Vanessa Cain 07896 632 933
Vanessa Cain
Leeds College of Art
This book I created to go alongside an essay for my Context of Practice module. The outcome produced is a 100 page B5 perfect bound coffee table book of the evolution of the female body ideal showing through the decades how the female body ideal has changed. The aesthetic and layout of my publication is clean and minimal to let the imagery speak for itself - also not wanting to overwhelm the reader with large amounts of text. The module has allowed me to develop a range of skills such as; research skills, critical analysis to more practical skills, such as book binding.
Vanessa Cain
Leeds College of Art
•Neptune •Saturn •Mars
YCN Brief
This was a collaborative brief set by YCN to get Fathers to read more to their children for 10 minutes a day. The theme needed to be gender neutral so that it would appeal to both boys and girls. At the same time it needed to be appropriate and engaging to catch the fathers’ attention. The one theme we thought would work really well is Space. Space, conceptually has some great links to encouraging your child to read. It also allowed us to use a lot of puns, and create intriguing images and interesting illustrations.
Vanessa Cain
YCN Brief
Leeds College of Art
We designed an app for Save the Children aimed at Father’s as men generally are into technology. We made the decision of calling the app, ‘planet’, to help plan your child’s reading. The apps main purpose was to make reading easier by making reading on-the-go as well as being able to download books on it, tick them off once their read, with helpful book suggestions and activities. It also helps to track your child’s reading progress, with a progress chart of how often you read to your child and for how long.
Vanessa Cain
Leeds College of Art
An exhibition exploring the sacred geometry used within Egypt’s largest pyramids and their connection with the constellation Orion.
This brief was to create a poster for an exhibition on sacred geometry to get people interacting with the exhibition and visiting/promoting the website. I wanted to promote sacred geometry and encouraging people to take a deeper interest in ancient design. As the topic is rich in history and ancient, I want this to be reflected in my print and advertising by using gold screen-print.
Vanessa Cain
'She is a master of her material, a writer in whom great talentabides' Muriel Spark, Vanity Fair
'Her novels stand out as performances of real originality and extraordinary promise' John Bayley
This was my entry for the brief set by Penguin brief, to design a book cover for ‘Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit’. I have drawn themes from the book such as coming of age, homosexuality and sex. Thus the concept behind the simple vector illustrations of the orange segments could possibly resemble the female vaginal anatomy. I wanted the cover to look contemporary, to should appeal to a contemporary, enquiring and literary readership.
VINTAGE BOOKS FICTION UK £8.99 CAN $18.99 Random House
LOVE TO READ: LOVE VINTAGE I S B N 978-0-09959-818-3
780099 598183
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit
This is the story of Jeanette, adopted and brought up by her mother as one of God's elect. Zealous and passionate, she seems destined for life as a missionary, but then she falls for one of her converts. At sixteen, Jeanette decides to leave the church, her home and her family, for the young woman she loves. Innovative, punchy and tender, Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit is a few days’ ride into the bizarre outposts of religious excess and human obsession.
Jeanette Winterson
Leeds College of Art
'Many consider her to be the best living writer in this language . . . In her hands, words are fluid, radiant, humming' Evening Standard
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit
Design by .....
Jeanette Winterson
Vanessa Cain
Leeds College of Art
This was a project for Purity Coffee, ‘ The World’s Healthiest Coffee’. The target market is health conscious coffee enthusiasts - the brand appealing to women. I primarily focused on creating a clean, contemporary, minimal logo to emphasis the brand being the ‘purest’ coffee’ on the market.
Vanessa Cain
Sela Bar
This brief was set by Leeds College of Art’s student magazine NEST, which promotes local creative businesses in and around Leeds. The brief was to create a B5 advert for Sela Bar (a live music venue) to go in the magazine. As I enjoy creating posters and adverts, I wanted to create something unique and different for Sela Bar. I used the silhouette of two heads facing each other, bold colours and a psychedelic style to emphasis it a lively sociable place to be.
Leeds College of Art
Vanessa Cain
Leeds College of Art
Plato The Republic
This brief was to undertake research to uncover a notable ‘thinker’ – a theorist or philosopher – whose concepts or views resonate with you and design a book cover. I choose The Republic by Plato I find Plato’s allegory of the cave incredibly interesting and thought provoking. For such a philosophical classic written in 380BC I decided to create a contemporary cover for it. It is designed to look like a cave entrance. My design was displayed in the ‘Covered’ exhibition held in Leeds Central Library.
with an introduction by MELISSA LANE
Vanessa Cain
Leeds College of Art
Christmas Cards!
For Christmas, I produced my own gold screen-printed Christmas cards. I used the project to practice my illustrative skills... Apologies for the really bad quality photograph on the right does not do justice!
Vanessa Cain
Think Design.
This was a theoretical concept for an exhibition at Munro House, Leeds as part of my dissertation to actively raise awareness of the profiles of women currently and within the history of Graphic Design. I named the exhibition, ‘Think Design’ as a play on words from pioneer Design Writer and Educator, Ellen Lupton who quoted, ‘Think more, design less’. The idea behind ‘Think Design’ being obviously.. to think design but thinking less about gender and solely focus on the work and learn about the designers presented in exhibition. I used a contemporary, minimal design style, because I do not want to be gender-specific and I want to appeal to a young creative audience (16-25) of both men and women who are going to become the future of the creative industries and acknowledge and to be more aware of women in design.
Leeds College of Art
Vanessa Cain
Leeds College of Art
TUESDAY 16TH FEBRUARY / HEADROW HOUSE DOORS 20:00 / TICKETS ADV £4 / 18+ Admission: £4 advance tickets, available from SeeTickets, Jumbo & Crash Records. £6 OTD
Admission: £4 advance tickets, available from SeeTickets, Jumbo & Crash Records. £6 OTD
Currently, I am collaborating and working on the promotional work for a band called , ‘Heir’, a pop group from Leeds College of Music. I am working on posters, tv adverts, flyers and all sorts for their launch EP night in February.
Vanessa Cain
Secret 7
This was my entry for Secret 7 which takes 7 tracks from 7 of the best-known musicians around and presses each one 100 times to 7 vinyl. They then invite creatives from around the world to interpret the tracks in their own style. This is my album sleeve for Diana Ross’s song, Reflections, which is one of the most popular examples of the influence of psychedelic rock on the soul genre. Psychedelic soul challenges the traditional Motown sound and I wanted my cover to reflect these influences.
Leeds College of Art
Vanessa Cain
Dr. Me
A series of mix-media collages a brief set by Dr. Me, a creative studio based in Manchester.
Leeds College of Art