line for the Run a K for United Way Event
Wyatt King & Clare King *For a complete list of sponsors, please visit the United Way of Midland website,
2014 USA Fit Group
CLUB READ To prevent the “Summer Slide”, United Way partnered with Casa de Amigos, Midland Fair Havens and Unlock Ministries for the second year of Club Read – a Summer Reading Initiative. With the help of these partners, 150 kindergarten through seventh graders participated in Club Read and received a Summer Reading Kit.
The Alexis de Tocqueville Society Only 26 years old when he came to America in 1831, Alexis Charles Henri-Clerel de Tocqueville traveled all over the young nation. Perhaps his most important observation was that Americans helped each other in time of need. He recognized, applauded and immortalized the voluntary spirit that lives in America’s heart. “I must say that I have seen Americans make great and real sacrifices to the public welfare; and have noticed a hundred instances in which they hardly ever failed to lend faithful support to one another.” United Way of America formed the Alexis de Tocqueville (ADT) Society in 1984 to deepen individuals’ understanding of, commitment to and support of United Way’s work: advancing the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all. The ADT Society recognizes local philanthropic leaders and volunteer champions around the world who have devoted time, talent and funds to create long-lasting changes by tackling our communities’ most serious issues. Membership in the ADT Society is granted to individuals who contribute at least $10,000.00 annually to United Way. The ADT Society of Midland was founded in 1988 with 15 charter members*. In 2014, the ADT Society of Midland had 49 members.
2014 Alexis de Tocqueville Society of Midland Members Abell-Hanger Foundation John and Maurine Cox Foundation * Henry Foundation The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation * Pevehouse Family Foundation The Prairie Foundation Scharbauer Foundation Sandy and Jim Alsup Anonymous (3) Mr. S. Javaid Anwar Mr. David H. Arrington Cindy and Mike Black Mr. and Mrs. Cary Brown Rita and Dale Brown Frances and Jack E. Brown * Molly and Reb Clark Ted and Diana Collins Bill and Mary Anne Dingus Timothy M. Dunn Don and Susie Evans Steve and Debbie Gray Ryan and Tiffani Hamilton David and Pauline Henry Paula and Jim Henry
Michael Hochman Cory Hoffman Patricia and Leon Jeffcoat Laquita and Dennis Johnson Bob and Donna Landreth Amy and Tim Leach Barbara and Mitch Mamoulides Deborah Markley Mr. and Mrs. Scott McGraw Russell Meyers Luke Morrow Newt E. Newton III Mark Nicholas Joe and Jan O’Neill Joe T. Phillips Jack and Randee Rathbone Douglas Scharbauer Kerry and Clarence Scharbauer Ronnie and Cindy Scott L.D. “Buddy” Sipes, Jr. Randy and Julie Stevens Lissa Wagner * David and Amy Wilson
2014 Midland Leadership Circle Leadership givers set the course for others. In our community, many generous and caring individuals have partnered with United Way of Midland to change lives. By making an annual minimum contribution of $1,000 or 1.5% of their income, Leadership Givers are an integral part of our efforts to solve community problems and bring measurable, lasting change to the lives of thousands of Midlanders each year.
