United Way of Midland, Inc.
STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION as of December 31, 2013 (unaudited)
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Fund - Unrestricted Current liabilities: $345,387 Accounts payable and other Due to (from) other funds 2,329,001 Due to program providers 3,356,019 Due to state & national affiliations Grants payable 900,313 Total current liabilities 15,782 6,946,502 Net assets Total liabilities and $6,946,502 Net Assets
Current assets: Cash Certificates of deposit and other cash investments Marketable securities Pledges receivable, less allowance for uncollectible accounts of $ 223,059 Accrued interest & other current assets Total current assets Total Assets Property and equipment: Land Building Furniture, fixtures and equipment Total property & equipment Less accumulated depreciation Net property & equipment Total Assets Current assets: Cash Total current assets
Total Assets Investments
Total Unrestricted Assets Total Assets Future Interest
United Way of Midland
$21,661 10,751 3,528,682 45,297 525,938 4,132,329 2,814,173 $6,946,502
Land, Building & Equipment Fund - Unrestricted Current liabilities: $61,380 Due to (from) other funds 280,310 Total current liabilities 185,787 527,477 Net assets (322,544) 204,933 Total liabilities and $204,933 Net Assets
($10,751) (10,751) 215,684
Priority Grant Fund - Unrestricted Current liabilities: 0 Due to (from) other funds Total current liabilities 0 Net assets: Endowment Fund Income Fund Total Net Assets Total liabilities and $0 Net Assets
0 0 0 0 0 $0
United Way Permanent Fund - Unrestricted $597,896 Net Assets
Total Assets, Liabilities & Net Assets - All Unrestricted Funds Total liabilities $7,749,331 Total Unrestricted Net Assets $7,749,331 Total Liabilities and Net Assets Temporarily Restricted Future Interest $1,880,378 Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
4,121,578 $3,627,753 $7,749,331 $1,880,378
Permanently Restricted Certificates of deposit and other cash investments
1209 West Wall Midland, TX 79701
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Phone: 432.685.7700 Fax: 432.682.4462
ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS April 2013 - March 2014
• Campaign Chair Ryan Hamilton and his team raised a record $3,505,937 for the 2012-2013 campaign. These funds benefit United Way of Midland’s (UWM) programs, initiatives and community grants. • UWM hosted its inaugural Run a K for United Way on April 6, 2013. The 5K and 10K race drew 119 participants. In addition, the generosity of sponsors enabled us to raise $12,877. • The work of the Transitional Housing Steering Committee continued throughout 2013. The Family Promise of Midland and UWM collaboration, Families Forward, became a reality in December, when a duplex was acquired and the first family moved into a unit. This family was able to enjoy Christmas in their temporary new home. Ground will be broken later this spring for the construction of two more duplexes. • During the Summer of 2013 UWM partnered with Casa de Amigos to pilot Club Read. Club Read is a program to prevent summer reading loss in low income children. 72 children in second through seventh grade received a reading kit, consisting of five books to keep and a journal. UWM is monitoring the reading grades of these students and preliminary reports show the majority improved their reading grade.
• In August a Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) Steering Committee was formed. Later in 2013, 40 charter members were recruited and donated more than $40,000 towards a Ready to Read initiative. Ready to Read is designed to enhance early grade literacy. In February, WLC gave literacy kits to 88 Pre-K and Head Start students at Crockett Elementary. Volunteers read to the students every other week and present them with a book each time. We will monitor the reading and literacy progress made by these children through the third grade. Ellen House serves as Chair and Jayne Krawietz as Vice Chair. • The 12th Annual XTO and Concho Resources Bustin’ Clay for United Way was another great success. The event kicked off the 2013-2014 United Way campaign by raising $182,000, thanks to the generosity of sponsors and participants. • In January 2014, UWM sponsored its second season of USA Fit Midland. The 12-week training program prepared about 40 walkers and runners along with 10 volunteer coaches, for the second annual Run a K for United Way.
Jaime Alexander
Community Volunteer
Jackie (Jaclynn) Allen
Midland Memorial Hospital
Rebecca Bell
Midland College
Karmen Bryant
Community Volunteer Secretary
Sylvester Cantu City of Midland
Assistant Treasurer
K. Michael Conaway +
U.S. Congressman, Dist. 11
Greg Dove
Concho Resources
Dan Robison Excelsior Foundation
Ellen M. House Community Volunteer
Martin F. Ruehl First Capital Bank of Texas
Past President
Kelly Ives Community Volunteer Steven T. Jeffcoat Johnson, Miller & Company, P.C. President
Mitch Mamoulides Chevron Todd Meade Chevron
Vice President Community Impact
Assistant Vice President Resource Development
Bob Murphy HEB
Steven D. Gray
Joe T. Phillips Sooner Pipe
RSP Permian, Ltd.
