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Armenia commemorates 101st anniversary of Genocide MassisPost -- Armenia commemorated the 101st anniversary of victims of the Armenian Genocide as tens of thousands of people marched on Sunday April 24 to the hilltop Genocide Memorial at Tsitsernakaberd in Yerevan. The annual day-long procession followed a prayer service led by Catholicos Garegin II, attended by the leadership of Armenia, international guests, diplomatic representatives, Armenian nationals and Diaspora representtaives. “More than a century has passed since the genocide,” President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said in a written address to the nation. “What has changed? First of all, we have changed. We have been reborn as a nation and as a state. We have proved to ourselves and the world that the Turkish genocidal plans failed.” “What has not changed is Turkey’s denialist stance and hostile attitude towards everything Armenian” he went on. “This is a direct continuation of the crime going on nowadays.” Sargsyan stressed at the same time that unlike Turkey’s government and policy-makers, “the Turkish society has partly changed” with regard to the Genocide issue. “Today it knows more about Turkish history than it did yesterday,” he said. “Tomorrow it will know even more than it does today, unless, of course, they strangle free speech and media, shoot and arrest parliamentarians, public figures and editors.” Actor-Activist George Clooney, along with international dignitaries, attended the annual commemoration service at Tsitsernakaberd. Clooney wore the Armenian remembrance brooch — a purple forget-me-not flower — on his jacket. The Oscar-winning actor called for greater international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and said the 1915 slaughter of some 1.5 million Armenians is “also a part of the world’s history” when he addressed an international conference on genocide prevention held in Yerevan on Saturday. “When someone is trying to annihilate a whole human race, culture, people, that’s genocide, there can be no other version of it,” he declared. “I think it is ridiculous not to talk about it in terms of genocide, because, of course, it was,” Clooney added in a clear reference to Turkey’s continuing vehement denial of the Armenian Genocide.
The President of Armenia: ''We will not allow another Armenian Genocide'' ARMEDIA -- On the day of commemoration of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, President Serzh Sargsyan released a special message to his compatriots and fellow Citizens: ''Today, we commemorate the sacred memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. Over one hundred years passed since the Mets Eghern. What has changed? Firstly, we have changed. We were reborn as a nation and as a state. We proved to ourselves and to the world that the genocidal plans of the Turks had failed. Our struggle for justice still goes on. What has not changed? The policy of denial of the official Turkey has not changed, as has not changed its hostile stance toward everything that is Armenian. This is nothing short of a direct continuation of the crime in our times. The Turkish society has partly changed. Today it knows about its own history a little more than it knew yesterday. Tomorrow, it will learn more than it knows today unless the free word and media is not strangled, unless members of the parliament, public figures and editors are not shot. The truth, though slowly, but opens the eyes of the people. Nowadays, emotions and worries, discussions and analyses related to the war actions of April 2-5 have not subsided yet. Azerbaijan unleashed another war against Artsakh. And once again after suffering great losses, was thrown back. The true objective, or rather the true dream of Azerbaijan is the occupation of Artsakh and its cleansing of Armenians which means its population will be partly purged, partly deported. Today, on April 24, 2016, I declare for the entire world to hear: there will be no purging or deportation of the Armenians of Artsakh. We will not allow another Armenian Genocide. We means the Armenian nation, all its segments, we means our Armenian consolidation. Today, as we bow to the memory of our innocent victims, we witness the unprecedented consolidation and resolve of our nation to build a free, peaceful, and modern state, a powerful fatherland of all Armenians where the generations of the victims of the Armenian Genocide and of those who survived miraculously are returning.'' 42
Prime Minister of Canada released a statement commemorating the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide ARMEDIA — In his inaugural year in office, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released a statement commemorating the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The statement reads: “On this day, we mark the 101st commemoration of the tragic loss of life of the Armenian population during the waning days of the Ottoman Empire in 1915. Both the Senate of Canada and the House of Commons have adopted resolutions referring to these events as genocide. We preserve the memory of those who lost their lives and those who suffered during this genocide, and pay our deepest respects to their descendants, including those who now call Canada home. In solemnly acknowledging this event, let us use this moment as an opportunity to look forward and strengthen our collective resolve to ensure such acts are never again repeated. While we must never forget the lessons of history, we must also be reminded that past injustices do not serve our communities if they divide us. Canadians of all backgrounds and faiths stand together in reaffirming our collective commitment to the values of pluralism, human rights, and diversity. On this anniversary, please join me in my hope for a peaceful future based on tolerance, respect, and reconciliation.”
Armenian Genocide commemorated in Istanbul MassisPost -- Representatives of Turkey’s Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism (DurDe) platform, European Network Against Racism (ENAR), Turkey’s Human Rights Defence Union and New Awakening gathered on Sunday April 24 at Istanbul’s Kabatas station to honour the memory of the Armenian Genocide. They carried posters condemning and urging to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, as well as photos of Armenian intellectuals who were arrested and sent to death on 24 April 1915. The participants thereafter marched to Haydarpasa train station, from where the Armenian intellectuals were sent to death by train on the same day. Turkish human rights defender Eren Keskin read out an announcement in Armenian, Turkish and English on behalf of those gathered. He stressed that the denial of the Armenian Genocide, which is a crime against humanity, continues the crime. By the end of the commemoration event, the participants threw white carnations into the sea. On Saturday, the Istanbul civic group Saturday Mothers/People organized a public event in the city’s Galatasaray Square, calling upon the Turkish society to confront its past. The organizers carried photos of the Armenians killed on April 24, 1915. The event was attended by Sezgin Tanrikolu, a deputy leader of the People’s Democratic Party, Garo Paylan, Armenian parliament member elected from the Pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party, representatives of the Armenian General Benevolent Union and the organization Fight Against Racism in Europe. In his speech at the ceremony, Paylan urged for efforts to eternalize Armenians’ memory in those Turkish towns and cities that saw tragic massacres more than 100 years ago. “We want our ancestors’ bodies; we want tombstones to be built,” he said. 43
Armenian MP of Turkey calls on parliament to investigate Armenian deputies’ 1915 massacre NEWS.am -- During his speech in the Turkish parliament, Istanbul Armenian Garo Paylan, an MP from the pro-Kurdish “Peoples’ Democratic Party” (HDP) of Turkey, announced that a parliamentary commission needs to be set up to investigate the 1915 massacre of the Armenian members of the then Ottoman parliament. Also, Paylan showed the photographs of these Armenian MPs one by one, and recited their names. “Confronting [with history] means getting better,” the Armenian deputy noted. “The only place to discuss this topic is the parliament of Turkey itself. As a sign of the memory of the massacred Armenian MPs, a [Turkish parliamentary] commission needs to be formed, in connection with what happened to them. I respectfully bow before the memory of them all.” Garo Paylan ended his speech by saying, “May God rest their soul,” in Armenian.
Demirtas: We remember all Armenians killed in 1915 ARMEDIA -- Co-chairman of the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party of Turkey Selahattin Demirtas called the events of 1915 genocide in his speech delivered in Izmir. “Today we commemorate the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenians want to prove that they live on these territories, were killed here. We all must stand with the Armenians living on this soil. It is necessary to face the events of 1915, moreover, it should be done not only for Armenians but for all of us. We remember all Armenians killed in 1915,” Demirtas announced. It should be noted that Demirtas has announced that in case of being elected as President of Turkey in 2014, he would recognize the Armenian Genocide.
HDP Co-Chair Yüksekdag: We apologize to Armenian people MassisPost -- Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Figen Yüksekdag, during the group meeting of HDP, talked about the Armenian Genocide. Yüksekdag said, “On 101st anniversary of the Genocide, we apologize to Armenian people. We apologize to Aunt Elizabeth, to Uncle Krikor. We apologize to our friends, comrade Garo and to our sister Roza.” Yüksekdag started the meeting by saying, “I would like to begin by commemorating Armenian, Syriac and Chaldean people who were exiled and killed 101 years ago.” Then she added: “The mentality that led to the genocide avoids recognition today. However, recognition doesn’t demean a state, it only relieves pain. These lands will eventually spill out the bloodshed, regardless of your wishes. Our history is a history of massacres. Recognizing the massacres is a both actual and historical responsibility.” “The ones who withhold their apologies have still the same mentality. They still use “Armenian” as an insult. This means that genocidal mentality is still alive. We apologize to Armenian people. We apologize to Aunt Elizabeth, to Uncle Krikor. We apologize to our friends, comrade Garo and to our sister Roza. As I said, the mentality that led to death and destruction in the past is still active today.” 44
Clooney: "Hitler said: "Who now remembers the Armenians." Here is the answer: "The whole world." ARMEDIA -- The aim of the Armenian Genocide was to destroy an entire nation. This was declared on April 24 at "Aurora" prize ceremony by famous actor George Clooney. "We see the continuation of what happened 101 years ago with the Armenian people. At the same time I saw the courage and kindness, and today we pay respect of their best examples. If we want to survive as a species, we should not turn away from the people of Syria, South Sudan, Congo. They are not refugees, but common people like us," the actor said. The "Aurora" prize is helping those people, who help hundreds of others.
This was said by Clooney: "Hitler said: "Who now remembers the Armenians." Here is the answer: "The whole world," he added.
