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news Autumn 2014

VACCHO Sexual Health Team (L-R) Andrew Bamblett, Kat Byron, Peter Waples–Crowe Inset: Susan Forrester , IPNZ Project Co-ordinator

Indigenous Peoples’

in, balanced by the inclusion of spiritual

A sessions, and contemporary art

Networking Zone is

and sacred time and a yarning circle led by our global Elders.

displays. Join Aboriginal and Torres

coming to Melbourne

“This is one of the deadliest

VACCHO on behalf of the

check out some local, national and

International Indigenous Working group on HIV/AIDS (IIWGHA)

will host Djamabanna Ngargee Birrarung Marr: Indigenous

Peoples’ Networking Zone (IPNZ) as part of the AIDS2014 Global Village on 21 - 25 July, 2014. Djamabanna Ngargee Birrarung Marr means ‘Gathering Ceremony by riverside’ in the Boon Wurrung language of the Kulin Nations. Located inside the Global Village of the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition

opportunites to come down and

Strait Islander peoples along with international First Peoples from Canada, United States of America, Chile, Guatemala, Fiji, Aotearoa and

international culture at the Indigenous

many other Indigenous Nations to

People’s Networking Zone. This kind

network and yarn about HIV, sexual

of opportunity only comes around once in a blue moon, so lets make sure we, as first nations people of this country, make a big impact and leave everyone walking away with a wealth of knowledge about our culture and our people.” says Andrew Bamblett, VACCHO ‘Sexy Health’ Team Member. Djamabanna Ngargee Birrarung Marr will showcase local and international

Centre, it will be a vibrant and engaging

short films, deadly music, cultural

space – free for anyone to participate

dances, discussion forums, Q and

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc. VACCHO is the peak body for Aboriginal Health in Victoria.

health, sexuality and harm reduction in our communities. For more information, contact Kat or Susan in the VACCHO Sexual Health Team on 03 9411 9411. Visit the Events page on the VACCHO Website and IIWGHA Website:

Vibrant, healthy, selfdetermining Aboriginal communities

Bigger better smiles at Mallee District Aboriginal Services Mallee District Aboriginal

that we partner with services that

Pyne, Policy Officer from Victorian

Health Services in Mildura

know their local community to

is committed to improving

Aboriginal Community Controlled

oral health within their

improve oral health”, Rebecca Crawford, Aboriginal Community

Health Organisation (VACCHO),

communities. The service

recently hosted Bigger Better Smiles workshops to support

staff to strengthen their role in providing oral health advice,

screening and referral through

Development Worker said. Members of the health promotion team at DHSV, Allison Ridge, Gillian Lang and Rebecca Crawford, delivered the Bigger Better Smiles

their programs and services.

workshops in Mildura over 19-

Bigger Better Smiles is a new

also supported by the local

oral health education program developed in partnership with Mallee District Aboriginal Service (MDAS) through the Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles initiative. The education program aims to build knowledge, skills and confidence to integrate oral health promotion across the service, focussing on workers who see families with young children and pregnant women. “On average, Aboriginal children have twice the level of decay and greater levels of untreated decay

20 May. The workshops were public dental service at Sunraysia Community Health Services. Public Health Manager, Shelley Faulks and staff welcomed MDAS participants on a site visit to see the dental clinics as part of the workshops. Toula Legassick, a Dental Assistant currently undertaking the Certificate IV in Oral Health Promotion; participated in the workshop, supported the site visit and also led a ‘Lift the lip’ session for staff in clinical roles to build skills to do mouth checks. We are also grateful for the support

compared to non-Aboriginal

of Dr Wendy Bissinger, Public

children so it is really important

Health Medical Officer and Dana

who observed the pilot program. In total 20 staff members from MDAS’s Mildura site attended a Bigger Better Smiles workshop, five also participated in the Lift the Lip session. There was a sense of enthusiasm and lots of great suggestions from participants to incorporate oral health in their work. The Health Promotion team is looking forward to continuing to work with MDAS to promote bigger, better smiles in their communities. The team are currently exploring future directions for the program with VACCHO, including the potential to work with other Aboriginal health services to adapt the program. Allison Ridge, Health Promotion Program Manager: Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles - Dental Health Services Victoria

