9146 South Memorial Drive, Tulsa www.southpointechevrolet.com Teens and/or parents are encouraged to lear n basic auto care skills such as checking the oil and other fluids, changing a tire, and more. FREE! SIGN UP TO DAY FOR OUR CAR CARE WORKSHOPS ! CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR SESSION: (918) 491-7209 | VALUE NEWS OWASSO AUGUST 2022 VALUENEWS.COM (918) 828-96002


Ally Seifried is One for All 20 BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center 4 Black Hat Cleaning Services 36 Bob Moore Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Tulsa 40 Buffalo Wild Wings 37 FREE Car Care Basics Workshops ............................................. 34 Classic Chevrolet 17 Community Builders, Inc. 16 Destination Claremore Photo Contest 30 Domino’s Pizza 19 Don Julio Mexican Grill 24 Don’t Let the House Burn Down.............................................. 27 Dun-Rite Roofing 19 FREE Car Care Basics Workshops ............................................. 34 Gleam Guard Wood Refinishing 27 Grigsby’s Carpet, Tile & Hardwood 25 H2O Water Park 46 Have Your G.O.A.T. Fantasy Football Draft Party ...................... 5 Heartland Global Payments Company, Sally Redwine 24 Inola Portable Buildings & Pole Barns 47 Intune School of Massage 48 Jack Kissee Ford 7, 9 Martial Arts Academy 4 Mens Shop, The 33 Mother Nature’s Pest Control & Lawn Care 48 MWP Cleaning 36 Non-Toxic and Eco-Friendly: Whole Home Wood Refinishing by Gleam Guard ...................................................................... 38 Patio Enclosures ........................................................................... 13 Premium Cabinets 22 Relive the Leon Russell Legacy ................................................ 14 Sailor Antiques 31 Soar in for the Annual Will Rogers Wiley Post Fly-In & Day of Remembrance 8 South Pointe Chevrolet 2 The Church Studio 37 The Right Touch Commercial Cleaning Service 24 Things to do Nearby Community Calendar 42 Three Twenty on Main Event Venue 32 Tile by Tony Inc. 37 Uncompromisingly Clean ........................................................ 10 ValueNews.com 48 Wild Brew Craft Beer Festival .................................................. 18 Will Rogers Wiley Post 84th Annual Fly-In 46 Wine & Roses at Woodward Park ........................................... 6 Value News Magazine is distributed throughout Northeast Oklahoma and is published monthly by Values, Inc., P.O. Box 35525, Tulsa, OK 74153, All918-828-9600.5areacommunity issues may be viewed online at ValueValueNews.com.NewsMagazine and ValueNews.com strives to maintain a quality level of accuracy and truth in its printed information and advertising, however, when errors or misprints occur, the individual, photographers, writers, advertisers and other contributors retain the right to qualify the information contained in their material published in the Value News Magazine and ValueNews. com. Views and claims made by them may not be construed representative philosophy or policies of this Writtenpublication.worksand advertising designed by Value News Magazine and ValueNews.com may not be reproduced for any other publication or medium without permission by the publisher. Submissions of news, features, story ideas, manuscripts, photos, graphics, art, raw creativity, etc. are welcomed and become property of Value, Inc. when published. © Value News Magazine, August 2022, all rights reserved cover-to-cover and including all digital platforms. | VALUE NEWS OWASSO AUGUST 2022 VALUENEWS.COM (918) 828-96004

