Value News Rogers October 2012 Issue

Page 1

What’s Happening on Page 18!


October 2012

ROGERS COUNTY NE Oklahoma’s Leading Consumer Newspaper

Go Nuts on Route 66 The Nut House’s annual Route 66 Pecan and Fun Fest will be Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. By Lorrie Ward This summer’s drought affected many crops, but northeastern Oklahoma’s pecan trees proved to be a bunch of “hard nuts to crack.” Hazel Ward, owner of The Nut House, observes, “The pecan trees are full, though the nuts are a little on the small side, but we are hopeful the pecans will be an abundant crop.” To celebrate this bounty, The Nut House will host its yearly Route 66 Pecan and Fun Fest on Saturday, October 20 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. “Fun Fest” is an apt description of this event, as it will be filled with color and creativity, with handmade crafts, fall themed activities, local music by Bethany

Grace & Gypsy Soul and Klondike5 String Band, and tasty food, making it a celebration for all ages. This year’s craft show promises to be bigger than ever, giving local artisans a chance to display authentic, handmade goods and other “Made in Oklahoma” items of interest. In the spirit of keeping history and tradition, Hazel has invited a local weaver to demonstrate how she spins her own yarn on a loom. The Nut House is still accepting vendor applications and will continue to do so up until the week of the event, as long as space is still available. (continued on page 28)

Nut House owner Hazel Ward and employee Tara.

Afraid of Tight Spaces? You Have a Choice

Dr. Hrdlicka of Claremore Surgeons explains that patients do not have to select the surgeon their primary care physician refers them to.

The staff of Advance Imaging focuses on calming the fears of patients undergoing MRI. By Lorrie Ward

Preferred Customer Requested Delivery October 4, 2012 Dated Material


When Claremore Mayor Mickey Perry needed an MRI recently, he experienced a bit more than the usual anxiety. “Mickey is claustrophobic,” says Peggy Trease, business development manager at Advance Imaging in Claremore. According to Peggy, Mickey’s fear of MRI is not uncommon. “It’s more than just a fear of closed spaces,” she says. “It’s the fear of the unknown.” Barbara Ginn, Advance Imaging’s MRI technologist, stepped in to calm him, allaying Mickey’s fears by talking him through each step of the procedure. “Barbara communicates with patients like Mickey constantly, coaching and coaxing them along, giving timelines on each study,” Peggy relates. “Like so many, Mickey said afterwards that he couldn’t have made it through without Barbara – and that before he knew what happened, it was over.”

Mickey Perry’s testimonial, along with others, is available at the Advance Imaging website, These stories show the results of a common thread that runs

through the entire staff at Advance Imaging: a commitment to personal one-on-one service and to the Rogers County area. “Our philosophy is (continued on page 28)

By Lorrie Ward In a world of medical networking, it is easy to forget that you have a choice. In past years, Dr. Kyle Hrdlicka of Claremore Surgeons has observed that when people visit their general practice physician and are told they need surgery,

Peggy Trease (standing) and Barbara Ginn, in the room where Barbara examines the MRI images and talks the patients through the procedure on a microphone. South Tulsa 40,977 homes (This is a geo-demographic mailing list and delivered to homes in Mid-Town and South Tulsa.)

Bixby, Jenks Glenpool & Sapulpa 22,654 homes Bixby–6,744 Glenpool–74033–3,596 Jenks–74037–4,923 Sapulpa–74066–7,391

Paid Mailing Circulation

they assume they have to use the surgeon to whom they are referred. “Medicine is changing in that many physicians are employed by certain hospital groups, and these physicians are encouraged to refer within their (continued on page 28)

Dr. Kyle Hrdlicka of Claremore Surgeons.

Owasso/Collinsville 18,225 homes Owasso–74055–12,027 Collinsville–74021–6,198

Rogers County 22,508 homes Claremore–74017–8,888 74019–5,699 Catoosa–74015–2,571 Chelsea–74016–1,787 Inola–74036–2,164 Oologah–74053–1,399

Broken Arrow 35,864 homes 74011–9,233 74012–18,610 74014–8,021

FREE visual home inspections for termites & spiders

Page 2

October 2012




Top 10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Invest In The Stock Market! BY MELANIE HASTY-GRANT

Nearly every day I hear folks tell me about why they think they should not invest in the stock market right now. Some of them seem to be relatively reasonable fears about investing, some not so much. I do declare! I have some stories I would tell you about all the excuses I have heard….all the way back to the stories my Mamaw used to tell about the Great Depression of 1934 (that stuff would curl your toes!), but that would take more than a month of Sunday’s to recount. So, I will give you the most popular excuses I have heard over the last 13 years and see if you can relate to any of them. 1999: The Y2k bug is about to crash all the world’s computers. “We will have no accounting of our money at the bank or on our brokerage statements!” 2000: The dot-com bubble burst. “The market is crashing. It will never come back!” 2001: Terrorist attacks destroyed both World Trade Centers and the hit the Pentagon. “The nuclear bomb is next. We need to have all of our money under a mattress at home!” 2002: Corporate Accounting Issues. “Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossing have all betrayed investors therefore all companies are corrupt and we should not invest!” 2005: Hurricane Katrina wiped out New Orleans! “This is the beginning of the end!” 2008: Sub-prime mortgage crisis/ Global Financial Crisis. “The banks are collapsing. There will be no more

economy!” (Don’t ever watch MSNBC in a crisis! That’s another story all together!) 2009: Worst recession since the Great Depression. “The market won’t come back for 20 years!” 2011: Europe’s sovereign debt crisis, U.S. Debt Ceiling. “No one in the world is going to have any money! We are all going to hell in a handbasket!” 2012: Presidential Election pending November 2012. “The U.S. deficit is so high that America can’t regain its financial strength!” 2012: The Mayan Calendar ends December 21, 2012. “The earth’s gravitational poles are going to reverse and we will all fall out into space. Therefore, there is no need for retirement planning.” (This one takes the cake!) Here is ONE good reason why you SHOULD invest in the markets: $23,288,100. This is the amount, a

mere $10,000 invested in the markets in January of 1934 would have been worth on December 31, 2010, based on the performance of the S&P 500 index. Emotionally we are always thinking of reasons not to invest in the stock market. Clearly these headlines and the fears that they create devise volatility in the stock market. The truth is the markets always climb a wall of worry. If you stick your head in the sand to avoid the fears and worry, the markets will pass you by. It matters where you are invested. It matters who you choose to help you. Find someone who can help you invest your money and manage the volatility. Find someone who can help you deal with your fears through common sense. For more information go to or call 918-272-1120. Melanie Hasty-Grant, Experienced Licensed Professional Counselor and Managing Principal at Waterstone Private Wealth Management. Securities and Advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC. The S&P 500 Index is a capitalization-weighted index of 500 stocks designed to measure performance of the broad domestic economy through changes in the aggregate market value of 500 stocks representing all major industries. Indexes are unmanaged and investors are not able to invest directly into any index.

*The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing.



Founder, President, and Publisher: Mary Bransford

October 2012 - Vol. 19, No. 10 For details, call

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Jack Kissee Ford, Inc. 760 S. LYNN RIGGS IN CLAREMORE 918-341-0101 Retail purchases only. Up to five quarts Motorcraft® oil and Motorcraft® oil filter. Taxes, diesel vehicles and disposal fees extra. Hybrid battery test excluded. Valid only at Jack Kissee Ford. Expires 10/31/12. Coupon

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Jack Kissee Ford, Inc. 760 S. LYNN RIGGS IN CLAREMORE 918-341-0101

Offer expires Nov. 30, 2012. Rebate forms must be submitted by Dec. 31, 2012.

(918) 828-9600

Value News is published monthly by Value News, Inc., 5800 E. Skelly Dr., Suite 707, Tulsa, OK 74135, 918-828-9600. Fax 918-828-9933. © Value News, all rights reserved, cover-to-cover. Vol. 19, No. 10, 2012 Over 150,000 copies direct mailed to homes in Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Owasso, Collinsville, Claremore, Catoosa, Verdigris, Chelsea, Inola, Oologah, Bixby, Glenpool, Jenks, and Sapulpa. Value News strives to maintain a quality level of accuracy and truth in its printed information and advertising, however, when errors or misprints occur, the individual, photographers, writers, advertisers and other contributors retain the right to qualify the information contained in their material published in the Value News. Views and claims made by them may not be construed representative philosophy or policies of this publication. Written works and advertising designed by Value News may not be reproduced for any other publication or medium without permission by the publisher. Submissions of news, features, story ideas, manuscripts, photos, graphics, art, raw creativity, etc. are welcomed and become property of Value News when published.