Ryan Hamilton
Summit Petroleum President Elect
David Henry Henry Resources, LLC
Donna Mahurin Executive Director Alice Freidline Director of Community Impact
James C. Henry + Henry Resources, LLC
Diana Giacobbe Marketing & IT Specialist Carrie Hughes Assistant Director of Resource Development Alison King Assistant Director of Community Impact Siri Langston Finance Director Shannon Reed Administrative Assistant Whitney Roland Resource Development Campaign Director
Assistant Vice President Community Impact
Thank you to all the volunteers who invest their time and efforts to ensure our success!
Resource Development Cabinet
Randy Silva Western National Bank
Greg Dove Kevin Foreman Ryan Hamilton Dennis Johnson Shan Moon Joe T. Phillips David Wilson
David H. Smith Davis, Gerald & Cremer
Marketing Committee
Deana M. Savage Midland College Andy Shaffer Community Volunteer
Charles A. Spence + U.S. Census Bureau Ramona A. Thomas Permian Basin Community Centers Treasurer
Vice President Resource Development
Mark Wheeler CMW Interests, Inc.
Margaret Purvis + Purvis Operating Company
Ed Wuthrich Shell Trading US Company +Lifetime Member
Ready to Read: started by the Women’s Leadership Council to help increase the number of students reading proficiently by the end of 3rd grade.
USA Fit: training Midlanders to develop a healthy lifestyle and run a 5K or 10K.
Rebecca Bell Karmen Bryant Christi Callicoate Valerie Hale David Henry Steven Jeffcoat Dan Robison Hollen Wheeler
Finance Committee
Sylvester Cantu Ryan Hamilton David Henry Ellen M. House Kelly Ives Steven T. Jeffcoat Shan Moon Zahir N. Noormohamed Chris Robin Martin F. Ruehl Deana M. Savage Frank K. Stowers Ramona A. Thomas
Community Investment Committee Greg Dove Ryan Hamilton Steven T. Jeffcoat Jody Louder Todd Meade, Chair Martin F. Ruehl, Vice Chair Andy Shaffer
Amanda Siruta Ramona Thomas
Community Investment Volunteers Health Panel Members Katie Brown Karmen Bryant Debbie Gray Shannon Lawrence Brent Lunsford Elizabeth McWilliams Todd Meade Trisha Schumann Amanda Siruta, Chair Christopher Stout
Education Panel Members Kelly Ford Maridell Fryar Rodger Horton Kim Kincaid Meredith Morgan Andy Shaffer, Chair
Self Sufficiency Panel Members Paul Byrom Cari Chaplin Michael Chavez Amber Davidson Nancy Davis Kyle Dickson Melanie Horton James Howard Lesley Isaacs Jody Louder, Chair Ryan Loyd Ann Parker Jana Saldivar David Smith Wanda Valles Rebecca Young
Jaime Alexander
Community Volunteer
Jackie (Jaclynn) Allen
Midland Memorial Hospital
Rebecca Bell
Midland College
Karmen Bryant
Community Volunteer Secretary
Sylvester Cantu City of Midland
Assistant Treasurer
K. Michael Conaway +
U.S. Congressman, Dist. 11
Greg Dove
Concho Resources
Dan Robison Excelsior Foundation
Ellen M. House Community Volunteer
Martin F. Ruehl First Capital Bank of Texas
Past President
Kelly Ives Community Volunteer Steven T. Jeffcoat Johnson, Miller & Company, P.C. President
Mitch Mamoulides Chevron Todd Meade Chevron
Vice President Community Impact
Assistant Vice President Resource Development
Bob Murphy HEB
Steven D. Gray
Joe T. Phillips Sooner Pipe
RSP Permian, Ltd.
Ryan Hamilton
Summit Petroleum President Elect
David Henry Henry Resources, LLC
Donna Mahurin Executive Director Alice Freidline Director of Community Impact
James C. Henry + Henry Resources, LLC
Diana Giacobbe Marketing & IT Specialist Carrie Hughes Assistant Director of Resource Development Alison King Assistant Director of Community Impact Siri Langston Finance Director Shannon Reed Administrative Assistant Whitney Roland Resource Development Campaign Director
Assistant Vice President Community Impact
Thank you to all the volunteers who invest their time and efforts to ensure our success!
Resource Development Cabinet
Randy Silva Western National Bank
Greg Dove Kevin Foreman Ryan Hamilton Dennis Johnson Shan Moon Joe T. Phillips David Wilson
David H. Smith Davis, Gerald & Cremer
Marketing Committee
Deana M. Savage Midland College Andy Shaffer Community Volunteer
Charles A. Spence + U.S. Census Bureau Ramona A. Thomas Permian Basin Community Centers Treasurer
Vice President Resource Development
Mark Wheeler CMW Interests, Inc.
Margaret Purvis + Purvis Operating Company
Ed Wuthrich Shell Trading US Company +Lifetime Member
Ready to Read: started by the Women’s Leadership Council to help increase the number of students reading proficiently by the end of 3rd grade.
USA Fit: training Midlanders to develop a healthy lifestyle and run a 5K or 10K.
