Value News Tulsa March 2013

Page 1

What’s Happening on Page 16!


April 2013


NE Oklahoma’s Leading Consumer Newspaper

Assistance for Seniors and Their Families Assisted Transition provides free senior living and referral services for the greater Tulsa area. By Sheryl Sowell When the time comes to transition an elderly loved one out of their home and into an assisted living facility, nursing home or similar type of community, numerous questions arise. What are the differences

between the various facilities? What can we afford? Will my loved one be happy in their new home? Assisted Transition is available to answer these questions and more, offering (continued on page 26)

Michelle Brown and Mark Smith, owners of Assisted Transition.

Exit this Way, Please EXIT Realty is dedicated to finding the “exit” for every buyer and seller; with EXIT Realty, new beginnings are just around the corner. By Stephanie Reed After completing their first year in business, EXIT Realty has established themselves in Tulsa as a realty company that is bounding above the rest. Established in Mississauga, Ontario, EXIT Realty Connexx is renowned for their agent benefits and their international base of referrals. “EXIT is not like any of the other big names in the industry,” comments Sally Perez of EXIT Realty. “They truly care about their agents. In fact, the CEO was in our office last week to conduct broker training. Very few agencies can say that.” After observing the Tulsa market, EXIT Realty decided to establish an office in the Tulsa area. Just one problem, they were in dire need of reputable, successful people to lead the office. They set their sights on (continued on page 26)

Sally Perez and Rena McBee.

Cash In On Old Treasures Tulsa Gold and Gems pays customers for their broken to brand-new gold and diamonds. By Stephanie Reed

Preferred Customer Requested Delivery April 2, 2013 Dated Material


In this economy, a little extra cash is hard to find, but Tulsa Gold and Gems has the perfect solution. Dig out the broken chains, abandoned rings, and forgotten tokens of affection, take them to 91st and Yale, and trade them for cash, or use the pieces of jewelry as collateral for a loan up to $25,000 with zero percent interest for 60 days. Curious as to how much money you can make? Wonder no more. Tulsa Gold and Gems offers a gold calculator on their website that updates every 60 seconds. With an A+ rating

from the BBB and a precious metal license, Tulsa Gold and Gems will publish what they pay and pay what they publish. Unlike many other gold and diamond buyers, every business transaction with Tulsa Gold and Gems is upfront and honest; staff members do not work based off of commission, so customers never have to worry about being manipulated or scammed. Pieces are evaluated while customers wait, and offers are made based on the published prices. There is no guesswork or confusion for the

customer. It is this same spirit that inspires the informative website and the top-notch security. Offering blogs, graphs and links to social media, the Tulsa Gold and Gems website seeks to educate the customer and make the process as lucrative and convenient as possible. Security is also a priority as Tulsa Gold and Gems. Co-owner Spencer Fisher explains, “We have a Tulsa police officer on site 24 hours a day, and customers must be buzzed in and (continued on page 26)

(continued on page 2) South Tulsa 40,918 homes (This is a geo-demographic mailing list and delivered to homes in Mid-Town and South Tulsa.)

Bixby, Jenks Glenpool & Sapulpa 22,792 homes Bixby–6,880 Glenpool–74033–3,609 Jenks–74037–4,940 Sapulpa–74066–7,363

Paid Mailing Circulation

Spencer Fisher, Co-owner of Tulsa Gold and Gems.

Owasso/Collinsville 18,429 homes Owasso–74055–12,198 Collinsville–74021–6,231


if you don’t have Mother Nature’s


Rogers County 22,499 homes Claremore–74017–8,911 74019–5,697 Catoosa–74015–2,570 Chelsea–74016–1,780 Inola–74036–2,136 Oologah–74053–1,405

Broken Arrow 36,033 homes 74011–9,299 74012–18,668 74014–8,066


you have termites EATING YOUR HOUSE!


Page 2

April 2013




For Advertising Information, call


After a lifetime of hard work, people feel they should be able to live out their golden years with financial independence. Unfortunately for many, failing to plan means planning to fail. When folks come in to visit with us for the first time, we have them bring a lot of financial information with them. I am looking for what their expenses are, what their debt is, how much they have saved in non-retirement accounts, as well as IRA’s and 401k’s. I want to know about company pensions, their goals for retirement, and expectations about when that will be. My job and my passion is to help them set realistic goals and get on track. What I am finding is that expectations have risen over the years. Instead of having goals of doing a little traveling, playing with the grandkids, and winning a mean game of dominoes, folks are expecting to maintain their same standard of living and spend as much money as they did during their working years. That is a great goal! However, the planning for that goal should start decades before it needs to come to pass. Folks that start planning too late are likely to face the harsh reality of that dream not coming true. The biggest retirement mistakes I see are: Starting too late and planning too little. The proverbial too little too late definitely applies to the absolute biggest mistake I see in planning for retirement -

The effects of the loss of this benefit will be stunning. You must save and plan for your own retirement. 3 The age for collecting full Social Security benefits is increasing. For folks born in 1960 and later, the age for receiving full Social Security benefits is increasing from 65 to 67. 4 Congress cited improvements in the health of older people and increasing life expectancy as the primary reason for increasing the normal retirement age.

dwindling saving patterns. More and more, I see folks that have little or nothing put back for retirement. In addition to the turbulent economy, saving for retirement has been further upset by other concerns such as job uncertainty, making ends meet, and making payments for mortgages, debts, health insurance and medical expenses. That being said, I also see an awful lot of just “spending as much as there is until the next paycheck”. 1According to a study done by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) the retirement income deficit (ie: the difference between what people have saved for retirement and what they should have at this point) is $6.6 trillion. Good Grief! Pensions are going away. For many working folks, they saw their parents retire on social security and a pension. 2 Today only one in five people in the workforce has a defined benefit pension.

The Social Security statements that I have begun to see in my office recently incorporates the addition of the age 70 benefit estimate for delayed retirement credits. Every time I see it, I think . . this is the writing on the wall. Folks, listen. You must save for your own retirement. I cannot state this enough. At the end of the day, you are responsible for how you will live in your retirement years. We are here for you. If you need help trying to plan for your retirement, give us a call. For more information go to Melanie Hasty-Grant, Experienced Licensed Professional Counselor and Managing Principal at Waterstone Private Wealth Management. Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC. 1


US Senate HELP Committee/July 2012



For more information go to Melanie Hasty-Grant, Experienced Licensed Professional Counselor and Managing Principal at Waterstone Private Wealth Management. LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC.

Akira Sushi Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 AM 970 KCFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Assistance for Seniors and Their Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Assisted Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Assurance Overhead Doors . . . . . . . . . . . .19 AVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center . . . . . . .2 Beyond Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Bill Knight Collision Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Bill Knight Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Bill Knight Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 BMW of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Bob Hurley RV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Boots & BBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Cash In On Old Treasures . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Choices For Life Foster Care, Inc. . . . . . . .20 Church’s Outreach Ministry Is Rock Steady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Community Home Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Dentistry For You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Dinner Extravaganza to Benefit Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Dr. LaButti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Emerge Medical Day Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Environmental Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 EXIT Realty Connexx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Exit this Way, Please . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Fowler Chevrolet of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Fowler Toyota of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . .16, 18 Fowler Toyota of Tulsa Rent A Car . . . . . . .16 GNC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Goodwill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Grassroots Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Grigsbyʼs Carpet, Tile & Rug Gallery . . . . .13 Grout Care of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Grow Your Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Holmes Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Jim Glover Chevrolet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Joe Marina Honda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Knotty Pine Barbeque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Lawn Care Company with Credentials . .5 LCI Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Let Our Family Take Care of Yours . . . . .22 Marc Miller Buick GMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Mother Natureʼs Pest and Lawn . . . . . . . . . .1

(918) 828-9600

Mullin Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Night at the Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Nut House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Prairie Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Precision Optical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Quick Lane Tire & Automotive Center . . . . .8 Rock Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Shearing Sheep the Biblical, Historical and Global Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Signature Interiors, Flowers and Gifts . . . .28 Sooner Lawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 South Pointe Chevrolet & Saturn . . . . .24, 32 South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge . . .23, 32 Spinal Decompression of Oklahoma . . . . .20 Staying Home on Weekends Is Nutty . .10 The 411 on IRAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Tobar and Sons Landscaping . . . . . . . . . . .25 Tulsa Gold & Gems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Tulsa Regional Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Tulsa Stone and Brick Works . . . . . . . . . . .15 Tulsa Urology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Two Knee Replacements, One Surgeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 United Ford Parts Distribution Center . . . .27 Vendors Sought for Route 66 Blowout . .25 Volvo of Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Walk MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Walk MS Tulsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Waterstone Private Wealth Management . .2

Founder, President, and Publisher: Mary Bransford

April 2013 - Vol. 20, No. 4 For details, call

(918) 828-9600

Value News is published monthly by Value News, Inc., 5800 E. Skelly Dr., Suite 707, Tulsa, OK 74135, 918-828-9600. Fax 918-828-9933. © Value News, all rights reserved, cover-to-cover. Vol. 20, No. 4, 2013 Over 140,000 copies direct mailed to homes in Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Owasso, Collinsville, Claremore, Catoosa, Verdigris, Chelsea, Inola, Oologah, Bixby, Glenpool, Jenks, and Sapulpa. Value News strives to maintain a quality level of accuracy and truth in its printed information and advertising, however, when errors or misprints occur, the individual, photographers, writers, advertisers and other contributors retain the right to qualify the information contained in their material published in the Value News. Views and claims made by them may not be construed representative philosophy or policies of this publication. Written works and advertising designed by Value News may not be reproduced for any other publication or medium without permission by the publisher. Submissions of news, features, story ideas, manuscripts, photos, graphics, art, raw creativity, etc. are welcomed and become property of Value News when published.