With the Purchase of 4 Tires

mail-in rebate*

Mother Natureʼs Pest and Lawn . . . . . . . . . .1 Ms. Senior Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 My Doll Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Ne-Mar Shopping Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Neely Insurance Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Nut House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Old Home Tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Personal Pet Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Pro-Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 RCB Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 RCI Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Rogers County Health Department . . . . . . .12 RSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Six Do’s and Don’t When Traveling on a Cruise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 South Pointe Chevrolet & Saturn . . . . . . . . .36 South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge . . . . . . .36 Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma . . . . . .12 Stillwater Milling Co. Clothing . . . . . . . .22, 23 Strathe Veterinary Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Suburban Chevrolet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Summit Physical Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Thrift Harbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Tile by Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Tulsa Metro Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 United Ford (Powertrain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Vascular & Vein Laser Center . . . . . . . . . . .27 Volkswagen Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Volvo of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Waterstone Private Wealth Management . . .2 You Have a Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

A New Image Cosmetic Laser Center . . . . . .9 Afraid of Tight Spaces? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Advance Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Advanced Cosmetic Medicine . . . . . . . . . . .30 Advanced Vision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Akira Sushi Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Americaʼs Auto Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Bill Knight Collision Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Bill Knight Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Bill Knight Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 BMW of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Boo-B-Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Canoe Brook Assisted Living & Alzheimerʼs Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Castle of Muskogee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Celebrate Oklahoma’s Favorite Son . . . .29 Claremore Dance Studios . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Claremore Expo Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Claremore Eye Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Daveʼs Claremore RV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 David Merriman Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Derksen Portable Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Dickens of a Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Don’t Wait to Solve Your Weight Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Dr. Ronald LaButti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Felts Shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Finding Shelter in the Storm . . . . . . . . . . .11 Gleam Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Go Nuts on Route 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Golden Corral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Goodwill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Grand Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Great Family Fun for Halloween . . . . . . . .25 Grigsbyʼs Carpet, Tile & Rug Gallery . . . . . .31 Guys, Find that Special Gift for Your Lady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Inola Portable Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 J & J Pharmacy & Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Jack Kissee Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Jim Glover Chevrolet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Jim Norton Collision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Jim Norton Collision Expansion . . . . . . . .25 Jim Norton Collision Performance Parts & Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Lap-Band Center of Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . .17 Mabee Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Marble Elegance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Marble Elegance Shows Appreciation . . .6 Meet at the Totem Pole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Momentum Toyota of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Momentum Toyota Rent A Car . . . . . . . . . . .18



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October 2012

Page 3


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Page 4

October 2012



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October 2012


Page 5

CGuys, Find that Special Gift for Your Lady The Rogers County United Way’s 4th annual Holiday Boutique is November 8-10, 2012 at the RSU Student Centennial Center. By Lorrie Ward Gentlemen, start your engines – it’s time to go Christmas shopping! Yes, you read that right. If you have trouble choosing that

perfect gift for wife, mother, or significant other, don’t wait until the last minute and purchase a gift in a panicked rush. Buy a

Angela Henderson and Shelly Jones, co-chairs of Rogers County United Way’s Holiday Boutique.

ticket to the Rogers County United Way’s 4th annual Holiday Boutique, being held November 8, 9, and 10 at the RSU Student Centennial Center, where you can celebrate the spirit of giving by supporting a worthy cause and getting your Christmas shopping wrapped up – in more ways than one. “Many men stay away because they read the word ‘boutique’ and assume this will be a women’s-only event,” says Angela Henderson, co-chair of the Holiday Boutique with Shelly Jones, who adds, “But this is a great place for men to come and shop for the ladies in their lives because it’s a one-stop shop – you can buy your gift and get your purchases wrapped and ready to go right under the tree.” Shelly points out that men sometimes bring that special lady along so that she can let him know just what items she would place on her Christmas wish list. Of course, ladies love this event also – with great reason, as it features a wide array of items dear to the female heart, including jewelry, clothing, cookbooks, and decorating, household, sports team related,

NOW IN OWASSO! Sesame Chicken

and holiday themed items. Angela and Shelly would like everyone to note the schedule change this year. “We are replacing the brunch we used to have for pre-shopping on Friday morning with a Thursday night Exclusive VIP Cocktail Reception,” she notes. “We wanted to give vendors extra time to replenish their booths before the main event and also to accommodate people who work on Friday mornings." Admission to the Exclusive VIP Cocktail Reception, which is from 6 to 8 p.m., is $25, and general admission tickets for Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. are $12. Rogers State University students pay only $5 for general admission if they present their student ID cards. Shelly and Angela expect the event to host around 30 booths this year from great area businesses like Claremore’s J&J Pharmacy and Oologah’s Chrome Cowgirl. Vendors can apply for booth space until all slots are filled. “We had a lot of interest in items for teens last year,” says Angela. “So we would like to invite those who have


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such items to consider a booth.” Both ladies assure potential vendors they will have an experience like no other. “We have volunteers from each agency who help bring in and take out items for booth renters,” says Shelly. “That kind of help usually isn’t offered in a vendor situation.” Donna Ross, Rogers County United Way executive director, is delighted to have Shelly and Angela co-chairing this event. “These ladies are both directors of United Way agencies – Shelly directs The Manger and Angela heads up Tri-County CASA – so the success of this event is high on their priority list,” she says. “The 26 Rogers County United Way agencies are always ready to help – we are like a family.”

For more information, contact

Rogers County United Way (918) 343-1165

Page 6

October 2012


Marble Elegance Shows Appreciation M Owner Mike Self invites the community to come enjoy fun, friends and burgers on Friday, October 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Marble Elegance.

By Sheryl Sowell Marble Elegance has served the Rogers County area for 23 years, proudly offering exemplary customer service and highquality products including cultured marble, PolyStone Granite, TruStone, and onyx. The talented Marble Elegance crew customizes each piece on site in their shop and showroom, located at 15212 E. 440 Rd. in Claremore. As a “Thank You” to the community of customers and

builders they’ve established relationships with over the years, Marble Elegance is hosting a Customer Appreciation Day on Friday, October 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and everyone is invited. Owner Mike Self explains, “This is a way for us to give back to our customers and builder friends, and be together for some fun and fellowship.” A tent will be set up for attendees to mingle

and visit with Mike and his staff, as well as enjoy burgers grilled up by Cary Froman of Froman Oil & Propane Company. Dallas Jones, a good friend of Mike’s and the owner of CherryBerry Corporate, will be the guest speaker at the event. Marble Elegance is blessed to be a part of the CherryBerry family. They provide bar tops and solid surface inserts for the yogurt machines for CherryBerry stores

The Marble Elegance crew (L to R): (front row) Nickie Roberts, Brandon Webster, Michael Self, Mitch Miranda, Jason Peper, Jon Miranda, JR Wilson, (back row) Danny Church, Chris Breshears, Mike Self and Myrna McKinney.

all over the United States. Marble Elegance has solid relationships with many quality builders in the Claremore area, including Ron Griggs, Oklahoma Royal Homes, Redwood Construction, Quality Homes, C E Moody, Money Homes, Strategic Homes, Russell Judd, Denham Homes, Anglen Custom Homes, Epic Homes, Butler Homes, Green River Homes, Rod Henry, Ford Homes, Roland Homes, Scott Nymen, Brett Fleak, Tony Long, Leon Callison, and Ryan Kelly. In addition, Mike is on the board of directors for the Rogers County Home Builders Association. Marble Elegance specializes not only in cultured marble creations, but offers products from Burlstone (trophies), Arizona Stone, and TruStone. Team member Nickie Roberts reports that TruStone is especially popular right now; it is an engineered stone with a granite image photo-fused into the stone. “Granite is all the rage right now, but it is costly and often requires a lot of upkeep,” says Nickie. “TruStone is non-porous, so it offers the

granite look without the granite cost and maintenance.” Many customers are surprised to learn that Marble Elegance does not use machinery to create its masterpieces. “Every piece is hand grounded. We take pride in offering hands-on customer service, and we are blessed to have built wonderful relationships in the community,” says Mike. “Our Customer Appreciation Day is a small way to show how grateful we are.” Mike adds that he gives credit to the Lord for providing him with an amazing staff and continued success. “It is our faith that has sustained us through the bad and good economic times.” Add Marble Elegance as a friend on Facebook to see lots of photos of their work, or stop by the showroom.

For more information, contact

Marble Elegance, Inc. 15212 E. 440 Rd. #B Claremore, OK 74017

(918) 341-1144

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October 2012


MMs. Senior Oklahoma Patricia Fisher, 86, of Canoe Brook Assisted Living was crowned Ms. Senior Oklahoma 2012 in the Assisted Living division.

By Sheryl Sowell Congratulations to Patricia Fisher, newly crowned Ms. Senior Oklahoma 2012! Patricia is a resident of Canoe Brook Assisted Living in Catoosa. The Ms. Senior Oklahoma Pageant celebrates senior women throughout Tulsa and northeastern Oklahoma, including those in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, long-term care facilities and senior life services. Proceeds from the pageant benefit the Grace Hospice Foundation. The 2012 pageant was held August 25 at Tulsa Community College’s VanTrease Performing Arts Center. Patricia is proud to be the winning queen of the Assisted Living category, which featured 12 beautiful contestants. “I was really surprised when I won because there were so many lovely, classy ladies! But I am thrilled and very appreciative.” As Ms. Senior Oklahoma, Patricia will attend scheduled appearances and participate in local parades over the next year. She will return to the 2013 pageant to pass on the title to the next queen. The pageant includes an interview question that the

Patricia Fisher, donning her tiara and sashes while holding her queenly scepter, with Angela Crisp, activities director of Canoe Brook Assisted Living. participants have time to rehearse for in advance. Angela Crisp, activities director of Canoe Brook, explains that Patricia actually answered two questions during the pageant.

“The first question they asked her – ‘What advice would you give to 16-year-old girls today?’ – was not the one she had prepared for. But you wouldn’t have known it! She was very

quick to answer and advised young ladies to keep their legs crossed and to go to school and get an education,” laughs Angela. “She was also able to answer the question she had rehearsed: ‘What has changed in technology in your lifetime?’ Patricia discussed the changes in space technology and how absolutely amazed her father would have been at the recent Mars landing.” It’s no surprise that Patricia felt at ease on the stage. While living in New York City in the 1940s, she worked as a runway model for the finest Maximilian furriers. She also worked for Stein & Blaine and modeled at a party filled with movie star guests, including Clark Gable, Peter Lawford, Jean Arthur, Errol Flynn and Marlene Dietrich. Patricia says that her modeling career and marrying her husband, Leonard, are her life’s proudest moments. Leonard passed away six months ago, and she believes he would have been so proud of her for winning the Ms. Senior Oklahoma crown. Patricia was born on April 4, 1926 in Oklahoma City. After

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living all across the East Coast as well as in Albuquerque, New Mexico, she moved back to her home state in 1969. “I love Oklahoma and am very proud of my Osage blood,” she adds. Patricia also has high praise for her current home at Canoe Brook. “I’m so grateful to be living in such a wonderful place. If you are unable to live on your own, this is the best place to be. Everyone who works here is so kind and dedicated.” In fact, the staff feels like family to her. “I no longer have most of my family, except for my sister in law and nieces, so it’s nice having people around that truly care about you.” Patricia is grateful to her nieces, who handcrafted her Ms. Oklahoma scepter – a first in the pageant’s seven-year history. “The organizers are going to include scepters in their pageant from now on!” says Angela. Angela is beyond proud of Queen Patricia. “She is a perfect example of how just because we get older, it doesn’t mean we lose our beauty.”

