AIESEC Romania Q3 2011 Report 1. Measures of success Analysis Measures of Success for AIESEC Romania Term 2011-‐2012
Realized Q3 2010
Number of Members Number of Team Member Programs Number of Team Leader Programs Number of Global Internships Programs -‐ Incoming Internships -‐ Outgoing Internships Number of Community Development Prgs -‐ Incoming NonCorporate experiences -‐ Outgoing NonCorporate experiences Youth Engaged -‐ Offline -‐ Online OrganizaEons Engaged Alumni Made Incomes -‐ NaEonal CommiFee Incomes -‐ Local CommiFees Incomes
Planed Q3 2011
Realized Q3 2011
Achievement Rate Q3
487 1,216 1,182 NA 970 851 347 140 279 46 92 63 4 12 7 42 80 56 141 210 221 95 125 127 46 85 94 NA 2095 1881 NA 590 1143 NA 1505 738 NA 213 151 NA 44 5 €58,377 €100,695 €74,425 €4,102 €28,183 €16,356 €54,275 €78,695 €60,425
97% 88% 100% 68% 58% 70% 100% 100% 100% 90% 100% 49% 71% 11% 74% 58% 77%
Overall RealizaEon of ObjecEves Q3 2011
Absolute Growth 10-‐11
RelaEve Growth 10-‐11
695 142.7% NA NA -‐68 -‐19.6% 17 37.0% 3 75.0% 14 33.3% 80 56.7% 32 33.7% 48 104.3% NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA €16,048 27.5% €12,254 298.7% €6,150 11.3%
2. MC Performance Tracker Team PrioriEes Q3
Jul Score
Aug Score
Sep Score
Overall Q3 Score
84.60 88.50 76.50 74.20 85.00 32.00 50.00 84.70 75.00 75.15
94.00 91.50 68.23 79.50 78.00 87.32 76.75 88.50 80.00 76.50
81.00 80.60 87.25 38.75 84.00 59.00 61.80 94.50 78.00 94.00
86.53 86.87 77.33 64.15 82.33 59.44 62.85 89.23 77.67 81.88
72.57 82.03
Performance of MC members
1. Financial SituaEon Oana Gavril 2. NaEonal IniEaEves CrisEna Banuta 3. Recruitment Q4 Daniela Coman 4. NaEonal Projects Ramona Bilic 5. “Gala Premilor in ValenEn Sava EducaEa” Awards Iulia Tonu Razvan Vlad Catalin Adam Oana Bulmaga Michael Omescu
VP Incoming Non-‐corporate Exch. VP Outgoing Exchange VP External RelaEons VP Incoming Corporate Exchange VP CommunicaEon VP Finance VP Talent Management VP LC Development VP Alumni RelaEons President Overall Team Score
3. Financial Report Category Start Balance Total Incomes Total Expenses End Balance
€650 €6,808 €4,818
-‐€238 €5,330 €1,843
-‐37% 78% 38%
€2,640 €3,249 €13,500 €14,590 €11,783 €9,762
123% 108% 83%
€3,731 €7,000 €4,913
€8,077 €248 €4,068
216% 4% 83%
Overall Q3 Realized
€27,308 €20,167 €21,514 €15,673
74% 73%
AIESEC Ro man ia | Buc harest | Rom ania | r om ania @aiesec .net | www.aiesec .ro