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STATEWIDE ARTICULATED A.S. TO B.S. PROGRAMS The University offers five specialized degree programs for students who have graduated from a Florida public community college with an A.S. in the following programs: Applied Science, Criminal Justice Technology, Business Administration, Hospitality Management, and Nursing, Students who wish to transfer to UCF under the provisions of the statewide articulated A.S. to B.S. programs must meet specific criteria: 1. Students must graduate with the specific program and new A.S. in Fall 2000 or later, (Fall 2003 or later for Criminal Justice) from a Florida public community or state college. 2. Students who have graduated with an A.S. prior to Fall 2000 are not eligible to participate in these programs. The pre-2000 community college A.S. programs have slightly different requirements. Students who do not have the new A.S. should complete their general education at the community or state college and then transfer into the appropriate non-A.S. to B.S. program at UCF. 3. Students may only transfer from the specific major to the specific major; e.g., Business Administration to General Business. One cannot, for example, transfer an A.S. in Business Administration to a B.S. in Accounting under this agreement. 4. Students should write on the front of their application for admission to UCF, “A.S. - B.A./B.S.” or select the appropriate major on the on-line application, designating their desire to participate in the articulation agreement. 5. Students earning an Associate in Science have the option of completing the state approved general education program at a Florida community or state college or state university and must request an official transcript with “general education requirements met” on the transcript to be sent to the UCF Registrar prior to their graduating term from the University of Central Florida. Students who chose to complete their general education program at UCF must meet all of UCF’s current course requirements. Students may not be transient in their last 30 of 39 hours at UCF.

Applied Science (BAS) A.S. to B.S. Track (B.A.S.) Office of Undergraduate Studies Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, 12201 Research Parkway, Room: Suite 101 http://www.regionalcampuses.ucf.edu/ Helen Hill, Director, Regional Campus Advising, 407-823-4547

The Bachelor of Applied Science, available at selected sites, provides baccalaureate educational opportunities with a curriculum designed to develop competencies in organizational skills, management, and communication. Emphasis will also be placed on the development of skills in critical thinking, problem solving, and ethical decision-making.Students are allowed to take lower level, general education classes at the campus in Orlando if necessary. Students have the option of completing the state approved general education program at a Florida Community College or State University and must request an official transcript with “general education requirements met” on the transcript and sent to the UCF Registrar prior to the student’s graduating term from the University of Central Florida. Students who choose to complete their general education program at UCF must meet all of UCF’s current course requirements. Students may not be transient in their last 30 of 39 hours at UCF.If students wish to take an upper division course at the main Orlando campus, they should see a Regional Campus academic advisor. This will be allowed only on a very limited basis and under highly extenuating circumstances. If you have any questions regarding this policy or procedure, please contact the Director of Regional Campuses Advising at 407-823-4547.(Completion program only for individuals who have a statewide articulated A.S. from a Florida public community college.) Admission Requirements Completion of an A.S. degree from a Florida public community college which included at least 15 hours of transferable general education courses. Other applicants will be given individual review. Degree Requirements Students who change degree programs and select this major must adopt the most current catalog. Students should maintain contact with an academic advisor to guarantee timely completion of all requirements including CLAS, Gordon Rule, Foreign Language Admission and General Education.


6. Students with an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree are not eligible for participation in these programs unless they also have the appropriate A.S. degree. Applicants who qualify for this program are not guaranteed admission to the limited access program in Nursing or programs that require specific grades in particular courses for admission. Students should consult with their community or state college advisor when pursuing one of these programs to make sure they have met all of the appropriate requirements for the degree, including the necessary General Education courses and common program prerequisites. Students are still required to complete all of the components of the Gordon Rule and CLAS prior to graduation from UCF. Students may be required to complete all common program prerequisites for these majors prior to enrollment in upper division course work. To earn a bachelor’s degree, students must complete 36 hours of General Education Program. Students admitted into these programs must meet the requirements as stated in the programs listed below. Students who change majors out of these programs must adopt the requirements of the most current catalog for the selected major, including the required UCF General Education Program. Questions concerning the requirements of these majors should be referred to the appropriate academic department, Regional Campuses Director of Advising (407) 823-1509, or the Director of Transfer and Transition Services, (407) 823-2231.

1. UCF General Education Program (GEP) (36 hrs) Students will complete their remaining General Education courses after admission to UCF. The remaining courses will be determined in consideration of General Education courses completed as part of the articulated A.S. and will come from the following areas: A: Communication Foundations (9 hrs) B: Cultural & Historical Foundations (9 hrs) C: Mathematical Foundations (6 hrs) D: Social Foundations (6 hrs) E: Science Foundations (6 hrs) 2. Common Program Prerequisites (CPP) None 3. Core Requirements: Basic Level (10 hrs) MAN 3025 Management of Organizations 4 hrs Select 1: BUL 3130 PLA 3014 Select 1: ENC 3241 ENC 3250

4 hrs Legal and Ethical Environment of Business 4 hrs or Law and the Legal System 3 hrs Writing for the Technical Professional or Professional Writing

