Architecture Portfolio and CV

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Valentina Merino Vazquez



Valentina Merino Vazquez About Me and CV

Oaxaca, studies for a conscious conservation of the built heritage

Villa Medicis, studies for a facade conservation project

Domus dei Pesci at Ostia Antica Archaeological site


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Civitella d’Agliano (Vt), the inner city recovery of beauty


Palazzo Cialli Mezzaroma at Sutri (VT), a conservation project


Valentina Merino Vazquez I was born in Rome on 2 nd April 1986 and since young I demonstrated passion for drawing and interest in historical buildings. My university and professional background was focused on Architecture and conducted at an international level, with experiences both in Italy and abroad. In July 2009 I finalized my Bachelor Degree from University of Architecture of Roma Tre, with maximum score and one month in advance. From September 2009 to Februar y 2010 I studied at the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès – UPC Barcelona, as part of an Erasmus Exchange Programme. From September 2012 I am employed as Architect by the company NMC Costruzioni in Rome. I was responsible of designing an energy efficient residential complex and obtaining the A Class certification from the agency Casa Clima in Bolzano. On 2 nd October 2013, I graduated with an honour Master Degree in Architecture-

Conser vation at the University Roma Tre. My thesis intended to promote the elaboration of a recuperation manual of the architectural heritage of the city of Oaxaca (Mexico), and was conducted with the support of the Casa de la Ciudad de Oaxaca and the Matria, Jardín Arterapéutico project. Parallel to the architectural training, I developed a passion for music, especially for playing the violin. At the present moment I am living and working in Rome, taking part to several international competitions and I am looking for a stimulating experience abroad to strength my professionalism.

6 PERSONAL INFORMATION Name / Surname Birthday Birthplace Nationality Address Postal Code Phone E-mail Gender Marital status Occupation field

Valentina Merino Vazquez 02nd April 1986 Rome Italian, Mexican Via Girolamo Dandini, 1 Rome, Italy 00154 +39 328 3852537 Female Single Architecture and restoration ACADEMIC INFORMATION

Title of qualification Dates and location Organization

Licensed architect in Italy 03/2014, Rome Ordine degli architetti della Provincia di Roma

Title of Qualification Dates and location mark Oganization

Master Degree in Architecture - Conservation 09/2006 - 10/2013, Rome 110 cum laude / 110 Facoltà di architettura, Università degli studi RomaTre

Title of Qualification Dates and location Oganization

Erasmus Exchange Program 09/2009 - 02/2010, Barcelona Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès, UPC

Title of Qualification Dates and location mark Oganization

Bachelor Degree in Architecture 09/2006 - 07/2009 110/110 Facoltà di architettura, Università degli studi RomaTre WORKSHOPS, COMPETITIONS AND OTHER COURSES


“Ombre d’artista” International competition for 5 shadow installations in the old center of Salerno


Workshop Lime utilization for conservation and restoration of arquitectural plasters | Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, Facultad de arquitectura 5 de Mayo (20h)


Workshop Lime plasters and mortars for architectural heritage restoration | Università degli studi RomaTre, Facoltà di Architettura (20h)


Postgraduate course Design for all without architectural barriers | Università degli studi LaSapienza, Facoltà di Architettura (50 h)


Architect at NMC costruzioni, designing an energy efficiency residential complex, and following the Energy certification process, Rome


Translation from italian to spanish and vice-versa of the pubblication Il centro storico di Izalco, el Salvador, Corso di restauro urbano and Progetto Perù. Piani e progetti per il recupero di Castrovirreyna e Huaytarà.

