Annual National Lectureship
Houston, Texas
Sunday Morning Worship -
Session Director: John Robinson ~ Houston, TX
9:30 - 9:50 AM
Devotional Period -
Song Leader: Anthony C. Fletcher, Jr. ~ Houston, TX
Prayer: Roy Johnson, Jr. ~ Sugar Land, TX
9:50 - 10:20 AM ■ Speaker: Lewis Parker, IV ~ Sugar Land, TX
“The Agency of Salvation: Telling Them Words Whereby They Might Be Saved” - Acts 11:14
10:20 - 11:05 AM ■ Speaker: Gary Smith ~ Houston, TX
“Realizing Great Sheet Evangelism: Considering No One Unclean that God Has Cleansed” - Acts 10:9-20; 27-29; 34-35
11:05 - 11:25 AM

11:25 - 11:35 AM
Communion & Offering: Michael Woodard ~ Houston, TX
Announcements: Billy R. Broom ~ Houston, TX
Closing Prayer: Barry Smith ~ Houston, TX
4:30 - 5:30 PM
Sunday Afternoon • K. K. Mitchell Memorial Musical
Session Director: Choral Group Singing: Melo-D-Heirs

Sunday Evening Worship -
Session Director: Winfred Frazier ~ Houston, TX
6:00 - 6:20 PM
Devotional Period -
Song Leader: Selwyn Maloy ~ Houston, TX
Prayer: Frank Melton III ~ Houston, TX
6:20 - 6:50 PM
6:50 - 7:20 PM
■ Speaker: Gene Rowe, Jr. ~ Texas City, TX
“Picking Up The Habit of Going to and Reasoning with Others of the Scriptures” - Acts 17:1-2
■ Speaker: Emanuel White ~ Forest Hill, TX
“The Credibility of Preachers: Telling Congregations the Same Things by Mouth” - Acts 15:25-27
Announcements: Larry Stephens, Sr. ~ Houston, TX

Closing Prayer: Abraham Johnson ~ Houston, TX

General Plenary Workshop Sessions - I
9:00 - 10:00 AM

Workshop Topic: “Marriage: Reconnecting and Healing Your Marriage”
■ Dr. Stanley Hubbard ~ Indianapolis, IN Location: Cottonwood Room
Workshop Topic: “The History of the Black Church in Texas”
■ Dr. Edward J. Robinson ~ Tyler, TX Location: Dogwood Room
Workshop Topic: “God’s Redemption Man’s Rejection”

■ Edward L. Maxwell ~ Suitland, MD
Location: Mesquite Room
Workshop Topic: “Biblical Perspective On Open Fellowship”
■ Dr. Harold Redd ~ Memphis, TN Location: Redbud Room
Workshop Topic: “The Blue Print for Developing and Growing A Congregation - I”
■ Charlie McClendon ~ Jacksonville, FL Location: Magnolia Room
Workshop Topic: “The Root and Fruit of Idolatry”
■ Dr. Loyd C. Harris ~ Little Rock, AR
Location: Imperial A
Workshop Topic: “The Ministry of Jesus Christ Committed To Earthen Vessels”
■ Dr. Harvey M. Jackson ~ Mt. Bayou, MS
Location: Imperial B
The “G. E. Steward” - Monday Morning Lyceum Session
- High Noon Chapel -

Theme: “Silver and Gold Have I None…”
Imperial Ballroom
Session Director: Troy James ~ Houston, TX
10:15 - 10:30 AM Devotional PeriodSong Leader: Arzell Draine ~ Houston, TX
10:30 - 11:00 AM ■ Speaker: Andrew Baxter ~ Little Rock, AR
“Commonalities that Ought to Be Common Among Christians” (Acts 2:42)
11:00 - 11:30 AM ■ Speaker: Jerry L. Macon ~ Louisville, KY
“The Condition of Congregational Fellowships; You Can’t Have Just Anybody Coming In and Going Out” (Acts 9:22-30)
11:30 - 12:00 PM ■ Speaker: DonBurnell Holly ~ Memphis, TN
“Being the 1st Century Church In the 21st Century World” (Acts 2:42, 47)
“High Noon Chapel”
12:00 - 12:30 PM ■ Speaker: Terry D. Wallace ~ Hernando, MS
“Do We Have to Be Scattered Out to Carry Out The Great Commission?” (Acts 8:1-4)
Session Ending Doxology
12:30 - 2:00 PM Lunch Break
General Plenary Workshop Sessions - II
2:00 - 3:00 PM
Workshop Topic: “Singles: How to Not Get Stuck with A Fool!”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Stanley Hubbard ~ Indianapolis, IN Location: Cottonwood Room
Workshop Topic: “The History of the Black Church in Texas - II”