Contents 01 VACCHO to host the Djamabanna Ngargee Birrarung Marr 02 Bigger better smiles at Mallee District Aboriginal Services 03 Healthy Spirit, Healthy Community: A guide to drugs & alcohol within our community 04 Telehealth coming to an ACCHO near you! 04 Enrol in Certificate IV in Population Health

05 Bev Hanley, NIDAC Award for Excellence: Female Worker winner 05 ACCHO’s Quality Forum

06 GP Training in Aboriginal Health in Victoria: Opportunities for the Future Forum 06 Health Screening Day at VACCHO 07 VACCHO and Partnerships – a key to success for Aboriginal students 08 Victorian Regional Tobacco Coordinators meeting with Dr Tom Calma at VACCHO in early May 2014 9 VACCHO welcomes new staff 10 Aboriginal Mental Health First Aid Community workshops 11 Around the Traps

Healthy Spirit, Healthy Community

A guide to drugs & alcohol within our community (L-R) Cindy Van Rooy, Program Manager - ADF, Craig Holloway, Senior Team Leader - VACCHO, Kate James, Editorial Manager - ADF, Gordon Bamblett, SEWB Project Officer - VACCHO

ger e Mana s, Nurs EWB n e h p e Ste the S Raelen ting to presen S A D M rce workfo

Wild Wild West mu

rder mystery night

Recently VACCHO and the Australian Drug

The resource aims to act as an informational

the Healthy Spirit, Healthy Community

Aboriginal community in Victoria. The guide lists

our community. This resource was nearly

community and was made possible with continued

possible through the effective and dedicated

This useful resource could not be possible without

Foundation (ADF) were proud to launch

and educational guide for workers and the wider

resource, a guide to drugs and alcohol in

the top 11 drugs that are currently used within our

18 months in the making and was made

consultation with the Aboriginal AOD workers.

partnership between VACCHO and the ADF.

the support of the Department of Health, and the

The launch was held on Thursday 15th of May at

current partnership between VACCHO and ADF.

the SEWB State-wide Gathering held in Ballarat,

If you would like to access any of the resources

where a large majority of the Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) workforce were in attendance. The resource was welcomed with great enthusiasm, with workers very appreciative to receive a resource so needed in their communities.

associated with the Healthy Spirit, Healthy Community booklet you can get into contact with any of the Social and Emotional Well-Being Team at VACCHO, or alternatively you can download the booklet and pamphlets directly off the VACCHO and ADF websites. Please see overleaf VACCHO NEWS Autumn 2014


Telehealth coming to an ACCHO near you! VACCHO is currently funded to support the uptake of telehealth in Victorian Aboriginal communities. Telehealth uses video cameras and computer

screens to connect patients to medical specialists through videoconferencing technology.

The patient will be able to see, hear and talk to the specialist during a private and confidential consultation. The potential for Aboriginal communities to receive specialist medical appointments at an ACCHO using telehealth to link them with the specialist provides an opportunity to overcome some of the access barriers

or the ACCHO to attend specialist medical appointments. Telehealth allows Aboriginal patients in urban, regional and rural areas to connect via videoconference from their regular ACCHO, with the support of either a doctor, nurse or Aboriginal health worker. This enables better local support and immediate follow up of any issues identified in the consultation, such as further tests and new medications. Telehealth is unique in that two clinicians can receive an MBS rebate for seeing the patient at the same time. Details of the item numbers are available from MBS

faced by Aboriginal patients.