For more information, contact

Canoe Brook Assisted Living & Alzheimer Care 20102 E. Admiral Pl. Catoosa, OK 74015

(918) 739-4700


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Page 8

October 2012


OOld Home Tour

Take a tour of five historic locations in Claremore on Saturday, October 13.

By Lorrie Ward Sometimes we might think a house is just a house, a place of shelter, somewhere to rest our heads and protect us from the weather. But some homes represent more – heritage, tradition, history. This perfectly describes the structures featured on the 2012 Old Home Tour, sponsored by the Rogers County Historical Society (RCHS). This year’s proceeds will benefit the Belvidere Mansion’s current restoration project. “The windows in the Belvidere turret are leaking and need replacing badly,” says Morgan Anderssen Williams, vice president of membership for RCHS. But she points out a more important goal of RCHS in sponsoring this tour: education. “There are so many interesting old homes and structures in Rogers County,” says Morgan. “This tour increases awareness and appreciation for the places and the fascinating histories of the people who helped build this community.” Morgan adds that the Rogers County Historical Society works hard to make this tour great each year and is particularly grateful to Marleta McGuire, who has been doing the home tours since the 80s

and has been with RCHS from the very beginning. “Marleta does so much behind the scenes, and we couldn’t do the tour without her research.” The tour will be held Saturday, October 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets are $12 per adult, half price for older students (with student ID), available either in advance or on the day of the tour at the Belvidere Mansion Gift Shop. Admission is free for children under 12. The tour will include four structures in addition to the Belvidere: The Bungalow, The Bond Barn, The Hanes Ranch, and The Murray Barn. The Bungalow is located on Chickasaw just a few blocks from the Belvidere. Built in 1910, the home was owned by one family for 85 years before being sold to its current owners, who have made several improvements in keeping with the time period of the home, such as replacing the wood floors. Morgan reports that the house “is in amazing condition for a home of its age – probably because it’s had so few owners.” The Bond Barn is located on old Highway 88 and is a Claremore landmark, remarkably preserved and with features

reminiscent of a simpler time. Morgan notes that The Bond Barn will be of definite interest to men as well as women. She also suggests men be sure to visit The Murray Barn. “Dr. Murray’s home is a marvel of what can be done with just parts from old barns,” says Morgan. “And the inside is something men will enjoy touring.” The final and oldest home on the tour is The Hanes Home, built in 1880 by Charles Hanes and Delilah Ann Thornten Hanes. Morgan considers this home to be of particular importance when it comes to educating locals about Rogers County history, as it sits on the land where Osage Chief Claremont’s village was located. The tour begins at The Belvidere and points are mapped in order from there, but this is only to help visitors find each home. No particular order is required; in fact, Morgan recommends that people visit them out of order to avoid crowding at one spot. “Any home can be toured during the time limit,” says Morgan. “People can linger in a house they like or skip one that does not interest them.” Morgan doubts that lack of interest will be a problem at any

Morgan Williams, Linda Tedder, Sandy Coy, Evelyn Clark and Peggy Feese, chair of ways and means committee. (Not pictured: Marleta McGuire, historian, and Hoytanna Benigar, co-chair of ways and means committee. of the points, however, as all are rich in local history and architectural design. Preservation of buildings like these on the tour is one of the primary focuses of RCHS. “It always pains us to see a piece of history demolished for a parking lot, strip mall or tract home. We hope people enjoy seeing what can be done with the old,

historic places, and will choose to rescue and remodel instead of tearing down an older home.”

For more information, contact

Rogers County Historical Society (918) 342-1127


Claremore Gazebo Park located at Muskogee St. & Will Rogers Blvd., Claremore OK 10-100 mile routes available. Fully manned and well-stocked rest stops!

The Dickens of a Ride supports the programs and projects of Claremore Main Street, Inc. Proceeds from the event will help fund preservation efforts, economic development and special projects including planters, trees, benches and public art. For registration and details call:

Claremore Main St. (918) 341-5881 For printable ride applications or to register online: Thank you to our early Sponsors: RCB Bank, CPCO Company, BancFirst, WalMart, Boom-a-Rang Diner, Melton Sales and Bike About Bicycles


Saturday, October 6, 2012 Registration begins at 6:00 a.m.


October 4, 11, 18 & 25: Fall Frenzy Barrel Series


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•October 4 Fall Frenzy Barrel Series

•October 11 Fall Frenzy Barrel Series

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•October 25 Fall Frenzy Barrel Series

Coming Events: Equestrian Drill, Dressage Schooling Show, Robert Thomas Horse Show, Arenacross & Freestyle, Team Roping and Dangerzone Bull Riding.

October 2012


Page 9

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Page 10

October 2012


Meet at the Totem Pole M The annual Totem Pole Barbecue at Ed Galloway Park will be Saturday, October 6, 2012 from noon to 4 p.m. By Lorrie Ward October signals the end of summer, bringing on cooler temperatures and gorgeous fall foliage in eastern Rogers County. And what better way to celebrate these developments than to spend a Saturday afternoon outdoors at the Totem Pole Barbeque at Ed Galloway Park, located four miles east of Foyil on Highway 28A. The Totem Pole Barbeque is a yearly event, but this year a new tradition will be set into place to solidify the old one. “The Totem Pole has hosted this barbeque for many years,” notes David Anderson, who volunteers as co-director for Ed Galloway Park with his wife, Patsy. “But three years ago, we moved the barbeque from spring to fall because of weather – and now we are setting the date for the first Saturday of every October.” That Saturday falls on October 6 this year, and the Totem Pole Barbeque will run from noon to 4 p.m. Delicious barbeque and side items will be available for $9 a plate, with proceeds going toward preservation of the Totem Pole and Fiddle House at Ed Galloway Park. Time spent

enjoying the park atmosphere is free, however, and people are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets to relax with a picnic on the grounds. David says one of the best parts of the Totem Pole Barbeque is the live music from local entertainers, with styles ranging from gospel to bluegrass. “People just come and play and sing at spots across the park,” says David. “And sometimes, the audience joins in.” In addition to raising funds for the operation and preservation of the Totem Pole and Fiddle House, David hopes that the Totem Pole Barbeque will raise awareness about the history of this unique site. Ed Galloway began work on what would become the world’s largest totem pole in 1937, completing this 90foot work consisting of 28 tons of cement, six tons of steel, and 100 tons of native rock and sand in 1948. The multi-colored totem pole creates a brilliant splash of color against a backdrop of Blackjack and post oak trees, a surprising and breathtaking sight to newcomers on 28A and a welcome reminder to locals of Rogers County heritage and Native American history.

Thank you to our sponsors:


• Champion Refuse • Midwest Crane Services • Suburban Chevrolet • Bank of Commerce • Turf/Land Equipment

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While Galloway was not a Native American, he had a great love and reverence for the culture, and this work of art was a labor of love for the American Indian. The structure, featuring ninefoot-tall faces of four famous Native Americans – Geronimo (Apache), Sitting Bull (Sioux), Chief Joseph (Nez Peres’), and Quanah Parker (Comanche) – towers over the lovely house made of native stone that housed Galloway’s other works of art, which included the fiddles he created from different woods sent to him from all over the world and was aptly known as The Fiddle House. Today, The Fiddle House is a combination gift shop and museum, still displaying these finely crafted fiddles for successive generations. Perhaps Ed Galloway could never have imagined what an impact he would make with his totem pole, which has become a world renowned landmark, featured in international books and publications and added to the National Register of Historic places in 1999. Galloway was quoted as saying, “All my life I did the best I knew. I built these things by the side of the road to

The Totem Pole at Ed Galloway Park is the world’s largest, standing 90 feet tall. be a friend to you.” David and Patsy Anderson and members of the Rogers County Historical Society are committed that Galloway’s act of friendship will not be in vain. “Patsy and I grew up in Chelsea,” says David. “This is a part of our heritage.”

For more information, contact

Ed Galloway Park 21300 E. Hwy. 28A Chelsea, OK 74016

(918) 283-8035

October 2012


Shelter in FFinding the Storm Safenet Services’ new domestic abuse shelter completed construction in August, and staff began operating out of the new facility in September. By Lorrie Ward When Safenet Services, Claremore’s shelter for victims of domestic abuse, received a $4.2 million dollar facilities grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation to build a new shelter, Safenet Director Donna Grabow knew they were fortunate and was filled with gratitude. What made her gratitude even greater was the

knowledge that this was the last grant the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation would bestow for the Women’s Shelters Initiative. Thanks to this grant from Reynolds, Safenet recently moved from its older facility, which had three bedrooms and 12 beds for domestic abuse victims who were seeking shelter, to a new and beautifully crafted

building located at Dupont and Chambers in Claremore, where there are 10 bedrooms and 35 beds. Donna reports that each bedroom has its own bathroom and closet space. Small details often overlooked were taken into consideration in designing these rooms – like space to store one’s own toothbrush without the possibility of it being used by others,

(L to R): Tia Stout, Allen Stout, Reverend Jannell Brammer and Kathy Geyer in the new Safenet Services facility.

