2011 Benefits Overview
2011 Benefits • Open Enrollment: October 18 – 29, 2010 • Changes to the health and life benefits effective January 1, 2011 • Updates for Healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts: > Effective January 1, 2011, can no longer submit claims for reimbursement of over-the-counter products without a doctor’s prescription. > Maximum annual contribution will remain at $5,000 until 2014 • Online enrollment—EVERYONE must confirm continuation of benefits for 2011 • Completion of Health Assessment and Biometric Numbers (i.e., blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.) 2
Take the Health Assessment 9 Completely CONFIDENTIAL 9 Provides you a personal health report and access to health plansponsored programs 9 You and your covered dependents 18 years and older need to complete prior to confirming or changing benefits 9 Biometric Numbers must be entered this year: height, weight, waist circumference, total cholesterol, HDL, blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) 9 Taking the Health Assessment: - Current employees can follow the instructions in slide 6 or go to myCIGNA.com to complete - Newly hired employees, effective date of coverage of November or December 1, 2010, can log into New Employee Health Assessment link through ATLAS 3
Benefits Fairs Are Coming: Oct. 4-12, 2010 Note: Watch for dates for FREE Health Screenings coming soon! If you don’t have access to a computer or need help completing the Health Assessment, computer stations will be set up at the Health Screenings sites.
Also open to your spouse and covered dependents BENEFITS FAIRS DATE
11:00 – 1:00
Tues Benefits Fairs
11:00 – 1:00
5:00 - 6:00
Bldg 5, Rm 112
Wed Benefits Fairs
11:00 – 1:00
5:00 - 6:00
HSB, Rm 105
Thurs Benefits Fairs
11:00 – 1:00
1st Floor Conf Rms
Benefits Fairs
Winter Park
11:00 – 1:00
Room 224-226
Benefits Fairs
Sand Lake Ctr
11:00 – 1:00
Bldg 2, Rm 106
Tues Benefits Fairs
11:00 – 1:00
Benefits Fairs
LOCATION CJI Multipurpose Rm
3:30 – 5:00
Bldg. 2, Rm 219B
Where can I get my biometric numbers? • Your annual preventive care physical • Your local health expo or community health fair • Your next doctor visit • At the Free Biometric Screening Clinics— watch for dates, times, and locations coming soon
How do I confirm or change benefits? (Open Enrollment—Oct. 18 - Oct. 29) Remember you and your covered dependents, age 18 and older, must take the health assessment AND enter your biometric numbers before confirming or changing benefits • EVERYONE must review and confirm your benefits for the 2011 plan year for all benefits except Long-Term Disability • Go to ATLAS to Employees tab and click Online Open Enrollment Tool • Have your Valencia VID number ready for login.
Instructions to Confirm or Change Benefits • Log in to ATLAS, click Employees tab, click on the Online Open Enrollment Tool link in upper right-hand corner --User name: your VID# with small “v” --Password: can reset there if you forgot • Login in to enrollment tool with your VID and new password • Click “Get Started.” A page will be displayed where you can review information about you and your family or add family members. When you click continue, you will be on a page that will display a link to take your Health Assessment—once done, you will be returned to the enrollment site. • You will be asked if you took the Health Assessment: if you answer YES, the system will allow you to continue; if you answer NO, you can continue BUT no medical choices will be shown. • When you continue, you come to a page that has a list of the types of benefits and a “Review and Submit” button on the right-hand of the screen: • If no changes to plans, click on “Review and Submit,” review them and click “submit” • If making changes, click on the specific benefit link that you want to change. When done, click Review and Submit your changes. 7
What do I do to Confirm or Change Benefits? • Go to ATLAS to Employees tab and click Online Open Enrollment Tool • Log n to ATLAS, click Employees tab, click on the Online Open Enrollment Tool link in upper right-hand corner --User name: your VID# with small “v” --Password: can reset there if you forgot • Login in to enrollment tool with your VID and new password • From here you can click on the link to take your Health Assessment—once done, you will be returned to enrollment tool Welcome page • If no changes to plans, click on View Your Benefits??, review them and click “submit”
