Implementation Timeline Date August/September 2010
Task Form a PERT implementation group led by the Director of Standardized Testing
SeptemberOctober 2010
Develop a communication plan to inform the college community regarding the transition to PERT Begin implementation of communication plan Initiate development of PERT information sessions for Valencia personnel
November 2010
Complete development of PERT information sessions for Valencia personnel
December 2010
Customize the PERT platform to include the creation of user IDs and passwords, branching profiles and reporting mechanisms Develop and implement a communication plan to inform and educate entering Valencia students on the PERT
January – March 2011
Conduct information sessions college-wide to educate the college community about PERT
February 1, 2010
Finalize all arrangements to ensure transition is carried out as scheduled
February 14, 2011
Implement Phase I: Transition to PERT placement testing
March – May , 2011
Begin evaluation/modification cycle as needed
May 2011
Finalize decision regarding new placement mechanisms for math beyond college entry level and math intensive preparatory coursework, and for EAP coursework
December 2011
Implement Phase II.B: Transition to new placement mechanisms for math beyond college entry level and math intensive preparatory coursework, and for EAP coursework
January 2012
Implement Phase III: Transition to PERT paper/pencil EPRA testing
Beyond January 2012
Continue evaluation/modification cycle as needed