Key design process
We ma nly focused on the process of deat on, prototype and eva uat on, we have terated for several times on each stage
Fragrance marketing analysis
Inuenced by the covid the fragrance market va ue in uk has a s gn cant decrease n 2020 , wh e most perfume customers prefer to shop n phys ca stores. So mproving the in store shopp ng exper ence could be a way to drive the market.
Penhaligon’s: A British Fragrance Brand
Finding opportunity
Our reta ler penha gon’s is a roya , luxury br t sh fragrance brand with long h story, and has a strong focus on prov ding cons derate
Royal Luxury
Long history
Penha gon’s p l consumers: the generation
Want to know wh ch fragrance suit them when try ng perfume n the store
Servive they provide:
V e w e d a s a u x u r y brand because of the prem um pric ng
ces for consumers
ŸWonder if the fragrance is appropriate n the actua scene
ŸScent of var ous perfumes mixed together
ŸAfter tried too many perfumes, the sense of sme l s not sensitive
‘W t e to create or g na or the d scerning cs of today’
High-level of Spending Ability Buy for Themsevels
serv Fragrance tasting Extens ve comparison and selection
About 90% customers sa d they a ways buy perfume for themselves
ŸConfused by the text description of the perfume
To focus on the most painful ows throughout the user journey
Semi stuctured interview - 30 45m ns 7 participan s - target user group
Browse perfumes (the packag ng and name attract the most attent on of this segment of users)
•Fragrance pa np onts in user journeykey ows w th most pa npo nts n-store shopping user journey chart
Data collection
7 participants - target user group
Observe users’ in store shopping experience
Sem stuctured nterv ew after shopp ng - 30 45m ns
To assess users’ experience n key user ows and to d scover true fee ings dur ng the exper ence
Data analysis
1.Distinction Gird
To distingu sh important behav ours and emotions
2.Afnity D agramming
After have the nd ngs through D st nction Grid, form ng common nsights through Afn ty Map
3 Key Insights
Unimaginable description of th s
can t re ate the smell of the perfume to the description.
P1 Fema e
Confusa smells
Too much perfume makes me confused about scents.
Embarrassin salesmen
Somet mes feel embarrassed when the sa esman seems too zealous.
2 Design opportunities a service for perfume consumers that
Filtering fragrance by ntu t ve y c ear descr pt on and presentation overcomes the actua scent of the perfume does not correspond to the user's expectat ons of the merchant s descr ption, for an efcient purchase
User journey map- nd ng touch point for adding advanced techno ogy
Enter the shop Try the product
3.Key Ins ght Metric
F nd key insights with high user desirab lity, turnover growth potent a
4.‘How Might We’ Metr c
Eva uate a l HMWs for key insights to nd the b ggest opportun ties
Action Touchpoint Emotion Painpoint
Persona with painpoints
Amanda “
It’s d fcult for me to nd a perfume that su ts me.
ŸLack of ways to lter perfumes
ŸLack of feelings towards different perfumes
ŸLack of personalised experience
Hav ng a clear sense of the characteristics of the d fferent fragrances through a to overcomemulti-sensory fragrance tasting the sense of sme lack memory po nts to experience .
Compare and choose
Look around the shop Shopping assistant comes to help Browse products Try on perfumes
ng assistant
e phones
Compare perfume by sme ng again Decide wh ch one is better
Curious Stressed Confused Confused Not impressed Dilemma
fcu t to select Communicat on pressure Imprecise description
D fcu t to choose D fcult to choose
IDEATION WITHADVANCED TECNOLOGY- Based on the fo ow key user tasks
Key user tasks with improve directions for ideate
Key User Task Seek and check informat on of perfumes Try on perfumes Compare var ous perfumes
Task Type
Remember fee ngs of perfumes Ask he p from shop ass stant/friends
Performance re ated task Repet t ve Unmet des res Repet t ve Requ red many peop e
Improve Direction Increase Efc ency Reduce ted um Enab e new exper ences Reduce ted um ncrease ab l ty for user to sca e efforts
CO-DESIGN TO DEVELOPE CONCEPTS - Based on the 4 ma n concepts
Create database for user test
To implement 4 ma n concepts mabove: ‘AI perfume records and recommendations’, ‘AR ltering with v rtual elements’, ‘AR multi sensory perfume tasting with v rtual e ements’, ‘VR perfume tast ng with multi sensory storytelling experience’, a for perfumes s requ reddatabase of visua languages
Ideation - based on AI technology
A techno ogy can he p with improve user exper ence by 6 AI ntents. Based on the improve d rection of key tasks, chose 2 re ated AI ntents to deate concepts. Thematica ly class ed and chose one direction for development
Select AI Intents
1.Accelerate research and discovery
Spend ess t me ooking for the nformat on. Eas y process m lions of data points to focus on the work that matters most.
