PhD Newsletter - Winter 2016

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Save the Date! SOIS PhD Poster Workshop Hands-on Learning About: Situating posters in the reasearch lifecycle, understanding the judges’ perspective, learing from designers, grabbing the viewers’ attendtion & unleashing your 2-minute blitzkrieg talk Presenters: Dr. Michael Zimmer Dr. Nadine Kozak Dr. Shana Ponelis Rebecca Hall Shannon Crawford Barniskis November 12, 2015 | 1:00 - 4:00pm | NWQB 3511

2025 E Newport Ave NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

The SOIS PhD Newsletter is published twice a year by the SOIS PhD student body. Contributions (articles, letters, photos, etc.) are welcomed. EDITORIAL BOARD Melissa Davey Castillo, PhD Student, Chief Editor Inkyung Choi, PhD Student, Editor Joel DesArmo, PhD Student, Editor Hyounjoo Park, PhD Student, Editor Ann Marie Graf, PhD Student, Editor Art Direction & Design: Claire Schultz

Doctoral Program Committee Fall 2015 Dr. Mohammed Aman Dr. Richard Smiraglia Dr. Michael Zimmer (PhD Program Director) Dr. Wilhelm Peekhaus Dr. Laretta Henderson (ex-officio) Laura Ridenour (PhD Student Rep.)



PhD Information Studies

PhD Newsletter Vol. 05 | No. 01

In this issue:

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Note from the DSO President, Joel DesArmo

New PhD Students: Katie Chamberlain Kritikos, Yifan Zhu, Andrew Holmes What’s Up Doc? 12 questions with recent graduates


I Know What You Did Last Summer


I Know What You Did Last Summer Cont., Student Milestones

8 9 10

Recent Scholarship: Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, Posters, Presentations

Conference Presentations Cont., Invited Speaker, Awards, Professional Service

Save The Date: Upcoming Events

School of Information Studies 2025 E Newport | NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

January 2016

A Note from the DSO President I recently attended the Convening Culture Keepers conference (CCK) for tribal libraries, museums, and archives. It was a very powerful experience for me. Since 2010, the conference has been held on a different Indian reservation each fall and spring. This was my 9th CCK conference. Attendees include Indian LIS professionals from many tribes as well as non-Indian LIS professionals. With IMLS funding, the goal of the group is the creation of a traveling exhibit to share the stories and cultures of Indians from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. It is challenging work, as it is a massive project with many people involved with different opinions on how to best proceed. But a common theme underlying everything at that conference was love. The day I arrived, we heard from the Chief of the Saginaw Chippewa Indians. He told us that as we go about our work and our lives to walk with good hearts and good thoughts. The same day, our keynote speaker, a Native American with a PhD in Information Science from the University of Washington asked the simple one-word question “Why?” The answer she gave: “Because love.” A couple of days later at the conference, after a heated group discussion, the conference organizer told us that honestly speaking his top priority is not the outcome of the final traveling exhibit. He said he wants it to emerge from the community and for everyone to feel valued. He said he cares deeply about the process of us getting there. He told us that his top priority is building a strong community and that it is our relationships with one another over time that are more important to him than the outcome of the final exhibit. In the same group discussion, a man spoke a few words to us and told us he is from the Bear Clan of the Saginaw Chippewa tribe of Indians. He said, as a member of the Bear Clan, it is his responsibility to protect the opinions and input of all people, and it is one that he takes very seriously. He said whatever we do, it should be done with love in our hearts. Throughout the conference I experienced a profound sense of community. I found myself overwhelmed with gratitude. I am grateful for having been able to be present at that conference, and I am grateful to have met each one of you. This academic road we travel, and all roads, are filled with both struggles and successes. May you walk your roads with good hearts and good thoughts. Why? Because love. -Joel DesArmo

Welcome to SOIS New PhD Students FA L L 2 0 1 5

What’s up Doc?

by Inkyung Choi

Katie Chamberlain Kritikos

Katie Chamberlain Kritikos

I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a JD (2009) and MLIS (2010) and received my BA in English (2006) from the University of Alabama. As a former attorney with experience as a solo practitioner in rural Illinois and tax litigator in downtown Chicago, I want to research the relationship between libraries, law, and policy with a focus on intellectual property and information ethics. I am also a certified yoga teacher, love to travel and study foreign languages, and have lived in seven states. Fun fact: my husband and I started dating three years after we met at a bar in graduate school and married three years after that! The picture is me in a fire truck at the Fox Point community picnic.

Yifan Zhu

I come from Hangzhou, a southeast city in China. I had my Bachelor’s Degree of Management majoring in Information Resources Management from Sichuan University, China, and my MLIS degree in 2015 from UW-Madison. My main research interests include information retrieval and information seeking behavior. I love watching soccer matches and TV episodes, as well as travelling and enjoying various types of food.

Andrew Holmes

Yifan Zhu

Andrew Holmes 02 | PhD Newsletter

For the past 13 years I have been working in education. After earning a degree in Theatre and Television Arts from Valparaiso University in 2001, I went back to UW-Whitewater for certification in English and Theatre Education. I spent 3 years teaching English as a Second Language to middle school children at Oaklawn Academy, an international boarding school in Edgerton, Wisconsin. Then, I joined the faculty at Janesville Parker High School, where I taught advanced composition, theatre, and communications for 7 years. After earning a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Educational Technology from National-Louis University, for the past 2 years, I have been the Innovation Specialist at the school, directing the library and helping staff and students to integrate technology into lessons. Just recently, I was hired by Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) as the new Instructional Technology Technician, where I will be administering the school’s online learning management system, Blackboard, and helping faculty to incorporate emerging technology into their syllabuses. I am looking forward to moving my family to the Milwaukee area. My wife, Angela, and two children, Isabelle and Isaiah, are also excited for this new adventure! I am interested in instructional technology, education reform, and Guided Inquiry Design based on the Information Search Process.

