Value News May 2016 Broken Arrow

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May 2016

BROKEN ARROW N.E. Oklahoma’s Leading Consumer News •

How to Treat Your Summer Skin Look and feel amazing in the sun this summer with skin care products and IPL treatments from BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center. By Sheryl Sowell Summer is on its way! Warm, beautiful days outside place the focus on your skin, and the bright sun reveals every brown spot, wrinkle and pore. No one wants to spend a day at the lake or park trying to hide behind caked-on makeup that is certain to melt. What is the solution? According to Melody Spacek of BA Med Spa, everyone can feel confident in the sun with a top-notch skin care regimen that includes sunscreen, as well as a procedure called IPL, which reverses previous sun damage and provides healthier,

younger-looking, more radiant skin. BA Med Spa can help people of all ages and skin types find the perfect skin care products for their needs, and protect their largest organ – their skin – from the damaging rays of the sun. As time goes on, exposure to the sun’s harmful rays causes several problems, including the slowdown of cell turnover, breakdown of elastin and collagen production, and increase of skin discoloration. Melody adds that most people treat the skin on their (continued on page 24)

BA Med Spa offers skin care products and services that will make you feel confident and healthy this summer.

Stumped To Find A Spring Makeover Quality Tree Company? for Your Cabinets S&W Tree Specialists offers a comprehensive menu of tree and yard services to prepare for the upcoming storm season.

The Gleam Guard Dust Free Wood Refinishing process will transform your kitchen in as little as a day – with no odor or extra preparation.

By Christopher Davis

Preferred Customer Requested Delivery May 5, 2015 Dated Material


After a challenging and dynamic winter, spring is finally here. Before it is too late, preparations for severe storms, and grueling heat should be made. And if you are searching for tree service look no further than S&W Tree Specialists. The S&W Tree Family offers a comprehensive assortment of tree and yard services. Based on Broken Arrow, the family-owned business has been providing stellar service to commercial and private properties in the region for many years. From property maintenance to chemical care and tree care, S&W’s experts will (continued on page 24)

By Sheryl Sowell Cabinets are the most visible and most used element of your kitchen. Everything else in the kitchen revolves around the cabinets! Spring is here, and if you want a kitchen that dazzles family and friends, focus on the cabinets. Whether your cabinets are in extremely rough shape, have only a few smudges, or are covered in thick grease from years of cooking, Gleam Guard Dust Free Wood Tracy Booth, owner and founder of Refinishing is the quick, Gleam Guard Dust Free clean, odor-free, reasonablypriced, highly effective Wood Refinishing. solution. “We can refinish cabinets that are in really bad shape. We can also clean your cabinets and give them a new, permanent finish. The Gleam (continued on page 24)

Family owned S&W Tree Specialists are (L to R) Dale Hughes, Leilani Hughes, Kaila Hughes, Noel Hughes, Bryan Merseburgh and Robby Mizumura.

Tulsa 36,917 homes 74105–4,601 74112–6,836 74114–4,610 74120–340 74133–5,413 74134–732 74135–2,704 74136–1,202 74137–8,004 74145–2,475


Paid Mailing Circulation

Owasso/Collinsville 20,695 homes Owasso–74055–15,512 Collinsville–74021–5,183

East Rogers / Mayes

25,841 homes Catoosa–74015–3,242 Chelsea–74016–2,299 Claremore–74017–10,513 Claremore–74019–6,043 Inola–74036–2,222 Oologah–74053–1,522

(Bixby, Jenks & Sapulpa)

19,048 homes Bixby–74008–6,521 Jenks–74037–6,302 Sapulpa–74066–6,225

Broken Arrow 32,145 homes

For more information, call: 918-828-9600

74011–8,057 74012–15,958 74014–8,130


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