PhD Newsletter - Fall 2013

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PhD Information Studies

PhD Newsletter Vol. 03 | No. 01

In this issue:

August 2013

A Note from our Director... During Spring and Summer of 2013, our PhD students made great progress towards their milestones. In particular,

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Note from Program Director, Dr. Iris Xie

I would like to congratulate three of our students who successfully defended dissertation proposals and two of them passed prelim exams. I would also like to take this

New PhD Students: Yanyan Wang Hyoungjoo Park Nicole May New PhD Students: Laura Ridenour Sukwon Lee Yuehua Zhao International Our Scope, Student Milestones, Note from Acting Director Jin Zhang Recent Scholarship: Articles, Books/Book Chapters, Conference Proceedings, Presentations Recent Scholarship: Presentations

Recent Scholarship: Service, Activities & Accomplishments

.Save The Date: Upcoming Events

opportunity to welcome six new students to join our SOIS PhD program in Fall 2013. I am on sabbatical this Fall. Professor Jin Zhang will serve as the acting Director during that period of time. I fully support Professor Zhang and have confidence that he will do an excellent job to lead the program. Here are some of the PhD program updates: New PhD coursework was proposed and approved by the Doctoral Program Committee and Faculty Council. Since the revised program extends potential specialized areas, it offers more opportunities for prospective students to apply for our program and more faculty members to serve as doctoral committee members. Thanks everyone who has contributed to the development of the new PhD curriculum. The SOIS brochure was modified to represent the changes of the new PhD curriculum and highlight the financial support to our doctoral students. The SOIS handbook was also updated to reflect the changes and clarifications of the SOIS PhD program curriculum, policy, and faculty research interests. A PA/TA evaluation form was created for faculty members to provide feedback about doctoral students’ PA/TA works. Students did a great job last semester. I received 20 feedback forms from faculty members and the results of the overall assessments show that more than half the students received assessments of exceeding expectations. Four doctoral students taught courses independently last semester and three of them received teaching rewards. I discussed with each student about the performance of his/her PA/TA work. In addition, I also solicited students’ comments and suggestions for the PhD program. In addition, we are going to continue offering workshops to our doctoral students once per month this Fall. Professor Zhang arranged three workshops that will help students to enhance their teaching and research (please check important dates in this issue).

School of Information Studies 2025 E Newport | NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

Please send your comments and suggestions regarding our program to me ( or Jin ( We are in touch and you are in touch.


New PhD Students FA L L 2 0 1 3

Yanyan Wang

Yanyan Wang

I am from a small town in China. In June 2013 I received my master’s degree in Library and Information Science. Now I am interested in Information Retrieval System Optimization and User Behavior Analysis. To help users with different educational and cultural backgrounds get information faster and more efficiently attracts me a lot. I believe that by analyzing users’ retrieval behavior and retrieval results, it is possible to find out shortcomings of information retrieval systems and to optimize retrieval functions. In my spare time, I like reading, traveling and walking along rivers. Lately I have been obsessed with cooking.

Hyoungjoo Park I received my MS in Information Management from Syracuse’s iSchool in 2006. I went on to be a research analyst for LG Corporation in my hometown of Seoul, Korea. As a research analyst I worked on semantic search, web 2.0, data analysis, mobile research and privacy for LG. I am interested in researching how to effectively utilize linked data in libraries, museums, and archives from a user-centered perspective.

Hyoungjoo Park

Nicole May I’m a former classroom teacher with a background in law who lives in Janesville, WI with my husband, six-year-old son, and two cats. My research interests include reading and literacy, especially in religious and private schools, and in urban education. I am keenly interested in the libraries of schools that participate in School Choice, access to information and material selection in religious environments, particularly schools and universities. Finally, I also am interested in how all libraries can better serve patrons with high-functioning autism and those of different religions and cultures. When I’m not on campus, I’m rating standardized tests such as the TOEFL or GRE at home, or homeschooling my son, who is on the autism spectrum. I enjoy playing computer games and reading middle grade and YA novels and arguing about the state of the nation’s schools.

Nicole May 02 | PhD Newsletter

e to SOIS!