Online at

The combination of distance, a lack of local medical

If you require any information about Telehealth or

specialists and the cost of travel often result in Aboriginal patients requiring personal support and assistance with

VACCHO’s Telehealth Project, please feel free to contact Wendy Bissinger - Public Health Medical Officer or Louise

transport and accommodation from their family, community Lyons - PHRU Manager at VACCHO on 03 9411 9411.

Enrol in Certificate IV in Population Health


VACCHO’s Education and Training Unit (ETU) are gearing up to deliver the Certificate IV in Population Health course again. After a successful and well received first delivery of this engaging course, we are excited to be offering it to our Members again. This 12 month course is tailored to Healthy Lifestyle Workers, Tobacco Action Workers, Health Promotion Officers and many more. If you are interested in completing this course please download an expression of interest form from and send it through to

Congratulations Bev Hanley on your NIDAC Award for Excellence: Female Worker It was with great pleasure that the

collaborates with. These include

(VAHS) nominated Beverly Hanley

Child protection workers, medical

Excellence: Female Worker.

It is always warming to see Bev’s

Bev Hanley has been a committed

clients light up when they see her as

Drug and Alcohol worker for the

they report that she “”gets it”” and

Victorian Aboriginal Community for

her unconditional positive regard

many years.

makes them feel so hopeful with their

Victorian Aboriginal Health Service

magistrates and court workers,

who received the NIDAC Award for

and other AOD and SEWB workers.

often big tasks ahead. The individuals

Bev became involved in AOD work after putting herself though a certificate in AOD counselling. She worked nights and other odd hours to support herself as she became determined to be involved in drug and alcohol work. Bevs spent many years working first at Ngwala and then the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service. She has continued to educate herself and evolve her practice to include a holistic approach to drug and alcohol

and families that she has walked the When Bev sees new issues emerging such as Hepatitis C treatment and growing

journey with will never forget what she has done for them including when she is more challenging and

Methamphetamine use, we watched

“”grumpy”” as she calls it.

Bev become involved, learn as

As Bev gets closer to her retirement

much as she can, engage many people and do what ever part she can do to assist the community to take control. Bev’s practical and realistic approach engages both the community members that are

counselling that is very client

referred to her as well as the great


cross section of colleagues that she

she is even committed to ensure that she passes on her knowledge to other workers and that the service is left with workers that can continue the good work rather than just say “seeya all the best!!” Sandra Gregson, Sexually

Transmitted Infections/Blood Borne Virus Nurse - VAHS

ACCHO’s Quality Forum An amazing two days

fantastic opportunity to network and

improvement, accreditation, risk

We found it incredibly heartening to

quality ACCHOs.

being made and to be able to

sharing stories about quality

share stories across three states.

and governance in our deadly

see new friends and connections

The ACCHOs Quality Forum 2014 brought together over 90 people from ACCHOs in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. VACCHO hosted this year’s event June Sculthorpe talking about the great work done by Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (TAC)

in conjunction with the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia

facilitate sharing the vast knowledge and experience evident in the sector. It was a pleasure to work together with the all the South-Eastern Australian ACCHO, ACCO and AMS mobs involved and we would like to warmly thank those of you who were

(AHCSA) and the Tasmanian

able to attend.

Aboriginal Centre (TAC) to create a

Sector Quality Unit

Look out for #qualityacchos created at this Forum and now used nationally! VACCHO NEWS Autumn 2014


GP Training in Aboriginal Health in Victoria: Opportunities for the Future Forum to increase GP training opportunities in VACCHO’s Member services. The delegates were first treated to a trip to the Bunjilaka First People’s exhibition before coming to VACCHO for a keynote speech by Gunditjmara man and Southern GP Training’s Cultural Educator, Richard Frankland. This was On Friday 30th and Saturday 31st of May, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health

Organisation (ACCHO) Practice Managers, GPs

and GP Supervisors, along with Medical Educators from GP Registered Training Providers (RTPs)

attended the VACCHO / Victorian Metropolitan

Alliance (VMA) GP Training in Aboriginal Health in Victoria: Opportunities for the Future Forum.