Rebecca Bell Karmen Bryant Christi Callicoate Valerie Hale David Henry Steven Jeffcoat Dan Robison Hollen Wheeler
Finance Committee
Sylvester Cantu Ryan Hamilton David Henry Ellen M. House Kelly Ives Steven T. Jeffcoat Shan Moon Zahir N. Noormohamed Chris Robin Martin F. Ruehl Deana M. Savage Frank K. Stowers Ramona A. Thomas
Community Investment Committee Greg Dove Ryan Hamilton Steven T. Jeffcoat Jody Louder Todd Meade, Chair Martin F. Ruehl, Vice Chair Andy Shaffer
Amanda Siruta Ramona Thomas
Community Investment Volunteers Health Panel Members Katie Brown Karmen Bryant Debbie Gray Shannon Lawrence Brent Lunsford Elizabeth McWilliams Todd Meade Trisha Schumann Amanda Siruta, Chair Christopher Stout
Education Panel Members Kelly Ford Maridell Fryar Rodger Horton Kim Kincaid Meredith Morgan Andy Shaffer, Chair
Self Sufficiency Panel Members Paul Byrom Cari Chaplin Michael Chavez Amber Davidson Nancy Davis Kyle Dickson Melanie Horton James Howard Lesley Isaacs Jody Louder, Chair Ryan Loyd Ann Parker Jana Saldivar David Smith Wanda Valles Rebecca Young
United Way of Midland, Inc.
STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION as of December 31, 2013 (unaudited)
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Fund - Unrestricted Current liabilities: $345,387 Accounts payable and other Due to (from) other funds 2,329,001 Due to program providers 3,356,019 Due to state & national affiliations Grants payable 900,313 Total current liabilities 15,782 6,946,502 Net assets Total liabilities and $6,946,502 Net Assets
Current assets: Cash Certificates of deposit and other cash investments Marketable securities Pledges receivable, less allowance for uncollectible accounts of $ 223,059 Accrued interest & other current assets Total current assets Total Assets Property and equipment: Land Building Furniture, fixtures and equipment Total property & equipment Less accumulated depreciation Net property & equipment Total Assets Current assets: Cash Total current assets
Total Assets Investments
Total Unrestricted Assets Total Assets Future Interest
United Way of Midland
$21,661 10,751 3,528,682 45,297 525,938 4,132,329 2,814,173 $6,946,502
Land, Building & Equipment Fund - Unrestricted Current liabilities: $61,380 Due to (from) other funds 280,310 Total current liabilities 185,787 527,477 Net assets (322,544) 204,933 Total liabilities and $204,933 Net Assets
($10,751) (10,751) 215,684
Priority Grant Fund - Unrestricted Current liabilities: 0 Due to (from) other funds Total current liabilities 0 Net assets: Endowment Fund Income Fund Total Net Assets Total liabilities and $0 Net Assets
0 0 0 0 0 $0
United Way Permanent Fund - Unrestricted $597,896 Net Assets
Total Assets, Liabilities & Net Assets - All Unrestricted Funds Total liabilities $7,749,331 Total Unrestricted Net Assets $7,749,331 Total Liabilities and Net Assets Temporarily Restricted Future Interest $1,880,378 Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
4,121,578 $3,627,753 $7,749,331 $1,880,378
Permanently Restricted Certificates of deposit and other cash investments
1209 West Wall Midland, TX 79701
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Phone: 432.685.7700 Fax: 432.682.4462
ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS April 2013 - March 2014
• Campaign Chair Ryan Hamilton and his team raised a record $3,505,937 for the 2012-2013 campaign. These funds benefit United Way of Midland’s (UWM) programs, initiatives and community grants. • UWM hosted its inaugural Run a K for United Way on April 6, 2013. The 5K and 10K race drew 119 participants. In addition, the generosity of sponsors enabled us to raise $12,877. • The work of the Transitional Housing Steering Committee continued throughout 2013. The Family Promise of Midland and UWM collaboration, Families Forward, became a reality in December, when a duplex was acquired and the first family moved into a unit. This family was able to enjoy Christmas in their temporary new home. Ground will be broken later this spring for the construction of two more duplexes. • During the Summer of 2013 UWM partnered with Casa de Amigos to pilot Club Read. Club Read is a program to prevent summer reading loss in low income children. 72 children in second through seventh grade received a reading kit, consisting of five books to keep and a journal. UWM is monitoring the reading grades of these students and preliminary reports show the majority improved their reading grade.
• In August a Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) Steering Committee was formed. Later in 2013, 40 charter members were recruited and donated more than $40,000 towards a Ready to Read initiative. Ready to Read is designed to enhance early grade literacy. In February, WLC gave literacy kits to 88 Pre-K and Head Start students at Crockett Elementary. Volunteers read to the students every other week and present them with a book each time. We will monitor the reading and literacy progress made by these children through the third grade. Ellen House serves as Chair and Jayne Krawietz as Vice Chair. • The 12th Annual XTO and Concho Resources Bustin’ Clay for United Way was another great success. The event kicked off the 2013-2014 United Way campaign by raising $182,000, thanks to the generosity of sponsors and participants. • In January 2014, UWM sponsored its second season of USA Fit Midland. The 12-week training program prepared about 40 walkers and runners along with 10 volunteer coaches, for the second annual Run a K for United Way.