What’s Happening on Page 18!
April 2012
ROGERS COUNTY NE Oklahoma’s Leading Consumer Newspaper
Destined for Fun Destination Claremore week, April 27 through May 5, features a huge array of things to do.
Claremore Reveille Rotary Club is looking for a few good barbecuers to join their ranks at Boots & BBQ, May 11-12, 2012.
By Lisa Dennis The spring destination you won’t want to miss is Claremore, Oklahoma, April 27 through May 5. A variety of events will be happening every day at the magnificent attractions around the community. This nine-day event will kick off with Woolly Weekend at Shepherd’s Cross, April 27 and 28. Watch the “Sheep to Shawl” event – wool will be shorn from
So You Think You Can Cook Barbecue?
the sheep on the farm and is made into usable products right before your eyes! The Shepherd’s Shop will be open with lots of Made in Oklahoma goodies from local artisans. Demonstrations on spinning wheels, washing wool, weaving, knitting, and other wool crafting will be going on throughout the day. The Will Rogers Memorial Museum is hosting the
American Cowboys Traders Days April 27, 28, and 29 from 8 a.m. to dusk each day. A wide selection of tack, cowboy and cowgirl items, and much more will be available from the vendors. The JM Davis Arms and Historical Museum will be hosting The Gun and Knife Show April 28 and 29, with vendors bringing an array of items. Route 66 Cruisers (continued on page 28)
Staff of TTCU of Claremore, a Destination Claremore sponsor (L to R): Ashley Carter, Heather Garrison, Lisa Dennis with the Claremore CVB, Amanda Rue, ATEM Cash (in the middle), Ashley Lowther, Sheri Bunch, Sarah Wright, and Branch Manager Bryan Bradley.
By Carol Beck-Round If you think you’re better than your average backyard barbecuer, here’s your chance to not only prove it, but “to get your grill on” at the 11th annual Claremore Reveille Rotary
Club’s Boots & BBQ Festival. Scheduled for May 11 and 12 at Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs, east of Claremore, the event’s past winners have gone (continued on page 28)
A recognized Kansas City Barbecue Society champion, Little Pig Town, was the 2011 Reveille Rotary Boots & BBQ Festival Champion. Scot Kee, his wife Rocky, and daughter Bailey, receiving last year’s trophy in the Will Rogers Downs Winners’ Circle. Joining the Little Pig Town team were event organizers: Reveille Rotarians John Walke, Club President Roger Fleming, both left, along with Cherokee Nation Enterprises General Manager Tony Cavallo.
Nut-in Like a Good Antique and Craft Show The Nut House will host their Antique and Craft Show April 28-29 as part of Destination Claremore week. By Lorrie Ward
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April, 2012 will be a busy and exciting month for The Nut House. Easter is on April 8, and The Nut House is already bursting with a rainbow of brightly colored items, perfect for holiday decorating. The bustling, busy spring season will continue for Hazel Ward and staff, as they prepare for Destination Claremore’s Antique and Craft Show on Saturday and Sunday, April 2829. The Nut House hosted The Antique and Craft Show for Destination Claremore last year, but this year, they are the actual sponsors of the event. “We are in the building stages of some-
thing that has great promise,” says Hazel. “We had an excellent turnout last year, but this year we would like to add more local flavor to this nostalgic event.” Hazel hopes to accomplish this by garnering more interest from area antique and craft dealers. “In the past, we’ve had antique dealers from out of state, but we would like to see more dealers from our Green Country area,” Hazel relates. “People want to feel they have a piece of Oklahoma, Rogers County, or Claremore when they buy from this event.” Local flavor also includes a plethora of handcrafted items from local vendors, including
tole paintings, crocheted and embroidered items, jewelry, crafts, decorative items, and all kinds of odds and ends. “This event is actually designed to showcase handmade gift items from local artisans,” Hazel points out. “Last year, we had a booth with gourds made into bird houses.” Plenty of booth space is still available for those who are interested, and applications will be taken until April 20. Application forms are available on the website at www.route66nuthouse.com. Hazel plans for booths to be outside, weather permitting, but plenty of inside space has been (continued on page 28)
www.valuenews.com South Tulsa 41,902 homes (This is a geo-demographic mailing list and delivered to homes in Mid-Town and South Tulsa.)
Bixby, Jenks Glenpool & Sapulpa 27,861 homes Bixby–74008–8,484 Glenpool–74033–3,507 Jenks–74037–5,550 Sapulpa–74066–10,320
Paid Mailing Circulation
Owasso/Collinsville 21,945 homes Owasso–74055–15,203 Collinsville–74021–6,742
Rogers County 25,714 homes Claremore–74017–10,601 74019–6,546 Catoosa–74015–3,245 Chelsea–74016–1,798 Inola–74036–2,159 Oologah–74053–1,365
Broken Arrow 41,655 homes 74011–9,861 74012–22,258 74014–9,536
Hazel Ward, owner of The Nut House.