Presenter: ■ Dr. Edward J. Robinson ~ Tyler, TX Location: Dogwood Room
Workshop Topic: “Rebuilding Fellowship From A Period of Crisis”
Presenter: ■ Edward L. Maxwell ~ Suitland, MD Location: Mesquite Room
Workshop Topic: “Biblical Perspective On Open Fellowship - II”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Harold Redd ~ Memphis, TN Location: Redbud Room
Workshop Topic: “Spiritually-Appraised Career Advancement & Enhancement”
Presenter: ■ Patrick L. Medlock ~ Southgate, MI Location: Magnolia Room
Workshop Topic: “Evangelism: The Forgotten Commandment”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Loyd C. Harris ~ Little Rock, AR Location: Imperial A
Workshop Topic: “Financial Management”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Billy C. Moore ~ Ruleville, MS Location: Imperial B
The “Jack Evans, Sr.” - Monday Afternoon Lyceum Session
Imperial Ballroom
Session Director: Clinton L. Cummings, Sr. ~ Nashville, TN
3:00 - 3:15 PM
Devotional Period -
Song Leader: Chris Turner ~ Burlington, NJ
3:15 - 3:45 PM

3:45 - 4:15 PM
4:15 - 4:45 PM
■ Speaker: Cornelius Heyward ~ Far Rockaway, NY
“Being It: The Talked Down Church; Talked Against Everywhere” (Acts 28:17-22)
■ Speaker: Oscar Middlebrook ~ Indianapolis, IN
“1st Century Patterns for 21st Century Congregations”
■ Speaker: Dr. Steven N. Thompson, Sr. ~ Milwaukee, WI
“Preaching A Monistic Message In A Pluralistic Mess” (Acts 19:23-26)
Session Ending Doxology
Dinner Break
Session Director: Dr. Marcus Barnum ~ Houston, TX
6:30 - 7:00 PM
Devotional Period -
Song Leader: Chris Turner ~ Burlington, NJ
7:00 - 7:15 PM Welcome to Houston, TX • Greetings from Elected Officials
7:15 - 7:30 PM Welcome to the 77th Annual National Lectureship
Anthony C. Fletcher, Sr., Host Minister ~ Houston, TX
7:30 - 8:00 PM
Choral Singing
8:00 - 8:15 PM Statement of Purpose Regarding the “Historical” Annual National Lectureship
W. F. Washington, Ph.D. ~ Fort Lauderdale, FL
8:15 - 8:45 PM
8:45 - 9:15 PM
9:15 - 9:45 PM
■ Speaker: Jack Evans, Jr. ~ Terrell, TX
“None Other Like Name and None Other Different Name” (Acts 4:11-12)
■ Speaker: Wesley T. Leonard ~ Orlando, FL
“The Same Jesus is Coming Back the Same Way He Left” (Acts 1:9-11)
■ Speaker: Dr. Harvey M. Jackson ~ Mound Bayou, MS

“Our Continuance in Grace … Recommended to It, Testifying of it, and Saved Through It” (Acts 13:13, 14:26, 15:11, 20:24)
Announcements / Doxology
The “G. P. Bowser” Monday Evening Lyceum SessionGeneral Plenary Workshop Sessions - III
Workshop Topic: “Grief: Rebuilding Life After Loss”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Stanley Hubbard ~ Indianapolis, IN Location: Cottonwood Room
Workshop Topic: “The History of the Church in America - I”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Edward J. Robinson ~ Tyler, TX Location: Dogwood Room
Workshop Topic: “The Spiritual Nature of Church Security”
Presenter: ■ Edward L. Maxwell ~ Suitland, MD Location: Mesquite Room
Workshop Topic: “How to Revive A Dying Church – Community Outreach Evangelism”
Presenter: ■ Demetrius Nelson ~ Columbia, TN Location: Redbud Room
Workshop Topic: “The Blue Print for Developing and Growing A Congregation - II”