Mona Ables Mark and Teresa Alexander Jaime and Roger Alexander Mr. Ken Allemand Mr. Holden Allen Jackie (Jaclynn) Allen Devin Alsup Ernest Angelo, Jr. Anonymous (18) Cori Armstead Ms. Terre Arnett Dana R. Atwater Carol Bair Olga T. Banks Mr. Greg Banner John A. Barkley Wesley Barnt Ms. Phyllis Bechner Denise K. Beckham Robert R. Beecherl Jim and Cheryl Behrmann Larry J. Bell Rebecca Bell Ms. Ruth Stuart Bell Jim and Cindy Benson John and Nancy Bergman Ron Betenbough Ms. Robyn Birka Don L. Bishop Geoff Bister Brandon Black Dan and Pat Black Jack Blake, Jr. David Bledsoe Bennie and Bob Bledsoe Cicely Blumenauer Mr. Al Bondurant Mark and Nancy Bondy Richard E. Booth Noe Del Bosque Wesley D. Bownds
Cheryl Boyce Ann Bradford Mr. Coley Brewer Jan Brockett Don C. and Jayne Bromley Julie and Bill Brown Elizabeth A. Brown Mark and Kathy Bruehl Cece and A.J. Brune Karmen Bryant Cathy and Ken Burgess Leon G. Byerley, Jr. Paula Cahoon
Mr. Christopher M. Comer Mike and Suzanne Conaway Lana and John W. Cooper, IV J. Craig Corbett Lael Cordes-Pitts J. C. Cornett June Cowden Margaret Cowden Elaine and Bobby Cowley Cheryl Craig Mr. Walter L. Crandall
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.�
Winston Churchill Paul and Teresa Cain Paul M. Callaway Robbie and Danny Campbell Mr. Michael J. Canon Patricia A. Cantu Sylvester and Mary Cantu Joseph Caputo Mr. David L. Carrillo Mary Lou Cassidy Pam Castellano Wade Choate Douglas H. and Marcella B. Christensen Mr. Justin Gordon Clark Richard H. Coats Andrew and Michelle Cobb Barbara Cobos Kent L. Coggan Forrest B. Collier Stephen Collins
Terry and Cherie Creech Melody Y. Crowl Tim and Annette Culp Art Custer Robert and Elizabeth Davenport, Sr. Kenneth R. Dean Dan Deemer Srikanth Deme Robert Dent James Denton Norbert J. Dickman George F. Doehne Dinah S. Doggett Richard Donnelly Mr. Bob Doty Alan Douglas Lynn and Rhonda Durham Arlen and Betty Edgar Shawn Edmiston Carmen A. Edwards
Crystal and Jay Edwards Kristi A. Edwards Mr. Tim Edwards Gary and Debbie Elander Tracy K. Elms Harper Estes Ubaldo Estrada, Jr. Mrs. Rita K. Evans Phillip R. Everett, DDS Stephen Fanning W. Kurt Finkbeiner Ms. Anna S. Flores Lori Forbus Marion Fortin Mr. Eric Fortner Alice and Roger Freidline Maridell Fryar Ray Garcia Ms. Charlene Marie Garihan Joe & Linda Garner Ashley Garza Kathryn Gates Donald Gatjanis Diana and Shawn Giacobbe William and Susan Granberry The Helen Greathouse Charitable Trust Mr. Kenneth W. Griffin Brent Gros Christina Hagan Mr. Alan Hale Henry and Jean Halff James E. Hall Linda Hall Linda and Stan Hamblin Maxine Hannifin Dexter L. and Susan E. Harmon
19 John Harrington Mr. Ryan Harrison Christine L. Hart Dan and Jennifer Hart Mr. Doyle Hartman Nathan and Amanda Hartshorne Mr. Darrell Scott Hearne William A. Heck J. Loy and Kimberly Helm Virginia Hendley James B. Henry Ms. Alexandra Hester Jeffrey D. Hewett Kevin F. Hickey Scott and Gladys Hickman Bill J. and Cherry Hill Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Horn Paul and Shari Horne Bill and Debbie Horne Ellen M. House O. J. Hubbard Jr. Jordan D. Huff Ms. Julie Huff Clint and Carrie Hughes Blue and Crecinda Hyatt Laura J. Ingram Scott and Rhonda Ingram Jay and Nancy Isaacs Lesley and Steven Jeffcoat David A. Jelf Christopher Paul Johnson Tom E. Johnson Richard C. Jolly Kimberley Jones Melanie Jones Ms. Danielle E. Jordan Stephen Jumper Jayne Junell Mary B. Kennedy Will Kiker Steven C. Kiser Terry and Pattie Knighton Mr. and Mrs. William Krueger Randy and Jeannie Lalk