Woof & POOF

and shelving which has been installed rather than dressers in order to reduce the risk of pinching injuries to children. Outside, there are walking trails, play areas for kids and a half basketball court, and Donna also eventually hopes to attain funding to add space for residents’ pets as well. Details are considered all over this building, both for practical and aesthetic purposes. “Thanks to Jim Tanner, board chair, Safenet has this beautiful Arts and Crafts style architectural building, which is in keeping with much of Claremore’s current architectural style,” says Donna. The building was designed by Kinslow, Keith, and Todd, supervised by Stonebridge Group Consultants and built by Key Construction. The dark wood trim looks particularly beautiful in the huge kitchen and dining area of the new facility. The Safenet board and staff are especially thrilled with this area, as it will provide more than just a comfortable eating space for residents. “Over the years, we’ve had people who would have volunteered to help residents learn to cook, but the kitchen at the old building was too small for too many people to work in it,” she says, adding that she is hoping to see volunteer numbers go up drastically in this area. Another room where the architecture packs an extra special impact is in the new conference room in the office area. This spacious room will serve several important purposes beyond just hosting seminars –

Page 11

most notably, volunteer training. “We are going to need lots of volunteers for all this space!” says Donna with a smile. The building offers plenty of office space for volunteers and employees, as well as space for specific supervised custody visits and much needed counseling, not just for the abuse victim but for children and grandparents. “This is a highly emotional time,” says Donna. “It affects so many people.” Construction completed in August, and Safenet began operating out of their new facility beginning September 10. The change couldn’t have come too soon; Donna reports that in 2011, Safenet had to turn away 300 women and children because of lack of space, and as of August, the shelter had turned away 116 for the year 2012. “Across the state, all shelters have been full three times already this year,” says Donna. The new shelter will not only provide much needed space, but it has been designed with each important step toward the victim’s complete safety in mind. “When a victim leaves their home, their chance of being killed goes up 75 percent,” says Donna. “That’s why not skipping steps is so important.”

For more information, contact

Safenet Services (918) 341-1424

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Page 12

October 2012


BBoo-B-Que The annual competition for “backyard barbecue chefs” takes place October 26-27 at Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs. By Lorrie Ward Have you been told you’re great on the grill? Are you one of those people who doesn’t need to buy an apron that says “Kiss the Cook!” because your backyard culinary skills inspire plenty of affection on their own? If you have been honing your skills with friends and family and are now ready to share your talents with the rest of the world, Richard Mosier would like to invite you on behalf of the Claremore Reveille Rotary Club to sign up for the Fall Boo-BQue Contest at Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs Friday and Saturday, October 26-27. Since the Claremore Reveille Rotary Club also sponsors the spring Boots and BBQ Festival, which is sanctioned and judged by the Kansas City Barbeque Association, those who are new to the competitive arena might be intimidated. But Richard Mosier wants to encourage them otherwise. “The Fall Boo-B-Que is for the amateur barbeque chef: the guy or gal who is a backyard barbeque chef that has received compliments and would like to test their abilities,” Mosier

Judges chow down on delicious barbecue at last year’s Boo-B-Que. explains. “There is nothing like a little success to inspire a person – and if you don’t win, it encourages you to examine the finer points of your barbeque.” Entries for the competition will be accepted right up until the first day of the event,

October 26. Categories include Beef Brisket, Pork Ribs, Pork Butt, Chili, Mystery Meat, and People’s Choice. Entries will be judged on tenderness, taste and presentation, because as Mosier notes, “If the entry looks good, it not only makes people want to

eat it, but it also indicates a sense of pride on the part of the cook, who wants to make their creation appetizing.” Judges will include both non-certified and those certified by the Kansas City Barbeque Association, and Mosier says there is still time for interested parties to volunteer to judge. “We always welcome ‘celebrity’ judges from the community, certified or not,” he says, adding with a smile, “The advantage of being a judge is getting to try and take home meat that is left over!” Prizes will be awarded in each category, with a total of $3,000 in cash awarded throughout the day. Boo-B-Que attendees can purchase taster kits for $5 at 11 a.m. on Saturday, which allows them to try the many different dishes and combinations available throughout the Saturday competition. Mosier points out that there is always a surprising variety, as most barbeque competitors are particular about creating their own rubs and choose different types of wood to complement their style of cooking, such as pecan, applewood, cherry,

We’ve got your like no one else.

hickory or mesquite. There will be activities for kids, including Jupiter Jumps and kiddie rides. “We have a lady who brings her ponies every year,” says Mosier. “And the other activities vary each year according to the vendors we have participating – people will just have to come on out and join the fun and see what all we have this year!” Proceeds for this event support the Claremore Reveille Rotary Club, whose projects include an array of human interests, ranging from water wells in Nicaragua to scholarships to dictionaries for third graders. For more information on the club and its endeavors or on entries for Boo-B-Que, visit

For more information, contact

Claremore Reveille Rotary Club (918) 906-3842

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• Tuesday, October 9 12:30-3 p.m. Introduction by Fran Hrdlicka, registered nurse. Dr. Mary Johnson, podiatrist, will discuss footcare for diabetics. Terry Seribandon, registered pharmacist, will discuss diabetic medications.

• Tuesday, October 16 1-3 p.m. Melanie Sipes, registered dietician and diabetic educator, will teach the class about healthy food options, when to eat, and much more.

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• Wednesday, October 17 1-3 p.m. Dr. Judy Riley, optometrist, will discuss eye care and the importance of regular eye check ups. Renetta Harrison, health educator, will focus on how stress affects people with diabetes and how to change lifestyle habits for stress reduction.

• Thursday, October 18 1-3 p.m. Fran Hrdlicka, registered nurse, will discuss self-blood glucose monitoring. Donna Hazel, physical therapist, will talk about the importance of exercise and show the class different types of exercises they can do.

No injections. Classes are all free of charge, but preregistration is required.

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Call Fran Hrdlicka at 918-341-3166 to enroll. (Please leave a voicemail if Fran is not available.)

Rogers County Health Department • 2664 N. Hwy. 88 • Claremore, Oklahoma 74019

October 2012


Six Do’s and Don’ts When Traveling on a Cruise

RCB Bank Experiences Club Directors Lori Nuzum and Anita Judd-Jenkins offer six do’s and don’ts of traveling on a cruise. Travelers do not have to be customers of RCB Bank to enjoy these upcoming travel opportunities. By Jocelyn M. Wood Fall is in the air; winter is not far behind. It’s time to start planning your winter getaway. Get away from the cold weather this January on a 10-day Hawaiian cruise with RCB Bank’s Experiences travel club. Spots are still available for travelers to jump on board. Travel dates are January 10-19, 2013. “A $600 deposit reserves your space and customers can get a full refund before October 3, should they change their mind,” says Lori Nuzum, RCB Bank Experiences Club Director and trip coordinator. Leave your coat in the closet and pull out your favorite summer dress. Travelers will experience the islands’ diverse beauty and lively history, including Pearl Harbor, Kona’s famous coffee plantation and lush gardens, waterfalls and exotic wildlife. Lori Nuzum and RCB Experiences Club Director Anita Judd-Jenkins have coordinated and traveled on more than 500 trips. They offer six do’s and don’ts of traveling on a cruise. Do pack light. “You’ll never wear all the clothes you take,”

says Lori Nuzum. Nowadays, cruises are going toward a more casual dining experience, like the Hawaiian Cruise. “It’s called freestyle cruising and creates a more

Don’t bother packing a hairdryer or iron. “Hairdryers can be found practically in every hotel and on every cruise line,” says Nuzum. “Airlines are very

Lori Nuzum (right) and Celeste Tillery at the Herchell Carousel Museum in Buffalo, New York on the Niagara Falls tour, 2012. relaxed, comfortable environment,” says Nuzum. Anita JuddJenkins suggests picking two basic colors – black, tan or navy – and building your wardrobe around them.

strict on luggage weight. Pack iron-free clothes, so not to waste precious weight and avoid increased luggage fees for the trip out or back.” Do be adventurous. “Pick


activities that stretch your comfort level, regardless of age,” says Judd-Jenkins. “It’s these activities that build confidence, stretch boundaries and make the best memories to tell and tell again back home.” Don’t bring your stress. Hawaiian’s don’t do anything in a hurry. “Their motto is hang loose,” says Nuzum. “Everything is slow and easy, no worries. When traveling, take the opportunity to walk slower, breathe deeper, relax and leave your worries at home.” Do bring elastic waist “buffet” pants. Cruises are known for their endless buffets. “There are breakfast buffets, lunch buffets, after lunch buffets, dinner buffets and even midnight buffets,” says Nuzum. “Give yourself a break and plan to loosen the belt loops.” Don’t forget snacks and layered clothing for the plane. Depending on where you depart, flight times to Hawaii vary and airlines are serving fewer complimentary snacks or meals. “After you pass security, you can pick up food and drink from a wide variety of airport restaurants and take them on the plane,” says Nuzum. “Once you get on the plane your choices are limited and you will probably pay a pretty penny for a basic sandwich.” Judd-Jenkins recommends layering clothes on travel day, to be prepared for various temperatures on the plane. “You can be cold one minute, hot the next,” she says. To learn more about the upcoming Hawaiian cruise, get in touch with Lori Nuzum at (580)

Page 13

763-5537, Pack a suitcase and get on board with RCB Bank’s Experiences travel club. From a Russian cruise to the United States’ Smoky Mountains and Biltmore Estate, experience new places here and abroad without having to stress over the details of flight arrangements, hotel bookings and travel itineraries. Learn more about Experiences travel opportunities at or speak with Experiences Trip Coordinators Anita Judd-Jenkins and Lori Nuzum at 855-BANK-RCB.

2013 Trips Hawaiian Paradise January 10-19, 2013 Russian Cruises May 2-17, 2013 Smoky Mountains & Biltmore Estate April, 2013 Black Hills & Badlands June 1-7, 2013 Austria, Germany & Switzerland September 12-24, 2013 Route 66 & Will Rogers California Home September, 2013 And our mystery trip dates will be announced shortly

For more information, contact

RCB Bank (918) 341-6150 (855) BANK-RCB

Page 14

October 2012


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October 2012


PPersonal Pet Care

Dr. Strathe emphasizes developing relationships with pets and their owners at his Owasso practice.

