Look cook book

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Italians do consider the eating process a real pleasure, and that is why they take their time to consume their everyday meals much more than other cultures. Better not to put pressure on an Italian sitting at table while finishing a meal – it could be very dangerous! Italians eat together, sitting around the kitchen table, every day, no matter what. And then, on Sunday, grandpa and grandma, daughters and sons, father and mother: the big family, all together. Curiosity: Italians are not heavy breakfast eaters. Eggs, sausage and toast for breakfast utterly perplexes Italians. Sure, they eat scrambled eggs, but they come in the form of a frittata, served at lunch or dinner. The idea of eggs at breakfast baffles them. In Naples, for breakfast, it is usually chatting and slowly drinking cappuccini or just a caffè with biscuits or having in our hand a Cornetto.

Our school is in Portici is a municipality in the province of NAPLES, Campania, ITALY.

Portici lies at the foot of Mount Vesuvius on the Bay of Naples, about 8 km (5.0 mi). There is a small port. Our kitchen is absolutely Neapolitan. Great pizzas, as well as many other dishes of Neapolitan cuisine, such as Gnocchi. So, we start with “Gnocchi alla Sorrentina“, but here you can also read other traditional recipes. Buon appetito!

GNOCCHI ALLA SORRENTINA This recipe comes from Arianna’s grandmother, nonna Maria The sauce recipe comes from Francesca’s mother, mamma Pina.

Gnocchi alla sorrentina (with tomato and mozzarella)

Ingredients 1kg flour 1l water (approximately) A generous pinch of salt Gnocchi by combining the flour, and salt and gradually add the water to this mixture,

until you have a rough, dryish dough.Tip the hot dough onto a floured surface and work into a smooth dough with your hands.

Work the dough for 5 minutes until smooth. Cover and leave to rest for 10 minutes.

1 - Flour your hands and the work-surface, cut off a piece of dough and roll it into a log about 1cm in diameter.

2 - Slice the log into pieces approximately 1.5 cm long and dust them with flour to stop them sticking together. 3 - To form the gnocchi, press one finger into a piece of dough and drag it towards you.

4 - Place on a floured surface and sprinkle with more flour.

5 - Cook the gnocchi in salted boiling water until they rise to the surface 6- Drain the gnocchi

7 - Add to the tomato... sauce

‌and mozzarella.

8 - then pour the gnocchi into a baking dish and sprinkle the top of the gnocchi with the parmesan and dot the top with the mozzarella and the rest of the basil.

9 - Place in oven at 180C for 1520 minutes or until the top is golden brown and bubbling and...

‌ serve immediately.

Art of Neapolitan ‘Pizzaiuolo’ Italy Inscribed on 7 Dec 2017 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The art of the Neapolitan ‘Pizzaiuolo’ is a culinary practice comprising four different phases relating to the preparation of the dough and its baking in a wood-fired oven, involving a rotatory movement by the baker. The element originates in Naples, the capital of the Campania Region, where about 3,000 Pizzaiuoli now live and perform.

Real Neapolitan pizza is limited to two types: marinara (tomato, oil, oregano and garlic) and margherita (tomato, oil, mozzarella or fior di latte, grated cheese and basil). It took Queen Margherita's love of the classic tomato, mozzarella and basil version to fire up the imagination and taste buds of diners far and wide -- at least that is how the story goes. Hoping to win the hearts of the commoners, the Italian queen asked in 1889 to try their favourite dish. And while she was unconvinced by anchovy and Parmesan topped versions, the basil delight won her over.

This Cookbook’s been made by pupils in the 5th grade sez. A Teachers: Anna Maria Di Girolamo and Tiziana Riccio Istituto Comprensivo 3 “Don Peppe Diana” Portici – NAPLES - ITALY

A lot of thanks go to all the parents who helped and supported us in the activities



Stir with your hands to mix the ingredients and form the pellets, or small balls that should not be bigger than 1 cm (3).

Now take care of the meat sauce: chop celery, carrot and onion (5) finely and fry slowly with a little oil (6). Add the meat (7) and let it brown well, then blend with white wine (8) , let evaporate for a moment and then add the peeled tomatoes. Stir in order to flavor the meat (10), salt and pepper, cover with a lid and cook for about 3 hours

Remove the pieces of meat cooked in the sauce and keep aside (19), place the pellets in a pan and blast a few minutes with a little oil (20), then pour the sauce of the pieces of meat (21).

How to make spaghetti step by step



Put a pot of salted water on the stove and bring it to the boil, pour the spaghetti (22) and cook for about 5 minutes. Drain the pasta (23) and season with the sauce (24) and meat small balls.

Spaghetti are ready ... Enjoy your meal!!!

INGREDIENTS 600 gr of flour a glass of olive oil 300 gr .of almonds 300 g walnuts / hazelnuts grated dark chocolate 150 gr of brown sugar 1 sachet of cream of tartar 1tablespoon of bicarbonate grated lemon peel some rhum water INSTRUCTIONS Put all the ingredients in a bowl, add water to create a very soft dough, wet your hands, create the strands and bake at 180 degrees for about 25/30 minutes. Allow to cool, cut a little 'diagonally put back in pan and bake again for toasting


















LOOK-COOK-BOOK Traditional Hungarian Dishes II.Rákóczi Ferenc Primary School, Berettyóújfalu Hungary 16 December 2017.