New PhD Students FA L L 2 0 1 3

Laura Ridenour I am originally from St. Helens, Oregon, and earned my Master of Information Science from Indiana University-Bloomington. Some of my research interests include linked data, semantic web, data curation, scientometrics, and information visualization. Additionally, I am interested in how natural language processing and other techniques can be used for detecting trends in data, and how to assess granularity of detected trends for representation and organization.

Laura Ridenour

Sukwon Lee Hello, my name is Sukwon Lee. I was born in Daejeon, South Korea in the early 80s. I was raised with a scholarly background because both of my parents were professors. In 2009, I entered the Graduate School of Records, Archives and Information Science at Myongji University in Seoul, South Korea. After getting my first M.S, I went in to MLIS program here at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Now I have two master’s degrees and have decided to study further in the PhD program. My research interests include Information Retrieval, User behaviors, and Information Literacy. Nowadays more and more people are focusing on how they find relevant information within proper time and at proper cost. I believe information scientists can improve IR features regarding searching skills and database structures so that users are able to find proper and accurate information. I have a fair amount of knowledge on Statistics and Calculus which is from the experience of studying civil engineering when I was an undergraduate student. I hope I can find useful results from my studies by cooperating with other PhD students at SOIS and its faculty members.

Sukwon Lee

Yuehua Zhao I am from Beijing, the capital of China. And I received my master’s degree from Wuhan University in 2013. For my future studies, my research interests focus on Information Retrieval and Informetrics. Personally, I love reading, singing and a lot of sports, such as playing badminton and yoga. I am expecting to meet some interesting friends at UWM!

Yuehua Zhao Falll 2 F Fal 2013 0 3| 013

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by Tyler Smith

International Our Scope


he School of Information Studies (SOIS) at UW-Milwaukee has long looked to the international stage for talent and scholarship. Our faculty

and student base is representative of how our school’s scope is truly international. With such a diverse and cosmopolitan community at SOIS it is no surprise that our students are taking advantage of our global reputation and sharing their research and knowledge throughout the world. Our PhD students have been traveling abroad to Italy, Canada, Portugal, Singapore, Finland and Dominican Republic to present their scholarship. Three of our students shared their recent experiences traveling abroad to present at conferences. Renee Bennett-Kapusniak, who traveled to the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference in Helsinki, Finland commented “My overall experience was wonderful. Traveling internationally lets you speak with others from different countries, which broadens your perspective in your field of study”. BennettKapusniak presented a poster on E-Books in Public Libraries along with Dr. Jessica Moyer and SOIS PhD student Jennifer Thiele. Jihee Beak shared Renee’s positive sentiment in regards to her travel to British Columbia in Canada. Her paper, “User Motivations for Contributing Tags and Local Knowledge to the Library of Congress Flickr Collection” was co-authored with Dr. Margaret Kipp (SOIS) and Dr. Diane Rasmussen (University of Western Ontario) and was presented at the Canadian Association for Information Science. Beak noted “it was a great opportunity to meet scholars out of the country” but also added that “international conferences are always exciting because not only can you meet many scholars from out of the country but also you can experience different cultures”. Beak also wanted to mention her appreciation “that SOIS supported the international travel expenses”.

Student Milestones: Jihee Beak, Melodie Fox and Anthony Hoffman successfully defended their dissertation proposals. Renee Kapusniak and Jennifer Thiele successfully passed their preliminary exams. 04 | PhD Newsletter

Like Bennett-Kapusniak and Beak, SOIS PhD student Adriana McCleer traveled internationally to present with a team of scholars about “education and opportunities to improve information access in the Dominican Republic”. McCleer explained that at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo Recinto Santiago in Dominican Republic she co-organized the educational conference with a team from the US and Dominican Republic. McCleer shared the advice that “If you see an opportunity to present, teach, or conduct research internationally, pursue it. If you don’t see an opportunity, create one for yourself”.

“If you see an opportunity to present, teach, or conduct research internationally, pursue it. If you don’t see an opportunity, create one for yourself” Adriana McCleer, SOIS PhD Student Bennett-Kapusniak and Beak joined their advice to McCleer’s with Beak noting that her presentation in Canada provided a “great chance to interact with other scholars and doctoral students” and Bennett-Kapusniak added “Don’t let an international cost stop you from applying. Apply for funding to the UWM Graduate School. They have funds available that might help defer your cost.” BennettKapusniak gave one piece of parting advice, “I would also advise getting a poster holder with a strap for travel. You will probably be creating more in your career and it is worth the cost for convenience”!

