The Val Echo Issue 1515

Page 22



By Ben Pryor

Coronamadness appears to be nearing its zenith, as cases in Italy have spiked into the thousands with all schools closed for a fortnight; sales of facemasks have skyrocketed, and people continue to diligently rub antibacterial sanitiser over their hands to try and prevent the spread of a virus. British cases have topped 100 with the first fatality. Prime Minister BoJo appeared on TV to tell people it might get worse before it gets better but I’ve no idea whether that’s Covid-19, the number of people Priti Patel is alleged to have bullied, FlyBe’s collapse, MPs’ expenses

topping £200m for the first time or the future trading relationship with the EU after negotiators spent the week self-isolating in Brussels with Michel Barnier. In the US, the race for second place is down to two after Super see you next Tuesday, with Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren, mini-Mike Bloomberg and Amy never even warranted a nickname Klobuchar all dropping out (together with Pete Buttgag, who pulled out the weekend before), leaving Sleepy Joe and the Bernie going head to head to take on his Orangeness. For someone whose campaign looked on life support after the New Hampshire primary, Sleepy Joe has had the greatest comeback since Lazarus, who it looks like he probably met in his youth. The contest between three white, septuagenarian millionaires continues to prove that anyone can become President in America… but

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