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a publication for

May 2022


Look How They Shine For You Stars have helped humans navigate for thousands of

28 billion light years from Earth. To put this in

beauty of the night heavens, why not walk around the

years. They differentiate day from night, have inspired

perspective, a single light year can be re-calculated

Estate when the sky is at its darkest? Winter stargazing

poetry, nursery rhymes, songs and national anthems.

as roughly 9.5 billion km away. It is astonishing then

(May to August) in the Winelands is a highlight because

We ‘wish upon them’ and while their light may seem

that Earendel can be detected by the Hubble space

it is the best season for observing hosts of constellations

telescope as a tiny streak of light. Earendel, meaning

that are visible from our hemisphere during the clear, cold

“morning star” in Old English, is estimated to be at

months of the year. Stars and planets have fascinated

least 50 times the mass of the Sun and millions of

humans for millenniums, and Val de Vie Estate provides

times as bright.

an ideal setting where skies, minimally polluted by the

Closer to home and with the naked eye, star gazing is

brightness of city lights, allow nature’s nighttime theatre

a wonderful experience and to take in the extent and

to roll out the greatest show from Earth.

wonder at their splendour.

MyRide Group sets new standards for customer satisfaction

MyRide Group is rapidly becoming one of the largest independently owned motor groups in South Africa - as a leading provider of distinguished new and used vehicles, commercial trucking, or even golf estate caddies from reputable manufacturers.

The MyRide Group has structured a turnkey sales experience o�ering car �nance, insurance and after-sales services, which include vehicle servicing and providing authentic parts and accessories for any vehicle. With MyRide dealerships predominantly in Gauteng and the Western Cape, the group proudly boasts industry-leading, and experienced team members who take great pride in steering our clients through every facet of their motoring journey. Their MyBakkie branch caters to those who are in the market for a new or pre-loved bakkie, o�ering in-house �nancing and exceptional value for money. Cruise around to 225 Main Road in Paarl for your next 4x4 experience. MyRide Commercial is the Group's �agship commercial truck dealership in the Cape Winelands - supported by a broad dealer network and a world-class service centre equipped for any truck with reliable parts supplies, underpinned by highly trained sales and service personnel. The FAW Paarl product range at MyRide Commercial is committed to o�ering vehicles, which are engineered, developed and rigorously tested to meet the harsh operating conditions in Africa. Located on Val de Vie Estate, Dash-Electric forms part of MyRide Group as the perfect way to get your electric golf cart maintenance, repairs and customizations done at one location. The unique Dash-E service o�erings are tailored for every client's speci�c needs. MyRide Nissan Paarl is one of three MyRide Nissan dealers o�ering a full range of new Nissan vehicles, quality pre-owned motors and an aftermarket department to cover all your parts, accessories and service needs. MyRide Pre-owned Paarl o�ers vehicles from their revamped branch at 32 Jan van Riebeeck Drive that are pre-selected and pre-inspected, which guarantees you driving away with the best quality vehicle your money can buy or trade. MyRide Group Head ��ce (Val de Vie Estate) where you can expect to discuss the trade-in and purchase of your next vehicle during a visit to the headquarters of MyRide. We'll even provide options on matters concerning vehicle �nancing over a freshly brewed cup of co�ee.


The Cornerstone of Val de Vie Estate

linked with the license plate recognition technology, should we need to investigate any vehicular incidents. The remotes for inner booms are issued to residents to ensure they can move back and forth seamlessly and, at the same time, ensure

South Africa is one of the most beautiful

has nine main access points that provide

countries in the world, but it faces many

entrance via 40 vehicle access and exit

challenges. Infrastructure issues and

lanes and turnstiles for residents and

weak economic growth have undermined

contract workers. Strict access control

progress in reducing poverty, which the

measures are in place at these points,

Covid-19 pandemic has heightened.

and each point is monitored with an

Moreover, the improvement of household


welfare is severely constrained by rising

in South Africa to implement biometric-

unemployment. It is against this reality

access control measures, including the

that we take a macro view of security and

no-contact wave system, Val de Vie

Two armed tactical teams, well equipped

the changing situation around the Estate.