P h D Pro g r am Ac t i ng D i re c tor


his is Jin Zhang, Acting Director of the Doctoral Program. I am a professor at SOIS. I joined UWM in 1999. As a member of the Doctoral Implementation Ad Hoc committee, I worked with other colleagues to install this wonderful Doctoral Program in SOIS a few years ago. Now several doctoral students graduated from this program. As Acting Director of the Doctoral Program, I will work together with faculty, staff, and doctoral students to make the program stronger and better in the upcoming semester.

Recent Scholarship PhD Information Studies

Journal Articles Bennett-Kapusniak, R. (Forthcoming). Older adults and the public library: The impact of the boomer generation. Public Library Quarterly, 32(3). Britz, J., Hoffmann, A., Ponelis, S., Zimmer, M., & Lor, P. (2013). On considering the application of Amartya Sen’s capability approach to an information-based rights framework. Information Development, 29(2), 106-113. Fox, M.J. & Reece, A.M. (2013). The “impossible decision”: Social tagging and Derrida’s deconstructed hospitality. Knowledge Organization 40(4). 260-265. Huang, C. & Lor, P. J. (2011). International activities and relations of national libraries: Report on an exploratory survey. Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues, 22(2-3), 1-12. McCleer, A. (Forthcoming). Knowing communities: A review of community assessment literature. Public Library Quarterly, 32(3). Olson, H. A., Beak, J., & Choi, I. (in press). The natural is artificial: Legacy of the scientia scientiarum. Hermès (Translated in French). Proferes, N. (2012). [Book Review] Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age. Viktor Mayer Schönberger. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009. The Journal of Popular Culture, 45(1), 226–228. Smith, T.S. (2013) Cinderella’s lessons on footbinding: How tiny feet found their way into the Chinese Cinderella story. Transnational Literature, 5(2). Wang, F. & Jayroe, T. (Forthcoming). Analysis on research activity and impact of authors in Chinese information science based on citation relationship. Journal of Documentation 70(3).

Books and Book Chapters Graf, A. M., Seligman, A. I. & Anderson, M. J., eds. (Forthcoming). Bibliography of Milwaukee. Accepted for publication by Marquette University Press.

Smith, T.S. (2013). “Snow White in Africa”: Afrocentirc Ideology in Marilyn Shearer’s Tale. In Yenika-Agbaw, V., McKoy Lowery, R. & Henderson, L. (Eds). Fairy Tales With a Black Consciousness: Essays on Adaptations of Familiar Stories. (186-200). Jefferson, North Carolina and London: McFarland & Company Inc. Zimmer, M. & Proferes, N. (Forthcoming). Privacy on Twitter / Twitter on Privacy. In K. Weller, A. Bruns, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt & C. Puschmann (eds.), Twitter and Society. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Conference Proceedings Beak, J., & Smiraglia, R. P. (in press). With a focused intent: Evolution of DCMI as a research community. DC-2013, Link to future, International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Lisbon, Portugal. Beak, J., Glover, J., Martínez-Ávila, D., & Milani, S. (2013). International comparative study analyzing knowledge organization research topics in four countries - Brazil, South Korea, Spain and United States. In iConference 2013 Proceedings. Beak, J., Glover, J., Martínez-Ávila, D., & Milani, S. (2013). International comparative domain analysis in knowledge organization research topics in four countries - Brazil, South Korea, Spain and United States. Proceeding of 4th North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, Milwaukee, WI. Choi, I., Joo, S. & Kipp, M.E.I. (accepted). Classification of online resources using user generated terms. In Proceedings of IFLA 2013 Classification and Indexing Section, Aug. 17-23, Singapore. Fox, M.J. & Reece, A.M. (2013). The “impossible decision”: Social tagging and Derrida’s deconstructed hospitality. North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization, June 13-14, 2013, Milwaukee, WI. [Note: Judged one of highest ranking papers by program committee] Jeong, W., Bennett-Kapusniak, R., & Han, H. J. (2013). The usability study on the multicultural children’s book project of the National Library for Children and Young Adults (NLCY) in Korea. In iConference 2013 Proceedings (pp. 769-772).