2009, 2010, 2012

Scholarship job as a librarian at the Architecture Faculty library “Enrico Mattiello” SKILLS AND COMPETENCES




Italian: Spanish:

Mother Tongue Writing C2 (Diploma de Español Cervantes, nivel C2) Speaking C2 Listening C2 Reading C2 English: Writing C1 Speaking B2 Listening C1 Reading C1 Drawing and modelling 2D-3D AutoCad, Sketchup Pro, Rhinoceros, Archicad Render V-Ray, Artlantis Graphics and layout Adobe Photoshop. Indesign and Illustrator Energy modelling Ecotect, Therm lbnl Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint Freehand drawing Bibliographical and archivistics investigation PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS Professional and responsible person with a particular dedication to the work also in stressfull situations. Well developed abilities in problem solving, communication and collaboration with people in teamwork. Experienced in bibliographical and archivistics investigation, analisys and field measured and photographic surveys of historical arquitecture and elaboration of restoration projects and written detailed reports. Quick learner and hard worker. INTERESTS Historical and vernacular arquitecture, traditional building materials, drawing, art, photography, travelling, cinema, and music (Distinction obtained 4th grade ABRSM Violin exam and collaboration in 2012 as principal second violin with the Orchestra d’archi della Scuola Popolare di Musica di Testaccio )

Oaxaca, studies for a conscious conservation of the built heritage Academic Project | Final Project and Master Thesis Facoltà di Architettura | Università degli studi RomaTre, Rome 2013 Supervisors| Prof. Arch. Maria Margarita Segarra Lagunes, Prof. Arch. Michele Zampilli

The inner city of Oaxaca de Juárez (Mexico), is a syncretism example between local and spanish culture. Nowadays is still rich of traditions and is composed by an homogeneous urban fabric of colonial buildings. The actual structure of the city resulted from reconstruction activities happened from the XVI century. Because of the legislation gaps, the mistrust in traditional materials and the shortage of specialized labour, most part of the restoration interventions are conducted with inadecuate materials. This causes a progessive loss of the local architectonic and urbanistic identity. The work carried out aimed to study and classify the traditional techniques, materials and contruction elements in order to lay the groundwork for the drafting of a manual that permit to fill the observed gaps. The cataloguing activity has been completed studying a traditional colonial house. After conducting a field survey, it has been elaborated a reconstruction project. In addition to the building restoration it has been proposed a refunctionalization project as a civic centre with an exhibition space, an urban allotment and spaces for workshops and conferences. The thesis has been conducted with the support of the artistic director of Matria, Jardín Arterapéutico project Mauricio Cervantes and the Casa de la Ciudad of Oaxaca.

Oaxaca expansion from 1777 to 1968


Porch details - Axonometric, plan and section


Plan - Survey


Front facade - Survey

Section B-B’ - Survey

Section B-B’ - Project


Plan - Project

Detailed section


Building reconstrucion - Axonometric

Villa Medici | Studies for a facade conservation project Academic Project in collaboration with Serena Mastrobattista Facoltà di Architettura | Università degli studi RomaTre, Rome 2012 Supervisors| Prof. Arch. Elisabetta Pallottino, Prof. Arch. Francesca Romana Stabile

Villa Medici is situated on Pincio hill and is nowadays seat of the French Academy in Rome. In 1564 Cardinal Giovanni Ricci purchased a tiny building called Casina Crescenzi and ordered the architects Nanni di Baccio Bigio and Annibale Lippi its enlargement. In 1576 Ferdinando de’ Medici purchased the building and asked the architect Bartolomeo Ammannati to build a palace worth the prestige of the Medici family. The sculptor and architect Lorenzetto inserted in the garden facade a series of antique bas-reliefs. This investigation, conducted throught the analysis of paintings, archive documents, restoration reports and photographies as the direct facades observation, aimed to develop a proposal for the restoration and maintenance of the external plasters. On the front facade it’s been proposed a plaster in colla brodata alla genovese as has emerged from archivist investigation, ootherwise the actual plaster is a marmorino stucco that doesn’t correspond with historical documents. On the garden facade most of the actual plasters, realized with milk of lime and marble powder, are philologically correct, however its necessary to clean the surfaces and replace some concrete and pozzolana plasters that cromatically and materically don’t correspond with historic context. The complete report is online at the following link: valentinamerinovazquez/docs/villa_medici