Ultherapy uses ultrasound to lift, tone and tighten the skin. It is FDA approved for the face, neck and brow. Ultherapy targets the deep foundation below the skin-typically addressed in cosmetic surgery - without cutting or disrupting the skin’s surface. Ultherapy stimulates the body’s own natural collagen building process. With just one treatment, Ultherapy initiates the lifting process which builds gradually over two to three months and continues to improve over time. Ultherapy is a compelling option for people with mild to moderate skin laxity as well as those wanting to “stay ahead of the game” or those looking to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery. Love the skin you’re in and call us today for a complimentary consultation.

BA Med Spa

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BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center 500 South Elm Place in Broken Arrow (918) 872-9999 Must present coupon at time of service. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

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You may purchase as many units as you like for this price and lock in great savings!

BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center 500 South Elm Place in Broken Arrow (918) 872-9999 Must present coupon at time of service. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center 500 South Elm Place in Broken Arrow (918) 872-9999 Must present coupon at time of service. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

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BA Med Spa & Weight Loss Center 500 South Elm Place in Broken Arrow (918) 872-9999 Must present coupon at time of service. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

April 2013

Page 3







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See Service Advisor for details. Offer valid with coupon. Up to 6 qts. of conventional or dexos oil. Full synthetic, Diesel and added oil capacities are extra charges. Tax and shop supplies extra. Valid only at Fowler Chevrolet. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon


THE LOWEST PRICE Bring us any published coupon or advertised special from any independent repair facility or dealer and we’ll beat it by



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Local competitor’s ad/written estimate or Internet quote including freight charges for identical tire(s) required during guarantee period for price match. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

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Must present coupon at time of service.

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Jeff Cantrell, Eric Bowman, David Brock and Bill Dewil

With this coupon. Must present when order is written. Plus tax, shop supplies, hazardous waste fee, if applicable. Valid only at Fowler Chevrolet. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up.

FREE OIL CHANGE Receive one free oil change on your actual birthday during April, 2013. Includes up to 5 qts oil and filter. Excludes synthetic & diesel oil. Must provide valid ID. One coupon per person, per household. Not valid with any other offers. No cash value. Coupon must be presented at time of service write-up. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon



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88 Plus Tax

See Service Advisor for details. Offer valid with coupon. Valid only at Fowler Chevrolet. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

Page 4

April 2013


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April 2013


Page 5

LLawn Care Company with Credentials SoonerLawn Weed Control & Fertilization provides excellent results, great customer service and low prices, and will show you an extensive list of satisfied customer testimonials to prove it. By Sheryl Sowell




With Annual Contract. Up to 10,000 s.f. Licensed and Insured. Commercial and Residential. References Available.

Cypress Creek and the Ridge at South County. Michael has also been spraying and taking care of our lawns for our rental

Properties. We have found his work to be very good, as well as his pricing. We would highly recommend his services.”

Call SoonerLawn for a healthy, green, flourishing lawn.

companies for five years: Steve Brown Properties, Wellington Investments and Villa

If you dream of having a beautiful, lush lawn that is certain to be the envy of your

FIRST APPLICATION Benefit from a greener, healthier lawn

with our 6-Step Program. Call (918) 574-5550 •

neighbors, but don’t want to spend a ton of money, call SoonerLawn Weed Control & Fertilization today. According to Michael, SoonerLawn has maintained a decade of success for three simple reasons – competitive pricing, excellent customer service, and impressive results. “Give us a chance! We are willing to go above and beyond for our customers, and we provide great results. You’ll be happy with your beautiful, thick, green lawn,” says Michael. “We also have very good prices. We researched and found that our prices are below most, if not all, other local lawn care companies.” Friendly employees and top-notch results at a low price – what are you waiting for? Michael explains that their six-step program will give you a greener, healthier lawn, and now is the perfect time to get started. Step one, best completed in early spring, is an application of preemergent herbicide for crabgrass control. Steps two through five involve applying post-emergent herbicides plus fertilizer, and are done in the spring and summer.

The final step, winterized weed control to keep your yard looking great in the winter, is completed in the fall. SoonerLawn is licensed and insured and provides a variety of services for both residential and commercial customers, including weed control, fertilization, aeration, perimeter control, insecticides, mole control, turf disease control, fescue seeding, and flower bed fertilization. They also offer suggestions to the home or business owner on related issues such as proper watering and mowing. Give SoonerLawn a call – you won’t be disappointed when you end up with a gorgeous, lush, green lawn!

For more information, contact

SoonerLawn Weed Control & Fertilization (918) 574-5550

Expires 4/30/13 Coupon

SoonerLawn has been providing northeast Oklahomans with top-notch lawn service for the past ten years. Owner Michael Bolton, who is also a captain in the army, guarantees your satisfaction, and his long list of customer testimonials will attest to this fact. Customer Karen Ames said, “Michael at SoonerLawn has been taking care of all the common ground at The Reserve at Broken Arrow for the past year. I have lived here for the past six years and am the landscaping chairman. The Reserve looks better than it has ever looked in the past thanks to Michael and the Sooner crew. They are very professional and take great pride in their work. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a lawn care company.” On a similar note, Steve Brown of Steve Brown Properties L.L.C. said, “Michael has been spraying and taking care of our lawn needs for about five years. He has done the spraying for several of our developments: Trinity Creek II,

Our 6-Step Program to Give You a Greener, Healthier Lawn Step 2

Pre-Emergent application for Crabgrass control.

Early Spring Pre-Emergent Crabgrass, Broadleaf control and Fertilizer on Fescue grass.


Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Spring/Early Summer Post-Emergent Crabgrass, Broadleaf and Nutgrass control plus HighPerformance granular fertilizer. Mar 1 - Apr 15 Apr 15 - May 31

Summer Post-Emergent Booster, HighPerformance granular fertilizer, spray weed control for Nutgrass and Dallisgrass Jun 1 - July 31

Late Summer/Early Fall PostFertilized & weed control Nutgrass and Dallisgrass.

Aug 1 - Sep 30

Winterized weed control for the control of Chickweed and other winter weeds to help keep the yard looking nice in the winter. Oct 1 - Dec 15





Step 3

Our facebook fans are always the first to know about our specials! LIKE US TODAY!

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Step 1

Buy two entrees, get a FREE appetizer!

Dine in or carry out. Valid Sunday-Thursday.

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Not valid on Fri & Sat. Must present coupon. Limit one coupon per table, per visit. Sushi rolls not considered an entree. Not valid with any other coupons, specially priced entrees, or at happy hour. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

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Page 6

April 2013


I-44 & Memorial (918) 622-1976





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Rebate is issued as a debit card. Valid only at Jim Glover Chevrolet. All rebates must be submitted by 5/31/13. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts, specials or wholesale orders. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 4/30/13.



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Rebate is issued as a debit card. Valid only at Jim Glover Chevrolet. All rebates must be submitted by 5/31/13. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts, specials or wholesale orders. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 4/30/13.

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(918) 622-1976 I-44 & Memorial

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(918) 622-1976 I-44 & Memorial


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Within 20 Mile Radius

(918) 622-1976 I-44 & Memorial

(918) 622-1976 I-44 & Memorial

Local competitor’s ad/written estimate or Internet quote including freight charges for identical tire(s) required during guarantee period for price match. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon ‡

Non-commercial only. Must present coupon at time of service. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

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Bring us any published coupon or advertised special from any independent repair facility or dealer and we’ll beat it by

(918) 622-1976 I-44 & Memorial

Free Towing

Guaranteed! 10

TOWARDS ANY SERVICE OR REPAIR Receive one free oil change or $25 to use towards any service or repair on your actual birthday during April, 2013.



(918) 622-1976 I-44 & Memorial

Plus tax & disposal fees. *More than five quarts of oil, balancing tires, and tax extra. Includes oil grade/specifications required by vehicle Owner’s Manual. Not valid with other offers. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

(918) 622-1976 I-44 & Memorial

Includes up to 5 qts oil and filter. Excludes synthetic & diesel oil. Must provide valid ID. One coupon per person, per household. Not valid with any other offers. No cash value. Coupon must be presented at time of service write-up. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

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April 2013



Church’s Outreach Ministry Is Rock Steady The Rock Church offers a variety of events and programs to the community throughout the year.