Joo, S., Wolfram, D. & Song, S. (2013). Nonparametric estimation of search query patterns. In Proceedings of iConference 2013. Feb. 12-15, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. Joo, S. & Xie, I. (2013). How Do User Search Tactic Selections Influence Search Outputs in Exploratory Search Tasks? In Proceedings of Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2013 (ACM-JCDL ‘13), Jul. 2226. Indianapolis, IN, USA. Thompson, H., Koepfler, J.A., Sydenham, K., & Hoffman, A. (2013). Real Talk: A toolkit for community engagement, transparency and mobile governance. iConference 2013 Proceedings (pp. 729-732).

Presentations Barniskis, S. (2013, June) Teens in the research team: Telling the story of teen experiences in public libraries. Poster presented at the Canadian Association for Information Science, Victoria, BC. Barniskis, S., Bennett-Kapusniak, R., McCleer, A., & Thiele, J. (2013, May). The traditional, the digital, and you: Discussing the Pew Report. Presented at Wisconsin Association Public Library Conference. Lake Geneva, WI. Beak, J. (2013, April). Emotion-centered model of children’s book selection behaviors and metadata: Pilot study. Presented at the 2013 SOIS Student Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI. Bennett-Kapusniak, R. (2013, Feb). Librarians’ perception of older adult services: The importance of older adult programming and outreach in rural, suburban and urban libraries in Wisconsin. Presented at University of Wisconsin School of Informational Studies B2A Lecture Series. Milwaukee, WI. Benoit, E. (2013). Building a collaborative archival research community. Presented at the Archival Education and Research Institute, Austin, TX. Choi, I., Joo, S., & Kipp, M.E.I. (2013, Jun). Web resource clustering based on social tag information: A pilot study. Poster presented at the 5th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference 2013 (QQML 2013), Rome, Italy.



Spring 2013

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PhD Recent Scholarship Information Studies

Choi, I., Joo, S., & Kipp, M.E.I (2013). Web resource organization based on consumer vocabulary in the domain of consumer health information. Accepted by American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO), Milwaukee, WI. Graf, A. M. & Smiraglia, R. P. (2013, Jun). Transition in education: Domain analysis from the Encyclopedia of Milwaukee. Paper presented at the fourth North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO 2013), Milwaukee, WI. Glover, J. (2013, Apr) Access denied? An exploratory study of LCSH for African American materials. Presented at University of Wisconsin School of Informational Studies B2A Lecture Series, Milwaukee WI. Han, H.J., Bennett-Kapusniak, R., & Jeong, W. (2013, Feb). The usability study on the multicultural children’s book project of the National Library for Children and Young Adults (NLCY) in Korea. Poster presented at the iConference 2013, Fort Worth, TX. Han, H.J., Joo, S. & Wolfram, D.. (2013, June). Tales from transaction logs: User search session patterns in an image-based digital library. Presentation at Canadian Association for Information Science (CAIS). Victoria, B.C. Hoffmann, A. (2013, Jul) Just things: Justice, technology, and the limits of liberal egalitarianism. Presented at 18th International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal. Hu, R., Lu, K & Joo, S. (accepted). Effects of topic knowledge and search skills on query reformulation behavior. Paper accepted at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T ‘13), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Jeong, W. & Han, H. (2013, Aug). Survey of Newbery Medal awarded books translated in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Presented at The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). Singapore. Joo, S. & Choi, I. (2013, Apr). Assessing multiple aspects of academic library services: collections, staff, accessibility and space. Poster presented at WAAL Annual Conference 2013, April 23-26, Elkhart Lake, WI, USA.

