PhD Newsletter - Fall 2014

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Save the Date! PhD Workshops

NWQ B 3511 • Lunch will be provided.

“Practical Steps for Generating Operational Research Questions”

Presented by Dr. Richard Smiraglia September 16, 2014 | 12:30 - 2:00pm | NWQB 3511

“Copyright and Contract in the Academy: From Research Idea to Publication” Presented by Dr. Tomas Lipinski October 14, 2014 | 12:30 - 2:00pm | NWQB 3511

“Faculty Positions: Perspectives from Our Own Graduates” Presented by Dr. Edward Benoit, Dr. Soohyung Joo, Dr. Suyu Lin and Dr. Kun Lu November 18, 2014 | 12:30 - 2:00pm | NWQB 3511

2025 E Newport Ave NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

The SOIS PhD Newsletter is published twice a year by the SOIS PhD student body. Contributions (articles, letters, photos, etc.) are welcomed. Please send updates to the PhD Program Director, Dr. Iris Xie ( EDITORIAL BOARD Laura Ridenour, PhD Student, Chief Editor Shannon Barniskis, PhD Student, Editor Inkyung Choi, PhD Student, Editor Dr. Iris Xie, PhD Program Director, Editor Art Direction & Design: Claire Ehlers

Doctoral Program Committee Spring & Summer 2014 Linda Barajas Dr. Terrance Newell Dr. Wilhelm Peekhaus (Chair, Spring 2014) Dr. Iris Xie (Director) Shannon Barniskis (Student)



PhD Information Studies

PhD Newsletter Vol. 04 | No. 01

In this issue:

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Note from Program Director, Dr. Iris Xie

New PhD Students: Tae Hee Lee SukJin You Melissa Castillo New PhD Students: Musa Dauda Hassan Xin Cai Maali Alghnimi, Student Milestones


SOIS PhD Students: World Travelers


SOIS PhD Students: World Travelers Cont.

8 9 10

Recent Scholarship: Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, Posters, Presentations

Recent Scholarship: Invited Speaker, Awards, Professional Service

Save The Date: Upcoming Events

School of Information Studies 2025 E Newport | NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

September 2014

A Note from our Director... As the SOIS PhD program enters its seventh year since it first admitted doctoral students in 2008, I would like to highlight the achievements of the program and examine the challenges that the program faces.   Seven students have graduated from the program, and graduates of the doctoral program successfully begun careers in the field.  More than half of graduates accepted assistant professor positions at universities in the United States. During the program’s first six years, students demonstrated excellence through their academic achievements, public service, and strong publication records. Students authored or co-authored 12 book chapters or monographs on topics ranging from social media and privacy to digital library evaluation criteria. Additionally, they authored or co-authored over 50 journal articles in high-quality publications. Perhaps most impressive is the program’s representation at regional, national, and international conferences with students presenting over 160 papers, 85 posters, and 55 invited talks. Additionally, 65 of the papers were published in conference proceedings and several received conference awards for best papers or posters.  SOIS doctoral students received numerous awards and scholarships during the program’s first six years. Particularly noteworthy are the six students who received scholarships from IMLS grants, one student who received ASIST Best Poster Award, two students who received the highly competitive Distinguished Dissertation Fellowships, and a student who received an Advanced Opportunity Program Fellowship from the UW-Milwaukee Graduate School. In addition, two students are funded through major grants and three students participated in the Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme. Doctoral students also received awards and scholarships from the Great Lakes National STEM Program, Midwest Archives Conference, Doctoral Students to ALISE Grant program, ALISE/Jean Tague Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition, UWMilwaukee’s Roberto Hernández Center (scholarship for Latino Nonprofit Leadership Program), and the Chinese American Librarians Association. Several students received recognition for teaching excellence through the SOIS Teaching Award program.  It is a challenge to recruit high quality students in this more competitive environment in recent years, especially in the United States. More marketing and promotion approaches will be taken to recruit prospective students. We are in the process of creating a promotional video for the program. The program is committed to the ongoing development and aims to further expand faculty engagement with the doctoral program. In particular, we aim to submit more grant applications that will fund our doctoral students, and to increase the  number of opportunities for students to engage in interdisciplinary or cross-institutional collaboration.

Please send your comments and suggestions regarding our program to me ( We are in touch and you are in touch.

Welcome to SOIS

New PhD Students FA L L 2 0 1 4

Tae Hee Lee

Tae Hee Lee

I’m from Seoul, South Korea. I worked in the Information Technology department in Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance as manager. Before I went to Samsung, I studied at Syracuse University, New York, and received two master degrees in Information Management, and Telecommunication and Network Management. My research interests are finding factors influencing the interaction of information technologies and people/society, the impact of national and cultural differences on information policy and changes in technology usage, and the impact of policy on changes in information technologies and users. Personally, I like traveling, playing golf, and basketball.

SukJin You

SukJin You

I am from South Korea. I earned a MLIS degree from UW-Milwaukee this summer, and I am very happy to start the PhD program at UWM this fall. My undergraduate study was in Computer Science and Engineering. Before enrolling in graduate school, I worked as a phone software developer at an electronic company in Korea for several years. During the MLIS program, I am trying to taste various study fields in information studies as long as I can. Luckily I have been taking part in some projects requiring technical knowledge such as XML design, information retrieval system design, health information help system, microblog and visualization under the guidance of professors at UWM. Another project relating to visualization was conducted at the Digitization Projects Unit of the UWM libraries. I want to collaborate with new students who are interested in those fields. I like playing sports a lot such as swimming, running and floor hockey. I hope that we meet and enjoy sports together.

Melissa Castillo

Melissa Castillo 02 | PhD Newsletter

I’m originally from the Chicago suburbs, but I have lived in Wisconsin for the last 6 years. I obtained my MA in English in 2011 from UW-Eau Claire. I am a Technology Assistant at the UWM Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, where I’ve been involved with our active learning pilot and open education/textbook alternatives pilot. I’m interested in exploring how knowledge is constructed via digital learning and content platforms. Other research interests include areas of instructional design and usability. I enjoy running, traveling, gardening, live music, and dogs.