John A. Laney Siri Langston Jack and Pat Larremore LaShawn Latta Jim and Shannon Lawrence James R. Leeton, Jr. Toni S. Lent Lagaytha Lewallen Joe T. Lynch Ed and Joann Magruder J. Donette Marble Vickie Martinez Douglas May Billy McAnally Christine McCormick Guy and Jane McCrary Brandi McDonald Darrell McDonald Betty J. McKim Mr. Theodore C. Meade, III Todd and Tiffany Meade Pat and Thomas B. Meadows, III Sherron Meeks Sue Mercer Mr. Kenneth M. Miller Kevin K. Miller Mr. Carvel Mills Shan and Lisa Moon Michael T. Morgan Jim and Dorothy Moring Paul and Dee Morris Howard A. Morrison Paul and Katy Morrow Mr. Thomas O. Morrow Ms. Janet Nelson Banay Newton Mr. Josh Nichols Joe and Dana Niederhofer John R. Norwood Vicky Nunn Harry Nutter Janis Olivas Thomas W. Ortloff Gregory J. Palko Russell D. Pantermuehl
Megan Pause Dave Pearcy Michelle Pendergrass W. F. Pennebaker Wes Perry Ken Pittaway Mr. Matthew Ponce Rebecca Pontaski Betty Ann Prentice John and Janet Pritchett Steve and Debbie Pruett Mr. Austin Puckett Mr. Bruce Raabe Steve Ramharter Angie Ramirez Mr. Jesus Rendon Michael and Nicole Rhoads Becky Richey Robin Richey Samuel C. Roberts Charlie and Camille Robinson Rodney M. Robinson Mr. Arturo I. Rodriguez Denise Ross Randy and Judy Rouse Martin and Aleshia Ruehl Scott and Amy Ryburn Boyd and Tori Schaneman Courtney Sharp Mr. Robert Sharum David Shaw Eric and Debbie Siegmund Yvonne Silipo Tejay and Marlene Simpson Tulsi Dyal Singh, MD Mrs. Becky Smith Lisa F. and David H. Smith David J. Smith David and Becky Smith Gary L. Smith Jim and Tammy Smitherman Mrs. Valerie A. Sparks Robert A. Spears
Charles A. Spence Mr. Darrick Stallings L. Shane Stokes David A. Sutter Michael Swain Mr. Brian Tapp John and Pam Tarr Tommy and Gwen Taylor Judy Terry Carroll and Georgia Thomas Ramona and Sid Thomas Charles and Schatzie Tighe Meredith Tipton Betty and Don E. Tomlin Roger M. Traxel, MD Mr. Jarrett Vick JoAnn and Shelton Viney Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vogel Orin W. Wade Ms. Judith Wagner Debbie and Eddie Wallace Carole Wayland Mike and Donna Weller Mr. Torrey Wetsel Margaret and Russell Wheatley C. Mark and J’Lynn Newman Wheeler Family Foundation Rick and Lori White Charles R. Wiggins James and Virginia Wilder Jack and Terry Wilkinson John Wilkinson Ron M. Willett Linda Williams Glenn and Pebble Winters Mrs. Tammy Winthrop Claire and Jim Woodcock Garth and Sabrina Wright Pam and John Young Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Younger Mr. Casey Zachry Tom and Kay Zeltmann
While every effort is made to accurately recognize every Leadership Giver, recognition in this report is based on information that we receive from employers and individuals by February 28. If you’ve been missed, we sincerely apologize. Thank you for your understanding.
XY-Zone The XY-Zone was created to support and guide adolescent males ages 15-18 who are struggling to stay in school. The program participants experience a close relationship with a skilled, caring adult male role model. Once in the program, the young men meet weekly in a small group with the program coordinator to work on the five Rs — responsibility, relationship-building, respect, reaching out and role models.
Corporate Giving Thank you to the following companies whose corporate contributions totaled over $984,614. Corporate leaders in Midland play an integral role in our efforts to solve community problems and bring measurable, lasting change to the lives of thousands of Midlanders each year.