2.Recommend with condence
Teach systems the nuances of your business so that to give tailored adv ce, and deepen customer relat onsh ps.
Ideation - based on AR and VR technology
AI: Perfume records and recommendations Concepts
For these 3 un que Penha gon perfumes Luna Quercus Duchess Rose
Mag c M rro
Based on the mprove d rect on of key tasks, bra nstorming severa rounds on AR and VR. Finally 3 main deve oped directions were chosen.
AR Sorting perfumes and ter with v rtual e ements
AR perfume bottles were surrounded by v rtual e ements when tasting Gamicat on
VR: perfume tast ng with mult -sensory storytelling exper ence
Create database n 5 types of v sual language
Fragrance ingred ents Scenes Characters
Abstract graph cs Ad ective descr pt on
User test- to deve ope concepts
User test results
Evaluate and choose type of elements wh ch resonate with the user for fragrance expression. 12 target users Sme l 3 perfumes, match mages of 5 types of elements
Users have more un form perception of ‘fragrance ingredient mage’, ‘co our tone’, ‘adjective descriptions’.
Chose those 3 types to enr ch presentat on of fragrance.
semi Interv ew
Card sorting mages are se ected from the database by d scuss on
Users’ se ected mages for 3 perfumes on 5 types High ght the most voted mages
Which of the follow ng images better matches your feel ngs about th s perfume... Ingred ents/Scenes/Characters/Graph cs/Adject ve
AR+AI n store fragrance tasting area
Types of v rtual e ements for perfume description based on co des gn.
1. AR ltering with virtual elements
To avoid the confusion caused by over tasting, customers can use AR ter to se ect the perfumes by : ‘fragrance ingredient image’, ‘colour tone’, ‘adjective’
2. AR multi-sensory perfume tasting
customers can see virtua around perfume‘fragrance ingredient image’, ‘adjective’ bottles whi e tast ng, to have a better understanding of each perfume.
3. AI tasting record and recommendation
Users can record favour te perfumes, and through user’s data, AI can reconmmend perfumes for persona sed exper ence.
CONCEPTS ITERATE- with Lo prototype
Round 1- user test on AR, AI and VR features
Purpose: Testing user satisfaction of the 4 concepts Findings: Users were genera y , espec a yd ssat sed w th AR AR ter function
User emotinal feedback
1. AR Features
Need to scan with phones to start AR, wh ch is troublesome wh e tasting perfume
AR lter ng AR tast ng AI record ‘ ked’, recommend
AR lter is to use withcomp ex too many steps Filtering n deta is unnecessary
VR in store VR space area
4. Perfume tasting in multi-sensory VR perfume world
For recorded ‘ iked’ perfumes n AR, can enter the VR perfume world to have a further exper ence. VR space will spray the perfume automatically
2. VR Features
Game in VR perfume wor d is un que and engaging
1. MR glasses instead AR. Expand scope& nteraction space
AR with phone
3. AI Features
Perfume card meets the need for custom sation ‘liked ’ record s convin ent
Round 2- user test on revised lters (MR replace al AR)
Purpose: To the prob em ofmodify cumbersome lter Findings:
User emotinal feedback - 4 vers ons of ter
Negative Pos t ve Negative Pos t ve
2. Rev sed AR lter 4 d fferent tering versionsand provided for the second round testing
1. Chose version 4 for tering due to high user satisfaction
2. lter ng propert es need to be enhancedwh e version 4's
1. Maintain ter ow, change AR to MR 2. Remove the lter funct on Modication for version4
Scene&Goal Navigate&Guide Make changes Succeed se ect perfume en er per ume world col ect elements to desc be per ume get personal zed perfume card curios ty diemma cr sis success 2 4
1 3
bor ng and awkward to stand around and c ck for ong periods Cumbersome and inefcient
F tering funct on enhances shopp ng efciency, cannot be removed high satisfaction, in ine w th user shopping habits
The scent icon he ps users to d st ngu sh among perfumes
Add the s mp e lter ng through c ck ng icons
3. APP Filter before shopping 4.Icons of scent for s mple se ection
MR PROTOTYPE ITERATE- with Lo prototype
Round 1- user test on MR prototype ow
To of thetest interactional rational ty MR prototype through user nteraction
Too much buttons, informat on ead to d fferent ows. Comp ex to beginners.
