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Course Outline Builder - GEB 2955


Course Outline GEB 2955 Immersion in Global Business - China

General Course Information Common Course Number: GEB2955 Course Title: Immersion in Global Business - China Prerequisite(s): GEB 1011 Co-requisite(s): None Contact Hour Breakdown: CR 1-3



Discipline: Business Catalog Description: The objective of this course is to immerse our students in foreign cultures, giving them the opportunity to witness business activities, economic changes and social/cultural impact due to globalization. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits, but grade forgiveness cannot be applied.

Major Topics/ Concepts/ Skills/ Issues Trade and its Impact on foreign and domestic activity Living standards and Cost-of-living U.S. business activities in foreign countries Central Bank, monetary policies, fiscal policies Marketing and Advertisement Import/Export and Product Quality Control standards Culture, Society and Education

Major Learning Outcomes with Evidence, Core Competencies and Indicators Each student will have an understanding of how to identify key components of globalization and its impact on standard of living. Corresponding Evidence of Learning Student will be able to Describe observations and participate in discussions with their counterparts about the impact trade has on international economies and domestic activity. Core Competency: Think Indicators draw well-supported conclusions

Assessments Essay less than 1000 words Journal

Core Competency: Value Indicators recognize values as expressed in attitudes, choices, and commitments

Assessments Group presentation Journal

Core Competency: Communicate Indicators employ methods of communication appropriate to your audience and purpose

Assessments Focus group Oral examination

Each student will have an understanding of American Business operations in foreign Countries. Corresponding Evidence of Learning Student will be able to Present through writing exercises their observations, experiences and assigned tasks how American Business activities impact emerging markets.

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Course Outline Builder - GEB 2955


Core Competency: Think Indicators integrate ideas and values from different disciplines draw well-supported conclusions revise conclusions consistent with new observations, interpretations, or reasons

Assessments Essay less than 1000 words

Core Competency: Value Indicators articulate a considered and self-determined set of values

Assessments Group presentation Group debriefing

Core Competency: Communicate Indicators employ methods of communication appropriate to your audience and purpose

Assessments Focus group Compare and contrast

Each student will compare and contrast marketing and advertising concepts used in foreign countries. Corresponding Evidence of Learning Student will be able to Describe their observations of marketing and advertising techniques used in foreign countries and compare and contrast similarities/differences through formative and summative assessments. Core Competency: Think Indicators draw well-supported conclusions

Assessments Focus group

Core Competency: Value Indicators evaluate your own and others values from individual, cultural, and global perspectives

Assessments Performance or Demonstration Self asessement

Core Competency: Communicate Indicators evaluate the effectiveness of your own and others' communication

Assessments Focus group

Each student will have understanding of international business activities. Corresponding Evidence of Learning Student will be able to Formulate and analyze their opinions on international business activities based on in country lectures and immersion through oral and written presentations. Core Competency: Think Indicators analyze data, ideas, patterns, principles, perspectives

Assessments Essay less than 1000 words

Core Competency: Value Indicators


recognize values as expressed in attitudes, choices, and commitments Core Competency: Communicate Indicators employ methods of communication appropriate to your audience and purpose

Assessments Essay less than 1000 words

Each student will have an understanding, appreciation and recognition of key cultural differences between foreign countries and the U.S.A. Corresponding Evidence of Learning Student will be able to Discuss and interact with others about the cultural differences between foreign countries and the U.S.A. by creating a learning module with rubric to present to the class.

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Course Outline Builder - GEB 2955


Core Competency: Think Indicators


revise conclusions consistent with new observations, interpretations, or reasons

Individual debriefing

Core Competency: Value Indicators


evaluate your own and others values from individual, cultural, and global perspectives

Focus group

Core Competency: Communicate Indicators


employ methods of communication appropriate to your audience and purpose

Group debriefing

Shared Assessment(s) in this Course Group debriefing Group presentations Focus Group

College Curriculum Committee Website Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Chief Learning Officer Valencia Community College Orlando, Florida Copyright Š 2005 - 2011 Valencia Community College

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