1 minute read
Amy Well, I must say he can be very impatient and bad-tempered sometimes, but he is also very generous and open-minded.
Samantha And who’s that beautiful, slim woman with long blond hair and a flowery dress?
Amy That’s my aunt, Emma. She’s my mother’s sister. She’s much younger than my mother.
Samantha Oh, how old is she then?
Amy I don’t know exactly, she’s around 35. She’s very relaxed but a little untidy at times. James, the man standing next to the table, is my aunt’s partner. He’s bald and a little overweight. He’s a little older than my aunt. I think he must be in his late thirties or early forties. My aunt says he’s lazy because he doesn’t do anything in the house, but I find him very friendly and helpful.
Samantha Is that a tattoo on his arm?
Amy Yes, it’s a butterfly. My aunt loves it.
(How old is he/she?) in his early twenties / middle-aged / younger / around 35 / in his late thirties / in his early forties.
Head and face short black hair / brown curly hair / mid-length red hair / brown hair / a beard / long blond hair / bald
(What does he/she look like? How tall is he/she?) Clothes
(What is he/she wearing?) tall / short / slim / a little overweight
(What does he/she look like?)