Estate allows for tracking the entrance

with trained dogs and handheld thermal

and exit and movement of persons. On

devices, patrol the perimeter 24/7 and

Security is the number one priority at Val

average, 17 500 entries and exits are

react to fence and camera alarms in

de Vie Estate. A two-meter-high, complete

facilitated through these gates daily.

conjunction with three unarmed response

electric fence protects the Estate’s 18km

Residents are further safeguarded from

teams inside the perimeter fence.

perimeter with anti-dig razor wire and

unauthorised visitors via electronically

License plate recognition technology

concrete plinths covered by 136 intelligent

activated booms that control access to

is linked to the central Western Cape

analytical Bosch thermal cameras. This

residential villages. In these residential

database and is of great value in

fence serves as the base deterrent for

villages and around the public areas,

monitoring suspicious vehicle activity.

criminal activities, making it extremely

252 cameras are being installed and

Roller shutter and spike technology at

that security is not compromised. Should any non-resident have access to a remote, they can access any residential village. Or, if you lose your remote while you are walking, it can be picked up and used by anyone. We wish to thank all the residents who use their remotes responsibly.

difficultforperpetratorstogainaccess. should be completed by the end of May.

all gates ensure a total lockdown of the

Furthermore, breach attempts trigger

The waves of vandalism of private and

Estate in the event of an emergency.

alarms in the Val de Vie Control Room and

common property require us to take a

Security is at the heart of what makes

our off-site monitoring centre, allowing

proactive approach to prevention and a

Val de Vie Estate a great place to live,

investigations via our CCTV network and

reactive investigation function for dealing

and we will continue to evolve security

on-sitepatrolofficers.ValdeVieEstate with these incidents. These cameras are

measures to protect residents.

More Deli(cious) Options WhenBack'sopenedthefirstdelionValdeVieEstateduringthenationallockdown deli products, Fleet coffee and L’Huguenot wine sales. The offering will include a wide in 2020, our residents embraced the convenience of having access to quality meat,

range of healthy food options, artisanal deli products, grab and go meals and a wine shop.

freshly baked bread and other artisanal produce. A leisurely stroll or cycle to pick

During May and June, upgrades will be made to the building that houses Fleet and The

up items at the deli, and a coffee from Fleet, has become part of our daily lives. As a

Village Deli, as well as external upgrades to the area adjacent to the outside wooden deck.

leading wellness estate, we set out to offer our residents speciality food products that

Residents will not experience a break in service from Fleet or The Village Deli during this

are healthy, nourishing and sourced from our Valley. Our Val de Vie Estate community

renovation period. A new extension area adjacent to the wooden deck will house Fleet and

continues to grow and we are mindful of providing Estate experiences that enhance

The Village Deli during the renovation period to ensure that trading can continue during

our residents' quality of life. It is therefore with great excitement that we share the news

this time. More information will be shared over the next couple of weeks, but for now the

of a new deli opening in the next few months. The existing Back's Deli will move to The

anticipated opening date of Back's Deli at The Polo Pavilion will be early June. Residents

Polo Pavilion and will continue to offer items that our residents have come to love over

can continue to stock up on products from Back's at the Back's Restaurant and Deli at the

the past two years - from Fairview cheeses and meats, a selection of dairy products,


freshly baked goods, fresh fruit and vegetables, condiments and gifts. A new deli,

building at the beginning of July. We thank our residents for their continued support of

under the brand of The Village Deli, will open in Back’s Deli’s current location. The

Estate facilities and trust that this new and exciting offering will encourage a lifestyle

Village Deli offering will focus on creating one shopping experience in the space for

focused on wellness.

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Meet the Team Lindie Gaigher fell in love with real estate at the age of 28. She believes that properties, like people, have unique personalities that consumers are drawn to. Unlike people, properties are not all created equal; some are simply more spectacular than others and possess such seductive powers that people express their individuality through it. Lindie is highly motivated and positive and believes that the sky is the limit. Introducing potential investors to the estate and assisting them in making their dreams SCAN FOR MORE



favourite local spot on Val de Vie Estate allows future homeowners to experience the active lifestyle residents enjoy on a daily basis. Always buzzing with happy residents, Fleet Coffee Roastery serves the best cup of ‘boeretroos’intheCapeWinelands.”