12 Questions with recent graduates

by Joel DesArmo

The SOIS DSO recently had a chance to catch up with Dr. Melodie Fox and Dr. Nicholas Proferes, Spring 2015 SOIS PhD program graduates. Here’s what went down. Dr. Melodie Fox

What are you up to these days? I’ve stayed in my position as dean of instruction at Bryant & Stratton College, but I’m also continuing in my research. I’m presenting a poster at the National Women’s Studies Association conference in November and was invited to be a keynote speaker at the International Meeting of Information, Knowledge and Action at Unesp (Universidade Estadual Paulista) - in Marília, Brazil in December.

What hashtag would best describe your PhD experience? #spoiledfirstcohort Favorite conference you attended? Definitely the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) conference in Mysore, India. Aside from the wonderful people and conference, Richard Smiraglia and I learned what we were made of after traveling 5 hours in a tiny car that smelled of slaughtered goat. Best scholarly journal? Knowledge Organization, of course. I also appreciate that Journal of Documentation and Library Trends will publish philosophical or critical theory works.

yourself out there with thick skin. No one expects you to know everything, so don’t feel bad if you don’t. Bonus question: where can we get the best cup of coffee in Milwaukee? I am highly qualified to answer this question, and I think I have to go with Fuel Cafe on Center Street in Riverwest.

Dr. Nicholas Profe res

What are you up to these days? Right now I’m a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Maryland’s iSchool, working at Dr. Katie Shilton’s Ethics and Values in Design Lab. What hashtag would best describe your PhD experience? # _

Favorite conference you attended? Probably the Association of Internet Researchers conference. It is a fantastic, interdisciplinary conference where I always come across work that broadens my horizons a bit. Best scholarly journal? For me, New Media & Society is probably the most relevant.

Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye the Science Guy? Why should we choose?

Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye the Science Guy? Rachel Carson.

Dewey decimal classification or Library of Congress classification? To critique, definitely DDC. It’s a melodramatic docudrama disguised as a classification scheme.

Dewey decimal classification or Library of Congress classification? ¯\_( )_/¯

Paper book or e-book? Pleasure reading: e-book. Scholarly reading: paper book. Quant or qual? Qual, mos def. Last article you read? Toward a field of intersectionality studies: Theory, applications, and praxis by Cho, Crenshaw & McCall (2013) in Signs. It’s not an LIS journal, but I find a lot of theory externally that has application in our field.

Paper book or e-book? Paper. Quant or qual? Mixed-methods all the way. Last article you read? Orlikowski, W. J. (2007). Sociomaterial practices: Exploring technology at work. Organization studies, 28(9), 1435-1448. Where do you hope to be in 5 years? Still doing research I am deeply interested in.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years? I don’t know. Isn’t that the fun of it?

Any parting advice for current SOIS PhD students? If you are not in one already, join a writing group.

Any parting advice for current SOIS PhD students? Have confidence in yourself and take every opportunity you can get. Being a scholar means taking risks, so you have to put

Bonus question: where can we get the best cup of coffee in Milwaukee? That’s tough! I’d say Colectivo on the whole, but Sven’s in Bayview has a way cool vibe. Winter 2016 | 03

Welcome to SOIS New PhD Students FA L L 2 0 1 5

What’s up Doc?

by Inkyung Choi

Katie Chamberlain Kritikos

Katie Chamberlain Kritikos

I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a JD (2009) and MLIS (2010) and received my BA in English (2006) from the University of Alabama. As a former attorney with experience as a solo practitioner in rural Illinois and tax litigator in downtown Chicago, I want to research the relationship between libraries, law, and policy with a focus on intellectual property and information ethics. I am also a certified yoga teacher, love to travel and study foreign languages, and have lived in seven states. Fun fact: my husband and I started dating three years after we met at a bar in graduate school and married three years after that! The picture is me in a fire truck at the Fox Point community picnic.

Yifan Zhu

I come from Hangzhou, a southeast city in China. I had my Bachelor’s Degree of Management majoring in Information Resources Management from Sichuan University, China, and my MLIS degree in 2015 from UW-Madison. My main research interests include information retrieval and information seeking behavior. I love watching soccer matches and TV episodes, as well as travelling and enjoying various types of food.

Andrew Holmes

Yifan Zhu

Andrew Holmes 02 | PhD Newsletter

For the past 13 years I have been working in education. After earning a degree in Theatre and Television Arts from Valparaiso University in 2001, I went back to UW-Whitewater for certification in English and Theatre Education. I spent 3 years teaching English as a Second Language to middle school children at Oaklawn Academy, an international boarding school in Edgerton, Wisconsin. Then, I joined the faculty at Janesville Parker High School, where I taught advanced composition, theatre, and communications for 7 years. After earning a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Educational Technology from National-Louis University, for the past 2 years, I have been the Innovation Specialist at the school, directing the library and helping staff and students to integrate technology into lessons. Just recently, I was hired by Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) as the new Instructional Technology Technician, where I will be administering the school’s online learning management system, Blackboard, and helping faculty to incorporate emerging technology into their syllabuses. I am looking forward to moving my family to the Milwaukee area. My wife, Angela, and two children, Isabelle and Isaiah, are also excited for this new adventure! I am interested in instructional technology, education reform, and Guided Inquiry Design based on the Information Search Process.

12 Questions with recent graduates

by Joel DesArmo

The SOIS DSO recently had a chance to catch up with Dr. Melodie Fox and Dr. Nicholas Proferes, Spring 2015 SOIS PhD program graduates. Here’s what went down. Dr. Melodie Fox

What are you up to these days? I’ve stayed in my position as dean of instruction at Bryant & Stratton College, but I’m also continuing in my research. I’m presenting a poster at the National Women’s Studies Association conference in November and was invited to be a keynote speaker at the International Meeting of Information, Knowledge and Action at Unesp (Universidade Estadual Paulista) - in Marília, Brazil in December.

