Value News May 2014 Tulsa

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What’s Happening on Page 18!


May 2014


NE Oklahoma’s Leading Consumer Newspaper

May Is National Foster Care Month Choices for Life honors foster parents in Sapulpa, continues to expand therapeutic foster care for children. By Christopher Davis

May is National Foster Care Month and, recently, a group of foster parents were treated to an appreciation dinner by Choices for Life in Sapulpa. “We arranged for childcare and activities for the children,” says Harold Thompson, clinical supervisor at Choices for Life. With the children safely supervised and entertained, the adults were able to enjoy a rare evening out at a nearby restaurant. It was a welcome

chance for parents to share stories and receive recognition for the sacred work they do on behalf of their foster children. “These therapeutic foster parents are really special – they are a rare breed,” says Thompson. If anyone has earned a night out, it is the foster parents of Choices for Life. Choices for Life is an agency that coordinates therapeutic foster care for children who need a strong degree of

New J. David Location is a Gem Cutting-edge technology and an engaging showroom come together for an amazing experience at the new J. David Jewelry location in south Tulsa. By Christopher Davis

Preferred Customer Requested Delivery May 1, 2014 Dated Material


Owners Kendra and Joel Wiland at the new J. David store.

Joel and Kendra Wiland have been in the jewelry business for nearly 25 years. They opened up the Broken Arrow branch of J. David Jewelry in 2001, and are opening a second location at 101st and Memorial in south Tulsa on May 5. This new store, however, will embody a completely new experience for customers. “We wanted to take one part Apple, one part Starbucks and one part Disney,” says Landon Wiland, marketing director for the family-owned stores. “At Disneyland, you never hit a barrier – you feel like you can go anywhere, and that’s what we want to bring to our customers’ experience. It’s very open.” In stark contrast to the (continued on page 28)

support. Working with DHS, the agency facilitates the matching of children in traumatic situations with foster parents who are willing to meet the challenges inherent in providing a loving and nurturing home environment. The organization recruits and trains therapeutic foster parents. Most of the cases taken on by CFL involve households where abuse or drugs have severely affected the lives of (continued on page 28)

Feeling Out of Whack? BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center offers bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. By Sheryl Sowell

Do you find yourself irritable and snapping at loved ones for no reason? Are you always tired? Do you have weight in your midsection that you can’t seem to get rid of? According to Dr. James Campbell of BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center, hormone balance is critical to a person’s overall health and wellbeing. Many people exhibit symptoms of imbalanced hormones – depression, irritability, lack of energy, unexplained weight gain, lack of focus and mental clarity, restless sleep, and decrease in libido – yet do not understand why they feel the way the do. “BA Med Spa offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) utilizing the SottoPelle pellet method,” explains Dr. Campbell. “Bio-identical hormones are natural, plant-

(continued on page 2) South Tulsa 37,533 homes (This is a geo-demographic mailing list and delivered to homes in Mid-Town and South Tulsa.)

Bixby, Jenks Glenpool & Sapulpa 23,528 homes Bixby- 74008–7,287 Glenpool–74033–3,753 Jenks–74037–5,071 Sapulpa–74066–7,417

Choices for Life staff (L to R): (top row) Cynthia Stubblefield, Paul Smith, Brittany Jackson, (bottom row) Sandra Bell, Beverly Litterell, and Harold Thompson. (Not pictured: Tamika Lipsey.)

Paid Mailing Circulation

derived compounds that have the same molecular structure as those made by the human body. The placing of these bio-identical hormone pellets under the skin supplements your body’s needed hor-

mones. In addition to alleviating symptoms of hormonal imbalance, including mood swings, hot flashes and more, BHRT helps reduce one’s risk for breast cancer and (continued on page 28)

Monica Stubblefield, R.N., certified pelleter at BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center.

Owasso/Collinsville 18,531 homes Owasso–74055–12,155 Collinsville–74021–6,376

Rogers County 23,257 homes Claremore–74017–9,004 74019–6,268 Catoosa–74015–2,592 Chelsea–74016–1,785 Inola–74036–2,167 Oologah–74053–1,441

Broken Arrow 34,147 homes 74011–9,515 74012–19,151 74014–5,481




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May 2014



There’s a saying in Oklahoma when speaking about a person who has a tendency to tell big stories and have no followthrough. We call it “Big Hat, No Cattle.” Often folks have big ideas but don’t back up their talk with concrete actions. Now, there is nothing wrong with being a “dreamer,” but it has long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sit back and let things happen to them. They go out and make things happen. They have a dream, create a plan, take action, and don’t give up. So strive not to be a “drugstore cowboy.” Make every effort to say what you mean and mean what you say. In the end, the only thing we really have is our integrity. Our word, what we speak to ourselves and others, is important. It is really everything we are. Your character is the only thing you have to show others. Here are some ideas for NOT

creating a Big Hat, No Cattle persona: • Shut your mouth. Listening is so much more important that talking. We’ve all heard “You’ve got two ears and one mouth for a reason.” So tell the truth, be authentic and have confidence. But remember that your opinion is just that, an opinion. It is your truth but it may not be someone else’s. • Work Hard. You need to have a good reputation before you can rest on it. The only way to build a good reputation is by working hard and getting results. With friends this means being there for the hard stuff and carrying the load, with business it means delivering on your promises and going the extra mile.

• Be Humble. When you have finally gotten to where you were getting to, don’t be boastful, flaunt it, and try to use it for power. Realize that you didn’t get there without a lot of help from partners who believed in you, from clients and employees that allowed you to help them achieve what they achieved, and from just the grace of God. Know who helped you and how they helped you, and don’t forget to thank them fully and often. Be grateful. If you’re looking for a financial coach to hold you accountable and keep you on track, give us a call. For more information go to or call 918-272-1120. Melanie HastyGrant, Experienced Licensed Professional Counselor and Managing Principal at Waterstone Private Wealth Management. Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA, SIPC.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. Investing involves risk including loss of principal.

IN THIS ISSUE… For Advertising Information, call AM 970 KCFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 AVB Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 BA Highlights Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Bill Knight Collision Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Bill Knight Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Bill Knight Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Black Hat Cleaning Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Black Hat Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 BMW of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Bob Hurley Buick GMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Building Confidence in Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Can You Sprint in Stilettos? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Celebrate Salsa de Mayo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Celebrate the Spirit of the Renaissance . . . . . . . .27 Choices For Life Foster Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Close the GAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Community Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Dr. Craig Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Dr. Michele Neil, Functional Medical Institute . . . . . . .7 Dri-Rite Carpet & Upholstery Service . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Feeling Out of Whack? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Fowler Chevrolet of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Glow Medical Aesthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 GNC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Goodwill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Grassroots Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Grigsby's Carpet, Tile & Rug Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Healthy Mind, Body and Outlook on Life . . . . . . . .25 Hit the Stampede . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Holmes Organisation, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Homeward Bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Hormonal Balance Can Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Inola Portable Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 J. David Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Jim Glover Chevrolet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 LCI Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 LIFE Senior Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Marc Miller Buick GMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Martial Arts Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 May Fun at Tulsa Garden Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Mazzio's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 May Is National Foster Care Month . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Mother Nature's Pest and Lawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 New J. David Location is a Gem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Oklahoma Renaissance Festival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 P&K Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Precision Optical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Promoting Awareness, Raising Funds for Children’s Cancer Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Quick Lane, I-244 & Memorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 RCB Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Red Hot Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Refuge Lifestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Reignite Your Zeal for Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Reveal Salon & Aesthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

(918) 828-9600

Reveal Your Mother’s Character Contest . . . . . . .11 Ridesharing Service New to Tulsa Area . . . . . . . . .8 Rock Church, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 S & W Tree Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Senior Life Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Silver Arrow Estates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Sooner Lawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 South Pointe Chevrolet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 36 South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge . . . . . . . . . . .12, 36 South Pointe Honda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 South Pointe Saturn Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Special Gifts for Loved Ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Superior Overhead Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Surceè Gifts & Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 TFI Family Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Tile by Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Tobar and Sons Landscaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Tulsa Regional Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Twisted Soul Sisters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 United Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Volvo of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Waterstone Private Wealth Management . . . . . . . . . .2 Where Heart and Mind Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 White Smile Cosmetic & Family Dentistry . . . . . . . . .14 Will Rogers Stampede Rodeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Zeal for Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Founder, President, and Publisher: Mary Bransford

MAY 2014 - Vol. 21, No. 5 For information, Call (918) 828-9600 Value News is published monthly by Value News, Inc., 5800 E. Skelly Dr., Suite 707, Tulsa, OK 74135, 918-828-9600. Fax 918-828-9933. Value News, all rights reserved, cover-to-cover. Vol. 21, No. 4, 2014. Over 136,000 copies direct mailed to homes in Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Owasso, Collinsville, Claremore, Catoosa, Verdigris, Chelsea, Inola, Oologah, Bixby, Glenpool, Jenks, and Sapulpa. Value News strives to maintain a quality level of accuracy and truth in its printed information and advertising, however, when errors or misprints occur, the individual, photographers, writers, advertisers and other contributors retain the right to qualify the information contained in their material published in the Value News. Views and claims made by them may not be construed representative philosophy or policies of this publication. Written works and advertising designed by Value News may not be reproduced for any other publication or medium without permission by the publisher. Submissions of news, features, story ideas, manuscripts, photos, graphics, art, raw creativity, etc. are welcomed and become property of Value News when published.