New PhD Students FA L L 2 0 1 4

Musa Dauda Hassan

My name is Musa, and I was born in a small village of Maraba Yakawada Giwa, of Kaduna State, Nigeria. I worked for over a decade as a Research Librarian at Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research (Tropical diseases) Kaduna. I received my Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Postgraduate Diploma and Master’s Degree all in the department of Library and Information Science at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. My research interests are the digital automation of valuable documents (especially of important documents of Northern part of Nigeria) and to create or established a share platform which will facilitate information retrieval and dissemination, making it available to the benefit to international communities in a collaborative search environment. I love research, discussing developing new ideas, participating in conferences and workshops, keen on sport and like having friends and hope to relate with interesting people at UWM.

Musa Dauda Hassan

Xin Cai

Xin Cai

I’m from Wuhan, a city in central China. Having majored in computer science as an undergraduate and information science as a graduate in the Central China Normal University, I’m now interested in research areas such as visualization for information retrieval and linked data. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee is famous for its academic environment and facilities. I look forward to meeting you guys at UWM.

Maali Alghnimi

I am from Kuwait and I received my master’s degree in Library and Information Science from Kuwait University. I would like to develop a better understanding and knowledge regarding the digital librarianship. Therefore, I am interested in digitization and electronic archiving, besides related issues in this area.

Maali Alghnimi

Student Milestones: Jihee Beak, Ed Benoit, Anna Hoffman and Chunsheng Huang successfully defended their dissertations. Jennifer Thiele successfully defended her dissertation proposal. Tyler Smith successfully passed his prelim exam.

Fall 2014| 03

Welcome to SOIS

New PhD Students FA L L 2 0 1 4

Tae Hee Lee

Tae Hee Lee

I’m from Seoul, South Korea. I worked in the Information Technology department in Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance as manager. Before I went to Samsung, I studied at Syracuse University, New York, and received two master degrees in Information Management, and Telecommunication and Network Management. My research interests are finding factors influencing the interaction of information technologies and people/society, the impact of national and cultural differences on information policy and changes in technology usage, and the impact of policy on changes in information technologies and users. Personally, I like traveling, playing golf, and basketball.

SukJin You

SukJin You

I am from South Korea. I earned a MLIS degree from UW-Milwaukee this summer, and I am very happy to start the PhD program at UWM this fall. My undergraduate study was in Computer Science and Engineering. Before enrolling in graduate school, I worked as a phone software developer at an electronic company in Korea for several years. During the MLIS program, I am trying to taste various study fields in information studies as long as I can. Luckily I have been taking part in some projects requiring technical knowledge such as XML design, information retrieval system design, health information help system, microblog and visualization under the guidance of professors at UWM. Another project relating to visualization was conducted at the Digitization Projects Unit of the UWM libraries. I want to collaborate with new students who are interested in those fields. I like playing sports a lot such as swimming, running and floor hockey. I hope that we meet and enjoy sports together.

Melissa Castillo

Melissa Castillo 02 | PhD Newsletter

I’m originally from the Chicago suburbs, but I have lived in Wisconsin for the last 6 years. I obtained my MA in English in 2011 from UW-Eau Claire. I am a Technology Assistant at the UWM Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, where I’ve been involved with our active learning pilot and open education/textbook alternatives pilot. I’m interested in exploring how knowledge is constructed via digital learning and content platforms. Other research interests include areas of instructional design and usability. I enjoy running, traveling, gardening, live music, and dogs.

New PhD Students FA L L 2 0 1 4

Musa Dauda Hassan

My name is Musa, and I was born in a small village of Maraba Yakawada Giwa, of Kaduna State, Nigeria. I worked for over a decade as a Research Librarian at Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research (Tropical diseases) Kaduna. I received my Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Postgraduate Diploma and Master’s Degree all in the department of Library and Information Science at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. My research interests are the digital automation of valuable documents (especially of important documents of Northern part of Nigeria) and to create or established a share platform which will facilitate information retrieval and dissemination, making it available to the benefit to international communities in a collaborative search environment. I love research, discussing developing new ideas, participating in conferences and workshops, keen on sport and like having friends and hope to relate with interesting people at UWM.

Musa Dauda Hassan

Xin Cai

Xin Cai

I’m from Wuhan, a city in central China. Having majored in computer science as an undergraduate and information science as a graduate in the Central China Normal University, I’m now interested in research areas such as visualization for information retrieval and linked data. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee is famous for its academic environment and facilities. I look forward to meeting you guys at UWM.

Maali Alghnimi

I am from Kuwait and I received my master’s degree in Library and Information Science from Kuwait University. I would like to develop a better understanding and knowledge regarding the digital librarianship. Therefore, I am interested in digitization and electronic archiving, besides related issues in this area.

Maali Alghnimi

Student Milestones: Jihee Beak, Ed Benoit, Anna Hoffman and Chunsheng Huang successfully defended their dissertations. Jennifer Thiele successfully defended her dissertation proposal. Tyler Smith successfully passed his prelim exam.

Fall 2014| 03



SOIS PhD Students: World Travelers

Information Studies

Information Studies

by Laura Ridenour

Jihee Beak

In 2013, students from the School of Information Studies traveled to 27 conferences in eight countries. Students submitted pictures and their favorite moments from either in the conference, or excursions outside of the conference. Inkyu ng Ch oi

Ann Graf

res Nick Profe

Ann and Jihee in Poland

Favorite Moment: One thing that I really enjoyed during the conference was ISKO and KO’s 25th Anniversary Banquet and cultural programme at the Wieliczka Salt Mine tour. It was the most interesting dinner at an underground chambers of the Wieliczka Salt Mine. Nice dinner, nice conversation with IO scholars, and nice music performance by a band Open Access consisting of several professors and students at the Institute of Information and Library Science of the Jagiellonian University. Everthing was great! I am looking forward to attending the next ISKO conference!

Chunsheng Huang

Graffiti in Warsaw

Hyoungjoo Park Inkyung at IFLA 2013 in Singapore

Favorite Moment: I was one of the conference organizers for the Library Service Transforming Conference in Taichung, Taiwan.