By Duane Blankenship Pastors Billy Joe and Theresa Watts began their outreach ministry at The Rock Church in September of 2007. Since that time, Pastor Billy Joe says, “The Rock has experienced good, constant growth.” The Rock Church is a multiracial, diverse congregation with a mission of serving God and loving people. They meet each week at the Union High School Performing

Arts Center, located immediately behind the football stadium, at 6636 S. Mingo Rd. Connection classes begin at 9 a.m. and worship services are at 10 am. Bible Study is held each Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. at 5700 S. 107th E. Ave. (61st and Highway 169). The Rock Church offers something for every member of the family, and you’re invited to

The Rock Church Pastors Billy Joe and Theresa Watts are serving God and loving people.

join them for a unique experience where both Billy Joe and Theresa are confident you will “Feel God, Feel the Love, and Feel The Rock.” “The roots of happiness grow deepest in the soil of service,” says Billy Joe, “and that’s how our church grows as we engage in cultivating the soil of service. We try to do things that will zero in on our outreach within the Tulsa community as we get outside our four walls and share the faith.” Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 11. The Rock will celebrate a week earlier with Pastor Theresa hosting The Rock Church’s 1st annual Ladies Conference on Friday evening and Saturday morning, May 3 and 4. Both sessions will be held at 5700 S. 107th E. Ave. (61st & 169). Pastor Ericka McCutcheon is the featured speaker. She and husband Pastor John McCutcheon pastor Joint Heirs Fellowship in Houston, Texas. Rev. Beverly Erby will minister at the Saturday morning session; she along with her husband Tony Erby are associate pastors at Eagle Mountain International Church, Ft. Worth, Texas.

Immediately following the Saturday morning session, lunch will served at The Bistro at 101st and Sheridan at 12 noon. Registration for the conference and luncheon is $35. Door prizes will be given out. On Sunday, May 11, the morning worship service at The Rock will be followed by a special recognition time for mothers and any woman 18 years and older. Roses and a special gift will be presented to each woman attending. Any remaining roses will be distributed by Pastors Billy Joe and Theresa to ladies residing at a local nursing home. There will be lots of fun door prizes at the service, including Coach purses, an overnight stay at the Cedar Rock Inn, gift cards, jewelry, pedicures, and more. “Even if you aren’t a mother,” says Billy Joe, “we know all ladies make a positive influence on children as they grow up, and we like to recognize all women at our Mother’s Day program.” “Everyone is invited to attend all of our services or special programs,” says Theresa. The Rock Church Wednesday night Bible Study is kicking off its first-ever Financial Empowerment

Page 7

Seminars, Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. Pastor Billy Joe will lead this study and will share practical tips for healthy wealth building according to scripture. The program is sponsored by The Rock Church Financial Impact Team. The Rock will also be presenting a class built around Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, date to be announced. Pastor Theresa has a special heart for equipping young people with the word of God. “When our children graduate from high school, we want them to have a great relationship with God and be responsible young adults,” she says. Pastor Theresa will attend a 252 Basics Seminar later this year and employ seminar basics at the church to involve parents and to arm children with the God-given wisdom that will equip them to engage the culture for Christ. The Rock Church has programs for adults, children and youth. One is “Life Coaching” with Pastor Billy Joe that is just for men. The theme is “What it means to be a Christian man.” Visit the website or call The Rock office for more details on any of their services or programs. Billy Joe says, “Our heart’s desire is to take a personal interest in everyone who walks through our doors.” For more information, contact

The Rock Church (918) 694-7625

Join Pastor Theresa Watts as she hosts the Rock Church Women’s Conference May 3rd & 4th Service will be at 5700 S. 107th East Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74146

Guest Speaker: Pastor Ericka McCrutcheon

Guest Speaker: Beverly Erby

Wednesday Night Bible Study on Ustream. 7:00pm @ rock-church-bible-study

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Page 8

April 2013


NNight at the Museum

The Broken Arrow Historical Society Museum will be hosting its first fundraiser, a “Night at the Museum” event on Friday, April 19.

By Sheryl Sowell On Friday, April 19, the Broken Arrow Historical Society Museum will host its first “Night at the Museum” fundraiser from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The event will take place at the Broken Arrow Historical Society Museum, 400 S. Main St. in downtown Broken Arrow, and will feature beer and wine tasting, delicious food, music, and live and silent auctions. General admission tickets are $40 per person, and VIP tickets are $250 per person. Musical guests Travis Kidd and Chad Meier will wow the crowd with their performances. At this Mardi Gras themed event, guests will be treated to a large selection of local and national beer and wine. They will also delight in lots of tasty food from several local restaurants including Bonefish Grill, Main Street Tavern and Uncle Vinny’s NY Pizza. VIP ticketholders will enjoy a private performance by Travis Kidd on the first floor exhibition room of the museum. The room will open later in the evening to general admission attendees for the live and silent auctions. Several tempting auction items

Janet Pippins, director of the Broken Arrow Historical Society Museum.

Historical Society Museum is committed to preserving the history and heritage of Broken Arrow for this and future generations. In addition to the regular exhibits, the museum hosts four to five special exhibits each year featuring local and national artists. “Since the opening of our museum, we have given over 12,000 children docent-led tours at no charge,” says Janet. “It is our wish to continue this program for years to come.” Tickets to Night at the Museum may be purchased in person at the museum, by calling (918) 258-2616, or online through PayPal at “This will be a fun evening filled with delicious food, a variety of quality wine and beer, and great music, all for a wonderful cause,” says Janet. Attire for the event is business casual. You can also find the museum on Facebook to learn more about their exhibits and programs.

are up for grabs, including two travel packages, gold and chocolate diamond earrings from J. David Jewelry, a golf and dinner package to Forest Ridge Country Club, dinner and four tickets to The Oak Ridge Boys at Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center, a gift certificate worth $2,000 to Vincent Anthony Jewelers, VIP tickets to “The Lion King” at Tulsa Performing Arts Center, a set of new tires, and much more. As a full-time musician from Tulsa, special guest Travis Kidd averages roughly 250 shows a year as a solo artist and with his rock trio, The High Mids. His style can be hard to pin down, incorporating elements of classic and southern rock, country, blues and folk, proving Kidd to be an eclectic singer/songwriter and acclaimed guitar player. He recently performed at the Governor’s Mansion during the Governor’s Arts Awards. Guitar instrumentalist Chad Meier, nephew to museum board member Ladonna Ross, will also be performing throughout the evening. According to Museum Director Janet Pippins, “The money we raise will go towards the operational costs of the museum. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and depend on the support of individuals and businesses to fulfill our cultural and educational mission in the community and surrounding area.” The Broken Arrow

For more information, contact

Broken Arrow Historical Society Museum 400 S. Main St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012

(918) 258-2616

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Next to Bill Knight Ford

April 2013


Page 9

BBoots and BBQ The annual barbecue festival hosted by Claremore Reveille Rotary Club will be held May 10-11 at Will Rogers Downs. By Lorrie Ward Most people consider barbecue to be true American cuisine. But some may not know just how truly American this creation is. Centuries ago, Spanish conquerors and explorers came to this hemisphere and while they were here, they introduced pork to the Native American tribes they encountered. In turn, the Native Americans showed the Spaniards the process of cooking and preserving meat with smoke – and from this, barbecue was born. Since that time, barbecue has grown to include more than just pork – Americans barbecue beef, chicken, and other types of meat, as many savor the tenderness and taste of this delectable creation. Backyard barbecue pits and cookers have become as much a part of the American landscape as baseball and apple pie. But though most people know how to fire up the grill, there are quite a few who have turned barbecuing into an art form – and they are invited to compete in this year’s Boots and BBQ Festival at Will Rogers Downs and Cherokee Casino in

Claremore, May 10-11. This year’s Management Committee includes John Walke, who will provide meat for the taster kits and who competes in other national barbecue contests, and Steve Gragert, who has in the past been chair of the judges and is now overall chair of the event. Steve points out that Boots and BBQ offers one of the largest collection of cash prizes in Oklahoma BBQ competitions – a total of $10,000 will be awarded – and contest organizers have added a special perk in 2013: “The advantage this year is that we offer an early discounted entry fee if you sign up before April 10.” Steve also notes that Boots and BBQ hosts a dessert competition, which is fun for both competitors and participants, and is something not all competitions offer. Sign-ups are currently available for both competitors and vendors at Friday night, May 10 is for cookers’ and vendors’ set up. Both groups can check in from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., with a team

meeting at 5:30 p.m. Musical entertainment will be provided for cookers and vendors all Friday evening. Details about the different competition levels, which range from Walnut, Mesquite, and Apple to Hickory, Pecan and Oak, can be found on the website. Even if you have no interest in competition and just love the taste of great barbeque, it is not too early to mark your calendar for Saturday, May 11, when taster kits will become available to the public at 11 a.m. for $6. Though sometimes “good things come to those who wait,” this will not be one of those times, and Steve Gragert recommends that those who want to be sure and get in on all the great flavors come as early as possible. “Taster kits are available until all food is gone,” Steve Gragert says. “In the past, those who have waited until the last minute have waited too late.” Proceeds from Boots and BBQ benefit the Claremore Reveille Rotary Club’s various community service projects, including Build Water Wells in

Steve Gragert, chair of the Boots and BBQ Festival. Nicaragua, Shoes for Claremore Kids, Medical Supply Network, End Polio Now, RYLA Student Sponsors, Will Rogers Day Parade, Leadership Training, scholarships for area students, and personalized dictionaries to Rogers County second and third graders. For more information on how to get involved in the Claremore Reveille Rotary Club’s worthwhile endeavors, visit Steve hopes to see an even bigger turnout this year at what has become a traditional

Claremore event. “We always have a wide variety of barbecue and it tastes great,” he says. “Vendors, great concessions, and horse racing at the nearby Will Rogers Downs make this family event a lively affair.”

