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Course Syllabus – GEB 2955 GEB 2955: Global Immersion in Business - Denmark (Denmark Troika –Innovation, Experience Economy and Event Management- Three (3) credit hours) Term: Instructor: Office Tel.: Office Location: E-Mail:

SUMMER 201230 with International Travel May 11- May 26, 2012 Lee H. McCain 407-582-2489 East Campus Building 8, Room 138 lmccain@valenciacollege.edu


GEB 1011

Material/Reading: 1. The Experience Economy; Pine II & Gilmore ISBN 0-87584-819-2 (Required) 2. The Copenhagen Consensus; Kuttner, Robert; Foreign Affairs magazine, March/April 2008. (Required) 3. The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century; Friedman, Thomas L.; ISBN – 0312425074 (Required) 4. Art and Culture in Denmark; http://www.visitdenmark.com/uk/engb/menu/turist/inspiration /detkulturelledanmark/temaside-inspiration-kultur.htm (Required) 5. Kwintessential Denmark; http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/globaletiquette/denmarkcountry-profile.html (Required) 6. CIA World Fact Book; https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-worldfactbook/; view information for Denmark and Sweden. (Required) 7. Project Management for Dummies; Portny, Stanley E.; ISBN – 0470049235 (Recommended) 8. Travels of a T-shirt in the Global Economy; Rivoli, Pietra ISBN 978-0-470-28716-3 (Recommended) 9. Others to be identified Course Description and Competencies: This three credit hour course is for students interested in discussion, exploration and observation of special topics in management. May be repeated for a maximum of nine (9) credits provided different topic explored each time but grade forgiveness cannot be applied. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: • Describe current economic situations using business concepts. • Identify effective managerial methods to current economic situations. • Apply tools to improve their ability to innovate and to implement changes or leverage their insights and assessments. • Build cross-cultural awareness and appreciation. • Employ a set of tools and framework to leverage strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. • Practice essential project management skills. • Effectively research, assimilate and present key information. 1

Course Syllabus – GEB 2955 • Describe the conditions for effective teamwork and communication. • Assess significance of globalization today and in the future. Nature and Scope of Course: This is course is focused on providing participants with a hands-on opportunity to build valuable organizational knowledge and skills that have wide-ranging multi-disciplinary application. Format: During the spring semester, students will be required to meet and work online to prepare themselves (as enrolled students in GEB 2955) for the study-abroad component of the course. Required readings, assignments and other activities will be provided to students. From May 11-26, 2012 the course will be held at Roskilde Business College in Roskilde, Denmark with a weekend visit to Sweden. Students will also have a personalized tour of Denmark’s Iron Village, Tivoli Gardens, Kronborg Castle, & Frederiksborg Castle. During this two week period participants will have classroom experiences along with hands-on opportunities to apply course material. Credits: Three (3) semester hours of college credit will be awarded for the successful completion of this course. A grade for this course will be assigned after the study-abroad portion is completed and all assignments have been turned in. Grading Scale: The following grading scale is used: A=90-100; B=80-89; C=70-79; D=60-69; F=below 60 Course Grading: Assignments The following lists the graded components for this course: Spring Term 1. Visit CDC website – 5% 2. Complete reading assignments and participate in Momentum course (Roane State online learning site) site discussions – 10% 3. Attend all meetings – 10% 4. Daily Reflections Journal - 10% Summer Term - Denmark/Sweden-Based 1. Participate and contribute to all learning activities – 25% 2. Participate and contribute to all cultural activities – 25% 3. Be a positive student and teammate – 10% 4. Prepare Power Point presentation of experience upon return – 5%