By Lorrie Ward When she came to work for Dr. Greg Strathe in January of 2012, one of the first things that Hospital Director Karen Hutchinson noticed was how personable Dr. Strathe was with patients and their owners. “So many times I’ve seen him walk right out into the waiting room and pet the animals while he is talking to their owners before the pet is admitted to the examining room area,” she says. “I’ve been in other clinics, and this usually doesn’t happen.” What was a pleasant surprise for Karen is a normal action for Dr. Strathe. “I’ve found that this helps develop a relationship with the animal and the owner. It is very calming for the animal,” he explains. “My goal is to partner with pet owners for the best possible pet care – it’s not about a one-time visit. If I don’t build that lasting relationship, I feel I’ve failed.” Dr. Strathe and his staff are all about relationships. He opened his practice in Owasso in 1993 and moved to his present location in 1997. He has extended his hand of friendship beyond just his business, having served on the Owasso School Board and by supporting community and local rescue groups. He has also

Hospital “Best Veterinary Hospital” for the past several years and “Best Service” amongst all Owasso businesses in 2012. Dr. Strathe’s commitment to his community is also reflected by the fact that he often speaks to student groups and trains interested students both as volunteers and employees.

served as the chairman for the Owasso Chamber of Commerce. “Owasso has been good to us,” he says, referring to himself, his wife Cheryl, and their five children. “So we want to give back to Owasso.” This attitude may represent the reason why Owasso Reporter readers have voted Strathe Veterinary

Kyle Albin was one of these students who credits Dr. Strathe with inspiring him on his current educational road to becoming a veterinarian. Kyle recalls that he always wanted to be a veterinarian, but when he attended the Owasso 8th grade health fair, he listened to Dr. Strathe speak and was so encouraged by his philosophies that he approached Dr. Strathe afterward. Dr. Strathe invited Kyle to come by and volunteer at the clinic and see how he liked it. Then when Kyle was old enough, he joined the staff, where he worked until he completed two years at Tulsa Community College. He is continuing his education at OSU and has applied for vet school.

Page 15

Kyle remembers several aspects that made his time at Dr. Strathe’s office invaluable. “He is friendly, considerate and approachable,” Kyle says. “He spends time with pet owners and explains things in a down-toearth manner.” Kyle plans to finish his veterinary studies and return to the area to practice, utilizing all the things that he learned from Dr. Strathe about customer service. “Dr. Strathe has been a huge role model on how to run a practice,” Kyle says. “He has helped me greatly toward my veterinary dreams and professional goals.” For Dr. Strathe, praise from someone like Kyle is especially significant. “It’s always a compliment to me when past employees continue to come back in and bring their pets to us as well,” says Dr. Strathe, “because they know the ins and outs of our staff and facility and what goes on behind the scenes.” Behind the scenes, Dr. Strathe, Dr. Hendricks and Dr. Selby, as well as the rest of the staff, are committed to providing excellent health care for pets. “It’s not about me, or even about our staff,” says Dr. Strathe. “It’s about improving the quality of life for your pet. Please feel free to drop by. For your convenience our doors are open seven days per week.” For more information, contact

Strathe Veterinary Hospital 8514 N. 128th E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055

(918) 272-2241

Dr. Strathe with furry friends.

918-341-0622 Serving you since 1951

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Proudly serving the Owasso area since 1993!

Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is ready to handle all of your insurance and financial planning needs.

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Veterinary Hospital

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Personal Lines

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Personal Lines


Page 16

October 2012


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October 2012


Page 17


Don’t Wait to Solve Your Weight Problem

Sherrel Jones, a patient of the Lap-Band Center ® of Oklahoma, shares her incredible weight loss success story. By Sheryl Sowell The Lap-Band® Center of Oklahoma uses the Lap-Band® Adjustable Gastric Banding System by Allergan. According to Dr. Ladd Atkins, “It is by far the safest weight loss surgery device on the market today.” Dr. Atkins explains that the Lap-Band® System is much safer than stomach stapling or gastric bypass surgery because there is no cutting or stapling involved. This process is the least invasive way to use surgery to reduce the amount of food the stomach can hold. “It’s less invasive than gall bladder surgery,” Dr. Adkins explains. The Lap-Band® Adjustable Gastric Banding System restricts how much the stomach can hold by placing an adjustable band around the upper part of the stomach. There is no cutting or stapling needed to divide the upper stomach pouch from the lower stomach. The result is that patients take in less food. The ideal patient has a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or higher with at least one comorbidity (secondary disorder or disease), which typically includes type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep

apnea, and osteoarthritis. The patient generally wants to lose 80 to 100 pounds and is motivated to lose the weight. Lap-Band® patient Sherrel Jones shares her story: “I am a weight loss work in progress! I am finally having success, and I am headed toward my weight loss goal thanks to Lap-Band surgery. I had my Lap-Band® surgery a little over a year ago, on April 27, 2011 at the Lap-Band Center of Oklahoma. I have lost 81 pounds so far. My bariatric surgeon was Dr. Ladd Atkins. The decision to have the surgery was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I had developed all kinds of health issues due to being overweight: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep issues. Within weeks of the surgery, these issues began to disappear and I was able to stop taking many of the prescriptions I had taken for years. Throughout my lifetime I had tried every diet plan and weight loss medication I could get my hands on, hoping something would work! I had finally convinced myself that my

metabolism was shot and weight loss was not going to happen for me. When I met Dr. Atkins at the Lap-Band® Center of Oklahoma, I was immediately impressed with the positive encouragement I received there. Dr. Atkins gave me the hope that Lap-Band® surgery would work for me, and it has! Dr. Atkins and his staff are knowledgeable about the Lap-Band® Adjustable Gastric Banding System. The care and commitment they have shown during my follow-up visits has been tremendous. I look forward to each office visit, not only to see my weight loss progress, but also to hear the words of encouragement from Dr. Atkins’s nurses, Euphamia and Gay Lynn. They are my weight loss cheerleaders! Roberta Wagle, bariatric coordinator for the Lap-Band® Center of Oklahoma, walked me through the first steps before and after surgery, and she continues to be available to answer any questions I have. I am still on my weight loss journey but I am so thrilled that ®

Learn how Lap-Band will help you lose weight Register today for one of our FREE gastric banding seminars.

7 pm Sept. 13 & 27

7 pm Oct. 11 & 25

7 pm Nov. 8

7 pm

Success is a reality! I have lost 81 pounds so far with the Lap-Band® system.

Dec. 13

Here’s what you will learn at our FREE seminar: • Taking charge of your health • The Lap-Band® device and how it works • Compare Lap-Band® to other options • The Lap-Band® procedure • My Lap-Band® Journey • Success Stories • Safety Information • Cost and payment options • Insurance coverage

*The Lap-Band® by Allergan is the only adjustable gastric banding system approved by the FDA for a BMI of 30 and above.

Call 918-392-2806 or register online!

Ladd Atkins, D.O. specializing in advanced laparoscopy, bariatric, cosmetic, and wound care surgery.

at Pinnacle Specialty Hospital Citiplex Towers (west tower) - 81st & Lewis 2404 E. 81st., Suite 600, Tulsa, OK

Sherrel Jones has lost 81 pounds since having Lap-Band® surgery. the 81 pounds that I have lost so far are gone forever! Success is a reality for me now. The Lap-Band® Adjustable Gastric Band is a “tool” that I will use for the rest of my life to help me continue to easily eat less and be completely satisfied with smaller meal choices. For the first time in my life, I know that I will be able to reach my weight loss goal and even more exciting is that I am confident that I will be able to maintain my weight loss efforts.” For more information about

Lap-Band® Center of Oklahoma, located in the Pinnacle Specialty Hospital, visit For more information, contact

Lap-Band® Center of Oklahoma Pinnacle Specialty Hospital 2408 E.81st St., Ste. 600 Tulsa OK 74137

(918) 392-2806

Page 18

October 2012


What’s Happening OCTOBER EVENTS Oct. 4-6 “Jack and the Magic Beans” Mary Glass PAC 12901 E. 86th St. N., Owasso Oct. 4-30 Pumpkin Festival Open Thurs, Fri Sat 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Shepherd’s Cross 16792 E. 450 Rd., Claremore (918) 342-5911 Oct. 5-6 Rt. 66 Cruisers 5th Annual Auto Swap Meet Will Rogers Round Up Club 13601 E. 480 Rd., Claremore Oct. 5-6 Read to Feed Book Fair 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Broken Arrow Neighbors 315 W. College, Broken Arrow (918) 251-7781 Oct. 5-6 Fall Traders Encampment Woolaroc Museum, Bartlesville (918) 336-0307 Oct. 5-6 BBQ Cook-Off/Veterans Car, Truck & Bike Show Sand Springs Elk Lodge #2553 546 Imperial Blvd., Sand Springs (918) 698-0502 Oct. 6 Zoo Run Tulsa Zoo Oct. 6 Art in the Square 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Utica Square 21st & Utica, Tulsa Oct. 6 BBQ at the Totem Pole 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Ed Galloway Park 4 Miles East of Foyil on Hwy. 28A (918) 283-8035

Oct. 6 Gluten Free Festival 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. GreenAcres Market 117 S. 7th St., Jenks Oct. 6 Tulsa Purple Stride 5K Turkey Mountain 71st & Elwood, Tulsa



Over-the-counter parts & accessories


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conventional Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 Free Sunday Concerts Guthrie Green Brady Arts District, Tulsa Oct. 9 Keep ‘Em Rolling Benefit for Meals on Wheels Downtown DoubleTree, Tulsa (918) 627-4103 Oct. 12-13 Chillin and Grillin KCBS-Sanctioned Cook Off River City Park, Sand Springs (918) 245-3221

Oil & Filter Change Service includes: • Up to five quarts of oil • Genuine Toyota oil filter • Complimentary multi-point inspection