1st Community Federal Credit Union Abacus Computers, Inc. Abell-Hanger Trustee Match & Employee Giving Access Midstream Albertson’s Allen G. McGuire, CPA Office Amazon Smile AT&T Atmos Energy Bank of America Beal & Wilkes, PC. Best Buy Betenbough Homes Border States Electric BP America Production Company Builders & Homeowners Supply, Inc. Byrd Operating Company Cal-Mon Oil Company Campbell Construction Company CanElson Drilling (US), Inc. Carter’s Furniture, Inc. Chevron Christensen Resource Management Cimarex Energy Community National Bank Composite Lining Systems Concho Resources, Inc. ConocoPhillips Corey Sly Electrical Service Inc. Corley Paper & Box Company Dawson Geophysical Company
Devon Energy Corporation Dillard’s Department Store Discovery Operating, Inc. Eagle Rock Drilling, Inc. Ecolab Foundation Eli Lilly and Company Energen Resources EOG Resources, Inc. Farmers Insurance Group FirstCapital Bank of Texas Frost Bank GE Foundation & Companies Great Western Drilling Co. Griffin & Griffin Ltd. H. E. B. Halliburton Energy Services Henry Foundation Henry Resources, LLC Herd Partners, Ltd. Hy-Bon Engineering Inwest Retirement Solutions J. C. Penney JP Morgan Chase & Co. Jumburrito Kennedy Minerals Ltd. Kent Oil, Inc. Kirk & Company, LLP Lithia Corp. Map Resources Master Tubulars, Inc. MEC Petroleum Corp. Merck & Company, Inc. Nationwide Insurance Nissan of Midland Oncor Electric Delivery Oneok Westex Transmission, LP O’Reilly Auto Parts
Ortloff Technology Group, LLC OXY Permian, Ltd. Parkhill, Smith & Cooper Parsley Energy Operations, LLC Petraitis Oil & Gas Pitts Energy Co. Pumpjacks, Etc. R.K. Petroleum Corporation Regal-Beloit Corporation Rendova Oil Co., Inc. Rhotenberry Wellen Architects Roland Real Estate Rusk Family Charitable Fund Shannon Animal Hospital Shell Trading US Company SM Energy Company Sprint PCS Sproles Woodard, LLP Stubbeman, McRae, Sealy, Laughlin & Browder Summit Petroleum LLC Swartz Framing Studio Target Toyota of Midland Union Pacific Railroad United Parcel Service Vision Health Specialties Wal-Mart Super Center Weaver & Tidwell, L.L.P. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. West Texas Insurance Whiting Petroleum Corporation WPX Energy
United Way of Midland Community Awards Rising Star Recognizes the company with the most improved employee campaign.
Paul C. Rea LIVE UNITED Award
Recognizes the company whose employees have shown sustained 2014 SM Energy excellence in giving, advocating Employee Campaign Coordinators: and voluntering with the United David Blackketter Way of Midland. Sabrina Smith 2014 ConocoPhillips Jared Sparks Employee Campaign Coordinator: Jerry Reno
Eagle Spirit Award Recognizes the company with the greatest percentage of employees giving $1,000 or more. 2014 Summit Petroleum LLC Employee Campaign Coordinator: Angie Phiffer
2014 Employee Giving Awards PLATINUM CIRCLE
(The employees of the following companies gave a per capita gift of $75-99 per employee)
(The employees of the following companies gave a per capita gift of $1-24 per employee)
Bank of America Betenbough Homes Centers for Children & Families Conoco Phillips Energen Resources FirstCapital Bank of Texas Freeman Mills, P.C. Henry Foundation Henry Resources, LLC Integrys Energy Group Inwest Retirement Solutions Johnson, Miller & Company Legacy Reserves Corporation Lynch, Chappell & Alsup, P.C. Midland Fair Havens Nicholas Consulting Group, Inc. Ortloff Technology Group, LLC Shell Trading US Company SM Energy Summit Petroleum LLC True Oil Company United Parcel Service United Way of Midland, Inc.
Alderson Mercedes Benz Volvo Atmos Energy Communities In Schools Federal Express Parkhill, Smith & Cooper Reliance Energy, Inc.
Acme Energy Services Best Buy Blue Cross-Blue Shield BP America Production Company Camp Fire USA West Texas Chapter Centurion Pipeline LP CitiGroup City of Midland Community & Senior Services Cotton, Bledsoe, Tighe & Dawson Dawson Geophysical Company First Baptist Church Health South Rehabilitation Hospital Hy-Bon Engineering J. C. Penney Kinder Morgan CO2 Company, L.P. Kohl’s Department Store Legacy Real Estate Midland Academy Charter School Midland County Offices Midland Independent School District Abell Junior High School Administration Alamo Junior High School Anson Jones Elementary School Bonham Elementary School Burnet Elementary School Bush Elementary School Carver Elementary School Child Nutrition Services Coleman High School Crockett Elementary School DeZavala Elementary School Fannin Elementary School Goddard Junior High School Greathouse Elementary School Henderson Elementary School Houston Elementary School Lamar Elementary School Lee Freshman High School Lee High School Long Elementary School Midland Freshman High School Midland High School Parker Elementary School Pease Magnet School Plant Services San Jacinto Junior High School Santa Rita Elementary School Scharbauer Elementary School South Elementary School Transportation Travis Elementary School My Community Federal Credit Union OXY Permian, Ltd. Pioneer Natural Resources Co.