Presenter: ■ Charlie McClendon ~ Jacksonville, FL Location: Magnolia Room
Workshop Topic: “Christ: The Prophecy, Promise, Plan and Person of Scripture”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Loyd C. Harris ~ Little Rock, AR Location: Imperial A

Workshop Topic: “Increasing the Offering and Decreasing the Debt God’s Situation Room”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Curtis W. Pittman ~ Jackson, MS Location: Imperial B
The “Marshall Keeble” - Tuesday Morning Lyceum Session
- High Noon Chapel -

Theme: “In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Very Being”
Imperial Ballroom
Session Director: Marv Thorn ~ Houston, TX
10:15 - 10:30 AM
Devotional Period -

Song Leader: Frank Melton III ~ Houston, TX
10:30 - 11:00 AM
■ Speaker: Dr. Jerry Houston ~ San Antonio, TX
“Does the Devil Know Who We Are?” (Acts 19:13-20)
11:00 - 11:30 AM
11:30 - 12:00 AM
■ Speaker: Bryan C. Jones ~ Louisville, KY
“The Divine Etymology of the Name Christian” (Acts 11:26; 26:28)

■ Speaker: Douglas Goodman ~ Birmingham, AL
“How Things Get Gory When Man Get the Glory” (Acts 12:20-24)
“High Noon Chapel”
12:00 - 12:30 PM
■ Speaker: David E. Wilson ~ Brooklyn, NY
“It Is After I Depart, That the Draw Away Starts” (Acts 20:29)
Session Ending Doxology • Randall F. Tucker, Sr. ~ Houston, TX
12:30 - 2:00 PM Lunch Break
Interview and Conversation with Dr. W. F. Washington
2:00 - 3:00 PM
“From the Pioneers to the Present in the African American Church of Christ”

■ Dr. David C. Penn, Lead Interviewer ~ Chicago, IL
■ Terry D. Wallace ~ Hernando, MS
Dr. W. F. Washington is one the most respected and sought-after gospel preachers among churches of Christ across the nation. As a sophomore in college, he served as Minister of the Westside Church of Christ in Marshall, Texas. Upon graduation from college and as a full-time preacher, he also worked as Assistant Principal for Administration at Pemberton High School in Marshall. Commensurate with his ministry in Marshall, he was employed by Bishop College in Dallas, Texas, as Dean of Students at 23 years of age. He was selected by the America Personnel Association as the youngest Dean of Students in American universities and colleges. Born and raised in Valdosta, Georgia, Washington traveled as a young preacher with some of God’s greatest gospel preachers including John Henry Clay, Ulysses Shields, Marshall Keeble, Luke Miller, William Whitaker, David Shanks, James L Cothran, and V. E. Williamson. The objective of this dialogue is to hear Dr. Washington discuss a few of his experiences as a preacher and where we are today in regard to our core beliefs as members of the New Testament Church of Christ.
The “J. S. Winston” - Tuesday Afternoon Lyceum Session
Imperial Ballroom
Session Director: James Glen ~ Houston, TX
3:00 - 3:15 PM
3:15 - 3:45 PM

3:45 - 4:15 PM
4:15 - 4:45 PM
Devotional Period -
Song Leader: Chris Turner ~ Burlington, NJ
■ Speaker: Dr. James Michael Crusoe ~ Hopewell, VA
“The Precedence of Obedience: God Over Man” (Acts 5:25-32)
■ Speaker: Conley Gibbs, Jr. ~ St. Louis, MO
“When One’s Baptism Is Not The One Baptism: Then What?” (Acts 19:1-5)
■ Speaker: Dr. Russell A. Pointer, Sr. ~ Minneapolis, MN
“The First Five Requirements of Church Leadership” (Acts 6:2-5)
Session Ending Doxology
Dinner Break
The “R. N. Hogan” - Tuesday Evening Lyceum Session
Imperial Ballroom
Session Director: John Tillman, Jr. ~ Houston, TX
6:30 - 7:00 PM
Devotional Period -
Song Leader: Chris Turner ~ Burlington, NJ
Southwestern Christian College • Night
7:00 - 7:30 PM
7:30 - 8:00 PM
8:00 - 8:30 PM
8:30 - 9:00 PM
8:15 - 8:45 PM
8:45 - 9:15 PM
■ Speaker: Dr. Ben Foster, Sr. ~ Terrell, TX
“You Can’t Let the Brethren Be Taught Just Anything” (Acts 15:1-2)
Southwestern Christian College Financial Appeal