Fish soup recipe Ingredients: About 3 1/2 lbs/1.5 kg fish (e.g. carp, catfish, and perch) Salt 1 bell pepper (capsicum) 1 tomato 2 medium onions 1 tbsp. rose paprika 1-2 hot peppers (optional) Start this fish soup recipe with scale and gut the fish, retaining the milt and roe. Remove the bones, and wash. Cut into bite- size pieces, and season with salt. Chop the bell pepper and tomato into small pieces, and slice the onion. Place the fish heads, large bones, and the fins in a pot with the onions, and add enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, add the rose paprika, and simmer gently for 1 hour. Strain the broth, and place in a pot together with the pieces of fish. Add the roe, milt, and the chopped tomato and bell pepper, and cook over a fairly high heat for about 20 minutes. Do not stir the soup; simply tilt it gently from side to side. The cooked soup is often garnished with sliced green bell pepper before serving. Fresh or dried hot peppers are always served separately to let the diners season their soup according to their own taste. This soup is always served with freshly baked white bread. The soup is just as tasty if the broth is made with smaller, less grand fish. It can also be made from just a single variety, but the use of several different ones makes it more aromatic.

Ingredients quiz Find answers to these questions!

a, egg b, watermelon c, a pine apple d, Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses? e, squash f, a carrot g, a cuCUMber h, goldfish i, an onion j, fish and ships

1. Hat has to be broken before you can use it? 2. How do you know carrots are good for your eyes? 3. It looks green, it opens red. What you eat is red, but what you spit out is black. 4. What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? 5. What’s long and hard and has cum in it? 6. What is the expected outcome of a cross between an apple and a Christmas tree? 7. What do sea monsters eat for lunch? 8. What you call a rich fish? 9. Take off my skin and I won’t cry, but you will. What Am I? 10. What is orange and sounds like a parrot?

VEGETABLE STEW main ingredients of the vegetable stew

Vegetable stew Heat the oil or lard in a large saucepan. Put the chopped onion into it. Add chopped peppers. Add salt, pepper. Cover with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes over medium heat. Add chopped tomatoes, bay leaves and hot and sweet paprika.

Drawn by Laura Tรถrรถk

HUNGARIAN PORK SOUP RECIPE (ORJALEVES) Ingredients (4 persons): 1 kg of pork (preferably ribs but other meaty bones will work too) 150 g carrots 100 g parsley 50 g celery 1 small kohlrabi 1 onion 1 green pepper salt whole peppercorns flavourer/Delikat/ Preparation method: Wash the pork ribs. Clean the vegetables but don’t dice them, leave them in a whole. In a pot of cold water, place the ribs and bring them to boil. When the water boils, add the spices: salt, pepper, flavorer. When the meat is half done, put the vegetables into the broth, and then season it again with salt. When the soup is ready, remove the vegetables. Slice roughly 2 carrots and add the back to the broth. Cook some spiral soup noodles in a separate pot with a bit of salt and add them finally to the soup. Serve with some green parsley leaves on top of the soup bowl.

Stuffed cabbage (tรถltรถtt kรกposzta)

POPPY SEED ROLLS OR BEIGLI Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups milk 1 tablespoon yeast 40 grams oil 1/2 teaspoons salt 50 grams margarine or butter 3/4 cups sugar 7 1/2 cups flour 1 egg 50 grams of poppy seed filling, /cracked nuts, cottage cheese or home-made plum marmalade/ Instructions: 1. Combine lukewarm milk with yeast, sugar. Let yeast dissolve for 5 minutes. Add salt, melted margarine or butter and oil. With dough hook mix in flour in small portion. 2. Knead the dough for about 15 minutes, until it’s elastic and not sticky. 3. Dust your counter with flour and roll out the dough with a rolling pin to very thin rectangle. Brush it with whisked egg, this makes poppy seed stick to the dough. Spread even thin layer of poppy seed. 3. Roll up the shorter side, making it into a long string. 4. Place them on baking sheet covered with parchment paper, leaving about an inch of space in between each one. 5. Preheat oven to 300F. With whisked egg, brush tops of rolls. Bake for 30-45 minutes, until golden brown.

I am cracking, cracking the poppy I’m preparing for you scone from poppy I am putting butter on it and adding sugar to your taste if it will be good I will give a piece for you just in case

Chimney Cake Recipe A chimney cake is an odd thing in that it’s an enriched yeast bread that’s wound onto a thick wooden spit, then roasted over a charcoal fire. The hardest part of this recipe is constructing the implement you need. More on that as the week progresses. For the dough: 8.5 ounces (1 3/4 cups) all-purpose flour 2 1/4 teaspoons (1 packet) instant yeast 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) sugar 1/8 teaspoons salt 2 egg yolks, room-temperature 1.5 ounces (3 tablespoons) melted butter 4 ounces (1/2 cup) milk, room temperature For the grilling: vegetable oil for lubricating the spindle melted butter sugar For the topping: about 3 ounces (1 cup) walnuts, ground and mixed with about 3.5 ounces (1/2 cup) sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon Combine the dry dough ingredients in a large bowl and whisk to combine. Do the same with the wet ingredients and add them to the dry ingredients. Stir the mixture until it comes together to form a dough, then knead it for about five minutes. Allow the dough to rise for 40 minutes. Cut the dough into a long ribbon with a pizza cutter (as shown).