For more information, contact

Boots and BBQ Festival (918) 906-3842

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Page 10

April 2013


SStaying Home on Weekends Is Nutty Bring the family out to the Route 66 Nut House Trader Days April 19-21.

By Susan Erler You’ve been there before: it’s Saturday morning and the kids are anxious to get out and do something fun, but you have no idea where you can take them. And in this economy, cost is always a concern. Hazel Ward,

owner of The Nut House in Claremore, has the perfect solution to your weekend blues, at least one weekend a month, anyway! Hazel has long had a vision of creating a recurring family fun

Tara, Adam and Hazel of The Nut House.

event at her place of business, combining arts and crafts with antiques while offering all of the tasty and unique products The Nut House is known for. “I am really excited to create a monthly weekend outing that offers fun activities for the kids, amazing shopping opportunities for the wives, and mouthwatering food sure to keep the husbands happy,” she says. The inaugural Route 66 Nut House Trader Days event is planned for April 19, 20 and 21 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. Hazel is still looking for local crafters or vendors who would like to participate. If you are a crafter, please contact Hazel at (918) 266-1604 or email her at Booth spaces are available at a nominal fee and you can choose from either indoor or outdoor locations. Hot Mama’s Deli inside The Nut House will be open and ready to serve all kinds of delectable sandwiches, mouthwatering fudge, hot coffee and delicious sweets. “No one should leave here hungry,” laughs Hazel. The Nut House has been a Route 66 tradition since opening its doors in 1979. Back then, the business was very different.

When Hazel’s husband surprised her by purchasing The Nut House in 2006, she decided it needed a few changes. The biggest change was that they went from being open only a few months a year during pecan season to year-round. Hazel saw a need for customers to be able to get their products any time. “One of the biggest misconceptions people have about us is that we are only open at limited times and that fresh pecans are only available in the fall,” explains Hazel. “So many people simply purchase their pecans in the grocery store the rest of the year, but there is no way to know if they have been handled properly. We are experts when it comes to pecans, and we take measures to ensure the highest quality and freshness year-round. You never need to settle for low quality.” Don’t let the name fool you, though – The Nut House offers much more. They are constantly searching for new items to offer their customers and focus on finding quality items that you would not typically find in a grocery or discount store. Hazel makes sure they sell only topshelf products, including Boar’s

Head meats in the deli. “Boar’s Head is top of the line for deli meats, so we are proud to serve their products,” she says. “We also sell many of the local Amish food products including Amish cheeses, which are always extremely popular. I like knowing that my customers are getting the highest quality product I can find, but also at a reasonable price.” Gourmet coffees, homemade cookies and bars, handmade fudge in so many flavors it’s nearly impossible to choose, and many other sweets are all lovingly created and served at The Nut House. Make plans to enjoy lunch or at least a snack while you are there. You won’t be disappointed. For more information about the upcoming Route 66 Nut House Trader Days or any of their products, feel free to give The Nut House a call. For more information, contact

The Nut House 26677 S. Hwy. 66 Claremore, OK 74019

(918) 266-1604

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Page 13

Page 14

April 2013



Dinner Extravaganza to Benefit Charities The Parish of St. Bernard of Clairvaux will sponsor a fundraising event on May 30 at Hard Rock Hotel Tulsa for three local charities.

By Duane Blankenship The Parish of St. Bernard of Clairvaux will sponsor the Dinner Extravaganza, a fundraising event benefitting three local charities: Knights of Columbus’s Ultrasound Project, ACTS Ministry, and Habitat for Humanity. Dinner Extravaganza is scheduled to be held at the Hard Rock Hotel Tulsa on May 30, 2013 at 7 p.m. According to Phil Doerpinghaus, co-chairman of the event, “Only 1,000 tickets will be sold for drawings that will be conducted that evening. The first place drawing will be for a 2013 Lincoln MKZ automobile, and you pick the color if you are the lucky winner.” There will be 99 additional drawings for $100 in cash. Tickets are $100 each and may be purchased online at or at Vincent Anthony Jewelers, located at 101st and Sheridan in Tulsa. One hundred winners will be drawn from the 1,000 tickets to be sold. That’s one winner out of every ten tickets sold – not bad odds! When you purchase a ticket, you also receive a free dinner to be served the evening of the

event. Entertainment, to be announced, will also be provided at the Dinner Extravaganza. “This will be a great evening of excitement and entertainment as we conduct drawings for the 100 prizes and raise funds to benefit three great local charity organizations,” said Lonnie Iannazzo, member of St. Bernard and owner of Vincent Anthony Jewelers. Part of the proceeds from the Dinner Extravaganza will benefit the Knights of Columbus®, a Catholic fraternal benefits organization founded in Connecticut. In the late-19th

A new Lincoln MKZ (your choice of color) will be awarded to the drawing winner at St. Bernard’s Dinner Extravaganza on May 30, 2013.

century, there was growing hostility toward Catholic immigrants and dangerous working conditions in factories that left many families fatherless. Recognizing a vital need, Father Michael J. McGivney gathered a group of men at his parish in 1881 and proposed establishing a lay organization to unite men of Catholic faith and to provide for the families of deceased members. Catholic men were drawn to the Knights because of its emphasis on serving one’s church, community, and family with virtue. The order is still known as a force for public good. Part of the funds from the Dinner Extravaganza will be used to further promote and expand the Knights of Columbus’s Ultrasound Project. Seven Ultrasound machines have already been purchased and donated by the Knights of Columbus to clinics throughout Oklahoma. ACTS (Adoration Community Theology Service) Ministry promotes unity in Christ through the Holy Spirit. The ACTS Ministry is independent, trans-denominational, and inter-





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Lonnie Iannazzo, owner of Vincent Anthony Jewelers, and Phil Doerpinghaus, co-chairman of the St. Bernard Dinner Extravaganza, are looking forward to the fundraiser that will benefit three local charities. national. This parish function of St. Bernard promotes the gospel of Jesus Christ through local and national ACTS retreat programs. The work of the organization and its scheduled retreats are done by clergy and laity. The third recipient of funds from the Dinner Extravaganza will be Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian ministry founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live. Habitat builds for people in need regardless of race or religion. They welcome volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, are probably Habitat’s most famous

supporters. St. Bernard will be starting their fourteenth house project in the Tulsa area this April in connection with Habitat for Humanity. Mark your calendar for the St. Bernard Dinner Extravaganza, May 30 at Hard Rock Hotel Tulsa. Your participation and support for three very worthy organizations in the Tulsa area will be greatly appreciated.

For more information, contact

Phil Doerpinghaus (918) 808-0600

April 2013


Page 15


Two Knee Replacements, One Surgeon Leroy Moore of Tulsa recommends Dr. LaButti after his two successful knee replacements.

By Joshua Danker-Dake got engaged in 2010 and were married in 2011, at the age of 80. While we were engaged, I decided to have my right knee replaced because I was having trouble walking. Dr. LaButti had visited Town Village and was helping with the exercise program there, so I went to see him.” Dr. LaButti performed the operation in January of 2011. “When Dr. LaButti examined me for the first surgery, he said that since my legs were bowed, the right leg would be just a little longer than the other leg after the operation because it would be straight, which would make the wear on the left knee more severe,” Leroy says. “And he was correct – it wore down in one year.” Dr. LaButti replaced Leroy’s left knee in January 2013. “My legs had been bowed and my cartilage was gone – I was boneon-bone and had side wear in the left knee, so I decided to have it done, and it went extremely well,” Leroy says. “I went from the walker to a cane in a week, and in five-and-a-half weeks I had given up the cane. I had in-house therapy three days a

Leroy Moore, of Tulsa, had both knees replaced with Dr. Ronald LaButti. “I had cartilage removed from my left knee in 1969 and had the same operation on the right knee in 1983,” Leroy says. “By the mid1990s, I was having pain in both knees, but I kept putting surgery off, mainly because I was living alone and would have no one to help me get around afterward.” Leroy spent 32 years as an industrial engineer for Western Electric Manufacturing (which later became AT&T Manufacturing), working in Oklahoma City, Dallas, and Burlington, North Carolina. Leroy’s hobbies included golf, fishing and photography, and so when he retired there in 1991, he worked as a golf course starter and in the pro shop. In 2002, he moved back to Oklahoma City to be near family. In 2009, Leroy moved to Town Village Retirement Community in Tulsa. “I lived by myself for 25 years after I lost my wife,” Leroy says. “I came to Tulsa to be near my daughter. I met a lovely lady, Enyd, and we

week for six weeks, which as a big help on my road to recovery, and I never had to take any pain pills for either operation. I’m walking without a limp, and the therapist said I was about four weeks ahead of schedule in my recovery.” All things considered, Leroy’s experience with Dr. LaButti was extremely positive, he says. “I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. LaButti. If I were ever to need to have my hips done, I would go back to him. And he does his surgery at Oklahoma Surgical Hospital, which is a wonderful hospital – the staff was wonderful each time I stayed there.” For more information on Dr. LaButti or knee or hip replacement surgery, visit

For more information, contact

Dr. Ronald S. LaButti 6585 S. Yale, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136

(918) 528-4780

Leroy and his wife, Enyd.