“Ilivewiththepersonalbeliefthat‘healthiswealth and I am proud of the balanced lifestyle Val de Vie Estateembodies.” The Val de Vie Properties team knows Val de Vie Estate best. Set up a coffee date with Lindie to discuss your property requirements:

A Contemporary Delight This modern family home situated in the Le Domaine neighbourhood on Val de Vie Estate has a spacious garden and picturesque mountain views and is located within walking distance to The Yard Wellness Centre, Fleet Coffee and The Village Deli. This home is the perfect place to settle down in the Cape Winelands. The beautiful and functional kitchen includes a scullery, gas stove and a breakfast bar. The living and diningareaflowtogetherseamlesslyandistheidealspaceforthefamilytospendqualitytimetogether. Thecombustionfireplaceensuresthehomestayscosyduringthecoldermonths,andtheindoorbraai room is the perfect place to entertain, no matter the season. Thefirstfloorboaststhreelargebedroomsfittedwithairconditioning,en-suitebathrooms,andbuilt-in cupboards. The main bedroom features a dedicated dressing area, a full en-suite bathroom, and a private balconywithincredibleviews.Thefourthbedroomislocatedonthegroundfloorandisperfectfora guestbedroomortoconverttoanoffice. PRICE: R9,495,000






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Farm Livin’ Expansive farms and farm-focused experiences are becoming much more prominent in wellness real estate, according to a 20 reportpublishedbyTheGlobalWellnessSummit.Home gardening and foraging trends also continue to bloom and evolve. Listed as a top wellness trend for 2022 is getting-back-to-the-earth trends of farming and gardening. Thepandemichasopenedourmindstotheimportanceofself-sufficiencyandsurvivalism.Andthe quickening environmental crisis is sparking new awareness that the world’s soil must be restored through more regenerative farming practices, while the medical evidence mounts that exposure to soil bringssomanyhealthbenefits. “Dirty Wellness” is a concept that explores how in wellness real estate, where the community revolves around a large regenerative farm, is a powerful trend. Our 60 hectare Wellness Farm, in partnership with Cape.Earth, offers Val de Vie Estate residents healthy food, an education into farming practices and a connection to nature. Soil exposure has a positive impact on our immune health and our mood, and is dubbed the “farm effect”. The research, such as that from the University of Helsinki, about children growing up in farming areassufferfarlessallergies,asthma,andotherinflammatorydisorders.Otherstudiesshowthat the soil-dwelling bacteria Mycobacterium Vaccae boosts serotonin production and lowers stress in humans.




Meet the New Waiters at Wijn :klp•utgiwnctewuvqogtuyqwnf•xgpqvkegfcejcpikpiqhvjgiwctfvjgrcuvhgyyggmu0:gctg gzekvgfvqygneqogvjtggqhRkgtpgghcv/cOqvvg•uoquvugcuqpgfyckvgtuvqvjg:klpvgco0 Vjg\eqogykvjcygcnvjqhgzrgtkgpegkpfgnkxgtkpicvqrencuuykpgcpfhqqfgzrgtkgpeg. cpfygctggzekvgfvqygneqogvjgovqvjg9cnfg9kg(uvcvgeqoowpkv\0 -q\cpfEjctockpglqkpgfvjgRkgtpgghvgco \gctuciqyjgpvjgtguvcwtcpvqrgpgfcpfjcxg dggprctvqhvjgvgcogxgtukpeg0:knngokpcygtgykvjRkgtpgghhqtgkijv\gctudghqtglqkpkpivjg :klpvgco0$nnvjtggnkxgkpvjg:googtujqgmctgc.cpfvjg\cnnnqxgvqugtxgrgqrngcpf fgnkxgtcitgcvgzrgtkgpegvqvjgewuvqogtuvjg\ugtxg0-q\kucpcevkxggpvtgrtgpgwtkpjgt eqoowpkv\kpjgthtggvkog.dw\kpicpfugnnkpiiqqfuyjgpujgkupqvyqtmkpicv:klp0Ejctockpg cpf:knngokpcnqxgurgpfkpivkogykvjvjgkthcoknkguyjgpvjg\ctgpqvugtxkpivjg:klpewuvqogtu0