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Joo, S. & Choi, I. (2013, Jun). Estimating user satisfaction in academic libraries: An instrument development and validation. Poster presented at 5th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference 2013 (QQML 2013), Rome, Italy. Joo, S.& Xie, I. (2013). How Do Users’ Search Tactic Selections Influence Search Outputs in Exploratory Search Tasks? Poster presented at JCDL 2013. July 2226. Indianapolis, Indiana. Kipp, M.E.I., Buchel, O., Rasmussen Neal, D., Beak, J., & Choi, I. (2012). Exploring digital information using tags and local knowledge. Presented at ASIS&T 75th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. Kipp, M.E.I., Buchel, B., Beak, J., Choi, I., & Rasmussen, D. (2013). User motivations for contributing tags and local knowledge to the Library of Congress Flickr collection. Presented at the CAIS 41th Annual Conference, Victoria, British Columbia. Kipp, M.E.I, Joo, S. & Choi, I. (2013). Classification of web resources using user generated terms. Accepted by 79th IFLA Conference Classification and Indexing Section, Singapore. Lin, S. & Joo, S. (accepted). Multi-dimensional evaluation model for institutional repositories. Poster accepted at ARCHIVES 2013, New Orleans, LA. McCleer, A. (2013, Feb) Educación en la República Dominicana: Acceso a la información como instrumento de cambio. Presented at Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo Recinto Santiago. McCleer, A. (2013, Apr). Books under fire: Censoring and banning Latino books. Presented at Texas Library Association, Fort Worth, TX. McCleer, A. (2013, Apr). Education in the Dominican Republic: International scholarship. Presented at Doctoral Student Organization Brown Bag, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, School of Information Studies, Milwaukee, WI. McCleer, A. (2013, May) Challenges and solutions to creating diverse collections and programming. Presented at the Wisconsin Library Association, Lake Geneva, WI.

McCleer, A. (2013, Jun). Together we are better: International collaborations supporting information access. Presented at the American Library Association, Chicago, IL. Moyer, J, Bennett-Kapusniak, R., Thiele, J. (2013, Jan). Reader’s advisory services: Have we gotten any better? Poster presented at ALISE’13, Seattle, WA. Proferes, N. (2013, Feb). Organizational rhetoric and the construction of ephemerality on Twitter. Presented at the Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, Milwaukee, WI. Proferes, N. (2013, Jul). Users, myth, and social media: A collective case-study. Presented at the Oxford Internet Institute Doctoral Summer Programme, Toronto, ON. Smith, T.S. (2013). To e or not to e? A comparative analysis of electronic and print texts for children. Presented at Wisconsin Educational Media & Technology Association Spring Conference. Madison, WI. Smith, T.S. (2013). Virtual reference services: Losing face or connecting with patrons? Presented at Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians. Eklhart Lake, WI. Stevenson, J. (2013, Mar). Using social media to connect users to digital archives. Poster presented at the CurateThyself: Defining and Cultivating an Academic Trajectory in Digital Curation, Chapel Hill, NC. Stevenson, J. (2013, Jun). Archivists’ use of social media: An exploratory study. Presented at Archival Education and Research Institute, Austin, TX. Stevenson, J. (2013, Aug). Using social media to connect users to digital archives. Poster presented at the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting Research Forum. New Orleans, LA. Thiele, J., Bennett-Kapusniak, R., Zimmer, M. (2013, Feb). E-books and cross generational perceived privacy issues. Poster presented at iConference 2013, Fort Worth, TX. Thiele, J. (2013, Mar) Equity of access in rural libraries: A case study of low broadband speed and its impact on practice. Presented at University of Wisconsin School of Informational Studies B2A Lecture Series, Milwaukee WI.

Recent Scholarship PhD Information Studies

Xie, I., Joo, S. & Matusiak, K. (2013, Jun). Digital library evaluation criteria from different stakeholders: A document analysis and Delphi-survey. Presented at the 5th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference 2013 (QQML 2013), Jun. 4-7, Rome, Italy.