Course Syllabus – GEB 2955 ATTENDANCE POLICY: There will be three pre-departure meetings and one re-entry meeting (February, March & April, then May- dates TBD). These meetings are required and if you miss any your travel status and course grade will be jeopardized. Denmark/Sweden based meetings – You are expected to participate in all learning and cultural activities conducted during the in-country portion of this program. If you must miss a class or activity it will impact your grade. Classroom attendance and punctuality is vital to academic success. If you miss a class, you need to contact a classmate to get the notes you missed. Students who do not maintain regular attendance will be withdrawn by the professor, unless other arrangements have been made with the professor. Missing the equivalent of more than two classes for any reason, other than absences excused in accordance with Valencia’s policies, is excessive and a basis for withdrawal. You must submit a minimum of one assignment each week to meet the attendance requirement. WITHDRAWAL: Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a particular term will receive a grade of “W”. A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline of June 1, 2012. A faculty member MAY withdraw a student up to the beginning of the final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W”. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F”. For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 please go to: http://valenciacc.edu/generalcounsel/policydetail.cfm?RecordID=75. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Each student is required to follow Valencia policy regarding academic honesty. All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the student’s individual thoughts, research, and self-expression unless the assignment specifically states “group project.” Any act of academic dishonesty will be handled in accordance with Valencia policy as set forth in the Student Handbook and Catalog. COLLEGE POLICIES: A full description of all College policies can be found in the College Catalog at http://www.valenciacc.edu/catalog/; Policy Manual at http://www.valenciacc.edu/generalcounsel/; and the Student Handbook at http://www.valenciacc.edu/pdf/studenthandbook.pdf. IMPORTANT DATES: Summer Term 5/7/2012 – 6/18/2012 Students may withdraw themselves and receive a W up until June 1, 2012. Students may not withdraw themselves after that date. College Closed (Credit Classes Do Not Meet): See College calendar for important dates and final exam schedule at http://www.valenciacc.edu/calendar. DISCLAIMER: Changes may be made at the discretion of the instructor. 3

Course Syllabus – GEB 2955 MAKE-UP POLICY: Course cannot be made up. Missed assignment deadlines may be made up within 24 hours of missed assignment deadline only. DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Prior to overseas departure, you must visit this website and take the necessary steps to get any required vaccinations and complete VC forms provided to you by Student Development regarding finances. http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/denmark.aspx#notices 2. Complete reading assignments and participate in Momentum course site discussions – 10% - https://elearn.roanestate.edu/. Reading assignments will be posted in the Momentum course site and discussions will be initiated by the instructor. Specific material will also be reviewed in the live meetings. 3. Attend all meetings – 10% - Three meetings will be scheduled prior to our departure to Denmark. Attendance at these meetings is required. 4. Weekly Reflections Journal - 10% - Personal weekly reflections are required of all students. The journal will provide a vehicle for reflection and professional development. All participants will: •

Prior to travel – identify at least two (2) of your own learning (personal, professional or academic) objectives and share them with the instructor and peers at the beginning and end of the course. At the end of the course, discussion should center on your progress towards achieving your personal objectives. These objectives may guide your daily entries.

Weekly – write a minimum of three (3) journal entries per week exploring your thoughts and reactions to your learning. You can explore observations about the specific sessions, general thoughts about the course topic, reflections of cultural significance, relationship to readings, personal reflections, application of information and insights into personal life as well as to the global society, responses to questions provided, and any questions that come to you. It is expected that your reflections build in depth over the course.

Final entry, post travel – synthesize your experience. Identify 1-2 experiences or realizations that you think had significant impact on you and why. Grading will be based on completion of assignment, reflection and interpretation of ideas presented, integration into your daily or professional life, depth of reflections, self discovery, application to current or future area of study or work, and clarity of writing.


Course Syllabus – GEB 2955 Denmark/Sweden-Based: 1. Participate and contribute to all learning activities – 25% - Actively participate in all work, learning and discussions (including completing readings prior to discussions) related to learning activities. 2. Participate and contribute to all cultural activities – 25% - Actively participate in all work, learning and discussions (including completing readings prior to discussions) related to cultural activities. 3. Be a positive student and teammate – 10% - Conduct yourself in a professional and scholarly way that will enable peers and faculty to perceive you as a positive role model. Follow through on commitments to your classmates and teammates. The grade for this component will be based primarily on feedback from in-country faculty. 4. Prepare and distribute article for local news upon return – 5% - An article will be prepared for local/hometown newspapers, professional magazines and/or other applicable media. Focus/goal of the article must be cleared with the instructor. Student and/or faculty will work with VCC’s Public Relations office to have articles published.


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