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Charmaine Hugo, Joy Makuvatsine, Willemina Vlookman


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Some interesting facts about donkeys

The Helping Hooves of Humankind





A male donkey is called a jack, and a female donkey is called a jenny or jennet.

A donkey is stronger than a horse of the same size.

A donkey’s bray (sound) is made by breathing in and out. The animal breathes in on the hee and out on the haw.

Donkeys can live up to 50 years.

For centuries, donkeys have been the preferred method of transport for products to market, agricultural cultivation, and safely delivering valuable goods on the world’s trade routes. They are strong and intelligent and can traverse all-terrain with their compact hooves. Melmo,thefirstdonkeyonValdeVieEstate,luckilyhas to only walk a short distance, over undemanding grassy terrain, between his stable and the paddock he shares with his horse friends. Not related in species because of their

Melmo is the new companion to our horses and ponies. Donkeys are inquisitive, smart animals who require less repetition than horses to learn new lessons.

varying chromosomes, horses and donkeys evolved from a sub-family of animals called Equus. While there are some similarities, donkeys have longer ears, their coats are less waterproof, and their manes and tails are thinner. Their vocal communication is also a lot louder. Melmo is not shy to make himself heard and greets horses and humans walking past his stable with a loud “hee-haw” - a sound more closely related to a zebra than a horse. He is not easily startled and has a calming effect on the horses in the stable and in the paddock. Donkeys have a reputation for stubbornness, but this is due to their highly developed sense ofself-preservation.Itisdifficulttoforceorfrightenadonkey into doing something it sees as contrary to its own best interest or safety. Donkeys are usually docile animals, but biting is part of their natural behaviour. They have blind spots in their vision and dislike their sensitive ears handled by strangers. When saying hello to Melmo, keep this in mind as he may bite in selfdefence or from playfulness. Because he has a stronger jaw than a horse his bite is more painful.

Off-Season for the Polo Ponies The 2021/2022 Val de Vie polo season has been one of the most fruitful and fun seasons to date. Our Polo Club has been rewarded with the tremendous growth of educational players and a new division called "nippers" - a group of children giving polo their best shot. As the season comes to an end, we would like to thank each player, groom, spectator, sponsor and friend of the Val de Vie Polo Club for their continued support and enthusiasm for the game. In addition, we would like to thank the ponies for their hearts of gold in giving their very best at each game. There would be no polo without them, and we wish them a restful off-season. The Val de Vie Polo Club will be back in action from October,


and we look forward to bringing more world-class polo to the Winelands.

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082 780 3950

If you’re thinking of selling Ours is an ongoing commitment to providing a personalised real estate experience, with a single-minded focus on achieving the best market-related price for your investment.

Scan here for • valuation forms • property listings

Jordan Greenhalgh | 083 298 1481

Hayley van der Merwe | 082 926 8587

GoldClub 5 Year Elite | Emerald Circle Agent

GoldClub 5 Year Elite | Emerald Circle Agent

Ronel Pienaar | 082 556 2433

Gia Fouché | 082 784 3759

GoldClub 5 Year Elite | Emerald Circle Agent

GoldClub Agent

Registered with the PPRA - Full Status FFC

Registered with the PPRA - Full Status FFC

Registered with the PPRA - Full Status FFC

Registered with the PPRA - Full Status FFC

Pam Golding Properties (Pty) Ltd - Paarl Luxury Estates Registered with the PPRA. Holder of a Business Property Practitioner FFC. Operating a Trust Account. W: +27 21 300 1658 E:

Meet our newly appointed head of Fiduciary Services

Roeline Le Roux With years of expertise in creating estate plans that secure the legacy of her clients, Roeline, in conjunction with Anville van Wyk (senior tax practitioner), is ready to assist you to ensure that when it comes to it the law is carried out effectively and efficiently.