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Page 16

April 2013


What’s Happening APRIL EVENTS



Tips for Gas Rel Apr. 3 Rain Barrels Seminar 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Tulsa Garden Center 2435 S. Peoria, Tulsa Pre-register: (918) 746-5125 Apr. 4 TU Presidential Lecture: Robert Sapolsky Free & open to the public 7:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. Allen Chapman Activity Center – TU campus 440 S. Gary Ave., Tulsa Apr. 4-5 Indian Territory Days Cherokee Heritage Center 21192 S. Keeler Dr., Tahlequah (918) 456-6007 Apr. 4-7 Sesame Street Live BOK Center Apr. 4-14 Bare Bones International Film Festival Roxy Theater & Various Venues, Muskogee (918) 616-1264

Apr. 6 Ladies Lifestyle Extravaganza 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Claremore Expo Center Apr. 6 Aquarium Run Oklahoma Aquarium, Jenks Apr. 6 A Turn of Events Woodturning Open House 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners Assoc. 10117 E. 50th St., Tulsa (918) 557-3795 Apr. 7 Audio Adrenaline Kings & Queens Tour SpiritBank Event Center 105th & Memorial, Tulsa 1-866-774-0096

Apr. 7 Gospel Music Sunday Brunch 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Cain’s Ballroom Apr. 8-13 Symposium on the American Indian Northeastern State University 600 N. Grand, Tahlequah

1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.)



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Apr. 12 Shawn Mullins with Chuck Cannon All Soul Acoustic Coffeehouse 2952 S. Peoria, Tulsa Apr. 13 Exchange Club Chili & BBQ Cook-Off Civic Center Plaza 5th & Boston, Muskogee (918) 360-6006

Apr. 13 Parkside’s By Your Side Run 9 a.m. Mohawk Park Shelter #3 5701 E. 36th St. N., Tulsa




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Apr. 16 Chonda Pierce – Girl Talk With Musical Guest Geoff Moore Mabee Center 7777 S. Lewis, Tulsa (918) 495-6000

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April 2013


Page 17

What’s Happening



ief: Apr. 19 Night at the Museum $40 per person 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Broken Arrow Historical Society Museum 400 S. Main St., Broken Arrow (918) 258-2616

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Apr. 19-20 “Forbidden Broadway” Tulsa Performing Arts Center Apr. 20 Garden Fest 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. A New Leaf 2306 S. 1st Pl., Broken Arrow Apr. 20 Oak Ridge Boys 7:30 p.m. Performing Arts Center 701 S. Main St., Broken Arrow (918) 259-5778 Apr. 20 Chefs for the Cure 6:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. Cancer Treatment Centers of America 10109 E. 79th St., Tulsa Apr. 20 Herbal Affair & Festival 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Broadway & Main, Sand Springs


00* 50/DAY

Apr. 19 Organist John Ledwon 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Tulsa Technology Center 4000 W. Florence, Broken Arrow (918) 355-1562 /SoonerStateATOS

Apr. 20 The Garden Party Benefit for The Little Light House 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Tulsa Convention Center (918) 664-6746

Apr. 22 Earth Day Celebration Oklahoma Aquarium, Jenks Apr. 25 Warrior Princess Trail Run 6 p.m. Keystone State Park Mountain Bike & Hike Trail

Apr. 26-28 American Cowboys Traders Days Will Rogers Memorial Museum 1702 W. Will Rogers Blvd., Claremore Apr. 26-27 Woolly Weekend Shepherd’s Cross 16792 E. 450 Rd., Claremore (918) 342-5911 Apr. 26-28, May 2-5 “Reasons to Be Pretty” TCC Theatre Dept. VanTrease PACE TCC SE Campus 81st & Hwy 169, Tulsa (918) 595-7777 Apr. 27 Herb and Plant Festival 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Main Street, Jenks Apr. 27 Dance of the Two Moons Pediatric Fundraiser Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa (918) 382-1206 Apr. 27-28 Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Co. Cascia Hall Performing Arts Center 2600 S. Utica, Tulsa (918) 688-6112 Apr. 30-May 5 “West Side Story” Tulsa Performing Arts Center

Page 18

April 2013




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April 2013

Page 19


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Page 20

April 2013


All Day Mon & Wed/Fri Lunch until 2:30pm DDB Special: A Man Sandwich, 1 lb meat (pulled pork, sliced brisket, hot links) & slaw Jim’s Favorite: 2 chopped beef sandwiches, choice of slaw or potato salad with okra or corn nuggets Regan’s Special: 1/2 order of ribs with choice of beans or slaw Randy’s Special: Hot link dinner with choice of beans or slaw or okra. David’s Special: The Work’s, it’s called the FULL BOAT, all 4 meats, your 2 choices of sides and drink Pricilla’s Special: Any cobbler

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April 2013


W Walk MS Tulsa

The National MS Society Oklahoma celebrates its 26th annual Walk MS Tulsa on Saturday, April 13.

By Duane Blankenship Be inspired. Get connected. Walk MS. “Money we raise at the annual Walk MS Tulsa fundraising event supports research as we move closer to our ultimate goal of a world free of MS,” said Brandi Moore, National MS Society Oklahoma regional manager. For the 26th year, Tulsa area residents will make a positive impact in the lives of those affected by MS. You are invited to be a part of the celebration by making a donation, sponsoring a team, supporting an existing team, or being a fund raiser and participating in the Walk MS Tulsa at Veterans Park at 18th and Boulder on Saturday, April 13. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., with walkers heading out on a three-mile River Trails course at 9. Register the morning of the event or go online to preregister. Walk MS participants are asked to raise $100 each. “All fundraising is due by May 13,” said Walk MS Tulsa Manager Rachel Klenda. Each walker raising $100 earns a commemorative T-shirt. The top 50 fundraising teams, know as Mission Movers, from

Brandi Moore (National MS Society Oklahoma regional manager), Christie Tull (Walk MS Tulsa chairperson), and Rachel Klenda (Walk MS Tulsa manager) look forward to the walk and accompanying festivities.

the previous year’s event are provided a large tent where team members may meet before and after the walk. Walk MS is a great social opportunity and a special time to connect with others who have a heart for eliminating MS and aiding individuals and families affected by the disease. Even if you can’t actively participate this year, you and your family are invited to visit Veterans Park and witness the happenings. Beginning around 10 a.m., activities will focus around the MS photo booth and the MS expo, a large tent for those with MS and their families. Local vendors will be on hand who specialize in products and services available to those impacted by MS. The expo is an opportunity for you to learn more about this debilitating disease. Clowns, bounce houses and more will keep the children entertained. Panera Bread, QuikTrip and Starbucks are donating pastries and beverages for all Walk MS Tulsa participants, and the walkers’ lunch is being donated by Bar-S Foods and Sam’s Club. Music will be provided by a local band. Christie Tull is the 2013 Walk MS Tulsa chairperson. Christie’s mother suffered for 18 years before finally being diagnosed with MS. She was forced to retire at about age 50 and ultimately lost her life to MS at age 59. “None of the medications available at the time helped my mom. Fortunately, many more treatment options are

Page 21

available today,” said Christie. Christie’s older sister, Valerie, woke up one morning when she was only 28 years old, called Christie and told her that she was totally numb on one side of her body and that she couldn’t hold a pencil. “I have MS,” she said. Valerie’s self-diagnosis was immediately confirmed. Although she had enjoyed playing soccer for many years, she was forced to retire. Valerie did regain feeling in her affected side and her MS was in remission for about five years, allowing her to return to playing soccer. She did have another flare-up, but is now in remission. Christie and Valerie got involved with Walk MS in 2000 and have since been active supporters. Along with being the 2013 chairperson, Christie also sponsors a team called The Kickers. When asked what MS meant to Christie, she responded, “MS means my sister!” The National MS Society is committed to finding new treatments for all people with multiple sclerosis and to help ensure financial support for those having to deal with the havoc it causes. Walk MS events throughout our state have a goal to raise $400,000 this year.

