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Daniel Ferreira Gripp 1º Período – Letras

• Há na língua inglesa dois tipos de artigos o Indefinite article (Artigo indefinido) e o Definite article (Artigo definido),veremos no decorrer dessa pesquisa conceitos,exemplos e de casos onde usamos cada um desses artigos além de uma lista de exercícios com os mesmos. • O artigo indefinido determina o substantivo de modo vago, impreciso, enquanto o artigo definido determina o substantivo de modo preciso, particular. He gave me a flower (pode ter sido qualquer flor) The flower he gave me is very beautiful.

woman yacht uniform

O u da palavra uniform bem como de algumas palavras iniciadas por u, ĂŠ pronunciado yu,tendo, portanto som de semivogal.

Usa-se o artigo an diante de palavras iniciadas por vogal. airplane engineer indian orchestra umbrella

Na maioria das palavras iniciadas por u, essa letra tem som de vogal parecido com um a fechado.

hour honest man

Empregos do artigo indefinido

Singular, contável Com certas expressões numéricas: We work five days a week ( a month...) Singular, contável A million dollars; a thousand times

Omissão do artigo indefinido

O artigo indefinido não é usado : - Diante de palavras no plural There is a guard in front of the consulate singular

There are guards in front of the consulate plural

- Diante de palavras incontáveis Please bring me cup of coffee Incontável

His coat is made of leather incontável

The (o, a, os, as) The students are listening to the teacher plural


Emprego do artigo definido O artigo definido ĂŠ usado: Diante de um substantivo comum. What is the name of the game?

Diante de instrumentos musicais. Do you play the piano? Diante de superlativos. You are the most intelligent. You are the best Diante de nomes de: Oceanos, mares, rios: the Atlantic; the Mediterranean, Montanhas; the Alps; grupos de paĂ­ses: the United Kingdom; HotĂŠis, cinemas, museus,clubes, restaurantes, etc.

Diante de adjetivos substantivados The rich should help the poor. Omissão do artigo definido Não se usa artigo indefinido: Diante de nomes próprios (pessoas, países, continentes, cidades, ruas, etc.) Paris is the capital of France Exceptions: the United States, the North/ South Pole, the Artic/ Antarctic

Diante de possessivos You are my best friend Diante de substantivos usados no sentido geral. Life is full of surprises. Mais exemplos: I like apples (sentido geral) The apples you gave me are delicious (maças específicas ) I had dinner at a restaurant (inespecífico, geral) The dinner we had last week was fantastic (específico)

01 – A or an ? a)



b) an





d) a

yellow submarine

e) an


f) a


Fonte: FERRARI, Mariza Tie, InglĂŞs,1996, p.42

02- Insert a or an in its correct place a) b) c) d)

He wants to be an not a doctor What a sinister note in your voice ! There was a happy tone in his singing Even a policeman cannot say that a pennant is offensive

Fonte: FERRARI, Mariza Tie, InglĂŞs,1996, p.42

03- Use “the” onde for necessário. a) Innocent spectators are often injured. b) People want love. c) Last football game was most violent of all. d) If you go to London, visit Tames. e) Money can help poor The Last football game was most violent of all. If you go to London, visit the Thames. Money can help the poor. Fonte: FERRARI, Mariza Tie, Inglês,1996, p.43

04 – Now you have to read about someone’s job and then write what his or her job is Example: Ron flies in aeroplanes. He’s a pilot a) Vera types letters na office. She is a Typist b) Mary teaches mathematics. She is a Teacher c) Stella looks after patients in hospital. She is a Doctor. d) Martha directs films. She is a moviemaker. MURPHY,Raymond, English Gramar In Use 1985 2ed p.141

05 – Here again you have to put in a/ an .or the Examples: I’m looking for a job. Did Ann get the job she applied for?

a) Would you like an


b) Could you cloose the door, please? c) We live in a small flat near the centre of the city. d) Did the police find the person who stole your bicycle? MURPHY,Raymond, English Gramar In Use 1985 2ed p.143

06 – Decide whether these sentences require definite or indefinite articles. Add the appropriate article (a/an, the, some) in the blanks. There may be more than one correct answer

a) I didn’t bring the roses that you asked for. b) Would you like a cold iced tea. c) A

teacher was here to see you.

THEWLIS,Stephen. Grammar Dimensions Book 3.2ed. P.305

07 – Write the articles (a/an, some, the)in the spaces. More than one answer may be correct.

a) I saw a interest play last night. The actors were excellent, and the set was beautiful. However, the play itself was unfortunately not very well written.

THEWLIS,Stephen. Grammar Dimensions Book 3.2ed. P.306

FERRARI, Mariza Tie, InglĂŞs,1996, p.42 e 43 MURPHY,Raymond, English Gramar In Use 1985 2ed p.141e 143 THEWLIS,Stephen. Grammar Dimensions Book 3.2ed. P.305 e 306

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