C alling all Fantasy Football enthusiasts, football season is right around the corner. is year, the NFL season kicks o September 8 with the Super B owl Champion Rams hosting the Bills. Year a er year, Fantasy leagues enjoy the Bu alo Wild Wings sports bar atmosphere where they can get loud and rowdy, enjoy great bar food, beer and chicken wings for the perfect combination to any dra party. is year, Bu alo Wild Wings Fantasy Dra Program aims to provide value to Fantasy Football fans with a compelling dine-in o er, an experience focused around punishing last place nishers with Blazin’ wings and bounce back o ers for the entire league. Pre-book your dra party early and score your 2022 Fantasy Football PUNISHMENT PACK, while supplies last.
HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: Smack talk and last place punishments is what Fantasy Football is all about. Build drama for your BWW dine-in dra party with ever ything you need to punish last year’s loser. Fantasy Football Dra PUNISHMENT PACKS are available on a rst come — rst ser ved basis. ey will be o ered to a limited number of dine-in parties w ith early Pre-Dra reservations. ese winning bundles, will include a coupon for 6 Blazin’ boneless wings to be redeemed at the dra party for last year’s last place nisher, a comical bib for the last place nisher to wear while eating their wings, a printed sheet of 12 bounce back coupons for everyone in the league to come back and enjoy one of BWW’s new Bar Pizzas, and instructions for guests to execute their dra party rituals and get their photos up on the OT Network. Say, how about take-out for your Fantasy Football party? BWW has partnered with FantasyPros to give guests premium fantasy content when they purchase a 20 B oneless Wings + Fries Fantasy Football Bundle or 20 Traditional Wings + Fries Fantasy Football Bundle. e fantasy content includes the best dra rankings and tools from FantasyPros.com. To participate, become a Blazin’ Rewards Member and order the Dra Party Bundle to receive FantasyPros promo codes for premium content delivered to your email using the Blazin’ Rewards email.Game specials, happy hours that are super happy, lunch specials and more will keep you entertained every day of the week at BWW. You’ll enjoy the game on their wall-to-wall TV’s and cross table camaraderie. Whether you are wanting to grab a quick lunch or take in a day of games, the atmosphere in Bu alo Wild Wings is unlike any other. Check out their party menu for your next big gathering and leave the work to them. Take it to the house and get back to the fun part — the party part! BY KATHY SMITH Buffalo Wild Wings continues to be a favorite place for Fantasy Football leagues hosting their draft parties (918) 828-9600 VALUENEWS.COM

W ho doesn’t love the beauty of a rose or st rol ling through beautiful gardens under the stars? Add amazing foods from some of Tulsa’s most famous food purveyors and sp ectacular drinks and you have an evening of beauty and luxur y. It’s that time of year again — Woodward Park’s only fundraising event, Wine & Roses, takes place on Friday evening, September 30th, and promises to be an evening of beauty, luscious libations, and delectable delights. Dress in your best garden cocktail attire because this event ushers in the cooler temperatures of fall that you won’t want to miss. Your ticket includes all you can eat and drink throughout the evening. You will nd it to be romantic, fun and lled with natural elegance. “ e opportunity for guests to di er fresh cuisine, lavish wines, local beers, and ive cocktails lebrating the n jewel of Tulsa ks is a theexperienceone-of-a-kind,”describesMathews,DirectoreneaththetheArboretumatk,guestsmingleanden-airloungescoolglen.Takeangthepathorenjoy sic under the stars. It’s a perfect t, drink, and enjoy — all while supporting the restoration and beauti cation of Woodward Park!” “Every year, the Tulsa Garden Center contributes tens of thousands of dollars in restoration and maintenance throughout Woodward Park,” says Mathews. “Just in the last few months, park visitors might have noticed repairs to the sunken garden, bright colorful plant additions to the Rose Garden, and long overdue maintenance and care to the trees in the Arboretum. Aditionally, more than 3,000 students have experienced sneaky science learning this year via the Outdoor Classroom at Woodward Park. ese programs and improvements are made possible through the generous support of Wine & Roses,” she said. Many contributors, professionals and donors gather to ensure the success of Wine & Roses. “We are so grateful to be working again with the experts from Tulsa Hills Wine Cellar to curate botanically inspired wine, beer, and cocktail tastings from across the country. Local ne dining restaurants and caterers will be o ering samples of speci cally chosen appetizers and savory bites to compliment the drinks,” sheInexpressed.caseyoumiss the event, but still want to support Woodward Park, there are many ways in which you can contribute.“Mostimportantly, we want people to know this is a park for everyone Bring your friends and family to come enjoy this beautiful public green space,” enthuses Mathews. “A full calendar of events happening within the park is listed at TulsaGardenCenter.org. We partner with 19 a liate plant societies and clubs to o er collaborative learning opportunities on a huge variety of horticultural topics: growing cacti from gra s, fungi foraging, composting, non-traditional house plant substrates, hybridizing iris, and native pollinators just to name a few!
e Wine & Roses garden gala will take place in the Arboretum at Woodward Park, located at 2435 S. Peoria Avenue, Tulsa, from 7:00p.m. to 9:30p.m. For more information, visit wine-awww.tulsagardencenter.org/nd-roses,orcall918-576-5155.
e Teaching Garden at Woodward Park is a collection of demonstration gardens where the public can come in learn, ask questions, and see successful options for their home gardens. We also have a formal horticultural education program each fall, in which volunteers receive 60 hours of training on aspects of gardening and botany.”