Shannon Crawford -Barnisk


Favorite Moment: At the iConference in Berlin, I walked around West G with Yuehua. While in Wisconsin Dells for WAAL, I played Cards Against Humanity, the library version, with many dignified-seeming librarians, most of whom relished speaking about unspeakable acts “committed” in libraries. 04 | PhD Newsletter

Favorite Moment: The iConference had a reception at the Berlin Natural History museum. At the museum, I took a selfie with the Darwin statue.

Ann aH offm an

Hyoungjoo Park & Laura Rideinour outside the Heathrow Airport on the way to ISKO in Poland

At the Berlin Wall

Selfie with the bust of Darwin

Melod ie Fox

Enjoying pork knuckle with my mom

Favorite Moment: My Mother tagged along to Poland so she could revisit her Polish roots as her mother is Polish. Here we are eating a pork knuckle (with a side of lard) that made her nostalgic for her childhood. I gained an appreciation for never having to eat pork knuckle or lard ever again.

Favorite Moment: Adventures in Poland included touring the Wieliczka Salt Mines in Krakow, Auschwitz and Birkenau on the outskirts of the city of Oswiecim, and the Chopin Museum and Chopin concert in Warsaw. While in Pittsburgh, I visited the Carnegie Museum of Natural History and Carnegie Museum of Art as well as Falling Water, a house designed for the Kaufman family by architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935 in rural southwestern Pennsylvania, 43 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

Favorite Moment: I was extremely excited to present my poster at the conference in San Francisco.

hao Z a u Yueh

A house in Lisbon

Favorite Moment: My highlights include: seeing Peaches perform at the Lisbon pride festival, visiting local breweries and coffee houses in San Diego and Denver, biergartens in Berlin and taking a side trip to Prague where I sipped absinthe and looked at original Mucha posters, like a true Bohemian!

Yuehua Zhao & Professor Dietmar Wolfram at the social dinner in a nature museum in Berlin

Favorite Moment: The dinner at the iConference in the museum was amazing! Fall 2014| 05



SOIS PhD Students: World Travelers

Information Studies

Information Studies

by Laura Ridenour

Jihee Beak

In 2013, students from the School of Information Studies traveled to 27 conferences in eight countries. Students submitted pictures and their favorite moments from either in the conference, or excursions outside of the conference. Inkyu ng Ch oi

Ann Graf

res Nick Profe

Ann and Jihee in Poland

Favorite Moment: One thing that I really enjoyed during the conference was ISKO and KO’s 25th Anniversary Banquet and cultural programme at the Wieliczka Salt Mine tour. It was the most interesting dinner at an underground chambers of the Wieliczka Salt Mine. Nice dinner, nice conversation with IO scholars, and nice music performance by a band Open Access consisting of several professors and students at the Institute of Information and Library Science of the Jagiellonian University. Everthing was great! I am looking forward to attending the next ISKO conference!

Chunsheng Huang

Graffiti in Warsaw

Hyoungjoo Park Inkyung at IFLA 2013 in Singapore

Favorite Moment: I was one of the conference organizers for the Library Service Transforming Conference in Taichung, Taiwan.

Shannon Crawford -Barnisk


Favorite Moment: At the iConference in Berlin, I walked around West G with Yuehua. While in Wisconsin Dells for WAAL, I played Cards Against Humanity, the library version, with many dignified-seeming librarians, most of whom relished speaking about unspeakable acts “committed” in libraries. 04 | PhD Newsletter

Favorite Moment: The iConference had a reception at the Berlin Natural History museum. At the museum, I took a selfie with the Darwin statue.

Ann aH offm an

Hyoungjoo Park & Laura Rideinour outside the Heathrow Airport on the way to ISKO in Poland

At the Berlin Wall

Selfie with the bust of Darwin

Melod ie Fox

Enjoying pork knuckle with my mom

Favorite Moment: My Mother tagged along to Poland so she could revisit her Polish roots as her mother is Polish. Here we are eating a pork knuckle (with a side of lard) that made her nostalgic for her childhood. I gained an appreciation for never having to eat pork knuckle or lard ever again.

Favorite Moment: Adventures in Poland included touring the Wieliczka Salt Mines in Krakow, Auschwitz and Birkenau on the outskirts of the city of Oswiecim, and the Chopin Museum and Chopin concert in Warsaw. While in Pittsburgh, I visited the Carnegie Museum of Natural History and Carnegie Museum of Art as well as Falling Water, a house designed for the Kaufman family by architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935 in rural southwestern Pennsylvania, 43 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

Favorite Moment: I was extremely excited to present my poster at the conference in San Francisco.

hao Z a u Yueh

A house in Lisbon

Favorite Moment: My highlights include: seeing Peaches perform at the Lisbon pride festival, visiting local breweries and coffee houses in San Diego and Denver, biergartens in Berlin and taking a side trip to Prague where I sipped absinthe and looked at original Mucha posters, like a true Bohemian!

Yuehua Zhao & Professor Dietmar Wolfram at the social dinner in a nature museum in Berlin

Favorite Moment: The dinner at the iConference in the museum was amazing! Fall 2014| 05


SOIS PhD Students: World Travelers

Information Studies

Adria na

McCle er

Tyler Scott Smith



Yanyan Wang

Information Studies

it Ed Beno

Favorite Moment: I really enjoyed being a mentor to the WAAL scholarship winner and showing them how conferences work and the process involved in running one.

nour e d i aR

Laur Renee, Shannon Jennifer, & Adriana

Favorite Moment: Dr. Joyce Latham invited a group of SOIS faculty and students together early in 2013 to discuss the recent Pew Research Center reports on public libraries. We designed a general plan for research, networking, and collaboration. Since the first gathering, there have been numerous interviews, social gatherings, formal meetings, focus groups, and Skype calls as a small group with SOIS staff and faculty and with librarians around the state of Wisconsin. Our presentation at ALA in Las Vegas was a highlight of this partnership - it was high-energy and interactive! It has been a true pleasure to be a part of this research team.