The 24 Forum delegates representing Wathaurong, Gunditjmara, Rumbalara, Ramahyuck, VAHS, and Njernda ACCHOs, General Practice Education and Training (GPET), the Department of Health and the four RTPs came together in Melbourne to discuss how

followed by a session on Aboriginal Cultural Mentors and Cultural Educators, and finished with VACCHO staff providing a series of brief program presentations. Saturday’s agenda was equally engaging and delivered the ‘nuts and bolts’ work of the forum, with delegates brainstorming solutions to such issues as: collaborating to ensure the cultural safety of GP Trainees, filling gaps in ACCHS training posts across the state, and creating a sustainable GP workforce. For more information about training GPs in your service, please contact: Danielle Thomson, AGPT Liaison Senior Project Officer at VACCHO on Image: Danielle Thomson - VACCHO with Dr Ray Carne - VMA/ DDAC/Bunurong co-facilitating the Forum

Health Screening Day at VACCHO

In March, nine students of the

Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/

or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care (Practice) course

demonstrated their growing skills in health assessment during a screening day at VACCHO.

Over 18 VACCHO staff members volunteered for a health check, which included blood pressure, blood sugar level, waist measurement and an assessment of lifestyle risk factors. The students also used the AUSDRISK tool to identify people at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, and provided information on how to reduce the risk. One third of the volunteers

were found to have high risk of diabetes and were advised to see their doctor for a diagnostic diabetes test. While many of the students were nervous before their first ‘client’, they quickly gained confidence and demonstrated sound skills in building rapport. Feedback from the volunteers on the students’ performance was overwhelmingly positive, with all indicating that they would participate in future. One volunteer commented “I felt comfortable talking and asking questions. All of my questions

were answered in great detail and [the student] explained things to me really well. Really enjoyed the overall check-up, as I never had one before today”. The students will use the de-identified clinical and evaluation data to write a report on the screening project as a part of their course. Alex Sticpewich, Course Coordinator - VACCHO

Image: Back L-R: Kerrie Alsop, Leroy

Gittens, Andrew Green, Alex Sticpewich Front L-R: Brian Harrison, Deanne

King, Kelly Britten, Rebecca Wilson,

Jodie Soraggi (absent: Troy Jennings)

Bruce Henderson with Dion Wunungmurra and Jerol Wunungmurra

VACCHO and Partnerships - a key to success for Aboriginal students A successful partnership

other VCE studies and also played

and nutrition employed by VACCHO.

between VACCHO’s Education

a role in the practical aspects of

and Training Unit (ETU), St

some of the Business and IT units of

Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative

Joseph’s College in Geelong

competency on site in the College’s

and Wathaurong Aboriginal

administration office.

Cooperative, has had positive outcomes for two Aboriginal

students from Arnhem Land.

The students will be able to take their new skills and abilities back to their home communities in Arnhem

The students, Dion Wunungmurra

Land. The competencies included

and Jerol Wunungmurra are studying

processing workplace information,

their VCE at St Joseph’s College

supporting and communicating with

Geelong and last year successfully

people accessing health services,

completed the Certificate II in

first aid, workplace health and safety,

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait

infection control, basic computer and

Islander Primary Health Care. Dion

business equipment operations. In

and Jerol are pictured above with

2014 the students will continue their

Bruce Henderson of VACCHO after

development and understanding

receiving their certificates at the St

of health issues through the

Joseph’s graduation.

completion of additional units of

The VET qualification was delivered concurrently with their VCE studies

competency linked to a community based health promotion project.

will also provide mentoring and support to the young Aboriginal Health Workers. ETU has a strong reputation in delivering training to the Aboriginal health workforce. Its scope of registration includes qualifications in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care, Population Health, Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs and Business Services qualifications. ETU is a three time winner of the Wurreker Award for Private Registered Training Organisation (RTO) of the Year and engages with major health peak bodies for collaborative training programs.

