Critical limb ischemia: thrombogenic evaluation of two autologous cell therapy products...

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ORIGINAL RESEARCH Critical limb ischemia: thrombogenic evaluation of two autologous cell therapy products and biologic profile in treated patients Claire Tournois,1,2 Bernard Pignon,3* Marie-Antoinette Sevestre,4* Zoubir Djerada,2 Jean-Claude Capiod,5 Ga€e l Poitevin,2 Anne-Marie Delloup,1 and Philippe Nguyen1,2

BACKGROUND: Cell therapy has been proposed as a salvage limb procedure in critical limb ischemia (CLI). Autologous cell therapy products (CTP) are obtained from patients with advanced peripheral arterial disease to be injected at the site of ischemia. Thrombogenicity of CTPs has not yet been assessed. The objectives were: 1) to assess thrombotic risk in candidates for cell therapy, 2) to evaluate two different CTPs in terms of thrombogenic potential, and 3) to evaluate clinical thrombotic events. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In this ancillary study of a Phase I and II clinical trial, bone marrow (BM)CTPs (n 5 20) and CTPs obtained by cytapheresis (peripheral blood [PB]-CTPs; n 5 20) were compared. Inflammatory and coagulation markers were measured at baseline and 24 hours after CTP implantation. CTP cell content and tissue factor (TF) expression (mRNA and protein) were analyzed. Thrombin generation assessed CTP-related thrombogenicity. RESULTS: All patients presented cardiovascular risk factors. At baseline, the patients’ biologic profile was characterized by high levels of fibrinogen, C-reactive protein (CRP), D-dimer, interleukin (IL)-6, and plasmatic TF, whereas IL-10 was low. Although different in terms of cell composition, both BM- and PB-CTPs support low thrombin generation. Twenty-four hours after implantation, biologic markers remained stable in the PBCTP group, except for IL-6. In the BM-CTP group, a significant increase of IL-6 but also of CRP and D-dimer was observed. Clinically, one single patient developed deep vein thrombosis 24 hours after the implantation of autologous PB-CTP. CONCLUSION: CTPs supported low thrombin generation and were well tolerated after calf implantation.


eripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a common circulatory disease. The annual incidence is approximately 500 to 1000 new cases per million in industrialized countries.1,2 The prevalence is

ABBREVIATIONS: AbTF 5 blocking anti-TF; BM 5 bone marrow; cb-CD341 5 cord blood CD341 cells; cb-ECFCs 5 cord blood endothelial colony-forming cells; CK 5 creatine kinase; CLI 5 critical limb ischemia; CRP 5 C-reactive protein; CTP(s) 5 cell therapy product(s); DVT 5 deep vein thrombosis; Fg 5 fibrinogen; HUVEC(s) 5 human umbilical vein endothelial cell(s); IL-6R 5 interleukin-6 receptor; IL10R 5 interleukin-10 receptor; IM 5 intramuscular; LPS 5 lipopolysaccharide; PAD 5 peripheral arterial disease; PB 5 peripheral blood; PFP 5 platelet-free plasma; TcPO2 5 transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen; TF 5 tissue factor (Factor III); plTF 5 tissue factor plasma level; rHuTF

5 recombinant human tissue factor; TGA 5 thrombin

generation assay. matologie, CHU Robert Debre ; 2EAFrom the 1Laboratoire d’He , Universite de Reims Champagne3801, SFR CAP-Sante de The rapie Cellulaire, CHU, Reims, Ardenne; and 3Unite edecine Vasculaire, CHU; and France; and the 4Service De M 5 matologie, CHU, Amiens, France. Laboratoire d’He This study was funded by a clinical research hospital program grant (French Ministry of Health, PHRC 2003). *BP and MAS contributed equally to this study. Address reprint requests to: Philippe Nguyen, MD, PhD, , Laboratoire d’H EA-3801, SFR CAP-Sante ematologie, Centre ^ pital Robert-Debr Hospitalier Universitaire Reims, Ho e, 51092 Reims Cedex, France; e-mail: Received for publication February 19, 2015; revision received April 27, 2015; and accepted May 4, 2015. doi:10.1111/trf.13203 C 2015 AABB V

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