■ Dr. Ervin D. Seamster, Jr., CEO / President of SwCC ~ Terrell, TX

Choral Singing
■ Speaker: Dr. Lovell C. Hayes ~ Jackson, TN
“God: The Sustainer Who Needs No Human Hand Therapy” (Acts 17:24-28)
■ Speaker: Dr. Howard Wright ~ Atlanta, GA
“Counting It An Honor To Be Dishonored for the Name of Christ” (Acts 5:41)
■ Speaker: Dr. David C. Penn ~ Chicago, IL
“Are You Guided by the Holy Spirit?” (Acts 13:1-4)
Announcements / Doxology
General Plenary Workshop Sessions - IV
9:00 - 10:00 AM

Workshop Topic: “Blended Families: Not Yours, Not Mine, But Ours”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Stanley Hubbard ~ Indianapolis, IN Location: Cottonwood Room
Workshop Topic: “The Reality of Spiritual Warfare”

Presenter: ■ Dr. Thomas Jackson ~ Dallas, TX Location: Dogwood Room
Workshop Topic: “Passing on The Torch of Faith”
Presenter: ■ Edward L. Maxwell ~ Suitland, MD
Location: Mesquite Room
Workshop Topic: “How to Revive a Dying Church – Community Outreach Evangelism - II”
Presenter: ■ Demetrius Nelson ~ Columbia, TN
Location: Redbud Room
Workshop Topic: “Are We On the Precipice of Apostasy - Joshua 22”
Presenter: ■ Leo Gay ~ North Las Vegas, NV
Location: Magnolia Room
Workshop Topic: “Celebrate the Victory”
Presenter: ■ Dr. Loyd C. Harris ~ Little Rock, AR
Location: Imperial A
Workshop Topic: “Standing At the Precipice of Apostasy”
Presenter: ■ Dr. James Michael Crusoe ~ Hopewell, VA
Location: Imperial B
The “R. C. Wells” - Wednesday Morning Lyceum Session
- High Noon Chapel -

Theme: “Can Any Man Forbid Water?”
Imperial Ballroom
Session Director: Wesley T. Leonard ~ Orlando, FL
10:15 - 10:30 AM
Devotional Period -
Song Leader: Anthony Fletcher, Jr. ~ Houston, TX
10:30 - 11:00 AM
■ Speaker: Dr. J. C. Thomas ~ Little Rock, AR
“The Boldness and Soundness of the Preachers that Comes from the Preaching School of Jesus” (Acts 4:13)
11:00 - 11:30 AM
■ Speaker: Dr. Robert G. Birt ~ Toledo, OH
“Making A Division Decision: Siding with Apostles or with Apostates?”

11:30 - 12:00 PM
■ Speaker: Dr. Willie L. Rupert ~ Baltimore, MD

“Trying to Neck-Yoke Christians with the Inabilities of the Old Law” (Acts 15:10-11)
“High Noon Chapel”
12:00 - 12:30 PM
■ Speaker: William Jones ~ Rochester, NY
“The Man Who is Judge?” (Acts 17:31)
Session Ending Doxology
12:30 - 2:00 PM Lunch Break
Wednesday Afternoon Open Forum Discussion •

2:00 - 3:00 PM “Unity in Diversity” ~ Christians Only or the Only Christians?
Moderators: ■ Dr. David C. Penn ■ Dr. Harvey Jackson
Part One
Panelists: ■ Dr. Loyd C. Harris ■ Dr. Harold Redd ■ Dr. John Dansby
■ Dr. Howard Wright ■ Dr. Billy C. Curl
Underneath the fallacious ideology of there being “Christians in other churches” separate and apart from what we understand to be the Church of Christ is the distorted concept of “unity in diversity.” The New Testament Church of Christ cannot be “joined together” scripturally with another religious body. The Christian Church for example is “another body” hence, “another woman” just as the Baptist Church, the Catholic Church, the Methodist Church, the Lutheran Church, or any other church. Based upon the marriage imagery and symbolism found in New Testament Scripture, the Lord Jesus has but “one bride” and this “one bride” is the New Testament Church of Christ. Jesus who is the “Bridegroom,” has sacrificially chosen the New Testament Church to be His “bride.”
The “G. P. Holt” - Wednesday Afternoon Lyceum Session
Imperial Ballroom
Session Director: Royce Lemon ~ Houston, TX
3:00 - 3:15 PM
Devotional Period -
Song Leader: Chris Turner ~Burlington, NJ
3:15 - 3:45 PM