May 2014


Page 3



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Page 4

May 2014


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May 2014


RReignite Your Zeal for Life Jennifer and Will Watkins are walking testimonials of Zeal for Life. By Lorrie Ward

Three years ago, if you would have told Jennifer Watkins that she would soon use the word “zeal” to describe her life, she probably would not have believed you. Zeal might have been something she desired, but it was as far from what she was feeling as the letter “A” is from the letter “Z” in the alphabet. Her husband, Will, who was a member of the Oklahoma Na-

tional Guard for 13 years, had been injured pre-deployment in 2011 and was in the Wounded Warrior Project at the time. Jennifer was working as a realtor, and she felt herself in poor health as well. Both Jennifer and Will were depressed about their physical and financial situation, and it was having a negative effect on their relationship. The couple wanted to

change their lives, but they were not sure how to go about it. In January of 2012, Will happened to be on Facebook and saw that a friend was committing to the Zeal for Life Challenge and decided to take a step of faith and join the movement. At the time he was not in the mindset of doing the business; he just knew they needed to take a step to better

Will and Jennifer on the beach in Cabo, Mexico on one of their free Zeal vacations.

health and wanted to support his friend as well. Within weeks Will and Jennifer both noticed changes, and Jennifer says, “I saw a pep in my husband’s step again. He was less depressed and had way more energy.” Within 90 days, Jennifer lost over 20 pounds adjusting to the healthier lifestyle that Zeal shares and saw other amazing changes in her health, as did Will. Others noticed changes in them and were asking what they were doing. “We started sharing with everyone we knew in our part time,” says Jennifer. “Within a year our part time income sharing Zeal surpassed our real jobs, and we were able to retire!” They were able to create a six-figure income for their family in their part time and have also been able to help 10 other families do the same. “Zurvita has changed every aspect of what we thought was possible,” says Will. “Not only did we experience changes in our health, but also spiritually, improvements in our marriage, and in the end, financially. We now not only have financial freedom but time freedom as well to enjoy family and traveling! Our biggest joy is helping others do the same, and we are now living a passionate and purpose-filled life.” The company’s name Zurvita means “The Risen Life.” It is built on three guiding principles. 1) Build a company

Page 5

that honors and glorifies God. 2) Create a culture of humble leadership. 3) Provide an atmosphere where people can win at every level. Will and Jennifer were chosen to be featured in the April 2014 issue of “Success from Home” magazine along with 13 of their team members. (You can check out a copy at any Barnes & Noble store.) Now, Will and Jennifer have relocated to Claremore and want to share this wonderful product with everyone in the Tulsa metro area. They are excited to meet those ready for a change and help them reach their goals. Will and Jennifer are passionate about being able to change a community through a product they are truly passionate about. “This has given us a vehicle to help all kinds of people, which we love. We get to give people hope and help them dream and believe again!” says Jennifer. If you are ready to put some zeal back into your physical or financial life – or both – contact Jennifer Watkins to discuss this life changing opportunity. For more information, contact

Zeal for Life (918) 429-8374

Will and Jennifer Watkins are new Claremore residents. They are very excited to bring Zeal to Northeast Oklahoma. They built a six-figure income during their first year in business and helped ten families make an extra $100,000 part-time!

We want to help 4 people launch their own business in the Tulsa Metro Areas!

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Page 6

May 2014


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707 West 51st Street, Tulsa OK 74107 918-446-2200

707 West 51st Street, Tulsa OK 74107 918-446-2200

Valid on cars & light trucks. Plus tax, shop supplies, and hazardous waste fees where applicable. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon

Non-commercial only. Must present coupon at time of service. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon


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May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 5/31/14.

Maximum Discount $100.00

Includes up to 1lb. 134A Refrigerant

707 West 51st Street, Tulsa OK 74107 918-446-2200 Coupon

707 West 51st Street, Tulsa OK 74107 • 918-446-2200

With this coupon. Repairs and additional refrigerant extra charge. Must present when order is written. Plus tax, shop supplies and hazardous waste fees where applicable. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Expires 5/31/14 Coupon

May 2014


Page 7

HHormonal Balance Can Help Dr. Michele Neil is committed to healing patients and empowering them with the tools and resources to enjoy good health.

By Deanna Rebro Ask yourself these questions: Are you overweight and putting on more pounds? If you are a woman, do you have premenstrual syndrome, painful or heavy periods, and or a low sex drive? Are you depressed? Do you sleep poorly? Do you feel tired, but wired? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, one or more of your hormones may be out of balance. Dr. Michele Neil, board certified internist and sports medicine physician and founding physician of the Functional Medical Institute in Tulsa, offers a brief explanation of the role that hormones play in our bodies. According to Dr. Neil, endocrine glands are responsible for producing hormones. We hear a lot about male and female sex hormones – estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone – but there are also many other hormones that play critical roles in the function of metabolism and energy production. These hormones are produced by the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and pancreas. The work that hormones do is very important when it comes to balance and the general sense of wellbeing. When they fall out of balance, the effect on one’s health may be life

destroying. Dr. Neil works with patients with all types of hormone imbalance, but one that she particularly wants to emphasize is insulin imbalance. A metabolic syndrome is a condition of insulin dysregulation leading to morbid obesity and eventually Type 2 diabetes. She speaks of her success with metabolic syndrome as “Taming the Insulin Animal.” “This one hormone has affected our whole society with forms of cellular resistance and metabolic disease,” she says emphatically, noting that Oklahoma ranks top in the nation for obesity. “When we look at the sum total of hormone balance, insulin plays a primary role in the balance and circadian rhythms of the rest of the endocrine glands.” It literally serves as one of the keys in maintaining metabolic function and good long term health. All chronic conditions begin with inflammation, she explains. When insulin resistance is part of the metabolic condition, chronic disease is set in motion. Insulin resistance is an inflammatory process. When we become insulin resistant our cells become deaf to the voice of sugar metabolism. Our cells cannot hear the signal

to make energy from sugar. The locks and keys are rusty (in other words, our body is resistant to insulin and in turn blood sugar rises). Brain fogginess and inability to focus, intestinal bloating, sleepiness, especially after meals, and increased hunger are all signs that one’s metabolic status may need medical attention. Left unchecked, this could develop into Type 2 diabetes. The typical SAD – Standard American Diet, loaded with sugar, processed, packaged junk, trans and fake fats, is taking a huge toll on our health. And it is occurring at earlier ages than ever before. Once a disease thought to onset in the older years, Type 2 diabetes is showing up in our young people. “When we learn to tame the insulin animal, we can control not only diabetes, but other metabolic diseases and syndrome of chronic inflammation.” True to her commitment to healing patients from the root cause of their ailment and empowering them with the resources to maintain the best possible health, Dr. Neil incorporates a program called “Physicians Prescription for Nutrition.” This consists of a 12-week lifestyle education series that is individualized for each

Michele Neil, D.O., founding physician of Functional Medical Institute. patient. The goal is to teach them to make the best choices regarding nutrition, exercise, stress and hormone balance. She teaches an ongoing nutrition clinic series of comprehensive health and wellness topics. “Nutrition is 85% of our long term outcome,” she adds. Yes, we really are what we eat. The sooner insulin imbalance – or any type of hormone imbalance – is discovered and treated, the better health one can expect in the future. Dr. Neil is accepting new patients who want

to get well and stay well with her help at the Functional Medical Institute.

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(918) 748-3640

Page 8

May 2014


RRidesharing Service New to Tulsa Area Uber ridesharing expands to Tulsa; company cites TYPros ‘Bring it to Tulsa’ campaign.

By Sheryl Sowell International ridesharing company Uber launched uberX transportation service in Tulsa in March, in response to a surge of support following a recent Tulsa’s Young Professionals “Bring it to Tulsa” campaign. Tulsans can now summon a trained local driver to take them anywhere in the Tulsa area using Uber’s smartphone app. “Tulsa’s Young Professionals made history with their Bring Uber to Tulsa Campaign, and the overwhelming support from residents made it happen. Ridesharing is spreading across the country and starting today, we’re connecting Tulsans with rides and local

drivers with economic opportunities,” said Pooneet Kant, general manager of Uber Oklahoma. “Tulsa spoke, and we listened!” In December, Uber was the subject of the second iteration of Bring it to Tulsa, a businessattraction initiative that previously raised awareness of the need for a Trader Joe’s specialty grocery story in Tulsa. The initiative encouraged Tulsans to sign up as Uber riders or drivers and included a special Bring it to Tulsa sign-up code that offered new riders a discount on their first ride. Tulsa now joins more than 60 Uber host cities in 34 coun-

tries, including Oklahoma City, Dallas, New York City, London, Paris and Moscow. Riders who sign up online can select a pickup time and destination from their smartphones, pay digitally and be picked up by a vetted professional in a vehicle that matches the luxury preference of the rider. Uber hires local drivers who can work as often as they wish, thereby creating jobs. “Uber is a game-changer for transportation in this city,” said Isaac Rocha, 2014 chair of Tulsa’s Young Professionals. “With no public investment, Tulsa has taken one more step toward becoming a

(L to R): Evan Tipton (TYPros Chair-elect), Shagah Zakerion (TYPros Executive Director), Hillary Parkhurst (TYPros Immediate Past Chair), Ryan McDaniel (TYPros Business Development Crew Co-Leader), Pooneet Kant (General Manager of Uber – Oklahoma), Emily Webb (TYPros Business Development Crew Leader), Isaac Rocha (TYPros 2014 Chair), and Siobhan Carey (Uber Community Manager).

place where anyone can live without the expense of regularly using a car. That makes us all the more attractive to millennials, who increasingly choose cities with ample mass transportation.” Rocha noted that ridesharing services like Uber have been shown to increase the use of mass transportation in all forms, including for existing taxi services by boosting awareness of its availability and by complementing bus and taxi schedules to allow for continuous access to mass transportation without long waits. “Filling current gaps in the availability of mass transit in Tulsa is imperative if our city is to attract young talent, improve the vitality of our growing walking districts, spur downtown development and, most importantly, ensure that young people, low-income residents and senior citizens have reasonable access to transportation without relying on a personal vehicle,” said Shagah Zakerion, TYPros executive director. For local operations, Uber will office from The Forge, the TYPros-powered business incubator at 125 W. Third St. in downtown Tulsa. The company will use the facility’s co-working space, a shared workspace with Wi-Fi and office amenities. For more information about Uber, visit The Bring it to Tulsa initiative was spearheaded by the TYPros Business Development Crew,


one of numerous volunteer-based TYPros sub-groups that work to improve various facets of the city. As part of the initiative, TYPros periodically selects a business and works to prove its viability in Tulsa in an attempt to attract the company. In the first Bring it to Tulsa campaign, TYPros created an online shop to sell Trader Joe’s merchandise, which was then transported from the grocery store’s nearest location in Kansas to a temporary storefront in Tulsa. Tulsans purchased nearly $7,000 in Trader Joe’s merchandise, and hundreds of Tulsans visited the temporary location in February 2013. Tulsa’s Young Professionals, one of the nation’s largest young professional organizations, is division of the Tulsa Regional Chamber and a volunteer-based free membership organization for working and creative adults under the age of 40. Its mission is to attract and retain young talent in the Tulsa region while establishing Tulsa’s next generation of business and community leaders.