(The employees of the following companies gave a per capita gift of $200 or more per employee)
(The employees of the following companies gave a per capita gift of $100-199 per employee)
1st Community Federal Credit Union Buckner & Tilley P.C. Chevron Enterprise Rent A Car EOG Resources, Inc. Fasken Oil & Ranch, Ltd. H. E. B. Halliburton Energy Services Hancock Group Magellan Midstream Holdings,GP, LLC Midland Memorial Hospital Midland Independent School District Early College High School Oncor Electric Delivery Permian Basin Area Foundation Plains Marketing, L.P. Prosperity Bank Stubbeman, McRae, Sealy, Laughlin & Browder Wagner & Brown, Ltd. Whiting Petroleum Corporation
(The employees of the following companies gave a per capita gift of $50-74 per employee)
Boys & Girls Club of Midland Casa de Amigos Darrell McDonald Realtors Nationwide Insurance Palmer Drug Abuse Program Safe Place of the Permian Basin Sproles Woodard, L.L.P. Weaver & Tidwell, L.L.P. Wells Fargo Bank
(The employees of the following companies gave a per capita gift of $25-49 per employee)
Access Midstream Albertson’s American Red Cross of the Permian Basin Big Brothers Big Sisters of Midland Boy Scouts of America, Buffalo Trail Council Cimarex Energy Community National Bank Concho Resources, Inc. Frost Bank FTS International Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest Great Western Drilling Co. JP Morgan Chase & Co. Midland College Midland Independent School District Bowie Elementary School Emerson Elementary School MAP Rusk Elementary School Washington Magnet School Northern Natural Gas Oneok Westex Transmission, L.P. Permian Basin Community Centers Security Bank Target The Salvation Army of Midland XTO Energy Inc. YMCA of Midland
While every effort is made to accurately recognize every company that participates in the United Way campaign, recognition in this report is based on information that we receive from companies, employers and individuals by February 28. If you’ve been missed, we sincerely apologize. Thank you for your understanding.
THANK YOU Volunteers 2014 Community Investment Committee Dr. Randy Baiza Midland Independent School District Paul Byrom First Baptist Church Alice Freidline United Way of Midland, Inc. Maridell Fryar Community Volunteer Steven Gray RSP Permian Ryan Hamilton Summit Petroleum Allen Harp EOG Resources Alison King United Way of Midland, Inc. Donna Mahurin United Way of Midland, Inc.
Steven T. Jeffcoat Mike Marquez Laura McCabe Juanita Mendoza Ron Moss Corbette Padilla Kelly Reese Kimberly Reeves Justin Roland John Trischitti
Self Sufficiency Panel Members Paul Byrom, Chair Cari Chaplin Michael Chavez Amber Davidson Kyle Dickson Melanie Horton Lesley Isaacs David Smith Wanda Valles Rebecca Young
Liz McWilliams Community Volunteer
2014 Resource Development Cabinet
Todd Meade Chevron
Alice Freidline United Way of Midland, Inc.
Martin Ruehl, Chair FirstCapital Bank
Ryan Hamilton Summit Petroleum
Andy Shaffer, Vice Chair Community Volunteer
Carrie Hughes United Way of Midland, Inc.