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Models requiring synthetic oil additional. Plus fees and tax. Valid with coupon only. Please present coupon at time of write-up. Not valid with any other coupon, offer, or advertised special. Toyotas only. Valid only at Momentum Toyota of Tulsa. Offer expires 10/31/12. Coupon

Oct. 13 Fall Old Home Tour 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tickets at Belvidere Mansion Gift Shop Oct. 13 Blue Bell’s Taste of Summer 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Blue Bell 8201 E. Hwy. 51, Broken Arrow (918) 258-5100 Oct. 13 Dogtober Fest 2012 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Village Vet Animal Clinic 81st & 145th, Broken Arrow (918) 258-0040

Service Direct: 918-877-2188 6868 E. BA Frontage Rd. Tulsa, OK



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Oct. 12-13 Heritage Days A Living History Festival The Depot District, Muskogee (918) 683-2400 /heritage_days Oct. 12-14 Civil War Weekend Arthur Street’s Farm 32721 E. 161st St. S., Coweta


Service Direct: 918-877-2188 6868 E. BA Frontage Rd. Tulsa, OK


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October 2012


Page 19

What’s Happening OCTOBER EVENTS













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Oct. 13 Green Country Wine Festival Stone Bluff Cellars 24145 E. 191st St. S., Haskell (918) 482-5655

Oct. 19-20 “Autumn Leaves” Quilt Show Fri.: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Claremore Community Center 2301 N. Sioux Ave., Claremore

Oct. 13 Top of the Hill Car Show Chandler Park 6500 W. 21st St., Tulsa (918) 798-2765 Oct. 13-25 Momentum: Art Doesn’t Stand Still Living ArtSpace 307 E. Brady, Tulsa (918) 585-1234 Oct. 13 Hike For Healing Turkey Mountain, Tulsa


Oct. 19 OKC Thunder NBA Preseason Game BOK Center, Tulsa

Oct. 13-14 Winter Squash & Pumpkin Festival Sat.: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. Sun.: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Pleasant Valley Farms 22350 W. 71st St. S., Sand Springs (918) 248-5647

with coupon only. Please present r, or advertised special. Toyotas Service Direct: 918-877-2188 1/12. Coupon 6868 E. BA Frontage Rd. Tulsa, OK


Oct. 13 Art on Main 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Main Street, Jenks (918) 299-5005

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Oct. 14 ShalomFest 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. Temple Israel 2004 E. 22nd Pl., Tulsa (918) 747-1309 Oct. 18 OKC Thunder Blue & White Scrimmage SpiritBank Event Center 105th & Memorial, Tulsa Oct. 18-21 Tulsa Oktoberfest River West Festival Park, Tulsa

Oct. 20 Route 66 Pecan & Fun Fest 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. The Nut House 26677 S. Hwy. 66, Claremore Oct. 20 Bark For Life of Broken Arrow A Canine Event to Fight Cancer 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. St. Francis Health Park 3000 S. Elm, Broken Arrow Oct. 20 Antique Clock & Watch Show 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Buddy LaFortune Community Center 5202 S. Hudson, Tulsa Oct. 24 OSU Tulsa Business Forum Dr. Robert M. Gates Former Secretary of Defense Mabee Center, Tulsa (918) 495-6000 Oct. 27 Tulsa Run Downtown Tulsa Oct. 27 Whale of a Tale Arts & Crafts Sale 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Catoosa Community Center 105 E. Oak St., Catoosa Oct. 27 Owasso Harvest Festival & Chili Cook-Off Rayola Park, Owasso (918) 609-6211

Page 20

October 2012


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Page 21


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Page 22

October 2012


On November 19, 2011, Summit patient Kyle Jinks was planning to spend a fun night at Laser Quest with friends and family. Instead, an auto accident left him lying on the pavement of Highway 66 after being ejected from his car. Life Flight helicopter transported him to St. Francis Hospital, where it was discovered he had two broken ankles, a broken right femur, hip, and pelvis. Kyle’s left ankle was hanging by a thread of skin and it was pure agony as the word “amputation” was mentioned. Kyle’s life was now in the hands of God and his orthopedic surgeons. It was a little white lie that kept doctors from amputating Kyle’s foot at the ankle. The 17-year-old baseball player was asked if he had any feeling in his left foot and he replied “yes”. Multiple surgeries left Kyle with 3 pins in his left ankle, 4 pins in his right ankle, a rod in his femur and pins placed in his hips and pelvis. Kyle set out on a tough road to recovery and rehabilitation. Kyle started outpatient physical therapy at Summit Physical Therapy in Claremore in January 2012, just two months after his accident. Summit owner Sean Cox, DPT, began working on ankle motion and leg strength, and after a few visits, Kyle was able to stand with support for the first time. Kyle’s mom recalls how discouraged her son was at the beginning of the rehabilitation process, but how she noticed his attitude changing for the better as his therapy progressed. After only a few weeks of therapy, Kyle told his mom he wanted to walk again and he stood up on his own. “I really didn’t think physical therapy would help me with getting better or even walking, especially when my doctors told me it would be a year and a half before I would walk again,” said Jinks. Kyle proved many people wrong through hard work and determination. Three months into his rehab program of aquatic therapy and physical therapy sessions, he was out of his wheelchair and walking. Kyle’s mom feels the challenging physical therapy sessions and constant encouragement provided by Sean Cox, DPT and Greg Yoder, PTA at each session are what helped her son progress in just four months instead of the year or more originally anticipated. Kyle is now walking normally and continuing to gain strength and new abilities each day. Kyle recently took off running for the first time since the accident, bringing tears of joy and a big smile to his mom’s face. Soon after, he was released from therapy at Summit. He continues to train on his own preparing to return to the game he loves, baseball.

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October 2012


Page 23

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Page 24

October 2012




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October 2012


Page 25

JJim Norton Collision Expansion Jim Norton has added a second Collision Center to better serve Tulsa and surrounding communities. By Duane Blankenship Jim Norton now has two state-ofthe-art Collision Centers. Director of Operations Jim Page oversees activities at the new location just south of the Creek Turnpike at 97th and Memorial. David Burgess is manager of the Jim Norton Collision Center that has been serving Tulsa for many years, located east of Garnett on 58th Street. Both stores are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, ASE, ICAR, and Toyota certified technicians, and

David Burgess, manager for Jim Norton Collision Center, oversees the location east of Garnett on 58th Street.

58th and Garnett

Jim Page, Collision Center director for Jim Norton Collision Centers.

the great quality and service for which Jim Norton is known. In addition to providing collision repair services, both locations have automotive accessories departments that sell to the public for all makes and models of vehicles. Products and services available include leather seat covers, seat heaters, wheels, tires, spray-in bed liners, receivers for trailer hitches, lift kits, and lots of truck accessories. Both collision centers house industry-leading Nova Verta paint booths. With over 30 years of experience, Nova Verta has pioneered solutions to create the

97th and Memorial highest quality paint booths available, and their Sikkens waterborne paint is environmentally friendly. Jim Norton Collision Center utilizes only the highest quality equipment to ensure the highest quality repairs. “Our Car-O-Tronic Vision is the most sophisticated computer measuring system in the industry today,” said David. “It utilizes precise touch technology that not only identifies damage to your car that can be seen, but primary and secondary damage you can’t see. This helps our highly trained and skilled

technicians develop more efficient repair plans to eliminate comebacks and, more importantly, identify hidden damages that will be paid for by your insurance company.” Both locations also provide paintless dent repair and auto and truck detailing. Collision Center repair technicians undergo a rigorous training schedule. Each technician must complete at least 40 hours of individual technical training a year, plus E-module learning and recertification. “Both Collision Centers have rental cars available to customers with an appointment,”

said Jim, “and complimentary loaner vehicles are made available to customers not having rental car coverage with their insurance policy.” Both locations provide repair work for all major auto insurance companies and offer deductible payment-assist programs for your convenience. “We’ll have you back on the road quickly with factory quality repairs,” said Jim, “and customer satisfaction has always been our number one goal.”

For more information, contact

Jim Norton Collision Center 8383 E. 97th St. Tulsa, OK 74133

(918) 872-6700 11330 E. 58th St. Tulsa, OK 74146

(918) 254-9928

GGreat Family Fun for Halloween

The Castle of Muskogee has everything from not scary to really, really scary! By John Owen Expect some different twists, turns and surprises at the 2012 Halloween Festival at the Castle of Muskogee. Ten great Halloween events, one incredible location: 3400 West Fern Mountain Road in Muskogee, Oklahoma’s 60-acre Halloween theme park! You’ll find thrills for the entire family, both inside and outside the Castle, located a short 35-minute drive from Tulsa on the Muskogee Turnpike. Halloween Village is the place where everyone experiences the very best of Halloween – ghost stories, hot and cold food and drinks, games and dancing to great music in the DJ Tent. Parking and admission to The Halloween Village is free. The Pumpkin Kingdom is child-friendly with a hayride through the village to pick out that special pumpkin, plus a petting zoo and bounce houses. For the most courageous souls, try a walk through the woods along the Trail of Blood where the lost souls of those

who have gone before will guide you; the Torture Chamber shows you what really happened in medieval times in the depths of the dungeons; Casa Morte is a labyrinth through the 12th-century Castle with doom and mystery around every corner; Domus Horrificus takes you to the areas where your favorite horror monsters dwell; and the Ultimate Maze, where most of you will find your way, the rest of you, well… For the weak at heart, there’s always the Haunted Hayride, a trip that’s sure to keep you on your toes as you ride through the Halloween Festival grounds; the Enchanted Boardwalk is your chance to stroll on the boardwalk filled with Halloween inflatables; the Pirate Ship Stage brings you a chance to experience the Magic of Matthew VanZee and the Comedy Juggling of the Jester Rejects, as well as Mark Logsdon the Escapologist and the Raks Al Hassana Mummy Dancers on The Chess Board Stage and the music and comedy

of EznDill on The Cave Stage. For the little ones 8 years of age and under, the Halloween Festival hosts Halloween Land – a carnival of kid-friendly delights with a safe “trick or treat” zone, games, face painting, treats and prizes with absolutely no scares! Tickets must be purchased for events and prices range from $2 to $10. Advanced tickets may be purchased any non-festival day up to October 25. Go to to check out discount tickets and combos. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The Haunted Castle of Muskogee is open Fridays and Saturdays, September 28 through October 27. Hours are 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. (Halloween Land is open 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.)