For more information, contact

Tulsa’s Young Professionals (918) 560-0242

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May 2014

MMay Fun at Tulsa Garden Center Tulsa Garden Center hosts a variety of events for all ages this month.

By Mike Blake

Don’t miss the many wonderful events happening at the Tulsa Garden Center this month! Perennials and More Plant Sale The Tulsa Perennial Club will hold its annual Perennials and More Plant Sale on Saturday, May 3 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Offered for sale are members’ own pass-along plants, including perennials, trees and shrubs and seed-grown peren-

nial and annual plants. Garden ornaments, gently-used garden tools and supplies, pots, books and magazines will also be offered for sale. Come early for best selection. Tulsa Area Iris Society Shows & Sales The Tulsa Area Iris Society Show and Sale will be held on May 10-11 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. The iris on display will have been grown by Tulsa area gardeners, demonstrat-

ing which iris do well in our climate. There will be potted iris available for purchase at both of these shows and sales. The potted iris will have been growing for six months and many will bloom this first year. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your garden’s variety or to plant one of the most durable and endearing garden perennials. Green Country Bonsai Society Spring Show

Cultivate your green thumb with the help of Tulsa Garden Center this May.

Patios • Retaining Walls • French Drains • Leaf Removal • Lawn Maintenance • Walkways • Driveways •


The Green Country Bonsai Society’s 2014 Spring Show will be held on May 10-11. Show hours Saturday, May 10 will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Show hours Sunday, May 11 will be from 11a.m. to 4 p.m. The show will consist of bonsai trees grown by our members, as well as demonstrations of bonsai techniques for those who would like to try bonsai. A limited number of bonsai will be offered for sale. Admission is free. Book Discussion Club: “Annuals With Style” Tulsa Garden Center’s Book Discussion Club will meet on Tuesday, May 20 at noon to review the book “Annuals With Style.” Join Sandy Cox, Tulsa Garden Center librarian, as she reviews this book just in time for spring garden planning. Review design ideas from classic to cutting edge. This book celebrates the most versatile, colorful flowers in today’s gardens. This lecture is free to the public. Bring your lunch and join us for an exciting educational hour. Brow Bag Lecture: Rose Rosette Disease The Brown Bag Lecture “Rose Rosette Disease” will be presented on Thursday, May 22 at noon. Mark Linholm, supervisor of Woodward Park gardeners, will discuss Rose Rosette disease and how it’s affecting the Tulsa Municipal Rose Gar-

Page 9

den. Mark and his gardeners are aggressively responding to this regional threat but success is hard-won. While gardens are in testing programs on how to best control the disease, no cures are yet available. Find out how to best protect your roses by preventative methods. This lecture is free to the public. Bring your lunch and join us for an exciting educational hour. Story Time Under the Stars A special edition of Story Time, the popular reading program of the Linnaeus Teaching Garden children’s programs, will be held on the evening of May 22 at 6:30 p.m. A fun aspect of this event is that the children are encouraged to wear their pajamas. Multiple readers will be reading stories so the groups can remain small and the children can interact both with the reader and each other. Parents are welcome to join the children at the readings. The subjects for these readings are Flowers, Birds and Bees. There is no admission fee to attend this event and reservations are not required. For more information, contact

Tulsa Garden Center 2435 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114

(918) 746-5125

Planters • Sprinklers • Trimming • Planting • Mulching • Overseeding • Snow Removal •

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Page 10

May 2014


CCan You Sprint in Stilettos? Dress for Success Tulsa hosts the 4th annual Stiletto Sprint and 5K Power Walk/Run on Saturday, May 10.

By Christopher Davis

Dress for Success Tulsa is hosting one of its major fundraising events this month. The Stiletto Sprint and 5K Power Walk/Run is a fun and healthy way to raise awareness and support with good friends. Overlooking the river, the event will take place at Blue Rose Café on Riverside Drive on the morning of Saturday, May 10. “It’s a great area,” says Ronda Adkisson, executive director, of the race’s location. “There’s camaraderie amongst the volunteers and participants,” says Mollie Collins, president. “It’s a lot

of fun – what could be better than a run along the river on a Saturday morning?” The event features the Stiletto Sprint, in which runners wear high-heeled shoes and race for 150 meters. Women and men compete in separate heats, with prizes awarded for first and second place. This fun run is not to be taken lightly, however. Runners’ shoes must have a heel of at least two inches to qualify for the award and bragging rights. Additionally, those clad in a dress, skirt or tie will be rewarded with preferred placement at the front of the starting line.

Do you have what it takes to balance work and exercise in two-inch heels? The 5K Power Walk/Run starts and finishes at Blue Rose Café. The race promotes an active lifestyle and healthy living for the thousands of women Dress for Success Tulsa has served since 2001. “We have a great group involved in the event each year; we are thankful for our patrons and supporters,” says Collins. In addition to the races, a deejay will pump music over Riverside Drive, and sponsors Pepsi and QuikTrip will provide refreshments for participants.

Mollie Collins, Dress for Success Tulsa president, Ronda Adkisson, executive director, and Katie Hoffman, community relations coordinator.

Dress for Success started in 1999 in New York. The nonprofit organization caught on, and has grown to 132 affiliates in nine countries. With education controversies making local and national headlines, many communities find themselves grasping for solutions to the complex problems fueled by a rapidly-changing economy and an education system struggling to keep up. Since its opening, Dress for Success Tulsa has made an impact for disadvantaged women transitioning to a life of self-sufficiency. “We serve about 1,200 women in Tulsa annually, which includes our suiting and career development programs,” says Adkisson. Though the organization is best-known for providing business wardrobes, its services extend far beyond wardrobe. “All of our services are free,” says Adkisson. “We assess how we can help women fill in some of the gaps in their skill sets.” Dress for Success Tulsa provides support and training for a variety of vital skills for job seekers, and presents a six-week program for those in need. Educational support and training are offered for free, and includes workshops on employment skills as well as resume writing and mock

interviews. The organization works with many other education and support programs, and often connects women with helpful resources for further education and training. “The goal is to have them employed by the end of the sixweek program.” At the end of each program, the class has a small graduation ceremony to mark their accomplishments. The organization relies solely on local donations and fundraising activities to function, and community support has always been strong in Tulsa. One of their biggest annual fundraisers, Dress for Success Tulsa hosts the Stiletto Sprint and 5K Power Walk/Run on Saturday, May 10, at Blue Rose Café at 1924 Riverside Dr. in Tulsa. Registration begins at 7 a.m. The Stiletto Sprint begins at 8 a.m. After the women’s and men’s heats, the 5K Power Walk/ Run starts at 9 a.m. Early online registration fees are $15 for the Stiletto Sprint and $25 for the 5K Power Walk/Run. Registration for children 12 and under is $10. Adults may register for both races for $30. On race day, the registration fees increase $5.

For more information, contact

Dress for Success Tulsa (918) 599-8892

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May 2014


Page 11

RReveal Your Mother’s Character Contest Reveal Salon will award six of Tulsa’s most deserving mothers a little TLC with their upcoming Mother’s Day contest. By Stephanie Reed

Throughout the month of May, Reveal Salon & Aesthetics is gearing up to give back to our cheerleaders, our counselors, our teachers, our friends – our mothers. Does your mother deserve a new hairstyle? Has she earned a facial treatment or a shiny new shellac? Reveal Salon is ready to award six of the most deserving mothers around town a little extra love in honor of Mother’s Day. To participate, all you have to do is nominate an all-star mom in your life. Tell us: what makes your mom (or mother figure) so special? Feel free to describe her extra awesome personality, or tell us a little story that demonstrates her marvelous maternal streak. Be sure to include your name and phone number along with the name and phone number of the nominee. Then submit your nomination via email at, or mail your nomination to 8929

S Memorial Dr #170, Tulsa, OK 74133. Winners will be contacted via phone call during the first week of June to schedule an awarded service. It is time that these instrumental people get a little of their own maternal medicine: babying. Get your stories and descriptions ready, and give back to the people who give so much of themselves. Additional contest questions? Contact Reveal at (918) 891-9634. Reveal Salon & Aesthetics is a full service salon specializing in hair styles, nails, and custom facial treatments.

For more information, contact

Reveal Salon & Aesthetics 8929 S. Memorial, Ste. 170 Tulsa, OK 74133

(918) 891-9634

Reveal staff members Debbie Edmonds, Troy Edmonds, Shayna Lee, Jennifer Smith, Nicole McGinnis, and Stefanie Dawn demonstrate the pampering that awaits six contest winners.

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Page 12

May 2014


SSenior Life Solutions Seminar on senior lifestyle simplification will feature Steve Money and other guest speakers on Saturday, May 3.

By Christopher Davis Do you want to simplify your life as you prepare for your future? Is retirement not the vacation it should be? What are the advantages and disadvantages of downsizing? Seniors are faced with many new challenges and questions, and a team of professionals have come together to help families work through them in the best way possible.