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Tour the Church Studio to Experience Music Magic
The bronze statue of Leon Russell. PHOTO BY PHIL CLARKIN 828-9600
Tour the Church Studio to Experience Music Magic
W e can go on for hours and hours about wh Tulsa, Oklahoma is a mecca for music. can talk about homegrown music legends and world-renown rock & roll residents. We can brag ab extraordinar y music museums and landmarks, amazing live music scene, and superstars from all walks of life and genres. As for what one place is known to be the most alluring: e Church Studio — a tribute to the legac Leon Russell, the Tulsa Sound, and active recording studio
next page
Galileo and Michelangelo would be pleased with the art and architecture of e Church Stu Originally built in 1915 as the Grace M.E. Chur this impressive st one structure locate d at 304 So Trenton Avenue was pu rchas ed by the legenda BY KATHY SMITH on next page
W e can go on for hours and hours about wh Tulsa, Oklahoma is a mecca for music. can talk about homegrown music legends and world-renown rock & roll residents. We can brag ab extraordinar y music museums and landmarks, amazing live music scene, and superstars from all walks of life and genres. As for what one place is known to be the most alluring: e Church Studio — a tribute to the legac Leon Russell, the Tulsa Sound, and active recording studio
The bronze statue of Leon Russell. PHOTO BY PHIL CLARKIN
Galileo and Michelangelo would be pleased with the art and architecture of e Church Stu Originally built in 1915 as the Grace M.E. Chur this impressive st one structure locate d at 304 So Trenton Avenue was pu rchas ed by the legendary BY KATHY SMITH on

Dwight Tilley, Ringo Starr and many others. Memorabilia of their presence are displayed. Stand in an Old Place and Learn Something New Informative guided tours o er a glimpse into both the past and the present of the Church Studio. You will be fascinated with the Leon artifacts, various music memorabilia, and the only known selfportrait. Fine art paintings by ZOX and PS Gordon grace the walls along with many other distinctive art pieces, legendary instruments, and sculpture. Ever y room gives you that 70’s rock & roll vibe — in the furniture and décor, exhibits and collection Upstairs you’ ll see the recording studio control room, green room, and equipmen spaces are lled with all the right professional gear an y producer or musician would want. You might even get to take a peek at an actual recording session. Admission for Church Studio members is free + 1; Adults $12.00; $10.00 for Seniors 65 +, Veterans and Students; Private Tours are $25.00. General admission tickets can be purchased online at eChurchStudio. com and walk-ins are welcome. Docent led tours are available by emailing info@thechurchstudio.com. Tickets may be purchased online at thechurchstudio.com. For exclusive priv ate tours or group tours, email info@ eChurchStudio.com. PHOTO BY MEL WILLIS PHOTO BY PHIL CLARKIN PHOTO BY PHIL CLARKIN (918) 828-9600 VALUENEWS.COM AUGUST 2022 OWASSO VALUE NEWS | 15