Let her help you with the following:

• Drafting tax-efficient wills • Estate administration

• Creating, registering, and administrating trusts • Deeds Office searches

Van Wyk Van Heerden also specialises in other areas of the law:

Property Law • Litigation • Evictions • Family Law • Commercial Law Taxation • Sport Law • Debt Recovery • Correspondent Work

Get in touch with Roeline today 021 871 1050 |


It's Mountain Bike Heaven in the Winelands Specialized is a world-renowned brand synonymous

was developing and managing the existing trail network

with quality bikes. Since 1974 they have aimed to

within Val de Vie Estate. Specialized Paarl and Paarl

develop bikes based on what riders want. From off-

Adventure Trails teamed up to reconstruct the trails, led

road to the road, either the traditional way or electrically

by Darren Herbst and Duan Stander. "The trails were not

charged,theymanufacturebikesforallagesandfitness in the best condition, and over the past three months, levels to enjoy all-terrain riding. The Paarl community is passionate about cycling, which is no surprise considering the incredible scenery and

we have given them TLC and a safety upgrade. Our plans include the improvement and reshaping of many of the trail sections. The soil conditions and terrain are

not ideal, making shaping and compacting trails in ridingoptionstotestyourskills,improvefitness,or the Estate a challenging task. However, over time we enjoy a beautiful morning out with the family. So when believe this trail network will become something special, Specialized opened its doors last year as an extension and we look forward to more and more residents of Paarl Trails and the Hero Legacy Project, it was not enjoying the trails”, commented Darren Herbst. only to provide bikes and accessories for riding but also to share a love for a sport that can change lives for the better and empower the community to become involved.

Closer to Home Val de Vie Estate is situated within a network of mountain bike trails that connect to surrounding areas, and our Estate is home to many avid road and mountain bike riders. A partnership with Specialized Paarl was solidifiedin201,wheretheysetouttoimprovethe mountain bike experience for our residents. First up

Estate Management has permanently appointed the Paarl Adventures Trails team to make our trails world-class. Project leader Jason Blomkers has spent extensive time formulating and implementing

E XCL US I V E LY F OR OUR R E S I DE NT S B Y S PE CI AL I Z E D PAAR L : Bike wash stations at L’Huguenot to spray their bikes off after the trails Drop and go bike services – call 021 036 2800 Monthly rides on the Estate starting and ending at L’Huguenot Access to test ride the latest Specialized Vado e-bikes. For more information

Start them early

their plan and vision of revitalising our mountain bike

From the approximate age of six to eight

experience. The second project for Darren and his team

years old, most children will be ready for

isconstructingaflowtrailatTheAcresonValdeVie Estate. Here, residents will be able to enjoy kilometres of small jumps and berms to improve their technical skills. This trail is set to be completed within the next couple of weeks.

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the first mountain bike and their first taste of longer distances and dirt riding.


Hero Legacy Project

Trail Blazers We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Long summers, moderately cold winters,

Jason Blomkers, one of the success stories from the

spectacular scenery, oodles of attractions and an adventure utopia are all right on our doorstep.

Hero Legacy Skills Development Program, has led the

These are just some things that make the Winelands region a paradise for any resident or visitor.

team of 4 trail builders working on the

Val de Vie Estate trails project over the past few Overthelastfiveyears,asmallgroupoftrailbuilders,includingDarrenHerbst,DuanStander,Pieter months. Trail building is certainly not as easy as it van Wyk, Wynand Basson, Conrad Scholtz and Kim Lord, slowly built various trail networks in the Winelands region that cater for mountain biking and trail running. This network has mushroomed into

seems. But, this team has built up over 200 km of trails

over 500 km of trails that cater for mountain biking and trail running and rate among the best in South

that they manage in Paarl. So, if you see them on the

Africa. The variety and sheer scope thereof are mind-blowing, luring visitors worldwide to Paarl and Franschhoek.

trails, be sure to say hi. They are the true legends who create the magic on our trails.