Yanyan displaying the poster she presented with Yuehua and Soohyung at WAAL

Favorite Moment: I attended the 2014 WAAL Conference on May 1 with Yuehua. The conference was hosted at the Chula Vista Resort. This place was amazing! Pretty lakes and mountains refreshed both of us on that day. And we met Nicole and Jenny there. Nicole brought a basket filled with lots of candles. Their posters were as attractive as those candles!


e Jennif

Nicole Jenks May Favorite Moment: At WAAL, I way-too-prepared with extra tape, staples, and other materials, so the conference people said I should be awarded a “most helpful participant” award, if they had one, which they had not. It was also neat to see so many of my collegues since I’d been doing online classes all semester (thank goodness, given the weather, which I assure you was UNUSUAL even for us).

o Joel DesArm

Favorite Moment: The AERI conference is a highlight of my year every year since it provides excellent panels, but more importantly, social events that have built strong cohorts and collaborative research. This year was no different as I spent time between students and faculty.

sniak Renee Bennett-Kapu

son Steven

Favorite Moment: Singing in Librarian’s Rock with Adriana, Jennifer and Shannon at WLA.

Sukwon Lee

Outside Paris, Las Vegas

Favorite Moment: Hearing Stan Lee speak at ALA in Las Vegas was truly inspiring. He became a legend by breaking all the rules. Outside of the conference, a friend who is a children’s librarian I managed to get lost in the labyrinth between the Bally’s and Paris hotels. I also reunited with friends from my master’s program and went on a mission with them to find drinks served in ceramic balloons.

Ed, Jenny, & Ann at AERI in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Convening Cultures Conference, Seven Native American teachings start with Love and end with Truth

Favorite Moment: At ASIST, having the opportunity to be immersed in a foreign culture is truly ___. I could fill in the blank with about a million words; all of them ridiculously positive. I’ll just start at the beginning of the alphabet and leave it at that. It is amazing. I had great fun speaking French and trying local food such as crepes, poutine, and smoked meat. The Convening Cultures Conference brought together LIS professionals from many Native American tribes to participate in professional sessions sharing culturally mindful information, along with community building and traditional Native American activities. While there, I had the chance to go hot-tubbing outside while it was snowing. WOW, OMG, LOL, WTF, BBQ, and so on. Holy cow, I strongly recommend the simultaneous mix of hot and cold to everyone. 06 | PhD Newsletter

Carol Sabbar In the lobby for the conference

Favorite Moment: Gave a presentation entitled “Using Organizational Values to Calibrate Planning Trajectories” with Dr. Todd Kelley, Dr. Dana Garrigan and Mr. William Hoare, from Carthage College.

Favorite Moment: I went to Wisconsin Dells to attend the WAAL conference. I enjoyed the waterpark with my colleagues, both current SOIS students and alumni. Fall 2014| 07


SOIS PhD Students: World Travelers

Information Studies

Adria na

McCle er

Tyler Scott Smith



Yanyan Wang

Information Studies

it Ed Beno

Favorite Moment: I really enjoyed being a mentor to the WAAL scholarship winner and showing them how conferences work and the process involved in running one.

nour e d i aR

Laur Renee, Shannon Jennifer, & Adriana

Favorite Moment: Dr. Joyce Latham invited a group of SOIS faculty and students together early in 2013 to discuss the recent Pew Research Center reports on public libraries. We designed a general plan for research, networking, and collaboration. Since the first gathering, there have been numerous interviews, social gatherings, formal meetings, focus groups, and Skype calls as a small group with SOIS staff and faculty and with librarians around the state of Wisconsin. Our presentation at ALA in Las Vegas was a highlight of this partnership - it was high-energy and interactive! It has been a true pleasure to be a part of this research team.

Yanyan displaying the poster she presented with Yuehua and Soohyung at WAAL

Favorite Moment: I attended the 2014 WAAL Conference on May 1 with Yuehua. The conference was hosted at the Chula Vista Resort. This place was amazing! Pretty lakes and mountains refreshed both of us on that day. And we met Nicole and Jenny there. Nicole brought a basket filled with lots of candles. Their posters were as attractive as those candles!


e Jennif

Nicole Jenks May Favorite Moment: At WAAL, I way-too-prepared with extra tape, staples, and other materials, so the conference people said I should be awarded a “most helpful participant” award, if they had one, which they had not. It was also neat to see so many of my collegues since I’d been doing online classes all semester (thank goodness, given the weather, which I assure you was UNUSUAL even for us).

o Joel DesArm

Favorite Moment: The AERI conference is a highlight of my year every year since it provides excellent panels, but more importantly, social events that have built strong cohorts and collaborative research. This year was no different as I spent time between students and faculty.

sniak Renee Bennett-Kapu

son Steven

Favorite Moment: Singing in Librarian’s Rock with Adriana, Jennifer and Shannon at WLA.

Sukwon Lee

Outside Paris, Las Vegas

Favorite Moment: Hearing Stan Lee speak at ALA in Las Vegas was truly inspiring. He became a legend by breaking all the rules. Outside of the conference, a friend who is a children’s librarian I managed to get lost in the labyrinth between the Bally’s and Paris hotels. I also reunited with friends from my master’s program and went on a mission with them to find drinks served in ceramic balloons.

Ed, Jenny, & Ann at AERI in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Convening Cultures Conference, Seven Native American teachings start with Love and end with Truth

Favorite Moment: At ASIST, having the opportunity to be immersed in a foreign culture is truly ___. I could fill in the blank with about a million words; all of them ridiculously positive. I’ll just start at the beginning of the alphabet and leave it at that. It is amazing. I had great fun speaking French and trying local food such as crepes, poutine, and smoked meat. The Convening Cultures Conference brought together LIS professionals from many Native American tribes to participate in professional sessions sharing culturally mindful information, along with community building and traditional Native American activities. While there, I had the chance to go hot-tubbing outside while it was snowing. WOW, OMG, LOL, WTF, BBQ, and so on. Holy cow, I strongly recommend the simultaneous mix of hot and cold to everyone. 06 | PhD Newsletter

Carol Sabbar In the lobby for the conference

Favorite Moment: Gave a presentation entitled “Using Organizational Values to Calibrate Planning Trajectories” with Dr. Todd Kelley, Dr. Dana Garrigan and Mr. William Hoare, from Carthage College.