Marguerite Barankitse awarded inaugural Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity MassisPost -- Marguerite Barankitse from Maison Shalom and REMA Hospital in Burundi was named as the inaugural Laureate of the $1 million Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity. At a ceremony held in Yerevan, Armenia, Barankitse was recognized for the extraordinary impact she has had in saving thousands of lives and caring for orphans and refugees during the years of civil war in Burundi. As she accepted the award from Aurora Prize Selection Committee Co-Chair George Clooney, Barankitse said: “Our values are human values. When you have compassion, dignity and love then nothing can scare you, nothing can stop you – no one can stop love. Not armies, not hate, not persecution, not famine, nothing.” As the first Aurora Prize Laureate, Barankitse will receive a $100,000 grant and continue the cycle of giving by donating the accompanying $1,000,000 award to organizations that have inspired her work. Barankitse plans to donate the award to three organizations in order to advance aid and rehabilitation for child refugees and orphans, and fight against child poverty. These organizations are: the Fondation du Grand-Duc et de La Grande-Duchesse du Luxembourg, Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck (JFP Foundation), and the Fondation Bridderlech Deelen Luxembourg. Baranktise emphasized: “I chose them because these people supported me and never abandoned me, even in difficult times. They have the same values as I and as the Maison Shalom – compassion, friendliness, dignity, and a generosity which costs nothing.” “Marguerite Barankitse serves as a reminder of the impact that one person can have even when encountering seemingly insurmountable persecution and injustice,” said Mr. Clooney. “By recognizing Marguerite Barankitse’s courage, commitment and sacrifice, I am hopeful that she can also inspire each one of us to think about what we can do to stand up on behalf of those whose rights are abused and are in most need of our solidarity or support.” Marguerite Barankitse saved thousands of lives and cared for orphans and refugees during the years of civil war in Burundi. When war broke out, Barankitse, a Tutsi, tried to hide 72 of her closest Hutu neighbours to keep them safe from persecution. They were discovered and executed, whilst Barankitse was forced to watch. Following this gruesome incident, she started her work saving and caring for children and refugees. She has saved roughly 30,000 children and in 2008, she opened a hospital which has treated more than 80,000 patients to date. Guests also celebrated the exceptional contributions of the other three finalists for the Aurora Prize: Dr. Tom Catena, from Mother of Mercy Hospital in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan; Syeda Ghulam Fatima, the General Secretary of the Bonded Labour Liberation Front in Pakistan; and Father Bernard Kinvi, a Catholic Priest in Bossemptele, Central African Republic (CAR). To mark the occasion of the inaugural Aurora Prize Ceremony, these exceptional humanitarians will be presented with a $25,000 award from the Aurora Prize co-founders to support the organizations that have inspired their work. 45
Leading humanitarian figures and Aurora Prize Selection Committee members, including Gareth Evans, Hina Jilani, Leymah Gbowee, Shirin Ebadi and Vartan Gregorian, attended and participated in the Aurora Prize Award Ceremony. “During the selection process for the Aurora Prize, we came across truly remarkable stories of the human spirit, and an extraordinary number of inspiring individuals who are out there making a signficiant difference,” said Vartan Gregorian, member of the Aurora Prize Selection Committee and co-founder of 100 LIVES. “We are proud to be able to recognize Marguerite Barankitse and support the impactful work she is doing in a concrete way. She proves the tremendous impact one person can have on so many.”
Armenia President: After 24 years Karabakh people repeated feat of their fathers NEWS.am -- President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan issued a message on occasion of Victory Day Monday. The message reads as follows: “Dear Compatriots, I cordially congratulate you on the Day of Victory and Peace. The World War II indeed became a Great Patriotic War for our people. Many Armenians fought for the liberty and bright future of their homeland. They fought in all the fronts, battlefields and in the rear. Today we express our gratitude and pay tribute to the bright memory of our heroic ancestors, hundreds and thousands of whom fell in the fight against the evil. We also pay tribute and express our gratitude to the unfortunately already small number of veterans who are with us today. This is a holiday not only of military victory, but also peace. Together with the other peoples of the Soviet Union, we paid a very high cost for this victory, deserving peace. This peace gave us a historic opportunity to regain our feet in terms of economy, culture and politics. And we know the cost of this peace. Dear compatriots, May 9 acquired a new meaning and value for us upon the liberation of Shoushi in 1992. The centuries-old cultural centre of Artsakh, which traditionally disseminated light, education, science and art round it, was turned into a horrible firing point, sowing death and destructions round it. Liberation of Shoushi was a matter of life and death for us, and on the same day – on May 9 – we repeated the feat of our fathers and grandfathers, turning the tide of war. Last month - 24 years after this day – already the sons of the militiamen who liberated Shoushi, repeated the feat of their fathers. And they already did this not as part of fedayis (Armenian militia) but that of a regular army. They proved that each new generation of the Armenian nation is ready to defend its liberty, peace and rights in a new way. Dear compatriots, I congratulate all of you on this great holiday! I wish you peaceful sky and fruitful work!”
Victory Day, Shushi Liberation celebrated in Stepanakert Armradio -- On 9 May within the framework of celebrations to mark the Victory Holiday, the Day of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defence Army and the Liberation of Shushi Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan together with Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan and NKR second President Arkady Ghukasyan attended the Stepanakert Memorial Complex, laid a wreath and flowers to the monuments commemorating martyrs perished in the Great Patriotic War and the Artsakh Liberation Struggle. On the same day Bako Sahakyan, Hovik Abrahamyan and Arkady Ghukasyan visited the town of Shushi and laid garlands and flowers to the pedestal of the tank-monument and the monument of Spara46
pet Vazgen Sargsyan. They partook in the opening of “Karabakh’s Revival” photo-exhibition of prominent photographer Martin Shahbazian and his “Artsakh-Revival” book presentation, as well as were present at the candle lighting held at the Ghazanchetsots Church of Christ the Saviour. Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, NA chairman Ashot Ghoulyan, prime-minister Arayik Haroutyunyan, high-ranking officials from Artsakh and Armenia, guests from the Diaspora and abroad partook at the festive events.
MAY 9 TWO VICTORIES’ DAY May 9 has been of special importance for Armenians for 24 years: the victory in the Great Patriotic War in 1945 was later followed by a victory in the liberation of Shushi, a fortress in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh), with subsequent formation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Defence Army in 1992. In 1941-1945, the Armenian people actively contributed to the victory. About 600,000 Armenians participated in the Great Patriotic War. Six Armenian divisions were formed, and 314,000 Armenians were killed or went missing. The Armenian people is proud of four Marshals and one Admiral – Ivan Baghramyan, Sergei Khudyakov (Armenak Khanferyants), Hamazasp Babajanyan, Sergei Aganov and Ivan Isakov (Hovhannes Ter-Isahakyan). Three of the four Soviet Marshals were born in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh). More than 60 Armenian generals were in command of large military groups of the Red Army. Some 70,000 Armenian soldiers, officers and generals were awarded orders and medals for courage, with 27 of them being full recipients of the Order of Glory. One hundred and three Armenians received the highest award – Hero of the Soviet Union. Twenty-four years ago, on May 9, 1992, the Armenian troops liberated Shushi. For 24 years, each person saying ‘May is a month of victories’ implies the liberation of Shushi as well. Both in school textbooks and in electronic encyclopaedias, the truth is that the liberation of Shushi was a feat of arms of Armenian freedomfighters, which proved crucial for further course of the Artsakh war. In independent Armenia’s history the liberation of Shushi is called “A wedding in the mountains.” It was because the then minister of defence Vazgen Sargsyan promised to get married if the operation proved a success. May 9 is also the official date of formation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Defence Army.
RA President introduced three steps for the resumption of negotiation process ARMEDIA -- During the meeting of the Executive body of the Republican party of Armenia, the RA President Serzh Sargsyan have presented the situation on NKRAzerbaijani border. This was declared by the speaker of the party Eduard Sharmazanov. According to him the RA President has presented 3 preconditions for the resumption of negotiation process on Karabakh conflict settlement, Tert.am informs. "In connection with the Karabakh conflict, the President said that three important steps are needed to be done for the resumption of peace talks. Step one, introducing confidence-building measures, mechanisms for investigation, second – addressed statements, third - guarantees that Azerbaijan will not resort to new aggression and terrorism against the people of NKR. At this moment it is still early to talk about the resumption of talks, because military actions continue, or at least they are not completely finished, Azerbaijan violates the ceasefire agreement of 1994, signed with Artsakh and Armenia, as well as it violates the verbal agreement on ceasing the firing reached in Moscow," Sharmazanov said. 47
Armenian government submits bill recognizing independence of Nagorno-Karabak Republic MassisPost -- The Armenian government has approved a draft bill recognizing the independence of NagornoKarabakh Republic (NKR) and sent the bill to the country’s parliament for approval. The government made it clear that the National Assembly could approve the bill only if Azerbaijan unleashes a new aggression against Karabakh. The cabinet passed judgment on the measure proposed by two opposition lawmakers Zaruhi Postanjyan and Hrant Bagratyan. In a written recommendation to the parliament, it said that Yerevan should recognize the NKR only “as a result of negotiations between Armenia and Artsakh (Karabakh) that would take into account further developments, including external factors.” “Our position is clear: if Azerbaijan tries to wriggle out of the ceasefire regime and launches a new aggression, the [recognition] issue will definitely be on the agenda,” Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan told journalists after a weekly cabinet meeting in Yerevan. President Serzh Sargsyan threatened to recognize Karabakh following the April 2 outbreak of heavy fighting along the Karabakh “line of contact” which left at least 170 soldiers from both sides dead. Azerbaijan’s government warned Yerevan this week against taking such a “provocative” step. A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed hope on Thursday that Yerevan will not press ahead with the recognition. “We are very closely monitoring decisions taken in this context,” Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow. “We certainly continue to expect the parties will avoid any steps that could undermine the shaky ceasefire and lead to an escalation of tensions in Nagorno-Karabakh.” Azerbaijan, meanwhile, has warned that if Armenia does pass the bill this time around, it will mean the end of the negotiating process within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group calling it “another Armenian provocation.”
Armenia MOD: We are watching movement of Azerbaijani military equipment and armed forces NEWS.am -- Through its diplomatic activity, Armenia is now gradually carrying out the task aimed at the recognition of Karabakh, Armenian Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan told journalists in Yerevan’s Victory Park Monday. In his words, this is a very delicate diplomatic work: the military and political leadership of Armenia is dealing with it and they are on the right path. Referring to the amassments of the adversary’s armed forces on the border, Ohanyan stressed that all the movements of the military equipment and armed forced of Azerbaijan are being fixed and analyzed. “Both the Defence Army of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) and the Armenian Armed Forces are making changes in the planning in order to raise our defence potential,” Ohanyan said.