The Sutton Center PO BOX 2007 | BARTLESVILLE, OK (918) 336-7778 | WWW.SUTTONCENTER.ORG Craft FestivalBeerIsOn AUG. 27, 2022 BEER TASTING & RESTAURANT CRAWL Details at Wildbrew.org PURCHASE TICKETS + see breweriesparticipating&restaurants The annual event celebrates more than two decades of keeping wild things wild. A critically endangered Attwater’s prairie-chicken hatched at the Sutton Center in 2022. SAVE THE DATE AUG.SATURDAY27,2022 BEER TASTING & RESTAURANT CRAWL Details at Wildbrew.org PURCHASE TICKETS + see breweriesparticipating&restaurants SCAN QR CODE TO TICKETSPURCHASE See restaurantsbreweriesparticipating& | VALUE NEWS OWASSO AUGUST 2022 VALUENEWS.COM (918) 828-960018
for The Sutton Center. “The Sutton Center is grateful for the tremendous support of the brewers, restaurants and everyone who will be coming out for Wild Brew. The ‘greatest party ever hatched’ is made even better because it’s all for a great cause.” Patron ticket holders can start sipping early at 4 p.m. and have their own plush
O klahoma’s longest-running craft beer festival is celebrating the ability to “FLOCKING together again!” on Saturday, Aug. 27, from 5-8 p.m. at the Cox Business Center! Wild Brew is a one-of-a-kind indoor event that combines firstrate beers by artisan brewers from the U.S. and around the world with cuisine from Tulsa’s best restaurants. The annual fundraiser supports The Sutton Center — an Attwater’syear’stononprofitinternationally-recognized,wildlifeconservationorganization.TheannualcraftbeerfestivalhelpsraisefundsfortheGeorgeMikschSuttonAvianResearchCenter,bestknownfortheirworkwithbaldeagles.In2007,theywereontheendangeredlist;now,theyarearegularpartofourOklahomaskyline.ThefundingfromthiscelebrationwillaidthecrewatSutton,currentlyengagedinrecoveryeffortsfortwooftherarestbirdsinNorthAmerica—thePrairie-ChickenandtheMaskedBobwhite,bothofwhichareendangeredspecies.WildBrew2022willfeaturehundredsofbeerstochoosefrom,andtheuniqueopportunityforgueststochatwithbrewersone-on-one.MusicfromMidlifeCrisisBandwillkeepthepartyhopping,alongwithsilentauctionexperiencepackages,custombrewerytours,tripsandmuchmore.
About the Sutton Center Founded in 1983, the Sutton Center is an internationallyrecognized conservation nonprofit organization dedicated to finding cooperative conservation solutions for birds and the natural world through science and education. more about their mission at www. suttoncenter.org. BREW 2022 Benefiting the George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center
also get to be up close and personal with some special feathered friends. “For Wild Brew’s 24th, year a variety of birds will be coming to meet guests,” says
WHEN: Saturday, August 27th, 2022 – 5:00-8:00 p.m. WHERE: COX Business Center, Exhibit Halls A & B www.suttoncenter.orgwww.facebook.com/wildbrewtulsa,www.wildbrew.org,
Guests will Audra Fogle, Director area to perch during the event. Every ticket includes allinclusive access to more than 200 beers from Tulsa’s best breweries and samples from 50 of Tulsa’s best restaurants. Tickets are on sale now. Space is limited. Keep our local wildlife conservation organization, the Sutton Center, flying high.