The Senior Life Solutions seminar is a collaborative approach that will feature a panel of experts from industries that intersect at the post-retirement phase of life. The panel includes Steve Money of Steve Money Law, Beth Ashcraft of Silver Arrow Estates, Suzanne and Mark Rentz of Keller Williams Realty, Michelle Reed, owner of 2M Estate Sales,

and representatives from Two Men and a Truck moving services. “This developed out of what I see every day,” says Beth Ashcraft. She explains that the truth is, many seniors do not prepare for a transition in lifestyle because the process can be overwhelming. Just as young adults may put off important planning and decisions when moving away for college or

Michelle Reed, Mark and Suzanne Rentz, and Beth Ashcraft will be joined by Steve Money (not pictured) for a panel discussion and question-and-answer session at Silver Arrow Estates. starting a career, seniors often find themselves with more questions than answers. “We want to provide answers to a broad range of questions under one roof,” says Mark Rentz. He and his wife, Suzanne, are experienced Realtors with a passion for helping seniors through the process of downsizing. The situation is often complex, with a strong emotional component that tends to make decisions even more difficult. For instance, the home that has sheltered a family for decades, full of the memories and accumulated stuff from living, may prove too large – or even dangerous – for those in their retirement. It is difficult to face the reality that the staircase you warned your children and grandchildren to be careful on is now a serious threat to your own life. Steve Money, head of Steve Money Law and co-host of “Money Talk” on KFAQ (1170 AM), will be on hand to speak about legal issues. A well-known guest speaker, Money is an Attorney, CEO and Medical Doctor, and offers helpful insight on senior issues. As owner of 2M Estate Sales, Michelle Reed provides expertise on how to decide what to do with the material objects that fill a home – what moves along to the next home, what should be given to family members and what can be sold. “I had one client who was just so overwhelmed by all their stuff; they were selling valuable silverware for $20 at their yard sale,” recalls Reed. “People need to realize that some of their belong-

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ings are actually quite valuable.” It is possible, she points out, to ease a lot of moving and related expenses when unneeded furniture and other valuables are sold at competitive market prices. “We see stories in the news all the time about seniors getting scammed by crooks,” notes Suzanne Rentz, “We want to help families avoid that situation.” The purpose of the seminar is to empower seniors and their families with helpful tips, information and resources so decisions and plans can be made that improve the quality of life for everyone involved. Join the panel for the first in the Senior Life Solutions series on Saturday, May 3. The panel discussion begins at 11 a.m., followed by a question and answer session at noon at Silver Arrow Estates, located at 2601 S. Elm Pl. in Broken Arrow. Seniors and their families are welcome to attend this free event. Attendees who RSVP by Thursday, May 1, will receive a complimentary lunch. All participants will receive a free professional downsize packet, loaded with useful information and discounts for downsize services. There will also be door prizes, including gift cards for restaurants, gas cards and a pampered stay package. For more information, contact

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May 2014


Page 13

Immediate Response Requested

Senior Life Solutions Downsizing Seminar - RSVP Today!

Saturday, May 3rd at 11:00 AM Door prizes: Restaurants, Pampered Stay Package & Gas Cards Participants receive: A Professional Downsize Packet, loaded with FREE Offers and Discounts for Downsize Services.

Do you want to simplify your life as you prepare for your future? What are the downsizing advantages and disadvantages? Ready for a permanent vacation? Is it possible to streamline downsizing without burdening your family? What is your property value & how can you get top dollar for your home? Wondering about Trusts, Power of Attorney & Advance Directives? Overwhelmed by all the “stuff” in your home? Is it time to sort and scale down?

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Guest Speakers include: Steve Money – Co-Host of Money Talk on KFAQ Silver Arrow Estates – Retirement Community Specialist Mark & Suzanne Rentz – Keller Williams Realty 2M’s Estates Sales – Downsize with Dignity

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Page 14

May 2014






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With this coupon. Must present when order is written. Plus tax, shop supplies, hazardous waste fee, if applicable. Valid only at Bob Hurley Buick GMC. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon

6300 New Sapulpa Rd, Tulsa, OK 74131 • 918-446-9696

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Valid on most V-6 and V-8 engines. Please present coupon at time of service. Coupon expires 5/31/14. Coupon.

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Includes up to 1lb. of 134A Refrigerant. * Additional refrigerant and repair is extra charge. Coupon must be presented at time of service write-up. Plus tax, shop supplies, hazardous waste fee, if applicable. Valid only at Bob Hurley Buick GMC. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon



or less

or less

* Balancing tires, tax, and more than 5 quarts of oil extra. Most V-6 and V-8 engines and other select vehicles require more than 5 quarts of oil. See participating dealer for eligible vehicles and details. ** Turning or replacing rotors, all other services, and tax extra. Excludes Corvette and other select vehicles. Retail customers only. See participating dealer for eligible vehicles and details. ‡Ad, written estimate, or internet quote for identical tire(s) from a competing tire retailer/installer located within 50 miles of the dealer required during guarantee period for price match. Offer valid at participating dealers.Turning or replacing rotors, all other services, and tax extra. Excludes Corvette and other select vehicles. 6300 New Sapulpa Rd, Tulsa, OK 74131 • 918-446-9696 Retail customers only. See participating dealer for eligible vehicles and details.

No Insurance, No Problem! Quality Dentistry Made Affordable!

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Dr. Steven White (918) 663-5538 8126 S. Mingo, Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74133 New Patients Only. Limit 1 Coupon Per Person. Not valid with any other offers. No Cash Value. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon

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May 2014


Page 15

SSpecial Gifts for Loved Ones Mother’s Day and Graduation are perfect reasons to check out the unique gifts at Surceé Gifts & Home. By Carol Beck-Round Mother’s Day and Graduation means shopping for the special ones in your life. If you’re looking for a unique gift, look no further than Surceé Gifts & Home in Owasso. Store owner Laura Sanders takes pride in their vast array of merchandise, as well as the personal customer service shoppers have come to expect. “Our staff has been with us for awhile,” says Sanders, “and we have developed personal relationships with our customers.” When they come in to shop, they know what to expect – personalized help choosing that special gift or redesigning an area of their home. It’s easy to choose a gift when there’s a wide selection of jewelry, handbags, accessories, clothing, books, stationery items, perfumes, lotions, dishes and home décor. Many lines that are carried in the store are exclusive to Surceé. One special event coming up is their annual Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, May 3 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. “The Owasso Bouquet of Gardeners Spring Festival will be taking place in our parking lot, and many of our items will be 50 to 75 percent off as we clear our stockroom.” Gift

certificates in any amount are also available and gift wrapping is always free. You can find Surceé on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. New items are arriving daily. For more information, contact

Surceé Gifts & Home 9455 Owasso Expy., Ste. CB

With the popularity of gourmet teas, Surceé now offers a great line of gourmet teas, teapots and tea cups for the discerning tea drinker.

Owasso, OK 74055

(918) 272-4005 If you’re looking to update your décor, Surceé is available for free consultation.


Vintage dishes are only one of the many wonderful items available at Surceé. (L to R): Susan Hanchette, Courtney VanLandingham and Laura Sanders.

• Oklahoma

Family Business • Everyday Low Prices • Incomparable Customer Service • Superior Product Knowledge • Exclusive Product Lines • Rigorous Quality Testing

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Tulsa 8115 E.71st St. 71st and Memorial 918-728-8381 Tulsa Hills 7335 S. Olympia Ave. W Hwy. 75 and 71st 918-447-1555 Broken Arrow 1332 E. Hillside Dr. BA Expy. & Lynn Ln. 918-355-0245 Owasso Hwy 169 & 96th St Smith Farm Shopping Ctr. 918-274-4345

Not to be combined with already discounted products/bundles/or any gold card discounts or sale prices. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon

NEW Embrace Elite Weight Loss Kit Visit us at any of our 4 convenient locations near you: Tulsa 71st & Memorial • 918-728-8381 Tulsa Hills Hwy 75 & 71st • 918-447-1555 Broken Arrow BA Expressway & Lynn Lane • 918-355-0245 Owasso Smith Farm Market Place • 918-274-4345

Made-in-Oklahoma products are also especially popular with the ladies.

Faceplant bamboo pajamas and robes are top sellers at Surceé.

Page 16


May 2014

May 2014


Page 17

Replace Your Driveway



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May 2014

May 2-4 “Death Of A Salesman” Sapulpa Community Theatre 124 S Water St, Sapulpa 918-227-2169 May 2-4, 7-11 Tulsa Ballet presents: Creations in Studio K Studio K at Tulsa Ballet 1212 E. 45th Pl., Tulsa 918-749-6030 May 2-4 Germanfest 1429 Terrace Dr, Tulsa May 2-4 Oklahoma Steam Threshing & Gas Engine Show Steam Engine Park 401 E Beck Dr, Pawnee May 3 House of Prayer Craft Fair 9 am – 5 pm 7 miles north of Claremore Hwy 66, Foyil 918-698-0393 May 3 Fly Fishing 101 9 am – 3 pm The Gadget Company 104 E 15th St, Tulsa, OK 918-749-9963 www, May 3 Jenks City-Wide Garage Sale May 3 Jenks America Food Truck Festival Downtown Jenks 11 am – 6 pm May 3 ¡Cinco de Mayo! Celebration 10am – 6pm Main Street, Broken Arrow (918) 994-4473 May 3-June 1 Oklahoma Renaissance Festival Saturdays and Sundays, 10:30 am - 6 pm The Castle of Muskogee 3400 W Fern Mountain Rd, Muskogee 918-687-3625 May 4 Woody Guthrie Center Anniversary Celebration Concert 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm Guthrie Green, Tulsa May 4 Literature LIVE! Presents Laura Ingalls Wilder 9:30 am and 12 pm Cox Business Center, Tulsa May 5 Salsa De Mayo $5.00 5:30 – 8:30 pm Mabee Center 7777 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa May 5-6 Frank Rhoades Golf Classic 918-494-3909

May 5 Die Laughing Improv Admission: $2.00 8 pm Tulsa Community College VanTrease PACE 81st & Hwy 169, Tulsa May 6, 13, 20 & 27, June 3 & 10 “Earn Your Future” Training Program 5:30 – 7 pm Library Annex 15 N Poplar St, Sapulpa 918-224-9647 May 6 TCC Community Band & Orchestra concert Free 7:30pm Tulsa Community College VanTrease PACE 81st & Hwy 169, Tulsa May 7 Gavin Degraw Brady Theater, Tulsa May 8 “The Art of the Steal” Fraud Presentation by Frank W. Abengale 9:30AM-12:00PM Howard Auditorium at ORU 7777 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa 918-495-6000 May 8-11 Owasso Trail Days 76th St & 169th & Mid High, Owasso May 9-10 Boots ’N BBQ Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs May 9-11 Oklahoma Wagons Ho 394756 W 3900 Rd, Skiatook 918-409-3083 May 9 19th Annual TARC Shot In The Dark Golf Tournament 9-11 pm LaFortune Golf Course 5501 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa, OK 918-582-8272 May 9 An Acoustic Evening with Travis Tritt Gates at 5 pm Osage Casino, Hominy May 10 COLOR VIBE 5K: TULSA 9 – 11:30 am