Paint your spit with vegetable oil. Wrap one end of the dough around the spit, tucking in the end so the dough doesn’t unwind. Keep the dough very thin as you stretch and wind, under 1/4″ inch. Roll the whole thing on the countertop to flatten it/press it together. Paint the dough with melted butter and roast over the fire for about six minutes, sprinkling on sugar, until it starts to take on a dark golden color. Paint on more butter, then roll the finished cake in the nut mixture. Tap the mold on a table top to release the cake and set it upright to cool. Make more and eat, eat, eat.

Hungarian children’s rhymes about cooking 1.Süti, süti, pogácsát Bake, bake scones, For Daddy, for Mommy, And for the little baby. 2. Borsót főztem I cooked peas, I salted it well, I also seasoned it with paprika, Abele, babele*, run!

Erre kakas, erre tyúk Erre kakas, erre tyúk, erre van a gyalogút, taréja, karéja, ugorj a fazékba, Zsupsz! This Way Rooster, This Way Hen This way is the footpath, Cop, cop, jump into the pot, Plop!

CONTENTS: 1. Cover page 2. Children’ sdrawing of the fish soup/Sari ‘painting and Szabi’drawing of the fish soup/ 3. Fish soup recipe/Paulina’s drawing: Fish soup with ingredients/ 4. Photos of cooking the fish soup 5. Ingredients’quiz 6. Main ingredients of the vegetable stew 7. Cross word puzzle-useful in the kitchen 8. Vegetable stew-recipe. 9. Hungarian Pork soup recipe 10.Stuffed cabbage 11.Poppy seed rolls/ beigli/-recipe/Petra’s drawing of beigli/ 12.Chimney Cake Recipe /Pupil’s drawing-Dorina/ 13.Hungarian children’s rhymes about cooking 14. Drawing: Feast in the medieval Hungary by Paulina 15. Contents ‘page



Traditional Portuguese Recipes



eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes

PAPAS DE SARRABULHO This is a recipe for a big family and is traditionally cooked during Winter.

INGREDIENTS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1 homemade chicken (about 3 kg) 1,750 kg of veal meat 1 kg of pig meat 1 big bone 1 salami Some ham Some bacon 1 meat sausage 1 blood sausage 36 dry wheat loaves of bread Lemons Cumin Salt and white pepper Crumbled pork blood 1,5 kg of potatoes

PREPARATION:  Put in a pan all the meat, together with the spices, the lemon and the crumbled pork blood for some hours;  Pour water until it covers the meats;  Let it cook well, until they can be shreded;  Chop and shred the meats into very tiny pieces;  Reserve the bones, the skin and some chicken fat to boil with water where you will add potatoes;  Remove the bones;  Cut the loaves of meat into very small pieces and add them to the cooked meats;  Serve hot and add more cumin if you like.

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes

TRIPAS À MODA DO PORTO INGREDIENTS:               

600 gr of pork tripe 1/2 of a veal hand 100 gr of ham 1 chicken leg 100 gr of pig ear 100 gr of bacon 80 gr of meat sausage 80 gr of salami 80 gr of blood sausage 4 dl of white beans 1 carrot 0,5 dl of olive oil 1 clove garlic 1 onion 1 bouquet of scents

    

1 dl white wine 2 spoon of tomato pulp soup Salt, pepper, cumin and chopped parsley Piri piri 300 gr of rice

PREPARATION:  Put the beans in cold water during a day;  Clean and wash the tripe and the veal hand thoroughly;  Bake them with small pieces of carrot, onion, chopped garlic and some pepper;  Let the tripe bake a little more than the veal hand;  Bake the beans with carrot pieces, the chicken, the ear, the ham and the sausages, except the meat sausage;  Remove the meats as they are getting cooked;  Cut them into small pieces and stir in olive oil, onion and garlic;  Add the white wine, the tomato pulp, the meat sausage and the bacon;  Let it boil slowly for about 45 minutes;  Add the tripe and the veal hand, remove the meat sausage and the bacon and allow to rinse for 15 minutes, adding the necessary broth;  Add the beans, piripiri and cumin, stirring carefully;  Serve on a platter, spreading over the boiled pig ear cut in strips, ham, shredded chicken, slices of salami and slices of bacon;  Sprinkle with chopped parsley;  Serve with white rice, made in the oven, garnished with the slices of the meat and blood sausages.

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes


Corn flour Rye flour Yeast Salt Water

PREPARATION:  Mix the flours with the water and the salt;  Add the yeast and leave it for some time;  Make small balls with the and spread the dough in the oven together to grow and toast.  Serve it hot with fried Portuguese sardines.

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes


6-8 medium sized gold potatoes 10 garlic cloves, chopped 2 small onios, chopped Salt and pepper 1 tablespoon of olive oil

PREPARATION:  Bake the potatoes in the oven (350ºC), unwrapped, until cooked;  Take the potatoes out of oven and "punch" them so as to have the center of the potato popped open and then push the potato pulp up;  Place desired amount of garlic and onions in each open potato;  Drizzle with a bit of olive oil;  Sprinkle with pepper;  Serve it with grilled cod fish;  Enjoy!

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes

COZIDO À PORTUGUESA Cozido à Portuguesa is one of the favoruite and most traditional dishes of the Portuguese.

