WELCOME TO THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Fall Operating Hours: Mon. – Thurs. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Telephone: (407) 582-1812
The Communications Center
is an academic environment where students are expected to be focused on learning. Turn
cell phones off or on “silent mode” No food or drinks allowed Visitors, including children, are NOT permitted.
Communications Center Staff
Instructors – Provide in-depth help. – Offer extensive teaching experience. Student Assistants – Help with many routine questions. – Have EAP/Developmental class experience.
The Main Lab Currently enrolled EAP or Developmental Reading or English Valencia College students ONLY Students must be logged-in with their own VID number 80 Computers with interactive programs & tutorials
Attention: You MUST have your VID card in order to log into a computer! (A VID may be obtained in 3-147)
Pay for Print!
10 cents per page
Print cards are available in the Library (bldg. 6) and the Math Lab (7-240)
All printing must be for the specific EAP or Prep class you are logged in for.
* Remember Your Password!
Attention! 
Save all work to a USB/Flash Drive  All
files saved to lab computers will be deleted when the system is restarted.
The Main Lab – Materials Desk
Workbooks, practice exams, & quizzes available at the Materials Desk.
Checked out to your library Borrower ID number Must be returned before leaving Library fines charged for lost/late items
REMINDER: You MUST have your VID card in order to check out lab materials! (A VID may be obtained in 3-147)
EAP/Foreign Languages Lab
Reserved for EAP Speech and Foreign Language students ONLY. Specialized equipment for listening to and recording speech Occasionally reserved for use by classes and other large groups
Help is available to all Valencia students from all courses and disciplines college-wide. Appointments are required. 1/day, 3/week 30 minutes long (60 minutes for research papers) “no-show” appointments may be given to waiting students after five minutes
Students with repeated no-shows will lose the use of the Writing Center. NOTE: You MUST have your VID card in order to make an appointment!
Come prepared! Bring a clean, printed copy of your work. Bring a copy of the assignment, if possible. Instructors will: Identify and review problem areas. Offer one-on-one lessons on weak skills. Send a summary to classroom instructor. Instructors will NOT: NOT Proofread or grade papers.