Karabakh MOD: Nobody speaks about concessions today NEWS.am -- Today nobody speaks of concessions, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh) Minister of Defence and Defence Army Commander Levon Mnatsakanyan told Armenian News – NEWS.am in Stepanakert Monday, responding to the question on what is the limit of acceptable concessions for Karabakh. ''There are no concessions. Nobody speaks of concessions; personally I haven't heard about them,'' Mnatsakanyan stated. He also noted that they have no problems with weaponry. ''The spirit of the soldiers is high, since they believe in weaponry. If the soldier didn't believe in this, his spirit wouldn't have been that high,'' Mnatsakanyan said, adding that everything is under control. 48
Examination reveals torture of Armenian soldiers’ bodies handed over by Azerbaijan NEWS.am -- The bodies of 18 Armenian soldiers, which Azerbaijan transferred to Nagorno-Karabakh on April 10, are undergoing an examination. Alik Avetisyan, Senior Assistant to the Minister of Defence of Armenia, stated the aforementioned at a press conference. He informed that the Investigative Committee of Armenia is conducting this examination. It is already known that criminal cases are opened into the abuse of these bodies, and one of the tasks of the said examination is to find out whether the Azerbaijanis had tortured living Armenian captives. In Avetisyan’s words, this is not ruled out and there is some relevant information. “However, the available information is still limited for a variety of reasons,” the Armenian defence minister’s assistant said noting also to the feelings of the victims’ families, as one of these reasons. Alik Avetisyan added that the task at hand is to launch a respective legal action.
Mayor Edward Maloyan and six soldiers defeated division of 150 people NEWS.am -- Mayor Edward Maloyan with several soldiers clashed with the enemy group consisting of 150 people and was able to return the captured battle station. On the night of April 2, Edik Maloyan, an infantry battalion commander, received a message about an attack. Edik with six soldiers, who aimed at bringing back one of the captured stations, did not know that the unit approaching them was so big. When they approached the positions, they realized that they were dealing with 150-people division, but decided to stay and join the battle. The shootout lasted for an hour and a half. After that, Edward and his soldiers passed around the position, delivered a blow from the right wing and threw the enemy into confusion. As a result, the enemy retreated, and the station has been returned. The company under Captain Armenak Urfanyan was combating the enemy at the same station. Armenak Urfanyan, the private Kyaram Sloyan, Andranik Zohrabyan, and Robert Abajian were killed due to a shell explosion. Robert Abajian was fighting the battle until the very last minute; then he blew himself up with a grenade.
Azerbaijan’s losses exceed 800: OSTKRAFT Armradio -- The losses of the Azerbaijani side in the recent clashes along the Nagorno-Karabakh line of contact are estimated to exceed 800, OSTKRAFT analytical centre reports, quoting sources at the Azerbaijani General Staff. According to the report, it was the great number of losses that made Azerbaijan stop the aggression and return to the negotiating table. “Judging from this data, the words of Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia about the readiness of his country to solve the Karabakh issue in a military way looks deeply untenable, as Azerbaijan has neither power, not means for that,” the analysis says. According to the report, the only thing Azerbaijan provoked with its unreasonable actions is the possible recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh by Armenia.
Report: 122 contractors from Azerbaijan join ISIL NEWS.am -- Militants of over 70 nationalities have joined the ISIL terrorist group. This became known after an ISIL deserted handed 11,000 personal files on contractors to NBC television network, France 24 reports. NBC handed 4600 documents to the Combating Terrorism Centre, which prepared a corresponding report. According to the report, the age of the contractors varies from 12 to 70, their average age being 26-27. Most of the contractors are from Saudi Arabia (579), 141 of them being from Russia. Besides, 122 contractors from Azerbaijan and 243 from Turkey have joined the terrorist group. The list also includes European countries, 7 contractors coming from Canada. U.S is not among the countries mentioned. The report says that about 30 percent of the contractors are married, many of them having education. Thus, 1371 of them said they have graduated from school, 1028 having received university education. 49
Azeri Defence Ministry plane landed twice in Israel during fighting in Karabakh MassisPost -- Two Azerbaijani military planes reportedly landed in Israel earlier last month, at the height of recent violent skirmishes between Azerbaijan and Armenian forces in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. In the first week of April, a publicly accessible online flight database twice picked up a large cargo plane belonging to the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry entering Israeli airspace and flying to the Uvda military airfield in the south of the country, according to the report in the Israeli daily Haaretz. The Ilyushin 76 cargo plane arrived in Israel on April 4 and again on April 6, according to an internet flight database. The plane, which flies under the call sign AZAF8 (Azerbaijani Air Force 8) came from the direction of Turkey, flew over Cyprus and entered Israeli airspace over Tel Aviv, according to the report. The plane remained on the ground for two to three hours each time before taking off again for Baku. It is not clear whether the plane unloaded cargo or loaded it, Haaretz said. The plane, which bears the registration number “K-781314” on the side, has been owned by the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry since September 1, 2014. This is not the first time Israel has been accused of helping Azerbaijan in the conflict, but allowing an Azerbaijani military aircraft to land in Israel would represent an upgrade in cooperation between the two countries, which have long maintained cordial ties. In the same week that the planes are said to have landed in Israel, reports emerged that the Azerbaijani army had used an Israeli-made attack drone to target an Armenian convoy in the region. A press spokesman for Armenia’s Defence Ministry said on his Facebook page that the Azerbaijani army was using the Israeli-made kamikaze Harop drone. The Harop is small enough to be able to skirt enemy aircraft detection systems and can find targets by radar or radio wave, as well as by remote piloting.
Israel Charny: Would Israel sell a used drone to a Hitler? Suppose the Nazis were not murdering Jews but were murdering ‘only’, say, Slavs, Gypsies, and Jehovah’s Witnesses; and suppose our beloved State of Israel were in existence: Would you agree to our selling arms to the Nazis? Israel is reported to have sold billions of dollars worth of arms, including to governments that are killing or threatening to attack victim peoples. Last week there came reports that an Israeli drone in the hands of Azerbaijan – a huge arms customer of ours – was responsible for the deaths of six Armenians in the enclave NagornoKarabakh. And most recently Azeri military transport planes were reported to have landed in Israel (perhaps to pick up and deliver arms) during the war with Armenia I am ashamed. The Armenians were the victims of a major genocide 100 years ago that has even been called the “Armenian Shoah” by some Israeli scholars, including from Bar Ilan University. A great deal of their national and cultural ethos continues to focus passionately on the memory of that genocide (does that sound familiar to us Jews?). For many years now, we Israelis – whether led by Labour or Likud – have insulted and hurt the Armenian people by failing to recognize their genocide officially and formally. Would we ourselves tolerate another government – say the US or England – refusing to recognize the Holocaust because of their realpolitik interest with the perpetrator government? One senior Armenian official has written several of us in Israel to express his deep pain as well as indignation, not only at our government’s cowardly and self-serving denials of the Armenian Genocide, but also at our thick military trade alliance with the Azeris, a Turkic people who adhere to Turkey’s bizarre and fascist tradition of rewriting history and denying the Armenian Genocide. I am reminded of the prophet Nathan crying out to King David for an earlier though more delectable murderous act of self-interest, or Elijah remonstrating Ahab about his murderous larceny: It’s bad enough that you killed him, are you also taking a profit from the sordid affair? (In the Hebrew: “Haratazachta v’gam yarashta?”) 50
In general, how willing are we Israelis to strengthen our economy by lucrative arms sales? Of course, “everyone” in the world is doing it, but do we have to also? Have we given up the vision of Israel as a moral leader of peoples on this planet? Is this idea tiresome, naïve, and childlike in a madly destructive and self-destroying world? An alternative principle could be that we build arms first and foremost for the defence of Israel, and that we supply arms only to underdog peoples who are facing mass destruction and to allies like the US that are essentially committed to shared democratic values and to peace. Of course we will still make some mistakes, but at least our conscience will be more clear that we have not delivered arms to the ‘Nazis’. To my Armenian colleagues and friends, I can only say that as a Jew and as an Israeli, I am mortified – and angry. Israel W. Charny is executive director and co-founder of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem and editor of the Encyclopedia of Genocide.
Where are millions of dollars sent to Armenia? A1+ -- Our soldiers were armed with high fighting spirit and that fighting spirit brought them victory. If the hostilities continued on the border our soldiers would counterattack and give the enemy a worthwhile response within four days,” Mr. Sargsyan said to A1+. The freedom fighter is frustrated by the fact that Armenia does not have modern military equipment and blames the country’s authorities for it. “What have they [authorities] done with millions of dollars that were sent to Armenia? What have they done with the money? The government should be held accountable. A person cannot be richer than his country but in Armenia there are numerous people who are much richer than the state. Armenia does not have even a cat today,” he stressed. Grisha Sargsyan says the money must be returned to the state budget to buy firearms for the army and to arm our troops with the latest technology. “Have pity on our children, have pity on our people.” About 105 veterans of the Union have been guarding the Karvachar-Martakert section of the border since April 2. More veterans will join them in the near future to replace their friends. Speaking about Russia’s stance during the April war in Karabakh, Mr. Sargsyan said, “Armenia should withdraw from all formats. After all, this nation needs to wise up. Can we bang our fist on the table or not? I cannot understand what disturbs us or prevents us from doing it. Only in this way shall we be able to make Russians come to their senses.”