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We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

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Page 18




Up to F250 Vehicles only. With exchange. See service advisor for only with coupon at Bill Knight Ford and Bill Knight Lincoln. Coupon be submitted by 6/30/14. Claim your rebates faster at www.Fordo

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With the purchase of any of these name brand tire

Retail purchases only. Up to five quarts of Motorcraft® oil and Motorcraft® oil filter. Taxes, diesel vehicles and disposal fees extra. Hybrid battery test excluded. See participating dealership for exclusions and details. Coupon Expires 5/31/14. Rebate forms must be submitted by 6/30/14. Claim your rebates faster at Coupon

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May 10 East Village District Second Saturday Street Fest East Village District 628 E 3rd St, Tulsa 918-582-1881 May 10 2nd Saturday Walking Tour 115 W 5th St, Tulsa 918-583-5550 May 10 Oldies 'N Goodies Car Show & Festival 6th & Dewey, Bartlesville 918-876-2217


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Employee Spotlight Kate Collier & Christine Kling Service Cashiers at Bill Knight Ford Both Kate and Christine enjoy meeting new clients. Next time you’re in, stop by the service cashier’s office and say “Hello.” They look forward to helping you have the best vehicle service experience possible.


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4111 S Memorial, Tulsa

(918) 526-2503 Volvos only. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications and details. Offer valid with coupon. Valid only at Volvo of Tulsa. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon

Page 19

What’s Happening sponsored by:

MAY EVENTS May 10 Tabouleh Fest Main Street Bristow 918-367-3324 May 10 Stilwell Strawberry Festival Downtown Stilwell 918-696-7987 May 10 Woolaroc Spring Trail Ride Woolaroc Museum & Wildlife Preserve 918-336-0307 May 10 Red Dirt Round-Up Street Party 3 – 7 pm 3rd St. between Denver Ave. & Frisco St., Tulsa May 11 Mother’s Day at the Aquarium Free admission for Mom Oklahoma Aquarium, Jenks May 16-18, 22-25 “The Sound of Music” Tulsa Performing Arts Center 918-596-7122 May 16-17 Grand Lake BBQ Festival Langley Ball Fields 202 S Park St, Langley 918-261-5422 May 16-18 Blue Dome Arts Festival Blue Dome Entertainment District 2nd & Elgin, Tulsa May 17 NF Walk for the Children’s Tumor Foundation 9 am – 2 pm LaFortune Golf Course 5501 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa May 17 School's Out for Summer BBQ & Market 10 am - 4 pm Main St, Skiatook 918-221-1845

May 17 Old Fashion Picnic 10:30 am – 2:30 pm Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch near Oologah May 18 Sunday Funday 12:00 - 4:00 pm Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa 918-596-2774 May 18 The Hop Jam Celebration of Beer & Music Brady Arts District, Tulsa May 19 Musical Mondays Vintage Voices Chorus Cascia Hall PAC 2600 S Utica, Tulsa May 22-24 American Cowboys Traders Days Free Admission! 8 am – 5 pm each day Will Rogers Memorial Museum 1720 W. Will Rogers Blvd, Claremore May 23-26 Backwoods Bash Music & Camping Festival Keystone Lake, Prue 918-641-4543 May 24 Green Country All Star Games 918-343-2530 May 24 Ruffles and Rust Expo 9 am – 6 pm Claremore Expo Center May 24 Jamey Johnson Free outdoor concert Gates: 5pm Osage Casino, Skiatook

May 17 Oklahoma Warrior Dash Moore's Flying M Ranch 20707 E 540 Rd, Inola 918-341-7146

May 29, 14 Summer’s Fifth Night Concert Series Mid-Life Crisis Band 7 – 9 pm Utica Square, Tulsa

May 17 Full Moon Run Veterans Park 1875 S Boulder, Tulsa 918-596-2001

May 29 An Evening with Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman 918-633-8508

May 17 Nuyaka Creek Winery Spring Wine Festival 35230 S 177th West Ave, Bristow 918-756-7568

May 30-June 1 Serve For Youth Tennis Tournament Claremore High School Tennis Courts 918-343-2530

May 17-18 Wildlife Habitat Garden Tour Benefits Tulsa Audubon Society

May 30-June 1 Gem Faire Expo Square 4145 East 21st Street, Tulsa

May 17 Tracy Lawrence Free outdoor concert. Gates: 5pm Osage Casino, Bartlesville

May 30-31 SunFest Sooner Park 420 SE Madison Blvd, Bartlesville June 6-8 Single Again Workshop Register: 918-284-5155

Page 20

May 2014


BBuilding Confidence in Kids The path to self-confidence is paved with small steps. By Christopher Davis Since opening Martial Arts Academy in 2003, owner and Senior Chief Instructor Chris Velez has earned a reputation for facilitating a program that is fun and effective for all ages. “Confidence can be difficult to define,” says Velez. “It’s not necessarily an outgoing personality.” Rather, he says, confidence refers to a belief in one’s self and ability. While those who possess confidence have a positive selfimage, that image is much deeper than simply appearance. He adds, “Confidence builds when one sees him or her self as naturally successful.” A large factor relates to how one orients personal perspective. “A lack of self-confidence implies a failure-oriented perspective,” Velez explains. This orientation can be paralyzing, breeding anxiety and fear, which can have real physiological and emotional effects. “If you quit, there’s baggage,” he says. On the other hand, when one adopts a success-oriented mindset, Velez points out, they assume success. That may not translate to immediate success every time, but in keeping a persistent outlook that expects positive results, success is inevitable. Martial arts is well-suited

for building youth confidence, as opposed to many team sports. This is true partly because team sports often emphasize the top 20 percent of players. Success is defined not merely by a team win, but how many points a player scores. A player who does not consistently score points is often perceived as “not great” or even mediocre. In contrast, martial arts students’ success is defined in relation to mastery of skills, especially discipline, respect, focus and coordination. By its very nature, martial arts study is incremental, which deemphasizes the tendency we have to dwell on “all or nothing” moments. The path to martial arts success relies on the student’s ability to master skills in a stepby-step process. No one expects a beginner to break boards and leap through the air, and each student is keenly aware of this. Thus, students are more inclined to encourage one another, especially as challenges are encountered. No one’s success depends on another’s failure; that represents a huge shift in mindset from many team sports. As an instructor, Velez’s role is to set students up for success. The students’ role is to trust the process and the step-by-step

Orange belt Carter Stewart, 4-year-old aspiring black belt.

challenges that are presented. Velez, who has over two decades of experience, has witnessed the approach work time and again. “Every student hits a point of uncertainty,” he says. “When they work hard and focus, they prove themselves wrong about that uncertainty.” Over time, the student is able to look back and see the steps add up to huge accomplishments, and that builds true confidence. “Negative opinions about

others are everywhere,” notes Velez. “People go out of their way to tell others they cannot do something.” But, when a person feels confident, their success is not defined by the approval of others. “Self confidence is empowerment,” he says. “It is important to define success internally, rather than externally.” Once students catch on to the shift in mindset, it opens the door to incremental accomplishments, which are the building blocks of confidence.

Martial Arts Academy runs instructive programs for all ages at locations in Owasso and Tulsa. For more information, contact

Martial Arts Academy

• Increased confidence and focus through respect & self discipline • Improved grades & productivity • Youth, Adult & Family programs, ages 4 years to adult • Full-time professional instruction • Established 2003 Martial Arts Academy

Martial Arts Academy

9100 N. Garnett Rd., Owasso, OK (Next to Ron’s Hamburgers in Owasso)

6022 S. Memorial Dr., Tulsa, OK (Copper Mountain Shopping Center)

Call to get a FREE 30-day introductory membership!


918-376-9080 Tulsa 918-622-5425

This special offer may not be combined with any other offer, and is for New Members only. Expires 5/31/2014

9100 N Garnett Rd., Owasso

(918) 376-9080 6022 S. Memorial Dr., Tulsa

(918) 622-5425

May 2014


Page 21


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4700 South Memorial, Tulsa


Up to $50 Maximum Discount. Valid on repairs with coupon. Menu maintenance items and tires not included.


Not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon at time of purchase. One coupon per person. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon


ROAD HAZARD WARRANTY ON YOUR NEW OR USED TIRES 4700 South Memorial, Tulsa 918-663-4700 Not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon at time of check-in. One coupon per person. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon

See service advisor for details.

WIPER BLADE INSTALLATION with purchase of wiper blades

One coupon per person, per household. Not valid with any other offers. No cash value. Coupon must be presented at time of service write-up. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon

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Not valid with any other offer. Expires 5/31/14. Coupon



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Page 22

May 2014



A cash-based health care practice focused on YOU, the patient. We focus on your needs, not the insurance companies, lowering the cost of health care and saving you money.

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NEW PATIENT FEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 We also offer discounted lab work Complete Blood Count . . . . . . . . . . . $20 ($35 + elsewhere) Strep Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 ($35 + elsewhere) Cholesterol Lipid Panel . . . . . . . . . . .$20 ($30 + elsewhere) Call for details.

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May 2014


Page 23

Page 24

May 2014







INOLA PORTABLE BUILDINGS & POLE BARNS 30355 S. 4230 Rd. • Inola, OK 74036 • 918-543-7793 Portable Buildings Pole Barns Conventional or Dutch Barns All Buildings Include: • 40 year treated skids • All treated floor joists on 16” centers • ¾” tongue and groove flooring • All #2 stud grade materials • 25 year factory warranty smart trim • 50 year factory warranty smart bout panel siding Ask us a-Own Rent-to that • 30# felt paper options able! • 30 year Tamko shingles are avail Extras: Steel door Windows 4’ Loft Work Bench 4’ Treated Ramp

$160.00 $70.00 $60.00 $95.00 $90.00

Built on-site or delivered. Double or single door included in price!