What hashtag would best describe your PhD experience? #spoiledfirstcohort Favorite conference you attended? Definitely the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) conference in Mysore, India. Aside from the wonderful people and conference, Richard Smiraglia and I learned what we were made of after traveling 5 hours in a tiny car that smelled of slaughtered goat. Best scholarly journal? Knowledge Organization, of course. I also appreciate that Journal of Documentation and Library Trends will publish philosophical or critical theory works.

yourself out there with thick skin. No one expects you to know everything, so don’t feel bad if you don’t. Bonus question: where can we get the best cup of coffee in Milwaukee? I am highly qualified to answer this question, and I think I have to go with Fuel Cafe on Center Street in Riverwest.

Dr. Nicholas Profe res

What are you up to these days? Right now I’m a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Maryland’s iSchool, working at Dr. Katie Shilton’s Ethics and Values in Design Lab. What hashtag would best describe your PhD experience? # _

Favorite conference you attended? Probably the Association of Internet Researchers conference. It is a fantastic, interdisciplinary conference where I always come across work that broadens my horizons a bit. Best scholarly journal? For me, New Media & Society is probably the most relevant.

Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye the Science Guy? Why should we choose?

Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye the Science Guy? Rachel Carson.

Dewey decimal classification or Library of Congress classification? To critique, definitely DDC. It’s a melodramatic docudrama disguised as a classification scheme.

Dewey decimal classification or Library of Congress classification? ¯\_( )_/¯

Paper book or e-book? Pleasure reading: e-book. Scholarly reading: paper book. Quant or qual? Qual, mos def. Last article you read? Toward a field of intersectionality studies: Theory, applications, and praxis by Cho, Crenshaw & McCall (2013) in Signs. It’s not an LIS journal, but I find a lot of theory externally that has application in our field.

Paper book or e-book? Paper. Quant or qual? Mixed-methods all the way. Last article you read? Orlikowski, W. J. (2007). Sociomaterial practices: Exploring technology at work. Organization studies, 28(9), 1435-1448. Where do you hope to be in 5 years? Still doing research I am deeply interested in.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years? I don’t know. Isn’t that the fun of it?

Any parting advice for current SOIS PhD students? If you are not in one already, join a writing group.

Any parting advice for current SOIS PhD students? Have confidence in yourself and take every opportunity you can get. Being a scholar means taking risks, so you have to put

Bonus question: where can we get the best cup of coffee in Milwaukee? That’s tough! I’d say Colectivo on the whole, but Sven’s in Bayview has a way cool vibe. Winter 2016 | 03



I Know What You Did Last Summer

Information Studies

Information Studies

by Ann Graf

Group Outings

“I Know What You Did Last Summer” is an 18-year-old mediocre movie ... but tells us nothing about what our SOIS PhD students did during the summer and early fall of 2015, so we asked you to share some photos, hashtags, and short updates of highlights. Some of us traveled for conferences or vacations, some of us just hung out. One of us had a beautiful baby boy and at least one other announced a baby on the way. A couple of you moved to Milwaukee and at least one moved away. Enjoy these images and updates and get to know a little more about your fellow students!

Laura Ridenour

Shannon Crawford-Barniskis

#DSOoutingtoJimspumpkinfarm #cornmaze #alittlemuddybutfun

#gettyresearchinstitute #LosAngeles




This summer I went on what felt like a whirlwind tour of the United States. I presented at NASKO in Los Angeles, and JCDL in Knoxville, then traveled to San Francisco to gather data for FEAL and meet with the masters scholarship students at ALA. Afterward, I visited my native land of Cascadia Portland, Oregon. At NASKO, we were taken on a tour of the Getty Research Institute, which is situated atop a steep hill crest. ALA coincided with Pride this year, and the Moscone Center flew rainbow flags to celebrate both Pride and the passing of the Marriage Equality Act. When in Portland, I went hiking through Oneonta Gorge with some friends early in the morning on the 4th of July.

My Summer 2015, as a Videogame

Canoed, went to extended family vacation in Northern Minnesota (+200 calm points, +200 family points)

#soisphdoutingathotelfoster #May2015 #yaywemadeitthroughanothersemester!!!

Renovated kitchen (-500 marriage points; regained +300 marriage points; +100 environment points so far) wrote most of proposal (+300 scholarship points, -100 marriage points)

Ann Graf I got to attend NASKO at UCLA in June and saw California for the first time. In late July my youngest went with me to visit the oldest in San Francisco – CA twice in two months! I also became a Citizen Scientist volunteer this summer at the Urban Ecology Center, helping to survey odonate (dragonfly and damselfly) species at the three UEC locations around Milwaukee, fulfilling my life-long desire to run through a field with a butterfly net.

#OneontaGorge #Oregon #whoa #realtrees #hiking #steep #gooutanddothings

04 | PhD Newsletter

I took my second trip to San Francisco in June to visit a friend. We explored the Mission district, ordered a #BuildYourOwnDamnHouse (coffee, coconut & cinnamon toast) at Trouble Coffee, and ran a #5k at Golden Gate Park (which I barely completed after too much walking around the city). I visited the Grace Cathedral & Labyrinth and was determined to find the #ParrotsofTelegraphHill, but had no such luck. I spent a day in Berkeley visiting the lovely Rose Garden and the Botanic Gardens. We also visited a winery just outside of Napa Valley, where I got to meet some #chickens. We both turned #33 this summer and celebrated by looking for any signs of 33, and twice on the trip I saw 3 deer.