INGREDIENTS: • Beef • Pork (Entrecote, Ribs) • Chicken • Meat sausage • Blood sausage • Bacon • White Beans • Potatoes • Carrots • Cabbage • Turnips • Garlic

PREPARATIO:  Clean and wash the meats;  Put them all (except the chorizo) in a pan and cover with a little salt water;  Let them boil until the meats are cooked and tender;  Bake in a small pan the farinheira part;  Peel all the vegetable and cut them in quarters or halves;  After cooking, remove the meats, save the cooking water and set aside.  Put all the vegetables and sausages in a pan and cover half with water and the other half with the cooking water of the meats;  Season with salt and let it cook until all the vegetables are well cooked (between 10 to 15 minutes).  After being cooked, cut all the meats and serve with rice.

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes



eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes

ROUPA VELHA INGREDIENTS: (for two or three people)  2 slices of cod fish;  2 potatoes;  2 cloves garlic;  2 boiled eggs;  6 cabbage leaves;  oil ;  salt ;  olives for garnish (optional).

PREPARATION:  Put the cod fish in cold water during a day;  Clean the skin and bones of the cod fish and shred it;  Cut the cabbage and potatoes into pieces;  Boil some olive oil with minced garlic and, when these look brownish, add the cod, the potatoes and the cabbage;  Let it cook for a while, stirring well;  Add the eggs cut into pieces and stir until they are well mixed;  Check the seasonings, add pepper and, if necessary, add salt;  Serve hot and garnish with some olives.

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes

ALETRIA INGREDIENTS:        

150 g of Vermicelli pasta 5 dl of milk 50 g of butter 200 g of sugar 4 egg yolks 1 lemon rind powdered cinnamon 1 pinch of salt

PREPARATION:  Cook the Vermicelli pasta in water seasoned with a little salt;  Drain the water;  Separately, heat the milk with a thin rind of lemon and then add it gradually to the pasta, keeping the low heat and stirring constantly;  Add the butter and then the sugar;  Beat the egg yolks and mix some milk;  Remove the pasta from heat, enclosing the yolks carefully;  Cook again for a minute or two without boiling;  Pour the pasta still hot on a platter;  Wait to cool a little and decorate with powdered cinnamon.

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes

BOLO REI INGREDIENTS               

175 g of cristalized fruit 1 dl of Port wine 30 g of yeast 750 g flour 150 g margarine 150 g sugar 5 eggs Orange peel Lemon peel 1 teaspoon of salt 100 g of pine nuts 100 g of chestnuts 100 g of almonds 100 g of raiins 50 g of icing sugar


In a small bowl mix together the yeast, sugar and flour and warm water to create a smooth dough. Cover and set aside to rise in a warm place for about 30 minutes or until it has doubled in size.

Add the chopped cristalized fruit, raisins, lemon and orange peel and Port wine. Leave the fruit to soak up the liquid while you prepare the dough.

Beat the butter and sugar together until smooth and creamy. Beat in the eggs and egg yolks. Gradually beat in half of the remaining flour and the milk.

Add the yeast mixture to the dough making sure it is evenly blended together.

Add the almonds, chestnuts and pine nuts and the cristalized fruit mixture.

Mix in the remaining flour to create a sticky bread like dough and until all the fruit and nuts are evenly covered by the dough.

Cover and leave to rise in a warm place for about one hour.

Take the dough and shape into a round loaf and place on a greased baking tray.

Using your thumbs, open up a hole in the middle of the dough so that you are left with a wreath shape, or crown, about 25cms wide.

Decorate the wreath with a few cristalized fruits. Beat the egg and brush over the wreath. Cover and let rise in a warm place for about one hour. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees C for about 40 mintues. Cool and dust with icing sugar.

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes

FORMIGOS INGREDIENTS           

150gr of regional bread 250g of sugar 3dl of milk 3dl of water 2 tablespoons butter 1 glass of Port wine 4 egg yolks + 2 whole eggs 50g raisins 50gr of pinions 1 stick of cinnamon lemon peel

PREPARATION  Bring to a boil with the milk, water, lemon peel, sugar and cinnamon and boil for 3 minutes.  Then remove the cinnamon stick and lemon.  Add the broken bread, butter, port wine and bring to the heat until golden.  Remove from heat and add the beaten eggs, raisins and pinion crumb.  Bring to the heat again to thicken slightly and then place the jam on a platter.  Sprinkle with cinnamon to taste!  Enjoy it!

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes


6 extra large eggs; 2 cups flour; 3/4 cup water; 3/4 cup milk; 1/2 tsp salt; 1/2 stick butter or margarine 1 slice lemon rind Sugar and cinnamon for topping.

PREPARATION:  In a large pan, place the water, milk, butter, lemon rind, and salt over medium heat and bring to boiling point.  Stir in the flour until it becomes a soft dough which turns into a ball shape that separates from the sides of the pan.  Remove the dough from heat and place into a bowl. Let the dough cool for a few minutes. Beat in one egg at a time making a smooth batter.  Heat the oil to 365 degrees. Shape the dough into round doughnuts by using 2 large tablespoons. Fry the dough by 4 or 5 pieces at time until golden brown while keeping the heat at a steady temperature.  Pierce the “sonhos” slightly as they cook.  Drain on a brown paper lunch bag or on paper towels.  While still hot, roll the “sonhos” in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.

eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes


eTwinning Project Look-Cook-Book

Traditional Portuguese Recipes


„Bryndzové halušky“ /traditional Slovak food/ recipe for 15 children


DOUGH for small dumplings:

4-5 grated potatoes

and water

2 kg flour

3 eggs salt

SAUCE: 100 ml milk

250 ml cream

400 g cottage sheep cheese „bryndza“

+ 400 g fried BACON

How to do the dough for small dumplings? Mix everything together. Make small dumplings. Put the dough through the strainer to the boiled water in the pot.


