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Azeris retreat from Karabakh frontlines after suffering heavy casualties Karabakh and Azerbaijan agree on bilateral ceasefire Nagorno-Karabakh Army launched a counteroffensive on Sunday regaining strategic high ground, as heavy fighting raged for three days between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces. In a statement issued on Sunday morning, the army said its troops won back a “tactically important” position near the northern village of Talish. “The enemy was pushed back, suffering considerable losses,” it claimed. “Two soldiers from the Karabakh side were wounded during the hostilities.” “Karabakh forces are also conducting successful operations at the southern section of the frontline,” the statement said, adding that they destroyed three Azerbaijani tanks and one armored personnel carrier there. “The number of destroyed Azerbaijani tanks has reached 15,” Karabakh Army spokesperson Senor Hasratyan told RFE/RL's Armenian service. Fighting on April 3 was described as fierce in the region’s northeast and along the southernmost section of the “Line of Contact,” which effectively serves as a front line separating the opposing sides. Thirty-two Armenian soldiers have been killed, 121 wounded as a result of the clashes along the NagornoKarabakh line of contact. Another 25 servicemen are missing. The Armenian side has lost 14 tanks, while the Azerbaijani side has lost 24 tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 helicopters, 12 drones and 1 Grad multiple launch rocket system. The Defence Ministry also presented an intercepted recording of a phone conversation between two Azeri women, according to which the number of the casualties on the Azerbaijani side exceeds 2,000. He said that the status quo that existed before April 1 has been restored, no Armenian positions or regions are under Azerbaijani control.
Ceasefire Agreement Karabakh and Azerbaijan have agreed on a bilateral ceasefire along the line of contact, which came into force at noon local time on April 5. Senor Hasratyan, a spokesman for the Nagorno-Karabakh Defence Army, told Armenian media that the cessation of hostilities followed successful operations by the Armenian military to regain control of the lost ground. He did not elaborate. NKR President’s Spokesperson David Babayan confirmed the news and added that the situation at the frontline is currently calm. “The military actions of the past days have not changed the military balance in the region,” Babayan said. The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry also confirmed that military operations had been stopped along the “Line of Contact” that effectively serves as a front line separating the combatant sides. The apparent breakthrough comes with increasingly strident international calls for restraint between forces loyal to regional archenemies Azerbaijan and Armenia, which have been locked in conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh since the waning years of the Soviet Union. The announcement comes with diplomats from the OSCE Minsk Group of mediators in the conflict -- France, Russia, and the United States. Earlier in Paris, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Washington, Paris, and Moscow would send envoys to Azerbaijan, Armenia, and to Nagorno-Karabakh in a bid to resolve the conflict. Ayrault was speaking after talks with his German counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who said the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) would send a fact-finding mission to Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nagorno-Karabakh. 34
Armenia President: A pity that Russia and other CSTO countries sell weapons to Azerbaijan NEWS.am -- Russia is our strategic ally, we are CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) member countries, and it is truly regrettable for us that not only Russia, but also other members of the same organization sell weapons to Azerbaijan. The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, on Wednesday stated the aforesaid at his joint news conference, in Berlin, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He added that Armenia has a limited capacity to have any bearing on this process. “Azerbaijan has modern weapons, and the [recent] three-day military actions [in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone] showed that it uses them,” Sargsyan stressed. “But strength is not in the modernity of the weapons and in the [number of] tanks, but in the faith which the Karabakh—and in general, the Armenian—people have; the faith that the homeland must be defended. “You see how our [Armenian] society manifested itself [during these hostilities]. In Azerbaijan, you will not find [any] information about casualties. The three-day tension showed that the best societies also know to fight well.”
Seyran Ohanyan: Agreement to cease firing reached in Moscow Armedia -- The agreement to cease firing on NKR-Azerbaijani border was reached on April 5 at a meeting of Chiefs of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Moscow. The Armenian Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan said during a government meeting. "Yesterday in Moscow the chiefs of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the two countries met and agreed on a ceasefire. Azerbaijan's actions were unprecedented not only since 1994 ceasefire agreement, but also compared to the Karabakh war – first of all from the military point of view: the density of the fire along the entire line of contact, used military equipments, the number of forces and means involved, their armed forces approaching the frontline, as well as their great number of casualties in such a short period of time. The losses of the opponent are ten times more than the losses of Karabakh Defence Army,” Ohanyan said, "Armenpress" reports. He also referred to the information that the Armenian side has lost several areas, stressing that this information is false.
Lavrov warns Turkey against meddling in the Karabakh conflict MassisPost -- Speaking at a news conference in Moscow on Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov implicitly warned Turkey against meddling in the Karabakh conflict but stopped short of blaming them for the outbreak of heavy fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces. “I don’t want to judge what role Ankara has or has not played with regard to Nagorno-Karabakh,” he said. “But it would be good for everyone, including Turkey and the Turkish people, if Ankara concentrated on ending support for terrorism.” On Saturday Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan had expressed his support and solidarity with Azerbaijan. “We pray our Azerbaijani brothers will prevail in these clashes with the least casualties,” Erdogan was quoted on April 3 telling an Azerbaijani reporter, adding “We will support Azerbaijan to the end.” The TASS news agency quoted Lavrov as also saying that that Russia and the two other mediating powers are making “energetic efforts” to stop the fighting along “the line of contact” around Karabakh. “These efforts will continue in order to ensure a return to the ceasefire regime,” he said. 35
Lavrov warned against attempts to “undermine the role of the Minsk Group co-chairs” and seek a different format for the Karabakh negotiation process. He spoke of forces keen to “seriously complicate the settlement process” but did not name them. Azerbaijan as well as its ally Turkey had repeatedly criticized the U.S., Russian and French mediators. The spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that Moscow is engaged in an “intensive dialogue” with Armenia and Azerbaijan “at the ministerial level.” The official, Dmitry Peskov, would not say whether Putin plans to host an emergency meeting of his Armenian and Azerbaijani counterparts. “Any summit needs to be properly prepared for,” Peskov said, according to the RIA Novosti news agency.
Kerry, Lavrov hold phone talks on Karabakh U.S. Secretary State of State John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in a phone call on Monday, reiterating their governments’ calls for an immediate halt to continuing hostilities there. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the two men voiced “serious concern at the escalation of the confrontation” in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict zone. “It was agreed that Russia, the U.S. and France, as co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, will step up their efforts to foster a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” read a ministry statement. “Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry condemned attempts by certain ‘external players’ to whip up the standoff around Karabakh,” it added without elaborating.
Karabakh has evidence that mercenaries and terrorists are fighting in hostilities NEWS.am -- The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) authorities have evidence of mercenaries and terrorists taking part in the current military actions in the Karabakh conflict zone. The NKR Presidential Spokesperson, Davit Babayan, told about the abovementioned to Armenian NewsNEWS.am. “There are grounds to declare that mercenaries from the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations also have participated in the aggressive actions, which Azerbaijan has unleashed against Nagorno-Karabakh,” Babayan noted. “This is evidenced in numerous circumstances. They were talking with each other in Turkish and Arabic, they had other uniforms, [and] they were acting like militants. Their age was different, too; they all were over 30.” In this connection, he recalled that a large number of Azerbaijani citizens have joined terrorist organizations, especially the Islamic State, and, moreover, most of them are military servicemen. “By paving connections there, these so called military servicemen-militants have organized a terrorists’ flow from Turkey to Nakhichevan, and from there to Azerbaijan, to the conflict zone,” the NKR presidential spokesperson added.
Azeri army commits atrocities MassisPost -- As the Nagorno-Karabakh Army launched a counteroffensive on Sunday regaining strategic high ground. Yet the counteroffensive gave reporters an opportunity to examine the region and report on atrocities the Azeri Army has committed in addition to the documented continuous shelling of border villages targeting civilians within the Nagorno-Karabakh, which has caused the death of 12 year old Vaghinak Grigoryan, who was killed playing in his school courtyard, and seven civilians, among whom were Darbas Mayor M. Mirzoyan and Akhtala Mayor A. Beglaryan, who were killed when a civilian bus was targeted by an Azeri missile. Hetq.am photographer Hakob Poghosyan reported from Talish, a few kilometres inside the Nagorno-Karabakh border with Azerbaijan, which was temporarily overrun by Azerbaijani military units on Saturday. A few residents had remained in town when Azerbaijani soldiers entered the town and executed an elderly couple; Valera Khalapyan and his wife Razmela, in their home and then cut off their ears. Azerbaijani soldiers also executed a 92 year old Marousya Khalapyan. Reports also came in from Armenia’s Ezidi community that a 20-year-old Ezidi soldier, Karam Sloyan, from 36
Armenia who was among the casualties was apparently beheaded. Pictures of Azerbaijani soldiers posing with Sloyan´s decapitated head surfaced on VKontakte, a popular social network in Eastern Europe. Soon after, an ISIS-like video emerged on the internet, showing Azerbaijanis holding the severed head of Sloyan like a trophy fish. As many Ezidis have taken refuge in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh to escape ISIS in Iraq, such barbarism brings back horrible memories of atrocities the Ezidi community of Iraq faced at the hands of ISIS terrorists.