Networks like Paarl Trails, Banhoek, Franschhoek and Wellington offer every type of trail imaginable for children to seasoned athletes. These trails are a stone's throw away from Val de Vie Estate and a must-do for any mountain biker.

The Hero Legacy Project works closely with several creches, schools, coaches and social groups to expose children to sports such as cycling, who

A Passion Project

otherwise would not have the opportunity. Weekly

Paarl Trails manage over 200 km of custom-built trails with upwards of 50 destinations and attractions one can explore along the way, but these trails didn't just build themselves. Skills development is

foundation classes are hosted where children (ranging from 2 - 14 years) are taught to ride a bicycle.


Other skills taught are cycling safety, life skills and maintainthePaarlTrailsnetwork.Furthermore,theprogramisspecificallydesignedtoequippeople appreciation of and care for their environment. withnewskillsthatopendoorsforthemelsewhere.Recruitscanthenbeupskilledandfindpermanent work with their unique skill set.

In the end, their vision was one of interconnectedness.

Their vision is to showcase Paarl for what it is: a hub of world-class outdoor and adventure activities, creativity, artisans, scenery, destinations, and promise, with Paarl Mountain Reserve at the heart

Darren and his team have connected trails, people, destinations, and hearts, committed to keep doing so.

of it all. They want to connect the fantastic people and places of Paarl and, in so doing, uplift and To join one of the Legacy Project days or get more

empower the community.

involved, follow @HeroLegacyProject on Instagram.

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Below are a few suggestions put together by the Specialized team for you to try out if you want to explore some spectacular trails over the weekends: PA A R L T RAI L S SPECIALIZED PAARL • Four custom-built trails that cater for all fitness levels, packed with great features and loads of fun • A pump track for the kiddies • Skills area • Direct access to the more extensive Paarl trails network for longer rides LABORIE WINE ESTATE: • Two custom-built trails catered for the weekend warrior • Direct access to the more extensive Paarl trails network

Duan Stander, Trails Director

B A NHOEK TR AI L S SPICE ROUTE DESTINATION: • Seven custom-built trails that cater for all fitness levels • Direct access to the more extensive Paarl trails network

PLAISIR DE MERLE • Two custom-built trails packed with loads of fun • Direct access to the more extensive Banhoek network

RHEBOKSKLOOF WINE ESTATE: • Seven custom-built trails for the adventurer • Direct access to the more extensive Paarl trails network

BOSCHENDAL TRAILS • Five custom-built trails to cater for all fitness levels • Direct access to the more extensive Banhoek network

For more info visit

BANHOEK • A variety of custom-built trails

SOIL-TO-FORK DINING AT BOSCHENDAL Enjoy fresh farm produce at The Werf Restaurant BOOK | WWW.BOSCHENDAL.COM

manicured to perfection • Direct access to the more extensive Banhoek network For more info, visit



In partnership with Wellington Animal Hospital Group (WAHG), the second ValdeVieEstateDogShowtookplaceinAprilandwasafun-filledmorning where our residents could show off their best friends and faithful companions. From toy-sized lapdogs to hounds, terriers and everything in between were cheered on by their fans and family members as they strutted their stuff in the show ring. The Wagyu Experience supplied dog-friendly snacks to all contenders while they had to wait their turn. Bydefinition,dogshowsawardpurebredsontheirphysicalperfection, attributes and conformation. Not entirely on the same level of competitiveness, the Val de Vie Estate Dog Show was an opportunity to ‘let the dogs out’ and raisemoneytohelpshelterdogsfindtheirforeverhomes.Allproceedsfrom the Val de Vie Estate Dog Show went to the Oscar’s Arc WOOF Project, an initiativethatgivesshelterdogstheexposuretheyneedinordertofinda home - and a life. The winners of the 2022 Val de Vie Estate Dog Show received incredible hampers and prizes, of which the winners lovingly donated some to the dogs of Oscar’s Arc. WAHG offers a wide range of veterinary services for pets, horses, exotic animals and wildlife.

