拉夫堡大学与英国能源技术公司GenGame合作项目 - 专注改善用户体验与减少能耗的APP设计

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2021.10 2021.12

Save Lee

An APP for mprove user’s sleep

Group work

mary research & ana ysis, Prototype, User test

Co aborative pro ect between Loughborough Un versity and GenGame energy company, which aims to improve the user exper ence whi e using smart meter data to reduce the negative mpact of home energy consumption.

Save Lee s an APP focuses on improv ng users' sleep by help ng them to reduce emotiona stress before bed so that they can fa l asleep as quickly as poss ble while reduc ng the r home energy consumption.

(3 person)-Team eader


Current energy problems

Energy consumpt on from electr cal appl ances in da y l fe generates large amounts of carbon em ssions wh ch generate tons of ‘greenhouse’ gases and ead to many problems in the natura environment such as c mate change.

22% Tota Carbon Em ss 22% is from ho 30% Resident Carbon Em 30% is hou appliance

Smart meter in UK family

Every UK home w nsta a 'smart meter’, wh ch cou d he p consumers monitor their energy use to save more money less energy consumptionw th .


•Use histor c data to forecast energy consumption

•Disaggregate energy used E.g. 24% wash ng,9%Lighting ...

So what else we can do...

How m ght we des gn a mob e app that uti ses smart meter data to reduce the negative impact of domest c energy consumpt on?


Initial Problem Statement

1How might we des gn a mobi e app that ut ses smart meter data to encourage [ students who ves n Student Ha ls, pay attention to their health problems and want to have a better living environment ( comfort temperature, humid ty, brightness and a r quality ) ] to [ use e ectrica appliances in an appropriate way to reduce energy consuming ].

2How m ght we design a mob le app that uti ses smart meter data to encourage [ students who ives in Student Halls, have a higher awareness of energy saving and environmenta protect on and ove sharing moments ] to [ compete and share how much energy they save w th others to use less energy].

The user base is too small for the ssue to be general and inuential and therefore not considered

Semi-stuctured interview

30 45m ns

USER RESEARCH nterv ew 7 part c pants target user g oup

Interv ews with the target group were conducted to test the nitial p r o b l e m a s s u m p t i o n . T h e i n t e r v e w q u e s t o n s r e v o v e d around hea th knowledge, v ews and behav ours, with questions on health behav ours inc ud ng s eep, d et, exerc se, sk n, hair, body, env ronment and menta .


Participant Boards

The mportant informat on from the 7 part c pants’(what they say/do) nterview transcr ptions was extracted, coded and col ated on post it notes. The three categories of health ssues that were most mportant to each participant were summarised and it was seen that sleep was the most important to part cipants, fo owed by d et.


Extract the key insights

From ndings, nsights re at ng to patterns, unusua informat on were dent ed and eva uated by2×2 matrix with two d mens ons and'desirabi ty for users' potential for energy savings fourto extract the key nsights. Finally, the sweet spot contains the key nsights' with the h ghest strengths n both dimensions.


By analys ng the data from the primary research, we rened the in t a prob em assumption.

How m ght we des gn an app that util ses smart meter data to encourage [students who pay attention to the r health and want to have a better living environment] to [use e ectrical appl ances n an appropriate way to reduce energy consum ng].

Afnity Diagramming

The coded sticky note of a part c pants n the Part c pant board(what they say/do) were summar sed and organ sed n a ogical way as an Afnity Diagram for qua tative analys s.Common ssues and mportant or spec a nformation from the part cipants were summarised as . and formed the wh ch'nding' what it means 'why it matters nsights' explained and showed how t nuenced the theme of energy consumpt on''nding'

about their study

worry about study

How m ght we des gn an app that ut ises smart meter data to encourage [Chinese students who hope to have a hea thy l fe in UK develop a healthier sleeping] to [ schedule to reduce unnecessary energy consum ng]

Ÿ Can’t nish everyth ng before bedt me … Ÿ Anx ous
… Ÿ Huge
… Ÿ D fcu ty fa ng as eep from st ess … 1 2 3 4

Siqi Lee




Chinese students n UK hope to have a hea thy fe but often stay up late which cause unnecessary energy consumpt on.

1 2

Due to emot onal ( fe, study) pressure and s eeplessness. Not good at se f-regulat ng emot ons.

Lack time management ability, low efciency of work and study, and cannot comp ete the r academic tasks n t me

Did not choose this direction because the workload is an of vital external inuence that cannot be eas y interfered w th.

Brainstorming and evaluate opportunity

Bra nstorm ng des gn opportunities from the key insight statement by us ng 'How M ght We’ method

Through the evaluation matr x with two d mensions desirability for users and 'potential for energy sav ngs , 3 key 'How M ght We s have been found and were combined nto three statement.