8x8 8 x 10 8 x 12 8 x 16 10 x 12 10 x 16 10 x 20 12 x 12 12 x 16 12 x 20 12 x 24 12 x 32 12 x 36 16 x 16 16 x 20 16 x 24

$1,365.00 $1,610.00 $1,765.00 $2,560.00 $2,355.00 $3,005.00 $3,540.00 $2,765.00 $3,540.00 $4,090.00 $4,565.00 $5,590.00 $6,165.00 $4,450.00 $5,120.00 $5,790.00

Size 24’ x 24’ 24’ x 30’ 24’ x 40’ 30’ x 30’ 30’ x 40’ 30’ x 50’ 30’ x 60’ 40’ x 40’ 40’ x 50’ 40’ x 60’

Building Concrete Insulate $6,270.00 $2,075.00 $795.00 $6,985.00 $2,520.00 $880.00 $9,315.00 $3,360.00 $1,180.00 $7,625.00 $3,150.00 $990.00 $10,200.00 $4,200.00 $1,320.00 $12,650.00 $5,250.00 $1,650.00 $15,180.00 $6,300.00 $2,015.00 $13,550.00 $5,600.00 $1,760.00 $16,950.00 $6,600.00 $2,200.00 $20,350.00 $7,920.00 $2,640.00 Loafing Sheds 12’ x 20’ $2,700.00 12’ x 30’ $3,650.00 12’ x 40’ $4,600.00

• Building comes with one walk-in door and one 9’x8’ overhead door. • Additional 9’x8’ overhead door add $600. • 45 year/29-gauge metal

Total $9,140.00 $10,385.00 $13,855.00 $11,765.00 $15,720.00 $19,550.00 $23,495.00 $20,910.00 $25,750.00 $30,910.00

• Insulation comes with manufacturers 10-year warranty • 4” concrete slab with rebar • 10’ sidewalls

May 2014


Page 25

Mind, HHealthy Body and Outlook LIFE’s Senior Centers provide a variety of enriching programs for adults 50+. By Deanna Rebro

Older adults in the Tulsa area now have even more reasons to become part of LIFE’s Senior Centers. Thanks to a grant from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, additional fitness equipment and new programming are being offered at LIFE’s two Senior Centers located at Southminster Presbyterian Church and East Side Christian Church. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma’s “Healthy Kids, Healthy Families” initiative supports programs that address nutrition education, physical activity, disease prevention and management, and that provide safe environments for children and families, including seniors. These same cornerstones are vital in helping older adults stay active, healthy and independent. “LIFE’s Senior Centers are designed for independent adults age 50 and older, offering a wide array of social, creative, educational, fitness and health activities to help members stay physically active and enjoy new friendships,” says Jan Dunkelberg, Senior Center and active

aging coordinator. “Even more importantly, we’ve seen (and studies agree) that seniors who stay physically active, mentally stimulated and socially engaged tend to lead healthier, happier lives – and are able to maintain their independence longer.” Some of the activities offered each month include women’s basketball, line dancing, Wii bowling, pickle ball, ping pong, Zumba Gold, social dancing, East Side Band, Vintage Voices choral group, art and writing classes, gardening, bridge, canasta, day trips, luncheons, theme parties and lots more. In addition to these ongoing activities, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield grant is supporting several new programs including: Exercise Equipment Training, learning the safe and proper use of the exercise equipment in the Fitness Room at Southminster; Functional Movement Training, using bands, tubing and sandbells to improve strength and flexibility; Tai Chi, improving large muscle strength and balance; Traveling Through Tulsa’s History, hearing local historian

Players at LIFE’s Senior Center at Southminster Presbyterian Church enjoy a spirited game of pickleball for exercise, mental stimulation and social interaction.

David Breed make Tulsa’s history come alive; Explore Your Creativity, exploring a new art medium in each session; Doodle Art, turning doodles into a relaxing art form; Nutrition for LIFE, seven one-hour seminars that will address fads and diets, nutritional management and diabetes control; and Brain Fitness, exploring various components of brain health. These new programs will run through July with varying dates, times and locations. LIFE’s Senior Centers are inviting people to visit and try out some of the activities and are even offering free membership privileges in May and June at both the East Side and Southminster centers. With so

many activities available, LIFE’s Senior Centers certainly have something for anyone who wants to get out of the house, meet new friends and achieve a healthy mind, healthy body and healthy outlook on life. LIFE’s Senior Centers are open weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Annual memberships are only $25. Complete activity schedules are available online at www. LIFE’s Senior Centers are a program of LIFE Senior Services, a non-profit United Way organization that promotes healthy aging, quality of life and independence for seniors through a full-range of interconnected services including SeniorLine information and as-

sistance, adult day services, case management, caregiver support, senior seminars and Medicare assistance.

For more information, contact

LIFE’s Senior Center at Southminster 3500 S. Peoria Ave., Tulsa

(918) 749-2623 LIFE’s Senior Center at East Side 1427 S. Indianapolis Ave., Tulsa

(918) 744-6760

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Page 26

May 2014


Where Heart and Mind Connect W Jayne Bowman of Real Soulutions offers Christian counseling for anyone who is hurting in their heart.

By Deanna Rebro

Jayne Bowman deals with pain. But she doesn’t need to ask her many clients where they hurt. The board certified professional Christian counselor at Real Soulutions Christian Counseling knows that they hurt from the heart. Whether they are feeling the pain of trauma, addiction, family discord or grief, they want to move forward in their lives, but don’t know how. That’s where Jayne can help. In her own words, she provides “Christian-based, clinically sound counseling therapy.” It is nothing like behavioral therapy, where a counselor identifies a client’s problem and then recommends a remedial pattern of behavior. From the initial consultation, Jayne asks each of her clients for a commitment to take responsibility for their lives and to become part of a team. That team is Jayne, the client and God. Although psychology is the basis of her profession, Christianity is the basis of her life. It reflects in everything she does. Counseling sessions may begin or end with prayer. And

she prays for every client, every day. Throughout her sessions, Jayne uses Biblical principles to help clients see for themselves what is holding them back in life. “Answers to the deepest questions in life are within the pages of the Bible,” she explains. “When they can look at things from a different perspective, they can understand why they hurt, what was taken from them, and what they need to do to get it back.” Negative thoughts that have built up from past experiences and poor choices in life keep people from becoming who they want to be, and from feeling the joy that they can’t seem to get. Even Christians can feel this way when faced with challenging situations. There is no need to feel shame or guilt when seeking help. This is actually the first step toward recovery. Singles with a history of broken relationships come to her, as well as family members who feel like strangers living under one roof. Sometimes clients know why they feel the

Jayne Bowman of Real Soulutions offers a unique style of professional Christian counseling to help clients work through the issues that are stealing their lives.

way they do and sometimes they don’t. “Therapy is not a quick fix,” she says. “It’s a journey.” The road is highly individualized for each person. Those who are willing to undertake the journey will find themselves in the capable hands of a licensed professional counselor, licensed alcohol and drug counselor, board certified professional Christian counselor and LPC supervisor.

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During the past 14 years, Jayne has facilitated the process of clients working through a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues. Trauma, depression, anxiety, various addictions including substance, alcohol, sexual and eating disorders, parenting support, grief, counseling for children of divorce, and childhood trauma are just some of the areas in which she has helped

people who want to help themselves. “When I see a hurting person see hope, see value in themselves, I am rewarded,” she says. For more information, contact

Real Soulutions Christian Counseling (918) 877-2723

May 2014


Page 27

CCelebrate the Spirit of the Renaissance

The 19th annual Oklahoma Renaissance Festival features costumed performers and artisans, music, magic, comedy, juggling, jousting, tomfoolery, arts, food, drink and more!

By Beki Akins

The Renaissance was a rebirth of the human spirit, igniting a passion for beauty expressed through poetry, art, music, intellect, and romance. This pivotal time cultivated a desire for a noble life, for a freer opportunity for expression, and for the melding of intellectual curiosity, diverse culture, and exotic commerce. Experience a rich cultural tapestry, and the beauty and grandeur of Renaissance England, right here in Oklahoma! You’ll be transported back to the 16th century as Castleton Village comes alive with over 600 costumed stage and street performers, merchants, and artisans providing an entertainment experience fit for royalty. Enjoy special daytime events like the Queen’s Tea, the Royal Luncheon, and the King’s Smoker. And be sure to get tickets for the after-hours entertainment at the Masqued Ball, the Pirate’s Feaste, and the Ceilidh. The Castle of Muskogee welcomes new performers for 2014. Wolgemut, formed in 1997 in Berlin, performs historical music on original instruments. Sirena is a spectacular

Sirena, a spectacular group of singing mermaids, make their debut at the festival in 2014.

group of singing mermaids, and The Swordsmen perform sharp-edged comedy. OKRF welcomes Circa Paleo back to The Cave for a limited engagement. And you’ll find all your other favorite acts appearing on the 15 stages on the Castle grounds. You’ll find a dazzling array of artisan creations at our 134 Renaissance merchant shops. OKRF is proud to include new merchants in the Village. Jezzy’s Treasures features hair

adornments. Find the spices you need to bring life to your kitchen creations at Garlic Festival. Twisted Family Creations, a “Made in Oklahoma” business, crafts unique items from sustainably harvested wood. Ye Jams and Jellies is another MIO company and offers delectable and unique homemade spreads. Be sure to visit the new Masque Shoppe adjacent to the Italian Quarter. Once in the Italian Quarter, be sure to visit Absalom’s

Dreams – a new Hookah Bar and Silk Road experience. Find expanded seating in the Tournament Arena, where the Heroic Knights of Old clash with sword and lance in full contact jousting. Also watch The Royal Gauntlet Birds of Prey present thrilling conservation education with raptors. Then, move to the new seating area for the Living Chess Match and cheer on your favorites. Stroll down twisting, tree-

covered village lanes filled with quaint shops displaying one of a kind, hand-crafted goods. Don the latest Renaissance fashions found in the marketplace, and stop at one of the inns for a flagon of ale. Follow the aroma of fire-roasted food, let the kids play some of the games, or watch the performers while you enjoy a huge smoked turkey leg. Entertainment for all ages will be found at the 2014 Oklahoma Renaissance Festival! Dates and hours are weekends: May 3 - June 1, plus Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, 10:30a.m. to 6 p.m. (Student Day is May 9, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) For more information and online discount ticket purchases visit Like us on Facebook as The Castle of Muskogee.