Favorite Moment: I went to Wisconsin Dells to attend the WAAL conference. I enjoyed the waterpark with my colleagues, both current SOIS students and alumni. Fall 2014| 07

PhD Recent Scholarship

Recent Scholarship PhD

Information Studies

Journal Articles Fox, M.J. (2014). Enabling gender-inclusivity in LIS education through epistemology, ethics, and essential questions. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS), 55(3), 241-249. Huang, C. & Chou, H. (In Press). Assessment of Core Journal Collections in its Support to Faculty Research – A case study at the National Chung Hsing University Library. University Library Journal, 18(2). Xie, I., & Stevenson, J. (2014). Social media application in digital libraries. Online Information Review, 38(4), 502 – 523. Beak, J., Choi, I., Lee, S., Park, H., Ridenour, L., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2013) Knowledge Organization and the 2013 UDC Seminar: An Editorial. Knowledge Organization, 42(3), 191-194. Davies, K., & Thiele, J. (2013). Library Research: A Domain Comparison of Two Library Journals. Community & Junior College Libraries, 19(1-2), 1-9. Zimmer, M., & Proferes, N. (2014). A Topology of Twitter Research: Disciplines, Methods, and Ethics. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 66, 250–261.

Conference Proceedings Beak, J., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2014). Contours of knowledge: Core and granularity in the evolution of the DCMI domain. In the 13th International ISKO Conference Proceedings (Advances in Knowledge Organization, Vol. 14, p. 136-143). Fox, M.J. (2014). Medical discourse’s influence on gender classification in three editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification. In the 13th International ISKO Conference Proceedings (Advances in Knowledge Organization, Vol. 14, p. 228-225). Graf, A. M., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2014). Race & Ethnicity in the Encyclopedia of Milwaukee: A Case Study in the Use of Domain Analysis. In the 13th International ISKO Conference Proceedings (Advances in Knowledge Organization, Vol. 14, p.11420).

08 | PhD Newsletter

Jeong, W., Bennett-Kapusniak, R., & Han, H. (2013). The Usability Study on the Multicultural Children’s Book Project of the National Library for Children and Young Adults (NLCY) in Korea. In iConference 2013 Proceedings (p. 769-772). Park, H., & Smiragalia, R.P. (Accepted). Enhancing Data Curation of Cultural Heritage for Information Sharing: A Case Study using Open Government Data. Metadata and Semantics Research Conterence (MTSR 2014), Nov 27-29, 2014. Karlsruhe, Germany. Proferes, N. (2014). What Happens to Tweets? Descriptions of Temporality in Twitter’s Organizational Rhetoric. In iConference 2014 Proceedings (p. 76 - 87). doi:10.9776/14045. Xie, I., Joo, S., Bennett-Kapusniak, R. (2013). User Engagement and System Support in the Search Process: User dominated, system dominated and balanced search tactics. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 50(1), 1-4.

Conference Posters Barniskis, S. C. (2014). STEAM: Science and Art Meet in Rural Library Makerspaces. Poster at iConference 2014 (Proceedings p. 834 - 837). doi:10.9776/14158. Smith, T. S., & Kopecky, L. (2014). Preparing the New Professionals: Assessing the impact of library internships on graduate student success. Poster at Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), June 2014, Las Vegas, NV. Park, H., & Lee, S. (2014). Cultural analysis for current situations of Asian students’ school adjustment - case study of Korean students at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Poster at Trans-Asia Graduate Student Conference, April 2014, Madison, Wisconsin. Ridenour, L. & Park, H. (2014). Visual Analysis of Historical Patterns: ISKO Proceedings Titles from 1992 to 2012 (Poster Session). Kraków, Poland, May 19-22, 2014.

Information Studies

Conference Presentations Beak, J., & Smiraglia, R.P. (2014). Contours of knowledge: Core and granularity in the evolution of the DCMI domain. Presented at the 13th International ISKO Conference, May 2014, Krakow, Poland. Benoit, E. III. (2014). #MPLP: Social Tagging in a Minimally Processed Digital Archives. Presented at the Archival Education & Research Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. Houston, B., Benoit, E. III, Dietz, B., Groth, J.E., & Noonan, D.W. (2014). The DAO of processing: Applying MPLP to electronic records workflows. Presented at the Midwest Archives Conference, Kansas City, MO. Benoit, E.III. (2014). Tagging MPLP: A comparison of novice and expert domain user generated tags in a minimally processed digital photographic archive. Presented at theVisual Resource Association Conference, Milwaukee, WI. Barniskis, S. C. (2014). Library Fines: Barriers to Access? Presented at American Library Association Annual Conference, June 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada. Fox, M.J. (2014). Medical discourse’s influence on gender classification in three editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification. Presented at the 13th International ISKO Conference, May 2014, Krakow, Poland. Refereed. Graf, A. M., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2014). Race & Ethnicity in the Encyclopedia of Milwaukee: A Case Study in the Use of Domain Analysis. Presented at the 13th International ISKO Conference, May 2014, Krakow, Poland. Graf, A. M. (2014). Photograph, Organize, Display: How Individuals Are Preserving a Record of Street Art. Presented at the Archival Education Research Institute (AERI), July 2014, Pittsburgh. Huang, C., & Chou, H. (2013). A citation analysis of 2012 NCHU library core journal use. Presented at Conference on Digital Library Services, September 2013, Taichung, Taiwan.