Panama Papers: Criminal case launched over ex-SMEJA head’s activities Armenianow -- Armenia’s Special Investigation Service (SIS) has launched a criminal case in connection with the offshore activities of Armenia’s former chief of the Service for Mandatory Execution of Judicial Acts (SMEJA) Mihran Poghosyan who resigned from his post last month following a global scandal dubbed Panama Papers, SIS spokesperson Mikayel Aharonyan informed ArmeniaNow. The criminal proceedings were launched on characteristics of Article 310 of the Criminal Code (Participation of a state official in entrepreneurial activities, which is punished with imprisonment for the term of up to two years). The Armenian online publication, Hetq, had revealed that Poghosyan was a shareholder of three Panama-registered offshore companies that featured in the global scandal connected with the leak of millions of confidential documents concerning 214,000 offshore companies listed by the Panamanian corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca. The revelations concerned quite a few influential political leaders around the world, including Azerbaijan’s autocratic president Ilham Aliyev. In explaining his resignation last month Poghosyan said that he did not want his name that figured along with the name of Aliyev in the Panama Papers to lead to any “civilizational comparisons” between Armenia and “dictatorial Azerbaijan.” “I will publicly comment on the offshore-related publications as an ordinary citizen, without having any state levers,” the 39-year-old major general of justice said in his April 18 statement. 51
For several years Armenian media have linked Poghosyan, who served as SMEJA head since 2008, to different lucrative businesses, including monopolistic imports of bananas and other exotic fruits. After accepting Poghosyan’s resignation, last week Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan appointed his aide Armen Harutyunyan as acting chief of the SMEJA.
Demonstration in Paris: Hollande is Baku authorities’ accomplice NEWS.am -- François Hollande helps Azerbaijan to get armed, said participants of the pro-Armenian demonstration in Paris, which was also attended by Coordinator of Armenian Revival Pan-Armenian movement Shant Voskerchyan (Jean Ozkirisyan). During the picket, one of the activists delivered a speech: “When our people (Armenians) needed support, specifically on the international level, François Hollande demanded to stop the interaction between the municipalities of France and Karababkh cities. And when he went to honour the victims of the Armenian Genocide (on 24 April 2015), he left for Baku several hours later to sell precision rockets, which allowed to kill Armenians in Karabakh. France armed Aliyev; Hollande is the accomplice of the Azerbaijani government.”
Los Angeles woman receives threatening note after hanging Armenian flag NEWS.am -- An Armenian woman said she received threats after hanging an Armenian flag from her home in Los Angeles in honour of her fallen heroes in Armenia. According to Los Angeles police, Hasmik Chatalyan said she discovered a threatening note in her family’s mailbox, abc7.com reported. “You will be hurt,” the note reads. The police are investigating the act as a “hate incident” and that hate crime charges could potentially be brought in the future. The Chatalyan family, however, kept the Armenian flag and hung the second one. They also urged other Armenian families to hang Armenian flags.
AMAA provides food and shelter to evacuees from Martakert region at Camp Bedrosian in Shushi PARAMUS, NJ – The recent shelling of the peaceful settlements of Mataghis and Martakert regions of Karabagh resulted in major destruction. Houses, shops and community centres have been completely or partially destroyed. To ensure the safety of the citizens of Martakert region, the local population has been evacuated, while the fathers and adult males of these families remaining on the frontline defending the Homeland. The evacuees were provided temporary shelter by the NKR government. Some evacuees were accommodated in Stepanakerd, and some took shelter in Armenian Missionary Association of America’s (AMAA) Camp Bedrosian in Shushi until safer conditions prevail. Camp Bedrosian is currently housing around 180 people (about 120 of them are children and teenagers) from the Maragha, Karmiravan, Mataghis, Maghavuz and Horatagh communities of the Martakert region. AMAA is providing food, shelter and organizing a camp program for the children. “While the courageous people of Karabagh defend the homeland, it is our absolute duty and obligation to reach out. Doing its share, the AMAA places its facilities in NKR at the disposal of our displaced kin to provide safety and security in a comfortable temporary shelter,” said Zaven Khanjian, AMAA Executive Director/CEO. 52
Adam Schiff: Armenia should become Silicon Valley of the Caucasus ARMEDIA -- The expansion of US economic and military assistance to Armenia is in the interests of the two countries, US Congressman and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence member Adam Schiff stated, News.am reports citing Voice of America Armenian service. In his view, Armenia has come under a serious influence of Russia in recent times, and this cannot be considered a positive impact. As per Schiff, it is in Armenia’s interests to develop close relations with both the US and Russia. He added that Azerbaijan shall not be permitted to carry out provocations along its line of contact with Nagorno-Karabakh. The US Congress member stressed that he would want very much for Armenia to become the Silicon Valley of the Caucasus and to attract the entire intellectual potential, and that the high-tech sector is very promising for the country. He noted that despite the US budget cuts, the American assistance to Armenia will continue. Also, Adam Schiff stated that the Armenian Diaspora needs to actively participate in shaping the future of Armenia.
Armenia is 25th in world’s safest countries’ list NEWS.am -- Armenia is 25th, from among 117 countries, in terms of it being a safe country. The Crime Index for Country 2016 report has been issued by Numbeo, the world’s major database of user contributed data about cities and countries worldwide, according to its website. According to this report, Armenia’s crime index and safety index are 31.11 percent and 68.89 percent, respectively. The leader in the South Caucasus countries however is Georgia, which is ranked 6th, and where the safety index is 77.84 percent. Azerbaijan, on the other hand, is 31st, and where the safety index is 67.61 percent. Armenia’s other neighbours, Turkey and Iran, are ranked 47th and 82nd correspondingly. As per Numbeo, Crime Index is an estimation of overall level of crime in a given city or a country, whereas the Safety index is, on the other way, quite opposite of crime index. If the city has a high safety index, it is considered very safe.
Newspaper: Armenia poverty is at 76% NEWS.am -- According to the World Bank (WB) estimates, those in the Republic of Armenia (RA) who spend less than 5 US dollars a day constitute 76 percent of the country’s population; this is noted in the recent WB report, according to 168 Zham daily newspaper. “And the WB considers those who spend less than 5 dollars a day to be poor. “The thing is that the WB presents the poverty level with two separate standards. One, from the viewpoint of spending 2.5 dollars a day; the other, from the viewpoint of spending 5 dollars a day. From the viewpoint of [spending] 2.5 dollars, the poverty level in Armenia amounted to 26%, in 2014. “According to the RA National Statistical Service [(NSS)], poverty rate in the republic amounted to 30%, at the end of 2014 (2 percentage points less, as compared to 2013). “With the NSS methodology, those, whose consumption per adult was below the upper general line of poverty (in 2014, this was 40,264 drams [approx. US$84] per month), were assessed as poor,” 168 Zham wrote.
Armenia’s Lake Sevan is among top 5 most famous CIS resorts NEWS.am -- Lake Sevan of Armenia is in the top five of the Travel.ru tourism service list of most popular resort destinations in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The website recalls that Sevan, which is the largest lake in the Caucasus, is surrounded by mountain ranges, located 1,900 metres above sea level, and is one-hour drive away from capital city Yerevan. The tourists like to travel on the lake with motorboats, its mountain landscape, and the crayfish kebab. The most famous historical monument on Lake Sevan is the Sevan Monastery on the Sevan Peninsula, near Sevan town. 53
Defence Army soldiers discover antique period necropolis in Artsakh Artsakhpress - On May 5 in the eastern part of Artsakh, during engineering works the soldiers of the NKR Defence Army have found antique necropolis. The Deputy Director of State Service for the Protection of Historical Environment of the Department of Tourism of the NKR Ministry of Economy Diana Mirijanyan noted that during engineering works two ancient necropolises have been found, two complete finds there: trifoliate jug and a 4-piece plate. “Now the finds are at the Department of Tourism of the Ministry of Economy of NKR, and works on cleaning are now being conducted in order to enroll them into the fund,” she said, adding that soon research works will begin in this district. Deputy Minister of Economy Sergey Shahverdyan, told Artsakhpress that the Armenian soldiers are not only defending our homeland, but also preserve our culture. “During the 2nd World War, when a budget without cultural expenses was provided to the British prime minister, he said: “If we do not preserve culture, why we need war?”, quoted Mr. Shahverdyan.
Iran will be building Iran-Armenia 400-kV power line NEWS.am -- The Iranian company Sunir received an official permission to build Iran-Armenia 400 kV power line. The resolution on providing Iran a permission was adopted at the session of the Armenian Government on April 28. The permission had been granted in the memorandum between the Ministry of Energy of Armenia and Iran signed back in May 2006. As earlier reported, Sunir has been implementing excavation for Noravan substation since the autumn of 2015 in the southern part of Armenia. The line will extend from Meghri to Hrazdan, and 440/220 kV substation will be built from about 10 km from the Hrazdan thermal power plant. From there, but with an assistance of another program (a loan from a German bank KfW under the co-financing of the EIB and the European Union, 105.2 million euros totally) a new 400 kV power line will be built connecting Georgia. The agreement on the construction of Iran-Armenia 400 kV power line is signed by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Armenia and the Export Development Bank of Iran in August of 2015. The cost of the total project is 107.9 million euros. The Iranian bank will provide 77% of the amount, Sunir, the main contractor, 23 %. The total length of the power line will make 279 km. The two-chain 400 kV line will increase the possibility of the energy flows between the two countries from 350 to 1000 mV and will increase the reliability of the power supply in the south and in the centre of Armenia, as well as the reliability of energy systems’ communication between Armenia and Iran that operate in parallel.
Javakhk Organization: Incident took place between Armenians and Georgians NEWS.am – “Javakhk” Compatriotic Benevolent Public Organziation has disseminated an announcement concerning the incident in Akhaltsikhe, city in Georgia. “Following the traditional torchlight procession on April 23, the youth of Tzkhaltpila, Abatkhev and Tzinouban Armenian villages of Akhaltsike headed for a local Armenian sanctuary to light fire and thereby honour the victims of the Armenian Genocide. Reaching the sanctuary, they met a group of Georgians from Vale town, who were having a party and were drunk. Not understanding what the Armenian youth wanted, those people began fighting with them, but understood each other soon. Despite this, at midnight the police visited the houses of various Armenian young men and took them to the police station. Besides, 54
they beat and humiliated the Armenians, even saying offensive words regarding the Armenian Genocide. The Javakhk Armenians are strongly concerned about the incident. We find unacceptable such a conduct against the local Armenians by the representatives of a friendly country’s authorities. We hope that those guilty of the incident will be punished by the fullest extent of the law, this soothing this nasty incident.”