User emotinal feedback
MR prototype were .too complex to use
Add complete, s ngle ow guidance for beg nners before the rea MR tering and tasting exper ence
VR PROTOTYPE ITERATE- w th Lo prototype
Round 1- user test on VR prototype ow
To of VRtest Smoothness, completeness, v sual soundness
User emotinal feedback
The ack of some vo ce guidance and the presentat on of the nterface des gn leaves users confused about what to do next
Some interfaces lack visual and aud o guidance
AI tasting record and recommendation
Painpoints: Lack of persona sed exper ence
Round 2- user test on rev sed MR prototype ow
Test feasib lity and engagement of MR exper ence w th beg nner guidance.
1.Simplify guidance (on y for lter ng), and add the for users t.option to sk p
User emotinal feedback
Too much detailed guidance was boring; and after the gu destil feel uncondent
MR ltering with virtual elements
Painpoints: Lack of ways to ter perfumes
MR&VR multi-sensory perfume tasting
Painpo nt: Lack of feel ngs towards d fferent perfumes2. Simplify comp ex functions
•Add og n page
•Improve content and appearance time of vo ce gu dance
•Reduce redundant cl ck
Locked 'Favour e unction Un ocked 'Favour e &
Visua :
•Highl ght se ected e ements
•Reduce the arge amount of text descript ons
90 Degree Field of Vision
Signals design in VR prototype
AI onboarding concept
Less s more. A Narrow 90 Degree
for users and can focus users’
20 Degree Field to focus
A l the interact
F e d of V s on is 1 2
To av od confus on dur ng the mmers ve nteration in MR VR.
S gnals he p to suggest an act on and nvite user to interact
A onboard ng concept by for user, (inc ud ng offer ng examp essetting expectations of how it works, explaining what the A can/can't do, and lett ng users know that AI needs the r feedback to work better) and toexplain AI’s benets help new users get to know the product optionalor serv ce. A Onboarding concept s as many users l ke to skip t and d rectly use the function.
ashing clickable e ements to draw user's attent on and show ts availab lity
VR 30 seconds onboaring
us ng the direct ona arrows for navigation guide
The rst time user open the ‘AI Recommendation function’, there wil be a pop out, and click ‘Learn more’, users can view the AI onboard ng concept, as followed.
Before Recommendation...
User test on AI onboarding concept
The rst 30 seconds n VR s crit cal to capture the viewers’ presence perceptions and create curiosity and can not be gnored especially for new users.
effective Test process
To prevent d sappointment, shou d exp ore whether expectat ons set by AI onboarding concept the feature.match user’s feeling after using
VR prototype experience was started with a 30 seconds animation to attract the user’s attention and bring them into the virtual perfume world.
•Perfume story
•Perfume world view
•Mov ng elements
1. Show users the onboard ng concept and ask ng users to share the r expectat ons of the feature based on the onboard ng before rea y using t.
2. Let user nteract with the prototype of the feature, and descr be how the A perfume recommendation exper ence compared to their expectat ons.
Test results: The expectation estab ished by AI onboard ng concept can meet users’ exper ence, wh ch could bu ld trust
STORYBOARD- MR & VR in store shoppong exper ence
1 Customer wants to nd a ora perfume in store but has no c ue.
2. The new MR serv ce arouse her nterest She put on to try.
3. After reg ster and og n, she earns how to use the MR g asses device with A gu de, a hat but er
4. AI guide he ps to ter the o a type by cl ck ng v rtua nterface through MR g asses
5 Can recogn ze ora perfumes eas y by scent con appear ng above the products
8. Deta ls about the perfume are presented n a dynam c way, such as ngred ents, descr pt ons
9. She picks up the perfume to spray sme , and along w th MR s d sp ay, she gets a r cher fee ing
10. She real y kes t so she ights ‘heart’ to act vate the kes st for easy record ng and compar son
11. She cl cks on the l ke l st to rev ew and d scover more great products by A recommendations.
12. After p ck ng more than 5 l kes, system w l recommend her to try VR serv ces to fee deeper.
13. n the mu t sensory VR exper ence space customer wears the dev ce and og in
14. From her ke st, she se ects the perfume ‘LUNA’ and enters its proprietary virtua wor d.
15. With scent of LUNA she wanders in LUNA’s wor d to exper ence it and co ects e ements to express her personal fee ngs about luna
16 When co lect ng one element she can earn about ts connect on to LUNA and discove stor es
17. After col ecting 5 elements she is prompted to generate her personal sed perfume card
18 She is curious and excited about her LUNA card generated from the e ements she co ected
19. The VR ourney ends and she can print the persona ized LUNA card outside the VR space
20. She enjoys new serv ces and makes purchase choice eas y. t s a wonderful experience for her
EVALUATION- with Hi prototype
To determine the user inwhether the nal prototype supports ach eving the task goals emot onal experience meets our expectationsand to verify that the user's .
