1 minute read
Tout comme pour les pronoms personnels sujets :
– le pronom « vous » (2e personne du singulier, forme polie) n’existe pas ; – on distingue les personnes (masculin ou féminin) des objets à la 3e personne du singulier.
Un pronom personnel complément : – s’emploie pour remplacer un nom ; Look, there is my brother. Can you see him (= my brother)?
– s’utilise comme complément d’objet direct ou indirect d’un verbe ou bien dans un complément introduit par une préposition.
Kathy? Yes, I know her. She’s Caroline’s sister. I haven’t got my book. Give me your book, please. We’re going to the cinema. Come with us.
2. Fill in the following sentences with an object pronoun.
a) The teacher wants to talk to about your homework.
b) Cats are funny animals. I like very much.
c) Be careful. The police officer can see d) The girl with a brown dress is my cousin. Can you see ? e) He never drinks this juice: he doesn’t like f) I’m going to paint the kitchen. Can you help ? g) Peter is late. Let’s wait for . h) Sandy and Mary, we’ll meet tomorrow at the railway station. i) The movie was so funny! We really liked . j) – Where is Amanda? – We’re going to meet in front of the library. a) What do Clara and Justin look like? are tall and slim. b) John’s coming tomorrow. Here are some cookies for . c) Mum and Dad, where are ? I’ve got a present for ! d) Can you tell the way to the station please? e) What’s Pete like? is very friendly and generous. f) Look! Andy and I are in the picture. Can you see ? g) Kathy is a fashion addict: always wears very smart clothes. h) This book is wonderful: read i) Joe and Kim are my friends. I’m going to send an invitation. j) My friend Kathy is rather short and wears brown glasses. Can you see ?
3. Use a subject or an object pronoun to complete the following sentences.