#ALA2015 #SanFrancisco #Pride #MarriageEquality #ConferenceAttireSelfie

Dropped off final child at college (+1,000,000 parenting points: leveled up; +1000 marriage points)

Renee Bennett-Kapusniak

#SanFranAlley #StreetArt #dissertationresearchomg #sonGibbyforeground #daughterLaurawalkingaway

#odonatesurvey #urbanecologycenter #12spotmaledragonfly #imfreakinholdingthisbigbug #needtattoo


Yuehua Zhao #thestoryofmylife

#SantaMonica #smoggy #colorfulandcrowded #lastdaynearLA #cameraexhaustedfromoveruseomg

Melissa Castillo

I went to Paris this summer for QQML2015 conference with Yanyan. We also met Professor Xie there. I really enjoyed the conference and Paris as my dream city. Attending conferences and exploring the world are two of the best parts of my doctoral student life. #conferences #travel

Winter 2016 | 05



I Know What You Did Last Summer

Information Studies

Information Studies

by Ann Graf

Group Outings

“I Know What You Did Last Summer” is an 18-year-old mediocre movie ... but tells us nothing about what our SOIS PhD students did during the summer and early fall of 2015, so we asked you to share some photos, hashtags, and short updates of highlights. Some of us traveled for conferences or vacations, some of us just hung out. One of us had a beautiful baby boy and at least one other announced a baby on the way. A couple of you moved to Milwaukee and at least one moved away. Enjoy these images and updates and get to know a little more about your fellow students!

Laura Ridenour

Shannon Crawford-Barniskis

#DSOoutingtoJimspumpkinfarm #cornmaze #alittlemuddybutfun

#gettyresearchinstitute #LosAngeles




This summer I went on what felt like a whirlwind tour of the United States. I presented at NASKO in Los Angeles, and JCDL in Knoxville, then traveled to San Francisco to gather data for FEAL and meet with the masters scholarship students at ALA. Afterward, I visited my native land of Cascadia Portland, Oregon. At NASKO, we were taken on a tour of the Getty Research Institute, which is situated atop a steep hill crest. ALA coincided with Pride this year, and the Moscone Center flew rainbow flags to celebrate both Pride and the passing of the Marriage Equality Act. When in Portland, I went hiking through Oneonta Gorge with some friends early in the morning on the 4th of July.

My Summer 2015, as a Videogame

Canoed, went to extended family vacation in Northern Minnesota (+200 calm points, +200 family points)

#soisphdoutingathotelfoster #May2015 #yaywemadeitthroughanothersemester!!!

Renovated kitchen (-500 marriage points; regained +300 marriage points; +100 environment points so far) wrote most of proposal (+300 scholarship points, -100 marriage points)

Ann Graf I got to attend NASKO at UCLA in June and saw California for the first time. In late July my youngest went with me to visit the oldest in San Francisco – CA twice in two months! I also became a Citizen Scientist volunteer this summer at the Urban Ecology Center, helping to survey odonate (dragonfly and damselfly) species at the three UEC locations around Milwaukee, fulfilling my life-long desire to run through a field with a butterfly net.

#OneontaGorge #Oregon #whoa #realtrees #hiking #steep #gooutanddothings

04 | PhD Newsletter

I took my second trip to San Francisco in June to visit a friend. We explored the Mission district, ordered a #BuildYourOwnDamnHouse (coffee, coconut & cinnamon toast) at Trouble Coffee, and ran a #5k at Golden Gate Park (which I barely completed after too much walking around the city). I visited the Grace Cathedral & Labyrinth and was determined to find the #ParrotsofTelegraphHill, but had no such luck. I spent a day in Berkeley visiting the lovely Rose Garden and the Botanic Gardens. We also visited a winery just outside of Napa Valley, where I got to meet some #chickens. We both turned #33 this summer and celebrated by looking for any signs of 33, and twice on the trip I saw 3 deer.


#ALA2015 #SanFrancisco #Pride #MarriageEquality #ConferenceAttireSelfie

Dropped off final child at college (+1,000,000 parenting points: leveled up; +1000 marriage points)

Renee Bennett-Kapusniak

#SanFranAlley #StreetArt #dissertationresearchomg #sonGibbyforeground #daughterLaurawalkingaway

#odonatesurvey #urbanecologycenter #12spotmaledragonfly #imfreakinholdingthisbigbug #needtattoo


Yuehua Zhao #thestoryofmylife

#SantaMonica #smoggy #colorfulandcrowded #lastdaynearLA #cameraexhaustedfromoveruseomg

Melissa Castillo

I went to Paris this summer for QQML2015 conference with Yanyan. We also met Professor Xie there. I really enjoyed the conference and Paris as my dream city. Attending conferences and exploring the world are two of the best parts of my doctoral student life. #conferences #travel

Winter 2016 | 05

PhD Information Studies

I Know What You Did Last Summer

Carol Sabbar At the very end of May, my husband and I went to spend a long weekend in Chicago, eating lots of great food, spending time at Navy Pier, taking a couple of boat rides, and listening to some blues. We plan to do so again for our upcoming 30th anniversary in November. I gave a presentation at the WiLSWorld conference called “Beyond Research Guides: some innovative uses of LibGuides”

Tyler Smith Katie Chamberlain Kritikos I moved from Chicago to Milwaukee and spent the summer exploring and enjoying my new home!

Several of the library staff from Carthage College (including myself) visited several other colleges to see their nursing labs and talk with their library staff about how they provide instruction and support for their nursing programs. Carthage started our own nursing program this fall. Other institutions we visited included: Valparaiso, Viterbo, Gateway Technical College, Rush, Resurrection (Chicago), and Carroll University.

“This summer held so many surprises and exciting events for my family! My wife and I found out that we would be welcoming a daughter in February. We also traveled to New York to celebrate my brother’s wedding. This summer changed our lives forever and I could not be more excited!”

Student Milestones

PhD Information Studies

Melodie J Fox and Nicholas Proferes successfully defended their dissertations. Carol Sabbar and Jeannete Glover successfully defended their dissertation proposals. Inkyung Choi, Shannon Crawford Barniskis, Yanyan Wang Yuehua Zhao & Laura Ridenour successfully passed their prelim exams. Fall 2014 Graduates Dalal Albudaiwi “The Impact of Culture and Religion on the Perception of Freedom of Expression between Older and Younger Generations in South Africa and State of Kuwait: An International and Comparative Study” Major Professor: Johannes Britz Edward Benoit III “#MPLP: A comparison of Domain Novice and Expert User-generated Tags in a Minimally Processed Digital Archive”

Inkyung Choi I took a trip to San Francisco to celebrate our 1st anniversary and also see my friend there.


