PhD Newsletter - Spring 2011

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PhD Information Studies

PhD Newsletter Vol. 01 | No. 01

August 2011

A Note from our Director...

In this issue:

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I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new students to the SOIS PhD program. This is the first issue of our PhD newsletter. It serves as a communication channel for our students and faculty members. Moreover, it will also be used as a recruitment/marketing tool for prospective students or anyone who is interested in our program and trying to gain more knowledge about it.

Note from the PhD Program Director, Dr. Iris Xie Student Milestones

SOIS PhD Students Host The Connections 2011: Discourse & illumination Conference this Past May in Milwaukee

SOIS Welcomes Six New PhD Students to Milwaukee This Fall. Learn More About Them!

Recent Scholarship: PhD Students Publications, Conference Presentations, Service & Awards

Here are some of the PhD program updates: • SOIS PhD surveys of both faculty and PhD students were conducted. Thanks to all students and faculty members who completed the survey. Based on the survey results, a series of initiatives are being and will be taken to enhance the program. Detailed reports of the survey results will be presented at the PhD student orientation on August 23rd, 2011. The SOIS Doctoral Research Award Grant Opportunity (DRAGO) was created to support small equipment purchases, supplies, travel in relation to conducting research, and participant recruitment in order to make research activities possible. The deadline for submission is August 1st this year. Applicants will be notified of the decision by September 1st. Starting from next year, the deadline for submission is May 1st. Most of our new students are the recipients of the Overcoming Barriers to Information Access (B2A) Award from the IMLS grant. Professor Wolfram, who is the principal investigator of the grant, will organize a B2A colloquium presented by SOIS faculty members once per month. The SOIS handbook was updated to reflect the changes and clarifications of SOIS PhD program policy. The SOIS brochure was redesigned to represent the high quality, dynamic nature and flexibility of our program to attract prospective students. This fall, students are able to take the Quantitative Research Methods course offered by Professor Zhang directly through SOIS. In addition, we are in the process of planning more related courses for our students. Please send your comments and suggestions regarding our program to me ( We are in touch and you are in touch.

Student Milestones

School of Information Studies 3210 N. Maryland Ave | Bolton Hall Rm: 510 Milwaukee, WI 53211

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Krystyna Matusiak successfully defended her dissertation and has accepted a job offer as a tenure tracked Assistant Professor at the University of Denver, Morgridge College of Education, Library and Information Science (LIS) Program. Marta Magnuson started a new position as an Instructional Technologist at Carthage College. Suzana Ahmad, Chunsheng Huang, and Soohyung Joo successfully defended their preliminary examinations. Su-yu Lin, Kun Lu, and Marta Magnuson successfully defended their dissertation proposals.

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