For more information, contact

National MS Society Oklahoma (918) 488-0882

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Page 22

April 2013


Our Family Take LLet Care of Yours Since 1990, Community Home Health has been serving families’ home health care needs across eastern Oklahoma. By Cassie Woods Community Home Health, Inc. (CHH) has been providing home health services for over 20 years. The company is based in Claremore, but with three offices serving 11 counties, its service area spans from Vinita to McAlester. CHH strives to provide skilled, compassionate home-based health care to all of its patients across eastern Oklahoma. “Having professionally competent, licensed and certified health care providers is a necessity,” said Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Wohlgemuth. “But beyond that, families like to find medical professionals who will genuinely care for their loved one and make a real difference in that person’s quality of life.” CHH is comprised of 110 employees who pride themselves in going beyond the minimum and being caring and compassionate health care workers with high levels of professional experience, training and dedication. Many of the nurses on staff have been with

the company for 10 to 15 years. “We are a family-owned company and always have been. All of our employees are considered to be a part of our family, and we believe that really makes a difference when going into a home,” said Wohlgemuth. “Our slogan ‘Let Our Family Take Care of Yours’ really is true in the way we run our company as well as the way we care for our patients.” The goal at CHH is to help families avoid unnecessary nursing home placements and costly hospital stays. To help achieve this, every patient has a case manager who is available for the patient or family member to call anytime to discuss patient care and answer questions. Serving people of all ages facing a variety of illnesses or medical limitations, CHH professionals use the latest medical technologies to offer high-quality care ranging from skilled nursing services and home health aides to psychiatric nursing and therapy services. The skilled nursing services

are customized for each patient and may include observation, assessment and treatment for nearly any medical issue, education programs for new or changing diagnoses or medications, and specialized procedures such as mobilization and oxygen treatments. Home health aides provide customized care and services based on each patient’s needs. From providing assistance with personal care, planning activities and home management to monitoring nutrition and vital signs, the aides do whatever they can to help their patients live a fuller life. CHH also provides exceptional psychiatric nursing. The Medicare-certified psychiatric and registered nurses offer 24-hour support, including observation and assessment, as well as education programs and psychotherapy. Another specialty area is CHH’s therapy services, which include physical, occupational and speech language therapy. The highly-trained staff uses

CEO and owner Chad Choat strives to provide warm, friendly home health care to the patients Community Home Health serves. state-of-the-art care to assist patients in recovering from physical problems arising from illness or injury and regaining independence in the activities of daily living. As an added advantage, CCH employs all of its own therapists, allowing them to cater to their patients’ needs and time schedules. “Many other companies contract their therapists from other companies,” said Wohlgemuth. “Having nine physical therapists, as well as an occupational therapist and a speech therapist on staff, really allows us to better serve our home health patients.” Representatives of CHH are available 24 hours a day, seven

days a week to respond to your calls. CHH is fully licensed and bonded, and practices strict hiring standards.

For more information, contact

Community Home Health 2000 W. Blue Starr Dr. Claremore, OK 74017 360 S. 33rd St. Muskogee, OK 74401 305 S. Main St. Eufaula, OK 74432

(877) 342-3621

April 2013

TThe 411 on IRAS It’s never too early to start saving for retirement. By Jocelyn Wood For anyone who hasn’t figured out what to do with your tax refund, one option might be to make a contribution to your retirement account. With a decline in employee-sponsored

pension plans and social security hanging in the air, many Americans must rely on their own savings to provide for their financial needs in retirement. There are alternatives to securing

RCB Bank employees Kim James and Ashley Wood (front row) and Jocelyn Wood, Kyle Head and Tiffany Gragg (back row).

your financial future. There are two types of Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), one that offers tax advantages now and one that offers tax advantages later. When deciding which IRA is best for you, Jenni Pilgrim, RCB Bank VP Corporate Retail Coordinator, recommends speaking to a tax advisor to see which plan benefits your tax situation. Let’s look at the two types of IRAs: Traditional and Roth. A Traditional IRA gives tax advantages for saving for retirement. You may be able to take a full or partial tax deduction for the amount contributed to your plan. “The main benefit of a Traditional IRA is that it lowers taxable income,” says Pilgrim. In short: Contributions are tax deductible (eligibility requirements apply); interest grows tax-deferred until it is taken out; contributions cannot be made after age 70 ½ when required minimum distributions begin; taxes are paid on the interest earned in the account at the time of distribution (when the money is taken out). Money put into a Roth IRA


is taxed before it is deposited into the account and any interest earned is tax-free when it is taken out, as long as you meet the plan requirements. “Another great benefit is that when you turn 70 ½ you are not required to take money out of the account, as you are with a Traditional IRA,” said Pilgrim. The basics of the plan are: Roths are not tax deductible; contributions and earnings in the account grow tax free; at 70 ½ you do not have to make required minimum distributions; qualified distributions are tax-free. Other tidbits about IRAs: Contributions made to Traditional and Roth plans must not exceed annual contribution limits ($5,500 in 2013). That means you can’t make a $5,000 contribution to your Roth and a $5,000 to your Traditional in the same year. You can make a “carryback” contribution from January 1-April 15 for the previous year. Meaning, you can allocate contributions to go toward your 2012 IRA limit up to April 15, 2013. If you are over age 50, you can make a catch up contribution of $1,000 in addition to the $5,500 maximum contribution for 2013. That means $6,500 can be invested in 2013. At 59 ½ you can withdraw money from your IRA penaltyfree for living expenses to supplement income. “It’s never too early to start saving for retirement,” Pilgrim

Page 23

said. “A lot of people underestimate what they will need when they retire. Speak to a financial planner or tax advisor now to find out how much you will need to save for retirement and start putting away any amount you can, even if it’s only $500 a year. That’s $500 you can put toward medical bills, insurance, groceries, cost of living, anything later on.” RCB Bank can help you get started. One product it offers is an 18-month variable IRA that can be set up as a Traditional or Roth. You can open the IRA with an initial $250 deposit and then add $1 or more at any time. The plan offers automatic renewal or the ability to make plan changes at the end of its term. Plus, it is FDIC insured. If you can’t make the initial $250 deposit, you still have options, said Pilgrim. “Take what you can from each paycheck, put in a savings account until you build up to $250, and then open up an IRA account. Don’t leave your financial future up to chance, start saving however much you can now.” Stop by any RCB Bank branch to talk about opening a Traditional or Roth IRA or other options that may be open to you.

For more information, contact

RCB Bank

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Page 24

April 2013



Shearing Sheep the Biblical, Historical and Global Way Shepherd’s Cross’s Woolly Weekend, April 26-27, is a “sheep to shawl” experience on an authentic working sheep farm.

By Carol Beck-Round Woolly Weekend, an annual event at Shepherd’s Cross, was born from a desire to teach people about sheep, their value and their products. “People began to ask about the process and wanted to see how we shear sheep,” says Dr. Diane Dickinson, who owns and operates the working farm, along with her husband, Peter. “It started with a few families and the list grew. We didn’t plan to have an event; it just developed out of people’s interest.” What makes Shepherd’s Cross and the Woolly Weekend “sheep to shawl” event one you don’t want to miss? On this working farm, the sheep, according to Dr. Dickinson, are shorn the old-fashioned way: biblically, historically and globally. “Shearing the sheep is a necessity, as the sheep must be shorn in preparation for the heat of the summer. They would suffer heat prostration as well as other ailments if they were not given a haircut each year,” she says. “In giving the sheep a shearing, the shepherd demonstrates his love for the sheep.” The family has been raising sheep for over 20 years. Wanting to teach themselves how to shear

the old-fashioned way, they started with a book. “We’d look at the book and then the sheep,” she laughs. “It was a rough learning curve.” According to Dr. Dickinson, very few sheep flocks exist in America today. “There are fewer flocks now than before recorded history in the mid-1800s,” she says. “Most of our sheep products are now imported.” Maybe that’s what makes their annual Woolly Weekend so special. Beginning Friday, April 26 at 10 a.m. and continuing through Saturday evening, visitors to Shepherd’s Cross will have an opportunity to experience the methods used during Biblical times, which are also historically correct and continue to be used globally in countries where a modern industrialized wool mill does not exist. A true “sheep to shawl” event means the wool is shorn from the first sheep of the weekend and turned into a shawl by the end of the event. “As far as I know, we host the only authentic ‘sheep to shawl’ event in Oklahoma,” she says. The public will be able to watch as the sheep are shorn and see the wool

9146 S. Memorial Dr.

processed on site – washed, combed, spun and woven into a finished product. The farm museum will also be open with demonstrations of drop spinning, carding, spinning wheels, weaving and other wool fiber arts. Because Shepherd’s Cross is home to a non-profit Christian organization called Heart of the Shepherd, the event will also include Biblical references to sheep, shepherding and wool processing. “Using Isaiah 53, we interweave the message as we shear the sheep,” she says. “It’s a living parable, and it changes people’s perspective on that scripture.” In addition to observing the sheep shearing process, visitors can tour the Bible Garden, shop for “woolly” and farm-related gifts and wares in the Shepherd’s Shop, and sample farm-fresh American lamb raised in the pastures at Shepherd’s Cross. Linda Coons, Country Inn Bed and Breakfast and Catering Services, will prepare the lamb samples. “Samples come from our 100 percent natural grass fed lamb meat,” she adds. Shepherd’s Cross, located north of Claremore and

Mon-Fri: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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30 minutes,” says Dr. Dickinson. “We do encourage groups of 20 or more to call or email us to pre-schedule.” The event is available free of charge but a donation of $3 per individual is suggested. For more information, visit

supported in part by the American Lamb Board, is an accredited Agritourism facility, a Made-in-Oklahoma company and a member of the Oklahoma Food Co-op. Woolly Weekend will proceed even in the case of inclement weather. All demonstrations will take place in the Amish-built barn, which houses some of the animals as well as the wool processing, farm museum and gift shop. Many items are handcrafted by local artisans. “A sheep is shorn, and the process is repeated about every


Tulsa, OK 74133

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Dr. Diane Dickson demonstrates the authentic way of spinning wool, part of the Shepherd’s Cross Woolly Weekend.

