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VACCHOs Education and Training Unit (ETU) winner of the Private RTO Award 2013 Wurreker Awards.

news Spring 2013

Carol Williams and Tammy Chatfield with the 2013 Wurreker Award

Training. In October, the

performance in their chosen areas

Training Unit (ETU) is very

Victorian Aboriginal Education

of knowledge and expertise. They

recognition and nominations at

(VAEAI), in partnership with

VACCHO’s Education and proud to announce our

Association Incorporated

the recent Wurreker Awards.

the Victorian Department of

The ETU was nominated in two of the Wurreker Award categories. Tammy Chatfield was shortlisted as Trainer/Educator of the Year, and again this year we have been successful in winning the Private RTO of the Year Award (first in 2009, 2012 and 2013).

Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) celebrated the 10th Anniversary Awards in a significant ceremony at the Northcote Town Hall, Melbourne.

also recognise and celebrate training providers and community organisations who have made a positive and significant contribution towards the education and training of Koori individuals and communities.

The event was attended by 230 people, including nominees, invited guests, and the Hon. Peter Hall, Minister for Higher

The Awards are held annually

Education and Skills and the

to celebrate the success

Teaching Profession. The awards

of the Koori community in

acknowledge individuals who

Vocational Education and

have demonstrated exceptional

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc. VACCHO is the peak body for Aboriginal Health in Victoria.

Vibrant, healthy, self-determining Aboriginal communities

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