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Ally Seifried is One For BY KATHY SMITH
Ally describes herself as a st rong, passionate conser vative with the business sense, political experience, and community knowledge to make a di erence for Oklahoma. “I have two years of legislative experience at the State Capitol. I know what it takes to ght for traditional values and put Oklahoman interests rst,” said Seifried.Withfamily roots going back to the 1850s and predating Rogers County, Seifried is a ninth-generation Oklahoman. She was born & raised in Claremore and is a proud member of the Warren family. She graduated from Claremore Christian and accepted an athletic scholarship to play women’s basketball at Rogers State University where she earned a degree in political science. “While I was a student at Rogers State, I met my husband, JP S eifried, who was on the men’s baseball team.” e couple were married in October of 2016 and attend DestinyLife Church.When asked what she wants to accomplish as st ate Senator, Ally said, “I will work to defend constituents from federal government overreach and mandates, empower parents to make the best decisions for their children and increase economic development in the area.” She’s also pro-life and pro-Second Amendment. “At last count, my family owns eight small businesses in the district,” said Seifried. “I know the challenges they face, and I will work to reduce unnecessary regulations and jobkilling red tape. All the businesses are in di erent sectors, but they are all experiencing the a ects of the bad policies from D.C.” e businesses include construction, chiropractic, accounting, heat & air, printing, a veterinarian, and two restaurants. e boundaries of Senate District Two were recently changed due to the 2020 census and now include most of Claremore, Verdigris, Catoosa, in addition to, parts of Owasso and Collinsville.“Mostpeople don’t know, but while campaigning, I have still been working my full-time job at Müllerhaus Legacy. We are a small
Ally Seifried is in the Republican runoff for state Senate District 2.
A lly Seifried has earned her spot into the Republican runo for state Senate District 2 a er nishing in the top two in the Primar y Election. It’s a quick turnaround as the runo election is August 23. “I’m so grateful for the supporters who voted in the Primar y. I’m honored to have earned their vote, and I humbly ask for their vote again on August 23rd.”

Ally worked as the development specialist for Safenet Services, a nonpro t that helps victims of domestic and sexual abuse in Rogers and Mayes Counties, and at the State Capitol for former Sen. Dan NewberryWhenasked what sets her apart, Ally said, “I’m from here, I know the people, and I have the skill set. I’m willing to step for ward and make a di erence. Our values matter Additionally, our district is growing. Having grown up here, I’ve witnessed it personally. I do not want us to go backwards, I want us to grow and move for ward. I believe Oklahoma’s best days are in front of us, but only if we stand strong. It would be an honor to ser ve the people of this community at the State Capitol.” e date to vote in the Republican runo is August 23rd, 2022. Garner, Ewton, & Powell families.
business that creates custom histor y books and heritage preservation projects so f uture generations understand the value of their legac y. I started door knocking in November, and I could not have campaigned as hard as I did without their complete support.” Ally said that a er the election she will continue to work at Müllerhaus.Previously,
The night of the Primary Election, Keith Austin & Coy Jenkins, two state senate candidates who did not make the runoff endorsed Ally as their choice for the next senator for District Two. “We committed to run clean campaigns, and we actually did it. This isn’t normal in politics and should show how much we value this position and this community. I’m grateful for Coy & Keith’s support.”



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Durabody Glazed Ceramic Tile 12”x24” – 4 colors Reg. $2.25 Sq. Ft. Sale $1.75 Sq. Ft. Sale $1.75 Sq. Ft. Sale $1.75 Sq. Ft. Durabody Glazed Ceramic Tile 12”x24” – 4 colors Reg. $2.25 Sq. Ft. Sale $1.75 Sq. Ft. Durabody Glazed Ceramic Tile 7”x36” – 4 colors Reg. $2. 50 Sq Ft Sale $1.75 Sq Ft Porcelain Tile Pol12”x24”ished finish Reg. $5.00 Sq. Ft. Sale $4.65 Sq. Ft. Matte finish Reg. $3.80 Sq. Ft. Sale $3.35 Sq. Ft. CARPET, TILE & HARDWOOD 4417 S. Sheridan, Tulsa 918.627.6996 Serving Tulsa & Northeastern Oklahoma for 60 Years! grigsbys.com Su er TILE SALE S ALE PRICES GOOD THR U AUGUST 31, 2022 Highl ight Oak Luxury Vinyl Plank 20 Mil wear layer with attached pad Reg. $3.49 Sq. Ft. Sale $2.89 Sq. Ft . (918) 828-9600 VALUENEWS.COM AUGUST 2022 OWASSO VALUE NEWS | 25