9146 S Memorial Dr (918) 481-8000

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April 2013




Vendors Sought for Route 66 Blowout


Presenting Sponsor • Logo on Event T-shirts • Business name on trophies • Premium logo display on advertising • Logo on over the street banner • Up to 5 free booth or car spaces

Food and other vendors are needed for the Route 66 Blowout – Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show on Saturday, June 1. Applications are due May 20.

City of Sapulpa, Sapulpa Platinum Sponsor Tourism and Creek County.

By Annette Bowles Event organizers are seeking vendors for the Route 66 Blowout – Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show. This event, presented by Danny

Beck Chevrolet, Waste Management, Sapulpa Main Street and Sapulpa Tourism, will be at held in historic downtown

Sapulpa, Saturday, June l, 2013. Food vendor space is being rented for $250 or $150 for snack items, i.e. candy and nuts. Non-food vendor space is renting for $60 (early bird) until Monday, May 13 and $75 after. Application forms can be picked up at the Sapulpa Main Street office located at 101 E. Dewey. Those interested can also call the Main Street office at (918) 224-5709 to receive forms via email or fax. You may also upload the forms from Sapulpa Main Street’s Facebook page or from the website, Application and payment deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday, May 20. This family friendly event is being made possible through the work of Sapulpa Main Street, For more information, contact

Sapulpa Main Street 101 E. Dewey Sapulpa, OK 74066

(918) 224-5709 Attendees fill the streets at the Route 66 Blowout – Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show.

Page 25

Choose to Sponsor one of the Following: • Kids Zone • Beer Garden • Live Music Stage • DJ Booth • Car Registration Plus Receive the Following: • Logo in advertising • Logo on event poster • 2 Free booth or car spaces


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Bronze Sponsor • Name on event poster • Name on Bronze Sponsor Banner


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Page 26

April 2013

TULSA continued from page 1

Cash In On Old Treasures monitored. We realize that people are coming to us with their valuables, and we want our customers to feel secure throughout the transaction.” In addition to the online resources and promises of security, Tulsa Gold and Gems offers a high-tech piece of machinery, the Spectrum Analyzer, which measures metal composition in 10 seconds. The use of this machinery helps to ensure

an accurate understanding of the purity of your piece, thereby allowing Tulsa Gold and Gems to give customers the most money for their treasures. What started as a hobby 30 years ago with Spencer’s grandfather and then transformed into private diamond sales with his father, Tulsa Gold and Gems has become a mecca for gold and diamond buying in Tulsa. With its friendly

atmosphere and no-hassle tactics, Tulsa Gold and Gems is a sure bet for earning a few extra bucks. Hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 to 2 p.m. Call Tulsa Gold and Gems at (918) 743-2274 for more information. Also, visit Tulsa Gold and Gems online at

For more information, contact

Tulsa Gold and Gems 9014 S. Yale Ave. #200 Tulsa, OK 74137

(918) 743-2274

continued from page 1

Exit This Way, Please Sally Perez and Rena McBee and never looked back. Both Sally and Rena have been licensed realtors for 20 years. Sally practiced as an independent broker for 16.5 years and owned her own mortgage company. Rena, also immensely successful, established a brokerage firm that expanded into seven locations complete with a real-estate office. Both served as President Elect of Oklahoma Association of Mortgage Brokers. Sally served as director on the MLS board, while Rena sat as Chair of

the Western Region for Continuing Education. The vast amount of knowledge and dedication to clients has made EXIT Realty a success in Tulsa. Sally and Rena have managed to achieve an astounding 97% list to sell price in nondistressed sales. In layman’s terms, these master realtors manage to sell homes for at least 97% of the original sale price. Not only are these stats far above the national average, but in a buyers’ market, this speaks volumes to sellers. In addition,

the average time on the market for nondistressed sales is a whopping 62 days. “We really work hard for our clients. We understand the stress of home buying and selling,” Rena explains. It is this same spirit of dedication that has led these two ladies to teach home buying seminars through the Community Action Project and the Metro Tulsa Urban League. “With the changing regulations, first time home buyers need education. Between the two of us, we have experience

in all niches of the industry: foreclosures, short sales and more. We can really help home buyers find money that they don’t even know exists,” Rena encourages. “When clients sign with us, they really get two for the price of one. We take a team approach to the business to make sure that we are available 24/7.” Their availability combined with the multimedia products, paperless transactions, warm service and successful track record is sure to encourage buyers and sellers to invest in EXIT

Assistance for Seniors and Their Families free senior living placement and referral services for the greater Tulsa area. The reasons for needing to transition an elder into a different living situation are vast and may include declining physical or mental health, lack of support system available in case of emergency, or inability to take care of home maintenance needs. “Many people realize, ‘This is what we need to do,’ but they’re unsure exactly how to go about it,” says Michelle Brown, coowner of Assisted Transition with Mark Smith. “Our services are geared toward families that have planned ahead and are prepared for the change, but need help in finding the right home for their family member.” Assisted Transition assists families in finding the right assisted living community, independent living community, residential care home, nursing home, home care provider, or memory support/Alzheimer’s community. They also help find respite short-term stay and hospice care. “We are here to help you understand all of your options,” explains Michelle, a registered nurse with a specialty in home health. “The terminology can be very confusing. We will explain the differences and help determine the right living situation for your loved one.” Michelle and Mark say that many older people have negative associations with moving out of their home, as it can make them feel as if they’re no longer useful or worthwhile citizens. “However, most people find that giving up the obligations of home maintenance allows them to focus on other aspects of their lives,” says Mark. “Independent living, for example, offers tremendous benefits emotionally, physically and psychologically, providing seniors the luxury they deserve in this state of their life. These communities consist of individual apartments in a facility that provides meals, interaction with their peers and pleasurable activities. When an elderly person lives alone and does not experience this socialization, depression can seep in, which can cause them to mimic the signs of early dementia.” Assisted living is another option that may be right for your situation. These facilities include help with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing and

medication management. All services at Assisted Transition are provided at no cost. A meeting is scheduled between Michelle or Mark and the senior and their family, either at the Assisted Transition office or the person’s home. “We assess their situation and match their needs and wants with what is available in the community,” says Michelle. “Factors may include price, geographic location, services available, environment of the facility, and much more. As a registered nurse for 28 years, I am also able to read between the lines and provide insight into the senior’s needs that the family may not be aware of.” After the initial meeting, Mark or Michelle will narrow down the choices available and tour and evaluate the facilities. Upon determining the best options, they will personally drive the senior and family to the best matched locations for a guided tour. Once a selection has been made and the person moved to the right facility, they follow up to ensure that all expectations have been met. As a certified senior advisor, Mark is able to offer advice on the variety of financial, health and social issues seniors face. He also works with the VA to assist veterans in making sure they receive their full benefits. This service is especially close to Mark’s heart, as he is a veteran of the Aviation Branch of the United States Army. Michelle and Mark truly care about seniors in our community and want to provide families the assistance they need to make the transition as comfortable as possible. “This is a difficult and confusing time, and our goal is to make this change easier and less stressful for everyone involved, with personalized, compassionate, selfless service,” says Michelle.

Realty. Open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment, call EXIT Realty at (918) 994-4848. Visit for more information.

For more information, contact

EXIT Realty Connexx 10203 E 61st St., Suite A, Tulsa, OK 74133

(918) 994-4848

continued from page 1

6808 S. Memorial Tulsa (918) 615-6070 ext#807

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April 2013


Page 27

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Page 28

April 2013



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April 2013


Page 29

GGrow Your Garden Tulsa Garden Center hosts the 2013 “SpringFest Garden Market and Festival” April 12 and 13.

