Day in Life: Aaron Fung

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One Day in the


Aaron Fung When Aaron arrived at Vanderbilt, he wanted to unlock all the knowledge his classmates brought with them. So he started Owen Insights, a student-led series offering advice on everything from Excel to personal finance. Perfect training for his new role as a Relationship Manager for Credit Suisse in San Francisco.

MBA (Finance, Strategy, HOP)

2012 Class

Aaron Fung 7:30 AM

1:30 PM

Wake up with a cup of coffee. I may be partially responsible for the 140 percent rise in Starbucks’ stock price since I arrived at Owen. No time today for oatmeal or an omelette—just a pastry. Sigh.

Monetary and Fiscal Policy class with Dewey Daane, who was appointed to the Federal Reserve Board by JFK. Our guest speakers might be Don Kohn (former Vice Chair of the Fed) or Peter Fisher (Head of Fixed Income Portfolio Management at Blackrock). Oh, and our final speaker of the year? Paul Volcker. Yep.

9:40 AM

Walking into a classroom to the sounds of Run DMC is never something you expect…unless you have Negotiation class with Tim Vogus. Today he’s giving awards for students’ real-world negotiation papers, which range from asking people on dates to haggling over spa services.

4:00 PM

Time for some emails and calendar updates. On the docket for the following week: swimming on Monday night, a happy hour on Tuesday night and a nice dinner on the town on Wednesday.

11:30 AM

Team meeting for my Compensation class. We’re building a functional compensation model for a fictional technology startup, and my peers spend 15 minutes poking fun at me for antics from karaoke last week before we get to work.

7:00 PM

Vanderbilt University’s annual Impact Symposium, where world leaders discuss the future of American foreign policy. Tonight’s speakers: General Wesley Clark and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman (who addresses us in fluent Mandarin Chinese). Tomorrow night: former UN Ambassador Bill Richardson and former President of Mexico Vicente Fox.

1:00 PM

Today at lunch, I host a session of Owen Insights, a program I created where students teach classmates on topics they know intimately. Today Anne Marie is leading a session on “Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile.” (She’s going to LinkedIn this summer as one of their first-ever HR interns.)

10:00 PM

Finally home and able to grab dinner. Tonight, my only goals are to send my mom photos of a recent trip to Charleston, scan Facebook for any fun articles and watch Madagascar (the monkeys are hilarious!).



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