Y our vehicle is one of your largest investments and having knowledge of proper care and what to do to keep it in top notch condition is one of the most important life lessons to learn. South Pointe Chevrolet’s f ree, interactive workshops will educate you, your teen, or your group memb ers about the importance of vehicle maintenance, safety and how to keep your car running newer, longeRecenr.tly, we asked Cli Koger, Service and Par ts Director at S outh Pointe Che vrolet what inspired him to o er these sho r t work shops to the pub“Wlic.elead busy lives and o en take for granted that our car will op erate prop erly. Many teens and adults o entimes neglect taking time to learn basic auto care skills. is knowledge helps you save time and money and keeps you safer on the streets,” he said. Koger has been in the automot ive business all his life and considered basic car care ‘common sense’ when that’s not always the case, especially with eve r-changing vehicle advancements in the auto indust ry. He explains, “Tr ying to teach our kids about something we know little ab out can be daunting. It would be like me trying to teach mine about algebra or chemistry. Although I know enough about the two subjects to use them in eve ryday life, I’m certainly n ot well vers ed to the point of teaching it to my kids. I would much rather depend on the experts (teachers) to teach those things to my kids.”atgot Koger thinking … he BY KATHY SMITH Free, hands-on interactive workshops for teens and adults, drivers like you. the Experts at South Pointe Chevrolet
Car Care Basics from

LEARN THESE SKILLS: How to check a vehicle’s fl uid levels, including washer fluid, brake fl engine oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid and power steering fluid. How to make your vehicle mor fuelWhatefficient.types of tires are on the mar ket today and how to read the lettering on these tires. How to check tire tread depth and why it’s important. How to check tire inflation pressure with a essarymaintenanceWhywhyalignmentWhatgauge.vehicleisanditisimportant.preventiveisnec-.What’sthatnoise?
relies on teachers to teach his kids about the things that will make them more successful in life, so why shouldn’t “we, as ‘Auto Experts’ in our eld, do the same things for kids to help them be successful and productive adults? Our world has become so much about ‘what’s in it for me’ that we have forgotten to be kind to others and most of all HELP OTHERS. With that being said, I have spoken to all my sta about the idea of a program to help parents and teens. All became excited and welcomed the idea of teaching others,” Koger expressed. His sta conversation evolved into a new program being o ered about teaching basic auto maintenance skills, free of charge. It is designed as an introduction to the fundamentals necessary to keep your vehicle well maintained and safe in the long run; and pointed out that the program is not designed to teach people rything on t to teach t things such ur oil, g a spare, checking ssure, and basic y skills that will help build youredself-uce o depend on e when the ” he said. en was the last u checked your ssure or changed e? Checked your uid levels and oil? ning a few simple skills can help you avoid a roadside bind. How do you get started?eschedule is open. To register, give Cli Koger a call at (918) 491-7209. e individual one-onone (one person with one technician) program will take about one hour.
HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL LEARN I ’m writing this testimonial as someone who knew almost nothing about cars and basic auto care before a few days ago. The pros at South Pointe Chevrolet are amazing teachers – the workshop is well – organized, thorough, and they are incredibly patient and thorough in their responses to all types of questions!” — Julie, Tulsa, OK (918) 828-9600