Ride through the Halloween Festival grounds on the Haunted Hayride.

For more information, contact

Castle of Muskogee 3400 West Fern Mountain Rd. Muskogee, OK 74401

(918) 687-3625

The Enchanted Boardwalk is filled with Halloween inflatables to view as you stroll through.

Page 26


October 2012

October 2012


Page 27

While cleansing is the first step in any skin care ritual, it is often overlooked. Typical manual cleansing can leave behind dirt and oil trapped in pores. This build-up can damage the appearance and health of your skin and keep your skin care products from working like they should. Clarisonic Sonic Skin Cleansing Systems use a patented sonic frequency of more than 300 movements per second to gently, yet thoroughly remove 6X more makeup and 2X more dirt and oil than cleansing with your hands alone. Cleaner skin is the first step toward healthier skin. And healthier skin is smoother, more radiant and more beautiful.

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Page 28

October 2012


continued from page 1

Go Nuts on Route 66 Since this autumn festival is held so close to autumn’s signature holiday – Halloween – The Nut House will feature plenty of events inspired by this date, including face painting, pumpkin painting, and a costume contest. The age range for the costume contest is birth to 12 years, with judging held at 2 p.m., and any theme is welcome. “Last year, we had everything from a bumble bee to a vampire,” Hazel recalls. “It was a lot of fun.” Great food is always available at the Route 66 Pecan and Fun Fest, with Hot Mama’s Deli offering its usual line of goodies: sandwiches made with Boar’s Head meats and Amish cheeses,

homemade broccoli salad, cookies, cupcakes and much more – and of course, homemade pecan pie! This will be the fourth year The Nut House has hosted this festival. For many years, the Pecan Festival was held in Okmulgee, but in 2009, when Hazel heard it would be discontinued, she welcomed the opportunity to continue the tradition. She added the reference to Route 66, not only because of The Nut House’s location, but because she is committed to preserving the memory of this strip of highway that is such an integral part of Oklahoma’s history. “Oklahoma had 400 miles of Highway 66, more than any of the seven states it ran

through,” Hazel notes. “It was the first highway to run from the Midwest to California – and there are still bits and pieces of the old road bed to be found across the state.” In the spirit of tradition, a good friend of the family, Delbert Tygart, allowed Hazel’s husband, Darryl, to attach The Nut House’s Route 66 emblem to his restored 1966 Chevy Impala Super Sport. The car recently represented The Nut House at the 2012 Hot Rod Power Tour and will make an appearance at the Route 66 Pecan and Fun Fest. “Both this car and Route 66 are reminders of a simpler time,” says Hazel. “We want to honor

American Red Cross Board of Directors. She is a recently appointed Noon Rotary Member and assists with several other community organization-sponsored events, including Safenet Services’ upcoming Festival of Trees on November 30. Peggy is encouraged by Advance Imaging Director Bob Fair to continue such community involvement. Bob, a resident of Oologah, is actively involved in Rogers County community pursuits, serving on the Safenet Board of Directors and the Chamber of Commerce Committee for the 2013 Outdoor Sporting Expo, as well as coaching 5th grade football in Catoosa. All staff members at Advance Imaging list

various community involvements. “We’re committed to this community,” says Peggy. “We’re not going anywhere.” Because she loves her community so much, Peggy is excited that Advance Imaging is providing quality medical procedure choices for Claremore and its surrounding area. She notes that with the current insurance system in health care, people often go where their physician sends them without question, and she wants to remind them that they truly do have a choice. This is especially important for people who have difficulty traveling, such as the elderly, and who do not want to make the long, stressful trip into

You Have a Choice network,” says Dr. Hrdlicka. “I’m not in any of those networks, but anyone who is in the network can come to see me – they just need to make sure they tell their family doctor who they prefer.” Dr. Hrdlicka explains that the doctor will not refuse to send a patient to him, but notes, “If you don’t make your choice known, they will most likely refer you within the network.” When you visit Dr. Hrdlicka, you will find that he offers a variety of choices of his own, performing a whole host of general surgical procedures, including general surgery, vascular surgery, advanced laparoscopy, surgical oncology, colonoscopy, vasectomy, minimally invasive surgical procedures, breast cancer surgery, mammosite, laser venous closure, and laser/light therapy. Endoscopic procedures like colonoscopy and EGD are also available at Claremore Surgeons, and Dr. Hrdlicka performs surgeries at St. John’s Owasso, Claremore Regional/Hillcrest, and Memorial Surgery Center in Tulsa. In addition, he is actively involved with the Vascular & Vein Laser Center, which offers cosmetic solutions with little downtime like Botox, Juvederm, Pixel, laser skin tightening, and vein ablation. For information on cosmetic procedures, visit Dr. Kyle Hrdlicka specializes in general as well as vascular and endovascular surgery. Born and raised in Claremore, he received his undergraduate degree at the University of Oklahoma and his medical degree from Oklahoma State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. He then went on to Ohio University’s Doctors Hospital in Columbus, where he completed a residency and fellowship in general surgery. Next, he completed a subfellowship in endovascular surgery at the Arizona Heart Institute in Phoenix. Even as his education took him far from Claremore, when it was time to practice medicine, he returned to his hometown,

that.” Festival sponsors are Champion Refuse, Midwest Crane Services, Suburban Chevrolet, Bank of Commerce and Turf/Land Equipment.

For more information, contact

The Nut House 26677 S. Hwy. 66 Claremore, OK 74019

(918) 266-1604

continued from page 1

Afraid of Tight Spaces? to treat every patient who comes in here as if they are family,” says Peggy, who has lived in the Claremore area for 30 years. In fact, she loves her hometown so much that when her previous employer moved from Claremore to Tulsa, she only remained with them for a while before applying for her current position with Advance Imaging. “It wasn’t that I didn’t like the other company,” she says. “But it was a quality of life issue – I wanted to be a part of my community again.” And a part of the community she certainly is, serving on the Rogers County United Way Board of Directors and the Rogers, Mayes and Wagoner County

another town. “You can be your own health care advocate,” Peggy says. “You can choose – and it’s good to know you have this choice right here in Claremore.” For more information on services and the caring, qualified staff that provides them, visit For more information, contact

Advance Imaging 1110 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017

(918) 283-4433

continued from page 1

where he has established himself within the family business formed in 1970 by his father, Dr. Larry Hrdlicka, and fellow surgeon, Dr. Larry Young. Because of his Claremore history, it is natural that Dr. Kyle Hrdlicka has what he describes as a “true fondness” for the town. He has established this as his home base, actively supporting the Claremore Chamber of Commerce and Claremore High School sports programs. Claremore Surgeons was recently voted the Claremore Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business of the Year – the first time a physician’s office has ever received this honor. Dr. Hrdlicka hopes the Claremore community sees his commitment and realizes the difference stability makes. “In today’s day and time, you’re seeing physicians who are not tied to a community anymore. Since physicians are often employed by a group, you tend to see a lot of movement from clinic to clinic, town to town,” he says. “We’ve been here for 40 years – we’re not going anywhere.”

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October 2012



Celebrate Oklahoma’s Favorite Son Will Rogers Days will be held November 1-4, 2012.

By Pat Reeder Four days of activities are planned November 1-4, to celebrate the 133rd birthday of Will Rogers, acclaimed Oklahoma’s Favorite Son, a prolific writer, top movie and stage star, trick roper, radio broadcaster, world traveler and philanthropist. Jim Halsey, award-winning music and entertainment promoter, and his wife, Minisa Crumbo Halsey, daughter of renowned American Indian artist Woody Crumbo, will be marshals for the parade, at 4 p.m. Saturday, November 3. It will travel down Will Rogers Boulevard from the Claremore Expo Recreation parking lot through downtown Claremore. Events are slated at both the Will Rogers Memorial Museum in Claremore and Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch near Oologah, where Will was born November 4, 1879 in then Indian Territory. He died August 15, 1935 in an Alaska plane crash. “As someone who has had the honor and pleasure of writing about Jim Halsey and his acts for some 30 years, but also co-authoring his two books, I can say unreservedly that he will make a perfect grand marshal for

the Will Rogers Days parade this year,” said John Wooley, author and longtime entertainment writer for the Tulsa World. “During his time on earth, Will Rogers brought joy and entertainment to millions of people. He practiced his art on the Broadway stages of New York, the sound stages of Hollywood, and in front of

audiences the world over. Into all these situations, he carried the spirit of Oklahoma that he loved,” said Wooley. “Working out of the same state, Jim Halsey created the biggest country music agency, Tulsa’s Jim Halsey Company. From there, he sent out hundreds of acts to fairs and festivals, clubs and television studios, Las Vegas and Branson,

Jim and Minisa Crumbo Halsey will serve as Will Rogers Days parade marshals. Photo by John Southern.