McCleer, A. (2014). ¡Viva Ethnic Studies!: Intellectual Freedom in Your Classroom. Presented at the Anti-racist, Anti-bias Teaching Conference, May 2014, Franklin, Wisconsin. Jones, B., & McCleer, A. (2014). Don’t track me: Libraries engage youth and privacy. Presented at SXSWedu Conference, March 2014, Austin, Texas. Mauger, J. (2014). Information Policy and the Critical Review of Regulatory Technologies. Presented at Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, September 2014, George Mason Law School, Washington, D.C. Park, H., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2014). Mapping Korean Open Government Cultural Heritage Data with CIDOC CRM for Data Curation: A Case Study. CRMEX 2014. September 12, 2014. London, United Kingdom (forthcoming). Park, H., & Smiragalia, R.P. (Accepted). Enhancing Data Curation of Cultural Heritage for Information Sharing: A Case Study using Open Government Data. Metadata and Semantics Research Conterence (MTSR 2014), Nov 27-29, 2014. Karlsruhe, Germany. Smith, T. S. (2014). Steering Student Workers into Success. Presented at Council of University of Wisconsin Libraries (CUWL), June 2014, Madison, WI. Smith, T. S. (2014). Teaching Information Through Gaming. Presented at Council of University of Wisconsin Libraries (CUWL), June 2014, Madison, WI.

Invited Speaker Benoit, E. Archival survival kit. Convening Great Lakes Culture Keepers Regional Institute. Invited Speaker at Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture and Lifeways, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 2014. Barniskis, S. C. Library Makerspaces. Invited Speaker at Cedarburg Public Library, Cedarburg, WI, 2014. Barniskis, S. C. Makerspace in the Library: Full STEAM Ahead. Invited Speaker at IMLS Learning Spaces in Libraries summit, San Francisco, CA, 2014.

Fox, M.J. Using discourse analysis to detect epistemic influence on formal gender classification. Invited Speaker at eHumanities Institute, Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, Netherlands. April 3, 2014. McCleer, A. Fighting for intellectual and cultural freedom: Current battles for Mexican American studies in K-12 classrooms. Invited speaker at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies (LACUSL) Speaker Series, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. April, 2014. Smith, T. S. Video Games as Interactive Learning Tools for Critical Intervention in the Disciplines for Digital Humanities. Invited Speaker at the UWM Digital Humanities Lab, Milwaukee, WI.

Awards Beak, J. Information Organization Research Group at SOIS travel Award $1000 for travel to ISKO conference in Krakow, Poland, 2014. Bennett-Kapusniak, R. Graduate School Travel Award $550, UWM Graduate School (2014). Choi, I. Chancellor’s Student Award (Fall 2014). McCleer, A. Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Doctoral Student to ALISE Grant (2014). Mauger, J. Chancellor’s Student Award (Fall 2014); Doctoral Research Award Grant (Summer 2014). Thiele, J. Competitive C/E/Award: Summer Doctoral Programme. Oxford Internet Institute. Oxford, UK. July, 2014. Park, H. Conference Attendance Support. Information Organization Research Group, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; Travel Awards, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.

Professional Service Barniskis, S. C. President, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization; PhD Representative, SOIS Doctoral Program Committee; PhD Student Representative, Academic Planning Committee; Treasurer, ASIST Student Chapter, School of Information Studies, University of WI-Milwaukee; Board of Trustees, Wisconsin Center for the Book. Bennett-Kapusniak, R. Committee Member, American Library Association Library Services to an Aging Population (2013-present); Vice President, ASIST student Chapter in SOIS UWM (2012-present) McCleer, A. Conference Proposal Reviewer, Library Research Seminar VI, “The Engaged Librarian: Libraries Partnering with Campus and Community.” Hosted jointly by the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science, the University Library, and the Library Research Roundtable of the American Library Association (2014, June); Executive Committee Member, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization; Member, Reference Services Section, Reference and User Services Association, Library Services to the Spanish Speaking Committee; Member, American Library Association Diversity Research Grant Advisory Committee. Park, H. Executive Committee, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization. Scott Smith, T. Conference Planner, Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries (WAAL) 2014; WAAL Scholarship Mentor (2014); Conference Planner, Council of University of Wisconsin Libraries (CUWL) 2014; Reviewer, Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds 2014, Using Point of View Cameras to Study Student-Teacher Interactions.

Monograph Publication Graf, A. M., Seligman A. I., & Anderson, M. (2014). Bibliography of Metropolitan Milwaukee (Urban Life). Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University press. 345p.

Proferes, N. Chancellor’s Student Award.

Fall 2014| 09

PhD Recent Scholarship

Recent Scholarship PhD

Information Studies

Journal Articles Fox, M.J. (2014). Enabling gender-inclusivity in LIS education through epistemology, ethics, and essential questions. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS), 55(3), 241-249. Huang, C. & Chou, H. (In Press). Assessment of Core Journal Collections in its Support to Faculty Research – A case study at the National Chung Hsing University Library. University Library Journal, 18(2). Xie, I., & Stevenson, J. (2014). Social media application in digital libraries. Online Information Review, 38(4), 502 – 523. Beak, J., Choi, I., Lee, S., Park, H., Ridenour, L., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2013) Knowledge Organization and the 2013 UDC Seminar: An Editorial. Knowledge Organization, 42(3), 191-194. Davies, K., & Thiele, J. (2013). Library Research: A Domain Comparison of Two Library Journals. Community & Junior College Libraries, 19(1-2), 1-9. Zimmer, M., & Proferes, N. (2014). A Topology of Twitter Research: Disciplines, Methods, and Ethics. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 66, 250–261.

Conference Proceedings Beak, J., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2014). Contours of knowledge: Core and granularity in the evolution of the DCMI domain. In the 13th International ISKO Conference Proceedings (Advances in Knowledge Organization, Vol. 14, p. 136-143). Fox, M.J. (2014). Medical discourse’s influence on gender classification in three editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification. In the 13th International ISKO Conference Proceedings (Advances in Knowledge Organization, Vol. 14, p. 228-225). Graf, A. M., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2014). Race & Ethnicity in the Encyclopedia of Milwaukee: A Case Study in the Use of Domain Analysis. In the 13th International ISKO Conference Proceedings (Advances in Knowledge Organization, Vol. 14, p.11420).