Census: Number of Armenians in Georgia drops by 32% in 12 years NEWS.am -- The number of Armenians living in Georgia has reduced by close to 81 thousand, or 32 percent, from 2002 to 2014, and it dropped by more than 60 percent, as compared to 1989. The recently publicized statistics on the 2014 population census in the country attest to this, informed the Armenian Community of Georgia. To compare, the number of Azerbaijanis in Georgia has decreased by 18 percent, from 2002 to 2014, and by 24 percent, as compared to 1989. Accordingly, outflow from Georgia did not stop ever since the country’s independence in 1991. According to official data, a total of 248,929 Armenians were living in Georgia in 2002; that is to say, the number of Armenians living in Georgia has reduced by 80,829 in twelve years. Also, in 2002, a total of 235,531 residents of Georgia had considered Armenian as their mother tongue, whereas in 2014, Armenian was the mother tongue for 144,812 inhabitants of Georgia. Separately, in 2002, a total of 171,139 people lived in Georgia who considered themselves a part of the Armenian Apostolic Church. In 2014, however, the parishioners of the Georgian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church have reduced by 62,098, or virtually 34 percent.
Armenian khachkar destroyed in Arizona PanARMENIAN.Net - A khachkar installed at the St. Apkar Armenian church in Scottsdale, Arizona was destroyed by vandals, 12 News reports. Someone broke it into pieces and church officials told 12 News that they feel the vandals targeted them. Artin Kandjian, the architect of the church, said, "It feels deliberate because it's a terrible coincidence that this happened during the week of April 24, which is a traditional commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, which took place in 1915."
Armenian districts under rocket fire in Syria’s Aleppo MassisPost -- The situation in Syria’s economic capital, Aleppo, is becoming increasingly tense as the city faces continuing rocket raids targeting different districts. The shelling of the residential neighbourhoods of the city over the past days left seven people killed and over 66 wounded. According to the local Armenian weekly Gandzasar, the rockets hit also the Armenian neighbourhoods of Suleymaniye, Villas, Nor Kyugh, Telefon, Hawa and Aziziye, affecting civilians, including school-children. Two Armenian women were injured in the shelling (mother and daughter). They were taken to hospital and their life is not at risk. The city is reported to be in a deplorable condition. 55
Eurovision 2016: Ban on Artsakh flag lifted ARMEDIA -- Two weeks ago the organizers of musical competition "Eurovision" announced the list of banned flags. Among them was the flag of Artsakh. However, the EBU on its Facebook page put the official statement on amendment to Eurovision Song Contest flag policy, which reads as follows: "After reflection and constructive talks with several participating delegations, Eurovision Song Contest organizers have agreed to relax the flag policy, and to allow national, regional and local flags of the participants e.g. the Welsh flag (as one of the UK singers is from Wales) and the Sami flag (as the Norwegian singer is originally of Sami heritage). This is in addition to the flags of all UN member states, the EU flag and the rainbow flag, as stipulated in the original guidelines. The EBU also proposed a more tolerant approach to other flags as long as the audience respects the nonpolitical nature of the Eurovision Song Contest and do not deliberately attempt to obstruct the camera views. This proposal was approved by the Eurovision Song Contest's governing body, the Reference Group."
Eurovision-2016։ Armenian’s Iveta Mukuchyan is in Grand Final NEWS.am -- First Semi-Final of Eurovision Song Contest has just finished at Stockholm Globe Arena in Sweden. Armenia’s representative Iveta Mukuchyan performed and spread her “Love Wave” at No 7. Iveta took the stage not only with her brilliant performance, but also with her incredible look. As expected, the audience will have a chance to enjoy Iveta’s unforgettable and fabulous show in the Grand Final on May 14. Malta, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Russia and Azerbaijan are also in the Grand Final.
Peter Balakian wins Pulitzer Prize for Armenian Genocide poetry anthology NEWS.am -- American Armenian Author Peter Balakian won the 2016 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry for Ozone Journal, which is about the Armenian Genocide. The winners and finalists were revealed during a live-streamed broadcast from Columbia University in New York. “The prize goes to Ozone Journal by Peter Balakian,” announced Mike Pride, the administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes. The title poem of Peter Balakian's Ozone Journal is a sequence of fifty-four short sections, each a poem in itself, recounting the speaker's memory of excavating the bones of Armenian Genocide victims in the Syrian desert with a crew of television journalists in 2009. These memories spark others—the dissolution of his marriage, his life as a young single parent in Manhattan in the nineties, visits and conversations with a cousin dying of AIDS—creating a montage that has the feel of history as lived experience. Bookending this sequence are shorter lyrics that span times and locations, from Nairobi to the Native American villages of New Mexico. In the dynamic, sensual language of these poems, we are reminded that the history of atrocity, trauma, and forgetting is both global and ancient; but we are reminded, too, of the beauty and richness of culture and the resilience of love. Ozone Journal creates inventive lyrical insight in a global age of danger and uncertainty. Peter Balakian is the Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor of the Humanities at Colgate University, in Madison County, New York. He is the author of seven books of poems and four prose works, including The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America’s Response, a New York Times best seller, and Black Dog of Fate, a memoir, winner of the PEN/Albrand Prize. 56
Eurasianet: Azerbaijan considers Amal Clooney as secret weapon for Armenians NEWS.am -- The interview of the lawyer Amal Clooney about the case of Khadija Ismailova has caused a new hysteria in Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani government has done again what it always does when it comes to human rights -- announced about an alleged global conspiracy of the Armenians, writes Giorgi Lomsadze in Eurasianet. “No matter if Clooney’s case at the European Court for Human Rights involves an Azerbaijani journalist’s struggle against the Azerbaijan state. Azerbaijan’s state propaganda will find an Armenian connection even if there is none,” he writes. Those sentiments were picked up by the Azerbaijan more intensely after the four-day war in April. According to him, Amal Clooney's participation in the trial with the participation of Armenia, and the support of her husband in the recognition of the Armenian Genocide cause a storm of emotions. First, the Azerbaijani media started suspecting Amal in having Armenian roots. The Azerbaijani explanation of their recent argument by the fact that Amal Clooney is a Lebanese added fuel to the fire only, since there are many Armenians in Lebanon. "For Baku it all comes together," writes Lomsadze. In her interview speaking about the visit of Alyev to Washington, Clooney said that the amnesty granted by Aliyev to the prisoners is linked to the diplomatic pressure. After that interview the News.az immediately wrote that the Armenians paid Clooney to set the White House and the Capitol against Baku, the author notes. The author also recalls that the adviser to the president Ali Hasanov called on the BBC and CNN journalists, as well as the Azerbaijani media to adhere to the "unified principle" -- namely, "Azerbaijan supports the spread of the idea of humanism, of pluralistic media."
Freedom House: Aliyev enriched himself and his family NEWS.am -- Azerbaijan is named a country with consolidated authoritarian regime in “Nations in Transit 2016” report published by Freedom House. With a score of 6.86 Azerbaijan is at the very bottom of the Nations in Transit scale. Freedom House indicates 15 countries of the former Soviet Union, among them Azerbaijan, that are now consolidated authoritarian regimes at the very bottom of the Nations in Transit scale, with Democracy Scores approaching the worst-possible 7.00. Over 224 million people live in these countries, accounting for 77% of the population of the former Soviet Union and 55% of the total population of the Nations in Transit coverage area. The rulers of the seven countries (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) have enriched themselves and their families and in some cases may be laying the groundwork for hereditary rule. The report says Azerbaijan continued a crackdown that began in the summer of 2014, marked in 2015 by the sentencing of the country’s most prominent investigative journalist, Khadija Ismayilova, to seven and a half years in prison. Freedom House experts present the facts about Aliyev’s family that “controls assets worth more than $3 billion in at least eight major Azerbaijani banks, in addition to stakes in the telecommunications, construction, transportation, mining, gas, and oil sectors.” It is mentioned that Aliyev’s children own real estate in Dubai worth about $75 million. “Heydar alone bought nine waterfront mansions in Dubai totaling $44 million in 2010, when he was just 11 years old,” the report says. Meanwhile, Leyla and Arzu Aliyeva own or are closely connected to at least six fivestar hotels in Baku, as well as two mountain resorts. 57
Turkish parliament wants to make discrimination in the country legal ARMEDIA -- The video of fierce fistfight among the MPs dressed in suits and ties in the Turkish parliament has become one of the most discussed topics in the international media. The fight broke out over a controversial legislation proposed by the ruling AKP party, which aims at depriving some MPs from their immunity from being prosecuted. The proposed legislation and the resulting fistfight is not only a demonstration of the existing deep-rooted problems in the Turkish political system (such as continuous pressure exerted by the ruling party against the opposition) but also is a vivid example of discrimination committed on the highest level, in the country’s parliament against the MPs representing minorities in Turkey. In this sense it is not a secret that the proposed legislation is directed not only against the opposition in general but particularly to the MPs of the Peoples' Democratic Party, pro-Kurdish and pro-minority political party in Turkey. In this context it is not by chance either, that one of the main targets of the attacks by the ruling party became also Garo Palyan, an Armenian MP representing the same party. On the occasion he already expressed his protest in his Facebook page writing the following post: "Together with physical violence, deputies of Justice and Development Party (AKP) said offensive words regarding my Armenian identity. Let’s not forget that fascists are cowards; they can attack only one person by a group," Paylan wrote. It should be reminded that sill at the beginning of April the ruling AKP party has started the legal process of depriving some parliamentarians of the immunity. The initiative by the ruling party was labeled "combating terrorism." Before submitting on to the Turkish Parliamentary Constitutional Committee April 12, 2016, 316 lawmakers from the governing AKP party signed the draft proposal. It aims at amending Article 83 of the Turkish constitution, which states, "A deputy who is alleged to have committed an offense before or after election shall not be detained, interrogated, arrested or tried unless the General Assembly decides otherwise." The committee should discuss the draft proposal in 45 days after submission and made a decision by majority voting. On May 4 the committee approved the bill and now it is a turn for parliament's general assembly to debate and vote on the bill. Taking into consideration the fact that the half of the seats in the Parliament belongs to Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (316 seats), it will be easy for the ruling party to adopt a bill for which 276 votes in the parliament will be quite enough. All those developments in Turkey happen parallel to the ongoing EU-Turkey negotiations, and the EU seems to be willing for another time to close eyes on the actions of the Turkish government.