Major Professor: Iris Xie #NewHome #Milwaukee

#CubsFanNoMore #GoBrewers #HouseDivided

Chunsheng Huang “Understanding Novice Users’ Helpseeking Behavior in Digital Libraries: Influence of Learning Styles”

Adriana McCleer This summer, my husband and I welcomed our son, Joseph, into the world. The grad school all-nighters were great preparation for late nights with baby!

Major Professor: Iris Xie Jeremy Mauger “Framing the Policy Debate: Competing Portrayals of Technology in Online Content Regulation and Lessons from Science and Technology Studies” Major Professor: Michael Zimmer Spring 2015 Graduates

#Travel2SanFrancisco #Anniversary #MeetMyFriend #LastFunSummer #AfterPrelimBeforeDissertator

Melodie J Fox “Gender as an Interplay of Rules: Detecting Epistemic Influence of Medical and Legal Discourse on Gender Classification in Four Editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification” Major Professors: Richard Smiraglia and Hope Olson


Nicholas Proferes “Informational Power on Twitter: A Mixed-Method Exploration of User Knowledge and Technological Discourse about Information Flows” Major Professor: Michael Zimmer #BabyMcCleer

06 | PhD Newsletter

#StillTired #StillWorthIt

Winter 2016 | 07

PhD Information Studies

I Know What You Did Last Summer

Carol Sabbar At the very end of May, my husband and I went to spend a long weekend in Chicago, eating lots of great food, spending time at Navy Pier, taking a couple of boat rides, and listening to some blues. We plan to do so again for our upcoming 30th anniversary in November. I gave a presentation at the WiLSWorld conference called “Beyond Research Guides: some innovative uses of LibGuides”

Tyler Smith Katie Chamberlain Kritikos I moved from Chicago to Milwaukee and spent the summer exploring and enjoying my new home!

Several of the library staff from Carthage College (including myself) visited several other colleges to see their nursing labs and talk with their library staff about how they provide instruction and support for their nursing programs. Carthage started our own nursing program this fall. Other institutions we visited included: Valparaiso, Viterbo, Gateway Technical College, Rush, Resurrection (Chicago), and Carroll University.

“This summer held so many surprises and exciting events for my family! My wife and I found out that we would be welcoming a daughter in February. We also traveled to New York to celebrate my brother’s wedding. This summer changed our lives forever and I could not be more excited!”

Student Milestones

PhD Information Studies

Melodie J Fox and Nicholas Proferes successfully defended their dissertations. Carol Sabbar and Jeannete Glover successfully defended their dissertation proposals. Inkyung Choi, Shannon Crawford Barniskis, Yanyan Wang Yuehua Zhao & Laura Ridenour successfully passed their prelim exams. Fall 2014 Graduates Dalal Albudaiwi “The Impact of Culture and Religion on the Perception of Freedom of Expression between Older and Younger Generations in South Africa and State of Kuwait: An International and Comparative Study” Major Professor: Johannes Britz Edward Benoit III “#MPLP: A comparison of Domain Novice and Expert User-generated Tags in a Minimally Processed Digital Archive”

Inkyung Choi I took a trip to San Francisco to celebrate our 1st anniversary and also see my friend there.


Major Professor: Iris Xie #NewHome #Milwaukee

#CubsFanNoMore #GoBrewers #HouseDivided

Chunsheng Huang “Understanding Novice Users’ Helpseeking Behavior in Digital Libraries: Influence of Learning Styles”

Adriana McCleer This summer, my husband and I welcomed our son, Joseph, into the world. The grad school all-nighters were great preparation for late nights with baby!

Major Professor: Iris Xie Jeremy Mauger “Framing the Policy Debate: Competing Portrayals of Technology in Online Content Regulation and Lessons from Science and Technology Studies” Major Professor: Michael Zimmer Spring 2015 Graduates

#Travel2SanFrancisco #Anniversary #MeetMyFriend #LastFunSummer #AfterPrelimBeforeDissertator

Melodie J Fox “Gender as an Interplay of Rules: Detecting Epistemic Influence of Medical and Legal Discourse on Gender Classification in Four Editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification” Major Professors: Richard Smiraglia and Hope Olson


Nicholas Proferes “Informational Power on Twitter: A Mixed-Method Exploration of User Knowledge and Technological Discourse about Information Flows” Major Professor: Michael Zimmer #BabyMcCleer

06 | PhD Newsletter

#StillTired #StillWorthIt

Winter 2016 | 07

PhD Recent Scholarship

Recent Scholarship PhD

Information Studies

Journal Articles Bennett-Kapusniak, R., & McCleer, A. (2015). Love in the digital library: A search for racial heterogeneity in e-books. Journal of Popular Romance Studies, 5(1), 1-21. Han, H., & Wolfram, D. (in press). An exploration of search session patterns in an image-based digital library. Journal of Information Science, 1–15. http://doi. org/10.1177/0165551515598952. Kipp, M. E. I., Beak, J., & Graf, A. M. (in press). Tagging of banned and challenged books. Knowledge Organization, 42(5), 276-283. Xie, I. & Stevenson, J. (2014). (Accepted). Social Media Application in Digital Libraries. Online Information Review. Zhang, J. Zhai, S., Liu, H., & Stevenson, J. (Accepted) Social Network Analysis on a Topic Based Navigation Guidance System in a Public Health Portal. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Zhang, J., Zhai, S., Stevenson, J., & Xia, L. (Accepted). Optimization of the Subject Directory in a Government Agriculture Department Web Portal. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

Conference Proceedings Lipinski, T. & Chamberlain Kritikos, K. (2015, December). Copyright Reform and the Library and Patron Use of Non-text or Mixed-Text Grey Literature: A Comparative Analysis of Approaches and Opportunities for Change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Conference on Grey Literature (GL17), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Abstract retrieved from http:// Lu, K., Zhao, Y., Ajiferuke, I., & Wolfram, D. (2015). How Related is Author Topical Similarity to Other Author Relatedness Measures? Proceedings of 15th International conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics. Istanbul, Turkey. Retrieved from