By Mike Blake Is it spring yet? Even if you can’t tell by the weather, now’s the time to be planning your garden. Tulsa Garden Center can help you create a great garden that will be the envy of your neighbors and friends. Join us at

2435 S. Peoria on April 12 and 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the annual SpringFest Garden Market and Festival, where you will find everything to create a beautiful garden. There will be every imaginable type of plant,

gardening information, garden art, unique arts and craft vendors, food, and fun for the whole family. Area nurseries will offer the newest and best selections for 2013. Linnaeus Gardeners will

Shoppers enjoy the variety at SpringFest Garden Market and Festival.

A vast selection of plants will be available at the annual SpringFest Garden Market and Festival.

be available to answer your gardening questions. They will also be selling pass-along plants from their own gardens for Tulsa area gardeners. Bring the whole family and get ready to spend a fun-filled day at this spring event. There will be a children’s area with a variety of activities. While strolling along the beautiful landscape of the mansion’s front lawn, you will have the opportunity to shop for those special garden plants. Vendors outside and inside the historical Tulsa Garden Center home will offer exceptional craft items for you, your home and garden. Also, inside the mansion you will find a bird house auction and a food concession with tasty items. After your shopping, be sure to visit the beautiful Linnaeus

Teaching Gardens, a state-of-theart demonstration garden in Woodward Park which offers an array of ideas for the home gardener. Mark your calendar now to attend this gardening extravaganza on April 12 and 13. Proceeds from SpringFest Garden Market and Festival benefit the Tulsa Garden Center. For more information call (918) 746-5125 or visit the website at

For more information, contact

Tulsa Garden Center 2435 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74114

(918) 746-5125

Tulsa Urology

RICHARD B. SAINT M.D., F.A.C.S. Dr. Saint completed his undergraduate studies, medical school internship and residency all at Indiana University and has been practicing in the Tulsa area for over 20 years. He is board certified by the American Board of Urology. He formerly served as the president of the Oklahoma Urological Association, a board member on the admissions committee of the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine and as chief of the urology section at St. John Medical Center. Currently a clinical assistant professor of urology at the University of Oklahoma, he is considered a regional authority in Urologic oncology and complex urinary tract reconstruction and has served as a moderator on these topics at the South Central Section meeting of the American Urological Association. He performed the first bladder replacement procedure in the state of Oklahoma in 1992 following the removal of the bladder for cancer and remains the most experienced surgeon in the state in this and other complex reconstruction of the urinary tract in adults.


Tulsa Urology




Page 30

April 2013


The Face of Climate Change BY SHIRLEY HALL

The global theme for Earth Day 2013 is “The Face of Climate Change”. Celebrations are planned worldwide; however on March 22, 2013, thirty-one countries celebrated World Water Day. These celebrations highlighted caring for water and the importance of healthy hydration. Are these two days so different? We’ve heard the stories of tsunami debris washing ashore along our Western coastline; yet little is said about how this debris affects our drinking water. In March of this year headlines across the internet read: “Japanese Tsunami Debris STILL Washing Up …as Dead Fish and Birds are Found with Stomachs full of Plastic”. Tsunami debris is washing ashore all along our western coastline. You know the science of what wind and rain can carry. How are you protecting yourself and those you care about most? Perhaps like many Americans you’ve turned to bottled water. It’s healthier, cheaper, safer, and tastes better, right? Wrong! Unregulated bottled water is often of lower quality, is 2,000 times more expensive than tap water and – unknown

to most; one third of bottled water is actually filtered tap water. Corporate marketing schemes have led us to believe bottled water is clean and healthy while city tap water is bad and dangerous. In 2006, Fiji Water ran ads bragging their product doesn’t come from Cleveland; only to have tests show a glass of Fiji water was lower in quality than Cleveland tap water, OOPS! Then there’s all that plastic. Trends toward REUSABLE bottles have gained significant momentum. Surprised? Despite this trend, 80% of bottles end up in landfills or incinerators. Oil and energy needed to fuel a million cars is used to manufacture water bottles each year - is this environmentally friendly?

Corporate Accountability International reported it costs cities more than $70 million to landfill water bottles each year. Yet Americans consume half a billion bottles every week. Bottled water is a $5 billion dollar a year industry in the US alone. On World Water Day we were asked to pause and consider the insanity of a global economy where a billion people lack access to safe drinking water while other people spend billions on a bottled product that's no cleaner, harms people and the environment and costs up to 2,000 times the price of tap water. Anne Leonard’s film, “The Story of Water” asks us to “pledge to avoid buying and drinking bottled water unless it is unhealthy to drink local water where you live– you can buy a water filter and donate the money you save to help developing countries improve their infrastructure and convince local politicians to invest in our public water system, so we can get safe, healthy water right from the tap.” We strongly agree !

For additional information contact us, Tabitha and Patrick Taylor, owners of Environmental Resources. 918-496-0360 •

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April 2013


Page 31


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South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge WE’LL BEAT CHRYSLER 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 COMPETITOR’S COUPON Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with Bring us any published coupon or advertised special from any Chrysler competitor and we’ll beat it!

other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 5/15/13.

OIL CHANGE Includes up to 5qts. MOPAR Oil. Excludes: SRT, Crossfire, Viper & Diesel


Plus tax & shop supplies

South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge • 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 5/15/13.




Reg. $32.95 Plus tax, with coupon only.

South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge • 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 5/15/13.

Any Make! Any Model! Foreign or Domestic.

Use Express Lane for Routine Maintenance Lube, Oil & Filter Changes, Tire Rotation with Brake Inspection

South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Coupon. Expires 5/15/13.


FREE with Any Service: Automatic Carwash & Multi-Point Inspection

M-F 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Sat. 7 a.m. - 4 p.m

Multi-Point Inspection Wiper Blade Replacement



Every Express Lane Lube, Oil & Filter Change Includes: • • • • • • •

Check & Fill Antifreeze Test Battery Check & Fill Brake Fluid Check & Fill Differential Fluid Check & Fill Power Steering Fluid Check & Adjust Tire Pressure Check & Fill Transmission Fluid (if applicable) • Check & Fill Windshield Solvent



South Pointe Chrysler Jeep Dodge • 92nd & Memorial • (918) 584-1481 Plus tax & disposal fees. Please present coupon at time of service write-up. May not be combined with other coupons. Expires: 5/15/13. Coupon

Valid on regular price OEA or OEM Tires

We SELL Tires! 9146 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133


debit card

Mon-Fri: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.





OIL CHANGE • Lube Oil & Filter • Tire Rotation • Multipoint Inspection • Top off fluids • Up to 5 qts. of conventional 10W/30 oil

$ ! s u l p


95 Plus tax and disposal fees

South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S. Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000. Chevrolet Vehicles only. Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 4/30/13







Chevrolet Vehicles only. Valid only at South Pointe. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 4/30/13


Rebate is issued as a debit card. Chevrolet vehicles only. Valid only at South Pointe. All rebates must be submitted by 5/31/13. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts, specials or wholesale orders. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 4/30/13.


Buy select tires and if you find a better price within 30 days of the purchase, we’ll refund ‡ the difference. See dealer for eligible tire brands.



$10 Off

Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up.

Expires 4/30/13 Coupon Coupon

SATURN OIL, FILTER & TIRE ROTATION Regular price $39.95 • Lube, Oil, Filter Change Conventional Valvoline Oil • Rotate 4 Tires 20 pt. Inspection • With coupon only


debit card

Expires 4/30/13 Coupon

South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S Memorial Dr (918) 481-8000



South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S Memorial Dr (918) 481-8000 With this coupon. Must present when order is written. Plus tax, shop supplies, hazardous waste fee, if applicable. Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up.

We guarantee the LOWEST PRICE! South Pointe Chevrolet 9146 S. Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000.


Rebate is issued as a debit card. Chevrolet vehicles only. Valid only at South Pointe. All rebates must be submitted by 5/31/13. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts, specials or wholesale orders. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 4/30/13.

$100-$199 . . . . . . . . . . . $15 $200-$299 . . . . . . . . . . . $20 $300-$399 . . . . . . . . . . . $30 $400-$499 . . . . . . . . . . . $40 $500-$599 . . . . . . . . . . . $50 $600-$699 . . . . . . . . . . . $60 $700-$899 . . . . . . . . . . . $75 $900-more . . . . . . . . . . $100

Bring us any published coupon or advertised special from any Chevrolet competitor and we’ll beat it!

*Most Vehicles

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Local competitor’s ad/written estimate or Internet quote including freight charges for identical tire(s) required during guarantee period for price match. Expires 4/30/13. Coupon

FREE with any service!  Brake Inspection  Undercarriage & Suspension Check  Automatic Car Wash

10% Off Coupon


South Pointe Saturn • 9146 S Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000

South Pointe Saturn • 9146 S Memorial Dr • (918) 481-8000

Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. Saturn Vehicles only. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 4/30/13

Valid only at South Pointe Chevrolet. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts or specials. Please present the coupon at time of write up. Expires 4/30/13



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