08 | PhD Newsletter

Jeong, W., Bennett-Kapusniak, R., & Han, H. (2013). The Usability Study on the Multicultural Children’s Book Project of the National Library for Children and Young Adults (NLCY) in Korea. In iConference 2013 Proceedings (p. 769-772). Park, H., & Smiragalia, R.P. (Accepted). Enhancing Data Curation of Cultural Heritage for Information Sharing: A Case Study using Open Government Data. Metadata and Semantics Research Conterence (MTSR 2014), Nov 27-29, 2014. Karlsruhe, Germany. Proferes, N. (2014). What Happens to Tweets? Descriptions of Temporality in Twitter’s Organizational Rhetoric. In iConference 2014 Proceedings (p. 76 - 87). doi:10.9776/14045. Xie, I., Joo, S., Bennett-Kapusniak, R. (2013). User Engagement and System Support in the Search Process: User dominated, system dominated and balanced search tactics. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 50(1), 1-4.

Conference Posters Barniskis, S. C. (2014). STEAM: Science and Art Meet in Rural Library Makerspaces. Poster at iConference 2014 (Proceedings p. 834 - 837). doi:10.9776/14158. Smith, T. S., & Kopecky, L. (2014). Preparing the New Professionals: Assessing the impact of library internships on graduate student success. Poster at Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), June 2014, Las Vegas, NV. Park, H., & Lee, S. (2014). Cultural analysis for current situations of Asian students’ school adjustment - case study of Korean students at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Poster at Trans-Asia Graduate Student Conference, April 2014, Madison, Wisconsin. Ridenour, L. & Park, H. (2014). Visual Analysis of Historical Patterns: ISKO Proceedings Titles from 1992 to 2012 (Poster Session). Kraków, Poland, May 19-22, 2014.

Information Studies

Conference Presentations Beak, J., & Smiraglia, R.P. (2014). Contours of knowledge: Core and granularity in the evolution of the DCMI domain. Presented at the 13th International ISKO Conference, May 2014, Krakow, Poland. Benoit, E. III. (2014). #MPLP: Social Tagging in a Minimally Processed Digital Archives. Presented at the Archival Education & Research Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. Houston, B., Benoit, E. III, Dietz, B., Groth, J.E., & Noonan, D.W. (2014). The DAO of processing: Applying MPLP to electronic records workflows. Presented at the Midwest Archives Conference, Kansas City, MO. Benoit, E.III. (2014). Tagging MPLP: A comparison of novice and expert domain user generated tags in a minimally processed digital photographic archive. Presented at theVisual Resource Association Conference, Milwaukee, WI. Barniskis, S. C. (2014). Library Fines: Barriers to Access? Presented at American Library Association Annual Conference, June 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada. Fox, M.J. (2014). Medical discourse’s influence on gender classification in three editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification. Presented at the 13th International ISKO Conference, May 2014, Krakow, Poland. Refereed. Graf, A. M., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2014). Race & Ethnicity in the Encyclopedia of Milwaukee: A Case Study in the Use of Domain Analysis. Presented at the 13th International ISKO Conference, May 2014, Krakow, Poland. Graf, A. M. (2014). Photograph, Organize, Display: How Individuals Are Preserving a Record of Street Art. Presented at the Archival Education Research Institute (AERI), July 2014, Pittsburgh. Huang, C., & Chou, H. (2013). A citation analysis of 2012 NCHU library core journal use. Presented at Conference on Digital Library Services, September 2013, Taichung, Taiwan.

McCleer, A. (2014). ¡Viva Ethnic Studies!: Intellectual Freedom in Your Classroom. Presented at the Anti-racist, Anti-bias Teaching Conference, May 2014, Franklin, Wisconsin. Jones, B., & McCleer, A. (2014). Don’t track me: Libraries engage youth and privacy. Presented at SXSWedu Conference, March 2014, Austin, Texas. Mauger, J. (2014). Information Policy and the Critical Review of Regulatory Technologies. Presented at Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, September 2014, George Mason Law School, Washington, D.C. Park, H., & Smiraglia, R. P. (2014). Mapping Korean Open Government Cultural Heritage Data with CIDOC CRM for Data Curation: A Case Study. CRMEX 2014. September 12, 2014. London, United Kingdom (forthcoming). Park, H., & Smiragalia, R.P. (Accepted). Enhancing Data Curation of Cultural Heritage for Information Sharing: A Case Study using Open Government Data. Metadata and Semantics Research Conterence (MTSR 2014), Nov 27-29, 2014. Karlsruhe, Germany. Smith, T. S. (2014). Steering Student Workers into Success. Presented at Council of University of Wisconsin Libraries (CUWL), June 2014, Madison, WI. Smith, T. S. (2014). Teaching Information Through Gaming. Presented at Council of University of Wisconsin Libraries (CUWL), June 2014, Madison, WI.

Invited Speaker Benoit, E. Archival survival kit. Convening Great Lakes Culture Keepers Regional Institute. Invited Speaker at Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture and Lifeways, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 2014. Barniskis, S. C. Library Makerspaces. Invited Speaker at Cedarburg Public Library, Cedarburg, WI, 2014. Barniskis, S. C. Makerspace in the Library: Full STEAM Ahead. Invited Speaker at IMLS Learning Spaces in Libraries summit, San Francisco, CA, 2014.

Fox, M.J. Using discourse analysis to detect epistemic influence on formal gender classification. Invited Speaker at eHumanities Institute, Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, Netherlands. April 3, 2014. McCleer, A. Fighting for intellectual and cultural freedom: Current battles for Mexican American studies in K-12 classrooms. Invited speaker at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies (LACUSL) Speaker Series, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. April, 2014. Smith, T. S. Video Games as Interactive Learning Tools for Critical Intervention in the Disciplines for Digital Humanities. Invited Speaker at the UWM Digital Humanities Lab, Milwaukee, WI.

Awards Beak, J. Information Organization Research Group at SOIS travel Award $1000 for travel to ISKO conference in Krakow, Poland, 2014. Bennett-Kapusniak, R. Graduate School Travel Award $550, UWM Graduate School (2014). Choi, I. Chancellor’s Student Award (Fall 2014). McCleer, A. Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Doctoral Student to ALISE Grant (2014). Mauger, J. Chancellor’s Student Award (Fall 2014); Doctoral Research Award Grant (Summer 2014). Thiele, J. Competitive C/E/Award: Summer Doctoral Programme. Oxford Internet Institute. Oxford, UK. July, 2014. Park, H. Conference Attendance Support. Information Organization Research Group, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; Travel Awards, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.