Put a little bit salt into the boiled water. When the small dumplings go up in the water /3 minutes/, it is ready to pick out it from the water. Put the small dumplings to the deep plate.

How to do sauce? Put the cottage cheese, milk and cream into the bowl and mix it together. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Put the sauce on the small dumplings.

Cut the bacon for the small pieces and fry it on the pan.

Put the fried bacon on the top of meal. It is ready for eating!


Bon appetite!!!

Lentil soup Ingredietns: Potatoes - cut it for the small pieces lentil /type of the legume/ water milk cream salt garlic

How to do it? Peel the potatoes, cut them for the small pieces. Put the lentil and cutted potatoes into the pot with the water. Boil it. Add the salt, milk and garlic. After that add cream with amyloid, spice and a little bit sugar. Whole time for cooking - 20 minutes. Bon appetite! This recipe have prepared our cooks in the school canteen for our pupils.


garlic, salt, pepper put lentil and cutted potatoes into the water

+salt ang boil it



Slovak honey gingerbread Ingredients: 450 grams of flour /soft powder/ 200 grams of powder sugar 50 grams of smelted butter 2 eggs 3 spoons of honey 1 small spoon of cooking soda

1 small spoon of gingerbread spice (it consists from ground cinnamon, coriander, clove, aniseed, sweet fennel, nutmeg) When you haven´t got all of spice.... cinnamon is enough ď Š

Mix all ingredients together (flour, powder sugar, butter, 2 eggs, molten honey, cooking soda and spice). Mix all with hand, not with the mixer!






Make the small pieces with the core tool. (PICTURES) Bake it in the oven on 180 °C 7-8 minutes. After that (when is hot) spread it with the mixed egg (other egg) on it.

Bon appetite!!! It is possible to decorate it! (topping from sugar and egg´s white)


eTwinning project

Dear Friends, We are 3rd grade pupils from Vasil Levski Comprehensive School, Troyan, Bulgaria. Our town Troyan is situated 160 km northeast of Sofia and 22 km from the Troyan pass in the Balkan Mountains. The town spreads along the terraced banks of the Beli Osum River. Troyan is named after the ancient Roman Road Via Trayana crossing the Balkan Mountain through today’s Troyan Pass. During the Russian-Turkish War of Liberation in 1877 our town was devastated by the Turkish army and then rebuilt out of the ashes. Troyan is famous with its magnificent craftsman masterpieces. During the 19th century various crafts flourished here - woodwork and pottery making taking a peak. There is also the famous School of Ceramics and a Museum of Traditional Crafts and Applied Arts situated. In them there are the best models of crafts and arts, such as fabrics, woodwork, pottery and metalwork crafts. A spectacular attraction is the Troyan Monastery. It was built in the 17th century and is among the most distinguished Christian monuments in Bulgaria. Our school- Vasil Levski Comprehensive School, is with a hundred-year-old history. 845 children attend here from the 1st through the 12th grades. We think that school is a little bit boring and because of that we use each chance we get to have fun. :-) Our class enjoys playing in the school yard, where we do different sports like football and basketball. Tag is a cool game! What are your favourite games? Do you think video games are cool? Do you have a favourite video game? In school, we are not allowed to use our smartphones to play games, but sometimes we “steal” time to have fun. We love cooking and it’s great to be part of this project. We hope that you will enjoy our cookbook . Have a nice holiday! Merry Christmas! Kind regards from Bulgaria

Adapted from "The Food and Cooking of Eastern Europe" by Lesley Chamberlain, Penguin Books, London, 1989