08 | PhD Newsletter all-papers/0899.pdf. Park, H., & Kipp, M. E. I. (2015). Evaluation of Mappings from MARC to Linked Data. Advances in Classification Research Online. Retrieved from https://journals.lib. viewFile/14908/12495. Ridenour, L. (2015, June 19). Concept term repurposing: Framing shifts in domains and terminology. Proceedings of the North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization. Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from Zhao, Y., & Zhao, R. (2015). Evolutionary Analysis of Collaboration Networks in Scientometrics. Proceedings of 15th International conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics. Istanbul, Turkey. Retrieved from

Conference Posters Choi, I. (2015). Is User Studies User-oriented? Domain analytic approach to User Studies in Information Organization. In iConference 2015 Proceedings. Retrieved from Beak, J., Choi, I., & Lee, T. (2015). Research Methods in KO Domain: Pilot Study, Poster at 3rd Milwaukee Conference on Ethics on Knowledge Organization, May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2015, March 2427). Metaphors of privilege: Public library makerspaces. In iConference 2015 Proceedings. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle. net/2142/73726 DesArmo, J. (2015). Comparative Investigation of Self-Citation Patterns in Information Science: A Pilot Study. In iConference 2015 Proceedings. Retrieved from http:// Park, H. (2015). From industry to scholarly communication: biometric literature over time. In iConference 2015 Proceedings. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle. net/2142/73734.

Information Studies

Wang, Y., Joo, S. and Lu, K. (2014), Exploring topics in the field of data science by analyzing wikipedia documents: A preliminary result. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 51: 1–4. doi: 10.1002/ meet.2014.14505101116. Wang, Y., Xie, I. & Lee, S. (2015). Explore eye movement patterns in search result evaluation and individual document evaluation. In Proceedings of 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting. St. Louis, November, 2015. Xie, I. & Stevenson, J. (2014). Functions of Twitter in Digital Libraries. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 51: 1–4. doi: 10.1002/meet.2014.14505101117 Xie, I., Wang, Y., & Lee, S. (2015). Search Result Evaluation across Different Systems and Tasks: An eye tracking analysis. 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Paris, France.

Conference Presentations Choi, I. (2015). Is User Studies User-oriented? Domain analytic approach to User Studies in Information Organization. Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach, CA. Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2015, March 2427). Metaphors of privilege: Public library makerspaces. Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach, CA. Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2015, January 2730). Resist*rs: A political economic analysis of public library makerspaces. Poster presented at ALISE, Chicago, IL. DesArmo, J. (2015). Comparative Investigation of Self-Citation Patterns in Information Science: A Pilot Study. Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach, CA. Du Plessis, J., Castillo, M., & Haak, M. M. (2015). Why The ‘Big’ Picture Matters In Every Course. Presented at the Office of Instructional and Professional Development (OPID) Spring Conference, Green Lake, WI.

Jeong, W., Han, H. & Ridenour, L. (2015, June 24). Case Study of Waiting List on WPLC Digital Library. Poster presented during Minute Madness at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Knoxville, TN. Latham, J.M., Joo, S., Park, H., McCleer, A., Crawford-Barniskis, S. & Trainor, K. (2014, October 7-9) The Public Library Research Collaboratory: Creating digital space for the intersection of practitioners, scholars, and educators. Presented at the Library Research Seminar VI, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, IL. Park, H. (2015). From industry to scholarly communication: biometric literature over time. Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach, CA. Ridenour, L. (2015, June 19). Concept term repurposing: Framing shifts in domains and terminology. Paper presented at the North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization. Los Angeles, CA. Stevenson, J. (2015). Wisconsin 4H: Building a Social Wiki. Presented at the Midwest Archival Conference. Lexington, KY. May 2015 Stevenson, J. (2015). Visual Information Retrieval: A Case Study. Presented at the Visual Resources Association. Denver, CO. March 2015 Wolfram, D., Bennett-Kapusniak, R., Glover, J., McCleer, A., & Thiele, J. (2015). Planning LIS Doctoral Education Around a Focused Theme: The B2A Approach. Juried Panel discussion at ALISE 2015. January 30. Chicago, IL. Xie, I. & Stevenson, J. (2014). Functions of Twitter in Digital Libraries. Poster presented at the 77th ASIST Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. November 2015. Xie, I., Wang, Y. & Lee, S. (2015). Search Result Evaluation across Different Systems and Tasks: An eye tracking analysis, Poster presented at the 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Paris, France. Zhao, Y. (2015). A qualitative study of the evaluation criteria of health information on different social media: A pilot study. Poster presented at the 7th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Paris, France.

Invited Speaker Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2015, August 2425). Convivality, contingency & connections: Making a successful creative space through policy & practice. Presentation at Southwest Wisconsin Library System Mobile Makerspace Training, Fennimore, WI, invited speaker. Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2014, November 4-7). Librarian as Enzyme: Access, Intellectual Freedom, and Creative Library Spaces/Makerspaces. Presentation at Wisconsin Library Association conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, invited speaker.

Awards Crawford-Barniskis, S. 2015 iConference Best Poster Award for Metaphors of privilege: Public library makerspaces. Choi, I. Chancellor’s Award for SOIS Doctoral students: UW Milwaukee (2015 spring)

sin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015). Crawford Barniskis, S. Reviewer for The Library Quarterly. DesArmo, J. President of Doctoral Student Organization, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015 - present). Graf, A. Student Representative for Research Committee. School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (Fall 2015 - present). Park, H. Executive Committee Officer of Doctoral Student Organization, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015 - present).

Kritikos, K. Distinguished Graduate Student Award, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2015-2016.