Professional Service Barniskis, S. C. President, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization; PhD Representative, SOIS Doctoral Program Committee; PhD Student Representative, Academic Planning Committee; Treasurer, ASIST Student Chapter, School of Information Studies, University of WI-Milwaukee; Board of Trustees, Wisconsin Center for the Book. Bennett-Kapusniak, R. Committee Member, American Library Association Library Services to an Aging Population (2013-present); Vice President, ASIST student Chapter in SOIS UWM (2012-present) McCleer, A. Conference Proposal Reviewer, Library Research Seminar VI, “The Engaged Librarian: Libraries Partnering with Campus and Community.” Hosted jointly by the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science, the University Library, and the Library Research Roundtable of the American Library Association (2014, June); Executive Committee Member, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization; Member, Reference Services Section, Reference and User Services Association, Library Services to the Spanish Speaking Committee; Member, American Library Association Diversity Research Grant Advisory Committee. Park, H. Executive Committee, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization. Scott Smith, T. Conference Planner, Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries (WAAL) 2014; WAAL Scholarship Mentor (2014); Conference Planner, Council of University of Wisconsin Libraries (CUWL) 2014; Reviewer, Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds 2014, Using Point of View Cameras to Study Student-Teacher Interactions.

Monograph Publication Graf, A. M., Seligman A. I., & Anderson, M. (2014). Bibliography of Metropolitan Milwaukee (Urban Life). Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University press. 345p.

Proferes, N. Chancellor’s Student Award.

Fall 2014| 09

Save the Date! PhD Workshops

NWQ B 3511 • Lunch will be provided.

“Practical Steps for Generating Operational Research Questions”

Presented by Dr. Richard Smiraglia September 16, 2014 | 12:30 - 2:00pm | NWQB 3511

“Copyright and Contract in the Academy: From Research Idea to Publication” Presented by Dr. Tomas Lipinski October 14, 2014 | 12:30 - 2:00pm | NWQB 3511

“Faculty Positions: Perspectives from Our Own Graduates” Presented by Dr. Edward Benoit, Dr. Soohyung Joo, Dr. Suyu Lin and Dr. Kun Lu November 18, 2014 | 12:30 - 2:00pm | NWQB 3511

2025 E Newport Ave NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

The SOIS PhD Newsletter is published twice a year by the SOIS PhD student body. Contributions (articles, letters, photos, etc.) are welcomed. Please send updates to the PhD Program Director, Dr. Iris Xie ( EDITORIAL BOARD Laura Ridenour, PhD Student, Chief Editor Shannon Barniskis, PhD Student, Editor Inkyung Choi, PhD Student, Editor Dr. Iris Xie, PhD Program Director, Editor Art Direction & Design: Claire Ehlers

Doctoral Program Committee Spring & Summer 2014 Linda Barajas Dr. Terrance Newell Dr. Wilhelm Peekhaus (Chair, Spring 2014) Dr. Iris Xie (Director) Shannon Barniskis (Student)



PhD Information Studies

PhD Newsletter Vol. 04 | No. 01

In this issue:

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Note from Program Director, Dr. Iris Xie

New PhD Students: Tae Hee Lee SukJin You Melissa Castillo New PhD Students: Musa Dauda Hassan Xin Cai Maali Alghnimi, Student Milestones


SOIS PhD Students: World Travelers


SOIS PhD Students: World Travelers Cont.

8 9 10

Recent Scholarship: Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, Posters, Presentations

Recent Scholarship: Invited Speaker, Awards, Professional Service

Save The Date: Upcoming Events

School of Information Studies 2025 E Newport | NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

September 2014

A Note from our Director... As the SOIS PhD program enters its seventh year since it first admitted doctoral students in 2008, I would like to highlight the achievements of the program and examine the challenges that the program faces.   Seven students have graduated from the program, and graduates of the doctoral program successfully begun careers in the field.  More than half of graduates accepted assistant professor positions at universities in the United States. During the program’s first six years, students demonstrated excellence through their academic achievements, public service, and strong publication records. Students authored or co-authored 12 book chapters or monographs on topics ranging from social media and privacy to digital library evaluation criteria. Additionally, they authored or co-authored over 50 journal articles in high-quality publications. Perhaps most impressive is the program’s representation at regional, national, and international conferences with students presenting over 160 papers, 85 posters, and 55 invited talks. Additionally, 65 of the papers were published in conference proceedings and several received conference awards for best papers or posters.  SOIS doctoral students received numerous awards and scholarships during the program’s first six years. Particularly noteworthy are the six students who received scholarships from IMLS grants, one student who received ASIST Best Poster Award, two students who received the highly competitive Distinguished Dissertation Fellowships, and a student who received an Advanced Opportunity Program Fellowship from the UW-Milwaukee Graduate School. In addition, two students are funded through major grants and three students participated in the Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme. Doctoral students also received awards and scholarships from the Great Lakes National STEM Program, Midwest Archives Conference, Doctoral Students to ALISE Grant program, ALISE/Jean Tague Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition, UWMilwaukee’s Roberto Hernández Center (scholarship for Latino Nonprofit Leadership Program), and the Chinese American Librarians Association. Several students received recognition for teaching excellence through the SOIS Teaching Award program.  It is a challenge to recruit high quality students in this more competitive environment in recent years, especially in the United States. More marketing and promotion approaches will be taken to recruit prospective students. We are in the process of creating a promotional video for the program. The program is committed to the ongoing development and aims to further expand faculty engagement with the doctoral program. In particular, we aim to submit more grant applications that will fund our doctoral students, and to increase the  number of opportunities for students to engage in interdisciplinary or cross-institutional collaboration.

Please send your comments and suggestions regarding our program to me ( We are in touch and you are in touch.

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