1 2

HMW et students forget or address the stress before sleep

HMW motivate students to s eep ear er'


Siqi Lee' story

Recently, she found herse f s eeping ater and ater, had trouble in falling as eep due to stress and fee become in poor health. She s busy w th her stud es, soc a ife dur ng the dayt me She often be anxious about what she has exper enced dur ng dayt me at night These negative emotions that can t hand ed in t me affect her s eeping d rectly. She w shed she could get better s eeping without worry but she cou dn t nd a good solution.


Wants to go to bed ear er w thout the emot ona stress from fe, mainta n a peacefu state of m nd avo d staying up ate or nsomnia so as to have a healthy and regular l fe can study better and ve better n a foreign country

Task goals

• Avo d stay ng up ate, sleep ear er

• Know how to regulate emot ons

• Want to fall asleep quickly

Experience goals


Ÿ Don't worry too much about academic tasks

Ÿ Deve op a healthy sleep routine for hea th




Ga n sense of matur ty from hand ng emot ons wel

Ÿ Be enthus astic about l fe and fee re axed

Sense of achievement from develop ng good rout ne

Ÿ Fee ng in control of l fepace

Ÿ The p easure of ving healthy

Key pain points

Often stay up late because of gnor ng the time when study

ŸLack of determ nat on and mot vat on to s eep ear y

20 Chinese 3 ‘HMW et students feel very s eepy before bed so they can fa l asleep immediately’

ŸLack of efcient emotiona regu at on methods

ŸUnab e to nterrupt the p e s eeping behav or of cont nuous think ng

Overth nking things that haven't happened yet

The pressure from study and life makes me feel anxious, I really want to get rid of the negative emotions and adjust my mood in order to sleep earlier.

F rst-year Come to UK Major in Design Live in Student Hall Alone
were combined into 2 statements



Design priciples


Focus on improv ng Emot ona Prob ems Before Bed

ŸS mple operation

ŸImmersive and Soothing nterfaceg


ŸEmotional State Mon toring Before Sleep

ŸPersona sed adv ce of S eeping A d Act vit es

ŸOpt ona aud os


ŸDa y record of s eep ng s tuation

ŸAch evement Reward

Brainstorming key features based on 3 key HMWs


Three key features

Based on the task goa s of persona, the key features were bra nstormed w th the 3 key ‘HMW’s and summarized nto three, as follows

1 2

HMW et students forget or address the stress before s eep'

HMW mot vate students to s eep ear ier

3 ‘HMW et students fee very s eepy before bed so they can fall asleep immed ate y’

Rem nd users to go to sleep accord ng to the r expected rest time set n advance

By set an opt mal bedtime and reminding them v a ringtones. et user nd the most suitab e s eep schedule, and help them deve op the habit of going to bed ear y gradually

Monitor users’ emotion during s eeping, and p ay persona sed sleeping-aid aud o according to the user’s h storica speed of fall ng asleep and mood changes dur ng sleep ng

User can see the changes of their s eep ng situat on d rectly through the records of the r sleep data every n ght in app. Users can also choose d fferent types of s eep aid audios let the user who suffer from nsomn a due to emotiona pressure nd the r own sleep aid methods, so as to fall asleep faster

G ves user positive feedback by v sual s ng their changes through s eep ng ear y

Data Use


Encourage the users to deve op and keep the habit of go ng to bed ear y. User need to choose a tired virtua character: ‘Lee’ to ‘rescue’ at the t me of reg strat on, when the user ach eves the goal of go ng to bed early, the character w l change to encourage the user by ncreas ng the amount of hair and dark c rc e faded.




V sua ze how much energy users save by go ng to bed early through ‘smart meter’, prov d ng motivat on for users to go to bed early

Ÿ Use the user s previous heart rate data during sleep ng aid to provide personalised recommendat ons

Use the user s heart rate data to check whether the user s fal as eep and turn off the aud o automat cally


Record the users d sl ke audio sty e data to mprove personalised recommendation

V sua se users’ data about the time it takes to fall asleep and changes of emotional state dur ng s eep ng aid, so that users can rea ise the changes about the r sleep ng state and to encourage them to go to bed ear y

Sound database prov des users w th sleeping aid aud os

Additinal Technology:Wearab e heart rate mon toring dev ce



Graduate Student of UX Des gn in Loughborough Un versity


ŸWant to develop the habit of going to bed ear y but always fai

ŸOften suffers from nsomn a due to stress


When: It’s eleven o c ock at n ght in w nter n UK Where: Her pr vate room n student ha l

X ao Lee is studying and was absorbed in thinking about the knowledge. The qu et env ronment and difcult knowledge made her forget the t me. Time passed quickly, and soon the t me come to eleven o c ock.