Professional Service Castillo, M. Chief Editor for SOIS PhD Newsletter, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring and Fall 2015). Castillo, M. Executive Committee Officer of Doctoral Student Organization, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015 - present). Choi, I. Editor for SOIS PhD Newsletter, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015). Choi, I. Executive Committee Officer of Doctoral Student Organization, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015 - present). Choi, I. Student Representative for Academic Planning Committee. School of Information Studies, University of Wiscon-

Winter 2016 | 09

PhD Recent Scholarship

Recent Scholarship PhD

Information Studies

Journal Articles Bennett-Kapusniak, R., & McCleer, A. (2015). Love in the digital library: A search for racial heterogeneity in e-books. Journal of Popular Romance Studies, 5(1), 1-21. Han, H., & Wolfram, D. (in press). An exploration of search session patterns in an image-based digital library. Journal of Information Science, 1–15. http://doi. org/10.1177/0165551515598952. Kipp, M. E. I., Beak, J., & Graf, A. M. (in press). Tagging of banned and challenged books. Knowledge Organization, 42(5), 276-283. Xie, I. & Stevenson, J. (2014). (Accepted). Social Media Application in Digital Libraries. Online Information Review. Zhang, J. Zhai, S., Liu, H., & Stevenson, J. (Accepted) Social Network Analysis on a Topic Based Navigation Guidance System in a Public Health Portal. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Zhang, J., Zhai, S., Stevenson, J., & Xia, L. (Accepted). Optimization of the Subject Directory in a Government Agriculture Department Web Portal. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

Conference Proceedings Lipinski, T. & Chamberlain Kritikos, K. (2015, December). Copyright Reform and the Library and Patron Use of Non-text or Mixed-Text Grey Literature: A Comparative Analysis of Approaches and Opportunities for Change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Conference on Grey Literature (GL17), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Abstract retrieved from http:// Lu, K., Zhao, Y., Ajiferuke, I., & Wolfram, D. (2015). How Related is Author Topical Similarity to Other Author Relatedness Measures? Proceedings of 15th International conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics. Istanbul, Turkey. Retrieved from

08 | PhD Newsletter all-papers/0899.pdf. Park, H., & Kipp, M. E. I. (2015). Evaluation of Mappings from MARC to Linked Data. Advances in Classification Research Online. Retrieved from https://journals.lib. viewFile/14908/12495. Ridenour, L. (2015, June 19). Concept term repurposing: Framing shifts in domains and terminology. Proceedings of the North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization. Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from Zhao, Y., & Zhao, R. (2015). Evolutionary Analysis of Collaboration Networks in Scientometrics. Proceedings of 15th International conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics. Istanbul, Turkey. Retrieved from

Conference Posters Choi, I. (2015). Is User Studies User-oriented? Domain analytic approach to User Studies in Information Organization. In iConference 2015 Proceedings. Retrieved from Beak, J., Choi, I., & Lee, T. (2015). Research Methods in KO Domain: Pilot Study, Poster at 3rd Milwaukee Conference on Ethics on Knowledge Organization, May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2015, March 2427). Metaphors of privilege: Public library makerspaces. In iConference 2015 Proceedings. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle. net/2142/73726 DesArmo, J. (2015). Comparative Investigation of Self-Citation Patterns in Information Science: A Pilot Study. In iConference 2015 Proceedings. Retrieved from http:// Park, H. (2015). From industry to scholarly communication: biometric literature over time. In iConference 2015 Proceedings. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle. net/2142/73734.

Information Studies

Wang, Y., Joo, S. and Lu, K. (2014), Exploring topics in the field of data science by analyzing wikipedia documents: A preliminary result. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 51: 1–4. doi: 10.1002/ meet.2014.14505101116. Wang, Y., Xie, I. & Lee, S. (2015). Explore eye movement patterns in search result evaluation and individual document evaluation. In Proceedings of 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting. St. Louis, November, 2015. Xie, I. & Stevenson, J. (2014). Functions of Twitter in Digital Libraries. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 51: 1–4. doi: 10.1002/meet.2014.14505101117 Xie, I., Wang, Y., & Lee, S. (2015). Search Result Evaluation across Different Systems and Tasks: An eye tracking analysis. 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Paris, France.

Conference Presentations Choi, I. (2015). Is User Studies User-oriented? Domain analytic approach to User Studies in Information Organization. Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach, CA. Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2015, March 2427). Metaphors of privilege: Public library makerspaces. Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach, CA. Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2015, January 2730). Resist*rs: A political economic analysis of public library makerspaces. Poster presented at ALISE, Chicago, IL. DesArmo, J. (2015). Comparative Investigation of Self-Citation Patterns in Information Science: A Pilot Study. Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach, CA. Du Plessis, J., Castillo, M., & Haak, M. M. (2015). Why The ‘Big’ Picture Matters In Every Course. Presented at the Office of Instructional and Professional Development (OPID) Spring Conference, Green Lake, WI.

Jeong, W., Han, H. & Ridenour, L. (2015, June 24). Case Study of Waiting List on WPLC Digital Library. Poster presented during Minute Madness at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Knoxville, TN. Latham, J.M., Joo, S., Park, H., McCleer, A., Crawford-Barniskis, S. & Trainor, K. (2014, October 7-9) The Public Library Research Collaboratory: Creating digital space for the intersection of practitioners, scholars, and educators. Presented at the Library Research Seminar VI, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, IL. Park, H. (2015). From industry to scholarly communication: biometric literature over time. Poster presented at the iConference, Newport Beach, CA. Ridenour, L. (2015, June 19). Concept term repurposing: Framing shifts in domains and terminology. Paper presented at the North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization. Los Angeles, CA. Stevenson, J. (2015). Wisconsin 4H: Building a Social Wiki. Presented at the Midwest Archival Conference. Lexington, KY. May 2015 Stevenson, J. (2015). Visual Information Retrieval: A Case Study. Presented at the Visual Resources Association. Denver, CO. March 2015 Wolfram, D., Bennett-Kapusniak, R., Glover, J., McCleer, A., & Thiele, J. (2015). Planning LIS Doctoral Education Around a Focused Theme: The B2A Approach. Juried Panel discussion at ALISE 2015. January 30. Chicago, IL. Xie, I. & Stevenson, J. (2014). Functions of Twitter in Digital Libraries. Poster presented at the 77th ASIST Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. November 2015. Xie, I., Wang, Y. & Lee, S. (2015). Search Result Evaluation across Different Systems and Tasks: An eye tracking analysis, Poster presented at the 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Paris, France. Zhao, Y. (2015). A qualitative study of the evaluation criteria of health information on different social media: A pilot study. Poster presented at the 7th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Paris, France.