2014 Community Investment Volunteers Health Panel Members Katie Brown Karmen Bryant Megan Dorfner Debbie Gray Shannon Lawrence Liz McWilliams, Chair Trisha Schumann
Dennis Johnson Summit Petroleum Lauren Lawson United Way of Midland, Inc. Shan Moon Don Evans Group Bob Murphy H.E.B. Joe T. Phillips Sooner Pipe & Supply LP
Liz Rose Education Panel Members United Way of Midland, Inc. David Wilson Adrian Acosta Unitex Oil & Gas, LLC Mary Baker Maridell Fryar, Chair Ellen M. House James Howard
2014 Solicitors Kenny Adler James Alsup Jana Asebedo Tomas Berdoza Kay Bivens Mark Bruehl Sherrie Burcham Terra Calloway Victoria Calloway Paul Colwell Steve Deffenbaugh John Downing Arlen Edgar Alice Freidline Justin Ham Ryan Hamilton Tevis Herd T. Scott Hickman Carrie Hughes Steven T. Jeffcoat Dennis Johnson Justin Kuethe Bob Landreth Lauren Lawson Peter Montes Shan Moon Bob Murphy Thomas W. Ortloff Shaunna Patterson Joe T. Phillips Erik Powell Jarod Powell Scott Powell Steve Pruett Liz Rose Charlie Spence Jack Swallow Schatzie Tighe David Wilson David Worley
Stephanie Murphree American Red Cross of the Permian Basin Christy Franklin Anson Jones Elementary School Brandi Price Atmos Energy Ron Betenbough Betenbough Homes Kay Crites Big Brothers Big Sisters of Midland Juan Dominguez Bonham Elementary School Carol Rogers Bowie Elementary School Aaron Bedell Boy Scouts of America, Buffalo Trail Council David Chancellor Boys & Girls Club of Midland Laura Buckner Buckner & Tilley PC Celina Rodriguez Burnet Elementary School Melissa Horner Bush Elementary School William Shuey Camp Fire USA, West Texas Chapter Cynthia Brooks Carver Elementary School Judy Terry Centers for Children & Families
2014 Employee Campaign Coordinators
Dolores Vick Chevron
Rosa Valles 1st Community Federal Credit Union
Karol Mayo Cimarex Energy
Trey Addison Abell Junior High School Janie Hamilton Alamo Junior High School
Macayla L. Henry City of Midland David Moore Coleman High School Morgan M. Buzbee Communities In Schools
25 Kathleen Kirwan-Haynie Community & Senior Services Cindy Wagler Community National Bank
Teresa Krisa Hancock Group
Rhonda M. Murray Ortloff Technology Group, LLC
Megan Shafer Hollen Wheeler Henderson Elementary School OXY Permian, Ltd. Lael Cordes-Pitts Henry Foundation
Michele Savage Palmer Drug Abuse Program
Barbara T. Truitt Henry Resources, LLC
Patrice Compton Parker Elementary School
Adolfo Chavez Houston Elementary School
Kory Murphy Parkhill, Smith & Cooper
Jill Rogers Hy-Bon Engineering
Gabriel Salgado Pease Magnet School
Lisa LeClear Crockett Elementary School
Shana Hull Inwest Retirement Solutions
Jason Stockstill Dawson Geophysical Company
Audra Meade Johnson, Miller & Company
Guy McCrary Permian Basin Area Foundation
Elizabeth Stout Concho Resources, Inc. Jerry Reno ConocoPhillips Michael Hall Cotton, Bledsoe, Tighe & Dawson
Melanie Cavazos DeZavala Elementary School Renee Aldrin Early College High School Paige Shaw Emerson Elementary School Callie Marsh Energen Resources Mark Ceja Enterprise Rent-A-Car Victoria Saxe EOG Resources, Inc. Tracie Burrow Fannin Elementary School Ms. Deborah Williams Fasken Oil & Ranch, Ltd. Crystal Sturm FirstCapital Bank of Texas
Rachel Gardea South Elementary School Coleen Grandmaison Stubbeman, McRae, Sealy, Laughlin & Browder Angie Phiffer Summit Petroleum LLC
Bobby Stults Lee Freshman High School
Heather Liles Pioneer Natural Resources Co.
Sarah Scott True Oil Company
Jumon Hailey Lee High School
Jenna Kimbrough Reliance Energy, Inc.
John Liddle United Parcel Service
Leslie Greathouse Legacy Reserves Corp.
Leslie Goodrum Rusk Elementary School
Bobleta Cleere Wagner & Brown, Ltd.