■ Speaker: Dr. Leureuna Gilbert ~ Philadelphia, PA
“Preaching Through the Many Rocks of Tribulation” (Acts 14:19-28)
3:45 - 4:15 PM
■ Speaker: Dr. Billy C. Moore ~ Ruleville, MS
“Chasing Chariots for Jesus: The Need for Old Fashion Evangelism” (Acts 8:26-40)
4:15 - 4:45 PM
■ Speaker: Dr. Gerald Lee ~ Pearland, TX
“There Are Assuredly No Excuses Now” (Acts 17:30)
Session Ending Doxology
Dinner Break
Imperial Ballroom
Moderator: Dr. Harold Redd ~ Memphis, TN

7:00 - 7:30 PM
7:30 - 8:00 PM
8:00 - 8:30 PM
Devotional Period -
Song Leader: Chris Turner ~ Burlington, NJ
Choral Singing
■ Speaker: Samuell Pounds ~ Winter Haven, FL
“Free to Agree to Disagree On Non-Doctrine; But Not Free to Agree to Disagree On Doctrine” (Acts 15:36-41; 15:1-2)
8:30 - 9:00 PM
■ Speaker: Dr. Ralph P. Smith ~ East St. Louis, IL
“Telling the People the Truths that Men Don’t Want Us to Tell” (Acts 4:1-5; 19-21)
9:00 - 9:30 PM
■ Speaker: Dr. W. F. Washington ~ Ft. Lauderdale, FL
“Echo’s From the Cross” (Selective Passages from the Bible)
Announcements / Doxology
The “John Henry Clay” - Wednesday Evening Lyceum Session“A Call to Conscious”
Open Forum Discussion • Part Two

Imperial Ballroom
9:00 - 10:00 AM
“Silence of the Scripture” - The Biblical Law of Inclusion and Exclusion

Moderators: ■ Dr. David C. Penn ■ Dr. Harvey Jackson
Panelists: ■ Dr. Loyd C. Harris ■ Dr. Harold Redd ■ Dr. John Dansby
■ Dr. Howard Wright ■ Dr. Billy C. Curl
When God stipulates what He desires man to do and/or how He wants man to do a certain thing, He simultaneously “includes” what He wants and implicitly “excludes” everything in that class. Although the New Testament Scripture does not preclude using mechanical instruments of music in worship in those “exact” or similar words, it does not mean that mechanical instruments of music are authorized by New Testament Scripture. The Bible embodies both “generic” and “specific” commands. A generic command authorizes the performance of an act without commanding the manner or method of its performance. The “Great Commission” is a classic archetype of a “generic” and “specific” command. Jesus commanded His disciples to “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” The word “Go” is a generic term that does not specify a particular procedure or method of going. On the other hand, the Lord specified what is to be preached when we go – “the gospel.”
The “Levi Kennedy” - Thursday Morning Lyceum Session

Theme: “Except Ye Abide in the Ship”
Imperial Ballroom
Session Director: Willie Lee II ~ Staten Island, NY
Devotional PeriodSong Leader: Chris Turner ~ Burlington, NJ
10:00 - 10:30 AM ■ Speaker: Marcus T. Watkins ~ Atlanta, GA
“Whether Your Feet Can Leap and Walk, Praise is Still Mouth’s Talk” (Acts 3:1-9)
10:30 - 11:00 AM

■ Speaker: Shobek Dethrow ~ Selmer, TN
“An Amazing Turnaround: Preachers That Now Destroy the Faith They Once Did Preach” (Acts 9:19-22)
11:00 - 11:30 AM
■ Speaker: Patrick Medlock ~ Southgate, MI
“The Church that was Purchased with Divine Blood” (Acts 20:28)
11:30 - 12:00 AM
■ Speaker: Courtney Caruthers ~ Chicago, IL
“The Church Under Attack: Attacked from Without and from Within” (Acts 20:29-30)
“High Noon Chapel”
12:00 - 12:30 PM
■ Speaker: Jonathan Givens ~ Montgomery, AL
“Offering Unknown Worship to the Unknown God” (Acts 17:22-23)
Session Ending Doxology