For more information, contact

The Castle of Muskogee 3400 W. Fern Mountain Rd. Muskogee, OK 74401

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Page 28

May 2014


May Is National Foster Care Month children. Some of the biological parents may face jail time. These are situations for which there are no easy solutions, and many in the community turn a blind eye or simply walk away. Choices for Life is constantly seeking applicants who are willing to help a child learn how to live a life that approaches normalcy. Over the course of the application process, potential foster parents undergo a DMV and background check. An income study and home assessment are also part of the journey toward fostering. For those who are selected and matched with a child,

CFL provides a mosaic of support services to ensure the best care. In addition to support and counseling, CFL also assists with legal and education issues. Many students require modified curriculum, and the agency helps with meetings and individualized educational plans (IEPs). The organization visits each home weekly and offers 24-hour services for counseling. Each parent commits to 18 hours of training per year, which CFL helps coordinate. For cases in which it is in the interest of the child to meet with biological parents, CFL serves as a liaison in the

continued from page 1

process. Every step of the way, Choices for Life has professional staff to provide support and guidance. When officially declaring May National Foster Care Month, President Obama said, “To give foster youth the support they need, Americans in every community are stepping up to serve. They are mentors, teachers, faith leaders, caseworkers, advocates, family members – individuals dedicated to making a difference.” Choices for Life is on the front lines of such an effort. In honor of National Foster Care Month, Choices for Life encourages everyone

to recognize the sacrifices and hard work of foster parents everywhere. Parenting is not easy. Making the decision to bring a child into one’s home, knowing there will be significant challenges to overcome that most parents and children never deal with, is admirable. If you know a foster parent, thank them for the work they do to brighten the life of a child and the positive impact it has on the community. If you have time or resources to contribute, please do so. There are never enough foster homes for the children in need of therapeutic care. The demand is especially great for teens.

For more information, contact

Choices for Life Foster Care 724 S. Mission Sapulpa, OK 74066

(918) 248-4340

For more coupons,consumer news & information, visit

New J. David Location is a Gem continued from page 1 usual, the new J. David Jewelry showroom will significantly raise the bar for what passes for a superior experience in selecting jewelry. Display case designs are inspired by museum exhibits, allowing viewers to walk all around and ogle diamonds, bands and watches from all angles. No more barriers between the customer and sales associate. These adornments are worthy of a pedestal, and shall be revered as such. Though customers are welcome to select any item that tickles their fancy, Landon insists that the displays are intended to function more as examples for different elements to be incorporated into original works. The Wiland family plans to take individualized orders to the next level, offering a full custom design, from top to bottom. “We can take different elements from different rings and give them exactly what they want,” explains Wiland. Customers are encouraged to look around, ask questions, take notes and enjoy themselves. Associates and designers will collaborate alongside customers to produce a one-of-a-kind piece that perfectly expresses the sentiment of the occasion. Not only does J. David Jewelry have some of the most skilled and experienced jewelers around, but they also possess some of the most advanced technology. Using 3D printers, customers will be able to see and touch an unbelievably accurate replica of their proposed design. The printers – which can produce with details up to 1/1000 inch – are truly on the cutting edge of technology. The devices can print “much more detailed than the printers that print airplane parts,” says Wiland. But the experience does not end there. Committed to the goal of becoming their customers’ favorite place, the store will provide refreshments. And,

of course, what experience would be complete without a giant television? How about a bay window through which to view the process behind the magic? How about both? Wiland explains that the store will feature an 11-foot window to view the workshop. Customers can watch the jewelers work in real time. But, with the flip of a switch, the window frosts over and becomes a TV screen – perfect for days when the big game is on. Wherever there is an opportunity to enhance the joy of jewelry shopping, the Wilands have seized it. For the moment, Wiland says there are no plans for a big grand opening day. Rather, J. David Jewelry in Bixby is taking a more subtle approach. Opting instead for a “soft opening” on May 5. the new store seems content to let the product and experience speak for itself, and let word spread organically. But, who can blame them? When one knows they have the nicest house in town, there is seldom a reason to draw attention. Those with an interest in the finer things will make their way to Bixby and see for themselves. Store hours are Monday through Friday from 10 to 6 and Saturday from 10 to 5.

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Feeling Out of Whack? Alzheimer’s disease, builds bone density and lean muscle, and allows for greater endurance for exercise.” Monica Stubblefield, R.N., certified pelleter, adds, “Pellets are more beneficial than other forms of hormone replacement because the hormones are continually released into your system, so you don’t have the roller coaster effect.” Both men and women lose testosterone as they get older, which is a major cause of these hormonal symptoms. Many women are surprised to

learn that hormone decline begins about ten years before other symptoms of perimenopause set in; therefore, BHRT can benefit women as young as in their 20s. “Hormone balancing can help restore quality of life for men and women in a wide range of ages – whether you’re 25 or 75,” says Dr. Campbell. The pellets last three to six months and produce no side effects. You will be in and out of the office in about 30 minutes, and the procedure is completely pain free. If you’re experiencing any

continued from page 1 of the symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance, Monica encourages everyone to schedule an appointment to get tested and find out what hormones you need. “You don’t have to live with these symptoms. Depression, mood swings, lack of energy, lower sex drive – these can all negatively affect your life a great deal. Many patients feel they have gotten their lives back with hormone replacement therapy. It can improve your quality of life by leaps and bounds.” Dr. Campbell trained with

Dr. Gino Tutera, who developed and refined the SottoPelle system and is a widely recognized leader in the field of bio-identical hormone replacement. Dr. Tutera’s unique treatment method is based on prescribing the right kind of hormone (biologically identical), in the correct amounts (determined through testing and proper analysis of the results), using the right delivery system (pellets). Thousands of men and women across the country have used SottoPelle hormone therapy to achieve a natural

healthy balance of hormones. “BHRT helps the body age in a healthy, natural manner. Patients have told me over and over again that it has completely changed their life for the better,” says Monica. For more information, contact

BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center 500 S. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012

(918) 872-9999

May 2014



Promoting Awareness, Raising Funds for Children’s Cancer Research The Tulsa CureSearch Walk will honor all who battle childhood cancer.

By Christopher Davis “Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children,” says Anabella Gonzalez, committee member for Tulsa CureSearch. “Every day 42 children are diagnosed with cancer. It’s much more common than people think.” In print, the number “42” does not carry the proper weight it should in this case. Imagine your child’s classroom. Every desk is occupied, but children are also sitting on the floor and standing in the back. Forty-two young lives, bursting with the desire to explore the world. Statistically, this is how many kids are told they have cancer every day of the week. The impact of children’s cancer is broad, without regard for gender, ethnicity, community or socioeconomic status. But cancer affects, too, the family and friends of the afflicted. Even in the best of cases – survival – the disease pushes the limits of what our minds, bodies and medicines can handle. Medical science has been steadily progressing toward effective treatments for many types of cancer. According to CureSearch, survival rates for children’s cancer increased from 10% to 78% over the last 40 years. These gains in survival rates are encouraging, but should – and can – be better. Without strong community aware-

ness, support and funding for research, hypotheses and theories cannot make it to the laboratory, let alone yield effective treatments. CureSearch for Children’s Cancer is a national non-profit foundation whose mission is to fund and support targeted and innovative children’s cancer research with measurable results. In addition to serving as an authoritative source of information and resources for those impacted by children’s cancer, the organization is focused on supporting clinical trials and translational research in order to more effectively improve

outcomes for children with difficult-to-treat cancers. The organization relies on the hard work of those like Gonzalez, who are dedicated to raising awareness for the cause, and the support of local communities across the country to raise funds toward research. “After losing both my parents to cancer, I decided it was time to get involved with local families affected by childhood cancer,” explains Gonzalez. Seeing an opportunity to volunteer with Tulsa CureSearch, she followed through on her decision. Now Gonzalez serves as a vocal advocate and

effective organizer on behalf of children with cancer. “It is common for children with cancer to be treated with adult drugs,” says Gonzalez. However, complications arise because, naturally, children’s bodies are different from adults. The drugs’ side effects, as well as the dosages, can be problematic. Therefore, it is necessary to fund research that is children-specific. CureSearch’s stated goal is to change the survival rate from the current 78% to 100%. In an effort to make this goal a reality, the organization’s Tulsa chapter hosts the annual CureSearch Walk, which is scheduled for September 20 at Oral Roberts University. “The walk is about celebrating and honoring children from the Tulsa area who have been affected by children’s cancer, while raising funds for lifesaving research,” says Gonzalez. “During the event, we

Page 29

take a special moment to remember and honor those children who have lost their fight and celebrate the CureSearch Heroes who are in treatment or are survivors.” One such survivor is Delainey Maxwell. At two years of age, Delainey was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). For over two years, she underwent treatments. By all measures, the young girl has displayed strength and a will to overcome cancer. Having recently completed her last round of chemotherapy on March 6, Delainey is bursting with life. Attending pre-K this year, she says her favorite thing about school is recess. Delainey likes to sing and loves the movie “Frozen.” She and her family met Gonzalez through a shared network of cancer research advocates, and have remained close for some time. Joining their cause is simple. Visit to learn more about the different types of children’s cancer and the efforts toward ending the disease. On the site are ample ways to volunteer, as well as donate. Together, we can find a cure for children’s cancer and ensure that every child diagnosed will have the opportunity to experience the joy of declaring recess their favorite part about school.

