VACCHO Autumn Newsletter 2016

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We turn it on for our 20th birthday


Autumn 2016

Inset: Jill Gallagher AO - CEO VACCHO and Aunty Marion Pearce sharing 20 years worth of VACCHO memories

We proudly launched our 20th Anniversary building mural on April 15 to mark this important milestone birthday. We have been, and continue to be, the peak representative body for Aboriginal health in Victoria. Since opening our doors in April 1996, we have been striving to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people to make sure Aboriginal Victoria has a voice where it concerns their lives at a local and national level. In partnership with world famous street artist Adnate, three Aboriginal artists, Ray Thomas, Kulan Barney and Ruby Kulla Kulla have produced a mural for the face of VACCHO’s building in Collingwood, Victoria. Our building provides Aboriginal

people with a sense of permanency and identity. It represents Aboriginal cultures, families, communities, our diversity and is a representation of the unique and comprehensive services delivered by the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector. This vibrant and stand-out mural on VACCHO’s building provides a snapshot of Aboriginal Victoria and is another Aboriginal cultural footprint on the Collingwood landscape. Kulan Barney, one of the three Aboriginal artists believes that it is important to have Aboriginal art present, especially in urban areas and the city. “We want our mob, our families,

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Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc. VACCHO is the peak body for Aboriginal Health in Victoria.

Vibrant, healthy, selfdetermining Aboriginal communities

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VACCHO Autumn Newsletter 2016 by Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation - Issuu