Story board - Bu d ng user ourney for 3 key features based on persona and scenar o

Xiao Lee was study ng at night. Difcu t know edge made her forget the time.

Sooth ng music p ayed, t was the APP rem nded her it was time to go to bed.

Decided to fo ow app s adv ce to go to bed and puts on wearab e device.

After stay ng n bed, She was st ll th nking about study, can’t fal as eep.

Wearable dev ce detected her st ll awake, phone ght up to ask f she needs s eep a d.


Body storming Two rounds

We performed the user journey with the sett ngs n storyboard and recorded it through video to identify issues in the key journeys and rev se them

Chose type of sleep a d, APP played persona ised aud o automat ca ly.

Didn’t ke t, and c cked "Change style" (optim sat on through data )

Th s audio was su tab e for her.Re axed and fa s asleep gradua ly.

Morn ng, checked her mood changes during s eep aid, t me took to fall as eep and found it rea y he p.

Found her s ept 2 hours ear er, save more energy, the v rtua character ‘Lee’ grows more ha r n APP. She fe t mot vated.

Round 1 Revised details

• mprove rem nder methods of our App and wristband;

• Add dark theme to some pages n our App;

• Add audio auto off function after user fa s as eep n our App;

Round 2 Revised deta

• Optimise the reminder funct on of our app and wristband

• Improve the data udgment of the dev ce to get accurate data recording



By exper ence prototyp ng and ssue revisions, we sorted out the experience ow. n the follow ng chart we have covered a l the possibil t es of user behaviour interact ng w th the functional details of the app during the comp ete ma n user journey.

Page information structure

User ow

Analiysis Page Prob emat c, needs further renement testing

Users can v ew the previous n ght s sleep data and trends n bedtime changes on the "Analys s & Feedback" page, the change n virtua mage: ‘Lee’ and a so v ew the n ght y energy data records to v sua y see the energy saved by going to bed ear y last n ght, and to v sual y see the trend of reduced energy consumpt on as they gradua ly develop an ear y bedtime routine. Users wil be more motivated to go to bed early.

Unreso veled Issues in Analiys s Page

The data integrat on and arrangement of the Analys s and Feedback page s confusing and acks sufcient prior ty og c. The s gn cance of ana ys s data for users n the experience shou d be strengthened through subsequent user testing and changed to a more reasonable arrangement.

GENERATE LO-FI PROTOTYPE FOR TESTING- After sorting out the functiona hierarchy of pages n the main user ourney, the user ow and ts corresponding wireframes were constructed
Analysis Page Reminding HPage ome Page



Low delity prototyping

Using observation and semi-structured interviews

Test ng on one target user using wireframes v a marve . To create the most rea istic user experience,The test s te was set at the user s home.The time background s mu ated n the test was the bedtime per od, and the next morn ng per od, and simulating the bedt me rem nd ng behav or, the s eep aid behavior, and the behavior of v ew ng the previous n ght's data, respective y.

Main issues explored in the test

The rat ona ty of page interact ons.

ŸReasonab eness of the og cal hierarchy between pages.

ŸThe rat ona ty of the nformation ayout and c ass cat on, the comprehens veness of the nformation of the ‘Analysis and feedback’ page.


1. User think Lee's is not easy to notice, so Lee was moved to a new page

2. User th nk that the nformation about sleep time should be clear and obvious , so the goa and actua s eep time modu es were added above, also the trend graph of sleep t me with n a week s added to reect the recent y sleep ng pattern n Ana ysis and Feedback' page

3. Energy and sleep were two d fferent categor es, so a hor zontal cut-screen interaction was used to separate the two categor es n the Ana ys s and Feedback page

Changes in layouts & interaction Changes in how to use smart meter data

The mpact of encourag ng users to sleep early by only "energy sav ngs per night" and ‘the using trend’ s not obv ous enough, so adding the modu e of " energy savings accumulation from the beginn ng date" to g ve users a deeper impression.

Analysis page Iteration process

1 2 3

Late-night mode Day-time mode

Smart Sleep Reminder

Remind users to go to s eep accord ng to the r expected rest t me set n advance and wear the s eep bracelet to monitor s eep status

Provide a w de range of s eep aid aud os and were persona sed played according to the user’s histor cal s eep data

Sleep record & analysis

W th daily sleep record, users can see whether they have met the r ear y bedtime goa and their sleep status every night, and motivated by the energy sav ngs they have ach eved by sleep early

Users can save a tired avatar by reaching da y early bedt me goal, and were mot vated by avatar’s pos t ve visual changes such as grow ng more hair

02 Personalised sleep-aid audio
04 Save Lee (virtual avatar)

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