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Njernda Aboriginal Corporation turns


news Autumn 2015

Bunna Lawrie, Colin Walker, Margaret Tang, Johnny Mitchell, Dulcie Russell, Faye Walker, Melva Johnson, Des Morgan, Kaye Lamb, Barbara Day, Debra Cowley and Muriel Day cut the cake

Bottom: Karlene Dwyer - Njernda Aboriginal Corporation CEO, Jill Galagher AO - VACCHO CEO and Jade Johnson

Njernda Aboriginal Corporation

has faced many tough challenges.

Aboriginal Cooperative Pty Ltd,

of Aboriginal peoples over the years,

(Njernda), formerly the Echuca

is in Echuca and was established

in 1974 by local Aboriginal people fighting for recognition and selfdetermination.

Echuca is located on the Murray

Through the dedication and support Njernda has survived all these challenges. Njernda acknowledges the many struggles that have taken place by our local people towards ensuring the physical, social, and

River in Northern Victoria and is

economic needs of Aboriginal

within the traditional lands of the

people living in Echuca and

Yorta Yorta Nation.

surrounding districts are met.

On 12 December 2014 Njernda

We believe that as the Indigenous

celebrated their 40th anniversary at the Dhungalla Function Centre in Moama. Over 400 community members attended the night. Over the last 40 years Njernda

peoples of this country we have a right to recognition, respect and positive support for our culture, heritage and traditions. CONTINUED OVER THE PAGE

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc. VACCHO is the peak body for Aboriginal Health in Victoria.

Vibrant, healthy, selfdetermining Aboriginal communities

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