Invited Speaker Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2015, August 2425). Convivality, contingency & connections: Making a successful creative space through policy & practice. Presentation at Southwest Wisconsin Library System Mobile Makerspace Training, Fennimore, WI, invited speaker. Crawford-Barniskis, S. (2014, November 4-7). Librarian as Enzyme: Access, Intellectual Freedom, and Creative Library Spaces/Makerspaces. Presentation at Wisconsin Library Association conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, invited speaker.

Awards Crawford-Barniskis, S. 2015 iConference Best Poster Award for Metaphors of privilege: Public library makerspaces. Choi, I. Chancellor’s Award for SOIS Doctoral students: UW Milwaukee (2015 spring)

sin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015). Crawford Barniskis, S. Reviewer for The Library Quarterly. DesArmo, J. President of Doctoral Student Organization, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015 - present). Graf, A. Student Representative for Research Committee. School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (Fall 2015 - present). Park, H. Executive Committee Officer of Doctoral Student Organization, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015 - present).

Kritikos, K. Distinguished Graduate Student Award, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2015-2016.

Professional Service Castillo, M. Chief Editor for SOIS PhD Newsletter, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring and Fall 2015). Castillo, M. Executive Committee Officer of Doctoral Student Organization, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015 - present). Choi, I. Editor for SOIS PhD Newsletter, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015). Choi, I. Executive Committee Officer of Doctoral Student Organization, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. (Spring 2015 - present). Choi, I. Student Representative for Academic Planning Committee. School of Information Studies, University of Wiscon-

Winter 2016 | 09

Save the Date! SOIS PhD Poster Workshop Hands-on Learning About: Situating posters in the reasearch lifecycle, understanding the judges’ perspective, learing from designers, grabbing the viewers’ attendtion & unleashing your 2-minute blitzkrieg talk Presenters: Dr. Michael Zimmer Dr. Nadine Kozak Dr. Shana Ponelis Rebecca Hall Shannon Crawford Barniskis November 12, 2015 | 1:00 - 4:00pm | NWQB 3511

2025 E Newport Ave NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

The SOIS PhD Newsletter is published twice a year by the SOIS PhD student body. Contributions (articles, letters, photos, etc.) are welcomed. EDITORIAL BOARD Melissa Davey Castillo, PhD Student, Chief Editor Inkyung Choi, PhD Student, Editor Joel DesArmo, PhD Student, Editor Hyounjoo Park, PhD Student, Editor Ann Marie Graf, PhD Student, Editor Art Direction & Design: Claire Schultz

Doctoral Program Committee Fall 2015 Dr. Mohammed Aman Dr. Richard Smiraglia Dr. Michael Zimmer (PhD Program Director) Dr. Wilhelm Peekhaus Dr. Laretta Henderson (ex-officio) Laura Ridenour (PhD Student Rep.)



PhD Information Studies

PhD Newsletter Vol. 05 | No. 01

In this issue:

1 2 3

Note from the DSO President, Joel DesArmo

New PhD Students: Katie Chamberlain Kritikos, Yifan Zhu, Andrew Holmes What’s Up Doc? 12 questions with recent graduates


I Know What You Did Last Summer


I Know What You Did Last Summer Cont., Student Milestones

8 9 10

Recent Scholarship: Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, Posters, Presentations

Conference Presentations Cont., Invited Speaker, Awards, Professional Service

Save The Date: Upcoming Events

School of Information Studies 2025 E Newport | NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

January 2016

A Note from the DSO President I recently attended the Convening Culture Keepers conference (CCK) for tribal libraries, museums, and archives. It was a very powerful experience for me. Since 2010, the conference has been held on a different Indian reservation each fall and spring. This was my 9th CCK conference. Attendees include Indian LIS professionals from many tribes as well as non-Indian LIS professionals. With IMLS funding, the goal of the group is the creation of a traveling exhibit to share the stories and cultures of Indians from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. It is challenging work, as it is a massive project with many people involved with different opinions on how to best proceed. But a common theme underlying everything at that conference was love. The day I arrived, we heard from the Chief of the Saginaw Chippewa Indians. He told us that as we go about our work and our lives to walk with good hearts and good thoughts. The same day, our keynote speaker, a Native American with a PhD in Information Science from the University of Washington asked the simple one-word question “Why?” The answer she gave: “Because love.” A couple of days later at the conference, after a heated group discussion, the conference organizer told us that honestly speaking his top priority is not the outcome of the final traveling exhibit. He said he wants it to emerge from the community and for everyone to feel valued. He said he cares deeply about the process of us getting there. He told us that his top priority is building a strong community and that it is our relationships with one another over time that are more important to him than the outcome of the final exhibit. In the same group discussion, a man spoke a few words to us and told us he is from the Bear Clan of the Saginaw Chippewa tribe of Indians. He said, as a member of the Bear Clan, it is his responsibility to protect the opinions and input of all people, and it is one that he takes very seriously. He said whatever we do, it should be done with love in our hearts. Throughout the conference I experienced a profound sense of community. I found myself overwhelmed with gratitude. I am grateful for having been able to be present at that conference, and I am grateful to have met each one of you. This academic road we travel, and all roads, are filled with both struggles and successes. May you walk your roads with good hearts and good thoughts. Why? Because love. -Joel DesArmo

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