Israeli-made kamikaze drone used by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict MassisPost -- According to reports from the Karabakh conflict zone, an Israeli-made Harop remote-controlled, explosivefilled kamikaze-plane designed to dive-bomb enemy forces was used by Azerbaijan to kill seven Armenian volunteers in a bus. Video footage by Karen Chilingaryan of RFE/RL’s Armenian Service on April 4 in the mountainous enclave captured the flight of a drone that military observers say is likely an Israeli-made Harop model. The footage shows the craft flying through the air, with a distinctive whine heard from many drones, and then diving behind the crest of a hill. The Armenian Defence Ministry spokesma Artsrun Hovhannisyan later announced that seven people were killed in what he said was an Azerbaijani drone attack on a bus carrying volunteers to the region. Hovhannisyan also posted about the Harop on his Facebook page indicating that it was piloted by Azerbaijani forces. Armenian MP Edmon Marukyan called the use of the Israeli-made weapon by Azerbaijan as war crimes, violating the principles of international humanitarian law, enshrined in several international instruments. According to IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly, the Harop is packed with a 15-kilogram explosive warhead and specifically designed for kamikaze missions. Last year, Harop’s manufacturer, Israel Aerospace Industries, announced it was flight-testing the model for an undisclosed customer. IHS Jane’s said in a report posted on April 6 that that customer now appeared to be Azerbaijan. According to the manufacturer’s website, the Harop can be remotely piloted or it can find targets autonomously based on radar or radio wave emissions. These two targeting methods are ideal for attacking enemy air defences, as the smaller drone can evade weapons and detection systems designed to target much larger aircraft.
Sharmazanov: Currently “washing hands” is as inhuman as supporting Azerbaijan is inhuman NEWS.am -- Currently “washing hands” is as inhuman as supporting Azerbaijan, Armenian National Assembly (NA) Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov said in the parliament on Tuesday. According to him, the recent developments on the Karabakh-Azerbaijani border have once again proved the universal truth that it’s impossible to defeat a nation, which doesn’t want to be defeated. “During these days the entire Armenian nation proved that it was, is and will be the master of its fate. There is a saying that if you want to guess and see the future of your people, you should look at its youth. Looking at you, Armenian youth, I’m filled with pink optimism. The history of nations is nothing but that of its struggles,” he said. In Sharmazanov’s words, unfortunately wars have always had supporters: “And those supporters, as well as the leadership of Turkey and Azerbaijan, are ready to find justifications even to their fraudulent steps, as well as wash their hands as Pilate once did.”
Canada MFA urges Karabakh conflict sides to show restraint NEWS.am -- Canada calls on all sides to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to show restraint and immediately return to a ceasefire, Stéphane Dion, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, said in a statement. “Canada is concerned by the recent escalation of violence between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in Nagorno-Karabakh,” Dion’s statement reads. “We call on all sides to show restraint, immediately return to a true ceasefire, and actively resume dialogue within the framework of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group. Canada firmly believes that there is no alternative to a peaceful, negotiated solution to this conflict.”
Azerbaijani politician to Aliyev: “Never say we’ll take Karabakh” Armedia -- The leader of Azerbaijani Popular Front party Ali Karimli has criticized the country’s political and military authorities over the failed military operations of the Azerbaijani army in recent days in Artsakh. As Artsakhpress reports, referring to azadliq.info, in his Facebook page Karimli reminded the statement of the Azerbaijani authorities "If needed, we will take Karabakh" which was repeated every day by senior Azerbaijani officials, and asked them a question: "So why couldn’t you take it?" "If you are talking about the high-readiness of the army, regardless of religious, ethnic differences, the national unity, about the world, the neighbours, especially about the high level of support of Turkey, a difficult and panic situation of the adversary, so why couldn’t you do your "if necessary". Please, no longer use the "if necessary" expression, it will not be taken seriously," Ali Karimli stated in his speech to Azerbaijani political and military authorities. On April 1-5 as a result of the crushing counterattacks by the Armenian side against the military aggressions towards the Nagorno Karabakh Azerbaijan lost 2 helicopters, 24 tanks, 3 infantry fighting vehicles, 7 UAVs, 1 21MM multiple rocket launcher system. During military operations the Azerbaijani armed forces had more than 300 causalities, nearly 2000 wounded.
Turkish political party urges to deport Armenians from Turkey Armedia -- As long as Nagorno-Karabakh is not returned, Armenians should be deported from Turkey, the leader of the "Great Unity Party" Destijin Mustafa told reporters, noting that there are about 100 thousand illegal immigrants living in the country who have Armenian citizenship, "ermenihaber" reports, referring to Turkish "Jihan" news agency. ''Turkey should immediately deport them all and demonstrate a clear position," said Mustafa Destijin. It should be noted that this party was founded in 1993 and complements the series of pro-government political forces. 38
Armenians hold anti-Azerbaijani protests in Europe and US NEWS.am -- An anti-Azerbaijani demonstration was staged Tuesday, outside the embassy of Azerbaijan in Paris. Around 500 people demanded recognition of the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh, Jean Eckian, a correspondent for French Armenian Nouvelles d’Arménie monthly magazine, told Armenian News-NEWS.am. A protest, and with the flags of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, also was held in Vienna, where the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Permanent Council on Tuesday convened a special session. At the end of this picket, the OSCE was handed a letter addressed to the OSCE Minsk Group—which is engaged in finding a resolution to the Karabakh conflict—, and in which the Armenian organizations in Austria strongly condemned the military actions of Azerbaijan. And co-chairman of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations in France, Mourad Papazian, informed Armenian News-NEWS.am that anti-Azerbaijani demonstrations were held also in London, Athens, Stockholm, and Beirut. Armenians took to the streets in protest in Los Angeles, too.
Armenians of Argentina hold protest action near Azerbaijani embassy NEWS.am -- The Armenian community of Argentina massively demonstrated outside the Embassy of Azerbaijan in the country to denounce the Azeri aggression against the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh on the night of Tuesday, April 5. After an intense awareness campaign in the Argentina society, all institutions of the community called for peace and recognition of self-determination of the people of Artsakh. The rally was attended by several community representatives and Archbishop Kissag Mouradian, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church for Argentina and Chile, Prensa Armenia reported. "Azerbaijan has embarked in recent years in the process of expanding its military arsenal and the externalization of their convictions to achieve their goals through weapons. The continued aggressive attitude of Azerbaijan against the civilian population of the Nagorno-Karabakh confirms that a peaceful resolution of the conflict will only be possible respecting the right of self-determination of its people," reads the statement signed by all community organizations. "The Armenian community of Argentina expresses its solidarity with the authorities of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, supports its self-defence forces and reaffirms its commitment to the struggle begun by its people in 1988 that culminated in the declaration of independence in 1991. "Given the serious situation in question, we ask the authorities of Argentina to urge the parties to circumscribe the conflict settlement within the framework of the negotiations held in the Minsk Group, and thus avoiding a regional explosion with unpredictable consequences," ends the statement.
Gazprom Armenia employees transferred month salaries to the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Armedia -- 7,000 employees of Gazprom Armenia CJSC have unanimously transferred their salaries for the month of March to the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, press speaker of Gazprom Armenia, Shushan Sardaryan informed in a statement on her Facebook page. "To take care of the needs of the people living in tension created in the conflict zone, 1 billion 200 million AMD has been transferred," Shushan Sardaryan wrote. 39
Newspaper: Armenia FM to be next President? NEWS.am -- Rumours have started among diplomatic circles that in 2018, Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian could take the seat of the President of the Republic of Armenia (RA), according to Haykakan Zhamanak daily. “It is not yet clear where this news is coming from. “Under the new Constitution, the President in Armenia will be elected by the National Assembly, [and] with very limited [administrative] powers, whereas the real power will be in the hands of the Prime Minister. “Till now, various names have been circulated among the candidates for the next RA president. (…) [But] RA FM Edward Nalbandian’s name is new in this series [of names],” Haykakan Zhamanak wrote.
