ARH 1009 Burt Stout Office 5-217 x1486 Mailbox 5-231
Sp-06 27754 W01 2:30P-3:45P MW 5-227/ 27755 W02 6:00P-8:45P T 5-212/ Office hrs. M 8:00A-1:00P T 10-11:30P 1-2:30P W 10:30A-1:00P R 1:00P-2:30P
Text: Gardener’s Art through the Ages. 12th ed. Fred S. Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya, and Richard G. Tansey. Fort Worth: Harcourt, 2005. Description: This introductory art appreciation course is designed to provide students with a foundation for understanding the visual arts. Competencies: 1. Think critically and make reasoned choices by acquiring, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating knowledge. 2. Read, listen, write, and speak effectively. 3. Understand and use philosophical information. 4. To discuss works of art with appropriate terminology. Attendance: Regular attendance in this class is necessary for your successful completion of it. Absences will be excused only if written notice is given to me on the day you return to class. Please try to notify me if you know in advance when you will be absent from class; it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed. Three unexcused absences will lower the final grade by one full letter grade. The fourth and fifth and sixth unexcused absence will lower the final grade by an additional one-third letter grade each. Students with more than six unexcused absences will not pass the class. Classroom Policies & Student Behavior: The instructor reserves the right to change the course when needed. Changes will be announced in class in advance. Please use common courtesy by not talking during class while the professor is presenting the lecture or while audio-visual materials are presented. Since attendance will be taken at the beginning of the class, any student arriving late must inform the professor after class in order to receive credit for attendance. Cellular phones and beepers are always disruptive when they are activated during class; please turn them off before class begins. Gum chewing is not allowed in class. Papers: All out of class papers must be typed, double-spaced, with proper margins, one side only on good quality white paper. Always include your name, my name, the date, and the course # in the upper right hand corner of the first page. Late papers will be lowered one letter grade for the first day late and a subsequent letter grade for every two days late thereafter unless arrangements are made in advance. In-class papers must be written legibly in order to be accepted. Absences: An absence is equal to missing a fifty minute period (one hour); a seventyfive minute period is one-and-one-half hours. Each three tardies will result in an unexcused absence per occurrence. Make-up exams are given only with a documented and justifiable excuse. Grades: Three exams (including mid-term & final) @ 25% each—short essay answer, total of 750 pts. One out of class analytical paper (500-750 words) @ 25% for 250 pts.
Changes in the course syllabus and/or schedule may be made at any time during the semester by announcement of the professor. A revised syllabus may be issued at the discretion of the professor. Wk I Intro to course. Looking at art & why it has existed. Wk II Ch. 1.
Make-up exams are given only with a documented and justifiable excuse.
Wk III Looking at art from various perspectives, why it means what to whom. Wk IV Discussion group. Exam I.
Papers will not be accepted during the last week of class nor during finals week.
Wk V ch. 5. Wk VI ch. 5. ch. 10. Wk VII ch. 18. Ch. 19, 21, 22. Discussion group. Wk
VIII ch. 22. Mid-term exam.
IX ch. 24.
X ch. 28.
Wk XI ch. 28. Wk XII
ch. 28. Analytical paper due.
Wk XIII ch. 29. Wk XIV ch. 29. Wk XV ch. 33, 34. Discussion group. Wk XVI ch. 33, 34. Final exam. The Valencia faculty have defined four interrelated competencies (Think, Value, Communicate, Act) that prepare students to succeed in the world community. These competencies are outlined in the College catalog (see page 13, or find them online at In this course, through classroom lecture and discussion, group work, and other learning activities, you will further develop your mastery of these core competencies.