Linda Whitlow Long Elementary School
Carole Wayland Safe Place of the Permian Basin
Banay Newton Washington Magnet School
Amanda Serrentino Lynch, Chappell & Alsup, P.C. Bahola Edwards Midland College
Anna L. Delgado The Salvation Army of Midland
Mary Ann Espinoza Midland County Offices
Brad Pettit San Jacinto Junior High School
Jerri Ripplinger Midland Fair Havens
Yvette Lozano Santa Rita Elementary School
Emmie McCullough Frost Bank
Summer Van Midland High School
Marnell Fox Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
Michelle Pendergrass Midland Memorial Hospital
Bob Murphy H. E. B.
David Blackketter Sabrina Smith Jared Sparks SM Energy Company
Anna Clements Lamar Elementary School
Kendra Menchaca Midland Freshman High School
Monica Herington Greathouse Elementary School
Leah Wilson Security Bank
Jill A. Stephens Permian Basin Community Centers
Michael Morgan Freeman Mills, PC
Hillary Lovell Goddard Junior High School
Jill Arthur Scharbauer Elementary School
Tara Crockett Travis Elementary School
Adrienne L. Taylor Weaver & Tidwell, L.L.P. Annie Thomas Whiting Petroleum Corporation George Fierro YMCA of Midland
Elizabeth K. York MISD – Administration Jo Ann Valles Nicholas Consulting Group, Inc. Terri Kay Garrison Oncor Electric Delivery
Girl Scout Leadership Development Program
FamilyWize Prescription Cards The FamilyWize Prescription Drug Discount Card enables participants to receive discounted pricing on prescription drugs. This is not insurance. Rather, it is a program that offers immediate discounts on prescription drugs at participating pharmacies. Participants simply present FamilyWize card with each prescription to the participating pharmacy at the time of purchase to receive discounts.
United Way of Midland, Inc. Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2014 (unaudited) ASSETS
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Fund - Unrestricted Current liabilities: $590,568 Accounts payable and other Due to (from) other funds 2,117,522 Due to program providers 3,419,836 Due to state & national affiliations Grants payable 923,999 Total current liabilities 24,230 7,076,155 Net assets
Current assets: Cash Certificates of deposit and other cash investments Marketable securities Pledges receivable, less allowance for uncollectible accounts of $ 178,113 Accrued interest & other current assets Total current assets Notes Receivable Total Assets
540,477 $7,616,632
Property and equipment: Land Building Furniture, fixtures and equipment Total property & equipment Less accumulated depreciation Net property & equipment Total Assets
Total Unrestricted Assets Total Assets
Total liabilities and Net Assets
Land, Building & Equipment Fund - Unrestricted Current liabilities: $61,380 Due to (from) other funds 280,310 Total current liabilities 208,172 549,862 Net assets (315,456) 234,406 Total liabilities and $234,406 Net Assets
United Way Permanent Fund - Unrestricted $581,880 Net Assets
($10,751) (10,751) 245,157
Total Assets, Liabilities & Net Assets - All Unrestricted Funds Total liabilities $8,432,918 Total Unrestricted Net Assets $8,432,918 Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Endowment Investments Future Interest Temporarily Restricted Assets
$29,358 10,751 3,675,566 40,287 458,672 4,214,634
Temporarily Restricted $131,212 2,204,800 $2,204,800 Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
$4,203,883 4,229,035 $8,432,918
Permanently Restricted Certificates of deposit and other cash investments
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
2014 Finance Committee Sylvester Cantu, City of Midland Ryan Hamilton, Summit Petroleum David Henry, Henry Investment Group, LLC Ellen M. House, Community Volunteer Kelly Ives, Community Volunteer
Steven T. Jeffcoat, Johnson, Miller & Company Siri Langston, United Way of Midland, Inc. Donna Mahurin, United Way of Midland, Inc. Shan Moon, Don Evans Group
Zahir Noormohamed, Zahir Noormohamed, CPA Chris Robin, Saturn of Permian Basin Martin F. Ruehl, FirstCapital Bank Deana Savage, Midland College Frank Stowers, Texas Capital Bank
1209 West Wall Street Midland, TX 79701 Tel: 432.685.7700 Fax: 432.682.4462
ON THE COVER: Unlock Ministries - 2014 Op Camp Participants (L-R) Junior League of Midland - Face the Race Participants; Casa de Amigos - Shuffle Board Player; YMCA - Child Development Center Children