Changes to the Medical Plan Benefits
2011 Benefits & Health Care Reform •Dependent Age Increase •Coverage under Medical plan up to the end of month in which dependent turns 26 years of age •If not eligible for employer sponsored health coverage elsewhere* •Regardless of student status, marital status or financial dependency requirements
•Removal of Lifetime Limits from all Medical Plan options •Grandfathered Status (OAP, HRA plans) •Cannot rescind coverage unless due to fraud •Must comply with removal of lifetime limits •Must comply with annual limit standards •Must comply with age increase for those not eligible for other employer sponsored plan •Allowed to provide Preventive Care with cost share until 2014 •Allowed to maintain preexisting conditions for those older than 19 until 2014 •Allowed to maintain waiting periods until 2014 *grandfathered plans only 10
2011 Plan Provider: CIGNA Available plans: •
Open Access Plus In-Network (OAPIN) – Similar to an HMO – Use providers contracted with the OAP network
Open Access Plus (OAP)* – Similar to a PPO – In and Out of Network benefits – Lowers costs if you use In-Network Providers
Open Access Plus w/ Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)* fund – – – –
Employer fund available to you to pay eligible expenses first 100% Preventive Care Coverage with no maximum limits In and Out of Network benefits Lower costs if you use In-Network Providers
*Denotes Grandfathered Status Plans
Monthly Premiums OAP Open Access Plus (OAP) Health Reimb Arrangement (HRA) Employee (College paid)
Current rates
2011 Rates
Current rates
2011 Rates
HRA PLAN Current rates
2011 Rates
Spouse/Domestic Partner
Child 1-2
$357.94 (1 dep. only)
Children 3 or more
$527.89 (2 or more dep.)
Family - Sp & 1-2 child
$527.89 2 or more dep.)
Family - Sp & 3+ child
$527.89 (2 or more dep.)
Retiree (non-Medicare Plan)
Retiree’s Spouse
Retiree’s Child 1-2
Retiree’s Children 3 or more
Retiree’s Family Sp & 1-2 child
Retiree’s Family Sp & 3+ child
COBRA - Participant
COBRA: Spouse
COBRA: Child 1-2
$357.94 (1 dep. only)
COBRA: Child 3+
$527.89 (2 or more dep.)
COBRA: Family Sp & 1-2 child
$527.89 (2 or more dep.)
COBRA: Family Sp & 3+ child
$527.89 (2 or more dep.) 12
Medical Plan Highlights – 2011 Changes in Red Open Access Plus In-Network (OAPIN)
The most you’ll pay next year out-of-pocket
Copays apply
HRA contribution from employer
Inpatient Hosp
$200/day – max 4
Outpatient Fac
15% $200 15%
INN – In-network OON – Out-of-Network
Open Access Plus (OAP)
CIGNA Choice Fund® with Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)*
Emp + Spouse Emp + Child
Copays apply
$500 INN/ $1,000 OON
$1,500 INN/ $3,000 OON
$1,000 INN/ $3,000 OON
$2,000 INN/ $4,000 OON
$3,000 INN/ $6,000 OON
$5,000 $5775 INN/ $10,000
$10,000 $11,550 INN/ $20,000
$3,000 INN/ $6,000 OON
$6,000 INN/ $12,000 OON
$9,000 INN/ $18,000 OON
$10,000 $12,000
CYD – Calendar Year Deductible
Medical Plan Highlights (Cont’d) – 2011 Changes in Red Benefit
Office Visit : PCP: Specialist – CIGNA Care Network Specialist- Non CIGNA Care Network
Open Access Plus In-Network (OAPIN)
$15 PCP
$30 $40 Spec CCN
$25 $30 Spec CCN
$45 $60 Spec. Non CCN
$40 $45 Spec Non CCN
$75 copay then 100%
$35 $50
CCN = CIGNA Care Network
OAP with Choice Fund (HRA)
CYD then 30%
CYD 20% Non CCN
CYD then 30%
CYD then 15% CYD then 30%
CYD then 30% CYD then 20%
$75 copay then 100%
CYD then 30%
OUT of Network
CYD then 15%
Urgent Care
OUT of Network
CYD then 15% N/A
Emergency Room
$20 PCP
Coinsurance (e.g., inpatient) CCN
Ambulatory/Surgical Centers
Open Access Plus (OAP)
CYD then 15%
CYD then 30%
CYD then 15%
CYD then 15% (if a true emergency)
CYD – Calendar Year Deductible
Prescription Drug Coverage
Prescription Plan Highlights – No Changes for 2011 Open Access Plus In-Network (OAPIN)
Open Access Plus (OAP)
CIGNA Choice Fund® with Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)*
Retail (30-day supply)
Home Delivery* (90-day supply)
Retail (30-day supply)
Home Delivery* (90-day supply)
Retail (30-day supply)
Home Delivery* (90-day supply)
You pay $15
You pay $30
You pay $10
You pay $20
You pay $10
You pay $20
CIGNA preferred brand
You pay $40
You pay $80
You pay $35
You pay $70
You pay $35
You pay $70
Non-Preferred brand
You pay $60
You pay $120
You pay $50
You pay $100
You pay $50
You pay $100
Self-injectable medications
You pay $70
You pay $140
You pay $60
You pay $120
You pay $60
You pay $120
TEL-DRUG (Home Delivery)—saves the cost of 1 copay for a 90-day supply.