Garo Paylan: I was assaulted for being Armenian MassisPost -- After the fight that broke out between the members of Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) another brawl occurred again on Monday May 2 in the Parliamentary Constitution Conciliation Committee. HDP Istanbul MP, ethnic Armenian Garo Paylan was at the centre of events. Speaking to Bianet, Paylan said he was attacked for being Armenian. “I was assaulted and received blows with more than 100 feet and fists within 20-30 seconds. They were uttering words of hatred and racism. What they can’t digest is this: A person of Armenian identity reveals their lies and stands upright. They want to see Armenians obeying them. I have been targeted as an Armenia putting up a fight for rights,” the Turkish-Armenian MP said, adding that the attackers showed one another where he was. “The Minister of Justice said ‘In the previous commission meeting, HDP MPs and advisors inflicted violence’. Then I said ‘No they didn’t’. That was the only sentence that came out of my mouth. Then the attack began,” Paylan said. 58
“I shared it on social media as well. Those interested can watch it and judge for themselves. They blame me for provocation but I have not done that.” “It is crystal clear that they are targeting me. Lots of MPs attacked me in a planned way. I was directly targeted and got kicked and punched around 100 times in 20-30 seconds. Afterwards, they spoke racist words and hate speech against me,” the MP said. “I will not report the incident. What can happen if I take this to their jurisdiction? I am leaving the evaluation to the conscience of the public.”
Lawsuit filed against nationalization of Armenian church in Turkey’s Diyarbakır NEWS.am -- The foundation of St. Giragos (Surp Giragos) Armenian Church, which is located in Sur district of Turkey’s primarily Kurdish-populated Diyarbakır city, has filed a petition with the court that the decision to expropriate the church be declared null and void. Ali Elbeyoğlu, an attorney of the foundation, noted that the respective lawsuit is filed against the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning of Turkey, according to Agos Armenian bilingual weekly of Istanbul. The attorney stressed that the nationalization of this church runs contrary to the Turkish law on conservation of cultural heritage as well as to international agreements, including the Treaty of Lausanne. According to the Turkish Council of Ministers’ decision, all structures in Sur district, including St. Giragos Church, were expropriated for “protection.” St. Giragos, which is one of the largest churches in the Middle East, reopened as a functioning church in October 2011. It was renovated with co-funding by Diyarbakır Armenians throughout the world, and Diyarbakır City Hall.
Erdogan again threatens to expell Armenian nationals from Turkey MassisPost -- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has spoken harshly against the remarks of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan who has criticized Turkey’s role in Karbakh conflict and declared that Armenia is ready for a war with Azerbaijan. “Armenia is playing with fire. More than 100,000 Armenians are living in Turkey, some of whom do not have residence permits. The situation has been tolerated by Turkey. These actions show how friendly Turkey has been acting. However, Armenia cannot see this,” Erdogan stated during the flight from Baku to Croatia, Turkish Yenisafak periodical reports. “But the current situation is very obvious. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his country have been gaining power during the ongoing clashes. Even Russia cannot support Armenia openly. Despite Armenians’ statements that the losses are not important, in fact the Armenian side is possessed by fear,” Erdogan said. “In terms of its population, number of the troops and other opportunities, Azerbaijan has much more power than Armenia. Azerbaijan is unique, different from Georgia or Ukraine. Russia could not get the result it was expecting in Ukraine, but it only got results in Crimea due to the small number of Tatars there,” he added. On April 2 Erdogan expressed his support and solidarity with Azerbaijan. Erdogan said the Turkish people had always stood by the people of Azerbaijan, and extended condolences over the killing of Azerbaijani servicemen. “We pray our Azerbaijani brothers will prevail in these clashes with the least casualties,” Erdogan was quoted on April 3 telling an Azerbaijani reporter while on a visit to the United States. In April of last year Erdogan threatened to deport citizens of the Republic of Armenia who live and work in Turkey, as a response to the European Parliament’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide. 59
Demirtas: Armenians and Kurds lived in Anatolia even before Turks' arrival NEWS.am -- The Armenians and Kurds lived in Anatolia even before Turks' arrival, HDP leader Selahattin Demirtas said. Demirtas voices criticism against anti-Kurdish statements of Turkish President. According to the Turkish website T24.com, Demirtas said that he wants to remind Erdogan: even before arrival of Turks in Anatolia, the Armenians and Kurds lived there. The HDP leader also mentioned that when Alparslan invaded Anatolia, the Armenians had already lived there.
Turkey rejects Argentine ambassador for writing about Armenian Genocide NEWS.am -- Clarin newspaper revealed that the Turkish government rejected the Argentine diplomat Estanislao Angel Zawels as Ambassador to their country for his views on the Armenian Genocide, Prensa Armenia reported. This information was also confirmed by Prensa Armenia. “Clarin found out that Zawels was suggested by a group of former diplomats who took into account the fact that his father was a diplomat in Turkey for years. However, neither he warned nor the current authorities repaired that Zawels son is the author of several diplomats articles one of them called 'Notes on Genocides' that he wrote in 2012 for the magazine Temas, Foreign Policy and International Trade, and it said: ‘The last stage of genocide is the denial of existence. It is well known the case of Turkey with the genocide in Armenia, until recently it was a state policy to deny it’,” said the Clarin article signed by journalist Natasha Niebieskikwiat. “That phrase was enough to completely irritate the Turks, and to alter the climate of the Foreign Ministry.”
Armenian Surp Giragos Church receives Europa Nostra award Agos -- Diyarbakir Surp Giragos Church was granted with 2015 Europa Nostra, which is one of the most prestigious awards in the field of cultural heritage. The award ceremony, which had been planned to be held in Surp Giragos, was held in Vortvots Vorodman Church in Istanbul because of the ongoing curfew in Diyarbakir. Speaking at the ceremony, Diyarbakir Surp Giragos Armenian Church Foundation Chair Ergun Ayik said, “We wish we held this ceremony in our church. We miss the good old days.” Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Firat Anli, writer Migirdiç Margosyan, Bakirköy Municipal Council member Margirit Dikme, former mayor of Prince Islands Municipality Mustafa Farsakoglu, former mayor of Sur Municipality Baskani Abdullah Demirbas, HAYCAR administrators, architect Korhan Gümüs, Agos Editorin-Chief Yetvart Danzikyan and representatives of some foundations attended the award ceremony. Though it was announced that Archbishop Aram Atesyan will attend the ceremony, he didn’t. At the ceremony, Europe Nostra Turkey Representative Prof. Dr. Nuran Gülersoy gave an outline of the organizational structure and activities of Europa Nostra. EU Delegation Deputy Head Andrea Schmidt pointed out the importance of restoring a church that is left without a congregation by the help of local support. Schmidt also said: “I feel sorry that we couldn’t be in Surp Giragos today. We feel sorry about the people who died there, as well as the danger that the cultural heritage is faced with.” Schmidt stated that they also worry about the expropriation in Sur province. Left to its own fate for years, Surp Giragos Church was finally restored by the great efforts of Armenian community and opened to worship in 2011. The restoration is granted with 2015 Europa Nostra, which is the most prestigious restoration award in Europe. There were 263 applicants and 28 projects won the prize in different categories. From Turkey, Surp Giragos Armenian Church in Diyarbakir was granted with the award. 60
Nazi hunters: Turkey will not recognize Armenian Genocide unless Israel does NEWS.am -- Had the Armenian Genocide been recognized, perhaps the Jewish Holocaust would not have happened. The aforesaid is noted in the recollections of well-known French Jewish husband and wife—and Nazi hunters—Serge and Beate Klarsfeld, according to Tribune Juive (Jewish Tribune) monthly newspaper of France. “I have always been in favour of Armenians and the law, and punishment is set for whose [i.e. the genocide’s] denial. The French Parliament voted in favour of this law, but then the bill was sent to the Constitutional Council. The President of the republic has promised to submit it again. “Israel also promised to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Until it recognizes, Turkey also will not do that. “Numerous testimonies, documents and studies are kept [with respect to the Armenian Genocide]. If it were condemned in 1919 in Versailles, as proposed by the mediators, perhaps the Jewish Holocaust would not have occurred. Hence, there are all grounds to recognize the Armenian Genocide, which was planned,” the Klarsfelds have written, in particular.
Date set for vote on Armenian Genocide bill in German Bundestag Armradio -- The German Bundestag is set to vote on a motion for recognition of the Armenian Genocide on June 2, Deutsche Welle’s Turkish Service quoted Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) First Secretary Michael Grosse-Brömer as saying, Agos reports. Speaking to AFP, Green Party Co-Chair Cem Özdemir said: “We would like this motion to be brought to Bundestag sooner. However, there is something more important than the date, which is the fact that all political parties will speak the same.” Özdemir also said, “Finally, there will be a clear and explicit statement in Bundestag. Yes, the name of the crime committed against Armenians in Ottoman era is genocide. Moreover, Germany is also responsible for it.” “Christian Democratic Union keeps its promise. There is no turning back now,” Özdemir said. Green Party brought the motion to the parliament in February, but the voting was postponed, since coalition parties Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) demanded a common motion. Bundestag discussed a motion on April 24, 2015 for the first time, but there was no voting. While the government avoided using the term “genocide”, President Joachim Gauck and President of Bundestag Norbert Lammert openly used the word “genocide” to describe the events of 1915. At a recent meeting with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan Chancellor Angela Merkel assured the bill would be brought to Parliament.