Kocharian government responsible for 2008 unrest, says Oskanian RFE/RL -- Vartan Oskanian, a key member of former President Robert Kocharyan’s administration, said that it was responsible for the March 2008 postelection unrest in Armenia that left ten people dead. “It was certainly one of the darkest pages of our history,” he told reporters “The then authorities are certainly responsible for that. The authorities should not have allowed such a thing to happen. I was part of those authorities.” Oskanian, who served as foreign minister in the Kocharyan administration, stressed at the same time that he “tried to prevent” the bloodshed resulting from a disputed presidential election that formalized a handover of power from Kocharyan to Serzh Sargsyan, a longtime ally. “I am positively different from other politicians in that I assumed that responsibility,” he said. “I had the courage to stand before cameras and call on both the president of the republic and the opposition to embark on a dialogue so that we avoid [bloodshed.]” Oskanian referred to his televised statements made in the presidential palace in Yerevan on March 1, 2008 just hours after security forcibly dispersed supporters of Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the main opposition presidential candidate, camped out in the city’s Liberty Square in protest against the alleged rigging of the election. Oskanian effectively defended the use of force by security forces at the time. He also blamed Ter-Petrosyan for the post-election tensions. “The ball is in Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s court,” he said on March 1, 2008. “Of the nine presidential candidates only he refuses to move to the political plane.” Just a few hours later, security forces clashed with scores of opposition protesters who barricaded themselves elsewhere in downtown Yerevan. Eight protesters and two interior troop servicemen died as a result. The violence was followed by mass arrests of Ter-Petrosyan’s associates as well as other opposition activists and supporters. Nobody was prosecuted in connection with the March 1-2, 2008 deaths. Kocharyan and Armenia’s current leadership have repeatedly defended the deadly crackdown, saying that it thwarted a coup d’état allegedly planned by Ter-Petrosyan. The opposition leader and his allies have brushed aside this explanation. They maintain that the authorities deliberately killed people to enforce the official results of a rigged election.
Yerevan to host genocide global forum in April NEWS.am -- A global forum will be convened in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia, on April 23, Presidential Chief of Staff Vigen Sargsyan on Tuesday told reporters in the National Assembly. “Today we discussed, at the RPA [i.e. ruling Republican Party of Armenia] [NA] Faction, matters dedicated to the ‘Against the Crime of Genocide’ global forum,” Sargsyan stated. A global forum, which was devoted to the Armenian Genocide Centennial, was convened likewise in Yerevan, in April 2015. 40
Pope Francis looking at Armenia trip in June to mark anniversary AP -- Pope Francis is planning to visit Armenia in June, a year after he termed the Ottoman-era slaughter of Armenians a genocide. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, stressed Friday that the trip was still in its planning stages and that no itinerary had been set. But he said that the dates under study were for the second half of June. Pope Francis sparked a diplomatic incident with Turkey last year when he marked the 100th anniversary of the slaughter with an Armenian-rite Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica and termed the massacre the “first genocide of the 20th Century.” Turkey immediately recalled its ambassador in protest and accused the pope of spreading hatred. Pope Francis’ proposed trip would come 15 years after St. John Paul II visited Armenia. It was during that 2001 trip that John Paul inked a joint declaration with the Armenian Church leader Catholicos Karenkin II calling the slaughter a genocide. The plight of Armenians has long been close to the Vatican’s heart given that Armenia is held up as the first Christian nation, dating from 301.
Armenian government releases one billion drams for the repair of a section of Vardenis -Martakert road ARKA -- The Armenian government will release one billion drams (over $2 million) for the repair of a section of the road stretching from Armenian Vardenis to Martakert in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR). The decision was made at Wednesday's Cabinet session. The road, which provides the shortest outlet to Nagorno-Karabakh is of strategic importance. The funds will be released from the reserve fund of the government, transport and communications minister Gagik Beglaryan said. Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan said the road running through Karvachar (Kelbajar) district of NKR is of great strategic importance, especially after the latest aggression of Azerbaijan. He said the president instructed that the repair work be completed this year. The money will be handled by Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. Earlier, the Fund said that the construction of the Vardenis-Martakert highway connecting Armenia with Nagorno-Karabakh will be completed at the end of 2016. Construction on the 116-kilometre-long road link began in 2011, and will run from the northern Karabakh town of Martakert to Vardenis in eastern Armenia through the Karvachar district. It will be the second road between Armenia and Karabakh built with the financial assistance of the Armenian Diaspora. The construction is being financed by Hayastan All-Armenia Fund, which raised $12.4 million in donations in the 2014 telethon.
Ambassador: Canada always on radar of Armenian mining businesses NEWS.am -- When Armenian mining businesses think about international cooperation, hopefully Canada will be the country which comes to their mind, John Kur, Canada’s Ambassador to Armenia—whose diplomatic residence is in Moscow—said at the official opening of the Armenia-Canada Mining Forum in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia. “In the challenging times to the global mining industry, increasing efficiency of operations is a must,” he added. “This requires a tighter cooperation with providers of technologies on the cutting edge of development, ore extraction, and treatment. “Canadian companies have always been at the forefront of the industry and are happy to keep on cooperating with Armenian partners.” 41
Canadian gold mining company to explore new occurrence in Armenia NEWS.am -- Canada-based Dundee Precious Metals (DPM) gold mining company will explore new mineral occurrence in Armenia, Hratch Jabrayan, the company director in Armenia, said on the sidelines of Monday’s Armenian-Canadian mining forum in Yerevan. The mineral occurrence is on the border of Vayots Dzor and Syunik provinces in southern Armenia. Jabrayan stressed that after the sale of mining licence for Shahumyan gold-polymetallic mine, the company will continue its operations in Armenia. “Now we want to focus on exploring new mineral occurrence. Last year we carried out certain work on the surface on the basis of preliminary data. This year we will already drill several holes, and also continue the work on the surface,” he said. If the result is good, the company will move from trial drilling to exploration grid. The exploration is in an early stage, and there are no reserve calculations yet. The Canadian NI 43-101 project documents aren't available either. On March 1, Canada-based Dundee Precious Metals announced concluding a definitive agreement for the sale of its interest in Shahumyan polymetallic mine in southern Armenia to Polymetal International Plc from Russia. The licence for the mine is to be sold for US$25mn—of which $15mn in Polymetal ordinary shares—, and a 2 percent net smelter return royalty on future production, capped at $25mn.
EEC minister: Armenia vegetables replaced Turkey ones in Russia NEWS.am -- In the Eurasian Union, Armenia has received access to a broader market for agricultural products. Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Industry and Agriculture of the EEC—and former Prime Minister of Belarus—Sergei Sidorsky, on told the aforesaid to reporters. He noted this during Armenian capital city Yerevan session of the Chairmanship of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. “Before, Armenia’s vegetables and fruits in Russia and Belarus were primarily sold in markets; but now, you [i.e. Armenia] have received access to the large commercial networks; moreover, even to the most expensive [ones],” Sidorsky stressed. “Thanks to duty-free trade, the Eurasian Union has given you an advantage in more easily appearing in the largest networks. You have pushed off [i.e. replaced] many countries, the same Turkey, [and] you sell other products from the sanctions’ list. Is this not an advantage? We understand and welcome this.”
Israeli expert: Armenians’ pessimistic views on agriculture should be liquidated NEWS.am -- Doing farming is a pride in Israel, representative of Israel-based Bina B.Y Mihul LTD consultation company, Dr Yoav Gal, told Armenian News – NEWS.am. In his words, the first important thing for achieving success in this area is the human resources, who must want to study and be proud of their work. “If you have a wish to learn, you involve your surrounding in all this as well. And, the desert, for instance, turns from problems into an opportunity. We entered the European market when it was snowy and cold there, while the situation was just the opposite in our country [then]. But we were able to take advantage of the weather conditions and export our product,” Gal said. According to the expert, villagers are proud of their work in Israel, not being considered part of the lower strata of the society. “We have been in Armenia for only several days, but we noticed something. The Armenians’ pessimistic views on the agriculture should be liquidated. It is not to be forgotten that if you have an established society, any problem can be turned into a privilege. It’s thereby possible to achieve success,” the Israeli company representative said. For his part, Deputy Vice General Manager of Economy & Quality Management, Investment and Financing Department at Israel's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Efrat Hadas, noted that the secret of their success is in unity. “Technology is available in all countries, but our privilege is in the single work system. Of course, the special42
ist creates technophiles, but it is the villager who uses it. He decides whether this innovation will help him or not. We have an overall well-developed infrastructure. Besides, people prefer living in the village rather than in the city. And the situation is exactly the opposite in Armenia,” Hadas said. The Israeli experts carried out training in Armenia.
Newspaper: Armenia records 50% increase in gambling NEWS.am -- The National Statistical Service (NSS) of Armenia recently issued the country’s macroeconomic indicators for January and February of the current year, according to which the services sector registered a growth of 9.8 percent, according to 168 Zham daily. “And it turns out that the locomotive of the services sector, is the culture, the ‘entertainment and recreation’ subsector; it grew by 50.5 percent (…). Unfortunately, as one can guess, this growth was not registered on the account of the intensification of the activities of the theaters or galleries, but of the casinos [of Armenia]. This is not a speculation, but a result of the analyses of the International Monetary Fund,” 168 Zham wrote.