For more information, contact

Tulsa CureSearch (918) 798-3825

(L to R): Anabella Gonzalez, Corrie Maxwell, Delainey Maxwell, Bryson Maxwell and Barry Maxwell.

There are children in Tulsa and Rogers Counties waiting for a place to call home and a family to support them.

Page 30

May 2014


CCelebrate Salsa de Mayo The inaugural salsa tasting fundraiser benefitting ADOPT(ED) will be held Monday, May 5 from 5:30 to 8:30 at the Mabee Center.

By Sheryl Sowell If there is one appetizer most people can agree on, it’s chips and salsa! Salsa connoisseurs will want to mark their calendars for Salsa de Mayo on Monday, May 5 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Mabee Center. This family-friendly fundraising event will consist of chips and salsa taste testing from 18+ local-area restaurants, inflatable games and face painting for children, salsa dance lessons courtesy of Ballroom Blitz, and a burrito eating contest. Proceeds will benefit and their

ADOPT(ED) ministry, which exists to be a conduit of information, support, and resources to Tulsa metro families involved in foster care and adoption. ADOPT(ED) supports various organizations including the 111 Project, the Laura Dester Shelter and others. ADOPT(ED) also gives financial support to three different international orphan organizations and partners with LifeSong for Orphans in providing grants and loans for adoptive families. You’ll find lots of yummy

flavors, from mild to super spicy at Salsa de Mayo. Be sure to vote for your favorite – the winning restaurant will receive a trophy at the end of the evening. The burrito-eating contest will feature Pastor Alex Himaya of,and main sponsors Danny Beck of Danny Beck Chevrolet and Darren Gooch of Zoellner Exterminating. “We have 10 contest spots available for the burrito eating contest. Some of them are reserved for VIPs, and we are going to have a drawing for the remaining spots,” explains event

Jason Grewe, Salsa de Mayo event organizer, invites everyone to attend and vote for the area’s most delicious salsa.

9146 S. Memorial Dr.

Tulsa, OK 74133

(918) 481-8000



organizer Jason Grewe. United State Senate candidates T.W. Shannon and Randy Brogdon will be on hand for the event. Each candidate will make short presentations. Representatives from various foster care and adoption agencies will be speaking and have informational booths as well. Admission is $5 per person with children under 4 years of age receiving free admission. All proceeds will go to the ADOPT(ED) program. About ten years ago, Pastor Alex of preached a series of sermons called FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), submitted by church attendees. One question was, “Why haven’t I heard a sermon on adoption or the scriptural principle of God being the God to the fatherless?” That question, driven by a couple of families who were engaged in the issue of adoption, sparked a journey that resulted in the church getting in the game of caring for the parentless and launching ADOPT(ED). In partnership with Lifesong for Orphans, they receive and process grants and loans for adoptive families in the area. As a result of the initiative, approximately 70 children have been adopted. ADOPT(ED) also helps provide financial support for foster families at the time of placement, holds seminars, offers a variety of resources, and organizes support groups for those who have adopted or are interested in getting information about adoption or foster care. “In the past few years, we have gotten heavily involved in caring for children who end up in our state foster care system. We have dozens of families who are foster-

ing children, volunteering at Laura Dester Shelter, and serving as respite care families for those who are fostering,” says Jason. “We also engage in international orphan care in several countries where international adoption is not an option. Of course, our ability to raise funds is key in accomplishing all of this – thus Salsa de Mayo!” Jason came up with the idea for a salsa tasting fundraiser after attending the Wingapalooza festival earlier this year with his wife and son. “After the event, I said to them, ‘That was fun! What other food could someone do with this concept?’ We came up with chips and salsa – who doesn’t want to know what place has the best chips and salsa?” The next few days, Jason made a few phone calls and printed flyers. “God gave us favor with the Mabee Center and the first three restaurants, and before I knew it, what was once a little snowball was soon rolling downhill gaining momentum quickly. I feel God is using the event to help care for those who have no one to care for them.” Tickets are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Mabee Center box office at 7777 S. Lewis in Tulsa, online at or at any location.

For more information, contact

Salsa de Mayo (918) 859-8886

EXPANDED HOURS Mon-Fri: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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May 2014

CClose the GAP GAP insurance can save you big on your auto loan.

By Jocelyn Wood

The cold hard fact is that as soon as you drive your new car off the lot, it depreciates in value. How much it depreciates varies from car to car depending on a number of factors. During the term of a loan, many car owners find themselves upside-down, meaning they owe more than the vehicle’s insured value. This is especially true when the car is financed for more than 90% of the purchased price or its value. Your financial situation can potentially turn south if your car is totaled in an accident before your loan balance levels out with the value of your vehicle. Good news, there is a solution – Guaranteed Auto Protection or GAP*. A GAP policy can be taken out on new, used and refinanced vehicles, motorcycles, boats and RVs. It helps in the event of a loss, covering the difference between your car’s

cash value (primary insurance company settlement) and the outstanding balance on your loan, according to Kevi Zufall, AVP, consumer loan officer, RCB Bank. “This is a little known product that can offer peace of mind for many borrowers,” said Zufall. “Without GAP insurance, if your car is totaled and you still owe more than your car is worth, you could owe hundreds to possibly thousands of dollars out of pocket. GAP covers that difference.” GAP is worth considering if you plan to take out a long term loan (60 months or more), roll over negative equity into a refinance, or purchase a vehicle that depreciates fast. Take this example. You purchase a car for $25,000 and make $1,000 down payment. Your loan is 60 months with 1.79% APR†, which makes your monthly payment $417.71. Six

months later, you’re in a wreck and your car is totaled. At the time of your wreck, your car is valued at $20,000 (20% depreciation). Your insurance policy has a $1,000 deductible, and so they write you a check for $19,000. This leaves you with a $3,158.40 outstanding balance on your loan and no car. Without GAP, you’re responsible for paying the outstanding loan balance. If you purchased GAP when you took out your loan, your outstanding balance and insurance deductible* is covered by the policy. That’s a load off your back. “RCB sells GAP for $388, a discounted price compared to dealerships,” Zufall said. “That’s a small fee that could save you an abundance of money in the long run.” GAP isn’t for everyone. If you have a short-term loan or paid a big down payment, GAP might not be the best fit for you. The thing to do is talk to your lender. To learn more about GAP coverage stop by your local RCB Bank and chat with one of our lenders. You can also call us at 855-BANK-RCB. We’re happy to help, at no obligation. For more savings tips and other financial articles, go to † Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as of 05/01/2014 and is subject to change. APR includes


Page 31

Mind the GAP on your next auto loan says Kevi Zufall, RCB Bank consumer lender in Claremore.

a 3% discount for qualified applicants and automatic debit of monthly payment from an RCB Bank checking or savings account. Rate could increase if automatic debit is cancelled at any time during the term of the loan. Certain restrictions apply. * GAP Auto Coverage is not an insurance product. Consumers are required to maintain regular car insurance as a condition of their loan. For this article, information on GAP coverage is based on the Frost GAP program, RCB Bank offers GAP coverage through the

Frost GAP program. For vehicle eligibility and coverage details see your local RCB Bank lender. VisualGAP covers the primary insurance deductible, up to $1,000, in all states other than the state of New York. Check with your lender to see if GAP covers deductibles in your state. For more information, contact


Page 32

May 2014



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May 2014


HHit the Stampede The Will Rogers Stampede Rodeo takes place May 23-25, 2014. By Lorrie Ward

There are only two things you can do if a stampede hits: run with it or get out of its way. So when the Will Rogers Stampede Rodeo hits Claremore on Memorial Day weekend, May 23-25, be sure to find a safe place on the sidelines to watch the dust fly as the hooves hit the ground in a thunderous display of man and woman versus nature. David Petty, chairman of this year’s event and member of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) Executive Council, describes Claremore’s Will Rogers Stampede as “one of the top tier rodeos in the country” and feels it is probably the second largest Oklahoma rodeo behind Guymon. He chuckles and says he “married into” the Will Rogers Stampede Association, as his wife’s grandparents were charter members of the original Round Up Club. But his commitment to preserving the heritage of this 68-year-old event goes well beyond that of a typical in-law. “This is the largest and longest running event in Rogers County next to

Will Rogers Days,” he points out. “And I want to help keep that tradition going.” While tradition is at the heart of this event, David points out that some changes have been necessary to make the event one that continues to draw top level competitors to Claremore. For instance, the

rodeo recently changed stock contractors and now uses Pete Carr Pro Rodeo, which was nominated in 2013 as Rodeo Stock Contractor of the Year at the national level and owns the legendary bucking horse Dirty Jacket. David feels that changing along with the changing times will keep contestant

levels – which will top 600 this year – high. “This is the largest PRCA rodeo on Memorial Day weekend,” says Petty. The Will Rogers Stampede kicks off on Friday night at 8 p.m., with the competition continuing Saturday and Sunday at 8 p.m. In addition, there will be “slack performances” for extras on Friday morning at 8 a.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m. “The rodeo continues to have strong community influence and ties. We use the last night as a memorial to past Will Rogers Stampede participants

Page 33

and those who have helped in the past,” says Petty. “Last year, we honored Clem McSpadden, Clem Rogers, and Will Rogers.” He points out that area cowboy churches have gotten involved in the Sunday segment, giving musical performances and offering free admission to those who come to the late Sunday afternoon church service and are still there for the 7:30 p.m. opening. As the premier sanctioning body in rodeo, the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) crowns its world champions every season at the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. For decades, Will Rogers Stampede has been affiliated with ProRodeo, and many legendary world champions have won in Claremore. “The ‘who’s who’ list of national champions who have won the title in Claremore is too long to mention, but includes such legends as Jim Shoulders, Donnie Gay and Trevor Brazile,” adds Petty. For discount advance tickets, go to For more information, contact

Will Rogers Stampede Rodeo (918) 798-5005

“Dirty Jacket,” Bareback Horse of the Year, taking Jessy Davis to the pay window.


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