Building expansion from 1564


Stone Elements 1. Partially adherent sediments removal with water, sprinklers, natural fiber brushes. 2. Superficial protection with an acrylic resin solution Brick wall 1. Incoherent sediments removal with natural fiber brushes and vacuum cleaners. 2. Sprinkled coating with water lime Plasters 1. Finishing coat removal 2.Realization of a finishing plaster in colla brodata alla genovese 3. Surface protection with polyssilosanic resin Stuccos

Identification of interventions on the facades

1. Incoherent sediments removal with natural fiber brushes and vacuum cleaners. 2. Superficial protection with an acrylic resin solution

Domus dei Pesci at Ostia Antica archaeological site Academic Project in collaboration with Serena Mastrobattista FacoltĂ di Architettura | UniversitĂ degli studi RomaTre, Rome 2012 Supervisor| Prof. Arch. Antonio Pugliano

The Ostia Antica archeological site is situated approximately 20 Km from Rome city centre. Ostia, the first roman colony, became immediately after its foundation, a river port acquiring a commercial function to supply Rome. The Domus dei Pesci is an example of a lateantique dwelling, located along the Caupona del Pavone street west to the Cardus Maximus. It was discovered during the 1938-1942 excavation campaign. The reconstruction hypotesis and project has been developed starting from archivistic and bibliographic research, and a field survey, as well as following the technological and typological knowledge about roman lateantique architecture. Furthermore the project considers the building as inserted in different thematic routes that permit to improve the fruition of the archelogical site. The complete written report is online at the following link: docs/relazione_definitiva

Building reconstrucion - Axonometric drawing

Building reconstrucion - Axonometric drawing


Floor drawing - Axonometric

Beam connection - Axonometric

Vault reconstruction - Axonometric drawing

Plan- Survey


Detailed section


Detailed section - Tablinum

Building reconstruction - axonometric

Section - Survey

Civitella d’Agliano (VT)| The inner city recovery of beauty Academic Project in coolaboration with Marta Maffezzoli and Serena Mastrobattista Facoltà di Architettura | Università degli studi RomaTre, Rome 2011 Supervisor| Prof. Arch. Michele Zampilli

Civitella d’Agliano is a village situated in the geographical area called Tuscia northwards from Rome. Its inner city belongs to the middle ages and actually needs a recovery and restoration plan. The central block has been examined through a field survey that analized all the facades, the buildings typologies, andW details as windows, doors and architectonic details. The stratigraphical survey and the analysis of the cadastral plans permitted to hypotize the block evolution and to identify those elements that have been recently added in order to produce a project that expected the recuperation of all the typical architectonic elements of the inner city.

Block view - axonometric


Block plan - Survey


Critical Survey

Demolitions and additions


XVIII century window detail

Double facing door detail

Block facades

Palazzo Cialli Mezzaroma at Sutri (VT)| A conservation project Academic Project in collaboration with Andrea di Gennaro, Marco Merletti, Gabriele Sandroni FacoltĂ di Architettura | UniversitĂ degli studi RomaTre, Rome 2011 Supervisor| Prof. Arch. Cesare Feiffer

Sutri is a village with etruscan origins founded about 2000 years ago and situated in the geographical area called Tuscia northwards from Rome. It has been led a survey in the main staircase of the Cialli Mezzaroma Palace, situated in the inner city and built in the second half of the XVI century by the Cardinal Giovanni Morone, governor of Sutri from 1566 to 1580. This work permitted to draw the plan and sections, to identify all the diseases and elaborate a conservation project of the surfaces, frames and floorings. Front facade

Doors - survey and detail


Plan - Survey


Detailed Section


Identification of surfaces deseases and interventions

Interventions on doors and frames - Detail


Valentina Merino Vazquez Via Girolamo Dandini, 1 00154 Rome, Italy +39 3283852537

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