Professional Service Barniskis, S.: • Represented Wisconsin Center for the Book at Library of Congress Center for the Book Idea Exchange forum, May 2013, Washington DC. • Appointed to Wisconsin Center for the Book Board of Directors. Beak, J.: • Executive Committee Member, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization • President, ASIS&T Student Chapter, SOIS, UWM Bennett-Kapusniak, R.: • Executive Committee Member, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization • PhD Representative, SOIS Research Committee • Co-Editor SOIS PhD Newsletter • Member, American Library Association, Reference and User Services Section , Library Services to an Aging Population Committee • Member, SOIS ASIS&T Student Chapter Committee Benoit, E.: • SIGCIS Website Assistant • Social Studies of Information Research Group Executive Committee Graf, A. M.: • Secretary, SOIS ASIST Student Chapter • Member, SOIS Culminating Experience Ad-hoc Committee Hoffmann, A.: • Graduate Student Representative, Executive Committee. Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR). Jayroe, T. : • Rocky Mountain Land Library, Advisory Board and Tweeter • ASIST SIG-Digital Libraries, Communications Officer • Aurora Public Library, STEM Instructor & Web Developer

McCleer, A.: • Executive Committee Member, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization • PhD representative, SOIS Diversity and Equity Committee • Member, Reference Services Section, Reference and User Services Association, Library Services to the Spanish Speaking Committee • Member, REFORMA Legislative Committee • Member, American Library Association Diversity Research Grant Advisory Committee. • Program Leader, Education in the Dominican Republic: Information Access as an Instrument of Change Alternative Spring Break, Santiago Rodríguez, Dominican Republic, 2013 Proferes, N.: • President, SOIS Doctoral Student Organization • PhD representative, SOIS Doctoral Program Committee • Co-Editor SOIS PhD Newsletter Smith, T.S.: • Reviewer/Editor for the Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds • Marketing and Social Media Planner for WAAL 2014 Conference • Communications Officer, ASIS&T Student Chapter, SOIS, UWM • Editor-in-Chief SOIS PhD Newsletter

Other Awards and Accomplishments Barniskis, S.: • Award: Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Writing Award 2013, for “Graffiti, Poetry, Dance: How Public Library Art Programs Affect Teens” articles. • Invited Speaker: Making it: Content creation in public libraries. Wisconsin Association for Public Libraries Conference, Lake Geneva.

Benoit, E.: • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Information Studies Teaching Award, L&I SCI 682, Digital Libraries. • Invited Speaker: Curate thyself: Defining and cultivating an academic trajectory in digital curation. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Information Studies Doctoral Research Award Grant Opportunity. Fox, M.: • Passed Dissertation Proposal Defense Hoffmann, A.: • Passed Dissertation Proposal Defense • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Information Studies Teaching Award, L&I SCI 120. McCleer, A.: • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Information Studies Doctoral Research Award Grant Opportunity. Proferes, N.: • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Information Studies Doctoral Research Award Grant Opportunity. • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Information Studies Teaching Award, L&I SCI 110. Smith, T.S.: • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Information Studies Doctoral Research Award Grant Opportunity. • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Information Studies Chancellor’s Award.

Beak, J.: • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Graduate School Travel Award. • Passed Dissertation Proposal Defense Bennett-Kapusniak, R.: • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Graduate School Travel Award. • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Information Studies Doctoral Research Award Grant Opportunity.

Spring 2013

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Save the Date!

The SOIS PhD Newsletter is published twice a year by the SOIS PhD student body. Contributions (articles, letters, photos, etc.) are welcomed. Please send updates to the PhD Program Director, Dr. Iris Xie (

PhD Workshops

EDITORIAL BOARD Tyler Scott Smith, PhD Student, Chief Editor Renee Kapusniak, PhD Student, Editor Nick Proferes, PhD Student, Editor Dr. Iris Xie, PhD Program Director, Editor

NWQ B 3511 • Lunch will be provided.

“Effective Teaching in an Online Environment” Presented by Dr. Dietmar Wolfram and Steven Miller September 25, 2013 | 12:30 - 2:00pm

“Useful Software and Tech Tools for Research”

Art Direction & Design: Rebecca Hall Photography: Zak “Lance” Wosewick & UWM Photographic Services

Presented by Dr. Jacques du Plessis and Jim Schultz October 16, 2013 | 12:30 - 2:00pm

“Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Research Methods for Information Studies” Presented by Dr. Iris Xie and Dr. Jin Zhang November 13, 2013 | 12:30 - 2:00pm

2025 E Newport Ave NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

Doctoral Program Committee 2013 (spring & summer) Dr. Wilhelm Peekhaus (Acting Chair) Dr. Hope Olson (Chair) Dr. Iris Xie (Director) Nick Proferes (Student)

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