Turkey has warned Germany not to adopt any resolution on Armenian Genocide ARMEDIA -- "The Bundestag will adopt a resolution on June 2, concerning characterization of the mass murder and expulsion of Armenians during World War I as genocide," Social Democratic Party member, Thomas Oppermann told the Tagesspiegel. German "Greens" and Left-wing parties also called the 1915 events as genocide, Deutsche Welle reports. The resolution of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide was brought to Bundestag agenda last year, the adoption of which was hindered by Turkey with its continuous blackmailing to the German Government. Interestingly enough, Ankara even opposed the recent concert in Germany dedicated to the Armenian Genocide, as a result of which Dresden Symphony Orchestra got a number of problems. 61
The project ''Aget'' or a ''disaster'' in English, brought together musicians of the Dresden Symphony Orchestra, their colleagues from Armenia, Turkey and the former Yugoslavia. The European Commission acted as a sponsor but soon was forced to make some concessions to the Turkish side. The matter is that Ankara demanded an ultimatum to remove the information about the project ''Aget'' containing the word ''genocide'' from the official website of the European Commission, and for some reason, the European bureaucrats immediately obeyed. ''The fact that the information about the project was removed from the site is a humiliating act of submission,'' the member of the Bundestag Erika Steinbach said. The boundaries of the permissible, as many Germans think, were violated when Chancellor Angela Merkel went under pressure from Ankara and agreed to prosecute satirist Ian Bemermana, who offended the Turkish President Erdogan. ''The federal government makes itself an accomplice with Erdogan crimes and encourages him,'' the deputy of the Bundestag Sevim Dağdelen said. In short, the prosecution of foreign journalists and now German satirist by Turkish authorities, together with a new case of the musical project ''Aget'' are pure manifestations of the ''rape of democracy'' in Germany and the EU in general, concerning which hot discussions and debates are going on recently in Bundestag.
German intellectuals urge Merkel to recognize Armenian Genocide ARMEDIA -- German intellectuals, including also director of Turkish origin Fatih Akin, published an open letter directed to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Bundestag where they urge Merkel to recognize the Armenian Genocide with the June 2 resolution, German Die Zeit periodical informs. The letter particularly reads: “We urge you to stand for the fundamental European values and put clarity in your words. The denial of the Armenian Genocide currently serves the basis for new violence. Armenians were called terrorists in 1915, their property was taken away, and now more than 5.000 Kurdish people were killed in Turkey in 2015 who were blamed to be terrorists. All this happened since Turkey regularly refuses to face its history, and its past, as well as today’s actions do not receive any response from the international community.”
Anti-Armenian minister forced to quit Sweden’s government MassisPost -- Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced the resignation of Mehmet Kaplan, an ethnic Turkish minister known for his anti-Armenian views. Kaplan has sparked controversy after a photograph of him emerged having dinner with members of the far-right Turkish organization, Grey Wolves, according to Swedish daily newspaper, Aftonbladet. In the photographs leaked to the Swedish media, Kaplan, a member of the Green Party which forms part of the coalition administration with the Social Democrats, can be seen sitting at the same table as notorious extremist Barbaros Leylani and Ilhan Senturk, the president of the Swedish branch of the Grey Wolves. According to Aftonbladet, the pictures were taken at a dinner last year. Leylani caused controversy by making inflammatory remarks when speaking to a small crowd of Turks in Stockholm’s central square urgung Turks to “awaken”, and to kill what he branded “the Armenian dogs.” Leylani was in turn forced to step down as deputy chairman of a Swedish-Turkish association for his remarks. Leylani also said, “Let us show Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe what Turkey stands for. We do not like blood, but we can let the blood flow when it is needed,” the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported. Stefan Löfven told a press conference in Stockholm that his government has lost confidence in the minister, citing it as a serious justification behind the decision to dismiss him. He said that a minister, who is responsible for heading a government institution in Sweden, must be able to represent the country without giving way to any suspicion about his/her conduct. 62
Parliament of Sicily has recognized the Armenian Genocide ARMEDIA -- The regional parliament of Sicily has unanimously recognized the Armenian Genocide, thus becoming the 105th regional structure in Italy, which recognized the Armenian Genocide at the level of local authorities, the press service of the Armenian Foreign Ministry reports. The resolution adopted by Sicily Parliament expresses its support and solidarity to the struggle of the Armenian people for the recognition of the historical reality and an integral protection of rights. The document calls on the government of Sicily and the national government of Italy to provide joint assistance to the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and dissemination of historical facts for the sake of peace, democracy and protection of the right of nations to self-determination. The draft resolution was presented by MPs Cordaro Salvatore, D'Asero Antonino, Papale Alfio and Grasso Bernadette Felice.
Three Spanish cities recognize Armenian Genocide Panorama.am -- The Spanish cities of Carcaixent, Alaquas and Elda officially recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide on April 27-28. All five political forces represented in Carcaixent city council voted for the adoption of the corresponding institutional statement. During the voting at Alaquas city council only deputies of PP and Ciudadanos parties abstained, while in Elda only one representative from Ciudadanos voted against. The city council sessions were attended by representatives of the Armenian community both from those towns as well as all over Spain, who expressed their gratitude to the city councils.
ECHR ex-President completes work on bill criminalizing Armenian Genocide denial in France NEWS.am -- Former President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Jean-Paul Costa has completed the work on drawing out the bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial in France, co-chairman of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France (CCAF), Murad Papazian, told Armenian News – NEWS.am. “Now we are already holding working consultations. By the end of the expert work, it will become clear whether we will be able to introduce this bill in the parliament or not. We must be sure that this bill will have a constitutional power,” Papazian noted, stressing that they will complete this stage by the end of May. French President François Hollande earlier raised the issue on adopting a law criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial.
Is Russia really Armenia’s ally? By David Boyajian April 14, 2016
Azerbaijan’s recent military attacks on Artsakh/Karabagh and Armenia call into serious question the Armenian-Russian defence pact and relationship. Russia has been selling Azerbaijan billions in advanced weapons that Azerbaijan is using against Armenians. Russia has repeatedly failed to rebuke Azerbaijan for breaking the ceasefire that it agreed to two decades ago. Russia has done nothing substantive to stop Azerbaijan’s frequent shelling of towns within Armenia itself. In 2013, Col. Andrey Ruzinsky, commander of Russia′s 102nd military base in Armenia, said that Russia 63
“may” not permit Azerbaijan “to restore jurisdiction over Nagorno-Karabakh by force.” Russia has yet to take any such actions. Indeed, Russia may not care whether Azerbaijan overruns Artsakh as that, by itself, would not create a Turkish-Azeri corridor across Armenia that would threaten Russia’s position in the Caucasus. What would Russia do if Azeri soldiers advanced into Armenia and swam in Lake Sevan? We don’t know. More Armenian reaction needed To their credit, Armenia’s top leaders and some MPs have expressed dismay to Russia. As of this writing, however, Armenian citizens and Diasporan organizations have been virtually silent about Russian duplicity. Twelve days after the initial Azeri assaults, there has been but one demonstration at the Russian Embassy in Yerevan. This is incomprehensible. Though Armenians do care deeply, the Kremlin may be concluding the exact opposite. Armenians often express appreciation for and solidarity with Russia. Similar sentiments, however, are seldom returned by Russians. The popular, flashy Russian TV network, RT.com, staffed by Western and Russian journalists, rarely reports anything—especially anything positive—about Armenians. These should be warning signs to Armenians. Some Russians and Armenians argue that their defence treaty is only with Armenia, not Artsakh. Yet Russia has not countered Azeri attacks even on Armenia itself. Does the defence pact exempt Russia from acting against Azeri attacks? We don’t know. And the belief is widespread that Russia is secretly making deals with Azerbaijan at Armenians’ expense. True, Armenia must be extremely careful because it is highly dependent upon Russian natural gas, the Russian-controlled Metsamor nuclear power plant, advanced weapons, Russian-manned bases near the ArmenianTurkish border, and more. Yet without Armenia, Russia would ultimately be surrounded, and perhaps even destroyed, by NATO. Armenia goes NATO, Russia goes under Georgia and Azerbaijan are hostile to Russia, have close relations with the US and Europe, and wish to join NATO. Azerbaijan and NATO member Turkey already call themselves “one nation, two states.” Suppose Armenia, voluntarily or otherwise, left the Russian orbit. Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia would soon be sucked into the NATO alliance. Separating the Muslim north Caucasus from the Russian Federation would become a top NATO priority. NATO would create a Baku-based navy in the gas and oil-rich Caspian Sea. Reaching across the Caspian, NATO would link up with Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. This is pan-Turkism under a NATO fig-leaf. Virtually surrounded by NATO and China, Russia would be ripe for destruction. The Kremlin may not totally understand this. Armenians know that Soviet Russia gifted Armenian territories to Turkey and Azerbaijan in the 1920s. As Armenia once again perceives Russia as unreliable, it will naturally look elsewhere. The West has, however, historically always broken its promises to Armenians and ultimately favoured Turkey. So while Armenia’s someday joining NATO might be dangerous and improbable, it’s not impossible. Russia can twist Armenia’s arm and support its adversaries only up to a point. Russian naïveté Russian strategy is to ingratiate itself with Azerbaijan and pull it back into the Russian orbit. Throughout the past decade, Russia has tried the same misguided strategy with Turkey. Predictably, the Russian–Turkish love affair crashed and burned last year when Turkey shot down a Russian jet over Syria. This, declared President Putin, was the “betrayal of a friend.” Putin’s belief that President Erdogan and Turkey were truly his “friends” is breathtakingly naïve. It tells us that the Kremlin is delusional about Turkey and, by extension, its Azeri kin. The Putin-Lavrov-Aliyev ménage à trois will culminate in a similar disaster for Russia, but not before Armenia is damaged, perhaps fatally. Some Kremlin circles have been influenced by Aleksandr Dugin’s Eurasia Movement which espouses a grand union of Slavs/Russians and Turks. No one, including me, is suggesting that Armenia separate itself from Russia at this time. It is impractical and unwise. But the current relationship lacks symmetry. The people of Armenia, Artsakh, and the Diaspora must not remain silent while Russia implicitly supports Azeri aggression. 64
Rebalancing Armenia-Russian relations Rebalancing Armenian-Russian relations must begin with large and continuing protests against Russian betrayals, similar to the pro-Artsakh demonstrations of the late 1980s. Moscow will respect this. Moscow does not respect people who, while being kicked in the teeth by a “friend,” pretend that they’re being kissed on the lips. Yerevan must take bigger steps towards economic and political independence from Moscow and a more evolved relationship with the West. The Armenian Diaspora could help Armenia and Artsakh immensely more if only Armenia’s leaders, including its lethargic “ambassadors,” saw Diasporans as kindred spirits rather than as interlopers. The West, too, must confess its own horrendous transgressions against Armenians. The leaders and citizens of Armenia and Artsakh must be blunt about the West’s past and present betrayals and sickening Turkophilism. Why no Armenian protests in front of Western embassies? Why the hesitation to speak the plain truth? Yet what is the West offering Armenia? Very little. A more balanced path involves risks for Yerevan, but so does subservience to Moscow as recent events have shown. The author is an Armenian American freelance journalist. Many of his articles are archived at www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/David_B._Boyajian.