For employees who do not need health insurance (i.e., covered under spouse’s coverage, etc.) Valencia pays the employee only coverage cost for dental and vision. In addition, the College will provide a Healthcare Flexible Spending Account in the amount of $600 for the plan year. Employees can cover their eligible dependents for dental and vision only.
Your Passport to Better Health
How do you get the most from your CIGNA plan? • Make sure to have your ROUTINE PREVENTIVE CARE • Preventive care services are covered by your plan • Schedule your annual physical • Be aware of any age-related screenings you should have • Think about using convenience care clinics • Convenience care clinics are located in retail pharmacy locations • You will only pay your PCP copay when you have services • Look into the savings that Generic drugs provide • Register at myCIGNA.com • Call 24 Hour Nurse Line with questions: • Should I go to the Emergency Room? • Need information on my health condition (i.e. medications for Asthma)
Well-Aware Disease Management Support
Other Tools and Resources Lifestyle Management Programs Stress Management Tobacco Cessation Weight Management Care support programs including: CIGNA Well Aware for Better Health® Health Advisor-Health & Wellness Coaching Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies® – prenatal education Employee Assistance Program Healthy Rewards® — discounts on laser vision correction, weight management, smoking cessation and more 21
Lifestyle Management Programs Tobacco Cessation Program
Telephone program
Online program
Learn how to resist the urge to use tobacco. Make the choice to live a healthier, tobacco-free life!
Personal management plan
An 8-week self-paced program
Individual telephone coaching
Weekly educational emails with key learning themes and tips
Stress Management Program Learn coping techniques and manage stress both on and off the job. Information on how nutrition, sleep and relationships can boost your resilience to stress.
Weight Management Program Learn to manage your weight using a non-diet approach Resources and tools available to assist you in maintaining your lifestyle changes.
Dedicated wellness coach Convenient evening and weekend coaching hours Workbook and toolkit
Healthy Rewards discounts Secure, convenient support
Healthy Rewards discounts Support line available 24/7
Just call 1.866.417.7848 or visit myCIGNA.com 22
Valencia Community College Wellness Program Valencia Community College is moving forward to a healthier work place. Valencia's Wellness program is dedicated to creating communities of people with healthy bodies and minds. Visit the website: http://valenciacc.edu/wellness/
Valencia has partnered with CIGNA to help you stay healthy! 23
Employee Assistance Program: Work/Life Programs—Telephonic Educational Programs Available to covered employee & household-paid by Valencia for full-time employees
(800) 554-6931 or www.cignabehavioral.com Employer ID: Valen 24
NEW HEALTH PLAN BENEFIT! Earn $$ for Taking Steps to Stay Well!! Activity
Points Value
Frequency for Earning Points and Tracking (Jan. 1 ‐ Dec. 31, 2011)
Health Assessment & Complete the online Health Assessment & Biometric Screenings to be eligible for Program Biometric Screening Preventive Care‐ Annual Physical Exam Lifestyle Management Programs CIGNA Well‐Aware for Better Health OR Health Advisor Wellness Coach
More Details about each Activity and your ability to earn $$ within your Program Welcome Kit!