Russia tourists prefer Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, instead of Turkey NEWS.am -- Russian tourists now choose Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, instead of Turkey, Kommersant daily newspaper of Russia reported citing the respective market specialists. Tour operators and independent travel planning systems have recorded a minimum of 50-percent growth in the number of trips to these three South Caucasus countries. Sergei Tolchin, the Director of Sales at Intourist travel agency of Russia, noted that even though the demand for travel packages toward Armenia and Azerbaijan has tripled, it has not yet reached a considerable amount for the market. And Alexei Dorosh, Director of Svyaznoy Travel, added that Armenia is the second rapidly growing travel destination—after Georgia—for Russian tourists. In November 2015, the Turkish air force shot down a Russian Su-24 attack aircraft/interdictor nearby the Turkish-Syrian border. The warplane was taking part in the antiterrorism operations in Syria. This incident led to the ongoing strain in Turkey-Russia relations.
Garment factory in Vanadzor to produce 3 million euros worth products ARKA -- A garment factory in Armenia’s third largest town of Vanadzor, the administrative capital of Lori province, plans to produce 3 million euros worth products in 2016, as well as to create 800 new jobs with an average salary of 120 thousand drams, Economy Minister Artsvik Minasyan said. Minasyan said the government has decided to provide the factory with incentives for imports of technological equipment, components and raw materials. "The factory called Gloria has been manufacturing textile products since 2009 and cooperates with a number of foreign companies, using the equipment and raw materials of customers. All products are exported to European countries," Minasyan said at a government meeting on Wednesday.
Residents of Armenia’s Syunik find Bronze Age artifacts NEWS.am -- A remarkable case occurred in the administrative centre of Armenia’s Syunik province: two citizens found artifacts in the territory of Yeghvard village. As it turned out, this was Lorestan culture jewelry of Bronze Age dating from 2-3 millennia B.C. Overall, 197 items have been found: bronze bells, cups, tongs, handles, ceremonial embellishments, dagger, bracelets, armors and muzzles of unique historical and cultural value. When the police were informed on this, the citizens were called to the department. They handed the items to the police officers, assuring that they had found them in the territory of Yeghavard village. Cultural expert examination has been commissioned. The circumstances are being ascertained and the case files are being prepared. 43
Armenia is 121st among world’s happiest countries NEWS.am -- Denmark overtook Switzerland as the world’s happiest place, according to a report that urged nations regardless of wealth to tackle inequality and protect the environment. The report was prepared by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Earth Institute at Columbia University, according to Reuters news agency. Armenia occupies 121st place in this report while its neighbours Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran are ranked 126th, 81st, 78th and 105th, respectively. The report showed Syria, Afghanistan and eight sub-Saharan countries as the 10 least happy places on earth to live. The top 10 this year were Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, and Sweden. Burundi, on the other hand, is considered the world’s saddest place. The United States came in at 13, the United Kingdom at 23, France at 32, and Italy at 50. The report ranks 157 countries by happiness levels using factors such as per capita gross domestic product (GDP), and healthy years of life expectancy. It also rates “having someone to count on in times of trouble,” and freedom from corruption in government and business.
Erebuni declared one of the oldest fortresses in the world Armedia -- Forbes Russia has included Erebuni Fortress in the list of 9 oldest fortresses in the world, NovostiNK.ru reports. It should be reminded that Erebuni Fortress was built in the prospering times of the state of Urartu - in 782 BC. "Despite the popular belief, the oldest castles in the world can be found not in Europe but in Asia and the Caucasus," the publication writes. In the list of the oldest fortresses in the world are also included the ruins of the walls of Asander in Crimea, Rurik fortress in Old Ladoga, the eponymous castle in the city of Aleppo, Koloa in Hanoi, etc.
Tumo – the most innovative centre worldwide Panorama.am -- French magazine “We Demain” has ranked Ten Best Schools worldwide with Armenian Tumo Centre for Creative Technologies on the top of the list. Tumo has left behind such renowned educational institutions as AltSchool of Silicon Valley, Fuji Kindergarten of Tokyo, and Steve Jobs School. The news came as surprise for the Centre employees and those of studying there. The head of Communication department at Tumo Centre Zara Budaghyan told Panorama.am that the reporter of the mentioned journal visited them in November 2015 and took an interview with Tumo director Marie Lou Papazian. “We are quite surprised at learning that the report came as a ranking list. We rather expected an article about Tumo, without even expecting such an evaluation,” Budaghyan said. She then added the journal is not specialized in Innovative technologies: “They rather reflected on the schools that work for the public. We are pleased to see the ranking number one next to Tumo and we deem their approach as a very positive and emotional.” It should be noted that the centre has never been included in similar rankings so far, no studies of technological 44
research have been conducted to look into the Armenian school standing compared with other similar institutions in the world. Nevertheless, judging from the positive feedback of various international structures and specialists, the increasing interest toward the school, the results are satisfying and encouraging. “They contact us from different countries, from France, Egypt, Russia, Beirut. We are currently discussing the prospects of founding Tumo Centres in other states. We try to understand its feasibility. Those feedbacks might be regarded as symbolic assessments,” the communication director said. According to Budaghyan, the students’ successes and recorded results are also speaking of the Centre assessment, their record of entering international universities, finding a job in the labour market. “Despite their young age, our students and graduates work in the best companies of Armenia. Now we have three start-up companies in the centre which were established and operated by our graduates and students,” Budaghyan noted. Tumo is a new kind of after-school learning environment where thousands of students aged 12-18 are in charge of their own learning. Tumo is a non-profit venture and participation in the Tumo program is free of charge and open to all local teenagers. Tumo has four centres located in Yerevan, Gyumri, Dilijan, and Stepanakert having in total 10,000 enrolled students.
AMAA participates in unprecedented cooperation for Martuni Village, Armenia On the occasion of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, AMA-Armenia took the initiative to coordinate the formation of a Consortium of 6 NGOs (AMA-Armenia, Development Principles, "Shen" Charity NGO, World Vision Armenia, COAF Kids, Fund for Armenia Relief) to join efforts in support of Martuni Village, in the Republic of Armenia. The Village, located in the north-eastern part of the Gegharkunik Region, on the southern shores of Lake Sevan, was founded in 1921 and its first inhabitants were Genocide survivors, mostly from Van, Alashkert, Kars and Sasun who had emigrated. The Village is 132 kilometres from Yerevan. On March 4, 2016, these organizations and two new partners, Teach for Armenia and the Armenia Round Table of the World Council of Churches (WCC), visited Martuni to evaluate and review the work of the past year which included: • COAF financed the renovation of the health post of the Martuni community. • World Vision presented their newly formed Engineering Club and its newly acquired Robotics Lab of the school. • "Shen" NGO showed the new Village website (www.martunigyugh.am) which presents the history of the Village, current conditions and a project which was also financed by "Shen"; the installation of water pipes providing drinking water for most of the villagers. • AMA-Armenia helped the villagers acquire 2 brand new tractors and 10 gasoline powered harvesters. These will help villagers harvest hay to feed their cattle during the winter months and also cultivate their lands. • FAR presented scholarships to Martuni Village high school students. • Development Principles granted 13 pregnant cows to low income families within the community. • AMA-Armenia partnered with Teach for Armenia to send a well-trained teacher to teach IT courses and help students develop leadership skills. The Partners also visited the computer lab which was provided by the WCC Armenian Round Table. Representatives of each organization also met with community members and discussed various projects. The community members were very appreciative for all the help provided to them and expressed their suggestions and thoughts. All the villagers were excited and encouraged about the work that is being rendered by this consortium. The mission of this partnership is to help increase the standard of living in Martuni and eventually help other villages. This cooperation of different Armenian organizations is an example of how synergy multiplies the efforts of each individual organization. 45
State of Hawaii recognizes independence of Nagorno Karabakh Republic MassisPost -- The Hawaii State Legislature adopted a resolution on March 29 recognizing the Independence of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh. HR 167 titled Honouring and Recognizing the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic resolves that the House of Representatives of the Twenty-eight Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2016, recognizes the NagornoKarabakh Republic and encourages the international community to recognize Karabakh as a free, independent and sovereign democracy. David Babayan, Spokesman for the NKR President stated that the resolution adopted by Hawaii State Legislature is one more significant step in international recognition of independent Artsakh, which is a victory of the Armenian people. According to him, it is a great political, legal and moral victory, which stems from national values and special respect for Artsakh. “We believe that it is one more significant victory of the Armenian people and one more significant step in international recognition of independent Artsakh. It is our common victory as it has been built up due to our unity – Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora,” Mr Babayan said. “It is noteworthy that the State of Hawaii is the first to recognize independent Artsakh in that geographical area, and this is a great event, indeed.” Babayan stated. Hawaii is the seventh U.S. state to have recognized the independence of the NKR following Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Maine, California, Georgia.