The Bulgarian cuisine is one the world's simplest, healthiest and most naturally elegant styles of cooking, akin to the cuisines of Turkey and Lebanon. The seasoning is light and the accent on preserving natural flavours. Among the many features of the modern Bulgarian table likely to appeal to Western tastes are the appetizers or “meze”. These include white beans and preserved vegetables in olive oil, peppers, olives, tomatoes, spicy sausage “pasterma”, hot pastry and deep-fried savouries in batter, green onions, cucumber, yoghurt, pickled cucumbers and a white, very salty, fresh cheese like the Greek feta. Herbs — thyme, tarragon, basil, savory, mint, dill — are widely used, both fresh and dried, to flavour salads and in curing or preserving cheese and meat. Flat and leavened bread, white and brown, accompany meze. The sausage, salami, cheese, yoghurt, vegetables and fruit that characterize this very natural table first appear at breakfast, along with yellow cheese and many other excellent fermentedmild products that confirm Bulgaria as a worthy home of the supposedly life-enhancing bacillus bulgaricus. Meat, often lamb, is simply prepared, by grilling on charcoal or spitroasting. Out of minced meat the Bulgarians make spiced meatballs and rissoles which are baked or grilled, and cubed meat (kebap) is cooked in the same way or baked with vegetables. Chicken and game are relished, and a festive specialty is stuffed white fish with nuts and raisins. Probably the best-known dish outside the country, and one promoted as national, is “gyuvech”, a sealed casserole of up to twelve different vegetables, with or without the addition of meat or fish, and sometimes with a garnish of grapes. A special preparation is “banitsa”, consisting of wafer-thin layers of buttery pastry enclosing a filling of spinach and cheese or ground meat and cheese with herbs. Savoury, it is like a pastry version of lasagna; sweet versions come with nuts and cheese or jam and cheese, or pumpkin. “Moussaka” is another well-known composite dish of baked meat and vegetables and herbs, sometimes topped with a savoury custard or yoghurt. For padding they enjoy pilaf (rice) in both sweet and savoury forms, with raisins and with poultry stock and onions. Bulgaria has one of the lowest per capita meat consumption figures in Europe. A pig is slaughtered for Christmas eating, along with venison, and through the year pork, veal, beef and lamb are eaten in moderation. It is not uncommon for meat to be cooked with fruit, for example veal with quinces. One of the most surprising aspects of traditional meat cookery and Bulgarian cuisine in general is the absence of sauces.

Thus, when the venison is cooked for Christmas it is only marinated and roasted and then served dry with cooked vegetables. The Bulgarians have a passion for stuffed fresh or fermented cabbage leaves, and they also stuff every other kind of vegetable and fruit from quinces to peppers, tomatoes to aubergines. Traditional all-year Bulgarian soups are made with predominantly southern ingredients like spinach, lamb, olives, rice and lemons. The most famous is tarator, made with cucumber and yoghurt, thickened with ground walnuts and served. Few Bulgarian meals

Salad of Beans You need of 1 tea cup boil beans, 5 tablespoons tomato puree, 1 union, salt, 3 tablespoons oil, 3 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice, pepper The preparation: Well cooked, but not dissolved beans, drain from the water. Add slice union, mixed with the salt, tomato puree. It is well to flavour with oil and vinegar or lemon juice and black piper. You can to add bits of olive. Traditional recipe from the Troyan region, named “Sarma” (leaves with meat and sauerkraut). Ingredients: 500 g of minced meat, 1 cup of rice, 1-2 onions, 1 / 2 cup of vegetable oil, A sour cabbage, 1 tsp of paprika, black pepper, salt Preparation: Slice the onion finely, add the minced meat and fry in oil. Add the clear and washed rice, stir, sprinkle with red and black pepper, pour 1 / 2 cup into hot water and add salt. After it soaks the water is taken off left to cool. Clean the cabbage leave’s rough parts and put them in a bit of filling. Collapse the Sarma place it in a pot, then pour enough water to cover them, and boil over low heat until it’s ready. Luchnik Ingredients: For the dough: 1 cup of lukewarm water, Cubes of yeast, 1 tsp of salt, 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, A few drops of vinegar, Flour as you take a soft dough For the filling: 1k.ch. of Rice, 3 potatoes, 1 onion, paprika, fresh herbs, mint, parsley, salt Preparation: Knead soft dough with the listed products, divide it into two balls (a small and a big one) and leave them to rise. The rice is boiled in 4 coffee cups of salted water, which is pre-boiled with a few drops of lemon juice. The boiled rice is washed with cold water. Stew in order the onion, the potatoes (cut into tiny slices) and the rice into the heated oil. Add the paprika, the salt and the fresh spices. In an oiled pan place one of the kneaded barks, spew the filling and cover it with the second bark. Leave it to rise, and then smear it with stirred yolk and cook it until it gets orange.

Nettle Soup In highly preheated oil to suffocate chopped onions and about 200 g fresh young nettle leaves (cleaned and washed). Intermixture those to become soften. Then you have to add 23 tablespoons flour. When it becomes slightly golden -add 1 litter hot water. Allow soup to boil on medium heat for 15-20 minutes Egg-based thickener: 1 egg, half a pot of yoghurt and crumbled cheese. Sprinkle it with chopped parsley. Preparation: Stew a finely chopped onion and around 200g of young and fresh leaves of nettle (pre-cleaned and washed) in highly heated fat. Stir them until they soften, then add 23 tablespoons of flour. When the flour gets a bit crispy (golden) add 1l of hot water. The soup is then left to boil on a moderate fire for 15-20 minutes. For the liaison: 1 egg, half a cup of yogurt and crushed cheese. Sprinkle it with finely chopped parsley. Stuffed peppers with pintos beans Ingredients: 20 dried peppers, ½ kg. Pintos beans, 3-4 onions, 1-2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon savoury, mint, salt Preparation: The beans are pre-boiled. The onions are stewed, and then the tomatoes and the beans (drained from the water) are added. Stir the mix very good and add the spices. The peppers are filled with the mix and are placed in a pan, after that pour them with water and cook them in a moderate oven. Tutmanik Ingredients: For the dough: 1 cup flour, 1 cup yoghourt, 1 cup cheese and 1 tsp baking soda. Preparation: Knead the dough into small balls, each ball is rolled in fat and placed in a pan. Leave it to rise for around an hour and cook it into a pre-heated oven. “Wedding” wheat Ingredients: 500 g corn (kibbled), 8 g of salt, 1 liter of milk,100 ml of oil, 50 g flour, 2 ml of lemon extract, sugar for sprinkling Preparation: The wheat is washed in several waters. Place it to the stove in a large pot - as 1 part corn and 5 parts water. Boil over low heat. The wheat is boiled faster (about two hours). Add salt and continue to boil. In another saucepan heat the oil and gently fry the flour. Move it away from the fire and while stirring add milk. Once the milk starts boiling add the sauce to the wheat. Add the lemon extract and the vanilla. The wheat is ready when it boils up again. It is served without sugar, because sugar spins out the dish. Everyone adds the sugar by one’s own taste.