Have you been searching for an a ordable alternative to expensive new kitchen upgrades like cabinets and woodwork for your home? It’s shocking how much ne w cabinetr y, interior doors and baseboards can cost, not to mention long waits for delivery and installation. Avoid the high costs and long waits by letting Gleam Guard help you with your new kitchen and woodwork upgrades. Blink and the holidays will be here before you know it; you can nally get to your home renovation list before the holidays, starting with your kitchen cabinets. While cabinets’ purpose is functional, they remain a focal point of the home. Whether your cabinets are peeling, greasy or worse condition, Gleam Guard Wood Re nishing can remedy your woodwork and make it lo ok like new again using eco-friendly and odorless materials with a 5-year guarantee to top it o ! ey are an A+ Rated BBB Accredited company and o er reasonably priced and highly e ective solutions for restor ing and re nishing your cabinetr y and woodwork. “We can re nish cabinets that are in really bad shape and also service cabinets that don’t need a full cabinet re nish. Some cabinetr y and woodwork may just need to be refreshed and renewed. We can also clean your cabinets and give them a new, permanent nish,” says owner Tracy Booth. “ e Gleam Guard nishes are available in matte, shiny and satin. When we apply our Gleam Guard system, it bonds to keeps it looking oiled and polished. Old imperfections cannot be seen. is is an ultra low odor process; it is completely safe for even those with serious breathing problems, animals and birds to be in the house.” eir process begins by preparing the surfaces with a thorough cleaning to remove dir t and debris and making any reparation of damaged a coating that will keep cabinetr y and woodwork looking fresh for decades. Dust-free and non-toxic, the process works on traditional wood surfaces, along with those which are painted, glazed and pick led — even raised panel cabinetr y doors. “We have customers we served over 20 years ago that say their BY KATHY SMITH

cabinets continue to look great today. It is because of our hometown people in the greater Tulsa area that we were able to expand and help families across the countr y beautify their homes, including Kansas City Tracy says when people see the di erence Gleam Guard has made in friend’s or relative’s homes, they are quite o en sold on the process! Even those considering new cabinets or refacing old cabinets frequently decide on Gleam Guard Wood Re nishing instead. It’s the sensible solut n thatuard t less when w theyifulcan t look like new,”ytoonrto f what Gleam Guard will look like in their homes.”Getting an estimate is free and easy. You can send Tracy photos of your cabinets and woodwork by text to (918) 231-1375, to email them send to info@gleamguard.com; or, call (918) 455-4211. (918) 828-9600 VALUENEWS.COM AUGUST 2022 OWASSO VALUE NEWS | 39

We offer financing for service repairs. Our most valuable asset in life that we can never get back is time! Do you want to get your car repaired by Certified Dodge, Chrysler & Jeep technicians but don’t want to be without your vehicle for days and sometimes weeks? Maybe our shop is older and not as fancy as some other dealership service departments in town. But what we do have is happy empl oyees because they work with ownership and management that care about their employees. Our empl oyees are not just an employee number, we’re a family that enjoys our time with each other and we enjoy what we do. Happy empl oyees make for happy customers because we appreciate each customer that walks in our doors. We’re centrally located in Tulsa and we’re asking for your business! Spend This .................................... Save This $50 - $99.99 ...............................................$10 $100 - $199.99 ........................................... $20 $200 - $299.99 .......................................... $30 $300 - $399.99 $40 $400 - $499.99 ........................................ $50 $500 - More .............................................. $60 Discount See dealer for details. ValueNews.com Coupon. Expires 8/31/2022 $49 95 4-Wheel Most light cars and trucks. See dealer for details. ValueNews.com Coupon. Expires 8/31/2022 CheckCold$50 See dealer for details. ValueNews.com Coupon. Expires 8/31/2022 Freon/refrigerant extra, if needed Everyday Savings 20% ValueNews.com Coupon. Expires 8/31/2022 • Ladies Day Discount Tuesdays & Thursdays • Military Discount • Senior Discount | VALUE NEWS OWASSO AUGUST 2022 VALUENEWS.COM (918) 828-960040

