1 minute read
Get into it
1. A birthday party
You’re going to watch a video about two friends discussing a birthday party.
Quel type d’informations / de mots t’attends-tu à entendre ? Travaillez en paires pour faire un mind map. Tu peux ajouter d’autres branches si nécessaire. Ensuite, avec le professeur, comparez votre mind map avec celui des autres paires.
Be smart
1. Watch the video and put the pictures below in the chronological order of Helen’s weekend. Be careful there might be some odd ones out (intrus).

123456789101112 a) When did Helen go shopping? b) What did she wear at the party? c) What did she give her cousin as a present? Why? blew out was (x 8) cut did … take? went (x 2) felt (x 2) did … dance?were … able to? got needed sang did … give? played were (x 2) looked bought (x 2) made had to loved did … go? found had (x 2) drank tried started gave ate did … find? won did go went needed was tried bought went bought
2. Answer the following questions orally.
Regarde à nouveau la vidéo. Quelles idées du mind map sont mentionnées dans le dialogue ?
Y a-t-il dans le dialogue des idées qui n’apparaissent pas dans le mind map de la classe ?

3. Now read the transcript of the video and complete the gaps with the verbs in the past form below.
June Hi Helen, how last weekend ?
June you finally the right one?
Helen It great. On Saturday morning I shopping with my mum. I an outfit for my cousin’s birthday party in the evening, so I on many dresses.
June What you him?
Helen I him two heroic fantasy comics. He’s a big fan.
June How the party?