and involved a practical placement

VACCHO has designed a delivery

at the Wathaurong Aboriginal

and assessment strategy which

Cooperative. ETU provided the VET

again involves practical placement

training on site at St Joseph’s and

at Wathaurong Aboriginal

clinical supervision on the practical

Cooperative, and a close working

placement in collaboration with

relationship between educators

health service staff of Wathaurong

from St Joseph’s College and

Aboriginal Cooperative. St Joseph’s

vocational trainers and assessors

For training enquiries contact

staff provided tutorial support for

with expertise in health promotion

We have been functioning since 2000 and have acquired expertise in Aboriginal Health Worker training and we service the organisational development needs of the Aboriginal community controlled health sector.

VACCHO NEWS Autumn 2014


Victorian Regional Tobacco Coordinators meeting with Dr Tom Calma at VACCHO in early May 2014

Back (L-R): Leanne Stedman Gippsland Regional Coordinator Tobacco and Healthy Lifestyle; Karen Kairupan Hume Regional Coordinator Tackling Smoking and Healthy Lifestyles; Robyn Bradley State Tobacco Coordinator VACCHO; Dr Tom Calma AO National Coordinator Tackling Indigenous Smoking; Brad Brown VACCHO and Western District Regional Coordinator Tobacco and Healthy Lifestyles and Jethro Calma-Holt Hume Tobacco Action Worker Front (L-R): Anne Clarke Commonwealth Department of Health; Megan Solomon Gippsland Tobacco Action Worker; Dallas Kirby Regional Coordinator Mallee District Tobacco and Healthy Lifestyle and Laura Thompson Melbourne Regional Coordinator – Tobacco Cessation Healthy Lifestyle Team

World No Tobacco Day May 31 2014

Tobacco Team. Susan was very

and Mental Health cluster at

honest and upfront with her

WHO headquarters in Geneva,

VACCHO held a World No

reasons for wanting to quit. Thank


you to Susan for sharing her words

Tobacco Day lunch time event featuring the Yappera Kids who

of inspiration to quit tobacco for herself and her mob.

Every year, on May 31, the WHO and partners mark World No

Like us@

performed the bird dance from

Northern Queensland. Following the performance the children

This event was broadcast live from VACCHO by 3KND radio. Thank

Tobacco Day to highlight the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocate for effective policies

you to Gary Hansen, Dylan Clarke

to reduce tobacco consumption.

audience with the words You

and Arthur Jackson for supporting

Smoke I Choke. The children’s

VACCHO and World No Tobacco

Tobacco kills nearly six million

performance and messages were

Day. This event highlights the

very inspiring and sent a positive

importance of community working

message to our community.

together to promote the harmful

Thank you to the Yappera Kids

effects of tobacco use and the

and staff for such an inspiring

impact second hand smoke has on

performance and for supporting

our communities and in particular

World No Tobacco Day.

our youth.

The WHO Tobacco Free initiative

VACCHO employee Susan

World No Tobacco Day is a World

of the threat posed by the global

Forrester spoke of her inspiration

Health Organization (WHO)

tobacco epidemic and of the

to quit the smokes after talking to

Free Initiative and is part of the

steps that can be taken to reduce

Brad Brown from the VACCHO

Non communicable Diseases

tobacco use and save lives.

handed out messages to the

people each year, of which more than 600,000 are non-smokers dying from breathing second-hand smoke. The theme for World No Tobacco Day is for countries to raise taxes on tobacco.

is committed to raising awareness

VACCHO welcomes new staff

Dylan Clarke, Susan Forrester and Paula Hunt

Susan Forrester has joined the

lived in Melbourne for 11 years.

incredible performers but incredible

Sexual Health Team as Project

Before Melbourne I lived in Ballarat,

technicians and producers from all

Co-ordinator for the Djamabanna Ngargee Birrarung Marr:

but I have always gone home

walks around the world.