INTERIOR DISINFE CTION WITH YO UR SERVICE Not some out of stat e corporatedealershipowned. Not some trickdishonesfreetleadertoyouintocomingin. Not weeks out of your car due to being put on the burnerback. We don’t rack up charges because it’s a c ompany vehicle, we do the repairs and don’t short cut the repairs. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY See dealer for details. ValueNews.com Coupon. Expires 8/31/2022 Synthetic Oil Change (Includes 6qts Synthetic Oil and 1 Mopar Oil Filter) $4995 $12 995 Plus taxes and disposal fees LET US GIVE YOU THE VIP TREATMENT! See dealer for details. ValueNews.com Coupon. Expires 8/31/2022 • Synthetic Oil Change (Includes 6qts Conventional Oil and 1 Mopar Oil Filter) • Tire Rotation • Alignment Plus taxes and disposal fees. Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge vehicles only (918) 828-9600 VALUENEWS.COM AUGUST 2022 OWASSO VALUE NEWS | 41

2022SEPTEMBER&AUGUSTCALENDCOMMUNITYBANK’SCENTRALAR See more at ValueNe ws .com/calendar-of-e v ents_id12 (continued from previous page) ALERT! Check with all v enues prior to ev ent time for COVID- 19 prot oc ols or canc ellations. | VALUE NEWS OWASSO AUGUST 2022 VALUENEWS.COM (918) 828-960042

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ALERT! Check with all v enues prior to ev ent time for COVID- 19 prot oc ols or canc ellations. (918) 828-9600 VALUENEWS.COM AUGUST 2022 OWASSO VALUE NEWS | 45

Just A Short Drive Away!!! 2800 East New Orleans St. • Broken Arrow, OK 74014 • 918-455-7943 Open from 11AM - 8PM Every Day Good For Up To 4 Guests. That’s Up To $20 SAVINGS Summer Special!! PerOFF$5Guest (2 Hour Pass) Offer Only Valid Towards 2 Hour Pass Purchase. Not valid with other discounts or offers Expires 9/5/22 2800 East New Orleans St. Broken Arrow, OK 918-455-794374014 Good For Up To 4 Guests. That’s Up To $20 SAVINGS Summer Special!! PerOFF$5Guest (2 Hour Pass) Offer Only Valid Towards 2 Hour Pass Purchase. Not valid with other discounts or offers Expires 9/5 22 2800 East New Orleans St. Broken Arrow, OK 918-455-794374014 Visit Our www.h2Oba.comWebsiteOpen Camera. Scan Now. 2022 ANNUAL JOIN US FOR THE 87th ANNIVERSARY SAT., August 13 Events start at 7:30 a.m. FREE ADMISSION FOOD & CONCESSIONS ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS CHEROKEE STORYTELLING KIDS ZONE ACTIVITIES Celebrating aviation in the heartland! See vintage aircraft, World War I fighters, experimentals, bi-planes, and much more! Airport Identifier – OK37 Frequency – CTAF: 122.9 Ceremony will be broadcast live on FACEBOOK beginning at 9:55 a.m. Visit www.willrogers.com for link. Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch 9501 East 380 Road (2 miles east of Hwy 169 on 380 Rd.) For more information, call 918-341-0719 or visit www.willrogers.com | VALUE NEWS OWASSO AUGUST 2022 VALUENEWS.COM (918) 828-960046


VALUES WITH ANY REGULAR SUB PURCHASE& CALL AHEAD 918-895-6467 Not valid with any other offer. With coupon only. Not valid with specials. Expires 9/30/2022. Not valid with any other offer. With coupon only. Not valid with specials. Expires 9/30/2022. BUY 1 REGULAR SUB, GET 2ND REGULAR SUB OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE FREE! Regular Sub! This proof is for your protection. This ad will not run without your signed approval. Corrections Approved As Is Signature______________________ Date_________ 10912 S. Memorial Dr. - 109th & Memorial - (918) 970-6708 7526 S. Olympia Ave. - Tulsa Hills - (918) 895-6467 854 E. Hillside Dr. - Lynn Lane & Hillside Dr. - (918) 615-6285 1717 N. Perkins - (405) 707-7031 TulsaBroken ArrowStillwaterU.S.PRSRT-STDPOSTAGEPAIDPERMITNO.7CANEY,KS67333