PhD Information Studies
PhD Newsletter Vol. 01 | No. 02
February 2012
A Note from our Director... In this issue:
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Note from the PhD Program Director, Dr. Iris Xie Student Milestones
Student Spotlight: Suyu Lin Conference Experiences: Tina Jayroe Jennifer Thiele
Student Spotlight: Marta Magnuson Conference Experiences: Jihee Beak Nick Proferes
Graduate Spotlight: Dr. Krystyna Matusiak Conference Experiences Important Dates Recent Scholarship
At the beginning of 2012, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributes to the development and enhancement of the SOIS PhD program. The first and second issues of our newsletter show the successes of our students. Based on the feedback I received from faculty, our doctoral students received great comments for their Project Assistant/Teaching Assistant (PA/TA) work last semester. When we celebrate the achievements of our students, it is also the time to think about the enhancement of the program. Please share your ideas and suggestions with me about how to improve our program. Here are some of the PhD program updates: • The Doctoral Program Committee (DPC) is in the process of reviewing policies and guidelines of the program ranging from PA/TA criteria to course offerings. At the same time, the DPC is in the process of reviewing and admitting new students for Fall 2012. • We started to offer workshops to our doctoral students based on students’ feedback. Thanks to Professor Moyer and Professor Zimmer for their excellent presentations on Dissertation Proposal workshop. In spring semester, we are offering Grant Writing, Prelim Exam and Dissertation writing workshops. • Four doctoral students (Chunsheng Huang, Soohyung Joo, Kun Lu and Carol Sabbar) received the SOIS Doctoral Research Award Grant Opportunity (DRAGO) last year. It was created to support small equipment purchases, supplies, travel in relation to conducting research, and participant recruitment in order to make research activities possible. The deadline for submission this year is May 1st. • Professor Wolfram, will continue organizing the Overcoming Barriers to Information Access (B2A) colloquium presented by SOIS faculty members once per month during the spring semester. • Our doctoral students actively presented at school, national, and international conferences last semester including SOIS research symposium, ASIST, AoIR, etc. Please send your comments and suggestions regarding our program to me ( We are in touch and you are in touch.
Student Milestones
School of Information Studies 2025 E Newport | NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211
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Suyu Lin started a new position as a Scholarly Communications Librarian at University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Libraries. Dalal Al-budaiwi, Melodie Joy Fox, and Anthony Hoffmann successfully passed their preliminary exams.