Baklava Ingredients: 1 bag of fine bark, 1 cup of sugar, 4 eggs, 1 cup of ground walnuts, 1 cup of flour, 1 packet of butter, rind of one lemon, 1 pack of baking powder For the Syrup: 2 cups of water, 3 cups of sugar, the juice of half a lemon, 1 vanilla powder Preparation: In a greased baking dish arrange half of the pastry sheets, sprinkling each of them with hot butter. Pour the mixture prior to eggs, nuts, flour and baking powder. Arrange the rest pastry sheets, sprinkling the top of most of them with butter. The Baklava is cut into squares and small bits and poured with hot oil. For the preparing of the syrup you have to boil the water and the sugar. When the syrup is ready, add grating lemon peel, lemon juice and vanilla. The hot syrup must be added to the cold baklava.

A Type of Bulgarian Soup Tarator is a cold soup made of yoghurt, cucumbers, and garlic. It is best enjoyed in the summertime when the blazing sun scorches your head. You can eat it any other time too but you will appreciate its icy chill more when the temperatures around you increase. The Bulgarian Tarator recipe: Ingredients: 1 long cucumber, chopped or grated (we prefer it peeled) 1 garlic clove, minced or smashed 4 cups Bulgarian yoghurt 1 cup water/ not obligatory 1 teaspoon salt (we like it saltier) 1 tablespoon dill, finely chopped 3 teaspoons olive oil Preparation: Put all those together and mix well. When ready garnish with olive oil. Best when very cold. Bon appetite (:

Moussaka is beloved Balkan and Middle East dish. Its preparation depends on the region. In Bulgaria Moussaka is based on potatoes and ground meat. The meal is served warm and Bulgarians eat it very often simply because it’s super delicious and easy to cook. Moussaka is the perfect dish if you are in Bulgaria and want to experience traditional recipes along with banitsa, shopska salad and tarator. The yogurt and eggs layer on top gives the dish a unique taste which you can’t find anywhere else. The Greek Moussaka uses eggplant rather than potatoes. Here’s the Bulgarian Moussaka recipe: Ingredients: 2 lb (~1 kg) potatoes, cut in small cubes 1 lb (1/2 kg) ground meat 1 onion, chopped 1 carrot, chopped 1 pepper, chopped 2 cups milk 4 eggs 5-6 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons paprika 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon crushed black pepper and spices Preparation: Start with cooking the onion, carrot and pepper in a pan with oil until golden brown. Then add the ground meat, the pepper, the paprika, and half the salt. Fry until meat gets golden brown and then remove the pan from the heat. Mix well with the potatoes and back the pan on the heat. Add the mixture in a casserole pan with the rest of the oil. Bake in oven for about 40 minutes on 425 F (~220 C). In the meantime, mix the milk, the eggs and small salt separately and pour on top of the meal for the last 10 minutes in the oven until it turns golden brownish. Bon appetite :-)

Bread bears strong symbolic in Bulgarian folklore and the culinary tradition. It is present in various rituals and customs, and it is a symbol of hospitality, family and home. Bread is baked for every holiday in Bulgaria. It is decorated in various ways, depending on the established traditions. The most popular form of bread, which is present on the table of Bulgarian family every day, is the standard small flat loaf of bread- "pitka". It is prepared by flour, water, salt, butter or other fat, and yeast. Ritual breads are also made according to this recipe; however, they have various shapes and decorations, depending on the season, the celebrated holiday or the imagination of the hostess. Here’s the Bulgarian Bread recipe: Ingredients: To make the small flat loaf of bread delicious and fluffy, you need fine white flour (650 g). You also need: 160 - 180 ml warm milk or cup yogurt, baking soda, baking powder, 1 egg, 6 tablespoons oil and 1 tablespoon butter, a pinch of sugar, salt according to your preferences. Preparation: In a small bowl mix dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, sugar, salt. In a bigger bowl mix the rest ingredients: yogurt + baking soda, egg, butter and 1/2 oil. The dry mixture add to the mixture into bigger bowl. Knead it well. If too dry, slowly add more water. If too sticky, add a little more flour. Knead until smooth and elastic. Grease a large bowl with oil and add dough. Cover and allow to rest at room temperature until doubled, about 1 hour. Bake in preheated oven until golden and cooked through, 20-25 minutes. If starting to darken too much, cover with aluminium foil. Allow to cool slightly before serving. Bon appetite :-)

