PhD Newsletter - Spring 2013

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PhD Information Studies

PhD Newsletter Vol. 02 | No. 02

In this issue:

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Note from the PhD Program Director, Dr. Iris Xie

February 2013

A Note from our Director... This is the fifth year of our PhD program. While we celebrate our stuTh de dents’ achievements, it is also a time for us to review our program, discu the challenges, and come up with solutions. On January 18, 2013, cuss

Student Accomplishments Student Milestones

Intt In Interim Dean Wooseob Jeong organized the retreat on the SOIS PhD p pr program. I made a presentation consisting of the following three parts:

Building the Toolkit: Dr. Suyu Lin & Dr. Kun Lu Recent Scholarship: Chapters & Monographs, Journals, Conference Proceedings & Presentations

Recent Scholarship: Invited Speaker, Poster Sessions, Teaching, Awards, Service

Recent Scholarship Cont. Save The Date: Upcoming Events

cur u re ren nt sstatus, nt tatu ta tuss o tu pera pe rati ra tion ti on challenges, and achievements of our PhD program; 1)) current operation, 2) survey results on academic planning for the PhD program from both faculty and students; and 3) overview of 15 iSchool PhD programs in terms of their concentrations, enrollments, online programs, and financial support for students. Faculty and staff had a lively discussion and offered constructive comments and suggestions for the enhancement of the program. Based on the comments, I will work with the Doctoral Program Committee (DPC) on the following in Spring 2013: - Work on the document specifying the pros and cons of eliminating major and minor areas of the current PhD program, review the current curriculum of iSchool PhD programs, and propose revised program/curriculum for the SOIS PhD program. - Create a list of subject areas, noting faculty members aligned with each subject area based on their research expertise. The list can be used by current and prospective students to identify major professors and committee members. - Discuss the workload issues of Project Assistant/Teaching Assistant (PA/TA), in particular the TA appointment for a doctoral student teaching a class. - Develop a PA/TA evaluation form for faculty members to provide feedback about doctoral students’ PA/TA work. In addition, we are going to continue offering workshops to our doctoral students once per month this Spring (dates listed in this issue). Professor Wolfram will continue organizing the Overcoming Barriers to Information Access (B2A) colloquium presented by B2A students every first Tuesday of each month.

School of Information Studies 2025 E Newport | NWQB 3rd Floor Milwaukee, WI 53211

Please send your comments and suggestions regarding our program to me ( We are in touch and you are in touch.

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