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E-Resources Selection Guidelines E-resources will be considered for the collection by consensus of all campuses based on available funding. A team of Librarians will meet periodically to review e-resources to determine which ones will be licensed, purchased or renewed. The following criteria will be considered when selecting e-resources. Supports the college curriculum Supports the needs of distance learners Technical access Subject area/coverage Availability of funds Search features and functionality Cost and licensing stipulations* User statistics (by vendor, classroom usage, other) Compatibility on multiple platforms Display Duplication and overlap of content in the current print and electronic resources collection Accessibility of electronic resources to students with disabilities according to the Section 508 standards of the US Rehabilitation Act

*Librarians will examine proposed license agreements to verify that the terms support adherence to the other selection criteria, including access, features, functionality and cost and make recommendations for expenditures. Actual changes to contract language must be made by General Counsel. All new licenses or changes to existing licenses must be approved and signed by General Counsel. Budget approval rests with the Budget Manager for the collegewide account. E-Resources will have a common renewal date of January 1 whenever possible. Faculty members wishing to recommend e-resources should communicate recommendations to their campus librarian(s) by September 14. The Requests will be sent to the E-Resources Team for sharing and possible inclusion for the next subscription cycle. Updated February 12

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