Valencia Wellness Programs OR CIGNA EAP Telephonic Programs 25
Voluntary Vision Plan
CIGNA Vision Plan PPO Plan In-Network
Out of Network Allowance
Exam (one every 12 months)
Covered in full
Single vision lenses (one every 12 months)
Covered in full
Bifocal lenses (one every 12 months)
Covered in full
Trifocal lenses (one every 12 months)
Covered in full
Lenticular lenses (one every 12 months)
Covered in full
Contact lenses (one pair or single purchase every 12 months) Elective Therapeutic
$110 Covered in full
$98 $210
Exam Copay
Retail frame allowance (one every 24 months)
CIGNA Vision Plan: Out-of-Pocket Expenses Maximum Individual Out-of-Pocket Expense Lens Options Oversized lenses
Covered under the plan
Tints - Rose #1 and #2
Covered under the plan
Tints - All others Polycarbonate lenses
Solid up to $15 Standard Polycarbonate covered under the plan for under 18 years of age. Standard Polycarbonate for adults up to $40
Progressive lenses – Standard
Standard Progressive up to $70
Progressive lenses – Premium
Minimum savings of 20%
Hi-index lenses
Minimum savings of 20%
Blended segment lenses
Minimum savings of 20%
Standard Photochromics
up to $78
Coating Anti-reflective coating Anti-scratch coating Polarized lenses UV Protection
Standard AR Coating up to $45 Standard Scratch Coating up to $17 Minimum savings of 20% Standard UV Coating up to $17
Maximum individual out-of-pocket cost levels set, resulting in a minimum 20% savings on non-covered lens options •
Vision Network Savings Program: minimum 20% savings on additional purchases of frames, lenses and lens options, unlimited purchases 28
CIGNA Vision Plan PPO Plan Total Monthly Premium Employee Only
Employee and Spouse
10.91 (5.45)
Employee and Children
11.02 (5.56)
Employee and Family
17.36 (11.90)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): CIGNA •
Covered employee & household
Access via toll-free number (800) 554-6931 or online at www.cignabehavioral.com Employer ID: Valen
Clinical Services: – – – –
24/7 Telephone Access Telephone Consultation 1 – 6 Free Face-to-Face clinical visits per issue Beyond 6 visits, health coverage picks up under the mental health and substance abuse medical benefits
Community Referral and Resources – – – – – – – –
Child & Summer Care Search Adoption Resource Search Financial Parenting Resources Senior Care Search Pet Care Legal ID Theft Recovery 31
Dental Plan
Tier Structure: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Employee only Spouse Child(ren) Family
Orthodontic discounts:
Paid by the College $ 32.14 per month $ 31.50 per month $ 44.00 per month
20% off select providers
Cosmetic Dental discounts: (i.e., implants, laminate veneers, whitening, cosmetic contouring)
20% off select providers
Carry over of unused annual maximum (certain conditions apply)
Same dental network—BlueDental Choice (www.bcbsfl.com)
Customer Service #:
1-877-203-9921 33
Life Insurance
Not an open enrollment for life insurance—employees and/or spouses can apply for coverage through Evidence Of Insurability (EOI) process; must make application during open enrollment
No change in premiums for 2011
Basic Life Insurance is $25,000 (paid by the College)
1x, 2x, or 3x annual salary up to $500,000 available after EOI approval
LifeSuite: Beneficiary Financial Counseling Services
Supplemental spouse ($10,000 or $20,000) and dependent child ($5,000 or $10,000) coverage options (must be enrolled in employee supplemental life insurance)—Spouse must show EOI and be approved for coverage
Age-related Coverage Reduction done only in July and August (with salary updates) for those reaching ages 65, 70, and 75
Employee Supplemental Term Life and AD&D $0.37 per $1000 of salary per month Spouse/Dom. Partner Term Life Per Month
Child (ren) Term Life Per Month
Portability rates available for terminating employees and retirees. (coverage ends at age 70)
This presentation and benefit updates will be available on the Benefits website at: valenciacc.edu/HR/benefits.asp