Sharamazanov: World’s leading media outlets recognize Karabakh as party to conflict NEWS.am -- The world’s leading media outlets recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as a party to the conflict, Deputy Speaker of Armenian National Assembly (NA) Eduard Sharmazanov said in the parliament. “I don’t know whether Aliyev understands or not, but the Azerbaijani FM and his Nagorno-Karabakh counterpart Karen Mirzoyan did not coincidentally speak on air on CNN. This means that the leading international media outlets recognize Karabakh as a party to the conflict, as well as the Nagorno-Karabakh FM’s right to speak,” he added.
S.D. Hunchakian Nazarpek Youth protest stops Azeri propaganda concert in Paris MassisPost -- The Armenian S.D. Hunchakian Nazarpek Youth Association organized a demonstration in front of the Champs-Elysées theatre in Paris denouncing the anti-Armenian propaganda of Azerbaijani State on Sunday, March 20, 2016. To fuel its false propaganda regarding victims of the socalled Khojaly massacre, an Aliyev dictated concert titled “Khojaly 613” commissioned by Azerbaijan was to be performed that day by the Orchestra Lamoureux. After learning via social networks about the mobilization of the Armenian youth to demonstrate outside the theatre in protest of Khojaly 613, the organizers of the concert decided to cancel the program that would have taken place that day. A release issued by the Nazarpek Youth Association stated that the Armenian youth should be proud of this result because the truth has prevailed over lies. Petrodollars of the Azerbaijani state will never measure up to the will of justice and truth of the Armenian community. The Nazarpek Youth Association reaffirmed its commitment to defeat Azeri propaganda stating that there is more work to be done since the Azeri government is very active in spreading the message of anti-Armenian hate in France. 46
Karabakh official: Azerbaijani provocation failed at Germany tourism fair NEWS.am -- The Azerbaijani’s provocation failed at the ITB Berlin World’s Leading Travel Trade Show, which was held recently in the German capital city. Project officer at the Tourism Department of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh) Ministry of Economy, Artak Grigoryan, told about the aforesaid to reporters. “The show was going quietly on the first days devoted to bilateral meetings,” Grigoryan said. “But when the exhibition hall opened, Azerbaijan closed its stand and put up posters of political nature there. After that, a group of Azerbaijanis approached Karabakh’s stand and attempted to cover it with Azerbaijan’s flags; then they blocked the entrance [to Karabakh’s stand]. [But] thanks to the quiet and discreet actions by the security staff, the incident was settled, and the visitors’ access toward Karabakh’s stand was restored.” “The Azerbaijani side is doing everything possible to impede NKR’s participation in such international events,” NKR Deputy Minister of Economy Sergey Shahverdyan added, for his part: “At first, with diplomatic sources, then with various actions.” He noted that Artsakh, however, sends delegations to international fairs for the past eight years, and this contributes to making NKR more recognizable and appealing.
Azerbaijan MFA Karabakh “blacklist” to include Belgium MPs NEWS.am -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Azerbaijan continues filling its persona non grata “blacklist” of foreigners who have visited the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh). This time several members of the legislature of the Flemish Region of Belgium will be put on this list, according to APA news agency of Azerbaijan. A Belgian delegation recently visited and held talks in NKR.
Azerbaijan detains ‘pro-Armenian’ writer Akram Aylisli RFE/RL -- A renowned Azerbaijani novelist who infuriated Azerbaijan’s government in 2013 with a book that cast a sympathetic light on Armenians was detained and reportedly barred from leaving the country on March 30. News reports from Baku said that Akram Aylisli was detained at Baku airport early in the morning shortly before he was due to fly to Frankfurt, Germany on his way to an international literary festival in Venice. Citing his wife Galina, the Turan news agency said an airport passport control officer told Aylisli that Azerbaijani authorities have banned him from travelling abroad. He was then taken into police custody. The Azerbaijani Interior Ministry confirmed the detention. “Aylisli was detained because of provoking a conflict situation at a passport control desk of the airport,” a ministry spokesman said. “The police are now investigating the incident.” One of Azerbaijan’s most famous writers, Aylisli fell out of government favour in 2013 after publishing the controversial novel, “Stone Dreams,” in a popular Russian magazine. The novel portrays brutal campaigns by his fellow Azerbaijanis against Armenians — including the notorious January 1990 pogrom in Baku in which Armenians were murdered by the dozens and expelled from the city. In a February 2013 decree, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stripped Aylisli of the official title of “People’s Writer” as well as a presidentially awarded pension for “distorting facts in Azerbaijani history and insulting the feelings of the Azerbaijani people.” The novel also sparked government-organized demonstrations in Baku, with angry crowds gathering outside Aylisli’s apartment block, shouting “Shame!” and setting photos of the author alight. A leader of the ruling Yeni Azerbaycan Party accused the writer of secretly being Armenian, while some Azerbaijani lawmakers called for a DNA test to determine his ethnic origin. Aylisli dismissed the criticism and accused Azerbaijani officials at the time of exploiting the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for their own political gain. He defended “Stone Dreams,” saying he felt it is his responsibility, as an Azerbaijani, to acknowledge his country’s role in the conflict. The novel was translated into Armenian and printed in Armenia by a private publisher later in 2013. 47
Economy Ministry: 16,500 foreign tourists visited Karabakh in 2015 NEWS.am -- A total of 16,500 foreign tourists visited the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh) in 2015, NKR Deputy Minister of Economy Sergey Shahverdyan told reporters in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan. In his words, the number of these visits was increasing by 30 to 40 percent per year, for several years. Even though this growth rate slowed down all the way to 13 percent in 2014, this indicator increased again in the year past. “And if we speak about the tourists arriving from the Republic of Armenia and the [Armenian] diaspora, this number is much larger,” Shahverdyan added. As per the Artsakh official, tourists from foreign countries visit the NKR primarily from Russia, and most of these visitors are of Armenian origin. Second and third are US and the European countries, respectively.
Deputy minister: Muslim tourists see care toward mosques in Karabakh NEWS.am -- The tourists who have arrived from Muslim countries see the care toward mosques in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh), NKR Deputy Minister of Economy Sergey Shahverdyan on told reporters. In his words, the Artsakh government preserves all monuments, regardless of their ethnic or religious affiliation. “They [i.e. tourists visiting NKR from Muslim countries] can see that, unlike Azerbaijan, the heritage of other religions is preserved in Karabakh,” he added. “Aside from religious and cultural heritage, this is important also for tourism development in Karabakh.”
British Airways leaving Azerbaijan NEWS.am -- As of May 1, British Airways will suspend flights between London and Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, informed the airline’s representative office in Baku. The final respective flights will be conducted on April 29. British Airways said this decision was reached due to the drop in demand for and commercial inexpediency of these flights. But it did not rule out the possibility of resuming flights in the future. At present, British Airways conducts six weekly flights between London and Baku.
Turkey’s lobbyists seek U.S. help by calling tiny Armenia a big threat MassisPost -- A lobbying firm that is a registered agent of the Turkish government is trying out a new argument during Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to the U.S.: the Russians are coming, and Armenia is helping them, Huffington post reports. Representatives from Mercury LLC have contacted multiple congressional offices to argue that Russia’s presence in Armenia, a small country on Turkey’s border that has tensions with the Turks lingering from the 1915 genocide of Armenian Christians, makes it important for the U.S. to close ranks with fellow NATO member Turkey, according to two Capitol Hill aides. Mercury, which registered to work on behalf of Turkey last month, hopes to convince lawmakers to attach their names to two separate documents, an aide told The Huffington Post. In an open letter addressed to Secretary of State John Kerry Mercury focuses on the “growing military alliance between Russia and Armenia” — citing the flow of Russian fighter jets, helicopters gunships and drones to Armenia. It calls the Russia-Armenia relationship “deeply concerning.” Asked for comment, Mercury shared a statement from an organization called the Turkish Institute for Progress. “The Turkish Institute for Progress along with U.S. security experts and officials are calling on Armenia to expel the two Russian bases in Armenia and to sever its military ties with [President Vladimir] Putin’s Russia. The close relationship between Russia and Armenia speaks for itself,” said Derya Taskin, the institute’s president. 48
Erdogan security team clashes with reporters, protesters in Washington DC MassisPost -- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s security guards clashed with journalists and protesters on the street outside the Brookings Institution Washington. Erdogan was scheduled to speak at the foreign policy think tank, about his country’s goals as it approaches its 100 year anniversary. The security guards swore at and began assailing the protestors and the journalists attempting to cover the event. Inside the event, the Turkish leader’s bodyguards sought to physically remove one journalist from the event, kicked another and threw a third, a woman, to the sidewalk. Smart phone footage posted on Twitter appeared to corroborate some of the allegations of violence. A surge in D.C. police presence managed to separate the anti-Erdogan protestors from his supporters. But, Foreign Policy reports, Turkish security clashed with D.C. police, angered that the officers wouldn’t remove the protestors.