Tomato tulip salad This is a very yummy and EASY salad. It’s very good for the holidays. It will be very nice on table and it only takes about 15 minutes! Here’s the Tulip salad recipe: Ingredients: 3-4 tomatoes 1 cucumber 2-3 green onion 7-8 olive oils cheese few pieces of garlic (according to your preferences) Preparation: Cut an X into each tomato, being careful not to cut through the bottom of the tomato. Gently pull the tomato apart with your fingers to make a flower. Mix cheese with garlic. Pipe the filling into the tomatoes. Arrange the filled tomatoes on a plate, place the cucumber bands like a stem and place the green onion tops next to the tomatoes to look like the flower leaves. Bon appetite :-)

Traditional Christmas Greeting: "Chestita Koleda" Location: Eastern Europe Tree Type: Traditional Traditions: The Christmas holidays start in Bulgaria on Ignajden (20th December) and finish on Stephen’s Day (28th December). It is believed that on the 20th of December the birth pangs of Virgin Mary have started and Christ is born on the “Little Christmas” (Christmas Eve, 24th December). The Ignajden celebration is connected to the custom “polazvane” (crawling in English). Depending on the first person to enter the house, it is guessed what the next year will be – good or bad. The celebration is named after St. Ignat Bogonosec, he is called Bogonosec (God carrier in English), because he always said that he carries god in his heart.The Yule Log and the table with the Christmas dishes play the most important role in the Christmas Eve. The Yule Log is made by oak or pear wood, with its help the fire is kept lit throughout the night. There are three kinds of ritual breads: true Christmas ones (called “kolak” or “pogacha”, it’s meant for the people), “economic” ones (for the animals in the home) and for the “Koledars”. The “Koleduvane” starts after midnight on the 24th of December. The “koledars” have chosen their leader on Ignajden and until Christmas Eve they’ve learnt songs. The participants in this custom are only young and non-married men. With their songs they wish luck, health and wellbeing to the owners. The owners gift them with belts, meat and fruits. It’s a Bulgarian custom to build “survachki” – big wooden rods, decorated with strands made from popcorn, dried plums, garlic and colourful wool. With it the children pat the adults for health on the 1st of January. Traditional Christmas food: The table for Christmas Eve – the dinner should start early on that day; during the dinner, nobody should get off the table; 7, 9 or 11 meatless dishes are served: beans, “sarmi” with wheat and rice, stuffed peppers, pumpkin-head, corn, walnuts, “oshav” (boiled dry fruits like compote), wine, honey and dried fruits. A coin is placed in the Christmas cake, whoever finds it will have the most luck next year.

Survakane (Bulgarian: Cypвaкaнe) is a Bulgarian custom used to wish a prosperous new year. Survakane is a tradition performed with a decorated stick, known as a survaknitsa or survachka, on New Year's Day, as a measure for health during the year. Survakane dates back to ancient times, and has its roots in pagan Slavic rituals. Survakane proper is a ritual in which a member of the family, typically the youngest, lightly pats the back of others with a survaknitsa during Christmas or on the morning of New Year's Day (known in Bulgarian as Vasilovden). While doing this, he or she recites a short verse wishing their relative well for the new year. The members of the family (usually children) who do the ritual are known as survakari or survakarcheta. Afterwards, these children are awarded snacks, candy, or small amounts of money. The survaknitsa or survachka is a curled branch of a cornel tree (Bulgarian: дpян), usually decorated with coins, popcorn, dried fruits, small bagels, ribbons, and threads, although different decorations are used in different regions of Bulgaria. Typically, northern Bulgarian survaknitsas will fruits, bread, and seeds strung on them, while coins are used in the south. The branches are usually bent so as to resemble the Cyrillic letter "f" (Ф). The selection process for a branch is usually held a few days before New Year's, in order to have time to decorate the stick as the family sees fit. The branch can be taken from any live fruit tree, although dogwood is preferred because of its long life and early blossoming, which are supposed to represent desirable qualities.

Pottery is one of the oldest crafts in Bulgaria. Remnants have been found dating back 3000 years to the Thracians. Our pottery comes from Troyan, a town with 25,000 inhabitants located at the foothills of the Stara Planina (Balkan) Mountain range 160 kilometres (100 miles) north east of Bulgaria’s capital, Sofia. Toryan was founded in 1868 and quickly developed as regional crafts centre where pottery was a main source of income for local craftspeople. Troyan pottery is considered the true Bulgarian pottery. The Troyan style began to evolve in the 19th century based on Thracian and Slavic designs. It is unique due to the red colour of clay from the region and the design. Traditionally the pottery was painted by the village women, each woman having her signature design. They applied yellow, brown and green paint with a bull’s horns and feathers to achieve a peacock or butterfly like design or smeared paint with their fingertips to achieve a raindrop like effect. All products were thrown, painted and glazed by hand. Renaissance decorations express elements of the everyday life of the Troyan citizen, from his clothing and the nature surrounding him. These are the so-called “spuski”, “polivki”, “stecheni kapki”, “hearts”, “gaitani”, “ohliovici”, “stoborki”, “limbi”, “bairak”, “wheatear”, “peacock eye”, “butterfly wings” and many other. Inspired by the craftsmanship of Zachary Zoraph the “Zachary flowers” are included in Troyan pottery as well as clothing and carts. Today craftsmen combine traditional designs with modern techniques and vibrant colours to produce fabulous pottery for everyday use or for home décor








3rd grade, Vasil Levski Comprehensive School Troayn, Bulgaria eTwinning project “Look- Cook- Book� 2017

* there are materials from Internet in our book

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