Task goals
ŸSelect su tab e perfumes through product descr pt on and presentat on
ŸGa n clear sense of character st cs of different perfumes, have unique experience of each perfume
Emotion goals
Ÿ easy and effective to selectFee perfumes
Ÿ fun and nformat veEn oy a perfume tasting experience
ŸImpressive and attractive
Methodology for user test 6 partic pants
1 2
Satisfaction testing Performance testing
Data collection
Users use the prototype to complete 8 tasks on key features(based on task goals)
Data analys s
USE Scorecard testing
F nal y,
Satisfaction Emotional Feedback
VR gam experie
Fragrance tasting exper ence was enjoyable
P1,Ma e
Multisensory Impressed with perfumes and favourab e mpressions of the brand
P2 Fema e
Confused by the MR tering process
•Confused by the interact on of lter •Lack sufcient textual nformat on
Enjoyable a prolonged
More condent n choos ng the desired fragrance
Sufcient g assistance Less pressure to try perfumes
P4 Male
Not satised with the immersion of VR
ŸLack of sufc ent contro
ŸHas a sense of disconnect between MR and VR
USE Scorecard and questionnaire feedback
USE Scorecard quest onna re can evaluate the qua ty of the prototype w th ‘Context’ ‘Error’ ‘ nteract’.
ŸContext: Harmonising with the user's context of use
ŸError: Prevent, cushion, and reverse users errors
ŸInteract: Bu d ntu t on by remov ng understanding
S mpl fy Workload & Effort Usable Satisfying Easy Fool Proof Context Error Interact Context Error Interact User feedback on RESULTS- MR VR
Performance feedback
Task: ‘Filter the oral perfumes’ Success Rate
33.3% (2/6 part c pants)
Task: ‘Filter the oral perfumes’
Average Time
28seconds (6 part c pants)
Ma ority partic pants found it s confusing to nish ‘MR FILTER’
Modifacations MR VR
MR prototype
1 2 ŸS mplify the lter ng interaction process and prov de c earer gu dance
ŸAdd todeta ed text descriptions cons and elements
Ÿ ntroduce the benets of VR to enhance the connection w th VR
VR prototype2
Ÿ duringAdd progress display co ecting elements n VR world
ŸImprove the rst VR onboading 30s make t more mmers ve
‘L kes’Creating connection w th MR
EVALUATION- with Hi prototype
AI message for AI recommendation
Whether the A recommendat on funct on needs explanat on for user depends on ‘feature’s mpact on user’ and ‘user’s condence on A ’
High condence of AI
Google research team offers 5 user centric metr cs(Happiness, Engagement, Adopt on, Retention, Task Success) to measure user experience on a arge sca e. These metr cs can be used for dec sion making n the product development process. For the MR,VR prototype n this des gn, the spec c metr cs that can be referred to after launch are as follows
No Message Requ red
Low user impact
Message: Most likely best for you: [X, Y, and Z]
Message: You are seeing this [recommendation] because you [act on]
High user impact
Message: You are seeing this [recommendation] based on [data].
Predict on is X% accurate
Low condence of AI
User test on AI condence 6 participants
After interview, users recommendation50% doubted re iab lity of AI
Our prototype User feedback
H gh condence of AI
No Message Requ red
Low user impact
Low user impact
Required Message
High High Low condence of AI
Mod cat on: add AI message before recommendation
Before After
We'll make perfume recommendat ons
Based on your personal h story data, the perfumes w th the ‘ye ow heart con’ are most ke y to su t you
Happiness Engagement
Goal Signals Metrics
For users to fee like the exper ence is efec entand en oyab e
Respond ng to surveys ŸSat sfact on (SUS)
ŸNet Promoter Score
For users to keepexp or ng more perfumes ŸSpend ng more t me in the system - from ana yt cs
For users to use the system ŸPrint ng perfume cards
ŸPurchas ng products after exper enc ng the system
Retention Task Success
Number of people visit the system per user/per week
ŸNumber of perfume exper enced n VR space per user/per week
ŸNumber of perfume added to ‘Likes’ per user/per week
ŸNumber of print ng cards per user/per week
ŸNumber of purchas ng per user/per week
For users to cont nue to use the system ŸV s ting the system aga n ŸNumber of repeat experience n one month
For users to n sh theirs goals ŸGenerat ng perfume cards
ŸAdd ng perfumes to ‘L kes’
ŸNumber of enerating perfume cards per user/per week
ŸNumber of perfumes added to ‘Likes’ per user/per week