National Press Club Slams Erdogan Thomas Burr, president of the DC-based National Press Club, released a statement slamming Erdogan and his security guards. He expressed alarm about reports that security personnel guarding Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had physically abused journalists in Washington, D.C. “Turkey’s leader and his security team are guests in the United States,” said Thomas Burr, the National Press Club president. “They have no right to lay their hands on reporters or protesters or anyone else for that matter, when the people they were apparently roughing up seemed to be merely doing their jobs or exercising the rights they have in this country. “We have increasingly seen disrespect for basic human rights and press freedom in Turkey,” Burr added. “Erdogan doesn’t get to export such abuse.” Burr also commended Brookings Institution personnel for resisting efforts by Erdogan’s bodyguards to rough up the press at the event.
Turkish criminal authority offers to carry out terrorist attacks in Moscow by Chechens Armedia -- After the terror attack in Ankara on March 13, Turkish criminal authority Sedat Pekere offered to train Chechen suicide bombers to carry out terrorist acts in Moscow, like, in his opinion, Russia trains Kurdish militias, ermenihaber reports, referring to Haberler.com. “And, of course, after those actions we must be the first compassionate country like Russia. It behaved loathsomely with us immediately after the explosion,” he said.
Turkey blackmails Bulgarian municipalities over the Armenian Genocide By Georgi Gotev (EurActiv.com) Three Bulgarian municipalities will not receive EU funding under the cross-border cooperation programs between Bulgaria and Turkey. The reason is that Turkey bans partnerships with municipalities who recognise the Armenian Genocide. The Bulgarian municipalities of Burgas, Haskovo and Svilengrad stand no chance to receive EU money, because of obstructions by Turkey, a non-EU member state, the Bulgarian public TV channel bTV announced yesterday (14 March). The ban comes from the Turkish foreign ministry, which prohibits working with municipalities who recognise the Armenian Genocide of 1915, when hundreds of thousands of Christian Armenians died during forced removals by the Ottoman army from what is now Eastern Turkey. As Bulgarian municipalities are unable to find a Turkish partner to implement joint projects, they are bound to lose several millions of euros. The most important projects concern the environment, for the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters. 49
For Bulgaria, the issue constitutes both a diplomatic and economic scandal. In the region of Haskovo, every winter, rivers destroy bridges and dams, and flood villages. Local government lacks the resources to do preventative work. That’s why it was counting on the EU-funded regional partnership with the Turkish municipality of Edirne to do the required work. But now the project is dead, because Turkey reneged on cooperating. The Mayor of Edirne, Recep Gürkan, is quoted as saying that the decision of the Turkish foreign ministry is final: “With Haskovo we worked very well, but we already have a ban from our Foreign Ministry. The reason is a decision of the Municipal Council of Haskovo from last year, who used the motif of the Armenian Genocide to name a park in the city,” Gürkan said. Declarations condemning the Armenian Genocide, adopted by the municipal councils of Bourgas and Svilengrad, have put these municipalities on Turkey’s black list. The Bulgarian Environment Ministry was informed of the case. Speaking to bTV, Gürkan advised the Bulgarian municipalities to vote again. If the municipal council of Haskovo rescind using the Armenian Genocide as a motif for naming a park, cooperation can start again, he said. And he added that the Bulgarian municipality of Yambol had done precisely that. “Nobody can interfere (with) how we will name a street or a park,” retorted the mayor of Haskovo Dobri Belivanov. Before prohibiting Edirne to work with these communities on projects, Turkey formally ended diplomatic relations with their mayors. With Haskovo, for example, the twinning was frozen. Apparently the EU can only stop the financing, because trans-border projects require a partner in the neighbouring country. Therefore the risk that the Bulgarian municipalities would lose EU funding because of the political games played by Ankara is real, bTV reports.
Turkey expropriates Armenian St. Giragos church in Diyarbakır NEWS.am -- Armenian church of St. Giragos, located in Sur district of Turkey’s Kurdish-populated Diyarbakır province, has been expropriated pursuant to the decision of the Council of Ministers. Although the ban to go out to the street is still underway, the country’s Cabinet has made a decision to urgently expropriate all the buildings in Sur district, Istanbul-based Armenian “Agos” newspaper reports. In connection with this, Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality Cultural Heritage Director told “Agos” that the state has expropriated the property belonging to both Armenian and other national minorities and those belonging to the municipality. She also insisted that the Armenians should institute legal action against such an illegal decision. St Giragos, one of the largest Armenian churches in the Middle East, was reopened and consecrated on 22 October, 2011. A day later, on October 23, the church served its first liturgy. The church was restored with the support of Diyarbakır Armenians and local municipality. St. Giragos was opened as a functioning church.
MP Garo Paylan sends queries on expropriation of Armenian church in Turkey’s Diyarbakır NEWS.am -- Istanbul Armenian Garo Paylan, who is a parliament member from the pro-Kurdish “Peoples’ Democratic Party” (HDP) of Turkey, sent written queries to Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoğlu, regarding the expropriation of the Surp (Saint) Giragos Armenian Church in Sur district of Diyarbakır city. The written queries request information on the grounds for the expropriation of the buildings in Sur district, the future fate of these buildings, the right for property of the residents, and the confirmation of the information on the expropriation of the Armenian churches in this district of Diyarbakır, reported “Agos” Armenian bilingual weekly of Istanbul. 50
Many Iran tourists to Turkey visit Armenian church on Akhtamar Island NEWS.am -- The Iranians, who visit Turkey’s eastern provinces during Nowruz—the Persian new year—, most visit Akhtamar Island in Lake Van—and where the Armenian Church of the Holy Cross is located—, and the Fortress of Van. Head of the Van Tourism, Cultural Heritage Preservation and Development Association, Abdullah Tunçdemir, stated the aforesaid. Tunçdemir told Milliyet daily newspaper of Turkey that a large number of Iranians have arrived in the country’s eastern provinces on Nowruz, and most of them have preferred Van. He stressed that all hotels in Van were full during the Nowruz holidays.
Community member: Only 10,000 Armenians now live in Syria NEWS.am -- Now, only 10 thousand Armenians are left in Syria, Aleppo Armenian Vasken Mesrobian, who has just returned from Syria, stated at a press conference in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan. In his words, the Syrian conflict will not be resolved soon. “If we [i.e. Syrian Armenians] fled Syria and came to our historical homeland [i.e. Armenia], we need to have a good attitude toward it,” Mesrobian noted. “Thank God that we have been able to come here and live in peace here.” He stated that the Armenian government is helping with what it can. “I consider the remaining Armenians in Syria [to be] true heroes,” Vasken Mesrobian added. Around 60 to 70 thousand Armenians lived in Syria before the start of the civil war in the country. More than half of these Armenians resided in Aleppo, the largest city in Syria, and the rest lived in capital city Damascus and several other towns.