Best in Show

Some interesting outfits adorned the four-legged contenders and their owners, ranging from pirateCompetingforthecovetedtitlesofBestDressed,Scruffi inspiredest attire to tutus, gowns and bow-ties, highlighting some Dog, Like Owner Like Dog, Best Trick and Best Alluncanny similarities in appearance between dog and owner. Clearly Rounder, the true stars of our Estate put their best paw having attended a dress-up party forward at the 2022 Val de Vie Estate Dog Show. or two of their own at home, most pups in the Best Dressed category appeared relatively unphased by their accessories and attire.

Bridge House is a leading independent day and boarding school for boys and girls in a beautiful, safe country setting in the winelands of the Western Cape. Just imagine a school where young minds are inspired; where individual care and attention is combined with a distinctive, progressive education and where changemakers are equipped with skills for a world beyond our imagination. · An excellent academic track record in the independent (IEB) Matric examination accepted by universities worldwide · A wide variety of traditional team and individual sports and cultural activities · Wider curriculum experiences and adventurous journeys · Membership of the International Round Square Organisation (one of only 200 schools worldwide) Contact Gill Malcolm or +27 (0)21 874 8100 for more information and to make an appointment for a tour and interview with the Head.

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Growing your Wealth THE PRIZE

Overall winner | R60 000 investment package with Brenthurst Wealth




With eyes slightly bigger than its belly, a Cape cobra wanted to sleep off its lunch - a mouse in an irrigation valve box.

A Tight Squeeze

The Cape cobra, also called a geelslang, is found mainly on

While working on the irrigation system,

pass through, and the cobra got stuck.

box lid and successfully freed the snake,

Val de Vie Estate’s Irrigation Manager,

Kobus phoned security and when the

which was released up on the mountain.

Kobus van Abbo, came across an

responder arrived to remove the snake,

unusual predicament. With eyes slightly

Kobus, not wanting the snake to be

We wish to thank Kobus, who went to a

bigger than its belly, a Cape cobra

harmed in any way, came up with a plan.

great deal of trouble to help an animal in distress, an animal that, for most people,

wanted to sleep off its lunch - a mouse While the responder handled the more

is an object of fear and loathing. It also

challenging end of the snake, Kobus,

shows the concern displayed by

The snake entered the valve box through

carefully using a cordless angle grinder

Val de Vie Estate staff members for all

a hole in the lid that proved too small to

and a pair of cutters, severed the valve

animals who live on the Estate.

- in an irrigation valve box.

the ground but can climb trees and shrubs in search of food. It usually lifts its head off the

ground and spreads its neck into a broad hood when provoked. It may hiss as well, not as an

aggressive act, but instead to

warn potential threats to keep a safe distance. Cape cobras will rather flee from humans than attack or bite them.

Walking and Talking On the second Saturday of the month, Simon Allen, the Val de Vie Estate EnvironmentalOfficer,hostsawalk for our residents. Limiting the walks to ten people at a time allows Simon to answer questions and give a little more information about the natural aspects of the area. Moving through different parts of the Estate, these walks are principally designed as educational walks, not energetic route marches, so children and older residents are more than welcome. Various topics are covered, ranging frombirdandplantidentificationtothe surrounding mountains, ecology, and animal behaviour; in fact, anything that comes up. The walks are advertised in the weekly newsletters, and because space is limited and the walks are popular, a quick response is required to secure a place. If you are not receiving weekly newsletters in your inbox, please send an email to