3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs

4. Core Requirements: Advanced Level None 5. Restricted Electives Area of Concentration (Choose one) All tracks are not available at all locations. Supervision and Administration Track 19 hrs Take all of the following: 19 hrs INP 3004C Industrial/Organizational Psychology and 3 hrs MAR 3023 Marketing and 4 hrs MAN 3302 Essentials of Human Resource 3 hrs Management for Non-Business Majors and MAN 3354 Employee Training for Non-Business 3 hrs Majors and ACG 3082 Accounting For Non-Business Majors and 3 hrs Restricted Elective (Consult with Program Advisor) 3 hrs


Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2012

Statewide Articulated A.S. To B.S. Programs Industrial Operations Track 21 hrs Students are strongly urged to complete STA 2023 within the general education program. Take all of the following: 21 hrs ETI 3116 Applied Engineering Quality Assurance 3 hrs and ETI 3671 Technical Economic Analysis and 3 hrs ETI 4186 Applied Reliability and 3 hrs ETI 4635 Technical Administration and 3 hrs ETI 4640 Operations Management for Technologists 3 hrs and ETI 4448 Applied Project Management and 3 hrs CET 3010 Introduction to Information Technology 3 hrs Criminal Justice Track CCJ 3024 Criminal Justice System CCJ 3014 Crime in America

18 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs

Select 2: CJL 3510 Prosecution and Adjudication or CJC 3010 Corrections and Penology or CJE 4014 Police and Society Six additional hours of CCJ, CJC, CJE, CJL, or CJT courses, selected with the aid of an academic advisor

6 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 6 hrs

Legal Studies Track Take all of the following: PLA 3014 Law and the Legal System and PLA 3108 Legal Research

18 hrs 6 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs

Select 4: PLA 3155 PLA 3205 PLA 3277 PLA 3309 PLA 4424 PLA 4703

12 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs

Legal Writing or Civil Practice and Procedure or The Law of Torts or Criminal Procedure or The Law of Contracts or Professional Ethics and Liability

Health Services Administration Take all of the following: 1 HSA 3111 U.S. Health Care Systems and HSC 4201 Community Health and HSA 4180 Organization & Management for Health Agencies I and 2 HSA 4191 Health Care Automation and 3 HSC 4500 Epidemiology

18 hrs 15 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs

Select 1: HSC 4652 HSA 4109 HSA 4502 HSA 4702 HIM 4508C

3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs

Health Law and Ethics or Principles of Managed Care or Risk Management Systems or Health Sciences Research Methods or Quality Management

3 hrs 3 hrs

1 2 3

HSA 3111 is a prerequisite for all of the following classes PR: CGS 2100C PR: STA 2014C or STA 2023 Information Technology Track 21 hrs Requirements for the track: An A.S. degree in computer technology, computer related field or at a minimum an A.S. degree and at least 3 different computer technology courses from computer applications, computer networking, computer programming, internet technologies or equivalent experience or education. The track has a computer programming course prerequisite or equivalent experience or C.I. Acceptable courses include C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Java, or equivalent, or C.I. Take all of the following: 21 hrs 1 CET 3383 Applied Systems Analysis I and 3 hrs 1 CET 4427 Applied Database I and 3 hrs ETI 4448 Applied Project Management and 3 hrs CET 4748 Wide Area Networks I and 3 hrs CET 4749 Wide Area Networks II and 3 hrs 2 CET 4663 Computer and Network Security and 3 hrs 1 CET 4483 Intro to Local Area Network Technology 3 hrs 1 2

PR: Object oriented programming course with COP prefix or equivalent or C.I. PR: CET 4483, and MAC 1105


Early Childhood Education Track 21 hrs Take all of the following: 21 hrs EEC 3700 Social and Emotional Development of 3 hrs Young Children and RED 3310 Early Reading, Writing and Language Arts 3 hrs and EEC 4268 Curriculum Activities in Early Childhood 3 hrs and 1 EEC 4604 Classroom Management and Guidance of 3 hrs Young Children and EEX 4751 Parent Involvement in Education and 3 hrs TSL 4080 Theory and Practice of Teaching ESOL 3 hrs Students in Schools and EEX 3450 Young Children With Special Needs 3 hrs 1

PR: EEC 3700 6. Capstone Requirements None 7. Foreign Language Requirements Admissions Two years of one foreign language in high school, or one year of one foreign language in college (or equivalent proficiency exam) prior to graduation. Graduation None 8. Electives None 9. Additional Requirements None 10. Required Minors None 11. Departmental Exit Requirements None 12. University Minimum Exit Requirements A 2.0 UCF GPA 60 semester hours earned after CLEP awarded 48 semester hours of upper division credit completed 30 of the last 39 hours of course work must be completed in residency at UCF A maximum of 45 hours of extension, correspondence, CLEP, Credit by Exam, and Armed Forces credits permitted. Complete the General Education Program, the Gordon Rule, the CLAS and nine hours of Summer credit (if applicable) Total Semester Hours Required 120 Honors In Major None Related Programs None Certificates None Related Minors None Advising Notes None Transfer Notes Students have the option of completing the state approved general education program at a Florida Community College or State University and must request an official transcript with “general education requirements met” on the transcript to be sent to the UCF Registrar prior to the student’s graduating term from the University of Central Florida. Students who choose to complete their general education program at UCF must meet all of UCF’s current course requirements. Students may not be transient in their last 30 of 36 hours at UCF. Courses taken at community colleges do not substitute for upper division courses. Orientation and advising are two of the most valuable tools that a student can use when transferring to UCF. Students should take advantage of both.


Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2012

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