ISIS bans Armenians and all Christians from leaving Raqqa MassisPost -- ISIS has reportedly forbidden all Christian and Armenian families from leaving its Syrian stronghold of Raqqa “under any circumstances” as military operations intensify. The so-called Islamic State released a decree effectively keeping all members of the minorities under house arrest, according to a tweet from a secret group that reports from inside the caliphate. “We don’t know the real reason but we think ISIS wants them as human shields or hostages,” a spokesperson added. Activists with the group, which documents atrocities in the Syrian city, say there are just more than 40 Christian families left in the city, and that they have been forced to register with the extremist group and to pay a “jizya,” or a minority tax in exchange for being unharmed. One of its members writing under the alias Abu Mohammed said the ban was implemented without any explanation at Easter, which they have been unable to celebrate for the past three years under the terrorist group’s rule. “Any Christian living within Syria or Iraq is in a very dangerous and precarious position,” David Curry, president and CEO of Open Doors USA, a Christian advocacy organization, told FoxNews.com. “We want to see the Christian church survive in the Middle East, especially in the areas occupied by the Islamic State.” 51
The Independent: Kerry forgets that Syria deserts witnessed more terrible genocide 100 years ago NEWS.am -- All week, the G-word has been rattling around the foreign ministries of the world, ever since US Secretary of State John Kerry announced that Isis was committing genocide against Yazidis, Christians and Shia Muslims. But there’s a problem. These terrible atrocities are being committed on the very land and deserts upon which a far more terrible genocide of the Armenians was perpetrated just over a hundred years ago by the Turks, Robert Fisk, The Independent daily newspaper of Great Britain’s correspondent, wrote in an article. “And Turkey – heaven be praised – is now our good friend, Nato ally and, since this month, our bastion against the Muslim refugee ‘invasion’ of Europe,” the paper also states. “All this, you see, is a bit embarrassing. The Yazidis and Christians of Iraq have certainly been massacred – including a few Armenian grandchildren of the 1915 survivors, although that hasn’t cut much ice in the US – although the Shia Muslims of Iraq were being slaughtered in Iraq by the thousand during the latter half of America’s military occupation. The Shia, I suspect, have been given a bloodbath upgrade to genocide because Shia Iran agreed to a nuclear deal with the rest of the world. But back to Yazidis for a moment. “One of the worst genocides against this forlorn, centuries-old religion occurred in 1892 when the Turkish Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II targeted them for mass extermination. But the Sultan included among his victims tens of thousands of 19th century Armenians – whom Mr Kerry cannot bring himself to declare victims of genocide in the 20th century (although he did so for many years when he was a mere Senator). So earlier references to Yazidi extermination have to be left out of the Kerry narrative of history. The current Kerry mantra for the Armenian genocide is ‘one of the worst atrocities of the 20thcentury.’” Fisk recalled that US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is going to be no help in all this. “She regularly condemned the Armenian genocide until she became Secretary of State,” he added. “Donald Trump has not yet entered this particular blood-boltered ‘debate’ although his Trump hotel in Azerbaijan – a country which, like Turkey and (to its shame) Israel, denies the Armenian genocide – suggests that we shall be hearing from him soon. “All in all, then a pretty mess. Kerry tells us that Isis is ‘genocidal by self-proclamation, by ideology and by actions…’ as if the destruction of the Armenian people in 1915 was not – and is perfectly happy to label the dark forces of the ‘Islamic Caliphate’ as genocidal themselves – which they clearly are. “The Americans are, in effect, blaming Isis for the genocide of a hundred thousand or more human beings while being too frightened to label the Armenian massacres of a million and a half souls as genocide lest it offend Isis’ sinister chums in Turkey. “Forget it: 75 million visas to Turkey in response to their $3-billion European bailout to block those refugees is enough to keep the Armenian mass graves of 1915 well and truly closed.”
Akçam’s book “The Armenian Issue is Resolved” republished in Turkey for seventh time NEWS.am -- The Turkish İletişim Publishing House has for the seventh time republished the book “The Armenian Issue is Resolved,” authored by the famous Genocide scholar, professor Taner Akçam, Akunq.net reports. According to the source, in response to the general dissatisfaction, Young Turkish Unity and Progress Party cleared the lands of Anatolia from nonMuslim elements and “turkisized” them right in the aftermath of the Balkan wars. The WWI became one of the most important milestones of that policy. It created a convenient climate for the exile and forced deportation of ethnic elements. The large-scale “deportation” against Armenians in 1915 became the last phase of “turkising.” Taner Akçam, who carried out research on the basis of the Ottoman Empire documents, draws attention to the question on what the primary sources say on this. The author presents the activities carried out upon the order of Talaat Pasha, being under his permanent control. The author also answers the question on why the Armenians were “deported” to different districts of Anatolia. 52
2 Spain towns recognize Armenian Genocide NEWS.am -- The Spanish towns of Puente Genil and La Roda de Andalucía on Tuesday formally recognized the Armenian Genocide. The respective resolutions were adopted unanimously by the municipal councils of the two towns. These resolutions condemn Turkey’s denial of this genocide, and call upon the other towns and central governments of Spain to follow suit and urge the same to Turkey. In their remarks following the adoption of these decisions, the mayors of Puente Genil and La Roda de Andalucía stressed that these resolutions are preventive, crimes against humanity are termless, and that they need to be given a political assessment.
Law criminalizing denial of the Armenian Genocide to be submitted to the French Parliament Armedia -- The new bill criminalizing denial of the Armenian Genocide will be submitted to the National Assembly of France in the middle of April of this year. As Novosti Armenia reports, this was stated by the cochairman of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France Mourad Papazian in Yerevan. He reminded that in January, French President Francois Hollande instructed to prepare the bill. Person responsible for the development of the bill on behalf of Hollande is a former chairman of the European Court of Human Rights Jean-Paul Costa. "We want to prove to the world that after the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, this issue is not forgotten. We will make every possible effort for the new bill. Armenians must restore justice and defend their rights," he said.
Amal Clooney: My heritage is not Armenian, but I do not see why this should matter NEWS.am -- As it happens my heritage is not Armenian, well-known human rights activist and attorney Amal Clooney told RFE/RL. Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev’s associates periodically declare that Amal Clooney is Armenian. “I don’t see how belonging to any nation, whatever it is, would discredit me in any way,” she stated. “As it happens my heritage is not Armenian, but I do not see why this should matter. (…) But obviously the fact I represented Armenia does not make me Armenian.” Amal Clooney was representing Armenia in a high-profile European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) case in connection with the Armenian Genocide. The Azerbaijani side has made such assumptions on Amal Clooney’s ethnicity also because her husband, renowned actor and humanitarian George Clooney supports the 100 LIVES initiative created by Armenian businessmen, and that Amal Clooney likewise confirmed her involvement in this program. Meanwhile, in a handwritten letter to RFE/RL, imprisoned Azerbaijani reporter Khadija Ismayilova, who is serving her time in a Baku prison, condemned the attacks on Clooney, who is helping represent her before ECtHR. “I chose Clooney because she defended [journalists,] and I was happy with the quality of her defence,” Ismayilova said in the letter. “I didn’t ask about her heritage, as people from civilized countries don’t ask such questions.” Clooney on Monday submitted a lengthy filing to the ECHR on behalf of Ismayilova. George and Amal Clooney will come to Armenia on April 22, on a three-day visit. During the trip they will attend the 100 LIVES’ Aurora Prize award ceremony, where this prize is awarded to people who have risked their lives to help others, including for helping Armenians after the Genocide. 53
Forbes: Noubar Afeyan helped found 38 successful companies NEWS.am -- American Armenian entrepreneur Noubar Afeyan has helped found 38 successful companies, the Forbes magazine reported and added: “Noubar Afeyan was born to Armenian parents in Lebanon. At the age of 13, he immigrated with his family to Canada and attended college there. Noubar was accepted to a Ph.D. program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), at the time the only school with an advanced program in biochemical engineering. “After earning his Ph.D. at the age of 24, Noubar started his first company. ‘I was naïve to think I could start a company with so little experience,’ he told in an interview. But it worked out. For 10 years, Noubar Afeyan headed PerSeptive Biosystems, which became the number two company in the bio-instrumentation field before it was acquired by Perkin Elmer/Applera Corporation in 1998. While CEO of PerSeptive Biosystems he founded or co-founded 5 more companies. “Recent research from the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) reported on the strong entrepreneurial drive of many immigrants, examining the impact of immigrants on the current universe of ‘billion dollar’ start-ups. The impact is significant. “Immigrants have started more than half (44 of 87) of America’s start-up companies valued at $1 billion or more and are key members of management or product development teams in over 70 percent (62 of 87) of these companies,” according to the NFAP study. These billion dollar start-ups with at least one immigrant founder have created an average of more than 700 jobs per company. “In 1999, Noubar evaluated the way his start-ups were formed – and start-ups in general – and thought perhaps the often disjointed, ‘trial and error’ approach typical of start-ups could be reduced to something more systematic and organized. That’s when he founded Flagship Ventures, which develops new companies through its in-house division VentureLabs. It also invests in start-ups. VentureLabs, which Noubar oversees as senior managing partner and CEO of Flagship Ventures, takes a unique approach. It conducts its own research and forms new companies after the research has started to bear fruit. Using this approach, Flagship Ventures and VentureLabs have launched dozens of start-up companies, primarily in the life sciences and sustainability. ‘“We spend a lot of time at Flagship Ventures identifying problems and coming up with solutions that produce intellectual property that can be used to create innovations and ultimately new approaches and new companies,’ he said. Noubar has over 100 patents to his name. “Moderna Therapeutics, which Noubar co-founded and helps lead as chairman, may be Flagship Ventures’ most successful start-up. Founded in 2009, the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company is already valued at $3 billion and employs over 300 people.”
