Value News Bixby March 2013

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March 2013

BIXBY GLENPOOL JENKS SAPULPA NE Oklahoma’s Leading Consumer Newspaper

Spring Brings Swarming Termites Exceeding Expectations Fowler Chevrolet has been completely remodeled and is setting the new standard for dealerships in the community.

Mother Nature’s Pest Control recommends the Sentricon HD System in the battle against termites. By Duane Blankenship It’s that time of year, so don’t be surprised when you see pesky termites swarming. These pests usually appear during the month of April and are a “red flag” that termites are in your area. They have also been known to swarm into the month of May in our area. Mother Nature’s Pest Control is still the number one Sentricon installation and monitoring company in the state of Oklahoma, and they’ve been eliminating termites since 1979. In a recent visit with Mother Nature’s spokesperson Shelia Disler, she revealed some interesting facts about termites. They are born for one mission: to eat, and this they do from birth until death. Termites inflict serious damage to homes in short order, and queens commonly live for 25 years and (continued on page 22)

By Duane Blankenship Following storm damage, Fowler Chevrolet of Tulsa has spent 18 months with remodeling projects that have brought the familyowned dealership to a high performance standard. The dealership was previously operated by Sonic Automotive

Shelia Disler demonstrates the new HD Always-Baited Sentricon Trap that works like a “magic bullet” in eliminating termite colonies.

out of Charlotte, North Carolina and was a corporate-owned dealer franchise operation. It is now wholly owned by Fowler Holding Company, Mike Fowler, president. The dealership officially (continued on page 22)

The Fowler Chevrolet “Turn Tulsa Pink” service team includes (L to R): Service Manager Jeff Cantrell and Service Consultants David Brock, Eric Bowman and Bill Dewil.

Shopping for a Cause The Glenpool Spring Market will be held Saturday, March 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Glenpool Conference Center, to benefit The Little Light House and other missions. By Sheryl Sowell

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Spring is blooming, and now is the time to stock up on gifts for upcoming graduations, weddings, baby showers and birthday parties. The Glenpool Spring Market, sponsored by King of Kings Lutheran Church, will feature artisans of hand-crafted items and independent home-based businesses from all over the Tulsa metropolitan area. Visitors will enjoy shopping for handmade craft items, candles, jewelry, homebaked goods, and much more. Donations at the door (disinfectant wipes, Kleenex, or $1) will

benefit The Little Light House in Tulsa. All profits will support local, national and international missions. The Spring Market will be held at the Glenpool Conference Center on Saturday, March 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Conference Center is located at 12205 S. Yukon Ave. (Exit Highway 75 at 121st Street, go west about a half mile and turn south onto Yukon.) A total of 60 vendors will be selling a huge variety of items, including Miche Bags and accessories, Avon products,

kitchenware from The Pampered Chef, health supplements and skinny wraps from It Works, Stella & Dot Jewelry, Birdhouses by Mark, onesies and hats for newborns by Netherton, marinades and sauces from Spanish Jack’s Fine Foods, Scentsy products, and a lot more. In addition, King of Kings Lutheran Church members will have a booth of delectable home-baked goods for purchase. Servants of the King, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) of King of (continued on page 22) South Tulsa 40,918 homes (This is a geo-demographic mailing list and delivered to homes in Mid-Town and South Tulsa.)

Bixby, Jenks Glenpool & Sapulpa 22,792 homes Bixby–6,880 Glenpool–74033–3,609 Jenks–74037–4,940 Sapulpa–74066–7,363

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Members of Servants of the King Lutheran Women’s Missionary League check out food mixes and sauces from Tastefully Simple. (L to R): Lori Knoepfel (behind the table), Pat Bartley, Krystine Gibson, and Vicki Wing.

Owasso/Collinsville 18,429 homes Owasso–74055–12,198 Collinsville–74021–6,231

Rogers County 22,499 homes Claremore–74017–8,911 74019–5,697 Catoosa–74015–2,570 Chelsea–74016–1,780 Inola–74036–2,136 Oologah–74053–1,405

Broken Arrow 36,033 homes 74011–9,299 74012–18,668 74014–8,066

TERMITES ARE SWARMING! Termites are eating your house now. Don’t let them destroy your home.

CALL! EERF NOITCEPSNI (If you can read this, you get a free inspection.)

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