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• GOLF •


In life, as in the seasons, there comes a time where we say goodbye to excellent staff, to individuals who add real value and impact. Over the last three years, we have enjoyed working with Edmore Ruzoza, the Executive Chef at The Valley Restaurant. I have worked with many Executive Chefs, and Edmore is, without a doubt, one of the best. His love, passion and understanding of food are extraordinary. In Edmore’s three years at Pearl Valley, we witnessed some remarkable achievements. Managing cost control, monitoring food consistency, developing themed evenings, and hosting creative food and wine pairings all contributed to The Valley Restaurant’s overall improvement. However, the area in which Edmore excelled the most was developing his team. If you walked around the kitchen on a busy shift or left work in the evenings and listened to the sounds from the kitchen, you would hear laughter and happy people who loved being at work. As Edmore nears the end of his season with us, we wish him all the success in his future ventures. Through Edmore’s commitment to development and training, he leaves us with a kitchen that has staff that are hungry to learn and eager to please. His successor is Clemence Muto, groomed and trained to take over from Edmore from1June.Itisalwaysbeneficialtopromoteinternally,andafter many interviews, Clemence stood out as the top candidate. Our residents and staff will miss Edmore, and we thank him for his contribution to our success.

“Life is a great learning curve and I wish to thank our management team and our residents for allowing me to learn. I will take many valuable lessons with me from my time as Executive Chef of The Valley Restaurant.” – Edmore Ruzoza



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Cover Image – Daniel Saaiman

Photography – Daniel Saaiman & Phillip van Dyk

Production – Marli van Schalkwyk & Andrea Godwin Designer – Andrea Godwin

Marketing Director – Ryk Neethling

Printers – Novus Print

Editor – Marli van Schalkwyk


Advertising Sales – Dina Swart


Slabbert, Graydon Goss, Dina Swart, Anika de Goede,

+27 (0)21 863 6100 | | @valdevieestate

Christa Botha & Darren Herbst

Contributors – Simon Allen, Damian Wrigley, Iza Sarette van den Heever, Elaine Palvie, Raphael Back,

The Grapevine newspaper is printed on recycled paper. With special thanks to our residents featured in images.

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Directory VAL DE VIE ESTATE HOA Enquiries 021 863 6128 On-Site Sales & Rentals Office Val de Vie Properties 021 863 6105 Polo Equestrian & Stables

L’Huguenot Venue & Vinoteque 021 867 8847 Wijn at L’Huguenot 082 616 7415

Building Control Officer 021 863 6100 |

Voltano Electricity 086 186 5826 / 021 863 6109

Ryk Neethling Learn To Swim School 073 458 3890

Voltano App Related Queries 086 186 5826

Val de Vie Lifestyle Centre & Pearl Valley Gym The Yard Gym Events Marketing Val de Vie Evergreen Reception 021 001 3581 Water/Electricity 021 807 2557 Traffic Department 021 872 4755

Polo Pavilion by Back’s 087 821 1068

Paarl Tourism 021 872 4842

Reuben’s & Co Café 021 863 6185/86 Back’s Deli 021 300 6993

Franschhoek Tourism 021 876 3603 Post Office Rembrandt Building, 57 Lady Grey St, Paarl 021 872 5337 Drakenstein Municipality General 021 807 4500

Val de Vie Construction 021 863 6127

Drakenstein Waste Removal Queries 021 807 4708


PEARL VALLEY JACK NICKLAUS SIGNATURE GOLF COURSE Pearl Valley Reception 021 867 8000 On-Site Sales Office Val de Vie Properties (Golf Clubhouse) 021 863 6105 The Valley Restaurant & Bar 021 867 8046 Back’s Restaurant & Deli at Pearl Valley Hotel by Mantis 021 300 6992 The Golf Shop 021 867 8045 Estate Security Control Room / Office 021 867 1201


EMERGENCY Tactical Team (External Estate Perimeter Armed Team) 071 277 5249 | 082 286 5845 24/7 Shift Manager 082 323 3387 Estate Security Emergency 072 900 3954 SAPS Paarl 021 807 4000 SAP Flying Squad 10111 Fire Department 021 872 2323 / 021 887 4446 ER 24 084124 Fire and Rescue Emergency 021 872 2323 Paarl Hospital 021 860 2500 Paarl Medi Clinic 021 807 8000 Vetscape Animal Hospital 021 867 0700

Veterinarian Dr Deon van Tonder 083 631 4603

Val de Vie Main 021 863 6110/6138 Berg River 021 867 6102/6101 Registration Office 021 863 6137


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