Sound & Music Tech. - Sound Tech. Specialization HOW TO READ THIS CHART
Suggested Course Sequencing & Course Overview Chart
Courses with a heavy border are a requirement of both the AS Degree in Sound Technology as well as the AS Degree in Music Performance and Sound Courses with a light border are only a reguirement for students pursuing the AS Degree in Sound Technology
E, W, O
= Campus availablity (East, West, Osceola).
NOTE: Not all courses are available on all campuses. Be sure to check availability at the time of registration.
Semester 1 (13 CREDITS) TPA1380 - Survey of Entertainment Technology
Semester 2 (13 CREDITS) 2 Credits
Explores the range of employment options in the Central Florida entertainment industry including digital media, film production, music and sound, and entertainment design and technology with a focus on career and educational planning for success.
MUM1662C - Live Sound Techniques
Semester 3 (12 CREDITS) 3 Credits
• Prerequisite: TPA 1380 & min. grade of C in TPA 2260 This course reviews the theory and practices of sound reinforcement for the entertainment industry. It covers audio equipment, sound systems, and sound reinforcement for live events with a hands-on, project- focused approach.
TPA2260 - Introduction to Audio Production
4 Credits
This course introduces students to the theory and practices of sound reinforcement and recording for the entertainment industry. It covers audio equipment, sound systems, recording techniques and sound reinforcement for live events with a hands-on, project-focused approach.
MUT1011 - Introduction to Music Theory
MUS1621 - Acoustics and Psychoacoustics
3 Credits
• Prerequisite: Min. grade of C in MUT 1011 & TPA 2260 An introduction to the qualitative principles of acoustics, room design, musical instruments and acoustic environments and to the elementary principles of sound perception. Students will undergo an evaluation of their hearing. In addition, they will undergo training of their ciritcal listening skills and analytical abilities to engage in effective audio manipulation.
E TPA2252 - Introduction to Audiovisual Technology 3 Credits An introduction to the audio visual technology and practices of the entertainment industry. The course will focus on the set-up, operation and troubleshooting of basic audio visual equipment including video and slide projectors, monitors, computers and projection screens.
3 Credits
The student will participate as an audio visual technician for theatre, dance, film or music events. Requires a minimum of 10 hours per week for a production or preproduction assignment.
• Corequisites: MUM 2634L This course is designed to develop recording skills through solid eartraining for quality of sound, principles of psychoacoustics, and basic studio techniques, including principles of analog and digital recording, and crafting of the mix. Digidesign’s Pro Tools 101® is covered as part of the regular curriculum in this course. Students must be prepared for additional hours of studio work.
MUM2634L - The Digital Audio Workstation
MUS2360 - MIDI Electronic Music 1 4 Credits • Prerequisite: Min. grade of C in MUT 1121 or MUT 1111 and MUT1241c This course provides an introduction to MIDI production and sequencing using electronic instruments and computers and stresses harmonization, voicing, and rhythmic variations. This course includes learning activity designed to ensure competence in the basic use of computers. E
This course introduces students to the history and appreciation of American popular music forms, from early blues and spirituals to contemporary rock, elecronica and urban sytles, emphasizing the contribution of the recognized masters of the different genres and styles.
4 Credits
• Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in MUM 2600C This course focuses on advanced studio techniques, microphone selection, studio equipment calibration, including analog multitrack recorders, and advanced digital audio training on Digidesign’s Pro Tools®. Students must be prepared for additional hours of studio work.
1 Credits
E 3 Credits
MUM2720 - The Business of Music
3 Credits
The fundamentals, guidelines and use of copyright law, contracts, agencies and management, publishing, song writing, record production and marketing.
3 Credits
E MUM2632 - Audio Systems Design and Maintenance 3 Credits • Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in MUM 1662 A project-oriented course designed to develop skills in the design of audio systems to meet industry standards and sound system maintenance.
1 Credits
See course catalog for description
OR MUM2721 - The Business of Music II AND Sound Technology Elective
ENC1011 - Freshman Composition 1
• Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of all mandated courses in reading, mathematics, English, and English for Academic Purposes; a minimum 2.0 institutional or overall GPA; and 12 credits, including MUM 2606. The Program Director/Program Chair/Program Coordinator or Internship and Workforce Services has the discretion to provide override approval as it relates to the waiver of required program/discipline-related courses.minimum of 10 hours per week for a production or pre-production assignment. This course is a planned work-based experience that provides students with an opportunity to fine-tune skill sets learned in course work and enhance workplace skills through supervised practical experiences related to their career objectives. Each earned credit of Internship requires a minimum of 80 clock hours of work. Multiple credit course. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits, but grade forgiveness cannot be applied.
The student will participate as an audio visual technician for theatre, dance, film or music events. Requires a minimum of 10 hours per week for a production or preproduction assignment.
Sound Technology Elective
1 Credit
• Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in MUM 2606 Participation by students as technicians, producers and managers in the production of a live audio event and a music album, closely paralleling the workings of a music production. Multiple credit course. May be repeated for a maximum of two credits provided different topic explored each time, but grade forgiveness cannot be applied.
MUM2942 - Internship in Audio Technology / Business
• Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in MUS 2360 This course is designed to provide students further practical study in MIDI with particular focus on sound synthesis, sampling, remixing, and software synthesizers, as well as special emphasis on advanced techniques in MIDI sequencing, editing, multi-track recording, composition and arranging, plus a broad view of electronic music and its history.
TPA2257 -Audiovisual Production
MUM2790L - Music Production
3 Credits
DIG 2282C - Visual Media for Audio Professionals 3 Credits Students will learn basic concepts of video production, video editing, graphics creation, project authoring, and distribution of media for audio professionals.
MUM2640 - Post-Production Sound
• Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in MUM 2606 A project-oriented approach to sound post-production techniques. Includes CD mastering, surround sound mixing, integration of dialog, sound effects and music in film and video productions.
• Prerequisites: Min. grade of C in MUM 2600c & MUM 2634L
• Prerequisites: Min. grade of C in TPA 2260 and MUS 1621 • Corequisite: MUM 2600C This course introduces students to sound recording and postproduction techniques using a Digital Audio Workstation. The course concentrates on developing beginner, intermediate, and advanced techniques on the most current software package used in the sound recording industry.
MUS2361 - MIDI Electronic Music 2
MUM2606 - Sound Recording 2
Semester 5 (12 CREDITS)
MUL1017 - History & Appreciation of Jazz & Rock 3 Credits
4 Credits
• Prerequisites: Min. grade of C in TPA 2260 and MUT 1122 or MUT 1112 and MUT 1242C.
TA K E T H E S E T O G E T H E R !
4 Credits
Study of the fundamentals of music through analysis and composition, with application to both traditional and popular styles of music. Development of skills in dictation and sight singing. Not recommended for Music Majors or Musicianship Specialization.
TPA2257 -Audiovisual Production
MUM2600C - Sound Recording 1
Semester 4 (13 CREDITS)
3 Credits
See course catalog for description
Science OR Mathematics
1 Credits
3 Credits POS2041 - US Government
See course catalog for choices
E, W, O
2 Credits
E, W, O
See course catalog for description
3 Credits
E, W, O