Indigenous Peoples’ Networking

(Horsham, Dimboola) to visit family and contribute to my community.

Zone (IPNZ), part of the Global Village AIDS 2014 Conference.

Susan Maco Forrester is a Somali Australian event producer and Sound / Visual artist. Susan is an experienced manager with transferable skills acquired within festival and community arts management specialising in the direction and production of artistic, cultural and community programs. Her creative practice spans across multiple creative platforms and centres around themes of cross culture / mass culture, technology and art. Susan has studied specialist music production at the Berklee School of Music and is currently completing a Graduate Certificate in Creative Industries.

My role at VACCHO as the Radio Programme Project Officer includes developing and producing an hour-long program, every fortnight, focusing on Health. I intend to engage with VACCHO staff and our Member organisations to compile content to make this the deadliest health show in Victoria! I would also like to promote services and events that may be happening around our communities. My life and skills have revolved around a musical and technical background. When I was studying year 12 in 2009, I was attending night school to learn how to DJ. Halfway through ‘09 I began DJ’ing and mixing all genres of music for friends, family, clubs, corporate

Dylan Clarke

events and music festivals. I began

Officer: Yarnin Health

in Sound Production at RMIT

“DJ Sadge” Clarke, I’m a proud

more working opportunities within

Radio Programme Project

studying for an Advanced Diploma

Hey everyone my name is Dylan

University in 2010. This lead to

Wotjobaluk man from the Wimmera

the music industry and allowed me

region. I’m 22 years old and have

to network and liaise with not only

Once I completed studying Sound Production, I started working as a Sound Engineer with Radio 3KND Kool ‘N’ Deadly in 2012. Using their studio, my job was to help a range of artists, organisations and community members achieve their goals. I have recorded and mixed a number of productions that have been released on various platforms including: recording, mixing, editing and mastering for community members, signed and unsigned artists, soundscapes for meditation or spiritual practice, audiobooks for children, sound design for synthesizers, movies, animations, video games and/or apps. I took up voluntary broadcasting with 3KND delivering the drive time program on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4-6pm. In my first year broadcasting with 3KND I was fortunate to be awarded Best New Victorian Broadcaster at the 2012 Victorian Indigenous Performing Arts Awards (VIPA). While I was volunteering my time to VACCHO NEWS Autumn 2014


broadcast, I was nominated by my

family to be a Director for the Barengi Gadjin Land Council in Horsham. I

queries or just a yarn you can email me

they are supposed to be doing


(position descriptions, work plans and performance reviews).”

Looking forward to working and

learnt a lot about managing a small

networking with you all. Nukkin

business and gained helpful insight to the mechanics of native title and cultural heritage management. After a short time on the board I was soon nominated as Treasurer. In 2013 I began working as a casual Producer for SBS Radio Living Black program. This role was very different to my role broadcasting at 3KND as it involved journalism with a very strict approach to organising and managing time.

“What’s also really important, is that they know how to go about doing

Paula Jones-Hunt

it (organisational values, policies

HR Consultant

We welcome Paula Hunt who has recently joined VACCHO as HR Consultant to develop, build on and boost Human Resource skills and

a workplace that everyone can be

this working in balance – you create proud of and a workplace where

because that is part of what I do. The other part of my role is to work

I encourage everyone to stream the

(employment contracts, employment

Paula says, “When I tell people I

people’, which is technically correct

interviews and news stories.

legal stuff needs to be in place legislation). Once you have all of

they often say ‘oh so you recruit

and contribute to the program with

development), and then all the

knowledge with our Members. work in Human Resources (HR),

I am still employed by SBS Radio

and procedures and training and

show online on 3KND’s website

with organisations to create the

without the assistance of a deadly

This means finding the right people

so jump on board and don’t be shame

people want to work in.” “I am really excited to be working on this Department of Health funded HR project, which will involve the recruitment of a number of HR staff