Four exceptional humanitarians chosen as finalists for the $1 million Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity Aurora Prize Co-Chairs George Clooney and Elie Wiesel join the Selection Committee in congratulating finalists for the inaugural award MARCH 15, 2016 – Today, the Aurora Prize Selection Committee announced the four Aurora Prize finalists as Marguerite Barankitse, from Maison Shalom and REMA Hospital in Burundi; Dr. Tom Catena, from Mother of Mercy Hospital in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan; Syeda Ghulam Fatima, the General Secretary of the Bonded Labour Liberation Front in Pakistan; and Father Bernard Kinvi, a Catholic priest in Bossemptele in the Central African Republic. The Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity is a new global award that will be given annually to individuals who put themselves at risk to enable others to survive. Recipients will be recognized for the exceptional impact their actions have made on preserving human life and advancing humanitarian causes, having overcome significant challenges along the way. One of the four finalists, the ultimate Aurora Prize Laureate, will receive a grant of 54
US$100,000 and the chance to continue the cycle of giving by nominating organizations that inspired his or her work for a US$1 million award. The Aurora Prize was created by the co-founders of 100 LIVES, a pioneering global initiative seeking to express gratitude to those who put themselves at risk to save Armenians from the Genocide one hundred years ago. On behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide, the annual Aurora Prize aims to raise public consciousness about atrocities occurring around the world and reward those working to address those issues in a real and substantial manner. “All four finalists are being recognized because they have found the courage to fight against injustice and violence inflicted upon those most vulnerable in their societies,” said 100 LIVES Co-Founder and Aurora Prize Selection Committee Member Vartan Gregorian. “We created the Aurora Prize not just to honour, but to support the unsung heroes who reclaim humanity and stand up to such oppression and injustice. One hundred years ago, strangers stood up against persecution on behalf of our ancestors, and today we thank them by recognizing those who act in the same spirit in the face of modern atrocities.” THE FINALISTS Marguerite Barankitse, from Maison Shalom and REMA Hospital in Burundi, saved thousands of lives and cared for orphans and refugees during the years of civil war in Burundi. When war broke out, Barankitse, a Tutsi, tried to hide 72 of her closest Hutu neighbours to keep them safe from persecution. They were discovered and executed, whilst Barankitse was forced to watch. Following this gruesome incident, she started her work saving and caring for children and refugees. She has saved roughly 30,000 children and in 2008, she opened a hospital which has treated more than 80,000 patients to date. Dr. Tom Catena is the sole doctor at Mother of Mercy Hospital in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. An American physician, Dr. Catena is the only doctor permanently based near the country’s border with South Sudan, and is therefore responsible for serving over 500,000 people in the region. Despite several bombings by the Sudanese government, Dr. Catena resides on the hospital grounds so that he may be on call at all times. His selfless acts have been brought to light by a number of media and aid organizations, and he was named one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential People in 2015. Syeda Ghulam Fatima has worked tirelessly to eradicate bonded labour, one of the last remaining forms of modern slavery. Fatima is the general secretary of the Bonded Labour Liberation Front Pakistan (BLLF), which has liberated thousands of Pakistani workers, including approximately 21,000 children, who were forced to work for brick kiln owners in order to repay debts. The interest rates are too high for workers to pay off, trapping the workers in forced labour and poor— often brutal—conditions. Fatima has survived attempts on her life and repeated beatings during the course of her activism. Father Bernard Kinvi became a priest at age 19, after losing his father and four sisters to prolonged violence and illness. Father Kinvi left his home country of Lome, Togo to Bossemptele, a small town just inside the border of the Central African Republic, to head a Catholic mission which consisted of a school, church and the Pope John Paul II Hospital. In 2012, civil war broke out in the Central African Republic between Muslim Seleka rebels and the anti-balaka (anti-machete) Christian militia. Amidst the violence, Father Kinvi’s mission provided refuge and health services to those on both sides of the conflict, saving hundreds of people from persecution and death. 55
From July to October 2015, nominations were received from around the world through a public portal on www.auroraprize.com. Candidates were nominated for their selfless work, from battling bonded labour to harbouring refugees, to delivering frontline care in conflict zones. One of the four finalists will be announced as the inaugural Aurora Prize Laureate during a ceremony in Yerevan, Armenia on April 24, 2016. Selection Committee Co-Chair George Clooney will present the award. The Aurora Prize finalists will be celebrated as part of a weekend of events bringing together leading voices in the humanitarian field, including the International Centre for Journalists, International Rescue Committee and Not On Our Watch to discuss some of the most pressing humanitarian issues the world is facing today, and acknowledge those confronting them. About 100 LIVES 100 LIVES is a new global initiative rooted in the events of the Armenian Genocide, during which hundreds of thousands of Armenians were saved by the courageous and heroic acts of individuals and institutions. A century later, 100 LIVES seeks to express gratitude, to share remarkable stories of survivors and their saviours, and to celebrate the strength of the human spirit. 100 LIVES is an initiative of the IDeA Foundation (Initiatives for Development of Armenia), a charitable foundation committed to promoting socioeconomic development in Armenia through investments in long-term, non-profit projects. About the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity Recipients will be recognized for the exceptional impact their actions have made on preserving human life and advancing humanitarian causes. On behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviours, an Aurora Prize Laureate will be honoured each year with a US$100,000 grant as well as the unique opportunity to continue the cycle of giving by nominating organizations that inspired their work for a US$1,000,000 award. The Aurora Prize Selection Committee includes Nobel Laureates Elie Wiesel, Oscar Arias, Shirin Ebadi and Leymah Gbowee; former President of Ireland Mary Robinson; human rights activist Hina Jilani; former Australian Foreign Minister and President Emeritus of the International Crisis Group Gareth Evans; President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York Vartan Gregorian; and Academy Award-winning actor and humanitarian George Clooney. The Aurora Prize will be awarded annually on April 24 in Yerevan, Armenia. Further information is available at www.auroraprize.com.
Better to support Armenian activists than criticize Azeri & Turkish lobbying By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier
For years, many critical books and articles have been written about foreign countries and domestic groups for hiring lobbying firms or making campaign contributions to influence government officials. One such article was published last week by L. Michael Hager in the Foreign Policy Journal titled, “The Best Congress AIPAC Can Buy.” AIPAC is the acronym for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The author acknowledges that “there is nothing illegal or morally wrong with lobbying Congress or candidates for office. In fact, it can serve a useful purpose in educating members and candidates about matters subject to legislation. The problem comes when the lobbyists use money to secure access or buy support for proposed bills and resolutions.” After that benign introduction, however, Hager concludes that “for the sake of our democracy, the flow of interest group money that is buying off our elected lawmakers must be stopped.” Hager states that “nowhere is the influence and power of a political lobby more evident than in the annual Policy Conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)” held on March 22-24 in Washington, DC. Conference speakers addressed “more than 15,000 pro-Israel Americans (including 2/3 of the current Members of Congress). Among the speakers were 30 members of the U.S. Congress, 25 of whom received 2016 contributions from pro-Israel PACs and individuals, averaging $36,000 per recipient ($908,000 in total). From each of those speakers, AIPAC gains a public expression of high level support for Israel.” Hager reported that the AIPAC conference attracted nearly 400 speakers, including “Vice President Joe Biden 56
and Presidential candidates Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and John Kasich.” According to the writer, “AIPAC generated contributions in the amount of $212,927 for Hillary Clinton and $203,850 for Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio received $132,552 and Lindsey Graham $74,200. No surprise that all of those candidates have pledged ‘full support’ for Israel.” The author considers “The AIPAC-led pro-Israel lobby” as “probably the strongest, best organized and most effective lobby network in Washington, DC. For the 2015-2016 election cycle, the pro-Israel network has already dispensed $4,255,136 in contributions. The largest single amount ($259,688) went to Senator Charles Schumer of New York.” Hager explains that “AIPAC itself does not make political contributions and is in fact legally prohibited from doing so. Instead it uses its considerable resources ($3 million annual lobbying budget) to link current and aspiring members of Congress with pro-Israel donors. AIPAC’s projection of invincibility encourages political candidates and officeholders to accept pro-Israel contributions or risk seeing those funds go to their opponents. For example, former Congressman Paul Findley and former Senator Charles Percy lost their seats for failure to adhere to the AIPAC line.” The author’ criticisms emanate from his concern that “the appearance of conflict of interest erodes citizen trust in government. Given the critical importance of money for reelection campaigns, political contributions such as mentioned above have the potential to corrupt or create the appearance of corrupting otherwise honest officials.” Hager acknowledges that AIPAC is “only one part of a larger picture, dominated by congressional fundraising and lobby contributions,” such as “Defence, pharmaceuticals, the NRA and other lobbies….” In my view, it is justified to criticize lobbying firms and their paymasters when they violate U.S. laws. However, it is more important to strengthen one’s own lobbying efforts than disparage what others are doing. While it is necessary from an Armenian perspective to monitor closely the lobbying firms hired by Turkey and Azerbaijan, Armenians should focus on what they can do to support their two public affairs organizations in Washington -- The Armenian Assembly and Armenian National Committee of America. Despite their limited staff and resources, these Armenian-American groups have been successfully countering the activities of major lobbying firms hired for millions of dollars by Turkey and Azerbaijan. Fortunately, Armenian-American groups do not need such exorbitant sums to pursue their political goals in Washington because it costs much less to present the truth of their just cause, unlike Turkey and Azerbaijan which have to spend huge amounts of money to deceive the politicians and the public!
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