brightening the lives of countless audiences. He was also responsible for one of the best-known goodwill tours of our era. He and his acts Roy Clark and the Oak Ridge Boys bravely ventured into the USSR during the height of the Cold War, doing more than their part to help relieve some of the tensions between Russia and America. “Like Will Rogers,” Wooley went on to say, “Jim Halsey is a beloved Oklahoma entertainment figure. His appearance at the 2012 Will Rogers Days parade will continue a tradition of honoring famous entertainment figures who would’ve made Will proud.” “We are honored to be participating in this parade,” the Halseys said. Will Rogers’ grandson, Kem Rogers, and his daughter, Jennifer Rogers Etcheverry, are expected to come from California for the celebration. The first two days focus on children, but traditionally draw a large number of adults. Thursday is Children’s Day at the Museum (reservations required because of space limitations) when several hundred children will swarm the Museum’s hills and grounds from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for oldfashioned games, music and a Cherokee storyteller. Friday is the traditional birthday party at the Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch from 10 to 11:30 a.m., complete with cake. Entertainment will be by Oologah-Talala school children, directed by Kim Grazier, in an original musical production, and

Page 29

champion trick roper Kowboy Kal. Friday night is Night at the Museum at the Claremore Museum, a ticketed event. Saturday opens with an Antique and Classic Car Show on the Museum grounds. Indian Women’s Pocahontas Club will pay tribute to Will Rogers on Saturday, as they have since the Museum opened November 4, 1938. “Hats Off to Will” begins at 1 pm. in the Will Rogers Memorial Museum Theatre, followed by the club placing a basket of fall foliage in the Museum rotunda and a wreath at the Rogers tomb. It was a tradition of Will Rogers’ mother, Mary, to decorate their ranch home with fall foliage, said Ollie Starr, Pocahontas president. The club and guests will gather for a reception after the ceremonies. Sunday will finalize the annual celebration, which dates back to November 4, 1938, when the Claremore Museum opened, with dedication of a Commemorative Plaque to be installed on the south wall of the Claremore Museum at 4 p.m. by Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, A.F. & A.M. Will Rogers was a Mason, inducted into the Claremore Lodge, later named Will Rogers Lodge, and was a Shriner. A new Shrine plaque was dedicated last year. For more information, contact

Will Rogers Memorial Museum 1720 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017

(918) 341-0719

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Page 30

October 2012


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October 2012


Page 31

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Page 32

October 2012


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October 2012

Page 33




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Check Coolant Protection Check Belts and Hoses Leak Inspection Visually inspect and Test Battery Using Rotunda Micro-490 Tester

9607 S Memorial (918) 526-2400

Hoses: l Engine l Power Steering l HVAC Engine Air Filter and Cabin Air Filter l Steering Components & Steering Linkage l CV Drive Axle Boots and Driveshafts l U-Joints l Exhaust System Components

4111 S Memorial (918) 526-2503

Not valid with any other offer or reward points. Must bring coupon in at time of write up to receive special. Expires 10/31/12. Coupon

Set Your Service Appointment Online:

COME TO BILL KNIGHT AUTO FOR EXPERT ADVICE and great values on maintenance that keeps your vehicle operating at top performance more fuel efficient, safe and cleaner air for the environment. 4111 S Memorial, Tulsa

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

Hybrid battery test excluded. Must bring coupon in at time of write up to receive special. Expires 10/31/12. Coupon

Check Fluid Levels: l Engine Oil l Brake Fluid Reservoir l Transmission l Coolant, Recovery Reservoir

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires


We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

October 2012


We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

We Sell Brakes • Batteries•Tires

Page 34

WE OFFER VOLVO LOANERS! (See service advisor for details.)

#1 in Tulsa • All Makes & Models • Lifetime Guarantee


Volvo Oil & Filter Change

Fender Bender? We’ve Got You Covered!


Direct repair for most insurance companies!

We’ll do your claims exchange paperwork!

4111 S Memorial, Tulsa

8324 E 97th, Tulsa

(918) 526-2300

(918) 526-2370

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires




with complimentary tire rotation

4111 S Memorial, Tulsa

(918) 526-2503 Taxes, diesel vehicles and disposal fees extra. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications and details. Offer valid with coupon. Valid only at Volvo of Tulsa. Expires 10/31/12

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

Complete Volvo Detail




4111 S Memorial, Tulsa

(918) 526-2503 Some vehicles slightly higher. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications and details. Offer valid with coupon. Valid only at VALUENEWS.COM COUPON Volvo of Tulsa. Expires 10/31/12

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

We Sell Brakes • Batteries•Tires

We Sell Brakes • Batteries • Tires

(918) 526-2503

October 2012

918-379-0743 email us at

Showroom: 1875 N. Hwy. 66, Catoosa, OK Our hours are: Mon-Thurs 8-5, Fri 8-4 Sat and evenings by appointment Est. 1982

• Granite Counter Tops • Bathroom Remodels • Kitchen Remodels • Porcelain and Ceramic • Tile Floors • Handi-cap Showers • Glass Shower Doors

• Glass and Metal Tiles • Carpet • Carpentry and Sheetrock • Lighting • Portofino Marble • Cultured Marble • Engineered Wood Floors


Page 35

Financing Available W.A.C

Accept in equipm g Bids on en fixturest and !

W O N P O H S ! s a m t s i Chr for

Tue, Thur, Fri: 10am - 5pm

Sat: 10am - 4pm

(918) 341-1413

407 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017

Service & Parts Expanded Hours:

92nd & Memorial (918) 584-1481

M-F 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Sat. 7 a.m. - 4 p.m


Jacob Wise, Cody Cox, Paul Buening, Steve Parham, Al Hufford

See your advisor for details


10 % OFF



Saturday Services & Repairs Sat Hours: 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Checks Alignment, Suspension and Brake Components

Bring us any published coupon or advertised special from any Chrysler competitor and we’ll beat it!

Plus tax & shop supplies

South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 10/31/12.

South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 10/31/12.



What is Sideslip? Sideslip is an

indicator of how fast your tires will wear. High Readings will result in rapid tire wear. Why Test Sideslip? Tires are expensive. Correcting excessive sideslip can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the life of your vehicle!

South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 10/31/12.


FREE with Any Service:






Plus tax & shop supplies


Automatic Carwash & Multi-Point Inspection



Done fast! Done right!

Plus tax &

South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge shop supplies 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 10/31/12. Coupon

Use Express Lane for Routine Maintenance Lube, Oil & Filter Changes, Tire Rotation with Brake Inspection

We Sell Tires!


Includes up to 5qts. MOPAR Oil. Excludes: SRT, Crossfire, Viper & Diesel

Reg. $32.95 Plus tax, with coupon only.

Every Express Lane Lube, Oil & Filter Change Includes: • • • • • • • • •

with purchase of OEA or OEM Tires

South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge • 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 10/31/12.

Multi-Point Inspection Wiper Blade Replacement

South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge • 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 10/31/12.

Replace Oil & Replace Filter Lube Chassis (if applicable) Check Air Filter Check Tire Wear Check Brake/Reverse Lamps Check Headlamps Check Tail Lamps Check Turn Signals Check Wiper Blades

• • • • • • •

Check & Fill Antifreeze Test Battery Check & Fill Brake Fluid Check & Fill Differential Fluid Check & Fill Power Steering Fluid Check & Adjust Tire Pressure Check & Fill Transmission Fluid (if applicable) • Check & Fill Windshield Solvent


it h yo u



OIL CHANGE !$ plus • Lube Oil & Filter • Tire Rotation • Multipoint Inspection • Top off fluids • Up to 6 qts. of conventional 10W/30 oil




Plus tax and disposal fees Coupon

(L to R) Randy Brooks, Mike Rener and David Petzet

After $10 Mail-in Rebate



South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S. Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000.

Rebate is issued as a debit card. All rebates must be postmarked no later than 11/30/12. Chevrolet Vehicles only. Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 10/31/12.


Buy select tires and if you find a better price within 30 days of the purchase, we’ll refund the difference. See dealer for eligible tire brands.


South Pointe Saturn • 9146 S Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000 Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 10/31/12

See your advisor for details

$10 Off

ACDelco Durastop Brake Service


Includes ACDelco DuraStop ceramic brake pad replacement, rotor inspection, and caliper and master cylinder fluid level checks.

South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000


or less, after $25 mail-in rebate.


plus tax & shop supplies

Includes up to 1 Gallon of Coolant. South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S. Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000. Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up.

SATURDAY SPECIAL POTHOLE RECOVERY CREATE YOUR OWN COUPON $100-$199 . . . . . . . . $15 $200-$299 . . . . . . . . $20 $300-$399 . . . . . . . . $30 $400-$499 . . . . . . . . $40 $500-$599 . . . . . . . . $50 $600-$699 . . . . . . . . $60 $700-$899 . . . . . . . . $75 $900-more . . . . . . . $100

South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000 With this coupon. Must present when order is written. Plus tax, shop supplies, hazardous waste fee, if applicable. Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up.






• Tire Rotation & Balance • 4-Wheel Alignment • 27 Point Inspection

Expires 10/31/12 Coupon

South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S. Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000. Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up.



South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000 With this coupon. Must present when order is written. Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up.

FREE with any service!  Undercarriage & Suspension Check  Brake Inspection  Automatic Car Wash 9146 S. Memorial Dr.

Tulsa, OK 74133


Regular price $39.95 • Lube, Oil, Filter Change Conventional Valvoline Oil • Rotate 4 Tires 20 pt. Inspection • With coupon only South Pointe Saturn • 9146 S Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000

Expires 10/31/12 Coupon

We guarantee the LOWEST PRICE!


Expires 10/31/12 Coupon

Bring us any published coupon or advertised special from any Chevrolet competitor and we’ll beat it!

Expires 10/31/12 Coupon




One coupon per person. $99.95 or less before rebate. $25 rebate is issued as a debit card. All rebates must be postmarked no later than 11/30/2012. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. $25 consumer mail-in rebate applicable for both ACDelco DuraStop pads and installation and GM OEM pads and installation. See dealer for details. Expires 10/31/2012. Coupon †

South Pointe Chevrolet • 9146 S. Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000. Local competitor’s ad/written estimate or Internet quote including freight charges for identical tire(s) required during guarantee period for price match. Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. Expires 10/31/12.

$250 and above



Mon-Fri: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. Saturn Vehicles only. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 10/31/12

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