( I can’t do my job

workplace environment they want.

team and all the Member organisations

(recruiting) and making sure they

developing HR resources, sharing

are in the right roles (organisational

knowledge and creating a robust

to talk up on air. For any questions,

design) and that they know what

HR network”.

in the VACCHO Membership and

Aboriginal Mental Health First Aid Community workshops

Do you know someone experiencing VACCHO is running 10 FREE a mental health problem? Do you want to know how to help? community workshops across Victoria. All This workshop will give you the knowledge to understand the following about mental health and alcohol and other drug-related problems: • • • •

Recognise the signs and symptoms Understand the possible causes or risk factors Be aware of all treatments available Take appropriate action if a crisis arises

Western Metro

1-3 July 2014


1-3 July 2014

East Metro

22-24 July 2014


29-31 July 2014

Lake Tyers

12-14 August 2014


12-14 August 2014

part who c icipants o cours mplete th is e will recei a cer ve tifi comp cate of letion

Spaces are limited

For more information or to register, please contact Angelina Kastamonitis on 03 9411 9411 or VACCHO acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government

Jacqueline Watkins speaking at the launch of the Torres Strait Islander artwork and Aboriginal Health Office Far left: Artwork by Justice Nelson Left: Artwork by Terori Hareko-Samios

Brad Brown _ VACCHO presenting at the VACCHO and Radio 3KND: World No Tobacco Day live broadcast

VACCHO and Radio 3KND: World No Tobacco Day live broadcast

Yappera Kids performing at the VACCHO and Radio 3KND: World No Tobacco Day live broadcast

Smokefree tram proudly brought to you by the deadly VAHS Healthy Lifestyles Team

VACCHO Insight Forum Back (L-R) Carol Williams, Jason B. King, Tyson Murphy, Louise Lyons, Sandra Downie, Bridget Carrick, Belinda Stevens, Karen Large, Timothy Moore, Robyn Bilston, Brian Pitcher, Louise Carey Front (L-R) Garry Gleich, Nicole Cassar, Dean Petersen, Jill Gallagher AO

Around the traps

Follow us on

VACCHO Board Members Jason B. King: Chairperson Marcus Clarke: Vice Chairperson Andrew Gardiner: Board Member Janice Huggers: Board Member Rudolf Kirby: Board Member Kevin Williams: Board Member Daphne Yarram: Board Member

stories | IDEAS | FEEDBACK

Don’t forget this is your newsletter and we need your stories and ideas.

VACCHO Members • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Aboriginal Community Elders Services Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service Ballarat & District Aboriginal Co-operative Bendigo & District Aboriginal Co-operative Budja Budja Aboriginal Co-operative Cummeragunja Housing & Development Aboriginal Corporation Dandenong and District Aborigines Cooperative Ltd (incorporating Bunurong Health Service) Dhauwurd Wurrung Elderly and Community Health Service Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-operative Gunditjmara Aboriginal Co-operative Healesville Indigenous Community Services Association Kirrae Health Services Inc. Lake Tyers Health & Children’s Service

17-23 Sackville Street Collingwood VIC 3066 P 03 9411 9411 F 03 9411 9599 E Follow us on

If you would like to give us story ideas or comment on our newsletter please contact our Communications Officer Taloi Havini on 03 9411 9411 or on

• Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Association • Melbourne Aboriginal Youth Sport & Recreation Co-operative • Mallee District Aboriginal Services • Kerang Aboriginal Community Centre • Swan Hill & District Aboriginal Co-operative • Moogji Aboriginal Council East Gippsland Inc. • Mungabareena Aboriginal Corporation • Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-operative • Ngwala Willumbong Cooperative • Njernda Aboriginal Corporation • Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation • Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Services • Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative Ltd • Victorian Aboriginal Health Service • Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative • Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation VACCHO News Autumn 2014

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