It is hard to be an Armenian in Turkey By Elif Shafak -- The Guardian Amid the political turmoil in Turkey this week, culminating in the prime minister’s announcement that he’ll stand down within days, it was Oscar Wilde who became the subject of a heated debate in the Turkish parliament. A member of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) said he wanted to quote a line from Wilde. A deputy from the ruling AKP party objected to the idea of citing someone who was neither Muslim nor Turkish. “Do you not have any examples from this culture, this civilization?” Yet another AKP member confused the Irish author with the Oscars, to which a female HDP deputy, Burcu Özkan protested: “It’s Oscar Wilde. He is not an award, he is a man!” When they are not debating Wilde, MPs are busy exchanging blows. During a discussion to strip them of their immunity – a deliberate amendment that might lead to the trial and incarceration of Kurdish MPs – Garo Paylan, an Armenian deputy, was kicked, punched and subjected to hate speech by several AKP members. Paylan said: “What they can’t digest is this: a person of Armenian identity reveals their lies and stands upright.” It is hard to be an Armenian in Turkey. Or a Kurd, or an Alevi, or gay, or a conscientious objector, or a Jew, or a woman, or someone who just doesn’t agree with what is happening in the country. If you happen to tick more than one box, life is even harder. The list goes on and on. Diversity has been stifled. Freedom of speech has been abandoned. An “ideology of sameness” dominates the land. That ideology is shaped by Turkish nationalism, Islamism and authoritarianism blended with machismo and patriarchy. The tension in politics penetrates all aspects of daily life. Turkey is no longer simply politically polarized. It is now bitterly divided into two planets: those who support and will continue to support the president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, no matter what; and those who are, for a variety of reasons, against him. The president, who is theoretically above political parties and strictly neutral, is in truth, anything but. Erdoğan is the most divisive politician in Turkey’s modern political history. A full, unconditional obedience to the leader is expected from AKP members. There isn’t even the slightest trace of inner-party democracy. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s announcement surprised everyone. He said his resignation was not a choice, but rather “a necessity”. It is no secret that his successor will be someone fully approved and controlled by Erdoğan, who will even further consolidate his power. Eventually, Erdoğan wants to change Turkey into a presidential regime with a monopoly of power. What little opposition exists is fragmented, scattered, and demoralised. Since the Gezi Park riots three years ago, people have been increasingly and systematically intimidated. On average, every four days someone is being sued in Turkey for insulting Erdoğan – almost 2,000 people since he became president. Among them are artists, journalists, cartoonists, academics, even students for Facebook comments. Over the years, as Turkey’s media has been curbed, social media has become more politicized. Now that too is heavily monitored. Turkey tops the countries demanding content removal from Twitter. 65
Everything is shifting in Turkey – and very fast. We Turks live with a feeling of “what now?”, knowing that every day something new happens. As the country slides backwards, what we have in our hands is not a democracy but a crude form of majoritarianism. The central components of democracy – such as separation of powers, rule of law, freedom of speech – are all but broken. Murat Belge, a well-known academic and columnist, was put on trial for insulting the president. Academics who signed a peace petition criticizing the government’s actions in southeast Anatolia have been slated in progovernment media. Some have lost their jobs. Four were imprisoned. The infamous article 301, which claims to protect “Turkishness”, even though nobody knows what exactly that means, has re-emerged. There are three major dangers: an absolutist monopoly of power; the total collapse of the Turkish-Kurdish peace process; and the loss of secularism. Recently the parliamentary speaker, İsmail Kahraman, came up with a horrifying proposition: “Secularism shouldn’t take place in the new constitution.” Secularism was the one principle that separated Turkey from other parts of the Middle East. It made the country relatively more liberal, more open, more diverse. And the recent talk by some AKP members about developing a religious constitution is alarming – particularly for women, who need to uphold secularism more loudly and wholeheartedly than men because they have more to lose in an Islamic fundamentalist regime. Befittingly, Bayan Yani, a humour magazine produced by an all-female staff, and whose title means “the seat next to a woman on public transportation”, drew a cartoon of a Turkish Marianne leading the people with the caption: “Long live secularism!” Hikmet Çetinkaya and Ceyda Karan, two veteran journalists from the daily Cumhuriyet – one of the last remaining alternative voices in the media – have been sentenced to two years in prison for reprinting Charlie Hebdo cartoons. During their trial Islamist slogans were chanted in the courtroom. The sentence profoundly shocked Turkey’s democrats. Today, in Reporters Without Borders’ world press freedom index, Turkey ranks 151st of 180 countries. In the past we had a solid tradition of black humour. Politics was always rough, but it was OK for the people to laugh at politicians. Not any more. Recent research shows that only half of Turkey’s people think it OK to criticize the government publicly. When Angela Merkel allows German comedians to be sued by Erdoğan, it is a clear message to Turkey’s democrats: “You are all alone.” So what happened to the Turkish model we used to be so hopeful about? That unique blend of western democracy, secularism and majority-Muslim culture and pluralistic society is today empty rhetoric. Even the EU, to which we Turks once so aspired, has turned into a political game. However, Turkey has millions of beautiful people who – though deeply depressed, demoralized and lonely – are globally connected and ahead of their government. And that quote in parliament which fell on deaf ears? It was about the vulgarity of power.
Erdogan’s thugs in parliament beat up Armenian & Kurdish MPs By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier Kicking and punching are becoming a daily routine in the Turkish Parliament. Whenever Armenian or Kurdish Members of the Parliament criticize the government, they are viciously attacked by a gang MPs from Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). In recent days, AKP Parliamentarians have hurled insults and physically assaulted Garo Paylan (an Armenian) and Ferhat Encu (a Kurd) who represent the opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Parliament. Paylan delivered an unprecedented speech in the Turkish Parliament on April 21, 2016. After greeting the deputies in Armenian, by saying “Parev tsez,” he boldly continued: “Once World War One began on April 24, 1915, Armenian intellectuals, opinion leaders and parliamentarians were, unfortunately, the first to be arrested…. Although they had immunity, they were arrested and taken to Ankara, Ayash, Urfa and Diyarbekir, and on the way, the deputies were murdered by bandits. Of course, after the community’s opinion leaders and MPs were made powerless, and their claims to solve issues through democratic processes became redundant, the Armenian and Assyrian peoples suffered great massacres by decree and were evicted from the ancient lands where they had lived for thousands of years.” Paylan dared to raise the shameful legacy of the Armenian Genocide which persists to this day in Turkey: “Look at the names of Talat Pasha, Jemal Pasha, and Enver Pasha. In 2,500 places in the country, streets were named after them. Today, unfortunately, we walk in streets named Talat Pasha. Can you imagine going to Germany 66
and Berlin today and walking in streets named after Hitler and Goebbels? Would such a thing be acceptable? Well, in 2,500 places in our country, we walk in streets and avenues named Talat Pasha.” During his remarks, Paylan recited the names and displayed enlarged photographs of several Armenian members of the Turkish Parliament, including Krikor Zohrab, who were arrested on April 24, 1915, and brutally murdered. The Armenian MP fearlessly proposed that a parliamentary committee be formed to investigate the circumstances of their deaths, identify those responsible for their murders -- those who ordered their killings and actually carried them out -- locate where their bodies were buried, rebury them with appropriate funeral services, and restore their dignity. Not surprisingly, Paylan’s proposal was rejected by the majority of Parliament. After expressing his respect for the memory of the perished Armenian members of the Turkish Parliament in 1915, Paylan concluded his speech with traditional Armenian words of condolences for the departed: “Asdvads irents hokin lousavore” (May God enlighten their souls). Throughout his lengthy and courageous remarks, Paylan was repeatedly interrupted by taunts and threats from AKP MPs. On May 2nd, as a parliamentary committee met to strip opposition members of their immunity from prosecution, Paylan was kicked and punched over 100 times by Erdogan’s AKP members during a 10-minute all-out brawl. Paylan described the assault as “a premeditated lynching because of his Armenian heritage.” After the attack, when HDP members walked out of the hearing, the committee voted to approve the AKP proposal to lift the immunity of pro-Kurdish HDP MPs. This inflammatory measure is expected to be approved by Parliament shortly! Most Kurdish members along with Paylan will then be arrested on trumped-up charges. Most probably Erdogan plans to announce new parliamentary elections, hoping the AKP will win additional seats vacated by the HDP, giving him enough votes in Parliament to amend the Constitution and establish a powerful autocratic presidential regime. Meanwhile, Paylan’s fate seems to be sealed! He will either serve a long jail term or suffer the same tragic fate as Armenian journalist Hrant Dink who was assassinated in cold blood by Turkish extremists in Istanbul on January 19, 2007! All people of goodwill around the world must raise their voices in condemnation of Erdogan’s increasingly despotic rule. It is ironic that Paylan, who was lamenting the killing of Parliamentarian Krikor Zohrab a century ago, may end up dead himself, unless the international community issues a serious warning to the Turkish government to take the strictest measures to ensure the safety of the Armenian MP. Regrettably, nothing seems to have changed in Turkey in the last 100 years!
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